Open access peer-reviewed chapter

Properties of the Poly-Changhee Polynomials and Its Applications

Written By

Mohd. Saif and Raghib Nadeem

Submitted: 16 January 2023 Reviewed: 03 February 2023 Published: 12 July 2023

DOI: 10.5772/intechopen.1001849

From the Edited Volume

Recent Research in Polynomials

Faruk Özger

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The introduction of Changhee polynomials and numbers by Kim et al. in 2013, as published in Advances in Studies in Theoretical Physics, Volume 7, 2013, No. 20, pages 993–1003, sparked interest in their properties and identities. Building on Kim’s work, the authors of this chapter define the generating functions for poly-Changhee polynomials and numbers, as well as higher-order poly-Changhee polynomials and numbers, using an umbral calculus approach. They demonstrate how these polynomials and numbers are closely related to other polynomials, such as Stirling polynomials of the first and second kind, and Daehee polynomials and numbers, by utilizing poly-logarithmic functions. The authors also derive new explicit formulas and identities for these polynomials and numbers in their research.


  • Changhee polynomials
  • degenearate poly-changhee polynomials
  • generating function
  • higher-order changhee polynomials
  • poly-Bernoulli numbers

1. Introduction

In recent years, there has been significant research on Changhee polynomials and their properties, generalizations, and applications in various fields. Here is a brief overview of some of the notable works in this area:

  • Kim et al. [1]: Introduced Changhee polynomials and numbers using an umbral calculus approach and obtained interesting identities and properties of these polynomials.

  • Kim et al. [2]: Considered Witt-type formulas for Changhee numbers and polynomials, which are a type of recurrence relation satisfied by these numbers and polynomials.

  • Kim and Kim [3]: Introduced higher-order Changhee polynomials and established relations between higher-order Changhee polynomials and special polynomials.

  • Rim et al. [4]: Considered Witt-type formulas for n-th twisted Changhee numbers and polynomials, which are a generalization of Changhee numbers and polynomials with a twist parameter n.

  • Jang et al. [5]: Investigated higher-order twisted Changhee polynomials and numbers, and discussed computations of zeros of these polynomials.

  • Kim et al. [6, 7]: Established nonlinear differential equations satisfied by Changhee polynomials, which turned out to be useful for studying special polynomials and mathematical physics.

Moreover, Changhee polynomials and numbers have found applications in various fields, including mathematics, mathematical physics, computer science, engineering sciences, and real-world problems [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40]. These polynomials and numbers have been used to solve problems in diverse areas, showcasing their versatility and importance in different disciplines.

Additionally, the notation N denotes the set of natural numbers, and N0=N0 denotes the set of non-negative integers.

For tCp with tp<p1p1, the Changhee polynomials are defined by the generating function to be


For x=0,Chn=Chn0=n!2n are called Changhee numbers [1]. The first few Changhee numbers Chn are Ch0=1,Ch1=12,Ch2=12,Ch3=34,Ch4=32,Ch5=154,.

From (1), we have


where xn is a falling factorial (also called the Pochhammer symbol and related to the gamma function in such a way that Γx+nΓx, for detail (see [11, 17, 26, 41]).


Further, to find the remarkable results in the following section, we need to define classical Bernoulli Bnx [16, 21, 33], Bernoulli polynomials of the second kind bnx [14], modified poly-Bernoulli numbers Cnk [32], poly-Daehee numbers Dnkx [15] by means of the generating functions, so before defining all these definitions, first we need to define generating function in a nutshell.


2. Generating functions

The generating function is a way of encoding an infinite sequence of numbers a0a1a2 by treating them as a coefficient of a formal power series. Then, the series is called the generating function of the series. For example, if a=a0a1a2 be a sequence of terms, then generating function (in short we call it GF) of the above sequence is an infinite series Gx=n=0anxn.

  • If an=cc0, then GF becomes Gx=c1x.

  • If an=nk,kn0,k>n, then GF becomes Gx=1+xn.

  • If an=cc0, then GF becomes Gx=c1x.

  • If an=n!2n, then GF becomes Gx=22+x=Chn0, the Changhee numbers described in first section. Similarly, if we choose an=12n, then we also get Changhee numbers. So, here we have seen that the generating function has an elementary form. In fact, more simple than the sequence itself, this is the first magic of the generating function; in many natural instances, the generating function turns out to be very simple.

There are various generating functions, such as ordinary, exponential, Bell series, etc. Similarly, we can find generating function in x and t, denoted by Gxt and defined by the formal power series as


and we say that Gxt has generted the set gnx. We can extend the above definition slightly by the form


where cn be sequence independent of x and t. Certain properties of the polynomial set gnx are readily deduced from the known properties of Gxt. In this decades, many of researchers found the generating function of various types of polynomial and also generalize the idea to get new set of polynomial and numbers. In this regard, many authors can visit the references. Also, generating function plays a large role in our study of the polynomial sets. For example,

  • The Legender polynomials (denoted by Pnx) is defined by the GF


  • The Hermite polynomial (denoted by Hnx) is defined by the GF


Note 2.1. Let Ax and Bx are two GF of the two sequences an and bn, then their product Ax. Bx is also a GF.

Now, here, the generating function of Bernoulli plynomial of first kind, second kind, (for) is given by Gxt=textet1=n=0Bnxn!tn and Gxt=1+txlog1+tt=n=0bnxn!tn, these comes under the category of exponential generating functions.

