Open access peer-reviewed chapter

On Fixed Point for Derivative of Set-Valued Functions

Written By

Mohamad Muslikh and Adem Kilicman

Reviewed: 18 August 2022 Published: 03 April 2023

DOI: 10.5772/intechopen.107185

From the Edited Volume

Fixed Point Theory and Chaos

Edited by Guillermo Huerta-Cuellar

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In this article, we showed the existence of a fixed point for the derivative of interval-valued functions. The investigation of the existence of such fixed points utilizes the common fixed point concepts for two mappings. Under the condition of compatibility of the hybrid composite mappings in the sense of the Pompei-Hausdorff metric the existence of a fixed point for the derivative is shown. Some examples to support the usability of the result of this study are also given.


  • common fixed point theorem
  • set-valued maps
  • compatible mappings
  • differentiable maps
  • interval-valued functions

1. Introduction

E. Dyer in [1] conjectured that f and g must have a common fixed point in 01 if fgt=gft for each t01. In 1967, W.M. Boyce [2] replied in his paper that Dyer’s question is negative as well as an answer from Husein [3] and Singh [4]. However, many researchers are curious about conjecture. In 1976, G Jungck [5] shows the existence of the common fixed point for two mappings by the commuting mapping method in general metric spaces. Since then the common fixed point research had quickly grown. In development, some of the researchers not only involved two mappings (single-valued mappings) but also they are more than it is [6]. In fact, some involve the set-valued mapping forms [7, 8].

In progress, the composition mappings are discussed not only between fellow of single-valued mappings or set-valued mappings but also its combination (mixed compositions between of single-valued and set-valued mappings). Since then several authors have studied common fixed point theorems for such mapping in different ways ([9, 10, 11] and references therein).

Itoh et al. [12] introduce “commute” term of hybrid composite functions in 1977. By this properties, they have proven common fixed point theorems in topological vector spaces. In 1982, Fisher [13] has introduced common fixed point theorems for commuting mappings in the sense of the other in metric spaces. Then Imdad [14] mentioned the properties fFxFfx as “quasi-commute” to distinguish with the latter term. Whereas two commuting mappings F and f are weakly commuting, but in general two weakly commuting mappings do not commute as it is shown in Example 1 of [15].

In 1989, Kaneko [16] introduced the concept of “compatible” by using the Hausdorff metric and proved the existence of a common fixed point theorem by the concept. In 1993, Jungck [17] introduced the same things but used the concept of “δ-compatible” mappings in metric spaces and proved some common fixed point theorems for δ-compatible mappings.

Regarding the fixed point for derivatives has been observed by M. Elekes at all in [18]. In his paper, he shows the compositions of two functions derivatives have fixed points. This result is an affirmative answer to a question of K. Ciesielski, whether the composition of two derivatives on interval closed has a fixed point? The fixed point for a function is usual but for its derivatives is another something. Here have we the quadruplets Xxff. How do these problems? By the device of commutativity and compatibility between the function and its derivatives, the author shows that the function derivatives of the real-valued function have a fixed point [19].

Motivated by the results mentioned above, in this article, we introduced the existence theorem of a fixed point for gh-derivative of the interval-valued function. To this work, we used hybrid composite mappings involving gh-derivative under the compatibility conditions.


2. gh-Differences

Suppose Xd is a metric spaces. The collection of all non-empty subsets of X is denoted by P0X. Whereas, the notation BX (resp. CBX, KX and KCX) is the collection of all non-empty bounded (resp. closed-bounded, compact and compact-convex) subsets of X.

In 1905, In his PhD thesis [20], Pompeiu defined the notions of ecart between two sets. Hausdorff [21] studies the notion of set distance in the natural setting of metric spaces and with a small modification (the the sum is replaced by the maximum).

