Research Topic

Reproductive and Gynecologic Health

PART OF IntechOpen Book Series: Obstetrics and Gynecology

ISSN 3049-706X

Research Topic on Reproductive and Gynecologic Health - always open for submissions, with an Annual Volume published each calendar year with a dedicated ISSN and ISBN.

Led by Topic Editor Dr. Courtney Marsh and an international Editorial Board, all submissions are peer-reviewed and published immediately after acceptance.

always open for submissions

Open Access Peer-reviewed Research

Role of Nutrition in Menopausal Women

Samiya Khan

DOI: 10.5772/intechopen.114896


Part Of Topic: Reproductive and Gynecologic Health

Part of the book: Reproductive and Gynecologic Health - Annual Volume 2024 [Working Title]

Open Access Peer-reviewed Research

Management of Pelvic Floor Dysfunction in Connective Tissue Disorders Including Ehlers-Danlos Syndro...

Ivan Thia and Feroza Jeewa

DOI: 10.5772/intechopen.114013


Part Of Topic: Reproductive and Gynecologic Health

Part of the book: Frontiers in Pelvic Floor Medicine - Translating Science Into Practice [Working Title]

Open Access Peer-reviewed Research

Post-Micturition Dribbling in Young Men, What Do we Know?

Bassem S. Wadie

DOI: 10.5772/intechopen.114087


Part Of Topic: Reproductive and Gynecologic Health

Part of the book: Frontiers in Pelvic Floor Medicine - Translating Science Into Practice [Working Title]