Open access peer-reviewed chapter

Gamification in Real-World Applications: Interactive Maps and Augmented Reality

Written By

Alexandru Predescu and Mariana Mocanu

Submitted: 19 February 2024 Reviewed: 21 February 2024 Published: 14 May 2024

DOI: 10.5772/intechopen.1004870

From the Edited Volume

Level Up! Exploring Gamification's Impact on Research and Innovation

Tibor Guzsvinecz

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This chapter delves into the dynamic realm of gamification applied to real-world scenarios, with a specific focus on the integration of geographic information systems (GIS) and augmented reality (AR). By examining case studies and current research, the potential of combining game design principles with interactive technologies is shown to create immersive and interactive experiences that enhance user engagement in complex problems across various domains such as education, health, and smart government. The large-scale adoption of interactive technologies underscores the importance of ethical considerations, inclusivity, and the potential for these technologies to foster a more connected and informed society. The chapter aims to inspire further research and practical applications in the field, focusing on the transformative power of combining gamification with GIS and AR in real-world settings.


  • gamification
  • augmented reality
  • geographic information systems
  • serious games
  • interactive technologies

1. Introduction

Gamification, the art of applying game design elements and principles in non-gaming contexts, has gained significant traction across various domains, extending far beyond its origins in entertainment. This introductory section aims to establish a foundational understanding of gamification, emphasizing its core mechanics, principles, and its widespread applicability in diverse fields.

To understand the role of gamification in real-world applications, it is important to understand the significant potential that has been accumulated by the video game industry that extends beyond entertainment purposes. Over the past few decades, video games have provided dynamic cultural landscapes that foster active engagement and a sense of collaboration [1, 2, 3].

Mobile gaming represents a more recent outlet for video games, emphasizing the game design elements over hyper-realistic gameplay. From this perspective, gamification involves the translation of the engaging elements found in games, such as points, levels, challenges, and rewards, into non-game environments. This concept is not just about making activities game-like; it’s about enhancing real-world interactions and experiences to be more engaging, motivating, and enjoyable. Gamification is described as the use of game design elements in non-game contexts, and fundamental research in this field offers a framework to understand its key components and implications [4].

Mobile games have played a pioneering role in real-world experiments, with activities such as treasure hunting, geocaching, urban adventure games, and massively multiplayer mobile games, representing a blend of virtual and real-world experiences. Therefore, mobile technologies combined with gamification expand the level of interaction with the digital world, improving the overall user experience over a wide range of applications.

The main challenge is finding out how gaming can provide the spark for increasing participation in the context of a given real-world application. Gamification employs a variety of mechanics to achieve its goals. These include points systems, leaderboards, achievement badges, challenges, and progress tracking. The effectiveness of these mechanics lies in their ability to tap into human psychological needs and motivations, such as the desire for achievement, competition, and social interaction [5].

Gamification has found applications in diverse fields, including education, healthcare, marketing, environmental conservation, and workplace productivity. In each of these areas, gamification serves to engage users, motivate desired behaviors, and enhance the overall experience. Real-world examples of successful gamification demonstrate the versatility and effectiveness of gamification in achieving various objectives across different sectors. In the business sector, gamification has been used to increase customer engagement and loyalty [6]. In health and wellness, gamified apps encourage users to adopt healthier habits [7]. Educational platforms use game elements to enhance student engagement and learning outcomes [8].

As gamification continues to evolve, its application is expanding into new areas, including integration with emerging technologies like augmented reality and interactive maps. The potential for gamification to revolutionize user engagement and experience in these areas is substantial, offering exciting prospects for future development [4].

Nowadays, when digital entertainment and virtual interactions have become integrated into a wide variety of applications, we find ourselves at the nexus of innovation, armed with an arsenal of tools, frameworks, and cutting-edge technologies that empower the design and implementation of diverse scenarios in practical applications [5].

The next frontier in terms of user interaction points towards encompassing interactive environments in real-world scenarios, a domain which extends across the vast landscapes of the metaverse, augmented reality (AR), and virtual reality (VR). The trend of innovation is steering towards a holistic blend of digital and physical realms, where users seamlessly navigate and engage with immersive, layered environments.