Let Xd be a metric spaces and A,BX. The Hausdorff distance between A and B is a distance function H:P0X×P0XR+ which is defined as


where dAB=supaAdaB. Certainly value that dABdBA. The distance functions H to be a metric on the collection of all non-empty closed-bounded subset of X, CBX. The metric spaces CBXH is called a complete metric spaces if the metric space X is a complete.

Suppose IR=I=aa+aa+Ra<a+. In [22], R.E. Moore et al. introduced an absolute value of the interval J=xx+ asfollows.


For a given interval I=aa+ define the width, midpoint and radius of I, respectively, by


so that a=mIrI and a+=mI+rI. Thus the interval notasion I=aa+ can be written as the pair I=mIrI..

The Pompeiu-Hausdorff distance on IR defined as


where I=aa+ and J=bb+. The pair IRH is a complete and separable metric space.

In 1967, M. Hukuhara [23] introduced the difference (h-difference) between U and V defined as UhV=W if and only if U=V+W for each U,V,WKCRk. An important properties of the Hukuhara difference is that UhU=Θ and U+VhV=U. The Hukuhara difference is unique, but it does not always exists.

The Hukuhara difference had generalized by Markov in [24]. He defined is following as


Furthermore, Hukuhara difference generalized is called the gh-difference.

Both the equation U=V+W and the equation V=U+1W can simultaneously holds. It is clear that h-difference is part of gh-difference. Therefore, the gh-difference is often said to be a generalization of the h-difference. The gh-difference of two intervals in IR always exists.

Proposition 1. Suppose I=aa+ and J=bb+ are intervals in IR. The gh-difference of two intervals I and J always exists and


where c=minaba+b+ and c+=maxaba+b+.

In [25, 26] defined HIJ=IghJ for each I,JIR. An immediate property of the gh-difference for I,JIR) is


It is also well known that IRHis complete metric space.

2.1 gh-Derivative of set-valued functions

The mapping F:XP0Y is called set-valued functions where the maps FxP0Y for each xX. The function f:XY is said to be selection of F if fxFx for all xX. We say that a point zX is a fixed point of F if zFz.

The gh-derivative for an interval-valued function, expressed in terms of the difference quotient by gh-difference, has been first introduced in 1979 by S. Markov. A very recent and complete description of the algebraic properties of gh-derivative can be found in [27].

Definition 1 Let F:abIR be an interval-valued function and suppose t0,t0+hab. The gh-derivative Fght0IR defined as


If the limit, limh0Ft0+hghFt0h exists and satisfies Eq. (6), then F is said differentiable in the sense of generalized Hukuhara difference or gh-differentiable at a point t0ab. The set-valued Fgh is called a generalized Hukuhara derivative.

Theorem 1.1 If interval-valued functions F:abIR is a gh-differentiable at a point pab then F is continuous at p.



So F is continuous at the point pab.

Theorem 1.2 [26] Let F:abIR be an interval-valued functions and Fx=fxgx, where f,g:abR. F is gh-differentiable on (a,b) if and only if f and g are differentiable on ab and


for all xab.

This means that


for all xab.


3. Common fixed point

Definition 2 Suppose Xd is a metric space, EX, F:EBX is a set-valued mapping and f:EX is single-valued mapping.

  1. F and f are said to quasi commute if fFxFfx for each xE

  2. F and f are said to commute if fFx=Ffx for each xE

  3. F and f are said to slightly commute if fFxBX for each xE and δfFxFfxmaxδfxFxdiamFx

  4. F and f are said to weakly commute if fFxBX for each xE and δfFxFfxmaxδfxFxdiamfFx.

Suppose Xd is a metric space. The mapping f,g:XX is a single-valued function or function and F,G:XBX is a set-valued function. For each x,yX, we used the notation as follows.






The following is the existence of common fixed point theorem that result by B. Fisher [13].

Theorem 1.3 Suppose Xd is a complete metric space, F:XBX is a set-valued mapping and f:XX is a single-valued mapping satisfying the inequality


for all x,yX, where 0c<1. If.

