Open access peer-reviewed chapter

Educational Innovation in Higher Education with the Use of Management Simulators for the Development of Competencies

Written By

Alba Guzmán-Duque and Luisa Chalarca-Guzmán

Submitted: 11 June 2023 Reviewed: 04 August 2023 Published: 12 September 2023

DOI: 10.5772/intechopen.112771

From the Edited Volume

STEM Education - Recent Developments and Emerging Trends

Edited by Muhammad Azeem Ashraf and Samson Maekele Tsegay

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The teaching-learning processes in higher education require innovative tools that allow competency-based training. However, knowledge is measured numerically, ignoring disciplinary performance. Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) are methodologies that provide spaces for learning practical with the use of technology and tools in the formation of competencies because the student to assume roles in decision making in simulated companies. This research is quantitative and correlational and presents the perception of 290 university students on the development of managerial competencies—individual and group—with the use of simulators. Individually, 55.9% indicate scenario planning, and in the group 47.9% are oriented toward the search for efficiency in the organizational environment. The ANOVA technique showed differences according to gender, where women create personal relationships with the members of their teams to make business decisions (p < 0.000), and men create competitive teams to obtain results (p < 0.000). The importance of the use of simulators for the development of managerial competencies is highlighted, and the need to adapt spaces that facilitate the formation of capacities and skills to use these tools efficiently is indicated so that Higher Education Institutions use innovative strategies to improve the competencies of their university students through STEM methodologies.


  • management simulators
  • managerial competencies
  • university students
  • Higher Education Institutions
  • education innovation

1. Introduction

Technology forces Higher Education Institutions (HEI) to include innovation in educational processes for teaching-learning through scenarios that are conducive to the acquisition of disciplinary knowledge [1], with quality academic programs in the academy and in the organization [2], where professionals are trained by competencies to promote the successful performance of their graduates in the real world [3]. However, in any university career, difficulties are faced to apply knowledge in companies, because organizations prevent access to professional practices in disciplinary environments to make decisions [4]. This is justified because companies fear the consequences of inexperienced decisions, which can be costly [5] and directly influence financial, commercial, or organizational stability. Thus, professionals in their last semesters and recent graduates are hired for jobs that have little to do with their area of training because they have theoretical knowledge but little or no practice in the real sector [6]. As a consequence, the fear of companies to hire university students for decision making in real environments is reiterated, and as mentioned, a decision with unintentional errors has a negative impact on the performance of an organization.

Guzmán Duque and del Moral Pérez [7] affirm that there are three ways to apply the knowledge acquired: case studies that are presented in classes for students to propose alternatives to solve business situations; however, this proposal remains in speculation because there is no way to check the success of such decisions, and sometimes. Resolutions of other companies that were successful are applied, ignoring the student’s personal idea; internships in companies, where the professional should make decisions in the managerial field but may face consequences because there are financial, organizational, and administrative risks, so the company prefers to place the professional in activities that are not related to his discipline because he fears for organizational, commercial, financial, and so on losses. The student takes on the role of managing a simulated company, applying strategies and having the possibility of observing the consequences of their actions, thus avoiding catastrophic mistakes in reality when working in sensitive areas. Precisely, the teaching of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) and its advantages in different disciplines allow the student to analyze different facts and use them in cognitive processes that favor the practical application of theories [8]. On the other hand, young people and digital natives were impacted by technologies that were a solution to their educational problems but negatively influenced their academic progress, challenging educational models and giving way to methodologies that integrate technological devices [9].

In this sense, HEIs are responsible because the educational models are oriented to measure the knowledge of their students through numerical assessments, ignoring the competencies required by the professional [10]. Although the education models in Latin America are based on competencies, the assessment is still numerical, that is, based on “knowing” and not on the “doing” of the professional; therefore, the training of the “being” as an actor is relegated to the background [11]. This shows a serious problem, because the teaching-learning processes are oriented to the retention of knowledge, ignoring the training environments by competencies, when in the digital era, data are available to the public, and it is the professional who performs an analysis of different variables to make a value judgment; this is the aspect that distances us from artificial intelligence [10]. Research prior to this publication focuses on the development of digital competencies for the professionalization of their students [12], the use of strategies that facilitate the formation of generic competencies [13], and the orientation toward competencies required in companies to perform in management positions [14], but the review of the processes to develop disciplinary competencies individually and in groups with the use of STEM methodologies is lacking.

