Open access peer-reviewed chapter

Applications of Orthogonal Polynomials to Subclasses of Bi-Univalent Functions

Written By

Adnan Ghazy AlAmosush

Submitted: 06 January 2023 Reviewed: 04 February 2023 Published: 07 March 2023

DOI: 10.5772/intechopen.1001156

From the Edited Volume

Recent Research in Polynomials

Faruk Özger

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Orthogonal polynomials have been studied extensively by Legendre in 1784. They are representatively related to typically real functions, which played an important role in the geometric function theory, and its role of estimating coefficient bounds. This chapter associates certain bi-univalent functions with certain orthogonal polynomials, such as Gegnbauer polynomials and Horadam polynomials, and then explores some properties of the subclasses in hand. This chapter is concerned with the connection between orthogonal polynomials and bi-univalent functions. Our purpose is to introduce certain classes of bi-univalent functions by means of Gegenbauer polynomials and Hordam polynomials. Bounds for the initial coefficients of a2 and a3, and results related to Fekete–Szegö functional are obtained.


  • analytic functions
  • univalent and bi-univalent functions
  • Fekete-Szegö problem
  • Gegnbauer polynomials
  • Horadam polynomials
  • pseudo-starlike functions
  • pseudo-convex functions coefficient bounds
  • subordination

1. Introduction

Orthogonal polynomials appear in many areas of mathematics and play a vital role in the development of numerical and analytical approaches. Also, many mathematicians have been interested in its subjects. Orthogonal polynomials are gaining traction in current different mathematics, such as operator theory, number theory, special functions, analytic functions, and approximation theory. Also, has a wide range applications in physics and engineering fields. The subject of orthogonal polynomials finds its origins in 1784 by Legendre [1]. In the 18th century, the first examples of orthogonal polynomials were developed by brilliant mathematicians, before the general theory, which appeared in the 19th century. Orthogonal polynomials have been found to have connections with trigonometric, hypergeometric, Bessel, and elliptic functions, helping to solve certain problems in the theory of differential and integral equations, and in quantum mechanics and mathematical statistics. Up until the late 20th century, Szegö [2] covered most of the general theories along with all standard formulas for the three classical orthogonal polynomials. The connection of orthogonal polynomials with other branches of mathematics is very deep and impressive.

Officially, the classes of polynomials Pn defined over a range ab are orthogonal satisfy




where Wx is nonnegative function in (a, b).

Orthogonal polynomials are among the most often studied polynomials, such as Gegenbauer polynomials, Hordam polynomials, Chebyshev polynomials of the first and the second kind, Laguerre polynomials, and Jacobi polynomial. Recently, several papers from a theoretical point of view and in the case of bi-univalent functions have been studied.

The main goal of this chapter focuses on some original results of bi-univalent functions by using Gegenbauer polynomials and Hordam polynomials. Estimates on the initial Taylor-Maclaurin coefficients and the Fekete-Szegö inequalities for some subclasses of bi univalent functions are obtained. Also, we give several illustrative examples of the bi-univalent function subclass, which we introduce here. To do so, we take into account the following definitions.

Let A represents the class of all functions of the form


which are analytic in the open unit open disk U=z:zCz<1, and let S be the class of all functions in A, which are univalent and normalized by the conditions


in U.

For any two analytic function f1 and f2 in unit disk U, we say that f1 is subordinate to f2, and denoted by f1f2, if there exists Schwarz function


analytic in U such that


where cn1 (see [3] for ϖz).

In particular, it is known that


Thus, clearly, every univalent function f has an inverse f1, defined by






If f and f1 are univalent in U, then a function fA is called bi-univalent.

The study of the class Σ of bi-univalent functions was discussed by Lewin [4] while Brannan and Taha [5] derived estimates for the initial coefficients. Lately, Srivastava et al. [6] have actually revived the investigation of analytic and bi-univalent functions. Several researchers have investigated and examined various subclasses of analytic and bi-univalent functions, one can refer to the works of [7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20].

Ma and Minda [21] investigated the class of starlike and convex functions as the following




Clear that, if fzCϕ, then zfzSϕ.

Initiating an investigation on properties of bi-univalent functions linked by Gegenbauer polynomials and Hordam polynomials will be discussed in the following sections.

