Open access peer-reviewed chapter

The Role of Electrolytic Acidified Minerals (Prehydrated Microparticles, PMPs) in Food Safety: A Field Trial and Case Study at Breeders and Packers Uruguay (BPU)

Written By

Donald J. Wagner II

Submitted: 09 June 2023 Reviewed: 27 June 2023 Published: 16 October 2023

DOI: 10.5772/intechopen.112349

From the Edited Volume

Food Safety - New Insights

Edited by Rabia Shabir Ahmad

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Electrolytic acidified minerals (as “Prehydrated microparticles, or PMPs”), such as silicates, aluminum, calcium, sodium, magnesium, and sulfur, have been explored for beef preservation. PMPs are produced by combining organic acids (organic reference USDA National List of Allowed and Prohibited Substances, not necessarily organic chemistry), and natural minerals under controlled manufacturing conditions using Generally Recognized As Safe (GRAS) food-grade materials that are listed with the US Food and Drug Administration. The resulting mixture is odorless, colorless, and tasteless when diluted to RTU concentrations. When applied to the surface of beef through spraying or immersion techniques, at various dilutions, PMPs significantly inhibit the growth of microorganisms during cold storage, resulting in a longer shelf life and maintained quality. The PMPs control of pH and oxidation on the surface of the meat is safer effective technique than using more toxic preservatives and antimicrobials that can lead to mutations, adaptation, and resistant superbugs. The acids are supported through integration into microparticle minerals, which stabilize and enhance the effectiveness and longevity of the preservative effect. Lab studies were done on PMPs at Microchem in Round Rock TX, USA. A real-world case study was conducted with acidified PMPs at Breeders and Packers Uruguay (BPU), located in Durazno Uruguay.


  • meat preservation
  • GRAS
  • organic
  • microparticles
  • acidified minerals
  • antimicrobial
  • food safety
  • shelf life

1. Introduction

The cost of meat spoilage on a global scale is staggering, affecting not only the economy but also food security and environmental sustainability. According to the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations, approximately one-third of all food produced globally goes to waste, and meat products are a significant part of this wastage. Here are some of the ramifications of meat spoilage on a global scale:

  1. Economic losses: Meat production is a resource-intensive process that involves substantial costs in terms of animal feed, water, energy, labor, and transportation. When meat spoils, all the resources invested in its production and distribution are wasted. The economic losses are borne by everyone in the supply chain, from the farmers to the retailers. For consumers, this often translates into higher prices for meat products. The global financial cost of food wastage, including meat spoilage, is estimated to be around $1 trillion annually.

  2. Food security: With the global population continuing to rise, food security is a critical concern. Meat spoilage exacerbates the challenge of ensuring that there is enough food to meet the dietary needs of the global population. In countries where meat is a primary source of protein, spoilage can severely impact nutritional intake and food availability for the population, especially for those who already face economic challenges in accessing sufficient food.

  3. Environmental impact: The production of meat has a substantial environmental footprint, particularly in terms of greenhouse gas emissions, land use, and water consumption. When meat is spoiled and discarded, it signifies that all the environmental resources expended in its production were used in vain. Moreover, the decomposition of spoiled meat in landfills generates methane, a potent greenhouse gas that contributes to climate change.

  4. Social costs: Meat spoilage also has social implications. It represents a failure in the distribution of food, where surplus food, including meat, is wasted in some parts of the world while there are regions suffering from hunger and malnutrition. This unequal distribution and wastage highlight the inefficiencies in global food systems and the ethical concerns related to food wastage when others are in need.

  5. Contamination and recalls: Mitigating meat spoilage requires a multi-faceted approach, including improving supply chain efficiencies, investing in preservation technologies, educating consumers, and establishing better food distribution networks to ensure that the meat reaches consumers before it spoils. The benefits of reducing meat spoilage are far-reaching, from bolstering economic stability to promoting food security and environmental sustainability. In meat processing plants, bacterial contamination is one of the most pressing challenges. Bacteria such as Escherichia coli (E. coli), Salmonella, and Listeria monocytogenes pose significant risks to food safety and public health. These bacteria can be introduced into the meat through various means including the animals themselves, the equipment used in processing, and the handling of meat by employees.

