Open access peer-reviewed chapter

Digital Transformation in Spanish Port System

Written By

Nicoletta González-Cancelas, Alberto Camarero Orive, Javier Vaca Cabrero and Francisco Soler Flores

Submitted: 08 January 2024 Reviewed: 10 January 2024 Published: 08 March 2024

DOI: 10.5772/intechopen.1004329

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The Spanish port system is a modern port system located on the main transport routes in the world, and the digital transformation associated with the port world is being a priority element of development to enhance efficiency. Technologies, such as Digital Twins, the Metaverse, or the Internet of Things, are key tools for the optimization of port processes, real-time collaboration, and scenario simulations. It also highlights the improvement in the efficiency and safety of port operations. An affinity matrix is used to study the factors driving the transformation toward “metaports.” In the context of land transport associated with ports, the importance of digitalization is underlined and a crosscutting approach to consolidate “smart dry ports” is suggested. The analysis concludes by highlighting challenges such as the lack of interoperability and obsolete technologies, proposing priority actions such as the renovation of infrastructures and investment in staff training to achieve an efficient and competitive Spanish port system by 2030.


  • digitalization
  • port modernization
  • AI in port operations
  • sustainable port management
  • IoT in ports

1. Introduction

The Spanish port system is a modern port system located on the main transport routes in the world, which is why the digital transformation that surrounds us is being a priority element of development to enhance the efficiency, competitiveness, and sustainability of the system itself, transforming the way in which ports operate.

Port operational processes are being redefined with the adoption of these new technologies, as well as enabling new decision-making processes in ports.

The way ports are addressing contemporary challenges is being championed by digital transformation.

In this chapter, you will explore the key developments, success stories, and challenges associated with digital transformation in the Spanish port system, highlighting how these initiatives are shaping a more efficient, smarter, and more sustainable future for the sector.

The digital transformation is having a significant impact on the Spanish port system, and the port system is taking its first steps and needs to continue advancing so that with the use of new technological tools they are improving the efficiency, sustainability, and security of ports, which is positioning them as key players in the global economy.

Throughout this chapter, the challenges faced by Spanish ports in the digital transformation process will be presented, as well as the opportunities offered by digital transformation for Spanish ports and the future trends of digital transformation in the Spanish port system.


2. Digital governance

In the contemporary era, society finds itself deeply entrenched in a technological age, wherein ports, both in Spain and globally, are increasingly becoming integral to this transformative landscape. The imperative of digital transformation is undeniable within the business sector, exerting profound influences on industries closely associated with it.

Ports, identified as pivotal nodes in transportation networks [1], witness the repercussions of this technological wave, with direct implications for seaports. In the contemporary landscape, seaports play a crucial role in facilitating the secure and efficient flow of goods across the global logistics network. Moreover, they contribute by offering diverse value-added logistics services, thereby supporting strategies, such as the deferral of the global supply chain [2].

In the context of evolving global dynamics, encompassing new communication methods, changing behaviors, and the integration of innovative technologies, ports find themselves inseparable from these emerging trends. They are compelled to assume an active role in this global transformation, positioning themselves as central elements in this paradigm shift [3].

Before delving into the realm of digital governance, it is prudent to comprehend the concept of governance itself. Governance is defined as the art or method of administration that seeks to achieve enduring economic, social, and institutional development. It advocates for a harmonious equilibrium among the state, civil society, and the market economy. The governance process involves decision-making, priority negotiation, power utilization, and the inherent values expressed throughout the process [4].

The notion of “digital” remains ambiguous for many port organizations. It is essential to recognize it as a “long-term process, requiring continuous structural, functional, and strategic transformations” [5].

