Open access peer-reviewed chapter

The Inverse Characteristic Polynomial Problem for Graphs over Finite Fields

Written By

Charles R. Johnson, Greyson C. Wesley, Xiaoyu Lin, Xiwen Liu and Sihan Zhou

Submitted: 14 December 2022 Reviewed: 03 February 2023 Published: 13 April 2023

DOI: 10.5772/intechopen.1001164

From the Edited Volume

Recent Research in Polynomials

Faruk Özger

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Let F be a finite field, and let G be a graph on n vertices. We study the possible characteristic polynomials that may be realized by matrices A over a finite field such that the graph of A is G. We focus mainly on the case G is a tree T, not only because trees are computationally simpler, but also because the theory of eigenvalue multiplicities is much better understood for trees than it is for general graphs. We demonstrate the applications to this problem by branch duplication and the recently developed geometric Parter-Wiener, etc. theory. We end with a list of several conjectures which should pave the way for future study.


  • polynomial
  • graph
  • matrix
  • field
  • multiplicity

1. Introduction

Let F be a field. We say that a combinatorially symmetric matrix A=aijMnF has (undirected, simple) graph G if aij0 precisely when ij is an edge of G (no restriction is placed upon the diagonal entries of A, except that they are in F). We write GA=G to indicate the graph of A is G. By FG we mean AMnF:GA=G. Each AFG has a monic characteristic polynomial of degree n with coefficients in F. The inverse characteristic polynomial problem over F for G is to determine the set


If we denote the set of all monic, degree n polynomials over F by PnF, we may ask which n-vertex graphs G satisfy PFG=PnF; we call such G constructible. If a graph G is not constructible, we say G is non-constructible.

Our primary interest here is the case in which F is a finite field Fq, the finite field of order q (where q is any prime power), in which case the number of monic degree n polynomials over Fq, denoted PnFq, is given by PnFq=Fqn=qn. Although we are interested in all graphs, we focus primarily on trees. We present a mixture of theoretical results and suggestive, extensive empirical/computational results.

In case F=C, the complex numbers, all graphs are constructible: given an n-by-n matrix A over C and complex numbers λ1,,λnC, then there exists a diagonal matrix D such that A+D has eigenvalues λ1,,λn [1]. If F=R, the real numbers, the question has been studied [2], though a complete answer is not yet known. This already motivates our problem, and extensive recent work on multiplicities [3] does as well. In our case, many trees are non-constructible, and it is an engaging combinatorial problem to ask which trees are constructible over a given field.

The remaining content is organized as follows. The next section summarizes our empirical results, with some details in the Appendix. We hope these will be useful to other researchers, who may make further advances with these data as a guide. In the third section, we give some theoretical results, inspired partly by what we found. In the fourth section, we record a number of conjectures that appear strongly suggested by our data. Some of these seem plausible, and others are a bit of a surprise. As construction techniques are difficult to come by, these conjectures should inspire further work.


2. Empirical data

Given a tree T, let NT be the subset of FT having all nonzero subdiagonal entries equal to 1. More generally, for any graph G, let NG be the subset of FG such that for any ANG there exists a spanning tree TG whose nonzero subdiagonal entries correspond to edges in T equal to 1. By diagonal similarity, the characteristic polynomial of any AFG is preserved if n1 entries are normalized (See, for example, [4]). It follows that AFG has pAx=fx if and only if there exists ANG such that pAx=fx. Therefore, to determine if G realizes fx, it suffices to compute pAx for all ANG.

Let F=Fq, the finite field of order q, where q is a prime power. Let G be a graph with n vertices and e edges. There are q choices for each of the n diagonal entries and q1 choices for each of the 2en1 entries that correspond to the edges in GT. It follows that


This implies, for example, that if we want to show G is constructible, then it suffices to compute the characteristic polynomials of no more than qnq12en+1 matrices. If all polynomials are realized, then G is constructible; otherwise, G is non-constructible.

2.1 Acquisition of raw data

We wrote a program in Mathematica [5] to compute the characteristic polynomials of all matrices in NG, thereby determining if G is constructible over Fq. By Equation (2), Mathematica computes the characteristic polynomials of at most qnq12en+1 matrices for each n-vertex graph G on n vertices with e edges.

We acquired extensive data in the case the graph G is a tree T, and the field is the finite field F=F3 since these conditions are computationally the lightest (after the exceptional case F=F2). The realizability status for all polynomials f, including the number of matrices in FT realizing f, has been computed for all trees T up to n=10 vertices. Because the program automatically normalizes n1 entries, the number of times a given polynomial fx is realized by G refers to the number of elements ANG such that pAx=fx.