While technological advancements provide the tools and infrastructure for the realization of gamified experiences, effective game design should be based on a solid theoretical background for integrating gamification in real-world scenarios. In this sense, gamification requires a deep understanding of user motivations, preferences, and the socio-cultural landscape that define the interaction with gamified elements [9]. User-centric design principles become paramount in creating engaging experiences that resonate with diverse audiences.

This evolution signifies a paradigm shift in how we perceive and interact with our surroundings, transcending conventional boundaries into a new era of interconnected, multisensory experiences. In this dynamic landscape, the convergence of the metaverse, AR, and VR opens unprecedented avenues for creativity, collaboration, and engagement, in the context of real-world applications.

The literature review conducted for this chapter employed a comprehensive and systematic approach to identify, analyze, and synthesize relevant research on the application of gamification within real-world contexts, particularly focusing on its integration with Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and Augmented Reality (AR). The research focused preponderantly on articles published in the last 10 years, on the application of gamification and AR in real-world settings and demonstrating relevant insights into user engagement and interaction. Multiple scientific and academic databases were queried to ensure a wide coverage of the subject, including IEEE Xplore, for technical and engineering aspects of gamification, AR, and GIS technologies, and Google Scholar, for a broad spectrum of scholarly articles covering various applications and theoretical aspects of gamification. The search strategy was formulated using a combination of keywords and phrases to emphasize the interdisciplinary nature of this research: Gamification and Real-World Applications, Augmented Reality and User Engagement, Geographic Information Systems and Interactive Technologies, Game Design Principles and Educational Tools.


2. The synergy of gamification, interactive maps, and augmented reality

Interactive maps and AR technologies are grounded in geospatial science principles - integrating spatial data and GIS to create interactive and immersive maps [10]. These technologies are further enhanced by applying User-Centered Design (UCD) principles, ensuring that the applications are intuitive and meet user needs [11]. GIS systems, especially when combined with gamification and AR, can have a significant impact on various industries. They are instrumental in disaster management and response, transportation planning, resource management, and marketing. The ability to visualize complex data in an intuitive way makes GIS an indispensable tool in modern research and industrial applications [12].

The integration of gamification with interactive maps and AR represents a pioneering approach in various real-world applications. This section delves into how the synergy of these technologies enhances user engagement, motivation, and active involvement, thereby transforming experiences in diverse settings.

Crafting interactive experiences in digital entertainment, especially in game development, demands more than just technical expertise. In the context of mobile applications, gamification emerges as a strategy to enhance user experience, seamlessly blending user-friendly interfaces with captivating game design elements to create a distinctive package for real-world applications [4].

AR technology offers diverse integration possibilities across mobile devices, wearable tech (e.g., smartwatches, AR glasses), and various software platforms. These integrations span from visualizing 3D objects (for instance, through platforms like Augment - 3D) to enhancing navigation and tracking (for instance, in Google Maps with Live View). From an educational standpoint, AR facilitates a range of applications including real-time translation (such as Google Translate offering instant camera translation), enhancing artistic skills (as seen with SketchAR), creating engaging presentations (using tools like Aurasma for animated boards), aiding in navigation (with applications such as Spyglass offering AR-based compass and star tracker features), and augmenting photos and artworks (illustrated by LifePrint Photos and Smartify for interactive art information) [13].

Integrating GIS and AR provides a synergy to enhance user experience by overlaying detailed geospatial information onto the physical world. An in-depth investigation into the advantages of integrating GIS and AR highlights how this combination can address user experience (UX) challenges in systems employing only one of these technologies [14]. Interactive maps and AR bring a new dimension to user interaction; Maps are no longer static representations of geography but dynamic tools that can guide, educate, and entertain, while AR technology enhances GIS by overlaying digital information on the physical world, offering a more immersive way to interact with geospatial data [15].

The technical advancements and applications facilitated by this combination provide a foundation for future research in utilizing both technologies simultaneously. Significant research efforts have been directed towards the development of large scale mixed reality platforms based on real-world maps, of which GeoGuild seeks to transform mobile games into immersive social experiences [16], while VWorld and Unity have been explored for defining a universal framework for location-based game engines [17]. The challenge is to define a unified framework for the next generation of mobile games, seamlessly incorporating real-world elements with virtual environments.

