Open access peer-reviewed chapter

Stability Estimates for Fractional Hardy-Schrödinger Operators

Written By

Konstantinos Tzirakis

Reviewed: 19 December 2022 Published: 20 April 2023

DOI: 10.5772/intechopen.109606

From the Edited Volume

Fixed Point Theory and Chaos

Edited by Guillermo Huerta-Cuellar

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In this chapter, we derive optimal Hardy-Sobolev type improvements of fractional Hardy inequalities, formally written as Lsu≥wxxθu2∗−1, for the fractional Schrödinger operator Lsu=−Δsu−kn,sux2s associated with s-th powers of the Laplacian for s∈01, on bounded domains in Rn. Here, kn,s denotes the optimal constant in the fractional Hardy inequality, and 2∗=2n−θn−2s, for 0≤θ≤2s<n. The optimality refers to the singularity of the logarithmic correction w that has to be involved so that an improvement of this type is possible. It is interesting to note that Hardy inequalities related to two distinct fractional Laplacians on bounded domains admit the same optimal remainder terms of Hardy-Sobolev type. For deriving our results, we also discuss refined trace Hardy inequalities in the upper half space which are rather of independent interest.


  • fractional Laplacian
  • hardy-Sobolev inequalities
  • Schrödinger operator

1. Introduction

Fractional Laplacian operators have attracted considerable attention in various areas of pure and applied mathematics, see for instance [1] and the review articles [2, 3, 4]. Such non-local operators appear naturally in several branches of the applied sciences to model phenomena where long-range interactions take place, in fluid dynamics, quantum mechanics, biological populations, materials science, finance, image processing, and game theory, to name a few, for example, [5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16]. They have a prominent interest from a mathematical point of view, arising in analysis and partial differential equations (pdes), geometry, probability, and financial mathematics, see for instance [17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22].

For 0<s<1, the fractional Laplacian Δs of a function f in the Schwartz space of rapidly decaying C functions on Rn, is defined as a pseudodifferential operator (e.g., [1, 23, 24])


where, Ff denotes the Fourier transform of f defined by


It can be shown that the operator Δs can be equivalently defined as the singular integral operator (see for instance [1], Proposition 3.3])




and Γ stands for the usual Gamma function defined by Γs=0ts1etdt. Notice that, if s<1/2, then the integrand exhibits an integrable singularity, thus the principal value (P.V.) may be dropped. Moreover, by a change of variable, we can avoid the principal value and transform the singular integral in (2) as


We caution the reader to take into account the conventional value imposed for the constant cns when comparing different definitions for fractional Laplacian. Here, we fix the value (3) so that the singular integral representation (2) accords with the characterization (1) as a Fourier multiplier operator, and notice that lims1Δsf=Δf and lims0+Δsf=f. Note that the definition (1) allows for a wider range of the fractional Laplace’s exponents s, while the expression (2) is defined for s<1. We point out that the characterization via Fourier transform is reduced to the standard Laplacian as s1, which, however cannot be defined by the pointwise expression (2). Let us also remark that from the definition in the Schwartz space it is possible to extend Δs by duality in a large class of tempered distributions; see, for example [25]. For a further discussion on the fractional Laplacian and the associated fractional Sobolev spaces we refer the readers to ([1], §§2–3]).

In the literature, other characterizations for Δs are also used, that turn out to be equivalent to the definitions (1), (2). A further discussion on the different definitions of the fractional Laplacian on Rn and a proof of their equivalence can be found in [26]. Each of these equivalent characterizations allows for different approaches for the related problems, and in our context, we exploit a characterization realizing the nonlocal operator via an appropriate extended local problem (see Section 3), where local pdes techniques can be applied.

