Open access peer-reviewed chapter

Blow-up Solutions to Nonlinear Schrödinger Equation with a Potential

Written By

Masaru Hamano and Masahiro Ikeda

Reviewed: 16 August 2023 Published: 08 November 2023

DOI: 10.5772/intechopen.113907

From the Edited Volume

Schrödinger Equation - Fundamentals Aspects and Potential Applications

Edited by Muhammad Bilal Tahir, Muhammad Sagir, Muhammad Isa Khan and Muhammad Rafique

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This is a sequel to the paper “Characterization of the ground state to the intercritical NLS with a linear potential by the virial functional” by the same authors. We continue to study the Cauchy problem for a nonlinear Schrödinger equation with a potential. In the previous chapter, we investigated some minimization problems and showed global existence of solutions to the equation with initial data, whose action is less than the value of minimization problems and positive virial functional. In particular, we saw that such solutions are bounded. In this chapter, we deal with solutions to the equation with initial data, whose virial functional is negative contrary to the previous paper and show that such solutions are unbounded.


  • nonlinear Schrödinger equation
  • linear potential
  • standing wave
  • blow-up
  • grow-up
  • global existence

1. Introduction

In this chapter, we consider the Cauchy problem of the following nonlinear Schrödinger equation with a linear potential:


where d1, 1<p<21,


and ΔVΔV=j=1d2xj2V. In particular, we consider the Cauchy problem of Eq. (1) with initial condition


Eq. (1) with VLRd is a model proposed to describe the local dynamics at a nucleation site (see [1]).

Eq. (1) is locally well-posed in the energy space H1Rd under some assumptions, where Eq. (1) is called local well-posedness in H1Rd if Eq. (1) satisfies all of the following conditions:

  • There is uniqueness in H1Rd for a solution to Eq. (1).

  • For each u0H1Rd, there exists a solution to Eq. (1) with Eq. (3) defined on a maximal existence interval TminTmax, where Tmax=Tmaxu00 and Tmin=Tminu00.

  • There is the blow-up alternative. That is, if Tmax< (resp. Tmin>), then we have


  • The solution depends on continuously on the initial condition. That is, if u0,nu0 in H1Rd, then for any closed interval ITminTmax, there exists n0N such that for any nn0, the solution un to Eq. (1) with un0x=u0,nx is defined on CtIH1Rd and satisfies unu in CtIH1Rd as n, where u is the solution to Eq. (1) with u0x=u0x.

To state a local well-posedness result, we define the space

K0RdfLRd:suppfis compact.¯K,E5



We note that


for some ε>0, where the space Lp,qRd denotes the usual Lorentz space.

Theorem 1 (Local well-posedness, [2, 3, 4]) Let d1 and 1<p<21. If V satisfies one of the following, then Eq. (1) is locally well-posed in H1Rd.

  • VLηRd+LRd for η1 if d=1 and η>d2 if d2,

  • VK<4π and VL32R3K0R3, where VminVx0.

Moreover, the solution u to Eq. (1) conserves its mass and energy with respect to time t, where they are defined as


We turn to time behaviors of the solution to Eq. (1). A solution to Eq. (1) has various kinds of time behaviors by the choice of initial data. For example, we can consider the following time behaviors.

  • (Scattering) We say that the solution u to Eq. (1) scatters in positive time (resp. negative time) if Tmax= (resp. Tmin=) and there exists ψ+H1Rd (resp. ψH1Rd) such that


where eitΔVf is a solution to the corresponding linear equation with Eq. (1)


We say that u scatters when u scatters in positive and negative time.

  • (Blow-up) We say that the solution u to Eq. (1) blows up in positive time (resp. negative time) if Tmax< (resp. Tmin>). We say that u blows up when u blows up in positive and negative time.

  • (Grow-up) We say that the solution u to Eq. (1) grows up in positive time (resp. negative time) if Tmax= (resp. Tmin=) and


We say that u grows up when u grows up in positive and negative time.

  • (Standing wave) We say that the solution u to Eq. (1) is a standing wave if u=eiωtQω,V for some ωR, where Qω,V satisfies the elliptic equation


In particular, Qω,V is ground state to Eq. (12) if


where Sω,Vfω2Mf+EVf (and)


We know the following results (Theorems 2 and 3) for time behaviors of the solutions to Eq. (1). For related results, we also list [5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38].

Theorem 2 (Hong, [3]) Let d=p=3, u0H1R3, and Q1,0G1,0. Suppose that V satisfies VL32R3K0R3, V0, xVL32R3, and xV0. We also assume that


Then, the solution u to Eq. (1) with Eq. (3) scatters.

