Open access peer-reviewed chapter

Iterative Algorithms for Common Solutions of Nonlinear Problems in Banach Spaces

Written By

Getahun Bekele Wega

Reviewed: 13 July 2022 Published: 16 September 2022

DOI: 10.5772/intechopen.106547

From the Edited Volume

Fixed Point Theory and Chaos

Edited by Guillermo Huerta-Cuellar

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The purpose of this manuscript is to construct an iterative algorithm for approximating a common solution of variational inequality problem and g-fixed point problem of pseudomonotone and Bregman relatively g-nonexpansive mappings, respectively, and prove strong convergence of a sequence generated by the proposed method to a common solution of the problems in real reflexive Banach spaces. The assumption that the mapping is Lipschitz monotone mapping is dispensed with. In addition, we give an application of our main result to find a minimum point of a convex function in real reflexive Banach spaces. Finally, we provide a numerical example to validate our result. Our results extend and generalize many results in the literature.


  • common solution
  • Bregman relatively g-nonexpansive
  • g-fixed point
  • monotone mapping
  • pseudomonotone mapping
  • variational inequality

1. Introduction

Let E be a real Banach space with its dual space E. Let C be a nonempty, closed, and convex subset of E. A mapping G:CE is said to be monotone provided that for all points p and q in C,


It is called α-strongly monotone if there exists a positive real number α such that for all points p and q in C,


We remark that α-strongly monotone is α1Lipschitz monotone mapping. A mapping G:CE is called pseudomonotone mapping provided that for all points p and q in C,


From inequalities (1)-(3) above, we can observe that the class of pseudomonotone mappings contains the classes of monotone and α-strongly monotone mappings. Let G:CE be a mapping. The variational inequality problem (VIP) introduced by Hartman and Stampacchia [1] in 1966 is mathematically formulated as the problem of finding a point z in C such that for all points p in C,


We denote the solution set of problem (4) by VIPCV. This problem contains, as special cases, many problems in the fields of applied mathematics, such as mechanics, physics, engineering, the theory of convex programming, and the theory of control. Consequently, considerable research efforts have been devoted to methods of finding approximate solutions of variational inequality problems in several directions for different classes of mappings (see, e.g., [2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10]).

Several authors have also studied, different iterative algorithms for approximating a common solution of VIP and fixed point problem of Lipschitz monotone and nonexpansive mappings, respectively (see, e.g., [4, 7, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15]).

In 2003, Takahashi and Tododa [13] introduced an iterative algorithm for finding a common solution for VIP and fixed point problem of α-strongly monotone and nonexpansive mappings, respectively, in Hilbert spaces setting. Under certain conditions, they proved that the sequence generated by their proposed method converges weakly to a common solution.

In 2005, Iiduka and Takashi [3] studied an iterative scheme for finding a common solution of VIP and fixed point problem of α-strongly monotone and nonexpansive mappings, respectively, in Hilbert spaces setting. They proved that the sequence generated by their proposed scheme converges strongly to a common solution provided that the control sequences satisfy appropriate conditions.

In 2016, Zhang and Yuan [16] established an algorithm for approximating a common solution of VIP and fixed point problem for a finite family of α-inverse strongly monotone and nonexpansive mappings, respectively, in the Hilbert spaces setting. They proved strong convergence of the sequence proposed by their method.

In space, more general than Hilbert spaces, Tufa and Zegeye [17] introduced an iterative algorithm for approximating a common solution of VIP and fixed point problem of Lipschitz monotone and relatively nonexpansive mappings, respectively in real 2-uniformly convex and uniformly smooth Banach spaces. They proved that the sequence generated by their algorithm converges strongly to a common solution of the problems. A mapping T:CE is said to be relatively nonexpansive if FT, ϕzTuϕzuuC,zFT and F̂T=FT, where FT, is the set of fixed points of T and F̂T is the set of asymptotical fixed point of T.

Recently, Wega and Zegeye [18] introduced an iterative scheme for approximating a common solution of VIP and g-fixed point problem (GFP) of Lipschitz monotone and Bregman relatively g-nonexpansive mappings, respectively in real reflexive Banach spaces and obtained strong convergence results. A mapping T:CE is said to be Bregman relatively g-nonexpansive (BRGN) if FT, DgzTuDgzuuC,zFT and F̂gT=FgT, where FgT, is the set of g-fixed points of T and F̂gT is the set of asymptotical g-fixed point of T, where g is a convex function of E satisfies certain conditions. A point z in C is said to be g-fixed point of T provided that Tz=gz.