Regarding the corresponding quadratic form for Δs,


we have (see Aronszajn-Smith [27], page 402)


We consider the homogeneous fractional Sobolev space ḢsRn, defined as the completion of C0Rn with respect to


The sharp fractional Sobolev inequality, associated to Δs, states that


where 2s=2nn2s, and the best constant


is achieved in ḢsRn, exactly by the multiples, dilates, and translates of the function 1+x22sn/2; see [28, 29]. Sobolev inequality (6) yields the continuous embedding ḢsRnL2sRn, which is sharp within the framework of Lebesgue spaces, in the sense that the embedding fails for any other Lebesgue subspace. In terms of Lorentz spaces, this embedding reads as Ḣ1RnL2s,2sRn, which admits an extension within the whole Lorentz space scale L2s,pRn, p2. As a matter of fact, the embeddings for p>2, follow from the continuous inclusions L2s,2RnL2s,pRn, and the continuous embedding


which, in turn, follows from the fractional Hardy inequality


Indeed, one can derive (7) from (8), by the fact that under radially decreasing rearrangement the ḢsRn norm does not increase [30] and the left hand side of (8) does not decrease, while the Lorentz quasinorm L2s,2 is invariant and proportional to the left hand side of (8).

In this sense, Hardy’s inequality (8) is stronger than Sobolev’s inequality (6). The value


is the best possible constant in (8). It is well known that the best constant kn,s in (8) is not attained in ḢsRn, yet no Lp improvement is possible in ḢsRn, as demonstrated by testing with suitable perturbations of the solution x2sn2, of the corresponding Euler–Lagrange equation.

An application of Hölder’s inequality together with (6) and (8), yield the following Hardy-Sobolev inequality:


where 2θ=2nθn2s,0θ<2s. The best constant in (9), contrary to the borderline case (8) i.e. θ=2s, is achieved in ḢsRn; cf. [31].

In view of (3)(4), inequality (8) is equivalent to


with the sharp constant


The dual form of (10), formulated in terms of Riesz integral operator, is a special case of Stein-Weiss inequalities [32], and the best constant hn,s is identified by Herbst [33]; see also Beckner [34], Yafaev [35].

By Hardy-Littlewood and Pólya-Szegö type rearrangement inequalities, it suffices to prove (10) for radial decreasing f; see Almgren and Lieb [30] where it is shown that (4) does not increase if f is replaced by its equimeasurable symmetric decreasing rearrangement. Then, we will show that the inequality is equivalent to a convolution inequality on the multiplicative group R+ equipped with the Haar measure 1rdr.

In particular, (10) is equivalent to the following doubly weighted Hardy-Littlewood-Sobolev inequality of Stein-Weiss [32].


with sharp constant


Since we can assume that f is radial, we set fx=fr, and x=rx, y=ρy where x=y=1. Regarding the convolution integral of the left side in (12), we employ polar coordinates to get


where denotes n1-dimensional Lebesgue integration over the unit sphere Sn1 = xRn:x=1, and we set


Notice that Krρ in (14) is independent of xSn1. To show this independence, we may assume r=1,ρ=τ, or more generally, to use the variable τ=ρ/r and then it suffices to show that


is independent of xSn1. Indeed, take an arbitrary zSn1. Then there exists a rotation R such that z=Rx and we denote by RT its transpose. Performing the change of variables w=RTy, we get


since detR=1 and Rv1Rv2=v1v2, for every v1,v2Rn. Since Krρ is independent of xSn1 we have


Moreover, in (14), we can choose x to be the first direction unit vector in Rn, that is ê1=x1x2xn with x1=1,x2=x3==xn=0, hence




and substituting (15) into (13), we get




As for the right side of the fractional integral inequality (12), we use again polar coordinates to get


Finally, substituting (16), (17) in (12), we conclude that the fractional Hardy inequality (10) is written equivalently as the convolution inequality


Inequality (18) is a convolution inequality on the multiplicative group R+ equipped with the Haar measure 1rdr, and using the sharp Young’s inequality for convolution on certain noncompact Lie groups, we recover the sharpness of the constant and the non-existence of extremals for the fractional Hardy inequality (10).


