Open access peer-reviewed chapter

STEM Integration in Resource Constrained Environments

Written By

Majid Nawaz, Irfan Ahmed Khan and Muhammad Imran Ahmad

Submitted: 07 August 2023 Reviewed: 30 August 2023 Published: 23 September 2023

DOI: 10.5772/intechopen.113066

From the Edited Volume

STEM Education - Recent Developments and Emerging Trends

Edited by Muhammad Azeem Ashraf and Samson Maekele Tsegay

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The revolutionary pace of technological advancements of present day offer a silver lining for bringing about much needed and desired change in education systems in developing countries to bring them at par with the requirements of the 21st century. STEM education promises the necessary impetus to catapult the orthodox education systems to modernity in an accelerated manner. In this chapter, we discuss the challenges and opportunities of STEM integration in the context of resource-constrained environments, offer our insights and present novel approaches developed based on our experiences from STEM implementation in urban and rural areas of Pakistan. From setting up purpose-built STEM labs to conducting STEM sessions in tight spaces or open areas, development of STEM curriculum based on relevance, authenticity and affordability, from robotics to do-it-yourself (DIY) projects with low cost electronics or recyclable and reusable materials, a range of possibilities are extensively covered. Teacher training and program sustainability are also discussed for STEM integration in resource-constrained environments of developing countries.


  • STEM implementation
  • STEM methodology
  • STEM education
  • framework
  • effectiveness of STEM

1. Introduction

The 21st century, with all its marvels and awe-inspiring innovations, poses a very apt and pertinent question to parents and educators around the world; in this age of technology and massive information inflow, how do we engage our children in creative activities? The introduction of STEM methodology in the last couple of decades in education systems around the world has attempted to address this challenge. STEM methodology, based on Engineering Design Process, invites students to collaborative problem solving, engages them through relevant and authentic topics, motivates them to come up with creative solutions and in doing so prepares them for the challenges of today and tomorrow.

The constructivist approach to learning and the concept of learning through experience has been around for over a century. Jean Piaget’s constructivist theory focused on knowledge development based on experiences, in four stages of cognitive development [1]. Lev Vygotsky introduced Zone of Proximal Development (ZPD) in his social-cultural development theory emphasizing the process of learning by doing [2]. Jerome Bruner supported guided discovery learning [3].

However, STEM methodology introduces a systematic approach to problem solving through interdisciplinary, crosscutting and hands-on experiential learning. In their journey from an idea to a solution, students learn and apply integrated curriculum concepts, use technology to create a model and apply the principles of Engineering Design Process iteratively to achieve the desired results. Failures are seen as opportunities to learn and course correct.

STEM methodology has gained significant popularity in the last couple of decades, and for good reasons. Many countries around the world have either experimented with or successfully incorporated STEM methodology in their school systems. The improvement in Science and Math learning, nurturing of core competencies such as Creativity, Communication, Collaboration, and Critical Thinking also called 4Cs, and development of hands-on technological skills are the common denominations that drive the uptake of this method in education systems around the world.

In the following pages we would like to share our experiences, as STEM service providers, of implementing STEM methodology in urban and rural areas of Pakistan. The unique challenges faced, opportunities and the lessons learned during our journey are presented in the context of resource constrained environments.

1.1 STEM as a great equalizer?

The 21st century has ushered in technological advancements at a mind boggling pace. The fourth industrial revolution led by Artificial Intelligence, Blockchain and nano technology is threatening to shake the very foundation of our societal values, our way of thinking, way of working and way of receiving education. The education systems of developed countries are striving to keep up with the pace, and those of the developing countries are spinning their wheels to come out of the 20th century. The gap is increasing at an alarming rate. Beyond any doubt, it is the integration of Science, Technology, Engineering and Math that has enabled significant developments and innovations in the past few decades and it is this integration of these disciplines that holds the panacea for education systems to prepare our children for the world as it exists today and for what it is about to become in the future.

The requirements of modern education systems include not only foundational literacies such as reading, writing, math, Internet and Communication Technologies, sciences but also skills, competencies and attitudes to become a creative and collaborative problem solver and therefore a contributing citizen. STEM education holds the promise to deliver this and more. Adoption of STEM methodology in developing countries can not only address some fundamental issues such as quality of science and math education, acquisition of essential 21st century literacies, skills and competencies, but also help improve enrollment and retention rates, gender parity in STEM fields, and provide an accelerated path to catch up with the rest of the world.