In higher education, technology allows bringing educational communities closer in teaching-learning [15], although there is a difficulty for the institutions due to its rapid advancement, which implies inconsistencies in its rapid implementation [16] because it is required to face challenges of connectivity, its adoption, the formation of digital competencies, pedagogical aspects, and the fight against change [17]. The importance of the use of technology implies the need to access different ways to apply knowledge and achieve success in the student’s academic results [18]. There are pedagogical strategies for use in the Classroom, such as intelligent tutoring systems, MOOCs, online games, collaborative platforms, chatbots [19], development of technological capabilities for leveraging these processes, to create joint knowledge and facilitate learning, etc. [20], virtual learning environments, virtual reality, videoconferencing, social networks and mobile learning [16].

Precisely, simulators allow an approach with reality for the application of disciplinary knowledge with the use of gamification strategies that facilitate teaching to become a learning habit [21]. In fact, in HEIs, these tools the creation of academic spaces, where students face real problems and integrate case studies with business practices to approach the real sector according to the degree [22] and to improve the quality of higher education based on the development of competencies of their students to keep the community satisfied and loyal to the institution [23].

This chapter shows how the use of managerial simulators, considered elements of STEM methodologies for the formation of managerial competencies—individual and group—in Business Administration undergraduates, can be used to improve their performance when they graduate and are immersed in the labor market. The differences that exist in the competencies according to the gender of the university student are highlighted and the abilities and skills required by the professional to maximize the use of management simulators are presented. At the end, it is specified how these tools are differentiating elements of STEM as facilitators in the development of competencies and application of knowledge in the disciplinary field.


2. Innovation in higher education

Currently, HEIs need to include technological tools in their teaching-learning processes, allowing them to innovate in order to improve the quality of education and maintain the attention of students [18], who require spaces that favor the formation of skills and competencies for the use and adoption of technologies in higher education [12, 17]. Sometimes, these important tools are underutilized, taking away the importance they offer and their contribution in the educational field to facilitate the grouping of content through Wikipedia, for example, and to organize classrooms to maintain academic interaction in Moodle [20]. If we add to this aspect the rapid advancement of technological tools and the low use and assimilation of educational communities, we can deduce the need to develop digital competence to maximize the use of technology and, thus, offer online spaces for the formation of disciplinary competencies [16]. The above implies the preparation of environments that implementation of technological tools in educational processes in higher education, which, although costly, can be used to improve the quality in academic careers [23].

A study by Chugh et al. [16] shows that the trend in the use of technology in higher education is present in different areas of knowledge, highlighting the social sciences and engineering with the use of social networks, videos, and websites with scientific content, while ignoring other tools such as adaptive learning, augmented reality, artificial intelligence, mobile learning, QR codes, synchronous tech, gamification, learning management systems, and rapid response. On the other hand, the training of professionals and the inclusion of technology are required to propose innovative solutions to social problems [11], where its appropriation is sought in the academy; for example, artificial intelligence promotes the development of skills related to critical analysis [10], the use of technologies inside and outside the classroom improves the acquisition of knowledge [19], simulators allow an increase in the quality of the profile of their graduates because they establish environments for making decisions that are conducive to competency-based training [24], and the use of STEM favors spaces for efficiency in teaching-learning [25].


3. STEM methodologies in management disciplines

Educational processes involve technology as mechanisms for teaching-learning for the development of skills that facilitate university students to perform in the workplace [1]. It is evident that it is immersed in young people and digital natives, because they find in their tools ways to solve any kind of problem in the educational field, which implies addiction to these devices [9]. The methodologies for teaching STEM, allow the student to analyze the different facts and use them according to cognitive processes that favor the practical application of theories [8], with which university students can train by competencies to perform in their managerial disciplinary field [14].

