Luís Filipe-Ribeiro

University of Trás-os-Montes and Alto Douro Portugal

Luís Filipe-Ribeiro has a master’s degree in viticulture and enology, a doctorate in chemical and biological sciences, with a postdoctorate degree in oenological sciences. He has been an enology professor since 1997–1998 and participated in many subjects (vinification, wine stabilization, analysis and analytical control of wines, sensorial analysis, etc.). He is a researcher in the Chemistry Research Centre of Vila Real (UTAD) in the Food and Wine Chemistry Laboratory, where he participates in research projects and student orientations. He is the technical director of SAI Enology, where he is responsible for the R&D+i team. Luís Filipe-Ribeiro is the author of several scientific (SCI) publications, patents, books, and book chapters. He participates regularly in international congresses. He was a consultant in viticulture and enology in several wineries (

Luís Filipe-Ribeiro

6chapters authored