2.1 Strategic framework for Spain’s ports and digitalization

The relationship between the strategic framework [6] of the Spanish port system and digitalization is crucial in the current context, where global competitiveness and technological evolution are rapidly transforming the maritime industry. Spain has a state-owned port system made up of 46 ports of general interest managed by 28 port authorities, constituting an extensive network of ports that plays a fundamental role in international trade. In addition, Spain has a privileged geostrategic position that allows it to take advantage of the opportunities that innovation can offer to improve the efficiency, sustainability, and competitiveness of its ports.

The Spanish port system has undergone significant modernization in recent decades driven by the growing importance of international trade and the key role of ports in the global logistics chain. In this sense, digitalization has become a key and essential factor in maintaining and improving the competitive position of Spanish ports on the international stage.

The strategic framework of the Spanish port system has been drawn up by ports and was approved by the Ministerial Order of the MITMA, published in the Official State Gazette on 26 October 2022. The document focuses on the economic (activities), environmental (environment), and social (institutional) dimensions and considers efficiency, connectivity, digitalization, innovation, sustainability, security, and transparency as criteria for action. These criteria are developed through sixteen strategic lines related to thirteen of the seventeen sustainable development goals agreed at the United Nations on September 25, 2015.

Digitalization is presented as a fundamental tool to achieve these goals effectively and sustainably. The monitoring and facilitation of port activity, agile and efficient inspections and administrative procedures, the development of a digital port administration, and developing smart and synchronodal ports are the strategic lines that develop the criterion of action related to digitalization.

In the last decade, digitalization has emerged as a catalyst and transformer in the port sector, highlighting the importance of digitalization in the Spanish port system in terms of operational efficiency, competitiveness, sustainability, effective management, and safety.

2.1.1 Improved operational efficiency

Digitalization in the Spanish port system has introduced innovations that optimize the different port operations. Digital port management platforms enable real-time monitoring of port activities, facilitating data-driven decision-making. In addition, digitalized planning and coordination systems contribute to the reduction of waiting times, the improvement in the allocation of resources, and the minimization of logistical bottlenecks. The implementation of technologies, such as the Internet of Things (IoT), has enabled greater visibility and traceability of cargo throughout the supply chain, improving synchronization between the actors involved from shipping companies to logistics companies and port authorities.

2.1.2 Increased international competitiveness

Digitalization has established itself as a fundamental differentiating factor for ports seeking to attract and consolidate port traffic. The ability to offer efficient, transparent, and technologically advanced services is essential to position itself as an internationally competitive port. In this sense, the automation of processes, the implementation of autonomous vehicles for cargo handling, and the adoption of robotic technologies contribute to greater efficiency and productivity, key elements to stand out on the world stage.

2.1.3 Contribution to environmental sustainability

Digitalization has made it possible to implement more sustainable practices in the Spanish port system, through route optimization, smart energy management, and emissions reduction are areas in which technology has proven to be a valuable ally. In addition, digitalization allows better monitoring of the environmental impact of port operations, facilitating the adoption of corrective measures and compliance with increasingly stringent environmental regulations.

2.1.4 Development of effective management

The adoption of technological innovations is essential for effective port management. Digitalization not only involves the implementation of advanced technologies but also the incorporation of artificial intelligence (AI) systems and data analytics for predictive decision-making. The ability to foresee potential problems, optimize operations, and adapt quickly to changes in demand is crucial in a dynamic port environment.

2.1.5 Strengthening security

Digitalization plays a critical role in improving port security. Implementing advanced cybersecurity systems protects critical data and port operations from potential threats. In addition, the use of technologies, such as smart surveillance cameras and facial recognition systems, contributes to strengthening physical security in the port environment.

All in all, digitalization is currently considered an essential component for the development and continuous improvement of the Spanish state-owned port system. Investment in digital technologies and the adoption of innovative practices are imperative to ensure that the Spanish port system is perfectly adapted to today’s challenges and is prepared to lead the future of logistics and maritime trade.