These methods are oriented toward courses related to basic sciences and can be used in any area of knowledge; for example, in socioeconomic contexts, university students can acquire skills and competencies necessary for their performance in the managerial field in terms of information analysis and problem solving [8]. Strohmaier, Ehmke, Härtig and Leiss [26] show that for the efficient use of these methodologies, STEM-based courses should be oriented with a syntax for student understanding without the pre-knowledge being an inconvenience for student participation, and in this way, the university student manages the technological tools in the teaching-learning process.

These technologies require adjustments for their optimal application in the classroom in HEIs, as indicated by different authors and as shown in Figure 1. In organizational processes, it is necessary to urge teachers to demand more in STEM methodologies activities and the use of technology, avoiding paternalism and being flexible in qualifications [27]; to adapt it in education so that teachers use it flexibly with students [26]; to provide spaces that allow the development of digital competencies of teachers for an efficient use of technology in the classroom [9]; and to promote the participation and interaction of teachers and students to take advantage of these technologies [1]. And, in the educational processes, teachers must improve the understanding of the methodology so that they are used naturally in their courses and so that students are satisfied [8]; adapt the documents used within the classroom to STEM methodologies according to the educational level and the inclusion of technologies to form the competencies required by students [26]; establish parameters for universal understanding that includes any student, without taking into account the pre-knowledge of the use of the methodology but considering their knowledge about the topics [14]; encourage motivation, interest, and the increase of previous knowledge for an efficient use in teaching-learning; and promote the participation of students in an active and voluntary way to have more satisfactory results, where they are reflected in their personal results [25].

Figure 1.

STEM challenges in higher education.

The above scenario identifies those challenges that are required from HEIs to strengthen the application of STEM methodologies and the commitment of teachers to use them in a natural way to include students in the teaching-learning process in a flexible manner. It should be considered that most of the university students who use technology in the classroom are from generation Z, which implies the need to offer new methodologies that guarantee them autonomous learning, outside the classroom and according to their expectations so that they participate voluntarily and obtain their own satisfactions with the learning of their knowledge [9]. In fact, the negative influence of technology addiction in the development of young people’s competencies and in their academic performance implies that HEI educational models are required to use methodologies that integrate technological devices, as is the case of STEM to satisfy them and keep them attentive in teaching-learning [9]. An experiment by Flegr et al. [25] used video as a tool in distance learning, in times of COVID, when it was necessary to devise alternatives to make practical experiments for the understanding of a subject. On the other hand, Minichiello et al. [27] evidenced the use of digital tools to make courses more flexible in times of pandemic, where participation and practical learning of different topics were encouraged. In this way and following the use of these technological tools to improve educational processes, the use of simulators allows to students of any discipline to apply knowledge and use simulated face-to-face and virtual environments that favor training by competencies [1] and the appropriation of methodologies such as STEM in the field of learning.


4. Management simulators for higher education

Simulators in the university environment facilitate the application of knowledge of their students in scenarios that show the results of their decisions in real time [4], where HEIs reduce costs because they save the implementation of on-site laboratories, which require large spaces for their processes, while the virtual simulator provides a suitable environment without requiring a physical space [6], which is a perfect scenario for students of administrative careers to assume managerial roles in decision-making. Simulators are digital environments for the application of knowledge in scenarios and in real time [22]; they contribute to the development of disciplinary competencies [28] and to decision making to learn from mistakes and correct actions, with the analysis of the results of simulated companies [29]. These tools are used in all disciplines because they are flexible and involve their actors in education to keep the attention of students and facilitate their approach to the business environment without having experience [16].

The contribution of simulators for learning involves a context and a methodology that motivates students to participate in educational processes, because they are accompanied by their teachers as advisors, rather than tutors, to promote teaching-learning [28, 30]. In fact, problem-based learning [31] and gamification are used, because they foster environments that promote competition and force the student to take a role in front of his situation and face the simulated reality to perform in his disciplinary field [16, 30]. The use of gamification strategies in higher education allows the student to feel satisfied, participate, and turn learning into a habit in a given discipline [21]. Simulators offer advantages that guide the student to assume a managerial role, through the person, the process, and the company, as shown in Figure 2.

