Open access peer-reviewed chapter

Online and Mobile-Assisted Language Learning

Written By

Omnia Ibrahim Mohamed and Omar Al-Jadaan

Submitted: 22 August 2023 Reviewed: 17 September 2023 Published: 01 February 2024

DOI: 10.5772/intechopen.1003054

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Level Up! Exploring Gamification's Impact on Research and Innovation

Tibor Guzsvinecz

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Online language classes and mobile-assisted language learning applications (Apps) are non-traditional methods of education that differ from traditional classes, which involve face-to-face instruction and teacher-led lessons. Web or mobile-assisted language learning applications cater to the changing world, making them convenient and affordable for those with limited time. These applications can be used at the learners’ convenience, making them a qualitative leap in the field of language learning. There is a world full of language applications some of which are dedicated to the education of the English Language as the Global language and others have many languages to learn. In the explorations of language applications, the Google Bundle is one of the best for online classes as it is the most comprehensive bundle and Duolingo is the best language application, if we considered the increasing number of its downloads and its continuously increasing revenue. Most of the applications have free and Pro or Premium features, and some only offer a free trial of one lesson or a seven-day trial. Each application has different teaching methods; some use gamification, interactive exercises, communicative approach, spaced repetition, contextual learning, audio-visual learning, and personalization. Moreover, most of the applications employ Artificial intelligence (AI) for immediate feedback.


  • online language learning
  • Google bundle
  • mobile-assisted language learning (MALL) applications
  • Duolingo
  • cake language learning application
  • Babbel
  • hello English
  • artificial intelligence (AI)
  • gamification
  • personalization
  • audio-visual learning

1. Introduction

The Internet and mobile technology have practically infiltrated every facet of our life. All over the globe, everyone is surfing the internet and its applications using their cell phones, tablets, laptops, or desktops, especially students at all levels of education.

For a long time, technology has mastered the area of education. Emails, university management systems (UMS), and WhatsApp are all methods that educational institutions use to communicate with their students. There are WhatsApp groups for each subject as well as for students of the same academic year. Instructors or teachers may also join these groups to facilitate interaction with their students. Learners have been introduced to information technology, which has changed their learning styles and processes. Net Generation learners believe that employing technology in the classroom is vital as the majority of them have benefited from Internet resources in their education.

Hulme (2020) explained that Mobile devices can serve as a link between in-class and out-of-class learning. When learning occurs outside of the classroom, it is frequently outside the teacher’s grasp and control. This may be regarded as a danger, but it is also a chance to revitalize and rethink present teaching and learning practices. For several reasons, mobile learning appeals to a wide spectrum of people. The next generation of mobile learning is anticipated to be more pervasive, which implies that there will be smart systems for digital learning everywhere. Mobile learning is demonstrating its ability to meet real learner demands at the place of need and to provide more flexible language learning methods [1].

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic lockdown in 2020, all educational institutions recognized that everything was different than it used to be. The benefits of electronic education have risen to the forefront. Suddenly, everyone started working virtually. People involved in training, teaching, and higher education had to employ remote access to content that they were totally or partially ignorant about. They began to figure out a method to interact even though they were all in the same geographical spot. All learners, anywhere, were required to participate in online learning. Both students and teachers had to adjust in the absence of live face-to-face classes. They were all quickly instructed to use virtual educational platforms like Google Classroom, Google Meet, Google Docs, and Google Forms, as well as conventional communication tools like email and WhatsApp. As a result, the whole educational environment has evolved substantially as this was a worldwide event, not a local or national one. Some disciplines presented difficulties for both students and teachers since it was difficult for them to figure out how are they going to teach without classroom contact. Amongst these disciplines was a language like English, although several English courses, such as the IGCSE, SAT, or even general English language classes, were previously offered virtually, not the regular daily classes.

Nevertheless, many features of virtual or online teaching and learning had to be extensively investigated to determine the efficiency of various online techniques in teaching the four skills of any language (reading, writing, listening, and speaking), as well as presentation skills. WhatsApp, email, and mostly Google educational tools were employed in educating and interacting with students. Each of these educational applications served an important purpose in the process of online English instruction. Aside from WhatsApp, email, and UMS, Google applications played the most significant part at the time of the pandemic up till now.