This ongoing pursuit and the wider adoption of cutting-edge technologies involves tapping into existing tools and methods accessible to mobile developers. There are multiple frameworks that can be adapted to real-world applications, such as Unity, a popular development platform for its versatile capabilities and visual feedback [18, 19]. The integration of high-quality geographic data from the Google Maps database adds a dynamic layer to the gaming experience, with game objects adapting dynamically based on the user’s current location [18].

Together, these studies contribute to a higher-level understanding of how gamification, coupled with advanced technologies, can redefine user engagement in the realm of mobile applications with a real-world component.


3. Applications in education

Society is constantly changing, while technological advancements are leaving their mark on education, moving from the traditional blackboard to digital interfaces and smart devices, with a focus on applied learning methods.

This section explores the application of gamification, interactive maps, and AR in education. Through case studies and theoretical frameworks, it illustrates how these technologies can revolutionize learning experiences, making education more immersive, enjoyable, and effective.

Gamification in education leverages game mechanics to increase student engagement and motivation. When combined with AR, it creates immersive learning experiences that are both informative and engaging. A systematic mapping study on gamification in education, demonstrates its wide-ranging applications and effectiveness in enhancing learning outcomes [20].

The integration of cutting-edge technologies in education requires an in-depth understanding of human-computer interactions [21], particularly tailored to the learning environment. Emerging technologies poised for significant impact in education encompass virtual reality (VR), augmented reality (AR), mobile learning devices, and Internet of Things (IoT) devices.

In the modern landscape, most smart devices are equipped with a GPS (Global Positioning System) component, supplying location data for diverse mobile applications, motion sensors for monitoring movements and biometric sensors. An illustrative application of smart devices in educational settings involves substituting traditional mouse and keyboard interactions with body movements or gestures, enabling the creation of mixed reality environments.

Notwithstanding the technical capabilities, the effective integration within the educational frameworks involves conducting extensive large-scale experimental evaluations to explore opportunities, address challenges, generate ideas, develop, and test solutions, define scenarios, deliver, and implement innovations, foster growth, and scalability, and ultimately instigate systemic changes.

In educational settings, combining gamification with interactive maps and AR can revolutionize the learning experience. For instance, in geography and history education, interactive maps with gamified elements can turn a conventional lesson into an engaging exploration. Similarly, AR can bring historical events to life, allowing students to experience history, and transform classroom environments by overlaying digital information onto the physical world. AR can bring complex concepts to life, offering students a more hands-on and experiential learning.

Recent studies emphasize the transformative impact of gamification in educational environments, particularly when combined with advanced technologies like AR – lessons can be gamified to include quests, challenges, and rewards, making the learning process more interactive and enjoyable [22, 23]. The tailored use of gamification in education, highlights its adaptability and capacity to cater to diverse learning styles and needs [22], while the potential of AR and gamification in education suggests that these technologies can significantly improve learning outcomes and student engagement [24].

Therefore, AR-based methodologies are gaining prominence in the vocabulary of educators, marking a paradigm shift in education by introducing innovative perspectives that bridge the educational domain with the technology-driven world. These applications range from displaying multimedia materials within the real environment to stimulating interactive learning, fostering collaboration, and enhancing immersion, underscoring the vast potential benefits of AR in educational technology [25].

Moving beyond the classroom environment, crowdsensing has emerged as one of the most prominent paradigms for harnessing the combined sensing capabilities of smartphones while raising awareness about large-scale problems with a focus on sustainability [26, 27]. The effective application of this concept for the educational domain was demonstrated in the context of an AR-based geolocation app for outdoor exploration. The EduPARK app is based on a treasure hunt format, offering a set of locations and questions to be answered by the participants to get points, with hints and feedback from a virtual mascot, providing a good example of situated learning [28].