2. Fractional hardy-Sobolev inequalities on bounded domains

In the sequel, we will discuss Hardy type inequalities for fractional powers of Laplacian associated with bounded domains, and, more precisely, defined for functions satisfying homogeneous Dirichlet boundary or exterior conditions. So hereafter let us fix a bounded domain ΩRn, with n>2s.

In opposition to the case of the whole of Rn, distinct definitions of such non-local operators have been introduced as mathematical models in various applications. In particular, we consider two of the most commonly used operators of this type, which are the so-called spectral Laplacian (see e.g. [36, 37, 38] and references therein) and the Dirichlet (also referred to as restricted or regional or integral, see e.g. [39, 40], and references therein). Both operators are deeply associated with the theory of stochastic processes. They can be characterized as generators of a 2s-stable Lévy process with jumps resulting from two consecutive modifications of Wiener process, the subordination and the stopping (killing the process when leaves the domain), which reflect the homogeneous Dirichlet-type boundary (or exterior) conditions. Depending on which of these modifications is first applied, we take two different stochastic processes and their corresponding infinitesimal generators.

The Dirichlet fractional Laplacian Next, we will discuss improved versions of fractional Hardy inequalities, involving sharp Sobolev-Hardy type correction terms. We begin with the Dirichlet fractional Laplacian which we again denote by Δs. We merely extend any function fC0Ω in the entire Rn by defining fx=0, for any xΩ, and then we define Δsf as the standard fractional Laplacian on the whole space, acting on the extension of f to Rn. More precisely, we define


The Dirichlet fractional Laplacian can be equivalently characterized as the singular integral operator (2) for the cns given in (3).

Passing from Rn to a bounded domain Ω, containing the origin, inequality (8) is still valid with the same best possible constant


where H0sΩ is the homogeneous fractional Sobolev space, defined as the completion of the functions in C0Ω, extended by zero outside Ω, with respect to the norm (5). Clearly the constant kn,s can not be achieved in H0sΩ, and various improved versions of (19) have been established by many authors, which amount to adding Lp norms of u or its fractional gradients in the left hand side.

In particular, Frank, Lieb and Seiringer have shown among others in [40], that for any 1q<2s2n/n2s and any bounded domain ΩRn there exists a positive constant c=cnsqΩ such that


Using the Dirichlet to Neumann mapping for the representation of the fractional Laplacian [39] (see Section 3 for details), a partial extension of (20) has been obtained in [41], replacing the remainder term with the pnorm of a fractional gradient, p<2.

An improvement involving a 2-norm of a fractional gradient, has been obtained in [42], using the following representation of the remainder term ([40], Proposition 4.1),


with the ground state substitution


We point out that the exponent q in (20) is strictly smaller than the critical fractional Sobolev exponent 2s and the inequality fails for q=2s. In [43] we have shown that introducing a logarithmic relaxation we can have a critical Sobolev improvement of (19). More precisely, it has been shown the existence of a positive constant C, depending only on n and s, such that for fH0sΩ,


where D=supxΩx and


Moreover, the weight X2nsn2s cannot be replaced by a smaller power of X. We emphasize that inequality (23) involves the critical exponent but contrary to the subcritical case, that is (20), it has a logarithmic correction. However inequality (23) is sharp in the sense that inequality fails for smaller powers of the logarithmic correction X. This result may be seen as the fractional version of (see [44, 45])


in the sense that (23) reduces to (24) when s1.

Moreover, in [43] we have shown, for some constant C>0,


where the weight X2 cannot be replaced by a smaller power of X.

Let us notice that contrary to the Hardy-Sobolev inequalities obtained in [46], where the Hardy potential entails the distance to the boundary, the Hardy-Sobolev inequalities involving the distance from the origin, miss the critical-Sobolev exponent by a logarithmic correction which cannot be removed. Let us also emphasize that our results cover the full range s01, in contrast to the case involving the distance from the boundary, where Hardy inequalities associated with the spectral and Dirichlet fractional Laplacians fail within the range 0<s<1/2.

In view of (23) and (25), we can apply Hölder inequality to get the following Hardy-Sobolev improvement of (19).