On the other hand, there are other language tools for self-education in any second language. This is called mobile-assisted language education in which any learner can self-educate him/herself without having to join regular classes whether it be online or onsite. These applications have become very popular recently as they teach language according to the learner’s convenience. Anyone can use these language applications anytime and in any place. They can even use it whilst commuting from one place to the other or whilst waiting for any service to be accomplished or even whilst waiting for their turn in a queue.

These mobile applications can teach learners all four skills required to learn a second language. They all use the communicative approach which is a language learning methodology that emphasizes learning through real-life communication, focuses on developing learners’ ability to use language in a meaningful and authentic context, and engages them to practise listening, speaking reading, and writing in a natural situation. Most of these applications use artificial Intelligence (AI). But, each application has a different method of teaching.

Some applications use gamification which is the incorporation of game elements and mechanisms such as points, badges, leaderboards, and challenges into non-game contexts like the education method. That resembles mobile games and gives rewards (XPs) and the learner has lives that can decrease when the learner gives wrong answers until they expire and the learner has to wait for a refill. Most of the applications also use “Contextual Learning” which focuses on understanding information within its relevant context or setting, emphasizing the importance of grasping the meaning and application of concepts by considering the circumstances in which they are used. For example, context related to job interviews, travels, family…etc.

Other applications rely on videos and podcasts from movies or famous sitcoms that help to enrich the vocabulary of learners. Others redirect learners to recorded classes on YouTube channels by professional language tutors and few applications allow users to book live classes with tutors of their choice, depending on the reviews of previous learners.

This chapter will cover both types of language learning. It will discuss online language learning by professional lecturers, which can also be through the use of laptops, desktops or mobiles. It will also discuss the self-learning of language by discussing the most renowned language learning applications and attempting to compare them to the rest of the less popular applications.


2. The Google bundle

2.1 Google meet

Google Meet is a very important Google application in education, in general, and in language learning, in particular. This program establishes a live connection between the teacher and the students. The teachers may meet with the students in real time and share a computer screen with them to see demonstrations, files, presentations, images, and other media. They may even record the lecture or class for the students to watch later if they like. When the recording is finished, the teachers can immediately share the recorded lesson with the students using Google Drive. By using Google Meet, the four skills of a language can be learned virtually and easily without having to go to a language centre.

2.2 Google docs

Google Docs, one of Google’s educational tools, is a very important tool in education. It is free and easily accessible. They are safe online applications that automatically save data with a low probability of loss. Students can use their gadgets to access, generate, compose, modify, or share documents. Students can also add links, photographs, illustrations, or artwork to their Google Document before sharing it or saving it as a PDF file or Microsoft Word.

2.3 Google forms

With Google Forms, teachers can simply collect and categorize content, as well as create custom questionnaires, forms, and quizzes. After students complete the Google form, their replies are shown as a brief overview or in an independent spreadsheet to illustrate specifics. Google Forms, documents, and spreadsheets are constantly updated and retained on the World Wide Web.

2.4 Google drive

Other programs that enhance the teaching and learning processes are included in Google applications. They provide a means for teachers’ courses and activities to be shared. Google Drive is one of Google’s most important educational applications. The teacher can upload large files and provide links for students to share. Teachers can also make a roster of the students they teach and assign them to groups.

2.5 Google classroom

Another educational program that is used for online teaching is Google Classroom, through which the teachers can create classes and ask students to participate in them. After the teacher creates the class, he/she may upload lessons, quizzes, and assignments in any format, such as video, audio, PowerPoint, Word, or PDF. Once the teacher sets up a class, a Class Drive folder is automatically established to receive students’ work. Furthermore, teachers may engage with their students via the “stream”, where they can exchange postings and schedule communications. After the pandemic, the dependence on mobile applications increased tremendously and virtual education using applications prevailed. Pachler, Cook, and Bachmair (2010) stated that Mobile-Assisted Language Learning (MALL), a subset of M(mobile)-learning, is a rapidly growing field with important implications for teaching English with Technology [2].

Therefore, as Mohamed (2021) stated these Applications can be used as successful online learning instruments and can be implemented rapidly to enhance blended learning. Using Google Meet, Google Classroom, Google Docs, and other supporting internet applications like WhatsApp, email, and mobile phones, had significant effects on delivering quality English language courses and achieving the learning outcomes required [3]. This has been proven successful as many of the renowned language centres like the British Council are now offering online as well as onsite courses for the learners to choose from according to their convenience.


