Aleksandar Kibel

University of Osijek Croatia

Aleksandar Kibel is an Associate Professor of Physiology in the Department of Physiology and Immunology, Faculty of Medicine, University of Osijek, Croatia, as well as an Associate Professor of Internal Medicine in the Department of Clinical Medicine, Faculty of Dental Medicine and Health, University of Osijek. He is also an internal medicine specialist and cardiology subspecialist at the Department for Heart and Vascular Diseases, Osijek University Hospital Centre, Croatia. He obtained an MD from the Faculty of Medicine, University of Osijek, in 2009, where his research activities included laboratory practicums and research visits at several foreign institutions, including the University Clinic Hamburg-Eppendorf, Germany; the Medical College of Wisconsin, USA; and Chulalongkorn University, Thailand. He obtained his Ph.D. from the Department of Physiology and Immunology with a focus on vascular physiology and pathophysiology. He teaches at the high school, university, and postgraduate levels. He was a mentor for several diploma works. His prior work experience includes work at the Emergency Medicine Department and an internship at the University Hospital Zagreb, Croatia, as well as volunteer work at the Red Cross. He has published several scientific papers and several book chapters and has actively participated in many international scientific conferences. He has also participated in research projects at pre-clinical and clinical levels, as well as in pharmacological clinical trials as a sub-investigator. He is a guest editor of several special journal issues and an editorial board member for several international scientific journals. Dr. Kibel has edited one book on the renin-angiotensin system and co-edited one book on cardiac diseases and one on microcirculation.

Aleksandar Kibel

1books edited

2chapters authored

Latest work with IntechOpen by Aleksandar Kibel

Microcirculation reflects the vascular bridge which is the conduit of blood flow between the arteries and veins in the body. It plays a critical role in the delivery of oxygen and nutrients to the cells of the body while also serving to wash away and eliminate biological waste products of metabolism. A complex interplay exists between the normal structure and function of the larger vessels of the body and the blood coursing through. This book discusses the evolving science in understanding the role of microcirculation in some of the most common and devastating diseases that plague humanity. By understanding the role of microcirculation in the normal feedback mechanisms that balance bleeding and clotting with the opportunities to manipulate this balance to treat disease, the impact on the individual and social burden of arterial and venous occlusive and thromboembolic disease can be substantial. Understanding disease mechanisms and enhancing our collective tools for diagnosis and treatment are some of the greatest challenges facing our global healthcare systems. The chapters in this book serve as a foundation for further research into the quest to reduce, if not eliminate, one of the most significant causes of major morbidity, mortality, and overall loss of quality of life worldwide. Without a doubt, the impact of the body’s microcirculation, as our understanding continues to evolve and as emphasized in this text, cannot and should not be underappreciated.

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