One of the primary problems caused by bacterial contamination in meat processing plants is the potential for widespread foodborne illness outbreaks. For instance, E. coli is known to cause severe gastroenteritis, which can be fatal in vulnerable populations such as the elderly, children, and immunocompromised individuals. Similarly, Salmonella infections can cause salmonellosis, characterized by diarrhea, fever, and abdominal cramps. Listeria, on the other hand, can lead to listeriosis, which is particularly hazardous for pregnant women, as it can cause miscarriages or life-threatening infections in newborns.

Over the past decade, there have been several instances of outbreaks and recalls due to bacterial contamination in meat products. For example, in 2018, JBS Tolleson, a major meat processor in the United States, recalled approximately 6.9 million pounds of beef products linked to a Salmonella Newport outbreak. The outbreak resulted in 246 people being infected across 25 states, with 59 hospitalizations [1].

In another instance, in 2020, a Listeria outbreak linked to deli meats caused illnesses across three states in the United States. Ten people were infected, all of whom were hospitalized, and one person died [2].

In 2021, there was a recall of more than 2,000 lb of beef jerky products produced by Boyd Specialties, LLC, due to possible Listeria monocytogenes contamination [3].

These examples underscore the importance of rigorous food safety protocols and monitoring systems in meat processing plants to mitigate the risks posed by bacterial contamination. Ensuring the hygiene and sanitation of processing environments, proper handling of meat products, and timely testing for microbial contaminants are crucial steps in safeguarding public health.


2. Prehydrated microparticle lab results

A modified version of ASTM E1153 was performed at Microchem Laboratory in Round Rock, TX, USA. Microchem maintains ISO 17025 accreditation through ANSI National Accreditation Board (ANAB). Accreditation provides additional confidence in the laboratory’s quality system and technical competence. In addition to ISO 17025 accreditation, Microchem maintains compliance with EPA and FDA Good Laboratory Practices (GLPs). In this study challenging PMPs, exemplary microorganisms were chosen, two bacteria (Gram-positive, Gram-negative) and a virus.

2.1 Staphylococcus 6538

This bacterium is a Gram-positive, spherical-shaped, facultative anaerobe. Staphylococcus species are known to demonstrate resistance to antibiotics such as methicillin. S. aureus pathogenicity can range from commensal skin colonization to more severe diseases such as pneumonia and toxic shock syndrome (TSS). S. aureus is commonly used in several test methods as a model for gram-positive bacteria. It can be difficult to disinfect but does demonstrate susceptibility to low-level disinfectants.

2.2 Pseudomonas aeruginosa

This bacterium is a Gram-negative, rod-shaped microorganism with a single flagellum. It grows optimally under aerobic conditions; however, it can use a host of electron receptors to respire anaerobically. P. aeruginosa can be found almost anywhere in nature and it is an opportunistic pathogen. Like many other bacterial-related diseases, the ability to form resilient biofilms within human tissues under anaerobic conditions is thought to be the primary cause of pathogenicity.

2.3 MS2 bacteriophage (MS2), ATCC 15597-Bl

This virus is a non-enveloped positive-stranded RNA virus of the bacteriophage family Leviviridae. Bacterial cells are the hosts for bacteriophages, and E coli 15597 serves this purpose for MS2 bacteriophage. Its small size, icosahedral structure, and environmental resistance have made MS2 ideal for use as a surrogate virus (particularly in place of picornaviruses such as poliovirus and human norovirus) in water quality and disinfectant studies. Permissive Host Cell System for MS2: Escherichia coli 15597.

2.4 Test material

Prehydrated Microparticles (PMPs) of siliceous minerals were studied for their ability to trap and sequester microbial contaminants. Some specifications of the test materials were as follows (Table 1).

Pore Volume (ml/g)1.25
BET Surface Area (m2/g)300
Total Volatile (% water)∼65%
Oil Absorption (ml/100 g)200
Loose bulk density dry (mL/5 g)45
Average Particle Size (micron)8.5

Table 1.

Physical properties of select porous microparticle minerals.

2.5 Test method

Bacterial/Viral Removal Study Based on ASTM E1153.

To consider the study to be scientifically defensible, the following criteria were met:

  1. The initial and final concentration of microorganisms must be significantly high enough to observe significant log/percent reduction.