1.2 Challenges of STEM integration in developing countries

There are numerous challenges in introducing STEM methodology in resource-constrained environments. The schools are over-crowded, infrastructure is lacking, teachers are fewer in numbers, not adequately qualified and trained, over-burdened and less motivated, if not completely averse, to bringing any change or improvement in the status quo. The curriculum is often antiquated, standards are missing or obsolete, and the textbooks void of interesting content.

The school leadership despite having the desire for improvement and innovation find themselves in a quagmire to either focus their energies and resources on running day-to-day operations and meeting the bare minimum requirements or risk disturbing the apple cart for experimentation with new methods, tools and pedagogies. The former takes precedence in almost all cases.

At the government level, things become even more complicated. Even if the policy makers are proactive in adopting measures to bring about improvement in the system, the sheer inertia of the behemoth system coupled with inherent inefficiencies create significant hurdles and drag in implementation of new initiatives seeking improvement in quality of education resulting in either failure of the interventions to take off or bring about desired changes at all.

The cost of STEM implementation is a major concern for all stakeholders. For most people, one of the first exposures to STEM comes from Robotics. Robotic kits are expensive in general and in developing countries they are simply cost prohibitive. This often creates misunderstanding that STEM being Robotics only is simply not affordable. In most, if not all, developing countries, schools are over-crowded and space comes at a premium. This is particularly true for government owned and run schools. It is extremely difficult to conduct STEM sessions in classrooms effectively.

Turning these challenges into opportunities require some very well thought through and innovative solutions. Therefore, we offer our perspective of integrating STEM education in resource constrained schools in the following sections.


2. Integration of STEM education in a school: A phased approach

Introduction of STEM education requires a phased approach to give time to the school administration and faculty to fully understand and prepare for a full integration of STEM methodology in their regular classroom sessions. Starting with a STEM club, then introduction in a couple of classes and finally expanding gradually to cover more classes allows the system to ease in into the integration of STEM throughout the school.

2.1 STEM lab design and setup

STEM lab provides an environment for students to foster learning in a fun and exciting way. It provides space, tools and means for students to practice their theoretical knowledge by creating solutions for real-world problems that are both authentic and relevant to them. In a STEM lab, students not only engage in learning of core-curriculum concepts and nurture core competencies but also acquire new psychomotor skills.

A STEM Lab must be designed to facilitate hands-on experiential learning in an effective manner utilizing the space optimally and efficiently within the confines of specified constraints and limitations. This is a balancing act. The lab design process begins by understanding the purpose and basic requirements of the lab. These requirements emanate from the planned activities and the number of students that will be accommodated for these activities at any given time. Unlike a typical classroom where the setup is static, a STEM lab is designed on the principles of freedom of movement and freedom of choice. Dynamic spaces are created through modular and mobile furniture, which offers the flexibility for the students to move around and work in groups. The furniture is designed to promote active lean-forward learning instead of passive lean-back information transfer.

Modular and mobile furniture provides opportunities to create open spaces when needed so that the students can work on the floor or gather around for some activities. Sufficient storage spaces are provided in the form of shelves and cabinets to stow away tools, equipment and materials used in STEM activities and also showcase student projects. The material used in furniture needs to be lightweight, durable and water proof.

Continuous electricity supply, especially in the rural areas is one of the many challenges in developing countries. Backup power becomes a necessity. Similarly, Internet connection in remote areas is mostly available through wireless carriers and as such needs to be arranged for the STEM lab. A view of such a model STEM lab is shown in Figure 1.

Figure 1.

STEM Lab: A project of Durrani STEMs @ Service (DS@S) at Qadir Nagar High School, Buner, Pakistan.

2.2 STEM in classrooms in rural schools

Most schools in rural areas, whether government, private or community owned are extremely resource constrained. There are barely enough rooms to accommodate all students and in most cases there aren’t any computer labs or libraries. Constructing a new facility for STEM activities is out of question. So what to do in these cases? For situations like these, the lesson plans are adapted to make them locally relevant and the associated STEM activities are designed such that these can be conducted either in the classrooms or in an open area usually used as playground or assembly area.

