Open access peer-reviewed chapter

Integration BIM and Emerging Technologies in Architectural Academic Programs

Written By

Nada Abdelhai

Submitted: 13 June 2022 Reviewed: 10 July 2022 Published: 24 August 2022

DOI: 10.5772/intechopen.106443

From the Edited Volume

STEM Education - Recent Developments and Emerging Trends

Edited by Muhammad Azeem Ashraf and Samson Maekele Tsegay

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Building information modelling (BIM) provides major potential to improve project performance through its integration with emerging technologies, which are proven benefits in the architecture, engineering and construction (AEC) industry, such as better data sharing, increased productivity, safety improvement and enhanced visualization. As the evolution of BIM integration with the emerging technologies has progressively increased its influence on the (AEC) sector, an architectural academic programme must introduce BIM through its integration with the new technologies practices into architectural academic programs, in order to fulfil the requirements of this sector. The chapter’s objective is to provide students, academic researchers and practitioners with a comprehensive updated review of the importance of adopting BIM integrated with emerging technologies in the architectural academic programme. The methodology comprises literature review to investigate the current developments in this subject area by reviewing and explaining the use of BIM integration with emerging technologies in construction project phases and presents practical examples of architectural projects that used these technologies. The chapter concluded that architectural education that supports emerging technologies has great impact on AEC. The chapter suggested considerable guidelines to facilitate introducing BIM integration with emerging technologies in the architectural academic programme and to find the possibility of applying the guidelines in architectural academic programs.


  • BIM
  • Building Information modelling
  • emerging technologies
  • integration
  • architectural
  • academic programs

1. Introduction

World technological trends with great speed are involved in architectural and construction practice, also the building industry is rapidly evolving. The technology of BIM is integrated with these innovations and enhances in this direction. The companies are looking to benefit from computer technology to improve design and construction processes. At the same time when new emerging technologies sound to be created every day, understanding how to use these technologies appropriately to improve design and construction is very important [1]. The emerging technologies refer to information and communication technologies that facilitate the development, storage and handling of information and promote the various forms of communication between human beings and electronic systems and between electronic systems in digital binary computing systems [2].

The rapid development of BIM integration with emerging technologies has forced architects to make continuous advances in architectural design methodologies. The emergence of building information mdelling (BIM) has influenced the development of the architecture, engineering and construction (AEC) industry. These changes have created challenges for educators and students, where BIM integration with emerging technologies is not systematically taught in universities in practice. These new challenges need educational standards and new architectural programs to meet the new requirements, however, it is very important to find the approach to introduce these technologies into the architectural education programme to form specialists with high-level skills. (There is a great demand to ensure that graduates are able to use these technologies integrated with BIM) [3, 4].

The chapter explores a comprehensive review of BIM integration with emerging technologies including Artificial Intelligence (AI), Cloud technologies, internet of things (IoT), Virtual and augmented reality (VR/AR), Laser Scanning, 3D printing and Drone Technology, and identify the types of tools and methods of implementation for these technologies that provide the greatest benefit to the architectural academic program and the AEC industry. A systematic literature review was carried out on this subject area.


2. The concept and adoption of BIM

  1. Building information modelling is a BUSINESS PROCESS for generating and leveraging building data to design, construct and operate the building during its life cycle. BIM allows all stakeholders to have access to the same information at the same time through interoperability between technology platforms.

  2. Building information modelling is the digital representation of the physical and functional characteristics of a facility. As such it serves as a shared knowledge resource for information about a facility, forming a reliable basis for decisions during its life cycle from inception onwards.

  3. Building information modelling is the ORGANIZATION & CONTROL of the business process by utilizing the information in the digital prototype to affect the sharing of information over the entire lifecycle of an asset. The benefits include centralised and visual communication, early exploration of options, sustainability, efficient design, integration of disciplines, site control, as-built documentation, etc., effectively developing an asset lifecycle process and model from conception to final retirement [5].

BIM changes the way architects think and design. In the last several years the use of this technology has grown in the architecture, engineering and construction (AEC) industry and sustainability.

Figure 1 shows the variation in the use of BIM by designers and other construction experts between the years 2011 and 2020, where the percentage of users in 2011 was (13%) and in 2020 (73%). It is noted that the percentage of BIM users, who are designers and other construction experts, has increased over time [6].

Figure 1.

BIM adoption between the years 2011 and 2020.


3. BIM and global education in architectural academic programs

BIM education and BIM awareness/uptake are still at different levels of implementation across the globe. Most countries are reporting BIM education being provided to architecture engineering and construction (AEC) students by their higher education and technical training institutions. The number of courses being offered is not significantly increasing year on year, with countries/regions such as Australia, Canada, Chile and Finland perhaps being the exception. This may indicate that the number of courses offering some form of BIM education may be reaching its saturation point in many countries/regions. However, many countries and regions are reporting that the content of such courses is now being expanded to include more sophisticated elements of BIM [7].