3. Digital simulation in ports: digital twins and metaverse

3.1 Introduction to digital transformation in Spanish ports

The developed world of the twenty-first century is constantly changing and evolving. This is a consequence of digital evolution. The port sector is betting on this change. The transversal digital transformation of all its services triggers an improvement in resource dedication, process optimization, reduction of operational risks of failure, etc. [7]. This generates a new way of working to which the sector itself has to adapt, such as new jobs, training for the organization, and acquisition of new equipment [8].

In the context of Spain, port authorities are tasked with defining a strategic roadmap for the digital implementation and adaptation of port facilities. This commitment is evident in numerous initiatives that gain prominence year after year. The tangible shift toward digitalization is not merely a transient trend; it has solidified as a lasting reality. The Spanish government is resolutely dedicated to fostering development through digitalization, with a specific focus on realizing smart cities, Industry 4.0, and the concept of a smart port [9].

A cornerstone in this pursuit is the “Ports 4.0” capital fund, serving as the corporate open innovation model adopted by Puertos del Estado and Spanish Port Authorities. This model aims to attract, support, and facilitate the application of talent and entrepreneurial initiatives within the Spanish logistics-port sector, both in the public and private domains, against the backdrop of the ongoing Fourth Industrial Revolution [10].

The primary objective of Ports 4.0 is to actively promote and integrate disruptive or incremental innovations as key components enhancing competitiveness, efficiency, sustainability, safety, and security within the Spanish logistics-port sector. This applies to entities in both the public and private realms, facilitating their transition toward the utilization economy of the 4.0 era [11].

3.2 Digital twins in the port operation

Digital twins are a virtual representation of objects or systems throughout their lifecycle designed to accurately reflect and provide vital information about the different areas of functionality of the object or system [12].

They expose information on different aspects at a physical level such as performance, technical characteristics, repair history, services, etc. This data provides us with the information to carry out simulations, analysis of improvements, creation or increase of business value, and above all to have technical support for decision-making [13].

Digital twins are used in many different types of industries with different goals. They are used to carry out simulations to test hypotheses and observe how these models respond, to know the result that a decision on real assets will have: consequences, risks involved, downtime involved, etc. [14].

Digitalization has drastically changed the way businesses and industries operate, and ports are no exception. The digitalization of ports involves the adoption of digital technologies to optimize the management of port operations, improve efficiency, and reduce costs.

One of the most exciting developments in the digitalization of ports is the creation of digital twins. A digital twin is an accurate and detailed digital representation of a physical object or system in real time. In the case of ports, a digital twin is a virtual replica of port operations, using real-time data to simulate and optimize port processes.

Digital twins are created using technologies such as the Internet of Things (IoT), artificial intelligence (AI), and augmented reality (AR). For example, sensors installed in the port can collect real-time data on traffic flow, workload, and the status of port equipment and infrastructure. This data is used to create a virtual replica of the port that can be used to analyze and improve the performance of port operations.

Digital twins can provide a complete and accurate view of port operations, enabling port managers to make more informed decisions and optimize port processes. In addition, digital twins can be used to simulate different scenarios and make accurate predictions about the impact of changes on port operations.

Digital twins in ports are revolutionizing port management by providing real-time insight and more accurate assessment of port activity. This allows port authorities and maritime companies to improve efficiency and safety in the management of their operations and increase their competitiveness in the maritime sector [15].

Digital twins in ports and the maritime sector use a combination of data analytics technologies to collect, process, and analyze data in real time and improve management and efficiency in the maritime sector [16].

In Spain, some ports that are using “digital twins” include:

  • Port of Barcelona: The Port of Barcelona is using “digital twins” to improve cargo management and logistics and to monitor activity at the port.

  • Port of Algeciras: The Port of Algeciras is using “digital twins” to improve efficiency in cargo management and logistics and to monitor activity at the port.

  • Port of Valencia: The Port of Valencia is using “digital twins” to monitor and optimize cargo management and logistics and to improve efficiency at the port.

These are just a few examples of Spanish ports that are using “digital twins.” With the rise of technology and the adoption of “digital twins” around the world, it is likely that we will see an increase in the use of “digital twins” in Spanish ports in the future [17].

