Open access peer-reviewed chapter

From a 4-Rank Totally Antisymmetric Field Strength to Two Dual Electromagnetic Fields in Four Time and Four Space Dimensions

Written By

Juan Antonio Nieto

Reviewed: 02 June 2023 Published: 29 August 2023

DOI: 10.5772/intechopen.112061

From the Edited Volume

Schrödinger Equation - Fundamentals Aspects and Potential Applications

Edited by Muhammad Bilal Tahir, Muhammad Sagir, Muhammad Isa Khan and Muhammad Rafique

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A 4-rank “electromagnetic” gauge field strength in four-time and four-space dimensions (4+4-dimensions) is considered. We show that by necessitating such a four-rank gauge field we satisfy the Grassmann–Plücker relations which allows to choose an ansatz (for a basic basis) such that it is broken into two dual electromagnetic fields – one in a 1+3-world and the other in a 3+1-world. An interesting aspect of this mechanism is that the electromagnetic field 1+3-world turns out to be dual to the electromagnetic field in the 3+1-world.


  • 4-rank field strength
  • (4 + 4)-dimensions
  • electromagnetic field
  • Maxwell equations and higher dimensional theory
  • antisymmetric field strength

1. Introduction

It is known that the Grassmann Plücker relations [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6] of totally antisymmetric forms determine the Plücker coordinates which mean that such a totally antisymmetric form is decomposable (see Ref. [3] and references therein). Physically, the Plücker embedding can be found in a Grassmannian sigma model in SU2 Yang Mills model [7] and in spherically symmetric instantons of the scale invariant SU2 gauged Grassmannian model in d=4 [8]. When this developments are applied to 2-rank antisymmetric gauge field in four-dimensions, it is found that the corresponding electromagnetic field strength can be written in terms of the true degrees of freedom [9].

In this work, we make a number of remarks on Plücker coordinates associated with 4-rank totally antisymmetric gauge fields strength Fμ̂ν̂α̂β̂ (differential 4-form) in 4+4-dimensions. When such a gauge field satisfies the Grassmann–Plücker relations can be, of course, decomposable in terms of more elementary quantities. Surprisingly, for a particular case of ansatz for such elementary basic quantities, the field equations for Fμ̂ν̂α̂β̂ lead to both the electromagnetic field equation for Fμν in 1+3-dimensions and the electromagnetic field equation for Gij in 3+1-dimensions. An interesting aspect of this mechanism is that the source of Fμν is determined in part by Gij and dually the source of Gij is determined in part by Fμν.


2. Field equations for a 4-rank field strength

Let us start considering a totally antisymmetric gauge field strength


in 4+4-dimensions, which we shall assume is a function of 1+3-coordinates xσ and 3+1-coordinates yi. Suppose that Fμ̂ν̂α̂β̂ satisfies the Maxwell type equations:




where Fμ̂ν̂α̂β̂ is the dual gauge field defined as


In general, we raise and lower indices with a flat Minkowski metric ημ̂ν̂, which in 4+4-dimensions takes the form


The ϵ-symbol is a totally antisymmetric symbol (Levi–Civita symbol) defined as


In fact, the ϵ-symbol has values +1 or 1 depending on even or odd permutations of ϵ12...8, respectively, otherwise the ϵ-symbol is zero. It is verified that the relation


where δν̂1ν̂8μ̂1μ̂8 is a generalized Kronecker delta [10].

Let us assume that the Grassmann–Plücker relations (see Ref. [3] and references therein) hold for Fμ̂ν̂α̂β̂, namely


Here, the bracket β̂σ̂ρ̂γ̂η̂ means totally antisymmetric. This implies that Fμ̂ν̂α̂β̂ is decomposable. In other words, this means that Fμ̂ν̂α̂β̂ can be written as


Here, the elementary quantities vÂμ̂=vÂμ̂xσyi can be considered as basic basis elements and εÂB̂ĈD̂ is an ‘internal’ four-dimensional ϵ-symbol.

Moreover, from (2) one learns that


So one sees that Aν̂α̂β̂ is a totally antisymmetric gauge field which under the transformation


the 4-rank tensor Fμ̂ν̂α̂β̂ becomes invariant.


3. Kaluza-Klein type ansatz

In general, one finds that Fμ̂ν̂α̂β̂ can be written as






Our next step is to consider some particular cases. In principle one may assume a kind of Kaluza–Klein ansatz for vÂμ̂, namely


However, in this case, one looses the symmetry between the 1+3-world and the 3+1-world. So one shall assume that


In this case, one gets




And one also obtains




Hence, using Eq. (11) one learns that the only nonvanishing component of Fμ̂ν̂α̂β̂ is


where the “electromagnetic” fields Fμν and Gij corresponds to the 1+3-world and 3+1-world, respectively.