It was realized that BIM education in university curricula is an important demand for fulfilling educational adaptation in real work in the architecture industry. It is believed that BIM in academia is the fastest way to fill the gap between the education and real work and accelerates BIM knowledge and skills. It is a general believe that the fundamental education has to cover the lack of BIM-skilled professionals to fill the gap between BIM and the architecture industry.

Schools of architecture are adopting BIM in different courses in the curriculum: Digital graphic representation (DGR), workshop, design studio, BIM course, construction technology, construction management, research project and training. The predominant approach of schools is to adopt BIM in Design Studio, however, there are cases where design studios are integrated with other courses. Another approach is to teach tools and BIM in a specific BIM course. There are also cases in which tools are taught on courses of short duration (one week) non as workshops, which are generally design studios. Similarly, the workshops can be isolated or integrated with some courses. A BIM course may be elective or integrate the curriculum, in isolation or integrated with another course [8].


4. Methodology

The methodology comprises literature review to investigate the current developments in this subject area. The literature review included:

  1. A review of emerging technologies and the importance of BIM integration with emerging technologies in an architectural academic programme.

  2. A review and explanation of the use of BIM integration with emerging technologies in construction project phases.

  3. Practical examples of using BIM integration with emerging technologies in architectural projects.

  4. Guidelines for introducing BIM integration with emerging technologies in an architectural academic programme.


5. BIM integration with emerging technologies

BIM provides the ability to simulate a construction project in a simulated environment. A building information model is created digitally by using BIM technology. Upon completion, BIM will include detailed engineering and related data to support the design, procurement, manufacturing and construction activities vital to construct the building. Because of the greater potential in the AEC industry, many researchers have used BIM integration with other emerging technologies, although all emerging technologies have their own advantages. For example, BIM integration with Artificial Intelligence (AI), BIM integration with Cloud technologies, BIM integration with internet of things (IoT), BIM integration with Virtual and augmented reality (VR/AR), BIM integration with laser scanning, BIM integration with 3D printing and BIM integration with Drone Technology. All these technologies are considered promising emerging technologies in the AEC industry. The benefits of using these emerging technologies in the AEC industry are known to be enormous [9].

BIM and perfect information management are the bases for introducing new digital ways and tools of working. These technologies go parallel with BIM to enhance the visualization of designs for clients, link different types of data across a project, and share technical data with other project team members [6]. Since the beginning of the AEC industry, it has followed ways to minimize costs, enhance visualization, improve efficiency and data sharing, increase productivity, reduce building waste, improve safety and boost quality and sustainable performance, all while seeking to minimize delivery time. The AEC industry is still dependent on traditional architectural drawings and procedures in order to lead a business. At the same time, the AEC professionals realize the significance of the emerging technologies in obtaining more accurate and smart modelling. Since the AEC industry is highly competitive, the AEC firms that successfully perform the most recent technologies will be capable to outperform the competition due to their ability to adopt them. In spite of massive automation opportunities, the AEC sector has only lately started the transformation from tradition to automation [9].

Figure 2 shows the result of a survey conducted in 2020, in which designers and other construction experts were asked about BIM and the expected use of the emerging technologies. It was noted that the most used technologies are in the following arrangement: Cloud computing, virtual/ augmented/ mixed reality, drones, design for offsite construction, 3D printing of building components, analytical and big data technologies, digital twins, sensors, machine to machine communication, artificial intelligence or machine learning [6].

Figure 2.

The use of the emerging technologies in 2020.


6. The importance of introducing BIM integrated with emerging technologies in architectural academic programs

As the evolution of BIM integration with emerging technologies has progressively increased its influence on the architecture, engineering and construction (AEC) sector, architectural academic program must introduce BIM through its integration with these new technologies practices into architectural education programs, In order to fulfil the requirements of this sector. The importance of introducing BIM integrated with emerging technologies in architectural academic programs is as follows:

  1. The ability to graduate from the university with significant knowledge of the latest emerging technologies associated with BIM within the AEC industries.

  2. To provide students with the adequate years needed to learn emerging technologies associated with BIM experience at the time of their graduation.

  3. To ensure a systematic understanding of the key aspects of the system of new technologies and their role in architecture.

  4. To provide the student with the basic managerial skills in the digital age [10].


7. A review of emerging technologies and the importance of BIM integration with emerging technologies in the architectural academic program

These emerging technologies and the importance of BIM integration with emerging technologies in architectural academic program will be reviewed as follow:

7.1 Artificial intelligence (AI)

Artificial intelligence is the ability of a machine to learn in a similar way to a human being, to absorb new information and use it to develop its own intelligence system. Artificial intelligence (AI) is a multidisciplinary technology with a lot of branches, but machine learning is currently the most prevalent sector of artificial intelligence.