The emerging trend of providing location-based experiences has been at the forefront of LEPLACE GLOBAL’s efforts to develop an outdoor exploration platform which enables the design of interactive, geolocation-based stories with AR and gamification elements such as challenges and leaderboards [29]. The Leplace World mobile app offers immersive, self-guided tours with challenges and multimedia content. It supports various activities, including treasure hunts and educational games, tailored by means of a web platform for content designers. This facilitates educational scenarios where tour guides and teachers can create and manage interactive stories, enhancing learning through location-based activities and AR for an engaging experience, as illustrated in Figure 1 [30].

Figure 1.

AR-based geolocation app concept in educational context.

While the benefits are significant, challenges such as technological accessibility, cost, and the need for specialized training for educators must be addressed. Furthermore, there is a growing need for empirical research to define effective implementation guidelines and to evaluate the long-term impacts of these technologies on learning outcomes and student engagement [23].


4. Research and applications

Gamification extends to research domains and other non-traditional gaming environments. This section showcases how gamification, interactive maps, and AR can be leveraged to increase participant involvement in real-world scenarios, enhance customer experiences, and drive innovation within various industries. Beyond education, the synergy of gamification, interactive maps, and AR finds application in various commercial and industrial domains.

In previous research, the authors conclude on the evolution of gaming towards mobile platforms, observing gaming trends and consumer preferences [3, 31]. Transitioning to mobile gaming not only reflects technological advancements but also a significant change in the gaming landscape, with mobile platforms representing a significant market segment with multiple implications for practical applications [18, 31].

In commercial settings, gamified AR apps can guide customers through a store with interactive maps, offering rewards for finding and purchasing specific items, demonstrating significant potential for increasing customer engagement and loyalty [6]. In tourism, interactive AR maps can gamify exploration, encouraging tourists to visit more locations [32]. In health and wellness, gamified apps encourage healthier habits, while in the industrial sector, gamification can be used to improve employee training, enhance productivity, and promote safety practices.

The large-scale adoption of these technologies is already recognized to enhance marketing strategies and improve measurable outcomes, offering interactive experiences that can significantly boost visitor engagement and learning. For instance, AR can overlay historical information or virtual guides over real-world locations, making tours more immersive and informative. GIS allows for personalizing recommendations based on geographical data, while gamification elements encourage exploration and interaction through rewards or challenges that can be precisely measured for effectiveness from real-time feedback [33].

In terms of research domains, crowdsensing was identified as a significant domain of convergence between game design and location-based scenarios, focusing on increasing the contribution of participants in large-scale applications. To understand the versatility and harness the potential of gamification across multiple domains of research and commercial applications, the fundamental concepts should ideally be considered as part of a high-level conceptual framework. The analysis and design of advanced gamification scenarios involve conceptual models based on Activity Theory to understand human behavior in social and organizational contexts [34]. In this sense, Clark’s work in [35] introduced the concept of Serious Games (SG), characterized by their significant implications for various sectors such as e-Health, e-Commerce, and e-Learning, employing gamification to enhance user interaction and motivation.

In research settings, gamification techniques can be employed to increase participant involvement and data collection quality. For instance, gamified mobile apps can be used in environmental research to encourage data collection by citizens [36]. Solutions based on crowdsensing can prove to be essential for smart cities, allowing for monitoring areas that are not covered by fixed infrastructure while providing a direct channel of interaction between citizens and authorities [37].

There are several challenges and opportunities in designing effective crowdsensing solutions based on emerging technologies. As these technologies continue to evolve, new applications emerge across various industries. However, challenges such as balancing gamification elements to avoid over-stimulation, ensuring data privacy, and maintaining user interest over time need to be addressed.

The serious gaming approach defined in [31] outlines a georeferenced game design using dispatch optimization and reward incentives for crowdsensing tasks. The effectiveness of this approach is validated through simulations, focusing on task allocation and incentive mechanisms based on the VRP (Vehicle Routing Problem) and the VCG (Vickrey–Clarke–Groves) auction model. These models evaluate the system’s performance, emphasizing the balance between participation incentives and the importance of truthful reporting for system utility.