Theorem 3 (Hamano–Ikeda, [4]) Let d=3, 73<p<5, u0H1R3, and Q1,0G1,0. Suppose that V satisfies V0 and xVL32R3. We also assume that


where scd22p1.

  1. (Scattering)

    If VL32R3K0R3, xV0, and


    then TminTmax=R, that is, exists globally in time. Moreover, if u0 and V are radially symmetric, then u scatters.

  2. (Blow-up or grow-up)

    If “VL32R3K0R3 or VLσR3 for some 32<σ,” 2V+xV0, and


    then u blows up or grows up. Furthermore, if one of the following holds:

    • u0 and V are radially symmetric,” xV0, and VLR3,

    • xu0L2R3,

then u blows up.

Remark 1 Mizutani [39] proved that for any ψH1, there exists ϕ±H1R3 such that


under the assumptions VL32R3 and V0, where the double-sign corresponds. Combining this limit and scattering part in Theorem 3 (or Theorem 2), we can see that the nonlinear solution u to Eq. (1) approaches to a free solution eitΔϕ± as t± for some ϕ±H1R3.

We realize that there is no potential, which satisfies scattering and blow-up or grow-up parts in Theorem 1 at the same time. Indeed, if V satisfies xV0 and 2V+xV0, then VL32R3. Then, we consider a minimization problem


to get a potential V, which deduces scattering and blow-up or grow-up at the same time. It proved in [40] that the condition Eq. (16) can be rewritten as the following by using nω,V.

Proposition 1 Let d3, 1+4d<p<21, fH1Rd, and Q1,0G1,0. Assume that V satisfies (A2) with a1 and (A6) below. Then, the following two conditions are equivalent.

  1. Mf1scscEVf<MQ1,01scscE0Q1,0,

  2. There exists ω>0 such that Sω,Vf<nω,V.

Using nω,V, we expect that if Sω,Vu0<nω,V and KVu00, then the solution u scatters and if Sω,Vu0<nω,V and KVu0<0, then the solution u blows up or grows up, where KV is called virial functional and is defined as


It is well known that KVut denotes variance of the solution and if xu0L2Rd then


for each tTminTmax. We also consider a minimization problem rω,V, which restricts nω,V to radial functions, that is,


and expect for radial initial data u0 and radial potential V that if Sω,Vu0<rω,V and KVu00, then the solution u scatters and if Sω,Vu0<rω,V and KVu0<0, then the solution u blows up. For more general minimization problems




the authors showed in [40, 41] the following results (Theorems 4 and 5) Eq. (27), where the functional Kω,Vα,β is given as


Here, we realize nω,V=nω,Vd,2, rω,V=rω,Vd,2, and KV=Kω,Vd,2.

To state the results, we give the assumptions of the potential V: Let aN0d.

  1. A1. VL32R3K0R3

  2. A2. xaaVLd2Rd+LσRd for some d2σ<

  3. A3. xaaVLd2Rd+LRd

  4. A4. xaaVLηRd+LσRd for some d2<ησ<

  5. A5. xaaVLηRd+LRd for some d2<η<

  6. A6. V0, xV0, 2V+xV0

  7. A7. V0, xV0, ωω0 for


We note that the third inequality implies 2V+xV+2ω0 a.e. xRd.

Theorem 4 Let d3 and 1+4d<p<21.

  • (Non-radial case) Let V satisfy (A2) with a1 and (A6). Then, for each αβ with Eq. (25) and ω>0, nω,Vα,β=nω,0α,β holds. Moreover, if xV<0, then nω,Vα,β is never attained.

  • (Radial case) Let V satisfy (A3) with a1 and (A7). Let V be radially symmetric. Then, rω,Vα,β is attained for each αβ with Eq. (25). Moreover, if V satisfies (A3) with a2 and 3xV+x2VxT0, then Mω,V,radα,β=Gω,V,rad holds, where 2V denotes the Hessian matrix of V,


The inequality nω,Vα,βrω,Vα,β holds by their definitions and the attainability of nω,Vα,β and rω,Vα,β deduces the following corollary.

Corollary 1 Under the all assumptions of (Non-radial case) in Theorem 4, we have


Remark 2 In the case of V=0, it is well known that nω,0α,β and rω,0α,β are attained by Qω,0Gω,0. That is, nω,0α,β=rω,0α,β=Sω,0Qω,0 holds.

Then, we investigate global existence of a solution to time-dependent Eq. (1).

Theorem 5 (Global well-posedness in H1) Let d3 and 1+4d<p<21.