The term ‘machine learning’ refers to the ability of a machine to take in patterns in data and use them to think independently and produce their own solutions. The more data is entered into the machine, the better it can understand and provide insights. This is key in construction as much of the current processes are dependent on human capability. AI allows us to simplify these processes, reduce cost, risk and time and improve the efficiency and output of the project.

7.1.1 The importance of BIM integration with artificial intelligence (AI)

BIM software can use machine learning to understand data, discover patterns, and from this, and make independent decisions about how to automate and develop the model-building process. BIM software gathers a lot of data, which (AI) operates to discover the possibilities of every aspect of a construction project and find the preferable solution faster than the human brain can. This speeds up operations and, in addition, reduces the risk of human mistakes, which can improve safety at sites. AI has shown that now there is ability to lead BIM to the next level, to boost advance the industry. Productivity has always been a problem in construction and as a result, the industry has developed at a much slower pace than any other industry. The AI could be the solution to many problems that happened in the past as follows:

  • Building design: AI allows the user to enter design standards or a set of ‘rules’ into the system so that the machine can generate the most viable output based on your needs. In terms of BIM, this can be used to form site footprints, floor plan designs and more. All of these plans relate to each other as well, meaning that if you change measurements in a site footprint through the process, for instance, your machine will have information to make the needful modifications in all aspects of the design to ensure the perfect accuracy all over the project.

  • Safety and risk reduction: BIM has improved safety on site, making it easier to put in place additional safety measures before a project is implemented. BIM models with the help of AI can carry this to the next level, predicting incidents on site before they happen. Through machine learning, BIM software now has the power to analyse construction projects from the image alone and recognize hazards such as those for workers at heights, slips and falls.

  • Productivity improvement: More investment in building technology in recent years has led to the development of BIM with the help of AI, which has made operations in all areas more efficient. This new technology helped eliminate inefficiencies that were delaying things down, reducing errors and accelerating the project completion.

  • Continuous update: Systems using AI always learn from past and continuing projects. This means that they are capable to update on a nearly everyday basis, providing the most efficient and effective information to construction employees as soon as possible. This will assist in the improvement and evolution of the industry, assist to discover novel design solutions faster and permit their participation in all areas [11].

7.2 Cloud technologies

Cloud computing is a prompt emerging technology that can be used by communication devices such as computers, tablets and smartphones [12]. Cloud computing is a model for enabling ubiquitous, convenient and on-demand network access to a common set of configurable computing resources (such as networks, servers, stores, applications and services) that can be provisioned and released quickly with minimal management effort or service provider interaction.

The architecture of cloud computing includes four layers: application, platforms, infrastructure and hardware (from top to bottom). The hardware layer consists of the cloud’s physical resources (i.e. computer equipment such as servers). The infrastructure layer is also known as the ‘virtualization layer’ because it uses virtualization technologies to manage computing resources by partitioning physical resources. The platform layer consists of operating systems and application frameworks that reduce the burden on the virtual machine, and thus acts as a kind of virtualized server. The top layer is the application layer or the actual cloud application. These layers are loosely coupled so that each layer can evolve separately [13]. There are several methods of grouping cloud computing technology. Cloud computing can be split into four major groups:

  • A private cloud: It is used exclusively by a single organization including many consumers.

  • A community cloud: It is used exclusively by a particular community of consumers from organizations with participated interests.

  • A public cloud: It is an open access cloud that the general public can access.

  • A hybrid cloud: It is an infrastructure that comprises two or more cloud deployment models (e.g. private, community and public). These models provide various business chances for many organizations as they can be integrated in different ways. Organizations can select the right collection that meets their needs when moving to the cloud environment [14, 15].

7.2.1 The importance of BIM integration with cloud technologies

The integrated Cloud-BIM model, considered the second generation of BIM, allows higher levels of collaboration and a more effective real-time communication platform for project team members. The Advantages of BIM integration with Cloud technologies are:

  • Ease of access, storage manageability and high-performance computing abilities are the Advantages of using cloud BIM technology for managing and storing BIM data.

  • Regardless of geographic location, Cloud BIM technology would provide real-time tracking of construction, collaboration, clash monitoring and sharing of information among members of the construction team.

  • The integration of cloud computing in the BIM process could reinforce efficient planning through the life span of a project.

  • Cloud BIM can help with sharing as-built drawings for remodelling of projects.

  • The use of cloud BIM has led to collaboration in other areas such as the city information modelling (CIM) with the notion of significantly improving urban development and urban management, It supports the exchange of knowledge, multiservice and multi-field cooperation to create a digital city.

  • The advantages of cloud computing are accessibility from any place, scalability and, most importantly, cost-effectiveness.

  • Integrating mobile devices such as PCs, tablets, smartphones and personal digital assistants with Cloud BIM will enhance the ability to track real-time location data.

  • Cloud technologies are used for the web interface, which can use a server to handle large BIM information. Cloud BIM can provide multiple users with real-time services over the Internet, at the same time, it allows for distributed storage of huge data using multiple servers, performs parallel computing and analysis and displays all online BIM models in a three-dimensional (3D) way to browse the web standard.