  1. f is continuous,

  2. FXfX, and

  3. F and f are commute,

then F and f have a unique common fixed point.

B. Fisher also shown the same with assumes the continuity of F in X instead of the continuity of f [28].

The following theorem is generalization of Theorem 1.3 that has been resulted by M Imdad et al. [14].

Theorem 1.4 Suppose Xd is a complete metric space, F:XBX is a set-valued mapping and f:XX is a single-valued mapping satisfying the inequality


for all x,yX, where ψ:00 is a nondecreasing, right continuous and ψt<t, for all t>0. If this following is satisfied

  1. the function f is continuous,

  2. the image of FX is a subset of fX,

  3. the set-valued F and single-valued f are weakly commute, and

  4. x0X such that supδFxnFx1:n=01<+,

then F and f have a unique common fixed point on X.

Theorem 1.5 Suppose Xd is a complete metric space, F:XBX is a set-valued mapping and f:XX is a single-valued mapping satisfying the inequality


for all x,yX, where ψ:00 is a non-decreasing, right continuous and ψt<t, for all t>0. If this following is satisfied

  1. the set-valued mapping F or the single-valued mapping f are continuous,

  2. the image FX is a subset of the image fX,

  3. the set-valued F and the singel valued f are slightly commute, and

  4. x0X such that supδFxnFx1:n=01<+,

then F and f have a unique common fixed point on X.

In the other context, Kaneko and Sessa in [16] introduce the “compatibility” term for the set-valued mapping F and the single-valued mapping f defined as follows:

Definition 3 Let Xd be a metric spaces. Suppose that F:XCBX is a set-valued mapping and f:XX is a single-valued mapping. The mappings F and f is called compatible if the composition fFxCBX and the sequence HFfxnfFxn0 whenever xn is sequence in X such that fxntBCBX and FxnBCBX.

By using such the notion obtained the following theorem and lemma [16].

Theorem 1.6 Suppose Xd is a complete metric space, F:XCBX is a set-valued mapping, and f:XX is a single-valued mapping satisfying the inequality


for all x,yX, where 0c<1. If this following is satisfied.

  1. the set-valued mapping F and the single-valued mapping f are continuous,

  2. the image FX is a subset of the image fX, and

  3. the set-valued F and the single-valued f are compatible,

then there exists a point zX such that fzFz.

Lemma 1 Let Xd be a metric spaces. Suppose that F:XCBX and f:XX are a compatible. If fwFw for some wX, then Ffw=fFw.


4. Fixed point for derivative

In this discussion, we shall make frequent use of the following Lemmas.

Lemma 2 [29] Let Xd be a metric spaces. If C,DKX and cC, then there exists the points dD such that dcdHCD.

Lemma 3 (Lemma 1 [4]) Let ψ:00 be a real function such that non-decreasing, right continuous on 0.


if and only if for every t>0 and ψt<t.

In this result, we found that Lemma 1 also conversely holds provided its values of mapping are compact sets.

Lemma 4 Let Xd be a metric spaces and the set-valued F:XKX is a continuous on X. If there exists single-valued f:XX is continuous on X such that fwFw for some wX, then the mappings F and f are compatible.

Proof: Since FxKX for each xX and f is continuous, the composition fFxKX for all xX. Suppose that the sequence xn on X such that the sequence of sets Fxn converges to KKX and the sequence function fxn converges to zK. In this case, we choose zX such that fzFz. Since F and f are continuous, we obtained


The pairs F and f are proved as compatible by Definition 3.

By using the Lemma 4 we obtain the theorem as follows:

Theorem 1.7 Let Xd be a complete metric space, F:XKX be a continuous. Suppose there exists f:XX is continuous on X such that FXfX and for all x,yX satisfying the inequality


where 0c<1. Then fzFz for some zX if and only if the pairs F and f are compatible.

Proof: Let x0X be an arbitrary. Since FXfX, we choose the point x1X such that fx1Fx0. If c=0, then


Since Fx1 is compact (hence closed), we obtain fx1Fx1.

