Open access peer-reviewed chapter

Bridging the Gap: Progressive Teaching Strategies for Gender Equity in STEM Education

Written By

Umar Daraz, Younas Khan, Muhammad Azeem Ashraf and Samson Maekele Tsegay

Submitted: 22 January 2024 Reviewed: 15 March 2024 Published: 12 April 2024

DOI: 10.5772/intechopen.114860

From the Edited Volume

STEM Education - Recent Developments and Emerging Trends

Edited by Muhammad Azeem Ashraf and Samson Maekele Tsegay

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This study explores the impact of progressive teaching methods on gender equity in STEM education in Malakand Division, Pakistan. Using a cross-sectional exploratory design, it engages educators, students, parents, community leaders, and policymakers through purposive sampling. Through in-depth interviews and focus groups, the research uncovers region-specific challenges and opportunities. Thematic analysis highlights the community’s call for progressive teaching to combat barriers, stereotypes, and promote inclusivity. It stresses the need for inclusive learning spaces, challenging societal norms, and enhancing female representation in STEM leadership. The study advocates for innovative pedagogies, policy changes, and community involvement as catalysts for change. While acknowledging local obstacles like socio-cultural norms and resource constraints, it underscores the potential of community engagement and robust policies to overcome these challenges. Cultural influences on STEM participation, such as familial expectations, are recognized, underscoring the importance of addressing these factors. The study concludes with a plea for interdisciplinary action to dismantle systemic barriers and cultivate a culture of inclusivity and mentorship. Policy recommendations focus on inclusive curricula, targeted recruitment, mentorship initiatives, and community outreach to foster an equitable STEM environment in Malakand Division, Pakistan.


  • STEM education
  • progressive teaching strategies
  • STEM women
  • gender equity
  • Pakistan

1. Introduction

STEM education has become a cornerstone of global progress, innovation, and societal development, transcending geographical boundaries [1]. Its significance extends beyond the mere imparting of technical knowledge, encompassing the cultivation of critical thinking, problem-solving skills, and a broader understanding of the world [2]. Stemming from the Enlightenment era, which emphasized reason and scientific inquiry, the foundations of modern STEM education were laid centuries ago [3].

Throughout history, STEM education has evolved in response to societal and technological advancements. The Industrial Revolution of the nineteenth century propelled the need for skilled workers proficient in mathematics, engineering, and scientific principles [4]. This period witnessed the establishment of technical schools and universities offering specialized education in STEM fields, marking a significant milestone in the formalization of STEM education [5, 6].

The twentieth century saw unprecedented advancements in science and technology, catalyzed by groundbreaking discoveries in fields such as quantum mechanics, relativity, and computing. The aftermath of World War II further accelerated technological progress, leading to the emergence of disciplines like computer science and biotechnology [7]. The Space Race between the United States and the Soviet Union in the 1950s and 1960s epitomized the global significance of STEM education, spurring investments in research and education [8].

As the world entered the digital age in the late twentieth century, STEM education became even more pronounced, with the rise of the internet, personal computing, and telecommunications revolutionizing communication and commerce [9]. In the twenty-first century, STEM education has emerged as a linchpin for global competitiveness and economic prosperity, addressing challenges such as climate change, healthcare, and cybersecurity [10].

Amidst these advancements, the issue of gender equity in STEM education has garnered significant attention. Despite the historical contributions of women in STEM fields, they have often faced systemic barriers to full participation. Efforts to address this imbalance have intensified in recent decades, with initiatives aimed at dismantling barriers and fostering inclusivity [11].

This study aims to explore progressive teaching strategies tailored to address gender equity in STEM education within the context of Malakand Division, Pakistan. By aligning with global aspirations while acknowledging historical developments and local nuances, we aim to empower future innovators both globally and regionally.