Theorem 1. Let s01, 0θ2s, Ω be a bounded domain in Rn with n>2s. Then there exists a positive constant C=Cnsθ such that


for any fC0Ω, or equivalently,


where 2θ=2nθn2s, pθ=2nθ2sn2s and X=Xx/D with D=supxΩx. The logarithmic weight cannot be replaced by a smaller power of X.

The optimality of the exponent ppθ=2nsθn2s of the logarithmic weight, for the range θ02s can be deduced by the optimality of the exponent of the weight X2, for the case θ=2s, jointly with Hölder inequality; cf. ([43], Remark), [47].

In view of (21), under the substitution (22) inequality (26) yields sharp limiting cases of certain fractional Caffarelli-Kohn-Nirenberg inequalities established in [48, 49].

The spectral fractional Laplacian We proceed with another reasonable approach in defining a nonlocal operator related to fractional powers of the Laplacian on the bounded domain Ω. We consider an orthonormal basis of L2Ω, consisting of eigenfunctions of Δ with homogeneous Dirichlet boundary conditions, say ϕ1,,ϕk,, with corresponding eigenvalues


More precisely,


Then we have


For any 0<s<1, the spectral fractional Laplacian, denoted hereafter by As, is defined, similarly to the spectral decomposition of the standard Laplacian, by


Notice that the operator As can be extended by approximation for functions in the Hilbert space


The quadratic form corresponding to As is given by


Let us point out that, contrary to the case of the whole space Rn, the fractional operators As and Δs, as they defined above on bounded domains, differ in several aspects. For example, the natural functional domains of their definition are different, as the definition for the Dirichlet Laplacian Δs requires the prescribed zero values of the functions on the whole of the exterior of the domain Ω, while the definition of the spectral Laplacian requires only zero values on boundary (local boundary conditions). They have essential differences even if we consider them as operators on a restricted class of functions, where they are both defined, e.g. in C0ΩCcRn. For example, the spectral Laplacian depends on the domain Ω through its eigenvalue and eigenfunctions. A further discussion on the differences between the operators As and Δs can be found in [50].

The Hardy inequality corresponding to the spectral Laplacian As, involving the distance to the origin, reads


with the constant hn,s given by (11), and this constant is the best possible in the case of 0Ω. Observe that the Hardy inequalities (10), (27) associated with two distinct non-local operators share the same optimal constant. This is not the case when the distance is taken from the boundary, where the optimal constants for the corresponding Hardy inequalities are different, as it was shown among others in [46].

Similarly to Theorem 1, one can show that (27) may be improved by adding a critical Sobolev norm with the same sharp logarithmic corrective weight appearing in (26).


3. Extension problems related to the fractional Laplacians

In the following, we denote a point in Rn+1 as xy with xRn, and yR, and let us set R+n+1=xyRn+1:xRny=0. A fundamental property of the fractional Laplacian Δs is its non-local character, which can be expressed as an operator that maps Dirichlet boundary conditions to a Neumann-type condition via an extension problem posed on the upper half space


The realization of the fractional Laplacian by a Dirichlet-to-Neumann map is known to Probabilists since the work [51] for any s, while for s=1 we refer to [52]. It is also widely used in the study of PDEs since the work of Caffarelli and Silvestre [39]. The authors in [39] introduced the extended problem


and then showed that


where Cs>0 is a constant depending only on s. The dimensional independence of Cs has been shown in ([39], Section 3.2) and its concrete expression can be found for instance in [38, 53],


The partial differential equation in (28) is a linear degenerate elliptic equation with weight w=y12s. Since s01, the weight w belongs to the class of the so-called Muckenhoupt A2-weights [54], comprising the nonnegative functions w defined in Rn+1 such that, for some constant C>0 independent of balls BRn+1,


Fabes et al. [55, 56] studied systematically differential equations of divergence form with A2-weights, therefore we can obtain quantitative properties on Δsf from the corresponding properties of solutions of the extension problem (28).

