Open access peer-reviewed chapter

Generalized Quantum Polynomials

Written By

Burcu Silindir and Ahmet Yantir

Submitted: 12 December 2022 Reviewed: 17 December 2022 Published: 30 January 2023

DOI: 10.5772/intechopen.1000861

From the Edited Volume

Recent Research in Polynomials

Faruk Özger

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On a general time scale, polynomials, Taylor’s formula, and related subjects are described in terms of implicit and inefficient recursive relations. In this work, our primary goal is to construct proper polynomials, namely delta and nabla generalized quantum polynomials, on (q, h)-time scales explicitly. We show that generalized quantum polynomials play the same roles on (q, h)-time scales as ordinary polynomials play in R since they obey the additive properties and Leibnitz rules. Such polynomials which recover falling/rising and q-falling/q-rising factorials are constructed by the frame of forward and backward shifts. Additionally, we present delta- and nabla-Gauss’ binomial formulas which provide many applications.


  • (q
  • h)-time scales
  • delta generalized quantum polynomial
  • nabla generalized quantum polynomial
  • (q
  • h)-Taylor’s formula
  • (q
  • h)-Gauss’ binomial formula

1. Introduction

The polynomials occupy a very significant place in the theory of analysis. Once a polynomial is constructed, it is possible to express not only elementary functions but also some special functions in terms of infinite series of polynomials. On the other hand, a contribution to polynomials provides progress also on the theory of differential/difference equations because they could be proposed or solved by the frame of polynomials. Since the creation of modern calculus, the polynomials have been studied on continuous line or on discrete lattice where the stepsize h is constant, namely on hZ


or on quantum numbers where the stepsize is not uniform, namely on Kq


After the invention of time scales by Stefan Hilger [1], many mathematical concepts constructed on discrete sets and continuous sets are unified without any big obstacles, especially in the theory of difference/differential equations. However, some key mathematical concepts such as polynomials and Taylor’s formula have inefficient or implicit recursive definitions on general time scales and they are inapplicable in practice. Therefore, these concepts are studied not on a general time scale but instead on some specific time scales such as on (1) or on (2).

The so-called qh-time scale Tqh is introduced by Čermák and Nechvátal [2] as the unification of (1) and (2) in order to study fractional calculus. The importance of the qh-time scale is beyond the expectations. In this special setting, it is possible to study the mathematical concepts which cannot be presented explicitly on a general time scale. In this work, we aim to present the proper forms of the polynomials on Tqh in a manner that they assure the nature of qh-time scales. In the literature, the studies on time scales proceed in two directions due to the delta and nabla derivative operators. For that reason, we present the unified polynomials on Tqh in two separate forms: delta and nabla generalized quantum polynomials. We analyze the fundamental properties of both generalized quantum polynomials. One of the most significant advantage of studying on Tqh is to attain the results which reduce to the results on hZ, Kq and R in the proper limits of h and q. We emphasize that the nabla generalized quantum polynomial unifies

  1. nabla q-polynomial as h0,

  2. nabla h-polynomial as q1,

  3. ordinary polynomial as qh10,

while the delta generalized quantum polynomial recovers
  1. delta q-polynomial as h0,

  2. delta h-polynomial as q1,

  3. ordinary polynomial as qh10.

The details of the above reductions under proper limits will be analyzed throughout the current work. Since the construction of Tqh is well-defined, the reductions of forward and backward shifts, the nabla and delta derivatives, polynomials, Gauss Binomial formula to hZ, Kq and R are consistent in both nabla and delta sense.

The current work is organized as follows. In Section 2, we give a very brief introduction to time scale calculus, define two appropriate qh-time scales and we state the concepts of qh-time scale calculus (in both nabla and delta sense). Section 3 is devoted to present the nabla generalized quantum polynomial equipped with its key features such as derivative rule and additive property. We also state and prove the nabla qh-Taylor’s formula from which we are able to establish the nabla qh-Gauss binomial formula. In Section 4, we intensify on the delta generalized quantum polynomial. It is shown that the delta version of quantum binomial also possesses the key features of the polynomials. The delta version of qh-Taylor’s formula and Gauss binomial formula is presented. The notions and theories are explained by examples.


2. Preliminaries

A time scale T is a non-empty closed subset of R. The most well-known examples of time scales: Z, the Cantor set C and the discrete sets hZ (1) and Kq (2). We refer readers to see the pioneering article [1] and the books [3, 4] for the details of the theory of time scales and [5, 6, 7] for qh-calculus. In this section, we only list the concepts of calculus on time scales, nabla calculus on Tqh1 and delta calculus on Tqh2 which we require throughout this work.

On an arbitrary time scale T, the forward jump and the backward jump operators are given by


The Δ- and -derivatives of a real-valued function on T, are, respectively, defined by


For given h,qR+, we introduce two-parameter time scales by




where n stands for the q-number given by


which tends to the non-negative integer n as q1. It is clear that such time scales are generalizations of (1) and (2). On Tqh1 and Tqh2, the operators σ and ρ reduce to


The point h1q is an accumulation point, because of the limits




The reason why we separately define (6) and (7) is to make our contributions consistent with the general theory of time scales.

