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Coupled Fixed Points for (φ,ψ) - Contractive Mappings in Partially Ordered Mod

Written By

Tayebe Lal Shateri

Reviewed: 21 October 2022 Published: 28 November 2022

DOI: 10.5772/intechopen.108695

From the Edited Volume

Fixed Point Theory and Chaos

Edited by Guillermo Huerta-Cuellar

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The Banach contraction principle is the most famous fixed point theorem. Many authors presented some new results for contractions in partially ordered metric spaces. Fixed point theorems in modular spaces, generalizing the classical Banach fixed point theorem in metric spaces, have been studied extensively by many mathematicians. The aim of this paper is to determine some coupled fixed point theorems for nonlinear contractive mappings in the framework of a modular space endowed with a partial order. Our results are generalizations of the fixed point theorems due to M. Mursaleen, S.A. Mohiuddine and R.P. Agarwal.


  • coupled fixed point
  • contraction
  • modular space
  • partially ordered modular space

1. Introduction

In 1922, Banach established the most famous fundamental fixed point theorem, so-called the Banach contraction principle [1], which has played an important role in various fields of applied mathematical analysis. Fixed point theory is one of the most important theory in mathematics. The Banach contraction mapping principle has many applications to very different type of problems arise in different branches. Many authors have obtained many interesting extensions and generalizations (cf. [2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8]).

The more generalization was given by Nakano [9] in 1950 based on replacing the particular integral form of the functional by an abstract one. This functional was called modular. In 1959, this idea, which was the basis of the theory of modular spaces and initiated by Nakano, was refined and generalized by Musielak and Orlicz [10]. Modular spaces have been studied for almost 40 years and there is a large set of known applications of them in various parts of analysis. For more details about modular spaces, we refer the reader to [11, 12].

Fixed point theorems in modular spaces, generalizing the classical Banach fixed point theorem in metric spaces, have been studied extensively by many mathematicians, see [13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18].

The author [19] has investigated some coupled coincidence and coupled common fixed point theorems for mixed g-monotone nonlinear contractive mappings in partially ordered modular spaces.

The aim of this paper is to determine some coupled fixed point theorems for φψ- contractive mappings in the framework of partially ordered complete modular spaces. Our results are generalizations of the fixed point theorems due to M. Mursaleen, S.A. Mohiuddine and R.P. Agarwal [20]. First, we recall some basic definitions and notations about modular spaces from [11].

Definition 1.1. Let X be a vector space over F=Ror.

A functional ρ:X0 is said to be modular if for all x,yX,

(i) ρx=0 if and only if x=0,

(ii) ραx=ρx for every αF such that α=1,

(iii) ραx+βyρx+ρy if α,β0 and α+β=1.

Definition 1.2. If in Definition 1.1, iii is replaced by


for α,β0, α+β=1 with an s01, then we say that ρ is an s-convex modular, and if s=1, ρ is said to be a convex modular.

Let ρ be a modular, we define the corresponding modular space, i.e. the vector space Xρ given by


The modular space Xρ is a normed space with the Luxemburg norm, defined by


Definition 1.3. We say a function modular ρ satisfies the Δ2–condition if there exists κ>0 such that for any xXρ, we have ρ2xκρx.

Definition 1.4. Let Xρ be a modular space and suppose xn and x are in Xρ. Then.

  1. xn is ρ–convergent to x and write xnρx if ρxnx0 as n.

  2. xn is ρ–Cauchy if ρxnxm0 as n,m.

  3. A subset S of Xρ is called ρ–complete if any ρ–Cauchy sequence is ρ–convergent to an element of S.

  4. The modular ρ has the Fatou property if ρxliminfnρxn whenever xnρx.

Remark 1.5. (ii) A ρ-convergent sequence is ρ-cauchy if and only if ρ satisfies the Δ2–condition. iiρ.x is an non-decreasing function, for any xX. Fro this, let 0<a<b, putting y=0 in iii of Definition 1.1 implies that


for all xX. Also, if ρ is a convex modular on X and α1, then ραxαρx and ρx12ρ2x for all xX.

We end this section with a notion of a coupled fixed point introduced by Bhaskar and Lakshmikantham [5].

Definition 1.6. An element xyX×X is called a coupled fixed point of the mapping F:X×XX if


2. Coupled fixed point theorems for nonlinear φψ-contractive type mappings

In this section, we establish some coupled fixed point results by considering φψ-contractive mappings on modular spaces endowed with a partial order. We assume that ρ satisfies the Δ2-condition with κ<1.