The relationship between the different factors that will drive digital twins in the Spanish port system can be determined through the use of an affinity matrix.

An affinity matrix is a planning tool used to organize and classify large amounts of information or ideas into related topic groups. It is also known as a KJ diagram, K-J matrix, correlation matrix, K-J diagram, or K-J method.

The affinity matrix is commonly used in problem-solving and group decision-making processes. Instead of just brainstorming and letting ideas flow in a disorganized way, the affinity matrix helps participants organize and categorize related ideas.

It is possible to group the factors in the affinity matrix based on their relationship or similarity. The grouping proposed by the panel of experts is (Figure 1):

Figure 1.

Affinity matrix. Source: Own source.

This matrix represented in Table 1 can help identify the factors that may influence the success or failure of the implementation of digital twins in ports. Positive factors can help you define the benefits you can reap from digital twins, while negative factors allow you to identify challenges you need to face. Neutral factors may not have a direct impact on the implementation of digital twins in ports, but it is important to take them into account when making decisions.

Positive factorsNeutral factorsNegative factors
Improved efficiency and productivityLack of knowledge or training in the technologyImplementation costs
Increased safety and risk reductionNeed for a significant upfront investmentResistance to change
Improved decision-makingData availabilityInteroperability with existing systems
Increased planning and design capabilitiesLimited scalabilityCybersecurity risks
Improved asset and resource managementEnvironmental and social impactReliance on external suppliers
Increased customer satisfaction and improved user experienceInfrastructure and connectivity requirementsPotential conflicts with dock workers

Table 1.

Factors classification for implementation of digital twins in ports.

Source: own source.

Digital twins offer a great opportunity to improve efficiency and productivity in Spanish ports. By creating a virtual replica of port processes and infrastructure, digital twins enable better management and monitoring of resources, as well as more informed decision-making.

Some of the advantages of digital twins in Spanish ports include better capacity planning and resource management, reduced downtime, and increased security in port operations. In addition, digital twins also allow for better coordination between the different actors in the logistics chain and the optimization of cargo logistics.

However, the implementation of digital twins also presents some challenges such as the need for accurate and up-to-date data, investment in technology, and training staff in managing digital twins. In addition, it is important to take into account the privacy and security aspects in the management of the data used in digital twins.

Digital twins offer great potential to improve efficiency and productivity in Spanish ports, although their implementation requires careful planning and investment in technology and staff training. If properly addressed, digital twins can be a valuable tool to improve the competitiveness of Spanish ports in the global market.

3.3 Metaverse: an innovative perspective in ports

The concept of the metaverse encompasses a shared virtual universe, computer-simulated to enable real-time interaction and experiences for users. This immersive experience is made possible through virtual, augmented, or mixed reality, featuring 3D representations of individuals, objects, and environments. The overarching objective of the metaverse is to construct a virtual realm where users can engage and encounter an alternative reality distinct from their everyday lives.

Considerable progress has been made in the metaverse across various domains, including video games, entertainment, education and training, business and commerce, and virtual reality. Notably, the video games and entertainment sector has witnessed significant strides in recent years, propelled by the surge in online gaming popularity and the escalating demand for immersive experiences. While substantial advancements have occurred in video games and entertainment, ongoing exploration is unfolding in diverse sectors, such as education and training. Here, metaverse solutions are being actively developed to enhance the effectiveness and efficiency of teaching methodologies. Anticipating the future, further strides in the metaverse are likely across a broad spectrum of industries.

Overall, the metaverse has many advantages such as real-time interaction, immersive experience, and accessibility, but it also has some drawbacks such as technical requirements, cost, and cultural barriers. It is important to carefully evaluate these factors before embracing the metaverse.