The realizability status for each polynomial over F3 is also known for several trees T on n=11 vertices, but data for the number of matrices in NT that realize a given polynomial was not computed in exchange for program speed. This was done by allowing the program to forget the previous realizations of fx by T during the computation and to only record whether or not fx is realized by some ANT. If the program finds that G realizes all polynomials, then computation for that tree terminates, and this is recorded so that computation for a new tree can begin. (This is why most trees for which the constructibility status is known on 11 vertices are constructible.)

We then acquired data over the field F=F5 for all trees through n=8 vertices. However, again to promote speed, the program only records the realizability status of all polynomials and does not record the number of times each is realized.

Finally, we acquired data over the field F=F3 for all connected graphs through n=7 vertices. See the Appendix for instructions to access these data.

2.2 Graph of graphs

Definition 1 (co-realizable graphs). We say that graphs G and H are co-realizable (over F) if PFG=PFH. We call the equivalence class of G with respect to co-realizability the co-realizability class of G (over F).

We can equip the set of all co-realizability classes of graphs on n vertices with a natural partial order by declaring that H<Gif and only ifPFHPFG. Organizing the empirical data with respect to this partial order reveals the structure of co-realizable classes. An example demonstrating this graph in the case F=F3, n=8, together with additional information about each tree, can be found in Figure 1. See the Appendix for analogous diagrams for cases n=9,10, as well as tabulations of other empirical results.

Figure 1.

The co-realizability partial ordering for all trees on n=8 vertices over F3. The box containing a tree T contains information as follows. The green number is the number of polynomials T realizes, while the red is the number missed. pn1nn2Tn3 indicates that the field is Fq=Fn1, the tree is on n2 vertices, and is the n3th such tree to be indexed by Mathematica 13.1 function GraphData. Δ, d, and gp indicates T’s maximum degree, diameter, and the order of the graph automorpshim group of T, respectively.


3. Theoretical results

Although much of the following theory can be generalized from over fields to over arbitrary commutative rings, we will only work over fields.

3.1 Useful results for checking realizability

Proposition 2. Let G be a graph on n vertices, let F be any field, and let fx=xn+an1xn1++a0 be a monic polynomial over F. If fxPFG, then for all αF,

  • fxαPFG, and

  • xn+αan1xn1++αna0PFG.

Proof: Let fxPFG. Then there exists AFG such that pAx=fx. If αF, then fx+α=pAxα=detxαIA=detxIA+αI. Since A+αIFG whenever AFG, the first point follows.

For the second point, recall that if pAx=xn+αan1xn1++αna0, then ak=EnkA for all k=1,,n, where EkA denotes the sum of all k-by-k principal minors of A. The determinant of a k-by-k matrix is homogeneous of order k, so EkαA=αkEkA.

3.2 Non-constructibility from concentrated pendants

The following theorem shows that given any graph G, we can construct a non-constructible graph over Fq by adding sufficiently many pendant vertices to a single fixed vertex of G.

Theorem 3. Let G be a graph on n vertices. If kq+1 vertices are pendant at some vertex of G, then all members of PFqG have kq linear factors over Fq, counting multiplicities.

Proof: Suppose kq+1 vertices are pendant at a vertex v of G, and let AFG. Then the characteristic matrix AxI is permutationally and then diagonally similar to a matrix of the form

There are only q elements of the field, so by relabeling if necessary, we can assume aq=aq+1, aq+2=aq+3, , ak=ak+1. In addition, since b1,k+10, we can zero out the first row entries of columns k+2,,n by subtracting multiples of the k+1st column. Thus, AxI is similar to a matrix of the form

pAx=pAx and AxI is a lower triangular block matrix, so


where S denotes the upper-left block of AxI shown above. The graph of S is a simple star on k+1 vertices, so by Theorem 2.1 of [5], we know the characteristic polynomial of S has kq roots over Fq since kq values are repeated on the diagonal. Then the result follows from the observation from Eq. (3) that detS divides pAx.

3.3 Failure of the converse to Theorem 3

There is a counterexample to the converse of Theorem 3.

Proposition 4. The converse of Theorem 3 is not true in general.

Proof of Proposition 4: Let T be the tree in Figure 2, which has no vertices with more than q=3 pendants. We claim each fxPF3T has a root over F3. Let fxPF3T. Then there exists some ANT such that fx=detAxI. Since any ANT takes the form

Figure 2.

The tree T on 9 vertices such that each fxPF3T has a root over F3, but no vertices of T have more than q=3 pendants.

we have fx is the determinant of the matrix given by

It is left as a straightforward exercise to show the determinant of this matrix always has a linear factor.

3.4 Application of geometric Parter-Wiener, etc. theory

We initially suspected that if T is a graph on nF vertices, then T is constructible. However, we found a counterexample by considering the simple star on four vertices over the field F4. To show that this indeed presents a counterexample, we apply methods from the relatively young Geometric Parter-Wiener, etc. theory [6]. The notation and terminology of this subsection is adopted from [6]. See also [3, Chapter 12].

