Open access peer-reviewed chapter

Perspective Chapter: Relativistic Treatment of Spinless Particles Subject to a Class of Multiparameter Exponential-Type Potentials

Written By

José Juan Peña, Jesús Morales and Jesús García-Ravelo

Submitted: 29 April 2023 Reviewed: 14 June 2023 Published: 29 August 2023

DOI: 10.5772/intechopen.112184

From the Edited Volume

Schrödinger Equation - Fundamentals Aspects and Potential Applications

Edited by Muhammad Bilal Tahir, Muhammad Sagir, Muhammad Isa Khan and Muhammad Rafique

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By using the exactly-solvable Schrödinger equation for a class of multi-parameter exponential-type potential, the analytical bound state solutions of the Klein-Gordon equation are presented. The proposal is based on the fact that the Klein-Gordon equation can be reduced to a Schrödinger-type equation when the Lorentz-scalar and vector potential are equal. The proposal has the advantage of avoiding the use of a specialized method to solve the Klein-Gordon equation for a specific exponential potential due that it can be derived by means of an appropriate choice of the involved parameters. For this, to show the usefulness of the method, the relativistic treatment of spinless particles subject to some already published exponential potentials are directly deduced and given as examples. So, beyond the particular cases considered in this work, this approach can be used to solve the Klein-Gordon equation for new exponential-type potentials having hypergeometric eigenfunctions. Also, it can be easily adapted to other approximations of the centrifugal term different to the Green-Aldrich used in this work.


  • Schrödinger-type equation
  • Klein-Gordon equation
  • exponential-type potentials
  • Greene-Aldrich approximation
  • hypergeometric equation

1. Introduction

At high energy levels, the study of physical phenomena is carried out by means of equations invariant under Lorentz transformations. That is, it requires relativistic wave equations that may be used as a starting point to evaluate the spin-orbit interactions and relativistic effective core potential in the Schrödinger Hamiltonian. The energy levels from these calculations are aimed to find the positions of experimental spectral lines and to predict lines not heretofore observed in the systems under consideration. To that purpose, the Dirac and Klein-Gordon equations are used for the dynamic description of particles with and without spin, respectively. For that, the solutions of these equations have been an important field of research by employing several methods as well as different physical potential models; usually a solution method for a specific potential. In this regard, exponential-type potentials are significant in the study of various physical systems, particularly for modeling diatomic molecules. Within the different exponential potential models, stand out the proposals of Hulthén, Eckart, Manning-Rosen, Rosen-Morse, Deng-Fan, Hyllerass, etc., as well as mixed models with two or more of the above potential models. These latter, have been developed with the aim to solve, as particular cases, the specific potentials that are involved. In any case, the common feature of any exponential-type potential is that wave functions are of hypergeometric-type. For this reason, in the quantum mechanics treatment of this kind of potentials, the method that is most often used to find the bound states solutions is the Nikiforov-Uvarov method [1], which is based on solving a hypergeometric-type differential equation (DE) by means of special orthogonal functions. Albeit, other procedures such as Asymptotic Iteration [2], Supersymmetric Quantum Mechanics [3], He’s Variational iteration [4], large-N solutions [5] or Quantization-rule [6], among many other methods, have been also employed in both non-relativistic and relativistic studies; obviously, including numerical solutions [7]. In the relativistic studies of spinless particles, it is well known that the Klein-Gordon equation [8, 9] can always be reduced to a Schrödinger-type equation when the Lorentz-scalar and vector potential are equal [10]. This fact is used in the present research, devoted to obtaining approximate bound state energy eigenvalues and the corresponding eigenfunctions of the Klein-Gordon equation for exponential-type potentials. The method is based on a direct approach applied to the exactly solvable Schrödinger equation with hypergeometric solutions for exponential-type potential [11], which is given in Section 2. With this result, the corresponding analytical bound state solutions of the Klein-Gordon equation are found in the frame of the Green and Aldrich approximation to the centrifugal term [12] as shown in Section 4. Advantageously, according to the method, several specific potentials are derived as particular cases from the proposal such as those given in Section 5.


2. Direct approach to the exactly solvable Schrödinger equation with hypergeometric solutions

For finding exactly-solvable quantum exponential-type potentials, the Schrödinger equation must be transformed into a hypergeometric differential equation. To do so, let us consider the Schrödinger equation (2=2m=1)


such that, after using the transformation


it is written as


With the aim of relating the above equation with a hypergeometric DE, we use the coordinate transformation


such that Eq. (3) is written as


Then, the similarity transformation


with d being a real parameter, gives rise to




Hence, Eq. (7) can be compared with a hypergeometric DE


provided that




where F21 is the hypergeometric function.

So, from R=ab and E=α2 in Eq. (8), it is possible to identify the potential


which, by using Eqs. (4) and (10), can be written as


with eigenfunction given from Eqs. (2) and (6) by


and eigenvalue


At this point, it is convenient to introduce the new parameters A,B, and C such that 4k2A+B=4ab2ca+b+1c and 4k2CA=ab2c12 in order to rewrite the potential as a multi-parameter exponential-type potential


By solving the condition ddrVr=0, there will be a minimum value for the potential with sufficient depth for the existence of bound states, namely


provided that


which ensures that Vr is an attractive potential with an infinite wall at its singular point rs=klnq.