Figure 2.

Benefits of management simulators.

Studies by Navarria et al. [6]; Guzmán Duque and del Moral Pérez [7]; Schmeller et al. [24]; and Cristofaro et al. [30] show that simulators provide feedback within the disciplinary field from the decisions made by students, encourage participation to make group decisions, and motivate them to achieve success because a simulated competitive environment is generated, without organizational risks through a holistic view of the company without causing collateral effects [4, 5] and for the integration of the areas of the company because it favors the overall view of the organization [32].

As previously mentioned, a major difficulty for professionals is to integrate theory with practice without presenting risks for organizations. Guzmán Duque and del Moral Pérez [7] in Figure 3 show the three ways to do it, case studies, business practices, and simulators, where the importance for professionals to confront theoretical knowledge with business practices is highlighted, the latter being an impediment to the recruitment of university students, because organizations do not want to risk that an inexperienced subject makes managerial decisions that can have costly or perhaps irreversible consequences.

Figure 3.

Integration of knowledge through application of theories into practice.

Finally, students through the efficient use of simulators in the classroom develop competencies because it allows them to improve their teamwork skills [7]; make decisions related to their discipline, generating confidence in the process [29, 33]; and favors the application of their knowledge in practice [32].


5. Competency-based learning

5.1 Methodological context

In order to present the managerial competencies acquired with the use of simulators, a research—quantitative and correlational—was conducted and had the response of 290 Business Administration undergraduates to analyze their perception on the development of individual and group managerial competencies with the use of simulators and the importance of these tools as STEM methodologies in the teaching-learning process. This research is based on a study conducted in 2018 where they asked what these competencies were and from that space to determine if the simulator favors individual and/or group competencies for professional performance.

The participants were university students from the Business Administration program (N = 2700 approximately), of which 91% were employed in the disciplinary field at the time of the measurement (March–April 2023). The sample was calculated by finite sampling with a 95% confidence level and a 5.5% error and was composed of 290 professionals with a gender distribution of 66% women and 34% men; this was generated because in the socioeconomic sciences, the enrollment in women is higher than that of men. 52% are “between 18 and 25 years old,” 41% are “between 26 and 35 years old,” and 7% are older than 36.

Data collection was carried out with an instrument composed of four dimensions related to the students’ perception of the acquisition of managerial competencies with the use of the management simulator. The variables were measured with Likert-type questions from 1 to 4 in order of importance (1 = none; 2 = somewhat; 3 = quite a lot; 4 = a lot). The dimensions addressed were generic competencies considering the capacities and skills developed and disciplinary competencies between the individual and group.

The capacities were measured through: (1) analysis and synthesis of results; (2) adaptation to change; (3) analysis of quantitative information; (4) critical reading; (5) comprehensive handling of English; (6) identification, approach, and resolution of problems; (7) application of knowledge in practice; (8) group work; (9) creativity for problem solving; (10) organization and time planning. And the skills considered: (11) use of IT and office automation; (12) search and analysis of information; (13) independent work; (14) oral and written communication; (15) commitment and responsibility to society; (16) conservation and preservation of the environment; (17) leadership in processes; (18) problem solving; (19) ethics, commitment, honesty, and integrity; and (20) interpersonal skills.

Individual managerial competencies addressed: (21) decision-making under pressure; (22) strategy selection and implementation; (23) acquiring the managerial role; (24) positioning oneself at the top; (25) autonomous learning; (26) teamwork; (27) leadership; (28) knowledge application; (29) financial analysis; and (30) management scenario planning. Meanwhile, the group managerial competencies addressed: (31) participation in the process; (32) analysis of administrative scenarios; (33) creation of relationships with the team; (34) creation of competitive teams; (35) communication to analyze results; (36) search for efficiency; (37) collaborative learning; (38) knowledge of competitors; (39) leadership in processes; and (40) leadership in the distribution of roles.

