Serdar Küçük

University of Kocaeli

Serdar Küçük received a BA and MSc from Marmara University, Istanbul, Turkey, in 1995 and 1998, respectively. He received a Ph.D. from Kocaeli University, Turkey, in 2004, where he is currently a full professor in the Department of Biomedical Engineering. He has several scientific publications to his credit, including international conference papers, journal papers, books, and book chapters. He serves as a reviewer of several well-known robotic journals. He is also an editor of scientific books. His research interests include optimization, control, and kinematics and dynamics modelling of serial and parallel robotic manipulators. Lately, Dr. Küçük has also been interested in designing electrical controlled, above-knee prosthetics and hand–wrist rehabilitation robots, surgical robots, and biomedical robotic devices.

Serdar Küçük

6books edited

7chapters authored

Latest work with IntechOpen by Serdar Küçük

Robotics is an important part of modern engineering involving electricity and electronics, computers, mathematics, and mechanism design. In recent years, in addition to serial robots, multi-robot systems have begun to attract the attention of students, academics, and industry workers. This interest has directly impacted the development of novel theoretical research areas and products. This book explores new developments in multi-robot systems, such as trajectory planning, control algorithms, and programming.

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