The underlying SG platform is based on the Leplace World mobile platform designed by LEPLACE GLOBAL and the authors for citizen reporting based on crowdsensing, which uses gamification to boost engagement and interaction. The mobile app displays a map with the location of reported issues alongside player locations, featuring a responsive and visually appealing interface. The format can be adapted for specific crowdsensing scenarios, such as monitoring user-reported events in water distribution systems, as shown in Figure 2. The mobile application was developed in the context of the Watergame project at Politehnica University of Bucharest, demonstrating the perspectives of modern technologies in crowdsensing scenarios.

Figure 2.

Watergame application.

Considering the significance of the participants’ involvement in a large-scale crowdsensing scenario, another perspective is outlined by the ParticipAct project, demonstrating how task co-creation and gamification can greatly increase user engagement. An interesting study showcases a gamification strategy to enhance sensing coverage, proving more effective than traditional incentives [38]. The research aims to boost Mobile Crowdsensing Systems (MCS) coverage for infrastructure monitoring through gamification, focusing on place-centric data collection and evaluating the overall effectiveness in a simulated environment.

A critical appraisal of the studies reviewed reveals several common limitations in the context of real-world applications. These may include, but are not limited to, small sample sizes, short-term study durations, and the reliance on self-reported data. Large-scale deployment of gamification strategies, especially those integrating GIS and AR technologies, demands significant investment in hardware, software development, and ongoing maintenance. Nonetheless, the results from simulation and real-world scenarios combined provide actionable insights.

Future research should focus on optimizing the integration of these technologies in various domains and evaluating their long-term impact. The theoretical models and practical considerations should synergize to provide new perspectives in terms of potential applications in research and commercial settings.


5. Practical considerations

To provide actionable insights, this section concludes with practical strategies and implementation guidelines. It provides educators, researchers, scientists, and professionals with the insights to harness the power of gamification, interactive maps, and AR in their respective fields. By exploring the intersection of gamification, interactive maps, and augmented reality, this section contributes by shedding light on innovative strategies that propel research and innovation across diverse scientific domains.

While the integration of these technologies offers numerous benefits, it also presents new challenges. Technical limitations, accessibility, and digital fragmentation are concerns that need addressing. Furthermore, there is a need for more empirical research to understand the long-term impacts of this technological synergy on various demographic groups, starting with the educational context [39].

From a technical perspective, gamification in real-world scenarios requires careful consideration of the real environment and the interactions with the physical world to be effective. In the context of MCS solutions including a broad range of technologies, there are significant technical challenges and limitations with regards to system architecture, integrations, and scalability.

The practical implications of research work in this field revolve around creating a universal platform for serious gaming across various industries, leveraging advanced AR technologies and the widespread availability of mobile devices. The primary research challenge lies in enhancing interactive sensing capabilities in MCS through AR integration. There is ongoing research focused on optimizing 3D registration and tracking of virtual objects, referencing real-world features and the need for advanced calibration methods to accurately align real and virtual worlds in a seamless blend.

The proposed solution described in related research [36, 40] emphasizes gamification and user experience on a crowdsensing platform designed to foster collaboration and participation within smart city initiatives. It also highlights potential obstacles in deploying Geospatial AR, such as correcting deviations and addressing discontinuities in gyroscope readings, underscoring the complexity of integrating AR in practical settings [40]. The results have been validated in the context of the real-life exploration game developed by LEPLACE GLOBAL, which provides an alternative representation for the interactive map, based on Geospatial AR, as shown in Figure 3 [29].

Figure 3.

ARMAX: Integrating AR in a location-based mobile application.

Going forward, the integration of gamification strategies into real-world applications, especially in interactive maps and AR, is enhanced by recent technological advancements. AR/VR headsets, such as the Apple Vision Pro, have set forth the new era for AR and spatial computing, characterized by a revolutionary interaction system that leverages a three-dimensional interface, offering a natural and intuitive user experience that blends virtual and real environments – XR (eXtended Reality) [24]. The spatial operating system, enables a new paradigm allowing users to interact with digital content as if it were physically present, offering limitless possibilities for connectivity, productivity, and entertainment in gamified applications [41].