The instrument was validated with Cronbach’s alpha statistic with a result of 0.87, which indicates internal consistency of the dimensions and reliability in its use [34]. Additionally, with the factor analysis, the relationship between each component was measured, determining the composition of each dimension, as follows: abilities (KMO = 0.919; Chi-square 2229.928 with 28 degrees of freedom; VE = 73.8%), skills (KMO = 0.935; Chi-square 2530.293 with 28 degrees of freedom; VE = 77.2%), individual disciplinary competencies (KMO = 0.924; Chi-square 3674.035 with 36 degrees of freedom; VE = 81.1%), and group disciplinary competencies (KMO = 0.942; Chi-square 4016.266 with 45 degrees of freedom; VE = 80.1%). Subsequently, the instrument was sent to university students, who answered the form voluntarily to determine their perception of the development of their managerial competencies with the use of simulators in the month of March–April 2023. The data analysis used descriptive statistical techniques, and the ANOVA technique was used to determine the difference according to gender; the calculations were made in the R software.

5.2 Capacities and skills of business managers

To maximize the advantages of the simulator, it is necessary for university students to improve their transversal competencies, classified between abilities to perform an administrative function and abilities to perform in a social environment. In this sense, Table 1 shows the capabilities of business managers. In the level of great importance, 50% think that the most relevant ability is the analysis of quantitative information, 47.9% creativity for problem solving, 44.5% organization and time planning, 44.1% analysis and synthesis of results, 41.4% application of knowledge in practice, and 40.3% critical reading.

CapabilitiesNot importantSlightly importantQuite importantVery importantMeanStandard deviation
1. Analysis and synthesis of results0.015.540.344.13.290.719
2. Adaptation to change2.112.446.
3. Analysis of quantitative information0.012.437.650.03.380.696
4. Critical reading3.817.638.340.33.150.843
5. Comprehensive handling of English5.242.839.712.42.590.771
6. Identification, approach, and resolution of problems1.713.146.638.63.220.734
7. Application of knowledge in practice1.411.445.941.43.270.714
8. Group work5.211.743.439.73.180.832
9. Creativity for problem solving2.47.941.747.93.350.73
10. Organization and time planning3.17.944.544.53.300.747

Table 1.

Business managers’ capabilities.

The skills allow a university student to develop in academic and social environments to solve situations in any area and favor integration with the use of technology. They are transversal because they are developed in the educational environment, and the integration with the skills to form a professional unites the “knowing” with the “doing” and later in the competencies with the “being.” Precisely, the skills that university students stated as the most important to improve their performance in the simulator and that are observed in Table 2 are: oral and written communication by 49.7%, interpersonal skills by 46.9%, and problem solving by 44.5%.

SkillsNot importantSlightly importantQuite importantVery importantMeanStandard deviation
1. Use of IT and office automation3.412.845.538.33.190.785
2. Search and analysis of information3.412.845.538.33.210.763
3. Independent work2.812.445.9393.390.673
4. Oral and written communication0.010.739.749.73.260.735
5. Commitment and responsibility to society1.413.143.442.13.270.741
6. Conservation and preservation of the environment1.712.443.442.43.210.788
7. Leadership in processes2.814.542.140.73.320.688
8. Problem solving0.012.842.844.53.300.707
9. Ethics, commitment, honesty, and integrity0.71045.943.43.320.679
10. Interpersonal skills0.01142.146.93.360.673

Table 2.

Skills of the business administrator.

5.3 Individual and group management competencies of business managers

Simulators are powerful tools for management competency training. In a study by Guzmán Duque and del Moral Pérez [7], management skills and competencies perceived by students were measured as shown in Figure 4. In addition to the above, there is research that has measured the competencies of university students, where the development of interpersonal skills [29, 33] negotiation skills [32], improvement of professional performance and financial analysis in the management of the company to achieve results [24], and improvement in their graduation profiles [7] were detected.

Figure 4.

Skills and competencies of business managers using management simulators.