Remark 2.1. It is also possible to define Tqh1 for 0<q<1,x<h1q and define Tqh2 for q>1,x>h1q. However, in those cases, the roles of the operators σ and ρ have to interchange in order to be consistent with the definitions (3).

Here we note that the time scales Tqh1 and Tqh2 are purely discrete sets with the exceptional accumulation point h1q. The nabla qh-derivative and the delta qh-derivative are defined as follows.

Definition 2.2. [7] Let fx:Tqh1R be a function. The nabla qh-derivative of f is defined by


provided that the limits exist (see [3], Theorem 1.16 i).

Definition 2.3. [2, 5] Let fx:Tqh2R be a function. The delta qh-derivative of f is defined by


provided that the limits exist (see [3], Theorem 1.16 i).

One of the most significant advantage of qh time scales is to allow us to study q-calculus, h-calculus, and ordinary calculus on one hand. By the definition of jump operators (9), these operators reduce to

  1. σx=σhx=x+h and ρx=ρhx=xh as q1.

  2. σx=σqx=qx and ρx=ρqx=xq as h0.

  3. σx=ρx=x as qh10.

The above reductions have very interesting consequences. If the above reductions are applied to the nabla qh-derivative (12), we obtain the following list of reductions.

  1. T=Kq: The nabla q-derivative D˜q0fx=qfx.

  2. T=hZ: The nabla h-derivative D˜1hfx=hfx.

  3. T=R: The ordinary derivative D˜10fx=dfxdx.

Similarly, the delta qh-derivative (13) has the below list of reductions.

  1. T=Kq: The delta q-derivative [8] Dq0fx=Δqfx.

  2. T=hZ: The nabla h-derivative D1hfx=Δhfx.

  3. T=R: The ordinary derivative D10fx=dfxdx.

The above reductions are shown in Figures 1 and 2.

Figure 1.

Reductions of the nabla generalized derivative (or nabla qh-derivative).

Figure 2.

Reductions of the delta generalized derivative (or delta qh-derivative).

Proposition 2.4. [7] If f,g:Tqh1R are any functions then the product rule for nabla qh-derivative is given by


Proposition 2.5. [5] If f,g are any real-valued functions defined on Tqh2, then the product rule for delta qh-derivative is expressed as


Definition 2.6. We introduce the 1q-number as


Similar to the q-number m, the 1q-number approaches to the non-negative number m as q1. Moreover, there is a relation between q and 1q-numbers


Definition 2.7. We introduce the 1q-factorial by


while 01q!1.

Definition 2.8. We introduce the 1q-binomial coefficient as


Proposition 2.9. The following properties hold for the 1q-binomial coefficient


Proof: By Definition 2.8, the property (i) is clear. For (ii), we employ the relation (19) which leads to


3. Nabla generalized quantum polynomial

In this Section, our main aim is to present nabla qh-analog of the polynomial xωm on Tqh1 (6) in a way that such a polynomial is consistent with the nabla qh-derivative operator (12) and preserves the properties similar to ordinary polynomials. The findings of this section are based on the work [7].

Definition 3.1. We define the nabla generalized quantum polynomial (or nabla qh-polynomial) by


Example 3.2. We can demonstrate the nabla qh-polynomial (25) for m=4


  1. If we set h=12 and q=2, then 2=1+q3 and 3=1+q+q27 and (26) turns out to be


  2. If we set h=12 and q=1, then from (26) we have


  3. If we set h=0 and q=2, then from (26) we derive


Remark 3.3. We list the reductions of the nabla qh-polynomial (25) as follows:

  1. T=Kq: The nabla q-polynomial


  2. T=hZ: The nabla h-polynomial


  3. T=R: The ordinary polynomial


The reductions can be visualized in Figure 3.

Figure 3.

Reductions of the nabla generalized quantum polynomial (or nabla qh-polynomial).

Proposition 3.4. The Leibnitz rule for the nabla qh-polynomial (25) is determined as


Proof: For j=1, we apply the nabla qh-derivative on (25)


We obtain a very useful derivative rule for (25)


For j>1, we use (35) and immediately derive the property (33).

To be more precise, the nabla qh-polynomial xωq,hm obeys a very significant derivative rule (35) as in ordinary calculus.

Theorem 1.1. Assume P0P1PM is a set of polynomials preserving the below conditions

  1. P0ω=1 and Pkω=0, kN,

  2. degPk=k, kN0,

  3. DPk=Pk1, kN,

where D is any linear operator. Then Taylor’s formula is presented by


where Qx is any polynomial of degree M.

Proof: Consider the set of polynomials A=P0P1PM preserving the given conditions. Since degPk=k for each k, then A is a linearly independent set of M+1 polynomials. Assume V is a vector space of polynomials with dimension M+1. Therefore A spans V and A turns out to be a basis for V. That is, any polynomial Qx in V can be determined in terms of the elements of the basis A


Using condition (i) on (37) leads to


We employ the linearity of D, the conditions (i) and (iii) to determine a1


and each coefficient am


As a conclusion, we end up with the desired Taylor’s formula


Motivated by Theorem 1.1, we can state the following theorem.