3. Mobile-assisted language education

Away from learning a language within the educational or academic system, in today’s increasingly globalized world, self-learning a new language for purposes other than academic purposes has become a valuable skill, whether for personal growth, career development or increased cultural awareness. The benefits of becoming bilingual or multilingual are undeniable. Recognizing this need and the increasing availability of mobile technology has contributed to a growth in mobile-assisted language learning, in which learners can study a second language (L2) autonomously at any time or place. Moreover, the idea of learning a language anytime, anywhere with the use of mobile devices can motivate learners and encourage them to take responsibility for their own learning process, which in turn can make them feel that they have authority over the process [4].

Most language learning applications are “freemium”. This term is a combination of the words “free” and “premium”, and refers to a pricing model in which a basic good or service is offered free of charge, but additional features or services, are available for purchase at a cost that enhances the capabilities of the free version of the software. Other applications offer a free trial of one lesson or a seven-day trial and then the user has to pay to start the process of learning.

There are several evaluations of language learning applications, but each evaluation has different criteria. Some of the evaluations are restricted to a certain area or a certain group. For example, Forbes’s evaluation is restricted to the USA only, and CNN’s evaluations are also restricted to the viewers of CNN. Yet, the number of downloads can also reflect which application is more popular than the other worldwide.

3.1 Duolingo

According to Forbes, Duolingo is the “Best Free Language Lessons”. It is indeed one of the best mobile-assisted language applications. Duolingo and Cake applications are on top regarding downloads, as each application has reached 100M+ downloads. The application offers 40 languages for free. It is an application designed to make language learning enjoyable and simple, and it has proven to be very successful in this goal. This is proven by the chart below where Duolingo’s downloads have increased from 120 to 673M in 8 years. Moreover, the number of daily active users is constantly increasing (Figure 1).

Figure 1.

Duolingo downloads from 2015 to 2022.

In Duolingo, the users are invited to submit information about their present language competence level and to define their language learning objectives after installing the application. Based on this information, Duolingo generates a customized curriculum that is suited to the needs of the particular user. This personalized learning technique results in a more efficient and effective learning experience. Personalization is education tailoring to meet the individual needs, preferences, and learning styles of each student. This approach creates a more relevant and engaging learning environment that suits every learner.

One of the key features of Duolingo is its gamification approach used in language learning. To motivate users to finish lessons and progress through the course, the program incorporates a point system (XPs). Users receive points for completing lessons and may compete with their friends to see who can gain the most points. This gamification method is particularly effective, since it keeps the users interested and motivated. The user may only be asked to pay if he/she wants to buy extra lives, like in any mobile game. According to Duolingo’s website, a research conducted by the City University of New York estimated that 34 hours of Duolingo study was similar to one semester of college-level language learning. This great accomplishment demonstrates the application’s usefulness in assisting users in learning a new language. Duolingo offers 95 courses accessible in 38 languages and has over 500 million registered subscribers, of whom 37 million are active at least once every month.

Loewen, (2019) conducted a study that examined the semester-long learning experiences and outcomes of nine people who use Duolingo to learn Turkish. At the end of the research, the participants’ skills were improved on second language (L2) assessments, and the results demonstrated a positive, moderate link between the amount of time spent on Duolingo and the achievements. In terms of their experiences, participants generally rated Duolingo’s flexibility and gamification components favorably; nevertheless, they also expressed variety in motivation to study and dissatisfaction with teaching materials [5].

Most of the reviews on Duolingo praise it as one of the best motivating language applications due to its gamification method and competitive mode, its content and its daily goals, basics and sentence structure learning method. Yet, the basic explanation of grammar is missing and there is no method to correct what is wrong. Moreover, in the competitive mode, you cannot participate without a subscription as it leaves much to be desired by the non-subscribers. The advertisements (ads.) are also present in most of the applications, but they are not disruptive according to most of the reviews.

3.2 Cake: Learn English and Korean

Similarly, Cake – Learn English and Korean is a very popularly downloaded application that exceeded 100 Million downloads and that has very good reviews from customers. Yet, despite its popularity, it only offers two languages—English and Korean. This fact shows that it is a very successful application since it offers only two languages and still, it is one of the top-rated applications. Moreover, being originally a South Korean application, it is not only popular in Asia Pacific Region but also in Europe and the United States. The below chart shows the downloads of Cake worldwide from the 1st quarter of 2020 to 2nd quarter of 2022 (Figure 2).