2. Literature review: gender gap in STEM fields

Numerous international studies have established a persistent gender gap in STEM fields. A comprehensive meta-analysis conducted by Wang and Degol [12] reveals that, globally, women are underrepresented in STEM occupations. For instance, 18% of girls in tertiary education are enrolled in STEM education globally in comparison to 35% of boys. This underrepresentation is attributed to various factors, including societal stereotypes, lack of role models, and subtle biases in educational practices. However, the literature consistently emphasizes the transformative potential of progressive teaching strategies in mitigating these barriers and fostering gender equity [13]. Research by Archer-Kuhn and MacKinnon [14] highlights the effectiveness of innovative pedagogies, such as project-based learning and collaborative activities, in promoting inclusivity and engagement in STEM subjects. These strategies not only enhance academic performance but also contribute to breaking down gender stereotypes by emphasizing the collaborative and interdisciplinary nature of STEM disciplines [15]. Policy frameworks play a pivotal role in shaping the educational landscape. Laursen et al. [16] emphasize the importance of gender-inclusive policies in STEM education. This includes targeted initiatives to encourage girls’ participation in STEM activities, provision of mentorship programs, and the integration of gender perspectives into STEM curricula [17]. Such policies aim to create an environment conducive to the empowerment of all students, irrespective of gender.

Shifting the lens to Malakand Division, Pakistan, the existing literature paints a nuanced picture of the challenges faced in promoting gender equity in STEM education. A study conducted by Sadia [18] identifies socio-cultural norms and limited access to resources as key challenges hindering girls’ participation in STEM subjects. Socio-cultural factors significantly impact educational choices in the region. Khan et al. [19] discuss the influence of cultural norms and familial expectations on students’ decisions to pursue STEM careers. Empirical evidence suggests that interventions need to be culturally sensitive and address community-specific concerns to be effective in promoting gender equity in STEM education [20]. The importance of community engagement is underscored by research conducted by Haque and Doberstein [21], emphasizing the need for collaborative efforts involving educators, parents, and community leaders. This collaborative approach is seen as instrumental in creating awareness, dispelling stereotypes, and garnering support for progressive teaching strategies that promote gender equity in STEM education [22].


3. Current discourse and the present study

The pursuit of gender equity in STEM education is crucial globally and particularly urgent in regions like Malakand Division, Pakistan. Challenges such as socio-cultural norms and limited resources contribute to a gender gap in STEM enrollment. Existing teaching methods may not effectively address this issue, highlighting the need for tailored strategies.

This study aims to investigate the effectiveness of progressive teaching strategies in promoting gender equity in STEM education in Malakand Division. By examining local challenges and trends, it seeks to inform policy, educational practices, and community engagement to bridge the gender gap in STEM fields.

While global literature acknowledges the need for gender equity in STEM, there is a gap in understanding the context of Malakand Division. This research fills this void by exploring local nuances and providing empirical evidence on innovative pedagogies’ effectiveness.

Researchers combine international insights with local challenges, conducting surveys and engaging stakeholders to offer context-specific recommendations. The study’s significance lies in its potential to transform the educational landscape, fostering inclusivity in STEM and driving local economic development.

The study’s novelty lies in its localized approach to progressive teaching strategies, providing practical solutions tailored to the challenges of Malakand Division. It offers a blueprint for educators, policymakers, and community leaders, empowering the next generation of innovators and advancing gender equity in STEM.


4. Methodology

The qualitative methodology for “Bridging the Gap: Progressive Teaching Strategies for Gender Equity in STEM Education” encompasses Research Design, Participant Selection, Data Collection Methods, Data Analysis, Ethical Considerations, and Limitations with Mitigations. It focuses on developing inclusive pedagogical approaches to address gender disparities in STEM, ensuring rigorous research practices and ethical standards are maintained throughout the study.

4.1 Research design

This study, conducted in Malakand Division, Pakistan, employs an exploratory descriptive design to delve into gender equity in STEM education [23]. It introduces a novel angle by examining the impact of progressive teaching strategies on mitigating gender disparities, a fresh approach within qualitative research. By focusing on the local context, it aims to uncover nuanced insights into the challenges faced by women in STEM fields due to cultural constraints. This method offers a platform for in-depth exploration, bridging the gap between theory and practice, and providing actionable recommendations for promoting inclusivity and empowerment within the region.

4.2 Participants selection

This study employs purposive sampling to select participants vital to the dynamics of STEM education in Malakand Division, Pakistan—educators, students, parents, community leaders, and policymakers. Utilizing the saturation point concept [24], 40 participants were chosen, with 8 from each group, ensuring a diverse and comprehensive representation. This approach aligns with established methodologies, optimizing the collection of varied perspectives on gender equity and progressive teaching strategies in STEM education within the local context [25].