The metaverse is starting to be used in maritime traffic as a way to improve efficiency and collaboration in the supply chain. Some examples of how the metaverse is being used in maritime traffic include:

Maritime traffic simulation: The metaverse can be used to simulate maritime traffic and assess how different scenarios may affect efficiency and safety.

  • Route planning: The metaverse can be used to plan routes and assess navigation efficiency in real time.

  • Real-time collaboration: The metaverse can be used to enable supply chain teams to collaborate in real time in a virtual environment, which can improve efficiency and communication.

  • Training and coaching: The metaverse can be used to train and coach maritime workers in a safe and controlled environment.

  • Overall, the metaverse is starting to be used in maritime traffic as a way to improve efficiency and collaboration in the supply chain. We are likely to see more adoption of metaverse technology in the future in this sector.

Determining the most advanced Spanish port in the metaverse presents a challenge due to the novelty of this concept and the ongoing research and development efforts across various ports. Additionally, assessing the “advanced” status of a port can be subjective, contingent on diverse criteria, such as investment quantity and the quality of implemented technology. Consequently, unequivocally pinpointing the most advanced Spanish port in the metaverse is not feasible.

Nevertheless, it is plausible that certain ports are actively engaging in research and experimentation with metaverse technology to enhance efficiency and user experiences. For instance, ports might be exploring the application of the metaverse to offer virtual travel experiences to passengers before their physical arrival or to establish a platform for real-time collaboration and decision-making with supply chain partners.

In the near term, the metaverse is anticipated to undergo further evolution and increased popularity, finding applications in diverse fields such as entertainment, gaming, education, commerce, and virtual reality. Furthermore, there is an expectation that the metaverse will exert a substantial impact on the economy, ushering in new business opportunities and job creation linked to virtual reality technology.

The strategy of Spanish ports to become ports in the metaverse or metaports can be studied using an affinity matrix.

In the Figure 2, it can be seen the affinity matrix.

Figure 2.

Affinity matrix. Source: Own source.

With the second panel of experts, the following elements were obtained (Figure 3):

Figure 3.

Weights in the affinity diagram. Source: Own source.

The categories with the most extensive array of indicators pertain to novel operating models and customer-centric services, and it is within these categories that substantial efforts will be required.

Under the umbrella of operating models lies automation, and the metaverse holds the potential to facilitate the deployment of autonomous systems for the transportation, loading of goods, and maintenance and repair of port equipment. These systems could be remotely managed and observed in real time through the metaverse, thereby reducing the dependence on human involvement and mitigating risks associated with workplace accidents.

In terms of cybersecurity, ensuring security is paramount in port operations. Within the metaverse, it becomes feasible to simulate risk scenarios and test security measures to evaluate their efficacy before implementation in the real world. Moreover, the metaverse could serve as a platform for continuous monitoring and immediate detection of potential security threats, enabling a prompt and effective response to emergency situations.

Based on the identification of driving elements for the transformation of Spanish ports into “metaports” by the panel of experts, several key conclusions can be drawn:

  • Technology and digital transformation: Technology and digital transformation are fundamental elements for the modernization of Spanish ports. The adoption of advanced technologies, such as virtual reality, artificial intelligence, and automation, plays a crucial role in improving operational efficiency, safety, and sustainability.

  • Interoperability and standards: The existence of standards and protocols in the sector is essential to ensure interoperability and system integration. This facilitates collaboration between different actors in the port and allows for the transfer of data and knowledge more effectively.

  • Education and training: Training port staff in metaverse technologies is essential for the successful assimilation of these technologies. Adaptability and the ability to learn how to use these technologies are critical.

  • Cross-sector collaboration: Collaboration with other industries, such as aeronautics, can provide knowledge and expertise in adopting digital technologies. Collaboration and information sharing are key factors for success in port modernization.

  • Promotion policies: The existence of policies and programs to promote the adoption of the metaverse in the sector is essential. These programs may include incentives and financial support for technological modernization.