Motivated and inspired by the above results, it is our purpose in this book chapter to construct an iterative algorithm, which converge strongly to a common element of the set of VIP solutions of continuous pseudomonotone and the set GFPP of BRGN mappings in real reflexive Banach spaces. In addition, we give an application of our main result to find a minimum point of a convex function and provide a numerical example to validate our main result. Our results extend and generalize many results in the literature.

Now, we recall some definitions that we will need in the sequel.

Hereafter in this paper let E be a real reflexive Banach space with its dual space E, C be a nonempty, convex and closed subset of E and let G be a family of proper, lower semi-continuous and convex functions on E.

Let g be an element of G. The domain of g, domg, is given by domg=pE:gp<, the Fenchel conjugate of g at p, gp, is given by gp=supppgp:pEandpE, the subdifferential of g at p, gp, is given by gp=pE:gqgp+pqppE, the right-hand derivative of g at u in the direction of q, gpq, is given by:


and the gradient of g, at p is a linear function, g, is given by gpq=gpq.

The function g is called:

  1. Gâteaux differentiable at p element of E if the limit in (5) exists for any q in E as s0.

  2. Gâteaux differentiable if it is Gâteaux differentiable at every element u in intdomg.

  3. Uniformity Fréchet differentiable on C if the limit as s0 in (5) attained uniformly for pC and q=1.

  4. Strongly coercive if limpgpp=.

Gâteaux differentiable function g is called Legendre if g is Gâteaux differentiable, both intdomg and intdomg are nonempty, domg=intdomg and domg=intdomg.

Remark 1.1 g=g1 (see, [19]) provided that g is Legendre function and the gradient of Legendre function g defined by gu=upp is coinciding with the generalized duality map, that is, g=Jp, where 1<pq< and q is a conjugate of p (see, e.g., [20]).

The Bregman distance with respect to g (see, e.g., [21]) is a function Dg:domg×intdomg0 defined by:


where g is Gâteaux differentiable. The Bregman projection with respect to g at p in intdomg onto C is denoted by PCgp defined by DgPCgpp=infDgqp:qC.

Remark 1.2 We note that the Bregiman distance is not distance in the usual sense. However, it has the following properties (see, e.g., [22, 23, 24]):

  1. The three point identity:


    for all qdomg and p,wintdomg.

  2. The four point identity:


for all q,wdomg and p,zintdomg.

Lemma 1.3 Let g be a totally convex and Gáteaux differentiable on intdomg. Let pintdomg. Then, the Pcg from E onto C is a unique point with the following properties [25]:

  1. gpgz,qz0 if and only if z=PCgp, qC.

  2. DgpqDgqPCgp+DgPCgpp, qC.

Let g be a Legendre and Vg:E×E0 be a function defined by:


Then, Vg is nonnegative which satisfies (see, e.g., [26])




for all pE and pE.

Lemma 1.4 If g is lower, convex, semi-convex proper function, then g is a weak lower semi-convex and proper function and hence, we have


for all w in E, where piE and si01 with i=1Nsi=1 [27].

A Gâteaux differentiable function g is called.

  1. Uniformly convex function (see, [28]), provided that for all p and q domg s01, we have


where ϕ is a function that is increasing and vanishes only at zero.

  1. Strongly convex with constant α>0 for all u and q elements of domg (see, [29])


  2. Totaly convex if νgps=infpE:pq=sDgqp>0, for all pE and s>0.

We note that g is uniformly convex if and only if g is totally convex on bounded subsets of E (see, [25], Theorem 2.10 p. 9). Moreover, the class of uniformly convex function functions contains the class of strongly convex functions.

Lemma 1.5 Let E be a Banach space and r>0 be a constant. Let g:ER be a continuous convex function that is uniformly convex on bounded subsets of E. Then,


0i,jn, ukBr, βk01 with k=0nβk=1, where ρr is the gauge of uniform convexity of g [30].

Lemma 1.6 Let g be a total convex Gâ teaux differentiable such that domg=E. Then, for each xE0,y˜E,xH+ and x˜H, it holds that


where z=argminyHDgyx and H=yE:xyy˜0, H=yE:xyy˜=0 and H+=yE:xyy˜0.