What’s new in this research is its emphasis on exploring progressive teaching strategies’ impact on gender equity within a specific cultural setting. Unlike previous studies, which may have focused solely on gender disparities, this research delves deeper by examining how innovative teaching methods can address these disparities. By including a diverse demographic mix, comprising educators, students, parents, community leaders, and policymakers, this study ensures a holistic exploration of progressive teaching strategies’ efficacy in promoting gender equity in STEM education in Malakand Division, Pakistan (Table 1).

Participants groupGenderAge rangeEducational levelQualificationWork experience
Educators (8)M/F25–55Education/STEMVaried degree5–20 years
Students (8)M/F18–24STEM coursesVaried levels
Parents (8)M/F30–60Varied backgroundsVaried degrees
Community leaders (8)M/F35–65Varied occupationsVaried degrees
Policymakers (8)M/F35–60Education/PolicyAdvanced degreesExtensive

Table 1.

Demographic characteristics of participants.

Appendix A below encapsulates the key demographic details, providing a clear overview of the participants’ diversity and relevance to the study on gender equity in STEM education.

4.3 Data collection methods

In our qualitative study on gender equity in STEM education in Malakand Division, Pakistan, we employ in-depth interviews and structured Focus Group Discussions (FGDs) as our primary data collection methods. What sets our approach apart is the meticulous design of the interview guide, inspired by established thematic coverage frameworks by DiCicco-Bloom and Crabtree [26] and Boateng [27], ensuring a nuanced exploration of stakeholders’ experiences and perceptions. Additionally, we orchestrate six strategically structured FGDs, catering to different stakeholder sections and including a combined session. This mixed-method approach, drawing from established methodologies, allows for the capture of both individual insights and collective perspectives. By innovatively combining these methods, our study enriches the exploration of gender equity in STEM education, offering a holistic understanding of challenges and opportunities specific to Malakand Division, Pakistan.

4.4 Data analysis

After data collection and transcription, our study undertook systematic thematic analysis to uncover patterns within qualitative data, following methodologies like Braun and Clarke [28] and Bryman [29]. This rigorous approach aimed to explore nuances of gender equity in STEM education in Malakand Division, Pakistan. Additionally, we integrated aspects of grounded theory to allow emergent themes to surface organically, distinguishing our analysis and offering a deeper understanding beyond existing frameworks.

4.5 Ethical considerations

Before commencing data collection, participants were thoroughly informed about the study’s purpose, procedures, and their rights. Informed consent was diligently obtained from each participant, ensuring their voluntary participation. Anonymity and confidentiality were paramount, with all participant identities strictly protected. The collected data were securely stored to uphold participant privacy. To ensure credibility, findings were shared with participants for member checking, allowing them to verify the accuracy of interpretations.

4.6 Limitations and mitigations

While confined to the Malakand Division, potentially limiting generalizability, the study maximized depth through a purposive sample and cultural sensitivity. A sample size of 40 was mitigated by employing a saturation point strategy. Cultural biases were addressed through local researchers. Reflexivity tackled researcher bias, and time constraints were managed by prioritizing depth and critical reflection. External factors’ impact was monitored, and member checking, though prone to social desirability bias, sought honest participant feedback, reinforcing the study’s credibility within its contextual constraints.


5. Results

The results highlight key themes: Perspectives on STEM Education and Gender Equity, Innovative Pedagogies, Inclusive Learning Environments, Policy Interventions for Gender Equity in STEM, Challenges and Opportunities in Promoting Equity, Cultural Factors on STEM Participation, and Community Engagement. These findings contribute insights into progressive teaching strategies for bridging gender gaps in STEM education, emphasizing the importance of inclusive practices, policy interventions, and collaborative efforts with stakeholders to enhance equity.


6. Perspectives on STEM education and gender equity

Global perspectives on STEM education and gender equity emphasize the critical need for inclusivity, highlighting the imperative to bridge gender gaps. Recognizing diverse voices and fostering equal opportunities are pivotal for a thriving, equitable future in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics [30]. Respondents underscored the importance of fostering an inclusive environment that encourages and supports the participation of women in STEM disciplines. In this regard, a student-3, explored:

“In recognizing gender disparities in STEM, I advocate for dismantling barriers and promoting equal opportunities for all, irrespective of gender. By fostering inclusivity, we create a space where everyone can thrive in STEM education and careers.”