The GF of modified poly-Bernoulli numbers Cnk (see [32]), poly-Daehee numbers Dnkx (see [15]) are given as:


As we know that the Stirling numbers are the coefficients of the expansion of the falling and rising factorial, denoted by xn,xn, respectively. Falling and rising factorials are polynomials in degree n. The Stirling numbers of first kind S1nk and the Stirling number of second kind S2nk are generated by the following series expansion


In view of Eq. (6), we can also obtain the following another connections of Stirling numbers.


where S2n0=δn,0,S2nk=0, for k>n, and δn,k is the kronecker delta.

The Stirling number of the first kind, denoted by S1nk is given as:


xn is called falling factorial, given by Eq. (3). After expanding falling factorial and right hand side of the above equation, we get list of Stirling numbers for different values of n.

Remark 2.1. One of these falling and raising factorials can also be found by using


For kZ,k>1, the classical polylogarithm function Likx (see [2, 30, 34]) is defined by


Note 2.2. For k=1,Li1x=n=1xnn=1log1x, (here the sequuence an=n1!n!)..

In this chapter, we consider the poly-Changhee numbers and polynomials and derive new explicit formulas and identities for those numbers and polynomials.


3. Higher-order Changhee polynomials and numbers

As one of the special polynomial, the Changhee polynomials and numbers are closely related to some other important polynomials and numbers such as combinatorics, applied science, mathematical physics, etc. The generating function of the higher-order Changhee polynomials is described as:


where the sequence of the polynomial Chnkx is called a higher-order Changhee polynomial. For the different values of k,kN and at x=0, the constant terms of the Changhee polynomials are listed here:


Note 3.1. For k=1 in Eq. (10), we get simple Changhee polynomials, given by the Eq. (1).

Similarly, we can find other constant terms of the above set of Changhee Polynomial given by (10). Now, in general, some of the higher-order Changhee polynomials are also listed here (the generating function is given in (10)):


Note 3.2. For different choices of k and n, we can easily find various simple Changhee polynomials and higher-order Changhee polynomials and numbers.

In the next section, we shall define a simple poly-Changhee polynomial using the GF of the Changhee polynomial and the GF of the poly-logarithmic function.


4. Poly-Changhee polynomials and numbers

For kZ, the poly-Changhee polynomials are defined by the following generating function to be


For x=0,Chnk=Chnk0 are called poly-Changhee numbers, given by


and by (12) we can easily obtain Ch0k=0.

For the case k=1, we have


From (12) and (13), we get


Theorem 4.1. Let nZ=0Z+, where Z+ denotes the positive integer. Then we have


Proof. Now from (11) the generating function of poly-Changhee polynomials, we have


Thus, we obtain the above result on equating the coefficients of tn on both sides of Eq. (16).

Theorem 4.2. Let nZ=0Z+, where Z+ denotes the positive integer. Then we have


Proof. Again from (11) the generating function of poly-Changhee polynomials, we have


Thus, we acquire the proof of the theorem on equating the coefficients of tn+1 on both sides of Eq. (18).

Theorem 4.3. Let nZ=0Z+, where Z+ denotes the positive integer. Then we have


Proof. From (11) the generating function of poly-Changhee polynomials, we have


Thus, we acquire the above theorem on equating the coefficient of tn on both sides of Eq. (20).

Theorem 4.4. For n0,


For every integer k poly-Bernoulli number Bnk and the modified poly-Bernoulli numbers Cnk introduced by Kaneko [23].


Now, from the definition of poly-changhee polynomials, we observe that


Now, left-hand side of the Eq. (24), we have


From Eqs. (25) and (27), we have


Therefore, we arrive the above result (Table 1).

S. No.Name of PolynomialAyGenerating Function
I.Changhee polynomial [13]22+t1+txn=0tnn!Chnx=22+t1+tx
II.Higher-order Changhee polynomial [3]22+tk1+txn=0tnn!Chnkx=22+tk1+tx
III.Degenerate Changhee polynomial [38]2λ2λ+log1+λt1+log1+λt1λxn=0tnn!Chnx=2λ2λ+log1+λt1+log1+λtxλ
IV.Higher-order degenerate Changhee polynomial [35]2λ2λ+log1+λtk1+log1+λt1λxn=0tnn!Chn,kx=2λ2λ+log1+λt1+log1+λtxλ
V.Poly-Changhee polynomial2t2+t1+txLik1et2t2+t1+txLik1et=n=0Chnkxtnn!

Table 1.

Similar members to the Changhee family Chnx.


5. Conclusion

In this chapter, we have studied Changhee polynomial and their various generalization. In the same way, we can also define degenerate poly-Changhee polynomial by the following generating function. For kZ, the degenerate poly-Changhee polynomials are defined by the following generating function:


Remark 5.1. The limiting case (i.e., when limλ0) of degenerate poly-Changhee polynomials gives poly-Changhee polynomials (for more details, visit [12, 31, 33, 36]).


In the same way, we can also define higher-order degenerate poly-Changhee polynomial by the following generating function:


where, nN0,kZ. After substituting x=0 in Eq. (30), we get higher-order degenerate poly-Changhee numbers, given as:


Thus, one can see easily the more general results have been obtianed in this chapter.

Open Question: The authors suggest that the readers try to think about how to find generating function of various types of Apostol-based poly-Changhee polynomials, Bernoulli-based poly-Changhee polynomials, and Euler-based poly-Changhee polynomials?



2010 Mathematics Subject Classification, 33C20, 33C45, 65A05.


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Written By

Mohd. Saif and Raghib Nadeem

Submitted: 16 January 2023 Reviewed: 03 February 2023 Published: 12 July 2023