Here it will be pertinent to mention that STEM is not so much about the equipment, materials and tools used to perform activities but it is the iterative process of brainstorming ideas, creating plans, crafting solutions and testing and reflecting upon this process. If we carefully examine this process, STEM sessions can be effectively carried out with very limited and meager resources. The ideation, planning and reflection phases of the process simply require a piece of paper, a pencil and some peers to discuss, record and communicate whereas the creation and testing part can be carried out using mostly recyclable and reusable materials.

2.3 STEM on wheels

In one of our visits to a remote area in the North of Pakistan, where we were starting to implement STEM in community owned schools with the help of an organization that was actively involved in improving the infrastructure and quality of education in these schools, we came across one of their initiatives in which a pickup van was converted into a mobile library. The van was filled with colorful children’s books of all sorts. The van visited around 30 schools a month and every school would receive one visit a month. The coordinator of program mentioned that since these schools didn’t have libraries, the students waited eagerly for the Mobile library van to show up. Quite remarkably, the coordinator had fitted in a couple of boxes of sports goods and gardening tools in the van as well to give children opportunities to play and also learn the basics of gardening.

This gave us an idea. If we can’t have a dedicated STEM lab in each of these schools for the students to experience the wonders of science, why not use the Mobile library as a vehicle to reach out to these kids by including some very basic STEM kits and activities that will pique their interest and nurture their curiosity. The van will visit each school in the area and the students will not only have the option to read books but also experience the wonders of science with their peers.

2.4 Community STEM labs

Another effective way of providing dedicated spaces for science exploration is setting up of community STEM labs. Just like public libraries, each locality can have a STEM lab either as a separate facility or even co-located with the library providing children opportunities to nurture their curiosity by experiencing the wonders of science. This will not only promote scientific literacy but also encourage children to read.


3. STEM curriculum

STEM curriculum may comprise of a set of lesson plans for a few selected topics that are designed to augment the understanding and practice of the core curriculum concepts and develop core competencies, i.e. Critical Thinking, Collaborative Problem Solving, Communication as well as digital literacies, psychomotor skills and desired behavioral attitudes.

The selection of topics for STEM sessions must take into account the local curriculum requirements, standards, constraints and limitations such as culture and available resources. The lesson plans have to be tailored to the target student, teacher and the school system. Since the STEM program revolves around this curriculum and its outcomes, this is an exercise that must be carried out meticulously and methodically.

3.1 STEM curriculum development methodology

STEM lesson plans help students make connections between their theoretical knowledge and the real world through collaborative problem solving. One of the main objectives of STEM curriculum is to prepare our children for the challenges of today and tomorrow. These challenges, whether local, national or global, have to be identified and tied with the core curriculum concepts. STEM lesson plans also provide an opportunity to address gaps in the curriculum.

It is needless to say that not all concepts can be covered through STEM during an academic year given time and resource constraints. A carefully designed selection process covering ten to twelve crosscutting topics in an academic year through well-designed comprehensive lesson plans can achieve the desired learning outcomes.

The process of topic selection is influenced by many factors. These mainly include the national curriculum standards, problems affecting the population, desired literacies and skills, students’ interest, and topics that lend well to hands-on activities. The topics identified and selected through this process may be called Key Curriculum Concepts (KCCs) as shown in Figure 2.

Figure 2.

Selection of key curriculum concepts for STEM lesson plans.

One of the first challenges that a STEM lesson plan has to address is to invite and engage students in a manner that piques their interest and gets them sufficiently motivated to get their creative juices flowing. The relevance and authenticity of the topic, the method of introduction to the topic, whether in the form of a question, a story or a presentation, verbal or with the help of audio-visuals, sets up the stage for the level of engagement and immersive experience that the children are going to have.

Similarly, the hands-on activities for the lesson plans are designed in the context of learners’ needs and abilities making sure that they are in the Zone of Proximal Development, i.e. neither too easy nor too difficult but just the right amount of difficulty level to enable them to construct new knowledge autonomously through self-discovery with minimum scaffolding from teachers. This helps students develop industry and agency.

