Open access peer-reviewed chapter

Naturally Colored Cotton: A Sustainable Innovation

Written By

Amit Madhu

Submitted: 05 September 2023 Reviewed: 26 September 2023 Published: 26 March 2024

DOI: 10.5772/intechopen.113290

From the Edited Volume

Best Crop Management and Processing Practices for Sustainable Cotton Production

Edited by Songül Gürsoy and Songül Akın

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Historically, the global textile industry has been characterized by resource-intensive processes, environmental degradation and a high dependence on synthetic dyes that contribute to pollution. In recent years, the quest for sustainability has led to the exploration of alternative methods and materials that minimize the industry’s ecological footprint. Naturally colored cotton fibers, ranging from earthy browns and greens to subdued yellows and reds, are produced by cotton plants that have either been genetically altered or carefully bred. This unique characteristic eliminates the need for chemical dyeing processes, conserving water, energy and chemical usage throughout the textile production cycle. This chapter explores the creative strategy of naturally colored cotton, a potential solution that satisfies both the rising demand for sustainable textiles and environmental concerns. Additionally, discusses possible challenges and issues, such as the agronomic procedures needed to grow cotton with natural colors, the necessity of responsible biotechnology regulation and the integration of these novel fibers into current textile supply chains. It also provides insights into the crucial role that bioengineered fibers can play in defining a more environmentally harmonious and socially responsible future by providing a thorough overview of the advantages, difficulties and prospects of naturally colored cotton.


  • colored cotton
  • bioengineered fibers
  • genetic engineering
  • sustainable fashion
  • textiles

1. Introduction

The textile industry is undergoing a paradigm shift as sustainability becomes a central concern in every facet of production. Naturally colored cotton has become a popular and environmentally sustainable replacement for commercially dyed cotton during this phase. The pursuit of naturally colored cotton aligns with the growing demand for sustainable practices that reduce the environmental impact of textile production, such as the excessive use of water and chemicals in dyeing processes [1, 2]. This chapter explores the innovative realm of naturally colored cotton, exploring its significance, potential benefits and the diverse techniques employed to cultivate and harness its unique characteristics. From conventional breeding and genetic engineering to mutation breeding and hybridization, the techniques used to produce naturally colored cotton exemplify the intricate interplay between science, agriculture and sustainable fashion. Through this exploration, we aim to shed light on the promising prospects and challenges that lie ahead in the realm of naturally colored cotton, underscoring its potential to revolutionize the textile landscape by weaving together vibrant hues with ecological consciousness.


2. Techniques for naturally colored cotton

Producing naturally colored cotton involves breeding and developing cotton varieties that naturally produce fibers with colors other than the typical white or off-white, Figure 1. The techniques used to cultivate naturally colored cotton have evolved significantly over the years, primarily driven by advancements in genetics, breeding and agronomy. This can be achieved through conventional breeding techniques or genetic engineering, Figure 2. It’s important to note that the development of naturally colored cotton involves a combination of these techniques and may require multiple generations to achieve the desired color stability and fiber quality. Additionally, regulatory considerations and consumer acceptance play a role, especially when genetic engineering is involved [3, 4].

Figure 1.

Pictures of naturally colored cotton.

Figure 2.

Techniques for producing naturally colored cotton.

2.1 Cross-breeding

Hybridization is a fundamental breeding technique used in the production of colored cotton. It involves controlled cross-breeding between two cotton plants with specific color traits to create offspring with desired color characteristics. By cross-breeding different naturally colored cotton varieties with distinct color traits, breeders can generate hybrids that exhibit a wider range of colors and color intensities in their fibers. Since ancient times, these methods have been employed to create cotton types with certain colors, including brown, green or tints in between [4, 5, 6].

The breeding process for naturally colored cotton starts by identifying cotton plants with the desired color traits. This can be done by observing cotton plants in the field and selecting those that naturally exhibit the desired colouration. Now cross-pollinate the selected parent plants with each other, introducing genetic diversity. For example, if you want to develop brown cotton, you would cross-pollinate two brown cotton plants.

The resulting offspring, known as the first generation or F1 generation, will have a mix of genetic traits from the parent plants. Some may display the desired color, while others may not. Select the plants from the F1 generation that match the desired color trait closely. In the case of brown cotton, select plants with brownish fibers. Now, cross the selected F1 plants with one of the original parent plants that possessed the desired color trait. This is known as backcrossing.