Regarding the wave function, in order to have a node at rs it is necessary to apply the condition ψrs=0, which is achieved if d>0. Furthermore, by combining the identities 4k2A+B and 4k2CA given above, we have


such that


besides, if the parameter a=n,n=0,1,2,3., the hypergeometric function appearing in the eigenfunction given by Eq. (14) becomes a polynomial of nth degree in the variable qer/k. Additionally, the condition ψr 0 when r implies that α=c1k>0, from which, the number of states is


In short, the above equations lead to a well define wave function for a legitimate Schrödinger equation with potential Vr. Likewise, by using Eqs. (19) and (20) in Eq. (15) the energy spectrum will be


with wave-functions


3. Klein-Gordon equation in arbitrary dimensions

For a spinless particle with energy Enl and mass M, the D-dimensional Klein-Gordon (KG) equation is given (=c=1) by [13].


where Vr and Sr are respectively the Lorentz vector and the scalar interaction potentials. The D-dimensional Laplacian operator in the space rΩ=rθ1θ2θ3θD2ϕ is defined ase


with ΛΩ the angular momentum operator. Hence, the functione


leads to the radial part of Eq. (24)


where we have used lD=14+ll+D212 such that


Likewise, with Rnlr=rD12ψnLrEq. (27) becomes


where Ls=LL+1, L=lD+D32 such that the case D=3 implies L=lD=l.

At this point, as already mentioned, the D-dimensional KG equation given in Eq. (29) can be reduced to a Schrödinger-like equation, provided that the Lorentz vector and scalar potential are equal [10]. In fact, if Vr=Sr the corresponding KG equation is given by


Different methods of the solution have been applied for solving the above equation with many models of interaction potentials; see for example Ikhdair [14] and references therein. Hence, to provide a unified treatment to the bound states solution of the KG equation for equal vector and scalar exponential-type potentials, in the next paragraph the results of Section 2 are extended to consider the D-dimensional case. As we will see, this is done by a simple redefinition of the parameters that appear in Vr as defined in Eq. (16).


4. Klein-Gordon equation for exponential-type potentials in arbitrary dimensions

To deal with the 𝓁-state approximate solutions for the D-dimensional KG equation with the multi-parameter exponential-type potential given in Eq. (16) we define q=1 and


such that




where, according to the values of the parameters α, β, and γ, the function Tc would be approximate to the centrifugal term. Consequently, this method accepts different approximation schemes, such as recently shown in [15]. For example, if we consider the case α=γ=0, and β=1, it leads to the standard Green-Aldrich approximation [12]


however, if we add the constant c0L/k2 in both sides of the Eq. (32) one has


which means that any improvement to the centrifugal term through an additive constant will be reflected as an additional term in the energy spectrum. In fact, the improved Green-Aldrich approximation to the centrifugal term is achieved when α=γ=0, β=1 and c0=1/12, that is [16]


Another typical improved approximation used to 1r2 is when α=C1; β=0, and γ=C2 and c0=C0 where the parameters C1, C2, and C0 are adjustable parameters [17], leading to


However, for the sake of simplicity, we will use the standard Green-Aldrich approximation, C0=0, such that




Since the solutions of Eq. (1) with potential Vr are given by Eqs. (22) and (23), the energy spectrum and the eigenfunctions will be




where the new parameters defined in Eq. (31) have been used. Besides, according with Eqs. (19) and (20)




Furthermore, the number of states will be determined by Eq. (21) as


Likewise, in accordance with Eq. (17)




such that


or more explicitly


where all possible values of l=0,1,2,3,lmax fulfill the above inequality.

With these elements, the KG equation in arbitrary dimensions given in Eq. (30), for Sr=Vr=Vr; becomes a Schrödinger-type equation


with E=2EnL+M and EnL=EnL2M2 Hence, within the frame of the standard Green-Aldrich approximation, directly from Eqs. (40) and (41), the energy spectrum and wave function are respectively






The usefulness of our alternative approach for the calculation of bound state solutions of the D-dimensional KG equation with exponential-type potentials is exemplified in the next section.


5. Applications

The choice of particular values for the parameters A, B, and C appearing in the multiparameter exponential-type potential of Eq. (39), leads to the solutions of the KG equation in arbitrary dimensions for specific potentials. So, without being exhaustive, at the following we are going to consider only some well-known special cases, it being understood the existence of many others that can be treated in a similar way.