Figure 2.

Downloads of language learning app Cake worldwide from 1st quarter 2020 to 2nd quarter 2022.

This application has a free and a plus version, and like Duolingo, it has the same gaming path where the users move along as they finish lessons. Cake relies mostly on popular videos. It teaches certain expressions, sentences, or idioms by showing them on movie clips from famous movies or sitcoms like “Friends” or cartoons like “The Simpsons”, which make the learning experience more fun and enjoyable. This provides the users with an innovative and effective way to learn languages. It stands out from other language learning platforms due to its unique approach and comprehensive features.

Yet, Cake does not check the level of knowledge of the user as Duolingo does. It immediately starts with lessons that are not specified to a certain level. The application has a user-friendly interface which makes language learning enjoyable and easily accessible. It also has clear navigation and an intuitive design that even beginners can use without feeling overwhelmed.

Moreover, Cake also uses the gamification techniques, like Duolingo, to motivate and engage users turning language learning into a fun and addictive experience. The progress of learners is tracked through a visually appealing path allowing users to see their achievements and areas for improvement at a glance. As previously mentioned, another standout feature of Cake is its interactive activities designed to enhance language retention of educational content and practical application. Interactive activities or exercises require active participation from learners often using digital platforms.

The application provides a wide range of exercises, including vocabulary, quizzes, grammar drills, listening comprehension exercises, and speaking practice. Yet, some of the reviews and practices are not accessible except for the plus subscribers. The free subscribers are directed to subscribe to selected YouTube channels where there are language teachers who give classes on certain topics from which the users can select according to their needs and preferences. Moreover, there are also some tips for language in the form of short reels that are partially accessible to free subscribers. Through its diverse content offerings, users can choose from a wide range of topics, including business, travel, culture, and entertainment, ensuring that they are learning vocabulary and skills relevant to their interests and future goals. These classes and interactive activities help users develop all aspects of language proficiency, ensuring a well-rounded language learning experience. Therefore, it accommodates different learning styles and preferences.

To further support users in their language learning journey, Cake incorporates a vibrant community of fellow language enthusiasts. The application allows users to see the progress of other learners, which creates an atmosphere of competition and challenge that encourages users. Furthermore, Cake offers audio and video lessons allowing users to practise their listening and comprehension skills with authentic language materials to cater to busy individuals that involve using auditory and visual cues to enhance learning, and using multimedia to engage learners. It also provides a flexible learning experience with its offline mode, since users can access their lessons and activities without an internet connection making it possible to learn on the go, even during commutes or whilst traveling. In addition, the application offers bite-sized lessons allowing users to squeeze in language learning during small pockets of free time.

Yet, the drawbacks of this application were that it is restricted to only two languages (English and Korean), and sometimes there is a voice recognition problem in the speaking skills practice no matter how loud and clear you speak, and sometimes it glitches and does not record the voice; that most of the customers complained of. Moreover, in the speaking part, the application keeps marking the mistakes in yellow without correcting the wrong pronunciation. The second problem is that sometimes it quizzes the learners on lessons they have never reviewed before. Another complaint is that there are lessons that are not free, and of course, the most popular complaint of all users in all the applications is the advertisements that always interrupt the learning session.

Some reviews claim that this application is far better than Duolingo and that it is more interactive as it offers a wider range of interactive lessons that are very engaging and well-structured. Moreover, the content is diverse, covering various topics such as vocabulary, grammar, listening, and speaking. The aforementioned bite-sized lessons are also well-praised by the users as this gives them a chance to improve their pronunciation and practise what they have already learned. Another praise was for the type of videos used, as they are taken from the media and are fun to watch. The application also scores the quizzes like video games and sends new phrases and reminders throughout the day.

3.3 Babbel: Language learning

Another prominent application is Babbel, which is an esteemed language learning platform operated by Babbel GmbH, a renowned company that started in 2007 located in Berlin, Germany. In 2013, it expanded to the USA and continues to thrive in its innovative journey.