The lesson plans may typically be accompanied with worksheets that provide students the opportunity to practice and demonstrate their learning. Instead of simple question-and-answer (Q&A), the worksheets incorporate a variety of methods to assess whether the outcomes of lesson plans have been effectively achieved and identify areas that need further attention.

Finally, following the principles of assessment for learning, rubrics are created for formative assessments. This includes both teacher review and peer review by students. Since students are provided with multiple opportunities to express themselves during the course of a STEM lesson plan, starting from the introduction to the topic to the final presentation by students of their projects, it provides teachers and students ample opportunities to observe, capture and review their performances. The formative assessment also creates opportunities for teachers to apply differentiated learning to ensure an equitable learning environment.

3.2 Essentials of STEM lesson plans

The STEM Lesson Plans are mapped to the core curriculum concepts covering the instruction, practice and assessment of curriculum and also include supplementary concepts, skills, and attitudes.

Some of the key components of a STEM Lesson Plan are as follows:

  1. Engineering Design Process (Ask, Imagine, Plan, Create, Test, Improve).

  2. Interdisciplinary or Cross-cutting topics, i.e. concepts from different subjects are combined to solve problems making it easier for students to understand the big picture.

  3. Collaboration – Team Work, i.e. students work in small groups to solve problems and thus learn to work with other people, manage expectations, resolution of conflicts, effectively communicate their point of view, respectfully listen to others, make decisions objectively with empathy.

  4. Real-world connections and/or problems making them authentic and relevant to students thus resulting in enhanced student engagement and interest.

  5. Use and/or creation of technology, i.e. students use technology to create solutions.

  6. Activity-based, student-centered, hands-on experiential, making learning fun, exciting and an active lean-forward activity.

  7. Failure is seen as a learning opportunity, i.e. Engineering Design Process is an iterative process in which every iteration is an opportunity to learn whether desired results are achieved or not.


4. STEM: Robotics and DIY

Robotics has been successfully employed as a very effective STEM tool to inculcate not only useful digital skills such as programming and automation that form the basis of more advance and crucial technologies of the modern era such as Artificial Intelligence but also facilitate development of collaborative problem solving competencies. It has served as a very good advertisement for STEM. However, counter to popular belief, STEM is not just robotics. As a matter of fact, STEM methodology is not dependent on any specific hardware or software. It is the process of understanding a problem and then going through the Engineering Design Process steps to find a solution that forms the basis of STEM methodology.

With the advent of STEM methodology, many commercial STEM products and solution providers sprang into action and introduced very high quality STEM kits. These kits for the most part were Robotics kits, which were developed with the help of teams of engineers, educationists and neuroscientists. The Robotics kits came with a curriculum and a complete set of lesson plans and proved to be highly effective in achieving desired outcomes. However, they carried a very steep price tag that made it nearly impossible to employ them at mass scale, particularly in developing countries.

Fortunately, by virtue of explosion in manufacturing of low cost electronic components in the last couple of decades and availability of freely available open-source educational softwares, robotics and automation that lay the foundation for more advance technologies such as Artificial Intelligence have become more and more accessible to the less and less privileged. For example, as a substitute to the high-end Robotics kits, a locally available robot chassis, Arduino microcontroller, low-cost sensors and freely available open-source softwares including block-coding applications provide a reasonable and affordable alternate for STEM activities.

Although these open-source hardware and software provide a lot more versatility and flexibility in terms of adding new functionality, they do come with a catch. Like all open-source solutions, they require a fair amount of technical understanding and ability to do system integration. In addition, these require meticulously created lesson plans that make it easy for the facilitators to conduct the sessions and the students to create projects without any technical hiccups arising from the hardware or the software. In most urban schools where computers are available, the locally developed kits are an affordable and effective substitute for expensive STEM kits.

However, in rural areas where computers are not available, STEM lesson plans require careful integration of hands-on activities that not only facilitate achieving desired objectives but are also feasible and affordable in the local context.

In this context, DIY projects using low cost daily life materials or recyclable and reusable materials prove extremely effective. The efficacy of these activities has been proven in many urban and rural setups in extremely resource-constrained environments. Discarded plastic bottles, cups, plates, cardboard boxes, rubber bands, balloons, straws, etc. all are valuable resources for STEM activities. Lack of resources is not necessarily a handicap; it is often an opportunity to be as creative as possible with whatever means available.