  • Cloud BIM is also used for cost estimating, real-time quality checks and for site memos. BIM Field can be effectively used for on-site project management [16].

7.3 Internet of things (IoT)

IoT technology sensors are actually simple devices, can be applied to infrastructures and buildings and can create very high innovation potential in terms of managing the technological and financial aspects of their optimal and efficient operations. When connected to special devices, they can measure light intensity, humidity levels, temperatures or any other types of mechanical or physical information.

7.3.1 The importance of BIM integration with IoT

BIM allows the forming of a digital model that represents the digital twin of the work undertaken or to be implemented. The real model, or building asset, can be managed over the digital twin (a model of the asset in a cloud-based service) in highly advanced ways that also avail integration with IoT sensors. By integrating these results with BIM technologies, the resulting response is real-time communication between the detected data and the 3D model (also used for visual purposes) that opens up an infinite number of opportunities in terms of effectiveness and project management.

For instance, the potential of updating the project documents based on the actual progress of the work, accessing management matters and criticalities and the possibility to optimize the whole process on the foundation of such data and all in real time. The IoT sensors store a regular connection between the physical environment and the digital model, opening up new possibilities in the field of project management. This large amount of data represents a support foundation for each decision-making and management stage of the construction process, from the construction site to management and maintenance over time.

For example, during the construction phase, sensors allow you to obtain all relevant data relating to the existence of staff on the construction site, the workflows, peak presences and any overlapping tasks. They can gather real-time information considering the use of materials, equipment and machinery and get a constantly updated status on the progress of the work and supplies.

Thanks to cloud platforms, this large database is naturally available to all project participants, following an approach fully consistent with the BIM philosophy [17].

There are other advantages when integrating BIM with the (IoT) are:

  • IoT is a key component of the smart city concept, as it brings together ‘the physical, digital and human systems’ in the built environment to provide a sustainable, prosperous and inclusive future for its citizens [18].

  • IoT enables a real-time understanding of every aspect and component of a building and its operation, increasing the accuracy and availability of information.

  • IoT supports employees in the AEC sector to overcome one of the limitations of BIM, for example, static build information and increase the efficiency of services to a higher level [19, 20].

7.4 Virtual and augmented reality (VR/AR)

Other visualization technologies that have shown major potential for use in collaborative operations are virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR). Virtual reality has a major benefit to the AEC industry. Architects can represent and evaluate their design on a scale of 1:1 and walk through their project as if it had been built; by this technique, clients can understand the design and modify the design to suit their requirements. As a medium, VR has three specific characteristics. It is interactive (users can interact with models), spatial (models are represented in three spatial dimensions) and real-time (feedback from actions is given without noticeable pauses). With the ability to exploit and reuse information directly from models, current multidisciplinary collaboration can evolve towards integrated multidisciplinary collaboration on models.

7.4.1 The importance of BIM integration with Virtual and augmented reality (VR/AR)

  • VR can become a highly effective instrument for exploration of digitally modelled architecture by providing a spatio-visual representation of the design object. Also, VR allows stereovision and so a depth perception in digital environments by using stereoscopic head-mounted displays (HMDs). The degree of immersion is directly related to image quality and the reaction rate of the HMD. There is a case in construction projects is that some stakeholders are not from the AEC sector and have no familiarity with architectural drawings and construction documents. A common problem is that information and design concepts are not presented in a way that all stakeholders can understand well. In this context, real-time visualizations and virtual reality were demonstrated to offer an effective communication platform.

  • VR allows stakeholders and employees in the AES sector to experience and discuss something that does not yet exist from a common perspective. Rather than speaking in imagination, virtual reality provides us a more realistic frame of reference. As a result, it narrows the deficiency of understanding between customers and architects, and between visible and invisible thinkers.

  • The use of VR during various stages of project design development and construction is an attraction for the relevant stakeholders. Many participation or project presentation sessions can be stressful and boring for participants. The act of wearing HMDs and being separated from the real world can have something interesting to people, similar to the allure of playing with arcades or other gaming devices [21].

7.5 3D laser scanning

The main advantages of using 3D laser scanning are, for example, scanning a building or a road and obtaining measurements and information about the objects or building. This information can later be used for structural redesign, architectural redesign and dimensions. There are many applications for this technology that allows improving accuracy, time consumption and safety when it comes to scanning. It is not easy to draw a line between surveying, construction, engineering and architecture when discussing laser scanning.