Backcrossing aims to reinforce the genetic traits responsible for the desired color while reducing the influence of other, unwanted genetic traits. This helps in stabilizing the color trait. This backcrossing is repeated for multiple generations until a cotton variety with stable and consistent color traits is achieved. This can take several generations of breeding. Once a stable, naturally colored cotton variety is achieved, scale up production by cultivating these plants on a larger scale for commercial purposes.

Pima Sutra Cotton is a naturally colored cotton variety developed through conventional breeding. It has a range of colors including shades of brown, green and red. Breeders selectively crossed different naturally colored cotton varieties to enhance color expression and fiber quality. These techniques require patience, careful observation and a deep understanding of genetics and plant biology. Over time, these techniques have been successful in producing naturally colored cotton varieties that are both commercially viable and environmentally friendly [6].

2.2 Genetic engineering

Genetic engineering involves introducing specific genes into cotton plants to achieve desired traits, such as natural colouration [3, 5]. This method allows for more precise control over the color traits. Blue Cotton Researchers from CSIRO, an Australian research organization, used genetic engineering to produce blue cotton fibers. They introduced two genes from the pansy flower into cotton plants. These genes encode enzymes responsible for producing blue pigments called anthocyanins. The resulting cotton plants produced fibers with a light blue color [6, 7, 8].

Genetic engineering, also known as genetic modification (GM), offers a more targeted and rapid approach to producing naturally colored cotton by introducing specific genes responsible for pigment production into cotton plants. This method involves manipulating the genetic material of the plants to achieve the desired color traits.

In this technique firstly, the genes responsible for pigment production in other naturally colored plants are identified and selected. These genes encode enzymes or proteins involved in the synthesis of pigments like anthocyanins, carotenoids or chlorophyll. Now, isolate the selected pigment-producing genes from their natural sources and insert the isolated genes into a suitable vector, which is typically a small piece of DNA, such as a plasmid or a viral vector [2, 6, 7]. For example, if you want to create green cotton, you might isolate genes responsible for chlorophyll production from green plants like spinach. These vectors are used to carry the pigment-producing genes into the cotton plant cells which can be done through various methods, including Agrobacterium-mediated transformation or biolistics (gene gun).

Once inside the cotton cells, the vector carries the pigment-producing genes into the plant’s genome. These genes are integrated into the cotton plant’s DNA. Now the transformed cotton cells that have successfully integrated the pigment-producing genes are cultivated to regenerate whole cotton plants with the desired genetic modification.

Genetic engineering techniques offer a more precise and controlled method for producing naturally colored cotton compared to conventional breeding. However, it also involves regulatory and public acceptance considerations due to concerns about GMOs (genetically modified organisms). Careful testing and monitoring are essential to ensure the safety and stability of genetically modified cotton varieties [7, 9].

2.3 Marker-assisted selection (MAS)

Marker-assisted selection (MAS) is a powerful breeding technique used to select plants with specific desirable traits, including natural colouration, based on genetic markers associated with those traits. When it comes to producing naturally colored cotton, MAS can be a valuable tool for breeders to efficiently and accurately identify cotton plants with the desired color characteristics [6, 10].

Initially, researchers identify genetic markers that are linked to the expression of natural color traits in cotton. These markers can be specific DNA sequences or variations (mutations) in certain genes that are consistently associated with the desired color trait. To effectively use MAS, a genetic map of the cotton genome is created. This map helps locate the positions of the genetic markers relative to one another and specific color traits. Then DNA samples are collected from cotton plants, including the ones under consideration for breeding. These samples can be from different cotton varieties or individual plants within the same variety The collected DNA samples are subjected to genetic analysis to identify which plants carry the specific markers associated with the desired color traits. Molecular techniques like PCR (Polymerase Chain Reaction) and DNA sequencing are often used for this purpose [10, 11].

Based on the genetic marker information and trait confirmation, breeders select cotton plants with the most promising genetic profiles for color traits. The selected parent plants are crossbred to create a new generation of cotton plants that carry the desired color traits. This process helps in combining the genetic markers associated with colouration. The offspring from the crossbreeding are then screened using genetic markers to identify individuals who have inherited the desired color traits. This process of selection and breeding is repeated over several generations to stabilize the color traits and improve other characteristics, such as fiber quality and yield [11].