Respondents highlighted the role of societal expectations and stereotypes in steering individuals toward or away from STEM fields based on their gender. Overcoming these stereotypes emerged as a crucial step in promoting gender equity in STEM education. An educator-4, expressed:

“Societal expectations often limit career choices based on gender. Personally, I am committed to challenging these stereotypes to ensure that individuals, regardless of gender, have the freedom to pursue their interests and potential in STEM.”

The lack of representation of women in STEM leadership positions emerged as a significant concern. Respondents pointed out that having more female role models and mentors in STEM can inspire and guide the next generation of women in the field, fostering a sense of belonging and empowerment. However, parent-8, viewed:

“Visibility matters. As someone passionate about STEM, I believe in the importance of being a role model and mentor to empower the future generation of female scientists and innovators.”

The importance of inclusive teaching methodologies was also highlighted. Respondents stressed the need for progressive teaching strategies that promote diversity and inclusivity, addressing different learning styles and ensuring that STEM education is accessible and engaging for everyone. In this context, an educator-7 explained:

“Progressive teaching strategies, to me, mean catering to diverse learning styles and making STEM education accessible and engaging for all students, irrespective of gender or background.”


7. Innovative pedagogies and inclusive learning environments

Innovative pedagogies and inclusive learning environments redefine education by embracing diverse approaches that cater to varied learning styles. Creating inclusive spaces ensures equitable participation, fostering a dynamic educational landscape that empowers learners and promotes collaboration, preparing them for a globally interconnected world [31]. Respondents expressed the importance of integrating digital tools and platforms to enhance engagement and facilitate personalized learning experiences. In this regard, Educator-5, explained:

“Embracing technology in education opens new avenues for innovative pedagogies. Personally, I find that incorporating digital tools not only enhances student engagement but also allows for a more personalized and adaptive learning environment.”

The concept of active learning emerged as a central theme, emphasizing the shift from traditional lecture-based approaches to more hands-on and collaborative learning experiences. Respondents highlighted the benefits of active learning in promoting critical thinking, problem-solving skills, and a deeper understanding of the subject matter. Moreover, Educator-6, demonstrated:

“Active learning methodologies empower students to actively participate in the learning process. As an educator, I witness firsthand how these methods foster critical thinking and a deeper understanding of concepts, creating a more enriching learning environment.”

The theme of inclusivity in education was also prevalent, with respondents stressing the importance of creating learning environments that cater to diverse needs and backgrounds. Inclusive pedagogies were seen as essential in ensuring that every student feels valued and supported in their educational journey. Likewise, Educator-4, explained:

“Inclusivity is at the heart of effective teaching. Personally, I am committed to creating an inclusive learning environment where diverse perspectives are not only acknowledged but celebrated, fostering a sense of belonging among students.”

Respondents discussed the role of project-based and experiential learning in enhancing student engagement and preparing them for real-world challenges. The hands-on nature of these approaches was seen as a way to bridge the gap between theoretical knowledge and practical application. In this connection, Educator-1, reviewed:

“Project-based and experiential learning bring theory to life. I believe in providing students with opportunities to apply their knowledge in real-world scenarios, preparing them for the challenges they will face beyond the classroom.”


8. Policy interventions for gender equity in STEM

Policy interventions for gender equity in STEM are crucial for dismantling systemic barriers. Implementing targeted strategies, such as mentorship programs and inclusive policies, can mitigate gender disparities. Robust policies empower individuals, fostering an environment where all genders contribute meaningfully to science, technology, engineering, and mathematics [32]. Respondents stressed the importance of creating policies that actively encourage and support the recruitment and retention of women in STEM fields, ensuring equal opportunities for career progression. Similarly, Policy Maker-3, viewed:

“Targeted recruitment and retention policies are essential. Personally, I advocate for strategies that actively promote the inclusion of women in STEM, ensuring equal opportunities for career advancement and recognition.”

Respondents discussed the need for policies that facilitate mentorship programs and support networks for women in STEM, providing guidance and fostering a sense of community that can help overcome challenges and barriers. Likewise, Policy Maker-1, explained:

“Mentorship is crucial. I believe in the power of policies that promote mentorship and support networks, creating environments where women in STEM can thrive, share experiences, and navigate their career paths successfully.”