1.1 Applications of Gegenbauer polynomials to subclasses of bi-univalent functions

This section is devoted to studying and discussing Gegenbauer Polynomials by means of bi-univalent function. We first introduce the following definitions.

A generating function of Gegenbauer polynomials of the sequence Cnαx,nN is defined by the following:


where α is nonzero real constant, x11, zU, and Cnαx is defined by


It is clear that, C0αx=1,C1αx=2αx and C2αx=2α1+αx2α. Furthermore, we present some particular cases of Cnαx as follows:

  1. For α=0, we get the Chebyshev polynomials.

  2. For α=12, we get the Legendre polynomials.

A class of starlike bi-univalent functions is linked with Gegenbauer polynomial as follows.

Definition 2.1. Let γ1/2\0, and 0λ1, x1/21. A function fΣ given by Eq. (1) is said to be in the class QΣsHγ if there exist the following functions:


and the conditions are fulfilled




where F is the inverse of f is defined by Eq. (4) and Hγ is the generating function of the Gegenbauer polynomial given by Eq. (5).

Also, a class of convex bi-univalent functions linked with Gegenbauer polynomial as follows:

Definition 2.2. Let γ1/2\0 and 0λ1, x1/21. A function fΣ given by ?? is said to be in the class Q*ΣsHγ if there exist the following functions:


and the conditions are fulfilled




where F is the inverse of f is defined by Eq. (4) and Hγ is the generating function of the Gegenbauer polynomial given by Eq. (5).

Next section, we discuss some recent results of bi-univalent functions for several families associated with Gegenbauer polynomials and Hordam polynomials, respectively. For the proofs and details of the main theorems, one can refer to [7, 8, 9], respectively.

1.2 Initial Taylor coefficient estimates for the functions of QΣsHγ and Q*ΣsHγ

We begin this section by defining Fekete-Szegö inequality, which was given by Fekete and Szegö [2] and defined as follows.

If fS and η is real, then


This bound is sharp.

Theorem 2.1. Let the function f given by Eq. (1) be in the class QΣsHγ. Then




For some ηR, we have


For γ=1 in Theorem 2.1, we have the following corollary.

Corollary 2.1. Let the function f given by Eq. (1) be in the class QΣsH. Then




For some ηR, we have


Theorem 2.2. Let the function f given by Eq. (1) be in the class Q*ΣsHγ. Then




For some ηR, we have


For γ=1 in Theorem 2.2, we have the following corollary.

Corollary 2.2. Let the function f given by Eq. (1) be in the class Q*ΣsHγ. Then




For some ηR, we have


Next section is devoted to studying and discussing Hordam polynomials by means of bi-univalent function.

1.3 Applications of Hordam polynomials to subclasses of bi-univalent functions

We begin this section by introducing the recurrence relation of the Hordam polynomials, which was studied by Horzum and Koçer [22] as follows.




where a,b,p, and q are some real constants, and the characteristic equation of above recurrence relation is


with two real roots:




Selecting particular values of a,b,p, and q reduces to special various polynomials as follows:

  • If a=b=p=q=1, the Fibonacci polynomials sequence is obtained


  • If a=2,b=p=q=1, the Lucas polynomials sequence is acquired


  • If a=q=1,b=p=2, the Pell polynomials sequence is attained


  • If a=b=p=2,q=1, the Pell-Lucas polynomials sequence is obtained


  • If a=1,b=p=2,q=1, the Chebyshev polynomials of second kind sequence are acquired


  • If a=b=1,p=2,q=1, the Chebyshev polynomials of first kind sequence are obtained


  • If x=1, the Horadam numbers sequence is derived


For more details related to these polynomial sequences succession, can refer to [22, 23, 24, 25].

The generating function of the Horadam polynomials hnx is studied by Horadam [23] and defined as follows:


New subclasses of the bi-univalent function class Σ associated with Horadam polynomial are presented in the following.

Definition 3.1. A function fΣ given by Eq. (1) is said to be in the class Σx if the following subordinations hold:




where the real constants a, b, and q are as in Eq. (25) and g=f1 is given by Eq. (4).

