Filippo Gomez Paloma

University of Cassino and Southern Lazio Italy

Filippo Gomez Paloma is a Full Professor of Didactics and Special Pedagogy in the Department of Education, University of Macerata, Italy. He holds a master’s degree in psychology, two degrees (Italian and French) in Motor and Sports Sciences, three specializations in special education, a master’s on International Qualification of 'High Education Level,” and a Ph.D. in Pedagogy. He is a member of many international scientific societies and a member of the board of directors of the Società Italiana di Ricerca Didattica (SIRD), whose research is on training and education in schools. He was previously the director of the Special Education School European University of Rome, Italy, and a senior expert pedagogical consultant for the National Institute for the Evaluation of the Education and Training System (INVALSI), Italy.

Filippo Gomez Paloma

1books edited

3chapters authored

Latest work with IntechOpen by Filippo Gomez Paloma

This book reviews the training and practice of teachers from several perspectives. The scientific quality and pedagogical richness of the contributions within make this book indispensable for training and enriching teaching professionalism and is useful for teachers in service as well. The interdisciplinarity that increasingly characterizes the educational and training environment clearly emerges, offering the reader a more articulated and less monotheistic vision. This vision, which at first might be more difficult to interpret and less functional to the educational impact of the text, instead offers the opportunity to build a new interpretative key of the complex educational–didactic and educational–professional phenomenon. Trying to govern a phenomenon rich in variables is a fundamental error; to operate with awareness and conscience, the best way is to go through the complexity of the phenomena and reading this book is, in our opinion, the best cultural weapon.

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