Respondents emphasized the role of policies in ensuring that educational materials and curricula are designed to be inclusive and representative, challenging stereotypes and providing diverse role models for students. In this context, Educator-4, expressed:

“Policy interventions should shape a gender-inclusive curriculum. Personally, I advocate for policies that ensure educational resources and curricula promote diversity, challenge stereotypes, and offer a variety of role models for aspiring STEM students.”

Workplace policies promoting flexibility and work-life balance were discussed as crucial for gender equity. Respondents stressed the importance of policies that allow for flexible work arrangements, parental leave, and supportive workplace cultures to address the challenges women may face in balancing career and family responsibilities. Moreover, Policy Maker-4, visualized:

“Workplace policies should support work-life balance. I am an advocate for policies that create a supportive workplace culture, offering flexibility and parental leave, addressing the unique challenges women may encounter in balancing career and family.”


9. Challenges and opportunities in promoting equity in STEM education

Promoting gender equity in STEM education confronts local challenges and taps into unique opportunities. Identifying barriers specific to the community, while leveraging local strengths, guides targeted interventions [11]. Respondents discussed how traditional expectations and societal norms can discourage girls from pursuing STEM education. Cultural biases, perceptions about gender roles, and limited exposure to STEM opportunities were identified as barriers hindering the active involvement of girls in STEM fields. In this regard, Community Leader-3, opinioned:

“Socio-cultural norms influence STEM participation. Personally, I recognize the challenges posed by traditional expectations and biases. Addressing these norms is vital to fostering an environment where girls feel empowered to pursue STEM education in Malakand Division.”

Respondents echoed the literature’s findings, emphasizing how the lack of adequate infrastructure, educational materials, and technology hampers the quality of STEM education. The scarcity of resources disproportionately affects girls, limiting their opportunities to explore and engage in STEM subjects fully. However, Parent-5, viewed:

“Resource limitations hinder STEM quality. I advocate for addressing the scarcity of infrastructure and technology. Ensuring equal access to resources is essential to providing a conducive environment for girls to excel in STEM education in Malakand Division.”

Respondents discussed the importance of collaborative efforts between communities, schools, and policymakers to raise awareness about the benefits of STEM education for girls. Strengthening local educational policies to prioritize gender equity and promote inclusivity in STEM was seen as a crucial step toward overcoming barriers. Moreover, Community Leader-8, expressed:

“Community engagement and policy support matter. Personally, I believe in collaborative efforts to raise awareness and strengthen local educational policies. Empowering communities and schools to prioritize gender equity in STEM is essential for breaking barriers in Malakand Division.”


10. Cultural factors on STEM participation

Cultural factors significantly influence STEM participation. Recognizing and understanding cultural nuances is essential for fostering inclusivity. By bridging cultural gaps and promoting diverse perspectives, we can create environments that encourage broader and more equitable engagement in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics [20]. Respondents highlighted how cultural norms and expectations can influence individuals, particularly women, steering them towards or away from STEM disciplines based on perceived gender roles and stereotypes. In this regard, Student-2, reviewed:

“Societal expectations shape STEM choices. Personally, I recognize the influence of cultural norms and expectations, particularly on women, impacting career choices in STEM. We must address these biases to encourage a more diverse STEM participation.”

Respondents discussed how cultural beliefs about innate abilities in STEM subjects can either encourage or discourage individuals from pursuing STEM careers. Overcoming stereotypes related to who is deemed naturally suited for STEM is essential for fostering inclusivity. Likewise, Educator-6, expressed:

“Cultural perceptions affect STEM confidence. I advocate for challenging stereotypes around innate STEM abilities. Personally, I believe we must emphasize that anyone can excel in STEM, breaking down cultural barriers and fostering confidence in pursuing STEM fields.”

Respondents shared how familial and community pressures can play a crucial role in shaping educational and career choices, affecting individuals’ decisions to pursue or avoid STEM fields. Creating awareness and support systems within families and communities is crucial for overcoming these barriers. Moreover, Community Leader-2, viewed:

“Familial and community expectations matter. Personally, I emphasize the need for awareness and support systems within families and communities. Breaking down these expectations can open doors for more individuals to pursue and succeed in STEM.”