In the realm of practical applications, the innovative GIS and AR integration (XR-GIS) can be designed to map underground utilities, demonstrating the system’s effectiveness in real-time data collection, visualization, and communication among construction stakeholders [42]. The XR-GIS platform showcases the practical application of these technologies in improving operational efficiency and safety in construction by allowing for electronic data collection and communication on-site, stored and processed in cloud-based storage for immediate real-time decision-making.

The convergence of GIS with IoT outlines the perspectives in smart cities, enhancing urban planning, utility management, and environmental monitoring. The GIS capabilities in handling geospatial data, combined with IoT real-time data collection and monitoring, can foster the development of integrated systems allowing for the technical sophistication required for the seamless operation of smart infrastructure [43].

There are certain aspects regarding the practical considerations that need to be addressed to enable effective gamification in the realm of GIS and AR-based applications, considering the implementation guidelines, and domains of application, as outlined in Table 1.

Practical considerationsGuidelinesDomainsReferences
Integration and CompatibilityUtilize open standards and APIs, test across platforms, employ middleware solutionsAll domains using these technologies[42, 44, 45]
UI/UX designDesign intuitive UIs, focus on minimizing latency (AR), user-centered design, usability testingEducation, AR applications, gamified platforms[14, 20, 46]
Scalability and PerformanceUse cloud services, optimize data algorithms, scalable system designHigh-traffic applications, AR in large-scale environments[47, 48, 49]
Data Accuracy and ReliabilityUse reliable data sources, ensure regular updates, validation checksGIS applications, AR-based navigation and exploration[31, 50]
Accessibility and InclusivityAdhere to accessibility standards, inclusive design, features for diverse user groupsEducational tools, public-facing applications[51, 52, 53]
Privacy and SecurityRobust security measures, compliance with privacy laws, transparency in data usageAll domains, especially those handling personal and location data[54, 55]
Technological Limitations and User AdoptionDesign with current tech limitations in mind, provide training and supportFields new to AR, gamification, and interactive maps[56]
Evaluating Effectiveness and ROIDevelop specific metrics, track engagement and usage, assess improvementsCorporate training, educational applications, marketing strategies[57, 58]

Table 1.

Practical considerations.

The practical considerations of incorporating gamification in real-world applications based on interactive maps and AR are significantly influenced by a spectrum of technologies beyond the smartphone. The combined features of these devices not only redefine user engagement but also ensure social connectivity, immersive experiences, and data security. As the field of spatial computing evolves, the synergy between these technologies will continue to shape the future of gamification in real-world applications.


6. Conclusions

In this chapter, we have explored the transformative potential of integrating GIS and AR within the realm of gamification, highlighting its significant impact on user experience across various real-world applications. The convergence of these technologies has been shown not only to enhance user engagement and interaction but also to provide innovative solutions to complex problems in education, health, urban planning, and beyond. The examples provided underscore the versatility and adaptability of gamification, interactive maps, and AR, illustrating their capability to create immersive, engaging experiences that transcend traditional boundaries.

As we look towards the future, the synergy between GIS, AR, and gamification will continue to evolve, driven by technological advancements and a deeper understanding of user engagement dynamics. While the potential for these technologies to revolutionize learning, improve health outcomes, and foster community engagement is vast, it requires continued research, thoughtful implementation, and a commitment to user-centric design principles. Embracing these challenges and opportunities brings about a new era in digital interaction, where the boundaries between the physical and virtual worlds become increasingly blurred, offering unprecedented possibilities for innovation and impact in real-world applications.

Acknowledging the work of pioneers in the field and the ongoing efforts of researchers and practitioners, this chapter aims to inspire further exploration and development within the gamification community. As we advance, it is essential to maintain a focus on ethical considerations, accessibility, and inclusivity, ensuring that the benefits of GIS, AR, and gamification are effectively represented. With a collaborative approach and a commitment to excellence, the future of gamification in real-world applications promises a more engaged, informed, and connected world.



The examples provided are based on the work of LEPLACE GLOBAL, a tech startup in the industry of augmented reality and location-based mobile games, co-founded by the first author of this chapter.


Conflict of interest

The authors declare no conflict of interest.


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Written By

Alexandru Predescu and Mariana Mocanu

Submitted: 19 February 2024 Reviewed: 21 February 2024 Published: 14 May 2024