  • (Non-radial case) Let u0H1Rd and Qω,0Gω,0. Suppose that V satisfies “(A1) or (A4) with a=0,” (A2) with a=1, and (A6). We also assume that there exist αβ satisfying Eq. (25) and ω>0 such that


    Then, the solution u to Eq. (1) with Eq. (3) exists globally in time. In particular, it follows that


  • (Radial case) Let u0Hrad1Rd and Qω,VGω,V,rad. Suppose that V is radially symmetric and satisfies “(A1) or (A5) with a=0,” (A3) with a=1,2, (A7), and 3xV+x2VxT0. If there exist αβ with Eq. (25) and ω>0 satisfying ωω0 such that


then the solution u to Eq. (1) with Eq. (3) exists globally in time.

1.1 Main theorem

In the previous paper, the authors handled the solution u to Eq. (1) with initial data u0 satisfying Sω,Vu0<mω,V and KVu00, where mω,V denotes nω,V or rω,V. We note that mω,V is mω,Vα,β with αβ=d2 and mω,Vα,β is independent of αβ. In this chapter, we are interested in the solutions to Eq. (1) with initial data satisfying Sω,Vu0<mω,V and KVu0<0. Our main theorem is the following:

Theorem 6 Let d3 and 1+4d<p<1+4d2.

  • (Non-radial case) Let u0H1Rd and Qω,0Gω,0. Suppose that V satisfy “(A1) or (A4) with a=0,” (A2) with a=1, and (A6). We also assume that there exists ω>0 such that


    Then, the solution u to Eq. (1) with Eq. (3) blows up or grows up. Moreover, u blows up under the additional assumption xu0L2Rd.

  • (Radial case) Let u0Hrad1Rd and Qω,VGω,V,rad. Suppose that V is radially symmetric and satisfies “(A1) or (A5) with a=0,” (A3) with a=1,2, (A7), and 3xV+x2VxT0. We also assume that there exists ω>0 satisfying ωω0 such that


Then, the solution u to Eq. (1) with Eq. (3) blows up.

Remark 3 Let V be a potential in Theorem 6. Combining Theorems 5 and 6, we complete bounded and unbounded dichotomy of u0H1Rd:Sω,Vu0<Sω,0Qω,0 and global existence and blow-up dichotomy of u0Hrad1Rd:Sω,Vu0<Sω,VQω,V by using sign of the virial functional of initial data.

Remark 4 The following potential satisfies all of conditions in Theorem 6:


Theorem 6 with the potential Eq. (35) having θ=0 was considered in the previous paper [19] by the authors. As the other example, we put


where is called the Japanese bracket and is defined as 1+212.

1.2 Organization of the paper

The organization of the rest of this chapter is as follows. In Section 2, we collect some notations and tools used throughout this chapter. In Section 3, we prove non-radial case in Theorem 6 by using an argument in [13]. In Section 4, we show radial case in Theorem 6 by using an argument in [33].


2. Preliminaries

In this section, we define some notations and collect some tools, which are used throughout this chapter.

2.1 Notation and definition

For 1p, Lp=LpRd denotes the usual Lebesgue space. For a Banach space X, we use LqIX to denote the Banach space of functions f:I×RdC whose norm is


We extend our notation as follows: If a time interval is not specified, then the t-norm is evaluated over . To indicate a restriction to a time subinterval I, we will write as LqI. HsRd and ḢsRd are the usual Sobolev spaces, whose norms fHs1Δs2fL2 and fḢsΔs2fL2 respectively. We also define the Sobolev spaces HVsRd and ḢVsRd with the potential V via norms fHVs1ΔVs2fL2 and fḢVsΔVs2fL2 respectively.

2.2 Some tools

Proposition 2 Let p1. For fHrad1Rd, we have


for any R>0, where the implicit constant C is independent of R and f.

To state the next proposition, we define two functions:


where X:00 (forms)


and satisfies Xr2.


where Y:00 (forms)


and satisfies 0Yr3.

Proposition 3 (Localized virial identity, [3]) Let w be XR or YR defined as Eqs. (39) and (41) respectively. For the solution u to Eq. (1), we define


Then, we have




3. Non-radial case of main theorem

In this section, we prove (Non-radial case) for Theorem 6. First, we recall rewriting of nω,V, which is given in [40].

Lemma 1 Let d3, 1+4d<p<1+4d2, and Qω,0Gω,0. Assume that V satisfies (A2) with a1 and (A6). Then,


holds, where the functional Tω,V is defined as


Next, we give uniform estimate of the virial functional KV.

Lemma 2 Under the all assumptions of (Non-radial) in Theorem 6, there exists δ>0 such that


Proof: Let δ4Sω,VQω,VSω,Vu0>0. Applying Lemma 1, we have


which implies the desired result.