  • Efficiency, competitiveness, and sustainability: The modernization of ports not only seeks to improve efficiency and competitiveness but also sustainability. Cost reduction, process optimization, and resource management are key elements in this transformation.

  • The transformation of Spanish ports into “metaports” involves significant investment in technology and training, as well as close collaboration between actors in the port sector and other related industries. Technological modernization and the adoption of sustainable practices are key elements for the future of Spanish ports and their ability to compete internationally in an increasingly digital environment.


4. Digitalization of the port with its hinterland: ground transportation and smart dry ports

4.1 Digitalization of land transport associated with ports

The role of ports has evolved significantly. They are now integral components of global logistics networks, and orchestrating cargo flows and providing value-added logistics services in a streamlined and effective manner. To fully embrace the digital transformation, ports must integrate their landside operations seamlessly with their core operations.

An affinity diagram is a valuable tool for organizing data, ideas, or recommendations arising from an event, such as the digitalization of land transport associated with Spanish ports. It helps to focus discussions among the working group members to identify potential solutions (Figure 4) [18]. Once categorized, these ideas are further scrutinized to assess their alignment with the core problem or situation. This process should lead to a series of conclusions that, in turn, guide the group toward consensus-based decisions.

Figure 4.

How the affinity diagram works. Source: Own source.

Once the process of consultation and discussion of the experts is completed, the following affinity diagram is obtained (Figure 5).

Figure 5.

Affinity diagram groups and subgroups. Source: Own source.

The final grouping with respect to the digitalization of land transport associated with ports is made up of five different groups: exchange of goods, tracking of goods, information processing, automation, and operation of the port.

Currently, Spanish ports are in a relatively high position in terms of their level of digitalization, but they continue to strive to update and innovate with the aim of improving their competitiveness in the market. One of the main remaining challenges is to achieve an immediate transition to digital, smart, and sustainable ports, which can optimize existing infrastructures and increase their capacity through intelligent space management. To achieve this, the integration of technologies, such as the cloud, big data, and sensorization, is essential. This approach will also impact the digitalization related to land transport that connects to the port.

Working in collaboration with the port community, ports must promote the creation of more efficient logistics platforms, promoting coordination and communication between the different actors in the logistics-port field. Importantly, the mere presence of these technologies does not automatically guarantee that a community will be considered “smarter” or that it will have a positive impact on the land transportation associated with the port.

In the case of Spain, five fundamental pillars are identified in relation to land transport. Although technology plays a crucial role, the determining factor in success stories is smart governance, which influences the positive development of these five identified pillars [19].

Smart governance emerges as a critical enabler for port digitalization to transcend port boundaries and seamlessly integrate with terrestrial connections. To achieve this, it is crucial to empower all stakeholders to actively participate in decision-making within a digitally revolutionized and hyperconnected administration; leverage open data platforms to democratize information and data accessibility within the community; harness the potential of emerging technologies for smart energy management, environmental protection, and waste disposal; nurture an entrepreneurial ecosystem through collaboration with universities and research centers; and foster a culture of innovation and continuous improvement.

The transformative power of smart port governance lies in its ability to connect to a broader network of equally digitized hubs, forming a seamlessly integrated ecosystem of smart ports. This interconnected network facilitates real-time data exchange and collaboration, optimizing operations and enhancing the overall efficiency of the logistics chain. However, this digital integration must extend beyond port operations to encompass terrestrial connections, ensuring seamless and efficient cargo movement throughout the entire supply chain.

4.2 Smart dry ports

Extending the logistics chain from seaports to landside operations involves strategic hubs known as dry ports. The evolution of dry ports is deeply intertwined with the development of seaports as they serve as “intermodal freight terminals located inland, directly connected to ports, the origin, and destination of their cargoes, through a railway network” [20]. Just as goods seamlessly transit from maritime terminals to dry ports, so too must data and digitalization processes flow seamlessly between these entities.