It is observed that the simulators allow the university student to apply his knowledge, and when he assumes the managerial role, he is involved in the decision-making process to manage his simulated company, seeking results to be competitive in the market. The above shows the importance of the managerial competencies that are promoted in these academic spaces for university students, preparing them for their working life and allowing them to develop skills and abilities that strengthen their personality in the role that corresponds to them. The importance of training by disciplinary competencies in the area of study lies in the ease with which graduates can enter the labor market. It is evident that professionals have the option of being businessmen or entrepreneurs; however, some may be oriented toward the labor field. In this sense, the literature evidences the measurement of disciplinary competencies in the academic processes with the use of simulators, but it has failed to consider two areas, the personal and the group, which are shown in Tables 3 and 4. 9% emphasize scenario planning, 54.5% the application of knowledge acquired in the career and autonomous learning to improve knowledge, 53.8% the acquisition of the managerial role, 53.4% the selection and application of strategies to solve situations, 52.4% the use of financial analysis techniques, and 51.4% indicate that it is leadership in the management of a team. All the above show strengths for the Business Administrator, which are acquired in the teaching-learning process and are necessary for performance in the disciplinary field.

Individual competenciesNot importantSlightly importantQuite importantVery importantMeanStandard deviation
1. Decision-making under pressure3.14.842.449.73.390.722
2. Strategy selection and implementation2.45.938.353.43.430.713
3. Acquiring the managerial role3.14.538.653.83.430.723
4. Positioning oneself at the top3.87.941.446.93.310.777
5. Autonomous learning3.16.635.954.53.420.75
6. Teamwork7.912.836.
7. Leadership2.45.940.351.43.410.711
8. Knowledge application3.13.438.355.23.460.711
9. Financial analysis1.48.637.652.43.410.706
10. Management scenario planning2.15.936.255.93.460.701

Table 3.

Individual managerial competencies of business managers.

Group competenciesNot importantSlightly importantQuite importantVery importantMeanStandard deviation
1. Participation in the process4.812.143.839.33.180.824
2. Analysis of administrative scenarios3.410.747.
3. Creation of relationships with the team5.91144.838.33.160.84
4. Creation of competitive teams4.810.73945.53.250.833
5. Communication to analyze results4.810.341.443.43.230.824
6. Search for efficiency3.
7. Collaborative learning3.19.744.
8. Knowledge of competitors2.47.248.342.13.300.708
9. Leadership in processes4.16.942.146.93.320.778
10. Leadership in the distribution of roles4.85.545.544.13.290.78

Table 4.

Group management competencies developed with the use of simulators.

Table 4 shows the group management competencies that are considered to have improved with the use of the simulators, where 47.9% of the university students emphasize the search for efficiency in the organizational environment, 44.1% leadership in decision-making processes, 45.5% the creation of competitive teams that work for results, 44.1% leadership in the distribution of activities, 43.4% communication among participants to analyze results, 43.1% collaborative learning through teamwork, and 42.1% knowledge of competitors. The results show that collaborative work increases in the different scenarios, allowing to strengthen decision making in the simulation.

Subsequently, significant differences were detected between genders and disciplinary abilities, skills, and competencies after using the ANOVA method. Among the abilities, women indicate that the most relevant is to analyze quantitative information (p < 0.000), while men bet on group work (p < 0.000), and among the skills, women indicate that it is the search for and analysis of information (p < 0.000), and men indicate problem solving (p < 0.000). Among individual competencies, the university women say that leadership is more important in the management of the work team (p < 0.003), while the university men consider that they maintain autonomous learning to improve their knowledge (p < 0.012); and among group competencies, women create personal relationships with the members of their teams to make business decisions (p < 0.000), and men create competitive teams that are oriented to obtain results (p < 0.000).