Respondents discussed the importance of diverse role models in STEM who reflect various cultural backgrounds. The lack of representation can limit the visibility of STEM opportunities for individuals from underrepresented cultural groups, hindering their participation. In this context, Parent-7, explained:

“Representation matters in STEM. I advocate for diverse role models to inspire future generations. Personally, I believe that showcasing individuals from various cultural backgrounds succeeding in STEM is crucial for breaking down barriers and encouraging wider participation.”

11. Community engagement and stakeholder collaboration

Promoting gender equity in STEM education relies on robust community engagement and stakeholder collaboration. By involving communities and key stakeholders, we cultivate a shared commitment to dismantling barriers [33]. Respondents emphasized the need for community outreach programs that educate parents about the opportunities in STEM and dispel gender stereotypes, encouraging families to actively support their daughters’ interest in STEM fields. In this regard, Parent-3, demonstrated:

“Involving parents is crucial for girls in STEM. Personally, I advocate for community outreach programs that educate parents, dispelling gender stereotypes. Engaging families actively in supporting their daughters in STEM is vital for gender equity.”

Respondents stressed the importance of collaborative efforts between educational institutions, STEM professionals, and community organizations to provide mentorship programs for girls. Having visible role models in STEM helps inspire and guide young girls, fostering a sense of belonging and empowerment. Likewise, Educator-4, augmented:

“Mentorship is a powerful tool for gender equity in STEM. I believe in collaborative efforts between institutions, STEM professionals, and community organizations to provide mentorship programs. Visible role models inspire and guide girls in their STEM journey.”

Respondents discussed the importance of collaboration between schools, businesses, and industries to create opportunities for girls to engage in real-world STEM experiences, internships, and mentorship programs. These collaborations bridge the gap between classroom learning and practical application, enhancing girls’ interest and confidence in STEM. In this context, Educator-1, explained:

“Industry partnerships enhance STEM opportunities for girls. Personally, I emphasize collaboration between schools, businesses, and industries to create real-world STEM experiences. These partnerships bridge the gap between learning and application, boosting girls’ interest and confidence in STEM.”

Respondents shared examples of successful community-led STEM events, workshops, and clubs that actively involve girls and create a supportive community. These programs provide hands-on experiences and opportunities for collaboration, nurturing girls’ passion for STEM. Moreover, Community Leader-5, opinioned:

“Community-led STEM programs make a difference. I advocate for initiatives that actively involve girls in STEM, creating a supportive community. These programs provide hands-on experiences, fostering passion and collaboration among girls in STEM.”

12. Discussions

Respondents emphasized the critical need for inclusivity in STEM education and the importance of dismantling barriers to ensure equal opportunities for all genders. This aligns with BrckaLorenz et al. [34], who stress the importance of recognizing diverse voices and fostering equal opportunities in STEM. Moreover, the commitment of one respondent to challenging societal expectations regarding gender and career choices echoes the findings of Andrews and Boklage [35], who emphasize the role of societal expectations in influencing STEM career paths. The concern over the lack of representation of women in STEM leadership positions is supported by Killpack and Melón [36] and Leslie et al. [37], who highlight the underrepresentation of women in STEM leadership roles [38]. However, the emphasis on visibility and role modeling from a parental perspective adds a nuanced dimension, suggesting a grassroots approach to fostering empowerment in STEM.

Respondents advocated for progressive teaching strategies that cater to diverse learning styles and promote inclusivity in STEM education. This aligns with Lincoln et al. [39], and Moriarty [40], who emphasize the importance of inclusive spaces in fostering equitable participation. Additionally, the endorsement of active learning methodologies resonates with Freeman et al. [41], who highlight the benefits of active learning in promoting critical thinking and deeper understanding. While the emphasis on inclusivity and project-based learning is consistent with previous research, the specific mention of digital tools and platforms to enhance engagement reflects a contemporary approach to pedagogy, suggesting an adaptation to modern learning environments.