MAS enables breeders to expedite the selection process by focusing on specific genes and markers associated with natural colouration, ultimately leading to the development of naturally colored cotton varieties with enhanced traits. This technique enhances breeding efficiency, reduces the time required to develop new varieties and allows for precise selection based on genetic information [10, 12].

2.4 Mutation breeding

Mutation breeding is a technique used to induce genetic mutations in plants to generate new traits, including natural color variations, that can be advantageous for agriculture or other purposes. In the context of producing naturally colored cotton, mutation breeding can be employed to generate cotton plants with unique color traits through the introduction of genetic mutations [9, 10, 12].

In mutation breeding, cotton seeds or young plants are exposed to mutagenic agents. These agents can include chemicals (e.g., ethyl methane sulfonate), radiation (e.g., gamma rays or X-rays) or even biological mutagens. The mutagenic treatment is carefully controlled to induce mutations without causing excessive damage to the plant’s DNA. The goal is to create genetic variation in the cotton population.

After mutagen treatment, the treated seeds are germinated and grown into plants. Each plant represents a potential source of genetic variation. The plants that have undergone mutagenesis are carefully observed for any changes in their phenotypes (observable traits). In the context of natural colouration, breeders are looking for plants that display variations in color compared to the original cotton variety. Plants that exhibit the desired natural color traits are selected as mutants and the selected mutants are propagated through vegetative or generative methods to produce a stable population of cotton plants with the new color trait [4, 12, 13].

Mutation breeding is a powerful tool for introducing novel traits, such as natural colouration, into cotton varieties. It relies on the random creation of genetic variation and the subsequent selection of desirable mutants. While it can produce valuable results, it may also require extensive screening and breeding efforts to stabilize and commercialize the new trait. Additionally, regulatory considerations related to genetically modified organisms (GMOs) may apply in some cases, depending on the extent of the genetic changes induced by the mutagenic treatment [14].

2.5 Agronomic practices

Agronomic practices also play a crucial role in producing naturally colored cotton by influencing the development and preservation of pigments responsible for the colouration of the cotton fibers. Every step, from careful variety selection to specific soil preparation, contributes to the deep and vivid colors that are unique to these cotton cultivars. Growers create a climate that promotes optimum pigment development by strategically fertilizing plants, providing sufficient watering, efficiently controlling pests and diseases and meticulously timing the harvest at peak maturity [2, 4, 5, 6].

These procedures protect the color integrity throughout the manufacturing process, together with careful post-harvest processing and quality control methods. These practices, coupled with attentive post-harvest processing and quality control measures, safeguard the integrity of the color throughout the production process. In concert with genetic advancements and environmental considerations, the application of agronomic expertise fosters the growth of naturally colored cotton, yielding fibers that embody the harmonious marriage of sustainable cultivation and captivating colouration [4, 6].


3. Environmental implications

Naturally colored cotton, which is frequently promoted as an environmentally benign substitute for conventionally farmed white cotton, has a number of both advantageous and disadvantageous effects on the environment. These implications stem from both the cultivation and processing of colored cotton, and they often align with sustainability goals. Here are some in-depth remarks on the effects of naturally colored cotton on the environment [2, 6, 14].

Reduced chemical usage: One of the most significant environmental benefits of naturally colored cotton is its potential to reduce the need for synthetic dyes and chemicals. Conventional cotton dyeing procedures use a lot of resources, including a lot of water and chemicals. Naturally colored cotton eliminates the need for these processes, thus lowering water pollution and chemical runoff, which can harm aquatic ecosystems.

Lower carbon footprint: Chemicals and synthetic colors used in conventional cotton dyeing techniques produce a significant amount of carbon emissions. Naturally colored cotton can help reduce greenhouse gas emissions linked to the manufacture and use of dyes by avoiding these procedures.

Water conservation: Since cotton that is naturally colored does not need to be dyed, processing naturally colored cotton frequently uses less water. This can help conserve water resources, which are under increasing pressure in many cotton-growing regions due to irrigation demands.

Biodiversity and ecosystems: Some naturally colored cotton varieties are known to have pest resistance due to their pigment content. This can reduce the need for chemical pesticides, leading to less harm to non-target insects, wildlife and the overall ecosystem.

