Recent IntechOpen Book Series Launches

05 July 2024

We are announcing the expansion of the IntechOpen Book Series portfolio with new launches that debuted in 2023 and upcoming releases scheduled for 2024. The collection of book series aims to offer researchers new avenues for knowledge dissemination and covers a range of cutting-edge scientific disciplines in the fields of Physical Sciences, Engineering, and Technology, as well as Life and Health Sciences. With this addition, our catalogue will include 26 book series since their initial launch in September 2021.

Book series launched in 2023/2024

Nanotechnology and Nanomaterials, ISSN 3029-0538

Agricultural Sciences, ISSN 3029-052X

Food Science and Nutrition, ISSN 2977-8174

Industrial Engineering and Management, ISSN 3029-0511

Civil Engineering, ISSN 3029-0287

Obstetrics and Gynecology, ISSN 3049-706X

Pharmaceutical Science, ISSN 3033-3318

Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine, ISSN 3033-361X

Genetics, ISSN 3049-7094

Oncology, ISSN Soon to be assigned

Upcoming book series

Materials Science 

Earth Sciences

Nervous System and Mental Health

Public Health

Social Sciences

The diverse editorial team of experts that have joined the newly launched book series, from Series Editors to Topic Editors and Editorial Board members, are bringing a wealth of expertise to ensure that the published content is not only novel but also impactful and interesting for researchers and specialists. Their invaluable editorial and academic input was crucial in shaping the series' scope, ensuring our publications cover the latest research areas while maintaining the highest quality.

We are delighted that researchers have often recognised the concept introduced by the IntechOpen Book Series as their preferred choice for publishing their work. In addition to offering all the benefits of open access book publishing, the series’ Research Topics are always open for submissions. An Annual Volume is published each calendar year with a dedicated ISSN and ISBN, offering a unique product shaped to meet the needs of researchers in terms of deadlines and allowing them to find the right home for their research.

Explore all Book Series here.

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