Theorem 3.1. Let the function fΣ given by Eq. (1) be in the class Σx. Then


and for some ηR,


In light of relation (27), Theorem 3.1, we can readily deduce the following corollaries.

Corollary 3.1. For t1/21, let the function fΣ given by Eq. (1) be in the class Σt. Then


and for some ηR,


Taking η=1 in Corollary 3.1, we get the following corollary.

Corollary 3.2. For t1/21, let the function fΣ given by Eq. (1) be in the class Σt. Then


The class Ss of functions starlike with respect to symmetric points is introduced by Sakaguchi [26], consisting of functions fS that satisfy the following condition


Similarly, the class Ks of functions convex with respect to symmetric points is introduced by Wang et al. [27], consisting of functions fS that satisfy the following condition


Moreover, Ravichandran [28] introduced the following two subclasses:

For such a function ϕ, then a function fA is in the class Ssϕ if


and in the class Ksϕ if


Recently, a new class Lλ of λ-pseudo-starlike functions is defined by Babalola [29] as the following:

Let fA and λ1 is real. Then fzLλ of λ-pseudo-starlike functions in U if and only if


More recently, the author introduced and studied two subclasses LΣλαx and MΣλαx of λ-pseudo-bi-univalent functions with respect to symmetrical points linked by the Horadam polynomials hnx and the generating function Ωxz as follows.

Definition 3.2. A function fΣ given by Eq. (1) is said to be in the class LΣλαx if the following conditions are satisfied:




where the real constants a, b, and q are as in Eq. (25) and gw=f1z is given by Eq. (4).

Definition 3.3. A function fΣ given by Eq. (1) is said to be in the class MΣλαx if the following conditions are satisfied:




where the real constants a, b, and q are as in Eq. (25) and gw=f1z is given by Eq. (4).

In the next theorems, the coefficient bounds and Fekete-Szegö type inequalities for the function subclasses LΣλαx and MΣλαx, respectively.

Theorem 3.2. Let the function fΣ given by Eq. (1) be in the class LΣλαx. Then


and for some ηR,


where A=2λ2+λ1+2α3λ214λ21+α2pbx2+qab2x2.

For α=0 in Theorem 3.2, we have the following result.

Corollary 3.3. Let the function fΣ given by Eq. (1) be in the class LΣλx. Then


and for some ηR,


where A0=2λ2+λ14λ2pbx2+qab2x2.

For α=1 Theorem 3.2, we have the following result.

corollary 3.3.

Let the function fΣ given by Eq. (1) be in the class LΣλ1x. Then


and for some ηR,


where A1=2λ2+λ1+23λ2116λ2pbx2+qab2x2.

For λ=1 Theorem 3.2, we have the following result.

Corollary 3.4. Let the function fΣ given by Eq. (1) be in the class LΣ1αx. Then


and for some ηR,


where B=21+2α41+α2pbx2+qab2x2..

A function fΣ given by (1.1) is said to be in the class MΣλαx if the following conditions are satisfied:




where the real constants a, b, and q are as in Eq. (25) and gw=f1z is given by Eq. (4).

Theorem 3.3. Let the function fΣ given by Eq. (1) be in the class MΣλαx. Then


and for some ηR,


where C=2λ2α22+λ+2α34λ2α22pbx2+qab2x2.

For λ=1 Theorem 3.3, we have the following result.

Corollary 3.5. Let the function fΣ given by Eq. (1) be in the class MΣ1αx. Then


and for some ηR,


where C1=2α22+2α14α22pbx2+qab2x2.


2. Conclusions

The study conducted in this chapter involves certain subclasses of bi-univalent functions examined by using Gegenbauer polynomials and Hordam polynomials, respectively, in the open unit disc. The main results are contained in which coefficient estimates are obtained for each subclass of bi-univalent functions, which could inspire researchers to focus on other aspects such as certain families of bi-univalent functions using other orthogonal polynomials.



It is a great pleasure for me to appreciate Prof. Faruk Özge and academic editor for their precious time in reviewing this chapter and putting it in their book project.


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Written By

Adnan Ghazy AlAmosush

Submitted: 06 January 2023 Reviewed: 04 February 2023 Published: 07 March 2023