Babbel is ranked after Duolingo and Cake with 50M+ downloads. It is also ranked in Forbes as the “Best Language Learning App Overall” and it is the winner of the 2020 IELA E-Learning Award in the category of mobile-assisted learning. Millions of individuals across the world have downloaded the application, which is accessible on both the Android and iOS platforms. It was designed to help users learn a new language. The application offers courses in English and 13 different languages, including Spanish, French, German, Italian, Portuguese, Russian, Turkish, Dutch, Polish, Indonesian, Norwegian, Danish, and Swedish. On the application, it is stated that “The Babbel method is backed by researchers at Yale University. According to research, 75% of learners accomplish their goal with Babbel”.

Babbel made a revenue of €198 Million in 2021. It had some losses over the years from 2015 to 2023, but it has overcome these losses. In “The Business of Applications” website, the revenues of Babbel and Duolingo are compared in the following graph (Figure 3).

Figure 3.

Revenues of Babbel and Duolingo from 2017 till 2022 [6].

From the chart, it is evident that the profits of Duolingo’s revenue exceeded Babbel in 2022. But what is surprising is that Babbel’s revenues have exceeded Duolingo from 2017 till mid-2020. Then Duolingo boomed in 2021 and 2022.

The application starts by asking learners about their native language. Just as the learners choose their native language, the language of the application changes to the native language chosen. Yet, many important languages are not available, like Arabic, Russian, or Chinese. Therefore, many people who would like to use the application may not use it because of this defect. On the other hand, Babbel has an advantage that is not available in Duolingo; it classifies the languages available according to the dialects. For example, it has British English and American English or Spanish Spain and Latin Spanish. Therefore, the users can choose the dialect they prefer.

Babbel does not test the users’ proficiency level at the beginning. It just asks the users about their knowledge of the target language, and they have to choose between “not much”, “some”, or “a lot”. Yet, there is an optional placement test for the user to use according to their preference. It also inquires about the reason for learning the language and the time they want to allocate for learning to tailor the course according to the preference of the users. This is an advantage of Babbel as it allows personalized learning. The application employs a unique algorithm that determines the user’s learning style and tailors the courses accordingly. In other words, the program will deliver lessons that are personalized to the users’ specific requirements and learning preferences. In addition, there are Live Courses where the users can book a specific teacher, and for certain languages, podcasts are also available as an additional resource. Yet, the amount of content present in each language may vary.

Podcasts in Babbel are a very unique feature that was noticed by researchers. Sporn, Chanter, and Meehan (2020) wrote an article that describes the pedagogical method and expertise behind Babbel’s podcasts along with some best practices for creating effective audio-based learning experiences. They stated that Babbel’s podcast library provides creative audio-learning experiences for language learning and cultural enrichment. Users find the strategies used, such as sound design, contextual assistance, speech tempo, and duration, valuable for beginners. Over 90% of respondents to a survey found the level appropriate for them, and the detailed advice provided was welcomed. The success of this approach for beginners is evident, and Babbel plans to explore new routes for authentic audio and explore its potential for other language learners [7].

Yet, Babbel’s courses do not rely on gamification in progress, but there is a section for games where the learners can play fun word games that enhance their vocabulary and conversation skills. In general, The content found in Babbel is valuable and poses a good level of difficulty, accommodating individuals with varying degrees of proficiency. However, unlike Duolingo, it is not free. Nevertheless, its cost is reasonable and makes it attainable for a diverse pool of learners. Users are presented with the opportunity to select from an assortment of subscription options, such as monthly and yearly plans. Customers may cancel their memberships at any moment; also, the application provides a free trial period that allows users to test out the program before committing to a subscription.

Moreover, the program includes tasks and quizzes to help users reinforce their knowledge outside of the application. For example, the application includes a vocabulary trainer that allows users to practise their vocabulary on the go as well as a speech recognition feature that allows users to practise their pronunciation and speaking skills. Moreover, the application includes a feature that allows users to connect with native speakers of the language they are learning, which allows them to practise their language skills in a real-world setting. Furthermore, hint popups or instructional blurbs are particularly beneficial for beginners seeking guidance and ensuring an effective learning experience.

