Antonio Pizzi

University of Lorraine France

A. Pizzi is a professor emeritus of industrial chemistry at the University of Lorraine, DChem ([olymers, Rome, Italy), Ph.D. (organic chemistry, South Africa), and DSc (wood chemistry, South Africa). Experience gained in industry and research organizations allowed Dr. Pizzi to successfully serve as professor of polymer chemistry (1989–1995) and head of the Department of Chemistry (1991–1993) at the Witwatersrand University, Johannesburg, South Africa. In 1994, he moved back to Europe as a professor of industrial chemistry at LERMAB-ENSTIB, University of Lorraine, France. He has more than 1,000 research articles and patents to his name, and 10 books on bioadhesives and bioresins. He is the recipient of numerous international science prizes. His best area of specialization is in bioadhesives and bioresins chemistry, formulation, and application.

Antonio Pizzi

2chapters authored

Latest work with IntechOpen by Antonio Pizzi

This book addresses different recent advanced aspects of lignin and its applications, with the main recent progress in this field being reviewed and presented. Several different approaches to lignin and new ideas about its utilization are exposed in the book chapters. Technology, and the science behind the technology, of lignin are the main focus of the volume, with perhaps a less classical approach than other lignin volumes. The book will be of particular use to application researchers and technicians in lignin applications and in biorefinery derivates and their uses. The emphasis is always on a “green” materials approach throughout the various lignin application fields tackled.

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