7.5.1 The importance of BIM integration with 3D laser scanning

The expansion in the refurbishment market has resulted in greater coverage of Scan-to-BIM in the industry. As a result of market needs, nearly all CAD developers started working on supporting the point cloud data with their platform, and now almost all products in the market offer this feature. Traditional measurement techniques have been taking more time and human effort to measure the building and then create drawings/sketches to acquire BIM models for the building. Other methods were standard data collection techniques like using a total station and then using AutoCAD to produce drawings. After that, taking these files in Revit, Archicad or such architectural modelling software serves as a reference for preparing a 3D model of the building in BIM tools. Although traditional techniques lack completeness and time efficiency compared to ‘scan to BIM’ in most cases, the issue of cost depends on many other factors like the level of detail, usage, space and location of the project. The combination of modern technologies, such as laser scanning, with BIM can be a powerful tool for process improvement, providing accurate data in minimal time. The benefits of using BIM in architectural engineering are related to alternative design and computation analytics, materials analytics, data management, operational plans and information exchange between different entities [22].

7.6 3D printing

3D printing is an additive manufacturing process for making 3D solid objects from a digital file. The materials used to produce the object are various types of concrete, hard plastic, carbon fibre, metal, etc. The use of 3D printing has developed in the latest years with technological advances in the engineering sector [23]. 3D printing engineering models are becoming an interesting alternative. Architectural models are commonly made of wood, cardboard, plastic or other mouldable materials. Architects need models to study aspects of their design. It is all the time, modified to obtain an accurate concept of their idea in architectural design. 3D printing at a construction scale will have a wide diversity of applications within the AEC sector. The major advantages of these technologies include speeding up the construction process, reducing labour cost, increasing accuracy, decreasing complexity, greater job integration and reducing waste produced. A variety of different approaches have been demonstrated yet, which include on-site and off-site manufacturing of buildings and building components, using industrial robots, tethered autonomous vehicles and gantry systems [24].

Demonstrations of construction 3D printing technologies to date have included the fabrication of housing, building construction components (cladding, structural panels, and columns), bridges, civil infrastructure, artificial reefs, follies and sculptures. It may also allow construction to be carried out in harsh or hazardous environments that are unsuitable for human workforce such as places with special conditions [25].

7.6.1 The importance of BIM integration with 3D printing

The effective combination of BIM technology and 3D printing technology, each of which takes advantage of the advantages of information technology, is a unique new theory and method that has been formed in the process of adapting to the future development of the construction industry. The key to implementing BIM + 3D technology is the need to break the barrier between BIM technology and 3D printing technology. BIM provides building model information, and 3D printers follow the corresponding path to print. In order to enable BIM data to be input to a 3D printer, it is necessary to transform BIM data into 3D printer data code to achieve the industrial production process of prefabricated buildings. The corresponding component information will also be changed in the data processing system. After the path planning is completed, the 3D model composed of all the graphic elements can be visually displayed in BIM software to timely optimize the design plan and modify and monitor the printing process. The 3D printing device is driven by the control system, which generates the printing program code to drive the control system after the path planning is completed. The specific process is as follows: The pumping device with building materials (concrete mixture) is driven by the nozzle through the operation of the robot arm, and the BIM model instructions are printed layer by layer according to the input printing code, forming prefabricated components or directly generating the actual construction. Real-time data during the process of the control system will also be transmitted to the BIM management system to achieve dynamic and visual management of safety, cost, quality and progress during the production of 3D-printed assembled buildings [26]. 3D printing technology can print complex components, it has advantages such as formed the building without a mould in the actual construction, shortening the product manufacturing cycle, reducing costs, energy saving, improving production efficiency, and protect environment [27].

7.7 Drone technology

The drone is a small aircraft that comes with a compact design in different sizes. The drones are operated remotely with the help of a controller. Project managers and AEC specialists use drones to record and report the progress of a construction project. Drones can capture precise project data over a large area in a short period. These data can be used by BIM professionals to revise their model and make the BIM modelling process more reliable.

7.7.1 The importance of BIM integration with drone technology

Drones are changing the way buildings are designed. One useful benefit of using drones in architecture is their application in surveying. The drone has a small size and its ease of manoeuvrability make it an ideal tool for getting into hard-to-reach places. The aerial photography provided by the drones allows the engineer and client to visualize what the final product will look like. Aerial footage allows an architect to design precise plans. Drones are efficient and can get mapping projects done in a fraction of the time a project would normally take. Mapping is also more accurate, eliminating errors and costly revisions. The data collected by the drone could eliminate the need to hire land surveyors for topographic surveys.

The AEC sector benefits greatly from the use of drones. Drones save construction projects time and money. With their ability to collect real-time data on the job site, drones increase workflow and efficiency [28].


8. A review and explaining the use of BIM integration with emerging technologies in construction project phases

The chapter will review and explain the use of BIM integration with emerging technologies in construction project phases. The project phases are Project Initiating, project planning, project executing, project controlling, project closing and project operation and maintenance.

8.1 Project initiating phase

The Project Initiating Phase is defined as the formal recognition of the beginning of a project. This involves identifying stakeholders and developing a project charter [29]. None of the emerging technologies was reviewed in this phase, as no literature was found showing the effect of emerging technologies in this phase.