However, it is essential to improve the visual layout of the topics and lessons that have been completed. This will enhance readability and help users navigate through the material more effectively. Moreover, there are also problems related to the voice recognition feature and the same problem, that is mentioned in other applications, of not correcting the pronunciation is evident too. Another drawback is that the users cannot go back to redo previous lessons, yet there is a review feature. Some users claimed that the web version is better than the mobile application, especially in the voice recognition feature and the rapid loading of the lessons, as loading the lessons on the application sometimes requires several trials. There were also complaints regarding the grammatical content being detailed and complex. Spending a lot of time on some grammar topics or complex grammatical structures at the early stage of learning can be demotivating.

3.4 Hello English: Learn English

Hello English is another 50M+ downloads application. As it is evident from the name, this application is not multilingual. It only focuses on the English language. And the fact that it only focuses on English and has 50M+ downloads reflects the importance of learning the English language globally as well as the success of the application in attracting this number of learners of English. This app was awarded Google’s Editor’s Choice 2017, 2018 and Google’s best app for 2016 as well as being chosen as “India’s Best Mobile App” for 2017 by IAMAI (Internet and Mobile Association of India).

Once the learners register, they are asked about their learning objective; whether they want to learn English for travel, for a better career, for a certain competitive exam. etc. Then the application asks about the type of learner if he/she is a student, college graduate, retired, working…etc. As with most of the applications, there are two versions. The learner is asked if he/she wants the limited version or the Pro version. The Pro Version has more options and facilities than the limited one. But the learner can use the limited version successfully, as it is also a good version. The Pro version has unlimited access to all live speaking sessions and 100+ hours of interactive courses. Moreover, all the lessons are unlocked offline and the app is ad-free then with no interruptions.

What is different about this application is that it has a “Helpline”. This feature is like WhatsApp, where you can ask your teacher questions and every day the teacher sends material on the Helpline for the learner. This material can be a list of vocabulary words, grammatical instructions, a small reading comprehension passage followed by questions, some idioms, or sentences used on special occasions or in certain situations …etc.

Learners have a new lesson every day in which they can earn coins by answering questions related to certain selected topics. They can either claim the coins or double them up. The questions are all translated into the native language that the learner selected at the beginning of the sign-up. There are also hanging comments that appear to give the learner grammatical or spelling tips related to a certain question. In the pro subscription, you can go through your mistakes immediately after finishing the questions. This feature is called “Smart Revision”. There is also a Gold Plan, where learners can have live classes with English experts.

The application tackles the four skills of English in a very interesting and interactive manner. Learners can challenge and play with other learners and participate in multiplayer challenge tournaments and earn awards. Yet, there are some drawbacks and one of them is the fact that the application runs in the native language of the learner like Babbel. The application offers only 14 languages and half of them are Indian dialects like Punjabi, Tamil, Urdu, Nepali, Malayalam, Malay, and Hindi. Hence, if the learner’s native language is not there, he/she will not be able to use the application. Some learners complained that in live classes, the teachers do not translate the slides in their native language. Yet, this translation method is not professional, as according to many linguists and teachers in this field, when there is no translation in language classes, more class communication and action are involved because the teacher tries to use all the facilities and all the skills he/she has to deliver the information. In this process, though it may take a longer time, whatever is being taught lingers in the head of the learners and the vocabulary is retained for a long time without the help of bilingualism. This is totally the opposite when translation is used because when students acquire something easily, it goes as easily as it is acquired [8]. Otherwise, nearly all the reviews are positive except for rare cases of crashes or slow loading of pictures.


4. Other mobile-assisted language applications

Now that we have discussed the highest-rated language applications regarding their features, advantages and disadvantages, below is a glimpse at other mobile-assisted language applications and the main features and teaching methodologies used by each application. These applications are with lower than 11M downloads and are also widely used.

4.1 Rosetta stone: Learn languages (10M+)

Uses an immersion learning method without learning implementing a contextual multimedia approach (images, text, and audio) to develop language skills.

4.2 Busuu-learn languages (10M+)

Uses a combination of lessons, exercises, and social interaction for developing interactive writing, speaking, and listening skills. For correction of writing exercises, peer review is applied.

4.3 Memrise: Speak a new language (10M+)

Focuses on vocabulary acquisition, along with spaced repetition technique for better retention. User-generated content for a variety of languages [9]. This is called the “Spaced Repetition” learning technique which involves reviewing and practising information at increasing intervals over time, in order to optimize memory retention by revisiting content just before forgetting starts to occur. This technique is employed in several language learning applications.