5.1 The Eckart+Hultén potential

If we assume the parameters A=V2+V3;B=4V1;C=0 and k=2a1 the potential Vr in Eq. (39) will be


such that the Eckart-type potential which also includes the Hulthén potential is written as


Hence, from Eq. (51) this potential has an energy spectrum given by


which agrees with the transcendental Eq. (38) of the reference [14], after considering some algebraic steps on it and the displacement V2 in the potential Vr. At this point, we want to notice that the term EV2 in above equation appears from Vr=VEH+V2 given in Eq. (57). That is,




Likewise from Eq. (52), the corresponding wave functions are






5.2 The standard Hultén potential

In this case, for the potential Vr given in Eq. (39), one can apply the selection


such that the Hultén potential is


Similarly to the above case, from Eq. (51), this potential has an energy spectrum


that agrees with Eq. (47) of the reference [14] under the identification of their ν=D+2l1/2 with our L=ν1 i.e. ν=L+1. Additionally, our EnLH result coincides with that of Saad [18] when the parameters V0=S0 and q=1 are used. Similarly, from Eq. (52), the corresponding wavefunctions will be


where, according to Eqs. (54) and (55), the bL and bL parameters are now




with hHL=2L+1.

5.3 The standard Eckart potential

To obtain this potential model, one selects


such that


corresponds to the Eckart potential. So, from Eq. (51), its corresponding energy spectrum results in




and the eigenfunctions are




It is worth mentioning that in the particular case D=3, the energy spectrum given in Eq. (73) coincides with the results of Akpan et al. [17] by assuming the standard Green and Aldrich approximation (C0=0; C1=C2=1).

5.4 The Manning-Rosen potential

Let us consider now the parameters


from which, one has the Manning-Rosen potential


with energy spectrum




Besides, the eigenfunctions are




5.5 The improved Manning-Rosen potential

To get this special case, it becomes necessary the choice A=2Deeαre1, B=0; C=Deeαre12, and k=α1 leading to Improved Manning-Rosen potential


with, according to Eq. (49), energy spectrum given by




At this point, we want to notice that in the case of D=3, the energy spectrum EnLIMR is in agreement with Eq. (31) of Jia et al. [19] besides, it corrects Eqs. (21) and (24) of the reference [20].

On the other hand, from Eq. (52), the eigenfunctions are in this case






5.6 The Hylleraas potential

Assuming that A=V01a, B=C=0 and k=2α1 the potential given in Eq. (39) reduces to


for which the Hylleraas potential in D-dimensions is given by


As before, from Eq. (51), the corresponding energy spectrum will be




in agreement with Hassamaadi et al. [21] when considering their parameters b=1 and V1=V2=0.

In relation with wavefunctions, from Eq. (52), these are






where, as in all the above cases, the down index indicates the name of potential, i.e. Hy refers to Hylleraas.

5.7 The Deng Fan potential

In this case, the involved parameters are chosen as


such that the Deng Fan potential, also called generalized Morse potential will be


where De is the dissociation energy. The corresponding energy spectrum is obtained from Eq. (51) as


which is in agreement with Oluwadare et al. [22] for the three-dimensional case, when considering the Green and Aldrich approximation [12]. Finally, from Eq. (52), the respective wave functions are






At this point, it should be noted that the equivalence among the Manning-Rosen potential, the Deng-Fan and Schiöberg models for diatomic molecules have been already shown with detail in references [23, 24]. So, the solutions of the KG equation in arbitrary dimensions derived in this section can also be extended to the Schiöberg potential [25].

Finally, we want to pay attention that in a similar manner to the examples considered in this work, other exponential potentials would be achieved as particular cases from our general proposal of multi-parameter exponential-type potential [26] after a proper selection of the involved parameters.


6. Concluding remarks

Through a direct approach to transform the Schrödinger equation into a hypergeometric differential equation, we have obtained the exact solution of a class of multiparameter exponential-type potentials. Also, we have used the fact that, for equal Lorentz vector and scalar potentials, the Klein-Gordon equation can be written as a Schrödinger-type equation. With these elements, and with a proper redefinition of the involved parameters, we propose an approach to obtain the analytical solutions of the Klein-Gordon equation for exponential-type potentials, in the frame of the Green-Aldrich approximation to the centrifugal term. As a test of the usefulness of the proposed method, by an appropriate selection of parameters, the Klein-Gordon equation has been solved for specific exponential potential models such as Hulthén, Eckart, Manning-Rosen, Improved Manning-Rosen, Hylleraas and generalized Morse or Deng Fan which are derived here as particular cases from the proposal. That is, with this work, we are proposing a unified treatment for solving the Klein-Gordon equation subject to multiparameter exponential-type-potentials, leaving aside the usual methods of solution applied for each one of the aforementioned potentials, for particular parameters, given as examples. So, the displayed method offers an alternative treatment of spinless particles with new exponential-type potentials as well as the possibility to use other schemes of approximations to the centrifugal term.



This work was partially supported by the project UAMA-CBI-2232004-009. One of us (JGR) is indebted to the Instituto Politécnico Nacional-Mexico (IPN) for the financial support given through the COFAA-IPN project SIP-20231470. We are grateful to the SNI-Conacyt-México for the stipend received.


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Written By

José Juan Peña, Jesús Morales and Jesús García-Ravelo

Submitted: 29 April 2023 Reviewed: 14 June 2023 Published: 29 August 2023