Theorem 1.2. The nabla qh-Taylor’s formula is given by


where Qx is a polynomial of degree M.

Proof: Note that nabla qh-derivative operator D˜qh is linear and the set 1xωq,h˜1xωq,h˜221q!xωq,h˜MM1q! stands for a set of polynomials satisfying the properties of Theorem 1.1. Hence, the proof follows.

One of the most important distinguishing features of polynomials is the additive property. The nabla qh-version of the additive property of nabla generalized quantum polynomials is stated as follows.

Proposition 3.5. The nabla qh-polynomial (25) possesses the additive property.


Proof: The proof is straightforward for m=0 or n=0 or both. For m,n>0, the m+nth power of the delta qh-polynomial (25) can be written as


Note that the product of the first m terms is xωq,h˜m. The product of the last n terms is xωmhqmq,h˜n which is derived by replacing c by ωmhqm in (25).

Example 3.6. Let us illustrate the additivity rule. Let m=3, n=2, then


  1. If h=0, then from (45) we have


  2. If q=1, then (45) implies


The nabla qh-version of the celebrating Gauss’ Binomial formula is as follows:

Theorem 1.3. On Tqh1, the nabla qh-analog of Gauss’ Binomial formula can be presented in two equivalent forms


Proof: If we set fxxωq,h˜m, by the use of Proposition 3.4, we can calculate


As a consequence of Theorem 1.2, we conclude that


For the second equivalent form, we use Proposition 2.9 (i) to rewrite


where we used the index change k=mj.

Example 3.7. Consider m=3. Then one can compute


4. Delta generalized quantum polynomial

In this Section, we present delta qh-analog of the polynomial xωm on Tqh2 (7). Such polynomial satisfies the derivative rule with respect to the delta qh-derivative operator (13) and additive property. The results of this section are based on the articles [5] and [6].

Definition 4.1. We define the delta generalized quantum polynomial (or delta qh-polynomial) by


Example 4.2. We can demonstrate the delta qh-polynomial (53) for m=3


  1. If we set h=13 and q=12, then 2=1+q32 from which (54) becomes


  2. If we set h=12 and q=1, then (54) yields as


  3. If we set h=0 and q=12, then (54) leads to


Remark 4.3. We list the reductions of the delta qh-polynomial (53) as follows:

  1. T=Kq: The delta q-polynomial [8]


  2. T=hZ: The delta h-polynomial


  3. T=R: The ordinary polynomial (Figure 4)


Figure 4.

Reductions of the delta generalized quantum polynomial (or delta qh-polynomial).

Proposition 4.4. The delta qh-polynomial (53) obeys the Leibnitz formula


Proof: For j=1, the property (61) holds since


The formula (61) yields by applying the delta qh-derivative to the delta qh-polynomial (53) j-times successively.

Proposition 4.5. The delta delta qh-polynomial (53) admits the additive identity


Proof: The identity is trivial if m=0 or n=0 or both. If m,n>0 the definition of the delta qh-polynomial (53) allows us to write


where the underbraced term is nothing but xqmω+mhq,hn which is obtained by replacing ω by qmω+mh in (53).

Example 4.6. Here we illustrate the additivity property. Let m=2, n=2, then


  1. If h=0, then from (65) we have


  2. If q=1, then (65) implies


Theorem 1.4. The delta qh-analogue of Taylor’s formula is given by


where Qx is a polynomial of degree M.

Proof: The proof is based on Theorem 1.1. Since delta qh-derivative operator is linear and the set 1xωq,h1xωq,h22!xωq,hMM! stands for a set of polynomials satisfying the properties of Theorem 1.1. Therefore, the proof finishes.

Theorem 1.5. On Tqh2, the delta qh-analog of the Gauss Binomial formula has the following equivalent forms


Proof: We choose fx=xωq,hm and employ Theorem 1.4 about ω=0 to obtain


By Proposition 4.4, we derive


Therefore, (70) leads to the delta qh-Gauss Binomial formula


Since mk=mmk, one can use the index change i=mk and end up with the second form


Example 4.7. Let m=3. We may calculate


5. Conclusions

We presented delta and nabla generalized quantum polynomials which are determined by the use of forward and backward shifts. We showed that such polynomials recover delta q-, delta h-, nabla q-, nabla h- and ordinary polynomials. We emphasize that the study on generalized quantum polynomials not only unify polynomials (and related subjects) on h-lattice sets, quantum numbers and on R but also create a paradigm on the theory of special functions (power functions [9], hypergeometric functions, Bernstein polynomials, Bernoulli polynomials, etc.) and combinatorics.


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  6. 6. Silindir B, Yantir A. Gauss’s binomial formula and additive property of exponential functions on Tqh. Univerzitet u Nišu. 2021;35(11):3855-3877
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Written By

Burcu Silindir and Ahmet Yantir

Submitted: 12 December 2022 Reviewed: 17 December 2022 Published: 30 January 2023