Respondents stressed the importance of policy interventions to promote gender equity in STEM, including targeted recruitment and retention policies and mentorship programs. This aligns with Laursen et al. [16] and Brush et al. [42], who highlight the effectiveness of targeted policies in increasing women’s participation in STEM fields. However, while previous research emphasizes the importance of policies, this study adds a focus on workplace policies promoting flexibility and work-life balance, acknowledging the intersectionality of gender and other factors in STEM careers.

Respondents discussed local challenges such as socio-cultural norms and resource limitations, highlighting the importance of community engagement and policy support. This aligns with Tanwir & Khemka [43] and [44], who stress the significance of identifying barriers specific to the community while leveraging local strengths. The emphasis on collaborative efforts and grassroots initiatives adds depth to the discussion, suggesting a bottom-up approach to addressing gender equity in STEM education. This differs from previous research by highlighting the importance of community-led initiatives in addition to policy interventions.

Respondents acknowledged the influence of cultural factors on STEM participation, particularly regarding societal expectations and perceptions of intelligence. This aligns with the findings of Williams and Shipley’s [45], who recognized the impact of cultural norms on career choices in STEM, echoing the work of Kricorian et al. [46]. While previous research has addressed cultural factors in STEM participation, this study adds a focus on familial and community pressures, highlighting the importance of support systems within families and communities. This suggests a more holistic approach to addressing cultural barriers in STEM education.

Respondents emphasized the importance of community engagement and stakeholder collaboration in promoting gender equity in STEM education. This aligns with Allen et al. [47] and Appel et al. [48], who stress the need for robust community engagement to dismantle barriers. However, while previous research emphasizes the importance of community engagement, this study adds a focus on collaborative efforts between schools, businesses, and industries, suggesting a broader approach to stakeholder collaboration in promoting gender equity in STEM education.

13. Conclusion

The study reveals a collective call for progressive teaching strategies to dismantle barriers, challenge stereotypes, and foster inclusivity, emphasizing the need for a holistic and collaborative approach. The findings underscore the critical importance of inclusivity in STEM education, with a focus on bridging gender gaps and providing equal opportunities for all. Respondents advocate for the creation of inclusive learning environments that empower individuals, irrespective of gender, aligning with empirical evidence supporting the positive outcomes of such approaches. Addressing societal expectations and stereotypes emerges as a key theme, emphasizing the necessity of overcoming these barriers to promote gender equity in STEM. The commitment to challenging stereotypes and fostering an environment where individuals have the freedom to pursue their interests aligns with research highlighting the impact of societal expectations on career choices. The lack of representation of women in STEM leadership positions is identified as a significant concern, prompting a call for more female role models and mentors. This aligns with empirical evidence highlighting the underrepresentation of women in STEM leadership roles and the positive impact of visible role models on inspiring the next generation [38]. Innovative pedagogies and inclusive learning environments are recognized as transformative elements in STEM education. The integration of technology, active learning methodologies, and a commitment to inclusivity are deemed essential for empowering students and preparing them for the future, consistent with research supporting the positive outcomes of such approaches. Policy interventions are highlighted as crucial for achieving gender equity in STEM, with a focus on targeted recruitment and retention policies, mentorship programs, gender-inclusive curricula, and supportive workplace policies. This aligns with empirical evidence demonstrating the effectiveness of policy interventions in addressing gender disparities in STEM fields [42].

Local challenges in Malakand Division, including socio-cultural norms and resource limitations, are acknowledged, but the study identifies community engagement and robust educational policies as opportunities to overcome these hurdles. This resonates with research emphasizing the importance of collaborative efforts and community engagement in addressing challenges to gender equity in STEM [47, 48]. Cultural factors are recognized as significant influencers of STEM participation, with expectations, perceptions of intelligence, and familial pressures shaping individuals’ choices. Overcoming these cultural barriers is identified as crucial for fostering a more diverse and equitable engagement in STEM fields. Community engagement and stakeholder collaboration emerge as vital elements in promoting gender equity in STEM education. Involving parents, establishing mentorship programs, fostering industry partnerships, and supporting community-led STEM initiatives are seen as integral to creating a supportive and empowering environment, although effective strategies are suggested for a successful outcome.