Proposition 5. There may be trees on q vertices that are non-constructible over Fq. Indeed,


Proof: Let v be the central vertex and u1,u2,u3 the pendants at v. Let ku1u2u3 and gmAk=1. v is g-Parter for k—indeed, this follows from geometric Parter-Wiener, etc. theory since v is the only vertex with degree 2. In other words, if kσA and ku1u2u3 then k appears at least least twice in u1u2u3.

Suppose each kF4 is a simple eigenvalue of AFS4. Then gmAk=1, so by the above statement, each of u1u2u3 appears twice in u1u2u3. The only way for this to happen is if u1=u2=u3=k, in which case rankAkI2. But then gmAk=dimkerAkI2>amAk=1, a contradiction. This establishes Eq. (4) and completes the proof.

Remark 6. In fact, x4x is the only polynomial over F4 that is not realized by S4, which is to say PF4S4=P4F4\x4x.

3.5 Algebraic branch duplication

This subsection largely adopts the definitions and background from [7, Section 2]. That work notes that many of these arguments also work for general graphs, but presents them in the case of trees, and we will take the same approach. To read more on the technique of branch duplication, one can also consult [3, Section 6.3].

Let T be a tree and vu1 be an edge of T. Let Tv (resp. T1) be the connected component of T resulting from deletion of u1 (resp. v) and containing v (resp. u1). Denote by ni=Ti the number of vertices in Ti. An s-combinatorial branch duplication of T1 at v is the tree obtained by appending s1 copies of the branch T1 T at v. We will denote by eni,nj, or sometimes ei,j when clear from context, the ni-by-nj matrix over F with 1 as the 11-entry and 0 as all remaining entries. We will also use the notation evu for vertices u and v of T, which is defined similarly. These notations may also be combined to yield e1,v and ev,1, whose definitions should also be clear from context.

Let AFT. By permutation similarity, A is similar to a matrix of the form


where avu1, au1v are the nonzero entries of A correspond to the edge vu1 in T. Since the characteristic polynomial is invariant under matrix similarity, we may assume without loss of generality that A is of the form in (5) above.

Let T be a tree and v a vertex of T. Let T be the s-combinatorial branch duplication of the branch T1 of at v. Let u2,,u1+s (resp. T2,,T1+s) be the new neighbors of v (resp. the new branches at v) in T.

We say that a matrix A=aij is s-algebraic branch duplication of A by AT1 at v if Ǎ satisfies the following requirements:

  1. ATv=ATv and AT1==AT1+s=AT1.

  2. avuiauiv0 (i=1,,1+s), and avu1au1v++avu1+sau1+sv=avu1au1v.

  3. The graph of Ǎ is Ť.

These conditions together imply


It turns out that Ǎ has a nice characteristic polynomial in relation to that of A:

Theorem 7. ([7], Theorem 1]). Let T be a tree, v a vertex of T, T1 a branch of T at v and A be a combinatorially symmetric matrix whose graph is T. If A is obtained from A by an s-algebraic branch duplication of summand AT1 at v then A is similar to the block diagonal matrix Ai=1sAT1. Therefore


and, for each eigenvalue λ of Ǎ, we have


See [7] for a proof of Theorem 7, where it is noted that the proof works over all fields not equal to F2. Indeed, by the following lemma, proven in [8], we can find scalars satisfying condition (ii) above in every field other than F2:

Lemma 8. ([8], Lemma 2.3]). For any field FF2, any element aF, and any integer s2, there exists a1,,asF such that a1++as=a.

Corollary 9. Let FF2 be a field and suppose T is a s-combinatorial branch duplication of a tree T0 of the branch T1 at a vertex v of T. Then for all gxPFT1 and hxPFT0,gxshxPFT.

Remark 10. Using the same notation and hypotheses of Corollary 9, we can now construct a matrix AFT such that pAx=gxshx as follows: Let BFT1andCFT0 be matrices such that pBx=gx and pCx=hx. Define a new matrix C by C=C+ev,u1b0cv,u1. Then choose nonzero elements b2,,b1+sF such that b1+b2,,b1+s=cv,u1. Then, where e1,0 is the T1-by-T0 matrix with a 1 in the (1, 1)-entry and zeros elsewhere, the matrix

satisfies pAx=gxshx.


4. Conjectures

Let F be any field other than F2. A primary product of our empirical work is to reveal potentially valid statements of which we may not have otherwise thought. Here we record the most interesting of these statements, and a few relations among them, in hopes that they may spark an idea in others. Related conjectures are grouped together. In some cases, the evidence is very compelling. We give these as a list with comments.

  1. If the simple star on n vertices realizes a monic polynomial p over Fq, then all trees on n vertices realize p. This statement is likely true for infinite fields as well.