The Spanish port system currently stands at the fifth generation, where the concept of Smart Ports is firmly taking root. This transformation ushers in a new era where ports function as digital logistics platforms with IoT capabilities, enabling real-time data collaboration and sharing [21]. This generation of ports hinges on the collaborative data exchange among a diverse spectrum of public and private stakeholders, extending far beyond the traditional community of operators or freight forwarders. Additionally, these smart ports integrate seamlessly with intelligent transport systems such as railways, roads, and waterways, fostering a cohesive and efficient logistics network within the broader territory. In essence, this model of digital port governance promotes effective management of both direct and indirect operations, encompassing not only the port system itself but also its extended reach.

It is considered convenient to consider the following four fundamental axes for dry ports: economic, operational, social, political, institutional, and environmental (Figure 6).

Figure 6.

Axes of digitalization. Source: Own source.

Next, the indicators that have been selected and validated by the expert system that has been consulted using the Delphi survey method are identified (Table 2).

Axes.Id.Indicator.Weights In
OPERATIONAL ECONOMICSE-1Adaptation of infrastructures to reading integrated sensors2.08
OPERATIONAL ECONOMICSE-2Transport Control for loading and unloading2.08
OPERATIONAL ECONOMICSE-3Loading and unloading line efficiency2.04
OPERATIONAL ECONOMICSE-4Platform Productivity1.98
OPERATIONAL ECONOMICSE-6Storage capacity1.82
OPERATIONAL ECONOMICSE-7Integrated digital goods management2.10
OPERATIONAL ECONOMICSE-9Reception capacity Rail1.94
OPERATIONAL ECONOMICSE-11Terrestrial connectivity1.98
OPERATIONAL ECONOMICSE-12Air connectivity1.43
OPERATIONAL ECONOMICSE-13Degree in Automation of mechanical systems2.00
OPERATIONAL ECONOMICSE-14Degree of intermodality1.89
OPERATIONAL ECONOMICSE-15Size of operations1.81
SOCIALS-1Worker safety3.80
SOCIALS-2Digitalization of access security3.99
SOCIALS-3Training of workers3.53
SOCIALS-4Labor inclusion and equality in the workforce3.07
SOCIALS-5Accessibility to disabled user facilities3.38
SOCIALS-6Digital interaction with the customer3.99
INSTITUTIONALI-1Transparency in management4.59
INSTITUTIONALI-2Excess of port authorities in the territory3.52
INSTITUTIONALI-3Management systems implemented4.17
INSTITUTIONALI-4Participation of public and private entities3.83
INSTITUTIONALI-5Promoting efficiency in private operators4.14
INSTITUTIONALI-6Digitalization of customs processes4.95
ENVIRONMENTALM-1Frequency of accidental spills2.89
ENVIRONMENTALM-2Environmental management systems2.72
ENVIRONMENTALM-3Actions to revalue the natural environment2.90
ENVIRONMENTALM-4Automating air quality assessment2.60
ENVIRONMENTALM-5Noise pollution2.51
ENVIRONMENTALM-6Renewable energy production2.40
ENVIRONMENTALM-7Management of electricity consumption2.69
ENVIRONMENTALM-8Use of fuels2.80
ENVIRONMENTALM-9Water consumption management2.63

Table 2.

Weight of axes and indicators proposed for the study.

It can be seen that the indicators that have the greatest relationship with the digitalization and automation of processes and their management, obtain greater weight.

As an initial takeaway from this study, the smart concept, which embraces the application of information and communication technologies (ICTs), must be systematically and holistically considered across the four pillars that underpin the SDP concept. Sustainability encompasses three pillars: economic, social, and environmental. Therefore, the implementation of railway and intermodal management digitalization in port facilities must be pervasive and transformative. Only through this approach can the notion of the smart dry port be firmly established, and accountability in terms of sustainability and efficiency can be achieved, ultimately leading to a positive cost–benefit outcome.

