IntechOpen Book Series

Education and Human Development

BOOK SERIES DOI 10.5772/intechopen.100360ISSN 2755-9513

Latest publication 01 July 2024

A collection of scientific Topics in Education and Human Development - always open for submission with an Annual Volume published each calendar year with a dedicated ISSN and ISBN.

Led by Series Editor Dr. Katherine K.M. Stavropoulos and an international Editorial Board, all submissions are peer-reviewed and published immediately after acceptance.

The Book Series also publishes a program of research-driven Thematic Edited Volumes that focus on specific areas and allow for a more in-depth overview of a particular subject.


Education and Human Development is an interdisciplinary research area that aims to shed light on topics related to both learning and development. This Series is intended for researchers, practitioners, and students who are interested in understanding more about these fields and their applications.

Series Editor

An image of Katherine K.M. Stavropoulos

Katherine K.M. Stavropoulos

University of California, Riverside,
United States of America

Publication details

BOOK SERIES DOI 10.5772/intechopen.100360

ISSN 2755-9513


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Topics in Education and Human Development

Topic Editor

An image of Delfín Ortega-Sánchez

Delfín Ortega-Sánchez

University of Burgos, Spain

Topic Editor

An image of Tal Dotan Ben-Soussan

Tal Dotan Ben-Soussan

Research Institute for Neuroscience, Education and Didactics, FPP

Publish with Us

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Always Open for Submissions

Work at your own pace with no cutoff date for submitting your work


Robust peer-review ensures your work is suitable for publication and of interest to the scientific community

Online First

Early online publication after acceptance assures research is made available to the scientific community without delay

Open Access

Your work will be permanently available online, free to download, share and read