Manuel Domínguez-Morales

University of Seville Spain

Manuel Domínguez-Morales is a Computer Engineer with an M.Sc in Software Engineering and Technology, an M.Sc in Computer and Networks Engineering, and a Ph.D. in Industrial Informatics. He is an Associate Professor in the Computer Architecture and Technology Department, University of Seville, Spain. His research focuses on Intelligent embedded devices, E-health, Computer vision, Robotics, Signal processing, and AI diagnostic-aid systems. Prof. Domínguez-Morales has more than 130 publications to his credit, including 45 international journal articles. He has also edited four books. He is a journal editor, guest editor, and Program/Academic Committee member in more than 20 international journals and congresses.

Manuel Domínguez-Morales

3books edited

3chapters authored

Latest work with IntechOpen by Manuel Domínguez-Morales

This book introduces the reader to the deeper details of the human gait process. To this end, it takes a multidisciplinary approach, covering all the fields involved in the gait pattern: biomechanics, neuroscience, and even technology (from the point of view of detecting anomalies and improving them). From the basics of walking to the latest scientific advances, the aim is to bring together the knowledge of experts in the field to provide a multidisciplinary view of this area of study. The target audience for this book is not only the scientific community but also clinicians and readers interested in unlocking the secrets of the walking process. Through this book, readers will discover how in-depth knowledge of human gait can change their perception of rehabilitation, sports performance, or even their own everyday mobility. On behalf of the editors of this book, we recommend that you take a look at all that Human Gait - Recent Findings and Research has to offer. The works contained in this book are the result of careful selection and evaluation, making this book an essential resource for those who want to learn about the human gait pattern.

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