8.2 Project planning phase

The Project Planning Phase is defined as creating and maintaining a workable plan to accomplish the purpose of the project. This involves developing a project management plan which encompasses all of the project knowledge areas [29].

8.2.1 BIM integration with emerging technologies used in the project planning phase

  • BIM can facilitate many aspects of building design including 3-D visualization, Design coordination and clash detection, Value engineering, Constructability review and analysis and Building performance analysis. BIM can be used to provide project teams with an early-warning system for cost and schedule overruns. In this case, a prototype is produced – combining BIM with earned-value analysis – to assist in this area by using a real-life project as a sample [30]. BIM can assist project teams to establish sustainable procurement practices [31].

  • AR can help with design management. This was tested using a panoramic view of a renovated construction site and superimposing BIM data on that view. Then, users with construction experience - and without experience with such type of technology - were able to successfully examine the design in a semi-augmented reality experience. Quantitative results received by the moderator showed a positive response to semi-augmented reality conditions [32]. AR is also useful for moving away from 2D paper plan documents for decision making, to further automated task systems [33].

  • AR, it was found that the use of artificial intelligence improved the level of accuracy in Bill of Quantity, it also has been proven to be accurate price of a project. This helps contractors estimate projects more accurately [34]. AI can be used to ensure structural steel adheres to guidelines set by standards and building codes for fire resistance and safety. Providing more precision in performance on steel structures against fire. In addition, AI can be used to understand what will happen to various types of materials like concrete, masonry, steel and wood—under maximum temperature conditions [35].

  • BIM and AR, with computer-based simulation software, can be used to effectively plan occupational health and safety (OHS) for labourers on construction sites, by simulating labour-based scenarios of emergency evacuation that can occur under various conditions during the project execution phase. This simulation can also be created to depict different construction methods. The result given is the approximate total evacuation times per floor for all labourers and shows the areas of overcrowding [36]. BIM supports occupational health and safety, it provides a visual understanding of the construction site before the project execution phase starts. So, BIM can help in planning for possible dangers in the future [37].

  • Drones can influence the range by scanning the ground to determine the boundaries of the site. This technology replaces the need for bulky tools and equipment that may be necessary to carry out the task. This gives an opportunity for faster services at a lower cost.

  • 3D printing provides the opportunity to minimize the amount of time spent on a project. Specifically, for 3D printing metal structural components, the total time to produce a conventional wall was reduced by 35 per cent. 3DP, partly because of its time-saving effect, provides the opportunity to save on project costs. This is due to the reduced labour required due to the raised automation of production [38].

8.3 Project executing phase

The project executing phase is defined as carrying out the project plan. This involves directing and managing project work, with a focus on quality, communications, risk, procurement and stakeholder engagement [29].

8.3.1 BIM integration with emerging technologies used in executing phase

  • Cloud technology enables construction practitioners to have faster access to a range of cloud computing, software, networking, servers, database, storage and analytics services for effective project management. Cloud computing provides enhanced access to project data and site images just by connecting remote mobile devices to a dedicated remote server. Designers, engineers and contractors can take advantage of cloud computing to collaborate on BIM projects in real time even though they are in different geographic locations [39].

  • Drones and related technologies have an impact on the field of (OHS) in construction. This is done by gathering drones and transmitting real-time video to construction managers, for site safety check purposes. Drones have been shown to help manage the supply chain at construction sites. They help manage this by moving goods from one point to another on the site. Once supplies are dropped on site, they are detected, identified and tracked using the Global Positioning System (GPS). After that, they are automatically taken to their appropriate location [40]. Drones weighing just 12 Kg, it can raise concrete blocks and hold them in place, without any human interaction, using a laser-based positioning system. This technique shows the promise of building walls without using scaffolding [41].

  • AR has been identified as useful in occupational health and safety scenarios, specifically danger recognition and avoidance. With a wearable device, a labourer can receive information about dangerous conditions without having to analyse the data they receive on their devices. There have been positive results with the on-Site hazard identification system, which uses an image capture device to gather images from the construction site. This information is provided to the wearable and reported to the operator [42].

  • AI has a different way of making an impact on occupational health and safety, specifically in tunnelling, using a tunnel boring machine (TBM). Since the TBM is very sensitive to geological changes, and because it is hard to monitor the state of equipment and rock mass in real time to make critical decisions, artificial intelligence plays a vital role in this area. This is done using machine learning to extract the big data collected by TBM to create new rock mass prediction models, along with using artificial neural networks to define the quality of the rock mass. These innovations can assist prohibit accidents that can lead to real-time changes to a boring block of rock, which in turn can save lives [43]. AI is known to help manage contracts in construction, especially in managing conflicts. AI has been used to understand data and predict clashes, AI can successfully mine data on historical projects to identify relevant projects and understand the types of clashes that may appear. This information will better prepare contract managers for the implementation of the project, as they can prepare their forecasts accordingly, and reduce risks [44].