4.4 ELSA: AI learn and speak English (10M+)

Improves English language speaking through AI-powered technology, using speech recognition to correct pronunciation [10].

4.5 Lingodeer-learn languages (10M+)

Offers interactive lessons for Asian languages as well as Spanish, French, and German with a focus on reading, listening, and speaking, where the cultural context is integrated.

4.6 BBC learning English (10M+)

Offers audio-video content for improving English language skills, using News and stories to enhance listening and comprehension.

4.7 Mondly learn 33 languages (10M+)

Offers interactive lessons with an emphasis on vocabulary building, phrases, and conversations, using gamification elements as Augmented Reality features for engagement.

4.8 ABA English (10M+)

Video-based lessons representing real-life scenarios, supported by grammar and vocabulary exercises for comprehension learning [11].

4.9 Improve English: Vocabulary grammar (5M+)

Builds English language vocabulary through games, and quizzes with an emphasis on building a strong word base. It focuses on improving vocabulary retention and usage.

4.10 Beelinguapp language audiobook (5M+)

A bilingual reading side-by-side in two languages that emphasizes improving reading skills through stories. Learners read and listen in Spanish, German, French, and more.

4.11 Learn English grammar (1M+)

An only English application operated by the British Council. It is grammar-focused to improve English language skills, lessons, and quizzes covering various grammar topics.

4.12 Andy-English speaking bot (1M+)

An English language learning app through chatbot conversation, with emphasis on daily interaction and vocabulary building.

4.13 Pimsleur: Language learning (1M+)

An audio-based application with emphasis on pronunciation and speaking that uses the gradual introduction of new vocabulary and concepts. It also has videos that use the repetitive method to build vocabulary.

4.14 Lingbe: Practice languages (1M+)

A language exchange application for speaking practice with a native speaker.

4.15 Bright English for beginners (1M+)

A vocabulary builder and grammar-focused app for learning languages based on personalized lessons customized to learner proficiency.

4.16 LingQ-learn 42 languages (1M+)

A reading-focused app with authentic content in various languages, building vocabulary through context and repetition. It also employs videos, podcasts, and web articles.

4.17 IELTS prep app (1M+)

An English application that is empowered by the British Council to develop English language skills for the IELTS proficiency test.

4.18 FluentU: Learn language videos (500K)

Uses real-world video with interactive subtitles supported by contextual learning and exposure to authentic language usage.

4.19 UTalk – Learn 150+ languages (500K)

Focuses on vocabulary building with emphasis on practical phrases, using quizzes and interactive exercises for reinforcement. Also, it focuses on real-world conversation and context along with audio recordings by native speakers for pronunciation.

4.20 Lingopie: Language learning (100K+)

Uses language learning through TV series and movie subtitles in both targeted and native languages for contextual learning.

4.21 Talk English learning (100K+)

A language exchange app for speaking practice with native speakers. It also has free English lessons.

4.22 LillyPad English learning app (10K)

Uses interactive lessons along with audiovisual content for improving listening and speaking skills. It builds vocabulary through engaging exercises and quizzes.

4.23 Mosalingua

There are several language applications empowered by Mosalingua. There are separate applications for French, Spanish, English, Portuguese, German, Chinese, Japanese, Russian, and Italian. There are also applications for TOEFL, TOEIC, Medical English, and Business English. In language applications, the app uses flashcard-based vocabulary and phrases builder, using context and spaced repetition for improving retention.


5. Revenue of mobile-assisted language applications

From the above, it is clear that the use of the Internet and Mobile applications to learn new languages is booming. There is no doubt about that as it is also rewarding to its creators. These applications bring revenues in Billions. The below chart shows the annual revenues from 2016 to 2021, which shows a noticeable kick in 2020 and 2021, may be this is due to the Pandemic of the Corona Virus that started in 2019–2020 and since then the inclination to use the internet and mobile has increased tremendously (Figure 4).

Figure 4.

Annual revenue of language learning apps from 2016 to 2021 [12].

The fact that this business is flourishing is due to the fact that using language learning applications has several benefits.

5.1 Advantages and key benefits of mobile-assisted language applications

  1. Save Time and Learn Anytime: You can learn whenever you want anytime.

  2. Learn at your own speed from anywhere: You may study in a relaxed setting and at your own leisure.

  3. You have the freedom to select any language and course: You can select the language and course that best meet your demands.