5. Teacher’s role in STEM education

The role of teacher in a STEM classroom is different than that in a conventional classroom. The teacher in a STEM classroom is more of a facilitator, a guide and a mentor who poses the right questions at the right time, nudges students in the right direction, encourages students to collaborate and co-create, facilitates construction of knowledge and creates opportunities for students to express themselves without any apprehensions and inhibitions. This role requires an intentional effort to keep the teacher’s interference to a minimum and let the children’s creativity guide the process of self-discovery.

In this regard, training teachers for this role becomes a very important aspect of any STEM program. No amount of technology, hardware and software can make a program successful unless fully trained and motivated teachers are there to support and own the program with full enthusiasm. Some of the key objectives of a Teacher Training Program are to make teachers understand the full potential of STEM methodology, equip teachers with required knowledge, skills and attitudes that will enable them to be successful in their role. Particular emphasis is given on the Engineering Design Process (EDP), interdisciplinary approach, key elements of STEM lesson plans and STEM sessions, tools and strategies for classroom management during STEM sessions, assessment for learning and differentiated learning.

Continuous Professional Development (CPD) courses, whether online or in-person provide an effective means to stay abreast with new developments, learn new skills particularly related to technology, and address challenges and shortcomings encountered during prior STEM sessions. These also serve as a platform to share experiences and promote cross-fertilization of ideas for continuous quality improvement.


6. A framework for assessing effectiveness of STEM learning

A framework for reflecting upon effectiveness of our STEM lessons and activities, adopted and modified from Larmer et al. [4] is presented in Figure 3:

Figure 3.

A framework for assessing effectiveness of STEM learning, adopted and modified from Larmer et al. [4].

Key Curriculum Concepts or learning outcomes essentially relate to change in knowledge, skills, and attitude encompassing success skills for 21st century. In view of the key curriculum concepts a challenging problem or questions serve as driving force that on one hand help teachers plan learning experiences and on the other hand make learning meaningful for students by focusing their attention towards relevant information, previous knowledge, and enable them to transfer their learning in future. When students find answers, more questions arise in the form of a spiral, i.e. an iterative process resulting in deeper learning which is John Dewey’s philosophy of learning stressing on inquiry forming the basis of project activities [5]. STEM activities could be made ‘real’ for students if the nature of problem or questions relates to our society, or knowing that the project may have positive implications for our society. Thus authenticity demands that our students may also use the tools that people would normally do in the real world for completing tasks as part of their STEM activities. For example, comparing alternatives, conducting surveys or communicating with experts, organizing exhibitions require completion of authentic tasks.

John Dewey suggested student voice and choice as a pre-requisite to critical thinking and problem solving [5, 6]. The degree of voice and choice given to students is a decision in view of their readiness, the scaffolds and coaching a teacher is ready to offer. Typically, scaffolding may include direct instruction, handouts and readings as well as other tools and processes that may help students in STEM activities.

Obstacles may be treated as opportunities for students as well as teachers to reflect on how to overcome these challenges as well as to reflect upon effectiveness of their inquiry leading to STEM activities.

Assessment of STEM activities may comprise of both formative assessments to gauge progress in collaborative tasks, and summative assessments about the degree of achievement in learning outcomes by individual students. Traditional assessment tools such as quizzes, assignments, and tests may be more suitable for assessing content knowledge (cognitive domain), however, success skills such as critical thinking, collaboration, and communication may be evaluated through rubrics.

Showcasing the products developed by students, to a wider audience through exhibitions, poster competitions serve as opportunities to celebrate the efforts of our students, encourage them, and share constructive feedback on how their learning may be extended while teachers may benefit from ideas and discussions on how to keep up the good work.


7. Program sustainability

In Pakistan, introduction of STEM methodology is still in its infancy and a long way to go before it becomes widespread. Based on our experience, we have come up with a set of recommendations that we believe can make the STEM initiatives sustainable in the long run:

  1. When introducing STEM education in an area, form school clusters for schools in close proximity of each other to foster collaboration between teachers. Periodic communications between teachers involved with STEM implementation will help them learn from each other’s experiences.