Soil health: Implementing practices that are conducive to growing naturally colored cotton, such as reduced chemical use and more targeted pest management, can promote healthier soil. Improved water retention, less erosion and greater nutrient cycling are all benefits of healthier soils.

Genetic diversity: Naturally colored cotton varieties are often bred to express specific colors, leading to a broader genetic diversity within cotton cultivation. This diversification can help enhance resilience to pests and diseases, reducing the likelihood of widespread crop failure due to a single pathogen or pest.

While naturally colored cotton presents promising environmental benefits, it also comes with its share of challenges. Sustainable farming methods, such as organic and regenerative agriculture, should be encouraged simultaneously with the production of these distinctive cotton types to maximize the beneficial environmental effects of colored cotton [10, 15, 16].


4. Challenges and future prospects

The integration of naturally colored cotton into the sustainable fashion and textile sector presents both exciting opportunities and complex challenges. While the environmental benefits of reduced chemical usage and lower carbon emissions are evident, challenges unique to the industry must also be addressed. The restricted color selection provided by naturally colored cotton is a significant barrier. Fashion frequently thrives on a wide variety of vibrant hues that may not complement the more subdued tones of naturally colored fibers. This limitation can potentially hinder the creativity of designers seeking vibrant and varied color options for their collections [17, 18].

Moreover, the inconsistent availability of naturally colored cotton in desired quantities poses supply chain challenges. The commercialization of naturally colored cotton hinges on ensuring stable and sufficient production to meet the demands of the fashion industry. However, factors such as varying weather conditions, crop yields and the lack of standardized cultivation practices can lead to fluctuations in supply, potentially disrupting the production schedules of fashion brands. Additionally, processing and manufacturing practices need refinement to cater to the unique characteristics of naturally colored cotton. Developing efficient and cost-effective methods for dyeing, finishing and blending these fibers with other materials is essential. Without appropriate processing solutions, the potential benefits of naturally colored cotton may be overshadowed by higher production costs or compromised fabric quality [16, 18].

Furthermore, consumer preferences often lean towards a wider range of colors than what naturally colored cotton can offer. Raising awareness among consumers about the value and benefits of naturally colored cotton textiles is crucial for market demand to grow. Bridging this gap in perception requires strategic marketing efforts to highlight the unique selling points of these textiles. To address these challenges, ongoing research is necessary to improve the agronomic characteristics of colored cotton varieties, develop efficient processing methods and create greater consumer awareness and demand for these eco-friendly products. As the demand for sustainable and eco-friendly products grows, policymakers and stakeholders need to strike a balance between regulatory oversight and fostering innovation in the cultivation of naturally colored cotton.

The prospects of naturally colored cotton hold promise for sustainable and innovative advancements in the textile industry. As the global awareness of environmental concerns continues to grow, the demand for eco-friendly and ethically produced textiles is on the rise. Naturally colored cotton aligns well with this trend, offering a unique opportunity to reduce the environmental footprint of textile production. Advances in breeding and genetic engineering could lead to the development of naturally colored cotton varieties that not only match the yield and fiber quality of conventional white cotton but also exhibit an even broader range of vibrant and stable colors. Moreover, as research progresses, optimized cultivation techniques and standardized processing methods could make the production of naturally colored cotton more cost-effective and scalable, thereby expanding its market reach [18, 19, 20].

Collaborations between agricultural scientists, textile manufacturers and fashion designers could drive innovation and creativity in utilizing these distinctive fibers for a variety of applications, from high-fashion garments to sustainable home textiles. Ultimately, the future of naturally colored cotton holds the potential to reshape the textile industry by offering a harmonious blend of environmental responsibility and artistic expression.


5. Conclusions

Naturally colored cotton represents a sustainable innovation in the textile industry. Techniques such as genetic crossbreeding, molecular genetics and agronomic practices have facilitated its development, offering a promising solution to the environmental challenges associated with conventional cotton dyeing. While challenges exist, ongoing research and increasing consumer awareness may propel the adoption of naturally colored cotton as a viable and sustainable alternative in the textile and fashion industries.


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Written By

Amit Madhu

Submitted: 05 September 2023 Reviewed: 26 September 2023 Published: 26 March 2024