4. Inhomogeneous Maxwell field equations

From (1) one knows that


Thus, the relevant equations that can be obtained from Eq. (21) are




Hence, using Eq. (20) one learns that




These equations can also be written as












Another interesting way to write (26) and (27) is





It is evident that (26) (and (27)) or (32) (and (33)) are inhomogeneous Maxwell field type equations. Consequently, Fμν can be identified with the electromagnetic field strength in the 1+3-world and Gij with the dual-mirror electromagnetic field strength in the 3+1-world. However, (26) or (32) establishes something else that the source of the electromagnetic field ψ arises in part from the 3+1-world viaGij, and the eqs. (27) and (33) indicate that the source of the mirror electromagnetic field emerges from the 1+3-world viaFμν. This process shows a duality between the 1+3-world and the 3+1-world. An important point is that both electromagnetic fields Fμν and Gij are part according to (18) of the 4-rank gauge field strength Fμ̂ν̂α̂β̂ which “lives” in a 4+4-world.


5. Dual Maxwell field equations

Moreover, from Eq. (20) one can also show that the only nonvanishing components of the dual gauge field strength Fμ̂ν̂α̂β̂ are Fμνij which can be written as






From the field eq. (2), one obtains








One finds that (37) and (38) can also be written as






6. Final remarks

Let us make some final remarks. Usually, for describing different phenomena in our universe, one time and three-space dimensions (1+3-dimensions) are the chosen number of real dimensions. But the question emerges, why 1+3-dimensions? why not 3+1-dimensions? or why not 4+4-dimensions? Unfortunately (or fortunately) until now these questions are an open theoretical problem; as far as one knows, nobody knows the answer. It turns out that looking for a possible solution one stumbling with the discovery that there is a triality relation between the signatures 1+9,5+5 and 9+1 [11, 12]. This means that by triality the 5+5-dimensional world can always be related to the other basic signatures 1+9 and 9+1. It turns out that 5+5-world is a common signature to both type IIA strings and type IIB strings. From this perspective, one may say that the 4+4-world can be considered as the transverse world of the 5+5-world (see Refs [11, 12] and references therein). Moreover, it turns out that in 4+4-dimensions, there are a number of remarkable mathematical and physical results that are worth mentioning. Mathematically, it has been suggested that the mathematical structures of oriented matroid theory [13] (see Refs. [14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22] and references therein) and surreal number theory [23, 24] (see also Refs [25, 26] and references therein) may provide interesting routes for a connection with the 4+4-world. Physically, the Dirac equation in 4+4-dimensions is consistent with Majorana–Weyl spinors which give exactly the same number of components as the complex spinor of 12-spin particles such as the electron or the quarks (see Refs. [12, 27]). Second, the most general Kruskal–Szekeres transformation of a black-hole coordinates in 1+3-dimensions leads to eight-regions (instead of the usual four-regions), which can be better described in 4+4-dimensions [28]. Third, it also has been shown [29] that duality


of a Gaussian distribution in terms of the standard deviation σ of 4-space coordinates associated with the de Sitter space (anti-de Sitter) and the vacuum zero-point energy yields to a Gaussian of 4-time coordinates of the same vacuum scenario. Moreover, loop quantum gravity in 4+4-dimensions [30, 31] admits a self-duality curvature structure analogue to the traditional 1+3-dimensions.

In the above sense, the contribution of this work adds to the fact that “electromagnetic” field in a 4+4-world described by a 4-rank totally antisymmetric field strength Fμ̂ν̂α̂β̂ can be broken into two electromagnetic field strengths; the field strength Fμν associated with the 1+3-world and the field strength Gij associated with the 3+1-world. An interesting aspect of this result is that there is a hidden duality symmetry feature of Fμν and Gij in the sense that Gij contribute to the source of Fμν and vice versa.

Finally, it is worth mentioning that 4-rank totally antisymmetric field strength Fμ̂ν̂α̂β̂ in 1+10-dimensions are a key mathematical notion in 3-brane theory which, it is known, is an important part in the so-called M-theory (see Ref. [15] and references therein). In fact, in Ref. [9] it is shown how totally antisymmetric fields can be related to p-brane. For the case of the field strength Fμ̂ν̂α̂β̂, one uses (6) and writes


and assume that Fμ̂ν̂α̂β̂=Fμ̂ν̂α̂β̂xσyiξÂ. Moreover, instead of (1) one considers the field equation:


where Â=ξÂ. This expression implies that due to (44) one can write


Thus, substituting this result into (8) leads to


In turn, this expression can be used to write the Schild type action for the 3-brane in target 4+4-dimensions, namely


So it may be interesting for further work to continue relating our present approach with p-brane theory and M-theory.



I would like to thank the Mathematical, Computational & Modeling Sciences Center of the Arizona State University where part of this work was developed.



Pacs numbers: 04.20.Jb, 04.50.-h, 04.60.-m, 11.15.-q.


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Written By

Juan Antonio Nieto

Reviewed: 02 June 2023 Published: 29 August 2023