Regarding the operators As,Δs, which are defined on bounded domains, several authors, motivated by the work in [39], have considered equivalent definitions by means of an extra auxiliary variable. Next we recall the associated extension problems for these two operators.

We start with the Dirichlet Laplacian Δs in Ω, as defined in the introduction, which is plainly the fractional Laplacian Δs in the whole space, of the functions supported in Ω. Then following [39], the fractional Laplacian Δs is connected with the extended problem (cf. (28))


In particular, the so-called 2sharmonic extension u is related to the fractional Laplacian of the original function f through the pointwise formula


where the constant Cs is given in (29).

A Dirichlet-to-Neumann mapping characterization, similar to (30)(31), is also available for the spectral fractional Laplacian on Ω (see [36, 37, 38]), where the proper extended local problem is posed on the cylinder Ω×0 in place of the upper-half space. More precisely, for a function fC0Ω, we consider the problem


with 0Ωy12su2dxdy<. Then the extension function u is related to the spectral Laplacian of the original function f through the pointwise formula


where the constant Cs is given by (29).


4. Weighted trace hardy inequality

An alternative proof of (8) and its improvement (26) may be given following local variational techniques exploiting the characterization of [39]. In particular, using the representation of Δs in terms of a Dirichlet to Neumann map, we consider the proper extended local problem with test functions in C0Rn+1. Then we can get (8) by applying, for the solution u=uxy of the extended problem, the following trace Hardy inequality (cf. [57], Proposition 1)


where the constant


is the best possible. This argumentation has been applied by Filippas, Moschini and Tertikas [46, 58] to obtain fractional Hardy and Hardy-Sobolev inequalities involving the distance to the boundary.

In the case of bounded domains, we have


for any uC0Rn+1 with ux0=0,xΩ. By a scaling argument it is clear that (34), (36) share the same optimal constant. Then the key estimate in deriving (26) turn out to be the sharpened versions of (34). A proof of (34) is given by the author [57], after identifying the energetic solution ψ=ψxy of the Euler Lagrange equations (see [57], Proposition 1)


In the following, we set


Noticing the invariant properties of problem (37), we search for solutions of the form




Then, by direct manipulations and a normalization, we can see that problem (37) has a solution of the form (38) for the solution B:0R of the boundary conditions problem


Let us remark that the boundary value (39b) comes from a normalization, and it plays no essential role in our subsequent analysis, contrary to condition (39c) which yields a solution of (39) with the less possible singularity. Note also that the ground state ψ=ψxy is well defined for x=0 with y>0, by virtue of (39b). Furthermore, it is useful to notice that (39a) is transformed into divergence form, after multiplying by t2s,


Clearly, in the special instance n=3 with s=1/2, problem (39) can be solved directly and more precisely, Bt=12πarctant. For the general case, we perform the change of variable z=t2 and then problem (39) is reduced to the boundary conditions problem for the hypergeometric equation, for the function ωz=Bt,


For convenience of the reader, next we just record the properties of B that we shall need, and give their proof in Section 5. See also ([57], Lemma 1) and ([59], (42)(48)). In the following, we use the notation gh for real functions g,h to denote that c1ghc2g on their domain, for some constants c1,c2>0.

It can be shown (see Section 5) that problem (39) has a positive decreasing solution B and




Moreover, we have


with the constant Hn,s given in (35).

Moreover, in view of (38), we can see that


Using (42)(44), (45), we obtain the following uniform asymptotic behavior of the ground state ψ; cf. ([57], Lemma 2).

Lemma. There holds


Moreover, for s1/21, there holds


If s01/2, then there holds


5. Ground state

In this section we prove the properties of the function B of the ground state ψ given in (38).

The differential eq. (41a) is a special instance of the general class of hypergeometric equations and the relevant theory of the subsequent discussion, can be found in ([60], §15), ([61], Chap. II) and ([62], §§2.1.2–2.1.5). In the following, we also refer to ([57], §3) and the Appendix of [59].