  • IoT can help fill in the gaps needed to provide up-to-date, real-time information on the construction supply chain. Mobile internet is a group of devices connected with internet capability and all connected to one system for a complete view [45].

  • 3D printing has a significant impact on material supply. A particle layer as a base on the ground is needed before this as a first step in the concrete construction process. Using 3DP technology, particles of different sizes, materials and overall design can be generated for different scenarios, creating a new opportunity for structural design and construction [46]. Cement printing offers the advantages of being cost-effective, highly efficient, flexible in design and environmentally friendly. Reducing labour would be a side effect of performing this technology [47]. Similarly, this technique was also used in the construction of walls.

8.4 Project controlling phase

The Project Controlling Phase is defined as monitoring progress and taking corrective action when necessary. This involves monitoring and controlling project work while managing change, with a focus on scope, schedule, quality, resources, monitoring communications, risks and stakeholder engagement and controlling procurements [29].

8.4.1 BIM integration with emerging technologies used in the project controlling phase

  • AR is known to provide a sense of realism to projects. An intuitive experience is created where 4D scheduling information is attached to AR objects and displayed to the user. This helps control the schedule, all in a realistic simulation type. This can be especially useful for long-distance managers who need to be refreshed on schedules. This is an improvement for completing the same type of task through physical fieldwork [48]. AR was sought and identified as an influence on site and building inspections through an intuitive interactive approach. Data can be captured immediately, which will lastly minimize response time to resolve inspection issues that require quick action. This is possible due to the integration between BIM and AR platforms [49]. AR can be used by site inspectors for inspections of tunnel construction projects. AR aids are in progress. The application uses BIM as a basis to get a realistic view of the project in real time. Then, teams can control the project and provide real-time updates of actual progress against planned progress using on-site augmented reality in real time. Generally, this system provides a more effective way to control projects [50].

  • Drones also influence when it comes to quality control. Drones have been sought as a more cost-effective and effective means of building inspection, providing high accuracy in selecting images and video for the teams [51].

8.5 Project closing (and Handover) phase

The project closing phase is defined as bringing the project and paperwork to one hundred per cent completion and entering the history in a database [52]. Once this occurs, a handover will happen to the operations management team.

8.5.1 BIM and emerging technologies used in project closing phase

  • BIM has been checked to improve facility management by providing monitoring, documentation and sharing of information from previous project phases into the maintenance and operations phase. This is particularly useful for large projects in mechanical, electrical and plumbing applications. These applications are envisioned not only for the construction team but for the operations team to advance the building lifecycle [52].

8.6 Project operation and maintenance

Activities that take place during the phase comprise replacement of materials, equipment maintenance and equipment requiring replacement and minor renovations to allow for a review of facility usage. This stage is sometimes referred to as facility management (FM) [53].

8.6.1 BIM integration with emerging technologies used in Project operation and maintenance phase

  • IoT application is more in post-construction as compared to design and construction phases and is seamlessly integrated into the information network [39].


9. Practical examples of using BIM integration with emerging technologies in architectural projects

Table 1 shows BIM integration with emerging technologies used in some projects in the UK, and the impact of its use on the project [39].

NoProjectBIM integration with emerging technologiesThe impact of technology used on the project
1.The Curzon Building –
Birmingham City University
3D Scanning
  1. Reduced errors

  2. Clearer views of designs

  3. Centralised project information

  4. Accurate as-built models/drawings

  5. All model objects in the model

2.Silber Boulevard, MK – All
Saint Development
Cloud computingImproved communication over drawings
3.Walthamstow Hospital3D Scanning
  1. Reduced errors

  2. Model objects in the model

4.Herdwick Gate, Shipston-on
Artificial IntelligenceCut and fill was completed by remote control plant/machinery
5.Pre-Boarding ZoneBIM/VR
  1. Client engagement with VR

  2. Enhanced design and construction

  3. Better speed of construction

6.Grow on Space Business Development Space, Market
  1. Client has good understanding of the design

  2. Client also has a better notion of the size of spaces in their asset, something which rendered images cannot convey

  3. Positive reaction from this and other customers led to own investment in more VR tech.

7.Fairfax Street Student Rooms, CoventryDrones
  1. Remote monitoring

  2. Enhanced quality check

8.Student HallsLaser scanning
  1. Speed up the design process

  2. Verification of on-site data

9.M62 SMPCloudWe will be able to embed the information from site easily into the cloud to be saved in CDE for handover documentation
10.Office accommodationCloud
  1. Security of data

  2. Minimize manual backups

  3. Data collection and duplication

  1. Safer, more efficient logistics arrangements

  2. Project management ream improved planning

  3. Impact of design changes visualized to show option 1 vs option 2 for contractor-client dialogue

12.New Museum of LondonDrones
  1. Use of drones to 3D scan inaccessible/unsafe roof

  2. Design team had real scanned data to earlier in project

  3. Less change in future

13.Camden LockDronesQuick, easy-to-understand progress updates for teams and clients
14.Data centresVR
  1. Collaboratively solving problems in multidisciplinary teams

  2. Supporting ‘right first time’ delivery

  3. De-risking the construction sequence

15.Salesforce Tower – San FranciscoIoTThe IoT-enabled smart grid within the buildings rapidly transfers energy from a surplus node to a deficit node or saves the surplus energy to use later. It makes it possible to use renewable energy sources.