Focus should be placed on achieving a higher degree of adaptation in the environmental dimension, particularly through the acquisition of new digitalization systems and the implementation of automation in those processes that can enable greater alignment with the smart port concept. Enhancing this dimension does not entail significant disbursements or investments compared to the other three, which would require greater commitment and should be championed by the relevant administrations.

In conclusion, the dry ports under examination must prioritize and invest in a heightened level of digitalization and process automation not only to enhance their efficiency and sustainability but also to augment their societal value proposition. Digitalization is no longer an option for these types of facilities but rather a prerequisite for survival in the global logistics landscape.


5. Conclusions

After exploring the digital transformation in the Spanish port system, several significant conclusions can be drawn.

First, the adoption of digital technologies has boosted operational efficiency, reducing waiting times, improving logistics management, and strengthening the global competitiveness of ports.

In addition, the integration of the Internet of Things (IoT) and artificial intelligence has enabled more informed and proactive decision-making, optimizing planning and response to unforeseen events.

However, there are also challenges, such as the need to address cybersecurity issues and staff training to maximize the benefits of digitalization. With regard to human resources, the importance of having qualified and trained personnel in the port system has been observed. A lack of qualified personnel can limit the ability to adapt and respond to present and future challenges.

Currently, there is a lack of interoperability and integration in Spanish ports, which limits the efficiency and fluidity of the exchange of information. In addition, the presence of obsolete technologies and difficulties in data processing prevent the transmission of information in real time, which limits decision-making and process improvement.

Ultimately, the digital transformation has laid the foundations for a more agile, connected, and sustainable Spanish port system, strategically positioning it to face future challenges and take advantage of emerging opportunities in the changing global landscape; however, insufficient data storage capacity hinders the availability of up-to-date information. In addition, the absence of automation in certain processes has been identified, which affects the efficiency and productivity of the system.

With regard to human resources, the importance of having qualified and trained personnel in the port system has been observed. A lack of qualified personnel can limit the ability to adapt and respond to present and future challenges. In terms of regulations, the presence of restrictive regulations and constant changes in policies has been identified.

Based on this analysis, it is concluded that the Spanish port system needs to evolve in order to overcome these challenges and improve its operation. It is essential to promote interoperability and integration between the different components of the system, as well as to adopt more advanced technologies that allow for the smooth processing and transmission of data in real time.

A renewal of infrastructures is required to allow for greater connectivity, greater data storage capacity, and greater automation in processes. Therefore, it is essential to invest in the training and development of staff, ensuring a qualified and skilled team that can face current and future challenges. In addition, it is recommended to establish a more favorable regulatory environment, with clear and stable regulations that promote the agility and adaptability of the port system. These actions will allow greater efficiency, competitiveness, and sustainability in the port system, improving the quality of services and strengthening its position in the international arena.

These key areas represent the most significant obstacles to achieving optimal fluidity in data exchange and effective digitalization of the port system. Addressing these issues as a priority will lay a solid foundation for driving digital transformation and improving operational efficiency.

It is essential to allocate adequate resources, both financial and human, to these priority actions. This involves collaboration and coordination between stakeholders, including Port Authorities, State Ports and the different bodies involved. In addition, it is important to foster a favorable environment for innovation and the development of advanced technological solutions that enable the transformation toward smart and sustainable ports.

To meet the digitalization objectives, set out in the strategic framework for 2030 in the Spanish port system, actions that require immediate action must be prioritized. Addressing the challenges identified in critical areas, as well as fostering medium and long-term improvements in other categories, will allow us to move toward a modern, efficient port system prepared to face the challenges of the future. This will boost competitiveness, sustainability, and quality in the Spanish port system, positioning it as an international benchmark.


Conflict of interest

The authors declare no conflict of interest.


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Written By

Nicoletta González-Cancelas, Alberto Camarero Orive, Javier Vaca Cabrero and Francisco Soler Flores

Submitted: 08 January 2024 Reviewed: 10 January 2024 Published: 08 March 2024