2. An iterative algorithm for a common solution of variational inequality and gfixed problems

In this section, let E be a real reflexive Banach space with its dual space E. Let C be a nonempty, closed, and convex subset of E. Let g:E+G be a uniformly Frêchet differentiable Legendre which is bounded, uniformly convex, and strongly coercive on bounded subsets of E. We denote the family of such functions by GE.

In the sequel, we shall make use of the following assumptions.


  1. A1) Let l01, μ>0 and ββ¯β¯01μ.

  2. A2) Let αn0c with the properties limnαn=0andn=1αn=, where c>0.

Algorithm 1: For any x0,vC, define an algorithm by.

Step 1. Compute


If dyn=0 and gxnTxn=0, then stop and xnΩ. Otherwise,

Step 2. Compute pn=xnτndyn,

where τn=ljn and jn is the smallest nonnegative integer j satisfying


Step 3. Compute


where gGE, Pn=pC:Gpnppn=0, un=PCgan and ηn,iε101, for i=1,2,3 such that i=13ηn,i=1, n0.

Step 4. Set nn+1 and go to Step 1.

We shall need the following Lemmas in the sequel.

Lemma 1.7 Assume that xn and yn are sequences generated by Algorithm 1. Then, the search rule in Step 2 is well defined.

Proof: Since l01 and G is continuous on C, we have


as j. On the other hand, the fact that DgPCgynxn>0, there exists a nonnegative integer jn satisfying the inequality in Step 2, and the claim holds.

Lemma 1.8 Assume that xn and yn are sequences generated by Algorithm 1. Then, we have:


Proof: From (17), we have:


which implies:


Thus, from (23), (17), and (7), we get:


and hence the assertion hold.

Lemma 1.9 Suppose the assumption (A1) holds. Let G:CE be a continuous pseudomonotone mapping. Then, Gpnxnpnτn1βμDgPCgynxn. In particular, if dyn0, then Gpnxnpn>0.

Proof: Using Step 2 of the algorithm we know that


On the other hand, from (18), we have:


which implies that


From (30) and Lemma 8, we get:


Combining (28) and (31), we obtain:


and the proof is complete.

Theorem 1.10 Suppose the Assumptions (A1) and (A2) hold. Let G:CE and T:CE be continuous pseudomonotone and BRGN mappings, respectively, with Ω=VICGFgT. Then, the sequens xn generated by Algorithm 1 is bounded.

Proof: Let x=PΩgv and wn=gαngv+1αngrn. We note that from Lemma 1.3 (i), we obtain


Now, for each n0, define the sets: Pn=pC:Gxnpxn0, Pn=pC:Gxnpxn=0, and Pn+=pC:Gxnpxn0. Let xΩ, from definition of G, we have Gxyx0, which implies that Gyyx0 for all yC, and hence, xPn for all n0. Moreover, from Lemma 9, we have Gpnxnpn>0, which implies that xnPn+ and xnPn for all n0. Now, from Lemma 1.6, we get:


Since un=PCgan, from Lemma 1.3, we get:


Substituting (35) into (34), we obtain:


which implies that


Using the same techniques of proof of Theorem 3.2 pp. 64 of [18] from (19), (9), (10), and Lemma 1.5, we get:


From inequalities (37) and (39) above and assumption on T, we get:


Now, from (19), Lemma 1.3 (ii), Lemma 1.4, and (44), we obtain:


and by induction, we get:


Hence, the sequence Dgxxn is bounded. Thus, by Lemma 7 in ref. [31], the sequence xn is bounded and so are an, un, rn, Gpn, and Txn.

Theorem 1.11 Suppose the Assumptions (A1) and (A2) hold. Let G:CE and T:CE be continuous pseudomonotone and BRGN mappings, respectively with Ω=VICGFgT. Then, the sequens xn generated by Algorithm 1 converge strongly to an element x=PΩgv.