The blow-up result with xu0L2Rd of (Non-radial case) in Theorem 1.1 follows immediately from Lemma 2.

Proof of blow-up part in (Non-radial case) for Theorem 6: We assume that the solution u exists globally in time for contradiction. When xu0L2Rd, we have Eq. (22). Combining Eq. (22) and Lemma 2, there exists δ>0 such that


for any tR. Therefore, we obtain xutL22<0 if t is sufficiently large. However, this is contradiction.

We consider Lemmas 3 and 4 to prove blow-up or grow-up part in (Non-radial case) for Theorem 6.

Lemma 3 Let d3 and 1+4d<p<1+4d2. We assume that uC([0,);H1) be a solution to Eq. (1) satisfying C0supt0utḢx1<. Then, it follows that


for any η>0, R>0, and t0ηR6C0uLx2, where oR1 goes to zero as R and is independent of t.

Proof: We consider IYR given in Eq. (43). Using Proposition 3,


for any t0. By the definition of YR, we have


and hence, we obtain


Lemma 4 Let d3 and 1+4d<p<1+4d2. Let uC([0,);H1Rd) be a solution to Eq. (1). Then, for qp+12, there exist constants C=Cqu0L2C0>0 and θq>0 such that the estimate


holds for any R>0 and t0, where θq2qp+1p+1q202p+1, C0 is given in Lemma 3, and IXR is defined as Eq. (43).

Proof: Using Proposition 3, we have


where Rk=Rktk=1,2,3,4 are defined as


We set


By the inequality XxR2xR, we have


where Ωc denotes a complement of Ω.

Next, we estimate R2. Applying Hölder’s inequality and Sobolev’s embedding, we have


Next, we estimate R3.


Finally, R4 is estimated as R40 by XxR2xR and xV0, which completes the proof of the lemma.

Proof of blow-up or grow-up part in (Non-radial case) for Theorem 6. We assume that


for contradiction. By Lemmas 2, 3, and 4, there exists δ>0 such that


for any η>0, R>0, and s0ηR6C0u0L2. We take η=η0>0 sufficiently small such as


and set


Applying Eq. (67), integrating Eq. (66) over s0t, and integrating over t0T, we have


Here, we can see


Indeed, we get




Combining Eqs. (69) and (70), we get


We take R>0 such as oR1δα02<0. However, this contradicts IXRT0.


4. Radial case of main theorem

In this section, we prove (Radial case) for Theorem 6. First, we introduce another characterization of rω,V.

Lemma 5 Let d3, 1+4d<p<1+4d2, and Qω,VGω,V,rad. Assume that V is radially symmetric and satisfies (A3) with a2, (A7), and 3xV+x2VxT0. Then,


holds, where the functional Uω,V is defined as


Proof: The lemma follows from proof of Lemma 1 (see [40], Lemma 4.3) combined 2ω+2V+xV0.

Proof of (Radial case) for Theorem 6. Assume that the solution u to Eq. (1) exists globally in time for contradiction. We consider IXR again and recall


where Rk1k4 are defined as Eqs. (57)  (60). We use same estimates with proof of blow-up or grow-up for R1, R3, and R4. Applying Proposition 2 and the Young’s inequality, we have


for each positive ε>0, which is chosen later. Collecting these estimates, we have


where the second inequality is used Sω,Vu<1δSω,VQω,V for some δ01 and the third inequality is used Sω,VQω,VUω,V (see Lemma 5). Taking ε0δ and sufficiently large R>0, there exists η>0 such that IXRt<η<0 for each tR. However, this inequality implies that if t is sufficiently large, then . This is contradiction and hence, we complete the proof.


5. Conclusions

In this chapter, our main result is Theorem 6. Combining the main result and a previous result (Theorem 5), we can classify time behavior of solutions to Eq. (1) with initial data below the ground state in the sense of their action Sω,V by using sign of the virial functional for the initial data. More precisely, for the solution ut with Sω,Vu0<Sω,0Qω,0, if KVu00 then u is bounded in H1Rd and if KVu0<0 then u is unbounded in H1Rd. In addition, for the radial solution ut with Sω,Vu0<Sω,VQω,V, if KVu00, then u exists globally in time and if KVu0<0 then u blows up.



M.H. is supported by JSPS KAKENHI Grant Number JP22J00787. M.I. is supported by JSPS KAKENHI Grant Number JP19K14581 and JST CREST Grant Number JPMJCR1913.


Conflict of interest

The authors declare no conflict of interest.


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Written By

Masaru Hamano and Masahiro Ikeda

Reviewed: 16 August 2023 Published: 08 November 2023