Daniel Bucur

"Ion Ionescu de la Brad" Iasi University of Life Sciences

Daniel Bucur is currently a professor of Land Improvement at the Pedotechnics Department, "Ion Ionmescu de la Brad" Iasi University of Life Sciences - Romania. He completed his doctorate at the Technical University of Iasi in 1998. His major research areas include water excess removal, irrigation, soil erosion control, climate change, and sustainable land management. In recent years, he has been in charge of many national and international research projects, including Soil Erosion and Conservation Measures, Effect of Sewage Sludge Application on Quality Indices of Soil Vulnerable to Degradation, Sustainable Development of Soil Resources from the Areas with Drainage Works, Impact of the Hydro-climatic and Pedo-geomorphological Risks on the Environment in Small Catchment, Innovative Technologies and equipment for implementation in irrigated agriculture of modern concept of fertigation and Research on the efficiency of using different types of irrigation systems in agriculture. He has published over 250 papers in reviewed journals, 6 book chapters, and 9 books apart from more than 35 unreviewed papers and reports. Corresponding member of the Academy of Agricultural and Forestry Sciences in Bucharest- Romania, in the Soil Science, Land Improvement and Environmental Protection Commission. Editor in Chief of the Journal of Applied Sciences and Environment - "Ion Ionescu de la Brad" Iasi University of Life Sciences.

Daniel Bucur

3books edited

5chapters authored

Latest work with IntechOpen by Daniel Bucur

Since the beginning of its formation approximately three billion years ago, the hydrosphere - as an envelope of the terrestrial ellipsoid - has remained constant from a quantitative point of view. The hydrosphere modifies only the ratio of the stretches of the planetary ocean and land, including the proportion of the states of water aggregation: gaseous, liquid, and solid.The hydrological cycle transports only a portion of the hydrosphere, repeats itself annually, and presents itself as a huge planetary plant that for billions of years has operated uninterruptedly on the basis of solar energy and gravity, providing freshwater resources for the maintenance and perpetuation of life beyond the planetary ocean.Water resources are highly influenced by the hydrologic cycle and play a role in agricultural economic development. However, as is shown by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change report, the phenomena of changing climate and land use are set to exacerbate an already serious situation of water supply for various users. In this context, scientific investigations into the issue of the sustainable use of water are timely and important. Improvement of water management involves the accurate estimation of consumptive uses. The purpose of this book is to show the achievements of scientists and academicians all over the world in promoting and sharing new issues on various topics related to evapotranspiration.

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