Proof: From Theorem 1.10 above, we know that the sequence xn is bounded. Let x=PΩgv. Now, using the same techniques of proof of Theorem 2 of ref. [32], we get:


Furthermore, from (19), Lemma 1.3 (ii), and Lemma 1.4, we have:


Thus, from (51) and (43), we get:


Now, to complete the proof we use the following two cases:

Case 1. Assume that there exists n0 such that the sequence Dgxxn is decreasing for all nn0. It then follows that the sequence Dgxxn converges, and hence, DgxxnDgxxn+10 as n. Thus, from (53), we obtain:




Hence, from (55) and Lemma 2.4 of [33] p. 15, we get:


From (56) and property of ρr, we obtain:


From (58) and the fact that g is uniformly continuous on bounded subsets of E, we obtain:


Moreover, from (19) and Lemma 1.4, we get:


Thus, from Lemma 2.4 of [33] p. 15, (57), (59), and (61), we get:


which implies that


Now, since xn is bounded in C there exists uC and a subsequence xnk such that xnk converges weakly to u and


From (58) and definition of T, we have uFgT.

Next, we prove that uVICG. Since anPnthen we can get:


which implies that


From (57), (69) and the fact that the sequence Gpn is bounded, we get:


Now, we prove


From (70), Lemma 1.9 and Lemma 2.4 of [33] p. 15, we get:


First, consider the case when liminfkτnk>0. In this case, there is a constant τ>0 such that τnkτ>0 for all k. Thus, we have:


Thus, from (72) and (73), we obtain:


Second, we consider the case when liminfkτnk=0. In this case, we take a subsequence nkj of nk, if necessary, we assume without loss of generality that


Consider pnk=1lτnkPCgynk+11lτnkxnk. Then, from (75), we have:


From the search rule in Step 2 and the definition of pnk, we get:


Using (76), (77), and Lemma 2.4 of [33] p. 15, and the fact that G is uniformly continuous on bounded subsets of C, we obtain:


which is a contradiction to (75). Therefore, the equality in (71) holds. Combining Lemma 1.3 and 17, we get:


which implies that


Thus, from (80), (78) and the fact that g is uniformly continuous, we obtain:


Moreover, let ξk be a sequence of decreasing numbers such that ξk0 as k and w be an arbitrary element of C. Using inequality (81), we can find a large enough Nk such that


From (82) and the fact that Gxnk0, we get:


for some dkC satisfying Gxnkdk=1. In addition, from the definition of G and inequality (83), we have:


which implies that


Since ξk0 as k and G is continuous, then from inequality (86), we obtain:


Thus, uVICG, and hence, uΩ. It follows Lemma 1.3 (i), that


Therefore, from (49), (65), (89), and Lemma 2.5 of [34] p. 243, we conclude that Dgxxn0 as n. Hence, by Lemma 2.4 of [33] p. 15, xnx as n.

Case 2. Suppose that there exists a subsequence ni of n such that


Then, by Lemma 3.1 of [35] p. 904, there exists a nondecreasing sequence mk in the set of natural numbers such that mk as k, DgxxmkDgxxmk+1 and DgxxkDgxxmk+1 for all k elements of the set of natural numbers. Thus, from (53), we obtain:


Moreover, following the methods in Case 1 above, we get:




In addition, from (49) and inequality (90) above, we obtain:


Therefore, from (92), (93), and (95), we obtain limkDgxxmk=0. But from inequality (53), we obtain that limkDgxxmk+1=0, which implies that limkDgxxk=0. Thus, by Lemma 2.4 of [33] p. 15 xkx as k.

We remark that the proof of Theorem 11 provides the following result for a common point in the solution set of VIP and the set of gfixed point of continuous monotone and BRGN, mappings, respectively.

Theorem 1.12 Suppose the Assumptions (A1) and (A2) hold. Let G:CE and T:CE be continuous monotone and BRGN mappings, respectively with Ω=VICGFgT. Then, the sequens xn generated by Algorithm 1 converge strongly to an element x=PΩgv.

If in Algorithm 1, we put C=E, then PCg is reduced to the identity mapping in E and VICG=G10. Thus, we get the following Algorithm 2 for a common point in the set of zeros and the set of gfixed point of continuous pseudomonotone and BRGN mappings, respectively.

Algorithm 2: For any x0,vE, define an algorithm by.

Step 1. Compute


If dyn=0 and gxnTxn=0, then stop and xnΩ. Otherwise,

Step 2. Compute pn=xnτndyn,

where τn=ljn and jn is the smallest nonnegative integer j satisfying


Step 3. Compute


where gGE, Pn=pC:Gpnppn=0, and ηn,iϵ101, for i=1,2,3 such that i=13ηn,i=1, n0.

Step 4. Set nn+1 and go to Step 1.