14. Policy implications

Policy implications for empowering tomorrow’s innovators in STEM education in Malakand Division, Pakistan, involve multifaceted strategies. Implementing inclusive STEM curricula is crucial, addressing societal expectations and fostering diversity. Targeted recruitment and retention policies should be prioritized, promoting equal opportunities and breaking leadership barriers. Mentorship programs and visible role models are essential for inspiring the next generation. Workplace policies supporting work-life balance, flexible arrangements, and parental leave can address gender disparities. Community engagement should dispel stereotypes, garner parental support, and establish industry partnerships for real-world experiences. Educators and policymakers must collaboratively prioritize innovative pedagogies, technological integration, and hands-on learning. Addressing socio-cultural barriers requires localized educational policies; and ensuring gender-inclusive policies at all levels creates an equitable, diverse, and supportive STEM environment. A comprehensive approach to policy interventions is necessary for dismantling barriers and fostering an environment conducive to gender equity in STEM education in Malakand Division, Pakistan.

15. Gap for the future research

Future research should explore the long-term impact of implemented policies on gender equity in Malakand Division’s STEM education. Investigating the effectiveness of inclusive curricula, mentorship programs, and workplace policies is crucial. Additionally, understanding the evolving role of community engagement and cultural factors in shaping STEM participation can inform targeted interventions. Longitudinal studies assessing the career trajectories of individuals benefiting from these policies can provide insights into sustained gender equity. Exploring the scalability and adaptability of these strategies in diverse contexts will guide the development of tailored policies for fostering inclusive STEM education in similar regions.

Appendix A

See Table A1.

ParticipantsGenderAge rangeEducational levelSpecializationExperience related to STEM education
Educator-1M37PhD Degree (22 Years)Math18 Years
Educator-2F54Master’s Degree (16 Years)Science6 Years
Educator-3M48Post-Doctorate Degree (22 and Above)Science8 Years
Educator-4M41PhD Degree (22 Years)Technology12 Year
Educator-5F34Master’s Degree (16 Years)Technology12 Year
Educator-6F46PhD Degree (22 Years)Engineering17 Years
Educator-7M55Master’s Degree (16 Years)Engineering20 Year
Educator-8F36Master’s Degree (16 Years)Math20 Years
Student-1F22University StudentMath Student
Student-2F18Middle School StudentMath Student
Student-3M20Secondary School StudentMath Student
Student-4M21Middle School StudentScience Student
Student-5M24College StudentEngineering Student
Student-6M19College Diploma StudentTechnology Student
Student-7F19College GraduateTechnology Student
Student-8F24University StudentEngineering Student
Parent-1M30Master’s Degree (16 Years)Science
Parent-2M40PhD Degree (22 Years)Science
Parent-3M58BSC Degree (14 Years)Math
Parent-4M60Master’s Degree (16 Years)Math
Parent-5M55Master’s Degree (16 Years)Engineering
Parent-6M34Master’s Degree (16 Years)Technology
Parent-7F39BSC Degree (16 Years)Science
Parent-8F41College Degree (12 Years)Science
Community Leader-1M60MS Degree (18 Years)Science3 Years
Community Leader-2M58Master’s Degree (16 Years)Science2 Years
Community Leader-3M61Master’s Degree (16 Years)Technology2 Years
Community Leader-4M40BSC Degree (14 Years)Technology4 Years
Community Leader-5M43BSC Degree (14 Years)Technology3 Years
Community Leader-6M38Master’s Degree (16 Years)Math2 Years
Community Leader-7M35MS Degree (18 Years)Math2 Years
Community Leaders-8F56BSC Degree (14 Years)Engineering2 Year
Policymakers-1M40PhD Degree (22 Years)Science3 Years
Policymakers-2M38PhD Degree (22 Years)Science3 Years
Policymakers-3M60Post-Doctorate Degree (22 Years and Above)Science4 Years
Policymakers-4M52Post-Doctorate Degree (22 Years and Above)Technology4 Years
Policymakers-5M54PhD Degree (22 Years)Technology3 Years
Policymakers-6M60MS Degree (22 Years)Engineering4 Years
Policymakers-7F45PhD Degree (22 Years)Math4 Years
Policymakers-8F55PhD Degree (22 Years)Math3 Years

Table A1.

Demographic characteristics of participants.


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Written By

Umar Daraz, Younas Khan, Muhammad Azeem Ashraf and Samson Maekele Tsegay

Submitted: 22 January 2024 Reviewed: 15 March 2024 Published: 12 April 2024