Now we assume c0. By Lemma 2 for each ε=1c>1 there exists a point y1Fx1 such that


Choose x2X such that y1=fx2Fx1 and so on. In general, if xnX there exists xn+1X such that yn=fxn+1Fxn and


for each n1. By the inequality (10) for each n we have


Since c<1, the sequence fxn is a Cauchy sequence on the complete metric space X. Therefore, it converges to a point zX. Likewise Fxn is a Cauchy sequence on the complete metric space (KX,H), hence it converges to a set KKX. As a result


Certainly that dzK=0 by dzfxn0 and HFxn1K0 as n. This implies zK since K is a compact set. Since F and f are compatible, we have


So fzFz. Conversely, it’s clear by Lemma.

Remark 1 Theorem 1.7 is a special occurrence of results obtained by H Kaneko and S Sessa [16]. Certainly the provisioning should be satisfied as in Theorem 3.

This result modify of Theorem 1.5 by substituting compatibility with respect to Hausdorff metric on KX for slight commutativity at once improvement Theorem 1.6 in finding common fixed point for the mapping of the hybrid composite.

Theorem 1.8 Let Xd be a complete metric space, F:XKX be a set-valued mapping and f:XX be a single-valued mapping satisfying the inequality


for all x,yX, where ψ:00 is a nondecreasing, right continuous and ψt<t, for all t>0. If this following is satisfied

  1. the set-valued mapping F and the single-valued mapping f are continuous,

  2. the image FX is a subset of the image fX,

  3. the pairs F and f are compatible, and

  4. x0X such that supHFxnFx1:n=01<+,

then F and f have a unique common fixed point on X.

Proof: This proof is the same as Theorem 5 in [14]

Example 1 Let X=03 with usual metric. Let Fx=0x2 and fx=2x21 for each x03. Its clear that the image FX=F03=09f03=117=fX and the both F and f are continuous on 03. If the sequence xn1, then Fxn01=K and fxn1K. We know that Ffxn=02xn212 and fFxn=12xn41 so that we obtained


since xn1. It is clear sup{H(Fxn,Fx1:n=0,1,}=9<+. Since F and f are continuous, we have


This means 1=f1F1=K.

Remark 2 Simple examples above prove that the condition of the continuity of the both mappings F and f is important in Theorem 4 other than the other requirements. However, in general the common fixed point theorems for hybrid composite mappings only required one of the mappings F or f is continuous. In our opinion, such case it can be used if the set K is a singleton.

The following main result is a discussion of the existence of a fixed point for the derivative of an interval-valued function.

Theorem 1.9 Suppose that F:abIR is a continuously gh-differentiable on ab such that there exists f:abR and fxFghx for all xab satisfying the inequality


for all x,yab, where ψ:00 is a non-decreasing, right continuous, and ψt<t, for all t>0. If this following is satisfied.

  1. the image Fab is subsets of the image fab,

  2. the pairs F and f are compatible, and

  3. x0ab such that supHFxnFx1:n=01<+,

then the gh-derivative Fgh has a unique fixed point.

Proof: From hypothesis (C), suppose HFxsFxtHFxsFx1+HFxtFx1M so that


Suppose that N such that for each ε>0


by Lemma 3.

Let x0ab be an arbitrary. Since Fabfab, we choose the point x1ab such that y1=fx1Fx0. In general, if xnX there exists xn+1X such that yn=fxnFxn1. By applying inequality (11) to term HFxmFxn we have for m,nN:


By iterating (14) above as much as N times, we deduce for each m,n>N as follows:


by inequality (13).