Corollary 1.13 Suppose the Assumptions (A1) and (A2) hold. Let G:EE and T:EE be continuous pseudomonotone and BRGN mappings, respectively with Ω=G10FgT. Then, the sequens xn generated by Algorithm 2 converge strongly to an element x=PΩgv.

If in Algorithm 2, we put T=g, the identity mapping in E, then we get the following corollary for zero point of continuous pseudomonotone.

Corollary 1.14 Suppose the Assumptions (A1) and (A2) hold. Let G:EE be a continuous pseudomonotone mapping with G10. Then, the sequens xn generated by Algorithm 2 converge strongly to an element x=PG10gv.

2.1 Application to convex minimization problem

In this section, we apply Corollary 1.14 to find the minimum point of the convex function in Banach Spaces.

Let f:ER be a convex smooth function. We consider the problem of finding a point zE such that


According to Fermat’s rule, this problem is equivalent to the problem of finding zE such that


where f is a gradient of f. We note that f is monotone mapping (see, e.g., [36, 37]) and hence pseudomonotone mapping.

Now, if in Algorithm 2, we assume G=f, then we obtain the following Algorithm 3 for the minimum point problem of convex functions in real reflexive Banach spaces.

Algorithm 3: For any x0,vE, define an algorithm by.

Step 1. Compute


If dyn=0, then stop and xnΩ. Otherwise,

Step 2. Compute pn=xnτndyn,

where τn=ljn and jn is the smallest nonnegative integer j satisfying


Step 3. Compute


where gGE, Pn=pC:fpnppn=0, and {ηn[ϵ,1)01,n0.

Step 4. Set nn+1 and go to Step 1.

The method of proof Theorem 1.11 provides the proof of the following theorem of finding the minimum point of a convex function in reflexive Banach spaces.

Theorem 1.15 Suppose the Assumptions (A1) and (A2) hold. Let f:ER be a convex smooth function with f is continuous and Ω=z:fz=minxEfx. Then, the sequens xn generated by Algorithm 3 converge strongly to an element x=PΩgv.

2.2 Numerical example

In this section, we provide a numerical example to explain the conclusion of our main result. The following example verifies the conclusion of Theorem 1.11.

Example 1.16. Let E=R be with the standard topology. Define g:RR, by gx=x22, then gx=x22 and gx=x=gx=x, where x=x1x2x3R. Let C=xR:x1. Let G,T:CR be defined by Gx1x2x3=x1x2x31.8x12+x22+x32 and Tx1x2x3=x1x2x35, then G is continuous pseudomonotone mapping and T is BRGN mapping with Ω=VICG=0=FgT. Now, if we assume v=v1v2v3=0,0.5,0.5, αn=1n+10, ηn,1=ηn,2=0.001+1n+1000 and ηn,3=0.9982n+1000, l=0.8, μ=0.9 and λ=1 for all n0, and take different initial points x0=011, x0'=1.2233,21.4532 and x0'=1,2,3, then in all cases the numerical example result using MATLAB provides that the sequence xn, generated by Algorithm 1 converges strongly to x=0,0,0 (see, Table 1). In addition, we have sketched the error term xnx for each initial point. From the sketch, we observe that xnx0 as n (see, Figure 1).


Table 1.

Convergence of the sequence xn generated by Algorithm 1 for different choices of x0.

The sequence xn, generated by Algorithm 1 converges strongly to x=000.

Figure 1.

The graph of xnx versus number of iterations with different choices of x0.


3. Conclusions

In this, manuscript, we introduced an iterative method for approximating a common solution of VIP of continuous pseudomonotone and GFPP of BRGN mappings and proved strong convergence of the sequence generated by the method to a common solution in real reflexive Banach spaces. In addition, we gave an application of our main result to find a minimum point of convex functions in real reflexive Banach spaces. Finally, a numerical example that supports our main result is presented. Our results extend and generalize many results in the literature. In particular, Theorem 1.11 extends the results in [3, 4, 7, 13, 16, 17, 38] from real Hilbert spaces to real reflexive Banach spaces. Moreover, Theorem 1.11 extends the classes of mappings in Theorem 3.1 of Tufa and Zegeye [17] and Theorem 3.2 of Wega and Zegeye [18] from Lipschitz monotone mapping to continuous pseudomonotone mappings in reflexive real Banach spaces.


Conflict of interest

The authors declare that they have no competing interests.


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Written By

Getahun Bekele Wega

Reviewed: 13 July 2022 Published: 16 September 2022