  4. Language learning apps are inexpensive: Compared to conventional language classes, language learning apps are frequently more economical.

  5. You may develop at your own pace without being constrained by the rules of typical language education.

  6. You can take pleasure in the educational process: Many language learning applications make use of multimedia, audio and video, or interactive methods.

  7. Availability of In-person lessons with an instructor in some applications including in-person lessons with a teacher, offering individualized teaching.

  8. You can begin speaking right away as many language learning applications place an emphasis on speaking abilities straight away, assisting you in beginning to use the language.


6. Artificial intelligence and mobile-assisted language applications

It has been observed that employing AI to teach languages is very successful. Due to its ability to examine grammar and identify speech patterns, AI is extremely useful when working with languages. Language learning is advancing substantially as a result of AI algorithms and their use of large data. The demands of each learner may be met when employing AI to learn a new language. Educators can get important information on students’ skills and learning preferences. This data can forecast future performance and open the door to personalized learning when properly analysed. AI technology solutions are an effective way to support students as they progress in their language acquisition. The ability to customize the learning process is one of the main advantages of AI. Finding a method that works for everyone in a class of learners is very difficult, yet, the demands of each learner may be met when employing AI to learn a new language.

Using mobile English language learning applications with AI has many benefits. Amongst the key advantages are:

  1. Immediate feedback: The AI language learning applications can instantly evaluate tests and even essays after they are uploaded, pointing out errors and recommending corrections. Thus, allowing the learner to identify and correct mistakes promptly, facilitating faster learning and improvement.

  2. Increases motivation for learning: Students may choose their own objectives, study whenever and wherever they choose, and use a personalized curriculum to master the language.

  3. Language bots: The latest advancement in language learning is language bots. The student only needs to start a discussion with the language bot to receive feedback, advice, and corrections.

  4. Adaptive learning: Based on a learner’s development and comprehension, AI may modify the course material and delivery method.

  5. Natural Language Processing: By employing Natural Language Processing (NLP) to examine learners’ pronunciation, grammar, and vocabulary1, AI can improve language acquisition.

  6. Assessment and analytics: AI provides automated tests and analytics to assist educators or administrators in monitoring students’ progress and locating potential areas for performance or content improvement.

The above points about the importance of AI in language learning were reflected in a study by Mukhallafi (2020) in which he concluded that the importance of AI applications in education is determined by their ability to suit the needs and abilities of the learners, to work according to their educational preferences, and to monitor the progress rate of each learner. These applications contain tracks that suit all learners, despite differences amongst their levels, boost their learning motivation, and cope with students’ low levels of attention [13].


7. Conclusion

To conclude, online language learning as well as mobile or web-assisted language learning has become very important learning tools. Most of the renowned language centres have employed online classes together with onsite classes according to the convenience of their learners. This is to save the time and effort wasted in commuting to language centres. As previously mentioned, the Google Bundle is a winner in all online classes as it is the most comprehensive tool that includes whatever is needed for any online class. This is classified under non-traditional language learning classes that involve technology. It is different from the traditional classes, where Learning uses the conventional method of education where learners attend physical classes, the learners interact with the teacher, and follow standardized curriculum material such as textbooks and lectures. It involves face-to-face instruction and teacher-led lessons with limited use of technology.

Web or mobile-assisted language learning applications have become a tool that suits the changes that have come upon our world. A world where everything is rapid and personal time has become very limited due to the busy world we live in. In this busy world, many people have more than one job to be able to satisfy their needs. Family time has become limited to a few minutes due to the struggle for earnings to be able to gain the daily bread. Hence, it has become difficult to join traditional language courses in case one wants to develop oneself and gain a second language. Hence, these types of applications have come as a savior to these people who do not have time. These apps can be used whilst commuting, waiting for a turn, resting at home with the family, or even walking from one place to the other. In other words, they are a very convenient tool for everyone. They are also cheaper than the traditional courses if one subscribe to the Premium or the Pro. Thus, the above tools are considered a qualitative leap in the field of language learning and it is expected that more innovations will follow.


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Written By

Omnia Ibrahim Mohamed and Omar Al-Jadaan

Submitted: 22 August 2023 Reviewed: 17 September 2023 Published: 01 February 2024