Akkinapally Rao

University of Toronto

Dr. Akkinapally Venketeshwer Rao, Professor Emeritus, Department of Nutritional Sciences, Faculty of Medicine, University of Toronto, is an expert in diet and health. His research has focused on the role of oxidative stress and antioxidant phytochemicals in the causation and prevention of chronic diseases, with particular emphasis on the role of carotenoids and polyphenols. His research interests also include the role of prebiotics and probiotics in human health. He has more than 100 publications in scientific journals and several books and book chapters to his credit. He has had a distinguished academic career spanning more than 45 years. Dr. Rao is popularly sought after by the international media to express his opinions about nutrition and health.

Akkinapally Rao

9books edited

7chapters authored

Latest work with IntechOpen by Akkinapally Rao

In recent years scientists have identified several biologically active compounds from plant and animal foods having beneficial health effects. Technically, they are not “nutrients,” despite having beneficial health properties. Instead, they are referred to as phytonutrients, nutraceuticals, and functional ingredients. Taking advantage of these compounds’ benefits, food, pharmaceutical, and cosmetic manufacturers now include them in their commercial products. However, unlike vitamins and minerals, they do not have recommended levels of daily intake. Consumers are simply advised to include foods and supplements that are good sources of these phytonutrients as part of a healthy diet. In general, biologically active compounds are classified based on their solubility in water or lipids. The focus of this book is on a lipid-soluble group of compounds referred to as carotenoids. Written by international researchers, this book addresses topics such as the properties of various carotenoids, their dietary sources, mechanisms of action, and their role in the management and prevention of chronic human diseases. This book provides valuable information for a wide range of readers, including consumers, researchers, nutritionists, other health professionals, and regulatory agency personnel.

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