We will denote by Fabcz the hypergeometric function which is defined in the open unit disk through the series ([60], 15.1.1)


and then by analytic continuation into C\1. In (45) we set ak=aa+1a+k1 and a0=1. It is clear that


We consider the hypergeometric differential equation


for complex functions ω=ωz with zC, and real parameters a,b,c satisfying the conditions


By formulae ([60], 15.5.3, 15.5.4), we have the following expression for the (general) solution of (48), defined in C\1,


with any C1,C2C. Let us next derive an explicit formula for the analytic continuation of the series (47) into the domain zC:z>1z1. To this end, we consider z>1 with z1 and we discriminate among four cases, depending on n,s, as follows.

We begin with the case that all of the three numbers a,cb, and ab are different from any non-positive integer m=0,1,2,. Then by expression ([60], 15.3.7) we get


As for the case of a=bm,m=0,1,2,, and cal, for any l=1,2,, we have, by ([60], 15.3.13),


where we set Ψz=γk=01z+k1k+1 with the so-called Euler’s constant γ0.5772156649.

Let us next proceed with the case where ba=m, m=1,2,, and ak, for any k=0,1,2,. Firstly, if cal, for any l=1,2,, then the formula ([60], 15.3.14) yields


Otherwise, if ca=l, for some l=1,2,, such that l>m, then we get from formula ([61], (19) in §2.1.4),


We conclude with the case that some of the parameters a or cb equals a nonpositive integer. In this case, Fabcz is an elementary function of z. In particular, if a=m for some m=0,1,2, then, ([60], 15.4.1), the hypergeometric series in (47) is the polynomial


Otherwise, if cb=l, for some l=0,1,2,, then from formula ([60], 15.3.3), Fabcz is given by


and notice by (55) that the hypergeometric function of the right side is a polynomial of degree l.

In the following, we will also use the differentiation formula ([60], 15.2.1), that is


Let us now proceed to prove that B is positive and monotone, and also derive the asymptotics (42)(44). To simplify the presentation, we set


For these values, and recalling the assumption n>2s with 0<s<1, it is easily seen that the parameters a1b1c1 and a2b2c2, satisfy the assumptions (49), so we can apply the aforementioned formulas. The first main step is to get an explicit expression of Bt=ωz. In view of (50) the general solution of (41a) is given by


for certain constants C1,C2. We apply (41b) to (58), and take into account that Fa1b1c10=Fa2b2c20=1, to get that C1=1.

The constant C2 will be determined by the condition at , and to this aim we will get an expression for ωz for z<1. By considering separately the cases for n,s, corresponding to the formulas (51)(56), which give the explicit expression for the hypergeometric functions in (58), we get, in all instances, that


and the asymptotics


In order to determine the limit


we differentiate (58) and using (57) we obtain


and then let z0 to get


and taking into account (59) we obtain (44).

Let us next show that B is decreasing and positive. We first assume that 4n2s<0. In this case, the positivity of B follows from the fact that if there exist t0>0 such that Bt0=0, then since limtBt=0, there exists tm>t0 where B attains local non-negative maximum or local non-positive minimum which disagree with the differential eq. (39a). Therefore B is positive and the same argument shows that B is decreasing.

For the case that 4n2s0, we perform the transformation gt=1+t2b1Bt which reduces (39) to the problem


One can verify condition (61c) directly from the explicit formula of Bt=ωz. Then, by a standard minimum principle argumentation for the boundary conditions problem (61), we can verify that g is not negative, and as a consequence B is nonnegative. Then the fact that B is monotone and positive follows from (40) together with the negativity of the derivative of B near the origin.

To show the asymptotics for B in (42), we use conditions (39b)-(39c) taking into account that B is positive, and to show the asymptotics of B in (42), we differentiate the expression (58) exploiting (57).

To conclude, it is straightforward to show (43) by substituting the concrete expression for Bt=ωt2 through the corresponding formulas (depending on the parameters n,s) and the B.


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Written By

Konstantinos Tzirakis

Reviewed: 19 December 2022 Published: 20 April 2023