  2. Incentivize STEM implementation program with monetary and non-monetary rewards and recognition.

  3. Periodic STEM events for students to exhibit their talents and creations.

  4. Sponsorships for STEM events by local industry partnerships.

  5. Incubation of Ed-Tech startups to come up with locally contextualized, affordable and scalable STEM solutions.

  6. STEM Training programs and Continuous Professional Development (CPD) for teachers with certifications and points for achievements.

  7. Involvement of School leadership in planning and implementation of STEM integration.

  8. Ongoing monitoring and evaluation of Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) through school visits, interactions with teachers and students, review of progress reports and student assessments.

Some KPIs at the policy or regulator level may include:

  1. Number of STEM labs implementing STEM methodology.

  2. Time allocated to STEM activities.

  3. Number of STEM events at each school where a STEM lab is setup, i.e. science exhibitions, tournaments, competitions.

  4. Teachers’ professional development for STEM, i.e. STEM education trainings attended, number of training hours, content covered.

  5. Performance improvement in Math & Science compared to baseline (3rd party evaluations).

  6. Decrease in absenteeism leading to improvement in student retention rate.

  7. Improvement in gender parity from exposure to science education.


8. Role of STEM service providers

At the very heart of STEM eco-systems, in resource constrained environments, are STEM service providers serving as centers of excellence, hubs of learning innovation in STEM education, and fostering communities of learning in schools. STEM service providers typically maintain a handsome inventory of STEM kits, gadgets, tools, digital accessories, and other resources including softwares. Most importantly STEM service providers have experts passionate in STEM learning and capable of launching STEM programs for schools, train teachers, and run STEM sessions at schools or at their own STEM labs.

STEM service providers play a key role in making STEM initiatives sustainable by enabling school teachers implement STEM methodology through trainings, fostering collaboration and communication between teachers engaged in STEM activities typically via online groups following Continuous Professional Development (CPD) sessions.

School management and Academic leaders seek help of STEM service providers in planning and implementation of STEM integration as well as STEM Training programs and Continuous Professional Development (CPD) for teachers. In Pakistan a slow but steady change in Policy makers’ and regulators’ perspective is observable, resulting into pilot projects of STEM education, primarily because STEM service providers engaging with decision makers in Government bodies by virtue of their strategic goals tied to growth in STEM education in schools.

Finally, STEM service providers organize regular events and competitions wherein students from various schools are able to participate and showcase their products. Such events generate a structural tension that forces teachers and student teams out of their comfort zone in conventional educational settings. Some STEM service providers venture as Ed-Tech startups to come up with locally contextualized, affordable and scalable STEM solutions.


9. Final thoughts

A purpose of any education system ought to be to create an enabling environment for individuals to realize their true natural potential. It should develop them into independent thinkers and autonomous agents who are socially responsible and contributing citizens of this world. It should cater to the innate curiosity of mankind to observe, experiment and make sense of the world around them and understand their place in the universe. Above all, it needs to be dynamic, anticipating the changes and challenges of future and ever-evolving accordingly. The massive inertia of the conventional education system however makes this a daunting task and an uphill battle albeit one, which is an absolute necessity, for the failure to keep up has consequences beyond imagination.



Authors would like to acknowledge the contributions of DS@S team including Engr. Ali Ahmed Durrani (CEO, DS@S), Engr. Mian Afzaal Zahid, and Engr. Muhammad Salman Chaudhry throughout our journey of STEM implementation in urban and rural areas of Pakistan since 2017.

Conflict of interest

The authors declare no conflict of interest.


  1. 1. Slavin R. Educational Psychology: Theory and Practice. London: Pearson; 2012
  2. 2. Gredler ME. Learning and Instruction: Theory into Practice. New Jersey: Prentice Hall; 1997
  3. 3. Driscoll MP. Psychology of Learning for Instruction. Boston: Allyn & Bacon; 1994
  4. 4. Larmer J, Mergendoller J, Boss S. Setting The Standard for Project Based Learning. USA: ASCD; 2015
  5. 5. Dewey J. The School and Society and the Child and the Curriculum. Chicago: University of Chicago Press; 1915
  6. 6. Dewey J. Democracy and Education. New York: The Free Press; 1944

Written By

Majid Nawaz, Irfan Ahmed Khan and Muhammad Imran Ahmad

Submitted: 07 August 2023 Reviewed: 30 August 2023 Published: 23 September 2023