Accordingly the sequence Fxn is a Cauchy sequence on the complete metric spaces IRH so that converges to an interval JIR. The sequence of single-valued functions fxn is also a Cauchy sequence on R hence it converges to a point zR. We have


as n, zJ=0. This means, zJ since JIR. By compatibility of F and f, we obtain


By using inequality (11), we have


since f2xn+1fFxn and ψ are non-decreasing. Since the pairs F and f are compatible, we obtain


Since ψt<t for all t>0, we have HFzJ=0. This means Fz=J. Since the pairs F and f are compatible and F is continuously differentiable on ab (hence continuous), we have


So Fz=fJ. Since zJ, fzfJ, consequently


Since fFgh and Fgh is continuous, the function f is continuous. Of course, the sequence f2xn converges to the point fz and the sequence of set fFxn converges to a set fJ. Since the limit


the sequence of set Ffxn also converges to a set fJ.

Since f2xn+1fFxn and using inequality (11), we get


For n, it allows from hypothesis the part B (compatibility) and the Eq. (19) we obtain


It implies z=fz. Meaning the point z is a fixed point of f. This allows z=fzFz since the Eq. (19) and hence z is also a fixed point of Fgh by z=fzFghz.

Let u is another common fixed point of F and f. By inequality (11), we have that


It implies that HFzFu=0. Since dzuHFzFu=0, we have z=u. Thus the fixed point z is unique. This completes the proof.

Remark 3 To get a common fixed point through the hybrid composite mapping usually contains at least two mappings in its hypothesis. This study shows enough one mapping in its hypothesis. In this case, the mapping given must be differentiable (Theorem 1.9). In addition, the continuity of function is not needed explicitly stated in its hypothesis. Thus this result is more simple than the results reached by past researchers.

Example 2 Let Fx=x2xx, be an interval-valued function for all x02. It is clear F is gh-differentiable on 02 with derivative


In this case, we can take the selector fx=2x1Fghx for all x02. We obtain the image


This means that the condition in Theorem 4 part (A) is satisfied.

If the sequence xn1, then Fxn01=K and fxn1K. First, we start with the formula Ffxn=2xn122xn12xn1 and fFxn=2xn2xn12xn1, we obtain


since xn1. Thus F and f are compatible. It is clear that supHFxnFx1:n=01=3<+. Since F is continuously gh-differentiable on 02, then implies that F and f are continuous on 02 (see Theorem 1.1). Hence we have


Certainly 1=f1F1=K. Since fxFghx for all x02, we obtain 1=f1Fgh1=1. Thus the point z=1 is a unique fixed point of Fgh.

Furthermore, if fF, then we have the following.

Corollary 1 Suppose that F:abIR is a continuously gh-differentiable on ab such that there exists f:abR and fxFx for all xab. If the function f and the derivative Fgh satisfies the inequality


for all x,yab, where ψ:00 is a nondecreasing, right continuous, and ψt<t, for all t>0 and satisfies the condition.

  1. the image Fab is subsets of the image fab,

  2. the pairs F and f are compatible, and

  3. x0ab such that supHFxnFx1:n=01<+,

then Fgh has a unique fixed point on X.

Example 3 Let X=22 with usual metric. Let F:22IR with the formula


It is clear that F is gh-differentiable on 22 by Theorem 1.2 with derivative


If we choose fx=xFx for all x22, then we obtain


This means the condition in Corollary 1 part (A) is satisfied. If the sequence xn1, then Fghxn1=K and fxn1K. First, we start with the formula Fghfxn=Fghxn=1+cosxn+121[1,(1+cosxn+12] and fFghxn=Fghxn=1+cosxn+121[1,(1+cosxn+12], we obtain


Thus F and f are compatible. Since F is continuously gh-differentiable on 22, this implies that F and f are continuous on 22 (see Theorem 1.1). Hence we have


Consequently, 1=f1Fgh1=1.


5. Conclusions

The existence of a fixed point for the derivative of set-valued mappings can be obtained by using the method of the compatibility of the hybrid composite mappings in the sense of the Pompei-Hausdorff metric.


Conflict of interest

The authors declare no conflict of interest.


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Written By

Mohamad Muslikh and Adem Kilicman

Reviewed: 18 August 2022 Published: 03 April 2023