Table 1.

BIM integration with emerging technologies used in some projects in the UK, and the impact of its use on the project.


10. Guidelines for introducing BIM integration with emerging technologies in an architectural academic programme

BIM integration with emerging technologies are proven helpful in the architecture, engineering and construction (AEC) industry due to their various advantages to projects and stakeholders, so the chapter suggested considerable guidelines to facilitate introducing these technologies in architectural academic programme as shown in the following:

10.1 Develop a new education curriculum module

It is expected that there will be more demand for the emerging technologies associated with BIM such as AI, Cloud technologies, (IoT), (VR, AR), 3D laser and 3D printing and drone technology. These technologies will affect architectural education and training systems, which create a need to develop new skills. Education courses could be divided along the semesters.

10.2 Establish an interdisciplinary curriculum system across integration

There is difficulty for a single discipline in architecture to meet the development needs of all emerging technologies integrated with BIM, such as (AI),cloud technologies ,(IoT), (VR, AR), 3D Laser and 3D printing Scanning and drone technology, so architectural curricula must be developed to include different disciplines in this field.

10.3 Create relationship between the AEC sector and emerging technologies associated with BIM education in an architectural academic programme

Close collaboration between the AEC sector and academia is fundamental to the two-way exchange between training and reality. The experience of cooperative professionals from the AEC sector with teaching qualifications is fundamental to prompt students and develop their personal skills in relation to the AEC sector requirements. Also, it is preferable to engage stakeholders and professionals in the case studies of the projects to provide advice on how to improve the AEC sector with emerging technologies associated with BIM. Close collaboration between employers and educators in the AEC sector will enable the creation of a stronger shared vision in the training of BIM integration with emerging technologies. Connecting the AEC sector and architectural academic programme will improve traditional teaching.

10.4 Strengthening the qualifications of teaching staff

It is very important to build a team of teachers with the ability to solve complex engineering problems. Teaching staff must strengthen their learning and practice in order to meet the needs of new knowledge, theories and technologies. In particular, they must learn BIM integration with emerging technologies. Also, teachers who truly understand the innovation of technology should be hired, to reflect these qualifications on the development of student’s skills and their innovative ability. Faculty members should have: Share recent ideas that reinforce student success, explore new tools and techniques for teaching, interact with innovative and emerging technologies and Acquire knowledge of how to grasp and apply technology for learning.

10.5 Provide teaching resources

Teaching BIM integration with emerging technologies needs to provide textbooks, tutorials, Computer labs, strong internet and other electronic and technological equipment. BIM typically requires regularly new and upgraded hardware to run the processing-intensive software.

11. Conclusion

This chapter was designed to provide students, academic researchers and practitioners with a comprehensive updated review of the importance of adopting BIM integrated with emerging technologies in architectural academic programme, and reviewed these technologies such as artificial intelligence (AI), cloud technologies, internet of things, virtual and augmented reality (VR/AR), laser scanning, 3D printing and Drone Technology.

The chapter reviews the importance of BIM integration with emerging technologies in the architectural academic program, a review and explanation of the use of BIM integration with emerging technologies in a construction project phases, and presented practical examples of using BIM integration with emerging technologies in architectural projects.

The chapter concluded that there is increasing adoption of BIM integrated with emerging technologies in the field of AEC and the increasing demand for professionals in this field. The architectural education that supports emerging technologies has great impact on architectural practice and AEC. The presented projects where BIM integration with emerging technologies was used have been characterized by reducing cost and time and improving quality. BIM integrated with emerging technologies provide new ways of learning, while at the same time requiring educational institutions' faculty to collaborate and reorganize architectural programs, teaching materials and study plan.

The chapter suggested considerable guidelines to facilitate introducing BIM integration with these technologies in architectural academic programmes such as, developing new education curriculum module, establishing an interdisciplinary curriculum system across integration, creating relationship between AEC sector and emerging technologies associated with BIM Education in architectural academic programme, strengthening the qualifications of teaching staff and providing teaching resources. The recommendation is to study each emerging technology independently and find the possibility of applying the guidelines presented in this chapter for BIM integration with emerging technologies in architectural academic programs.

Conflict of interest

The author declares no conflict of interest.


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Written By

Nada Abdelhai

Submitted: 13 June 2022 Reviewed: 10 July 2022 Published: 24 August 2022