6. Conclusions

Technology promotes access to different tools that facilitate the teaching-learning processes to favor the quality of education, and STEM methodologies promote favorable scenarios for university students’ learning. Precisely, management simulators allow university students to have a holistic view of the company because all areas are integrated to solve problems, without causing collateral effects, and understand the effects of making decisions in real environments. In fact, gamification strategies used in teaching-learning are innovative in higher education because they generate competitive environments that force the university students to assume a managerial role to act as if they were in a real business practice and participate, as specified by Guzmán Duque and del Moral Pérez [7] and Cristofaro et al. [30] in their research. We agree with Dinata et al. [5] and Schmeller et al. [24] in the ease for the university student to integrate the company in a systemic way, and as evidenced in the research, it offers them an advantage to perform in managerial areas because it will be beneficial to have a disciplinary experience before entering the workplace. For this reason, the graduate profile is improved because competencies are developed for subsequent hiring, coinciding with Navarria et al. [6] because managerial practices are facilitated and with Craig et al. [8] in the application of knowledge, with skill being an advantage of STEM methodologies. From the research, the detection of those capabilities and skills that are required for the maximum use of the simulator in the teaching-learning environment to have more efficient academic processes with the use of technology is contributed.

It was found that students who use virtual simulators continue with the tendency to apply knowledge, improve their competencies, and, coinciding with Guzmán Duque and del Moral Pérez [7], favor competitive environments for men and collaborative environments for university women. In addition, they allow those competencies that were developed in learning environments to become strengths for graduates when they perform in their work environment, coinciding with García et al. [4] on the need for professionals to perform practices that facilitate their performance in the managerial field when exercising their professions and with Minichiello et al. [27] in seeking scenarios that facilitate the understanding of knowledge in a practical way, following STEM methodologies.

On the other hand, the university students indicated that the performance of their functions in their simulated jobs was improved because in the simulator, they applied their knowledge, improved the financial indicators of the simulated companies, and took decisions in environments under pressure, through the analysis of situations and teamwork for the continuous improvement of their companies. This complements the research of García et al. [4]; Dinata et al. [5]; Guzmán Duque and del Moral Pérez [7]; Meissner et al. [22]; and Cristofaro et al. [30], who indicate the need to develop managerial competencies that favor the results of organizations through the performance of professionals, and those of Heitzmann et al. [1]; Craig et al. [8]; and Flegr et al. [26], who affirm the need to use technology and STEM methodologies to improve the training of professionals.

After the results presented, it is necessary to indicate that it is necessary to include environments for training by competencies in ethics, innovation, and empathy in professionals with the use of strategies that promote the improvement of intra and interpersonal competencies. In this way, students are committed from the beginning of the simulations to participate in healthy competitions without affecting their peers on the personal side, generating a healthy environment for decision making and empathy with results orientation. The development of inter- and intrapersonal competencies allows subjects to understand the consequences of their activities, as well as innovative problem solving, and to address the implication of financial decisions on the future of the simulated companies.

The role of technology is very important according to the generation of the students. In the case of the research, most of the university students come from generation Z; they are digital natives and consider it as an ally in their teaching-learning processes, as indicated by Szymkowiak et al. [9]; precisely, simulators become STEM tools that favor learning because they promote the practical application of knowledge and allow the use of technological resources, capabilities, and skills of the university student to exercise their disciplinary competencies. In fact, university students improve their managerial competencies. A different vision is highlighted according to gender: women are collaborative and see the ability to analyze quantitative information as important, while men are competitive and work collaboratively; women indicate generating leadership in work teams and creating relationships for managerial decision making, while men consider seeking efficiency based on autonomous learning to create competitive teams.

Finally, simulators are important tools for Higher Education Institutions, there are ample possibilities to improve the skills of university students to validate all of their generic and professional knowledge, to facilitate insertion into the world of work, and improve the ability to analysis and their personal skills to perform in their jobs, where STEM methodologies are appropriate for the absorption of knowledge and its applicability in the simulated real world, therefore allowing the training of comprehensive professionals.



Special thanks to the Technological Units of Santander for providing the space for the use of the management simulators and to the Business Administration students who answered the questionnaire voluntarily.


Conflict of interest

The authors declare no conflict of interest.


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Written By

Alba Guzmán-Duque and Luisa Chalarca-Guzmán

Submitted: 11 June 2023 Reviewed: 04 August 2023 Published: 12 September 2023