  2. If every vertex in a tree T has degree strictly less than F, then T is constructible.

    [Note: the same statement but with “strictly less than” replaced with “at most” is false, which can be seen by the counterexample used for Proposition 4, namely the 10-vertex nonlinear tree over F3. Also, since nonlinear trees are sources of frequent counterexamples (see, for example, [3]), it would not be surprising if the latter statement holds when restricted to linear trees.]

    1. An important special case is the path on n vertices. This has long been conjectured, though it has proven elusive. This was investigated extensively in [9], which partly inspired our work and is where this conjecture first arose.

  3. When trees are categorized by diameter, those with larger diameters tend to realize more polynomials and are more often constructible than those with shorter diameters.

    1. Suppose a tree T is constructible over a field F and a new vertex is added to T, as to increase the diameter and produce T, then T is also constructible.

    2. Suppose a tree T is non-constructible over a field F and a vertex is added to T to produce T such that T have the same diameter as T. Then T is also non-constructible.

  4. If a non-constructible tree T has at most F pendants at any vertexvertex, then sufficiently many vertices may be added to increase the diameter and achieve constructibility.

    [Note: This statement is motivated by the case F=F3, as the data for that case suggests it. However, this statement may also hold in general.]

    1. Let FqF2 be a finite field and let T be the tree produced by adding a pendant path to the simple star on Fq+2 vertices. Then PFqT is the set of monic polynomials over Fq with a root.

      [Note: Theorem 3 implies that P(Fq, T) is a subset of the set of monic polynomials without a root, so to prove this it would be enough to prove the reverse inclusion.]

  5. As the number of vertices increases, the fraction of polynomials that are constructible for any tree among all polynomials tends to 0.

    [Note: This is implied by the first conjecture, so an avenue to showing this would show that first.]

  6. The number of co-realizability classes for trees on n vertices over F3 is 2n4.

  7. If a graph G is constructible over Fq, then the graph G obtained by adding an edge to G is also constructible. In particular, for each positive integer n, there exists a threshold number of edges, tn such that any graph on n vertices with at least tn edges is constructible.

  8. Kn, the complete graph on n vertices, is constructible for all n1 over all fields other than F2.

    [We suggest that a proof for this statement be as follows: First, write the companion matrix for the desired polynomial. Then perform elementary operations to obtain similar matrices with properly more nonzero entries after each iteration. This may not be easy, but we believe it can be done; this holds for the real numbers, and the data supports it for small finite fields other than F2.]


5. Conclusion

Prior to this work, little was known. By studying the computational data, we formulated several conjectures and proved several. We demonstrated applications of branch duplication and geometric Parter-Wiener, etc. theory to the inverse characteristic polynomial problem by using them to prove results for general graphs over arbitrary finite fields. For some graphs, such as the path, the data suggests that all monic polynomials are realized over any field with more than two elements, although proving this has proved elusive. The authors hope the given results, arguments, and list of conjectures in this work will pave the way for future study.

The authors suggest that further work be done on the inverse characteristic polynomial problem for the case of the path over finite fields because a solution to this problem would likely result in a method for constructing a matrix with a given characteristic polynomial. Such construction techniques could also be pursued by considering methods such as the generalized partial fraction decomposition for arbitary fields (See [10]). This is motivated by the successful application of the partial fraction decomposition in [2] for matrices over the real numbers. The generalized Euclidean algorithm and Bézout’s identity could also be investigated in the case of the path.


A. Appendix

We now show selected figures that were generated from this data. To download a zipped folder containing the raw data, some figures, and other information, please email the corresponding author or visit The folder also contains diagrams analogous to Figures 3 and 4 through n=10 vertices, together with higher-quality versions of these figures (Figures 5 and 6).

Figure 3.

Each bar in the bar chart corresponds to a polynomial in P3F3. The bar’s height at a given polynomial is the number of times that polynomial is realized by matrices (whose nonzero subdiagonal entries all equal 1) whose graph is the given tree.

Figure 4.

Values on the x-axis of the bar chart represent different the polynomials of P4F3. The bar height at a given polynomial indicates the number of times that polynomial is realized by matrices (whose nonzero subdiagonal entries all equal 1) whose graph is the given tree.

Figure 5.

Values on the x-axis of the bar chart represent different polynomials of P5F3. The bar height at a given polynomial indicates the number of times that polynomial is realized by matrices (whose nonzero subdiagonal entries all equal 1) whose graph is the given tree.

Figure 6.

The co-realizability partial ordering for all trees on n=9 vertices over F3. The labeling scheme used is that of Figure 1.


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Written By

Charles R. Johnson, Greyson C. Wesley, Xiaoyu Lin, Xiwen Liu and Sihan Zhou

Submitted: 14 December 2022 Reviewed: 03 February 2023 Published: 13 April 2023