Let Ψ be the family of non-decreasing functions ψ:0+0+ such that


The following results are generalizations of the fixed point theorems due to M. Mursaleen, S.A. Mohiuddine and R.P. Agarwal [20] in partially ordered modular spaces.

Definition 2.1. Let Xρ be a partially ordered modular space and F:X×XX be a mapping. Then a map F is said to be φψ-contractive if there exist two functions φ:X2×X20 and ψΨ and there exist α,β>0 with α>β such that


for all x,y,z,wX with xz and yw.

Definition 2.2. Let F:X×XX and φ:X2×X20 be two mappings. Then F is called φ-admissible if


for all x,y,z,wX.

In the following theorem, we give some requirements that a φ-admissible mapping has a coupled fixed point.

Theorem 2.3. Let Xρ be a complete ordered modular function space. Let F:X×XX be a φψ-contractive mapping having the mixed monotone property of X. Suppose that.

  1. F is φ-admissible,

  2. there exist x0,y0X such that x0Fx0y0 and y0Fy0x0, also


  3. if xn and yn are sequences in X such that


for all n and limnxn=x and limnyn=y, then


Then F has a coupled fixed point.

Proof. Let x0,y0X be such that


and x0Fx0y0 and y0Fy0x0. Put x1=Fx0y0 and y1=Fy0x0. Let x2,y2X be such that x2=Fx1y1 and y2=Fy1x1. Continuing this process, we can construct two sequences xn and yn in X such that


Using the mathematical induction, we will show that


By assumption, (12) hold for n=0. Now suppose that (12) hold for some fixed n0. Then by the mixed monotone property of F, we have




Hence (12) hold for n0. If for some n, xn+1yn+1=xnyn, then Fxnyn=xn and Fynxn=yn, and so F has a coupled fixed point. Thus we assumed that xn+1yn+1xnyn for all n0. Since F is φ-admissible, we have




Therefore by induction we get


for all nN. Since F is φψ-contractive, using (35) and (17), we obtain




Adding (18) and (23), we obtain


Since β<α and ψ is non-decreasing, repeating the above process, we get


for all nN. Given ε>0 there exists NN such that


Let m,nN and α0R+ be such that m>n>N and βα+1α0=1. Then we have


similarly we obtain


Adding (23) and (24) we obtain






therefore xn and yn are cauchy sequences in complete modular space Xρ, and so xn and yn are convergent in Xρ. Thus there exist x,yX such that


Now from (17) and hypothesis iii, we get


for all nN. From (28) and the condition iii of the modular ρ we obtain


similarly, we get


Taking the limit as n, we obtain


Therefore Fxy=x and Fyx=y, that is F has a coupled fixed point. □

Remark 2.4. If in Theorem 2.3, we replace the property iii with the continuity of F, then the result holds that is F has a coupled fixed point. In fact, since F is continuous and xn+1=Fxnyn and yn+1=Fynxn, we get




Hence F has a coupled fixed point.

As the proof of Theorem 2.3, one can prove the following theorem.

Theorem 2.5. In addition to the hypothesis of Theorem 2.3, suppose that for every xy,zw in X×X, there exists st in X×X such that


and assume that st is comparable to xy and zw. Then F has a unique coupled fixed point.

If we put ψt=mt for m01 in Theorem 2.3, we obtain the following corollary.

Corollary 2.6. Let Xρ be a complete ordered modular function space. Let F:X×XX be a φψ-contractive mapping having the mixed monotone property of X. Suppose that there exist α,β>0 with α>β such that


for all x,y,z,wX with xz and yw. Also if.

ii there exist x0,y0X such that x0Fx0y0 and y0Fy0x0, also


ii if xn and yn are sequences in X such that


for all n and limnxn=x and limnyn=y, then


Then F has a coupled fixed point.


3. Conclusion

In the present paper, nonlinear contractive mappings in the framework of a modular space endowed with a partial order have been given, then some well-known coupled fixed point theorems in ordered metric spaces are extended to these mappings in modular spaces endowed with a partial order.


2010 Mathematics Subject Classification:

Primary 47H10, 54H25; Secondary 46A80


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Written By

Tayebe Lal Shateri

Reviewed: 21 October 2022 Published: 28 November 2022