  2. The media used for testing must be sterile.

  3. The target microorganism must be pure colony morphology (Table 2).

Cultures Initiated12/16/2020
Carriers Inoculated12/17/2020
Carriers Tested12/17/2020
Enumeration Plates Evaluated12/18/2020
Culture Growth Media:Tryptic Soy Broth
Culture Growth Time:18–24 h
Carrier Type:1″ × 3″ Glass Slides
Inoculum Volume0.030 ml
Carrier Dry Time15–20 min
Carrier Dry Temp. and Humidity:Ambient
Contact Time:15 s
Contact Temperature:Ambient
Harvest Media (Volume):D/E Broth (20.0 ml)
Incubation Temperature:36 ± 1°C
Enumeration Media:Nutrient Agar (SA)
Tryptic Soy Agar (PA)
Incubation Time:∼24 h

Table 2.

Procedural details of test method ASTM E1153.

The test microorganisms were prepared, by growth in liquid culture medium. Sterilized carriers were inoculated with a volume of the test culture. Inoculated slides were dried. Only completely dried carriers were used in the test. Test carriers were treated with the test substance and incubated for the predetermined contact time.

Two types of tests were performed:

  • Dry microparticles (not prehydrated, less than 10% moisture) microparticles were added to the inoculated carrier for 15 s. The test substance was then removed by irrigating the carrier with sterile PBS prior to harvesting in extraction media.

  • 65% prehydrated microparticles were added to the inoculated carrier for 15 s. The test substance was then removed by irrigating the carrier with sterile PBS prior to harvesting in extraction media.

Control carriers were harvested at appropriate intervals to accurately represent any reduction during the contact time. Numbers control carriers were inoculated and allowed to dry. The control carriers were directly harvested in extraction media (i.e. no irrigation with PBS performed). At the conclusion of the contact time, test and control carriers were chemically neutralized (despite there being no chemicals used in this test, only siliceous minerals, this is standard practice). Dilutions of the neutralized test substance were evaluated using appropriate growth media to determine the remaining microorganisms at the respective contact time.

The effect of test substance A and test substance B was compared with carriers exposed to no test substance to determine percent or log reduction of microorganism (Table 3).

Test microorganismTest substanceTest substance quantityRemaining CFU’sPercent reductionLog reduction
Virus (MS2 Phage)Controln/a160,000,000
Dry microparticles0.5 g124,000,00022.50%0.11
65% prehydrated microparticles0.5 g1,400,00099.13%2.06
P. aeruginosaControln/a179,000,000
Dry microparticles0.5 g11,100,00093.79%1.21
65% prehydrated microparticles0.5 g19,00099.99%3.97
S. aureusControln/a33,000,000
Dry microparticles0.5 g8,100,00075.45%0.61
65% prehydrated microparticles0.5 g51,00099.85%2.81

Table 3.

Results of ASTM E1153.

The results of our lab study, conducted at Microchem Laboratory, Round Rock, TX, demonstrate the efficiency of Prehydrated Microparticles (PMPs) in trapping and sequestering bacterial and viral contaminants. The test microorganisms chosen, Staphylococcus aureus (Gram-positive bacteria), Pseudomonas aeruginosa (Gram-negative bacteria), and MS2 Bacteriophage (virus), were exemplary representatives to assess the efficacy of PMPs.

These results indicate that the PMPs were consistently far more effective than dry microparticles in reducing the microbial load across all tested microorganisms. The 65% Prehydrated Microparticles exhibited significant log reductions, indicating their exceptional ability to trap and sequester the pathogens effectively.

Notably, the 65% Prehydrated Microparticles demonstrated an impressive 99.13% reduction in MS2 Phage, a 99.99% reduction in Pseudomonas aeruginosa, and a 99.85% reduction in Staphylococcus aureus. These findings underscore the performance of PMPs in combatting a wide range of microbial contaminants.

The results can be attributed to the unique properties of PMPs, including their high pore volume, pore size, shape, and distribution, extensive BET surface area, and significant absorption capacity. These features, coupled with their prehydrated state for enhanced capillary action, make them highly effective in attracting and retaining microorganisms.


3. 150-day case study and field trial of acidified prehydrated mineral microparticles (PMPs) at breeders and packers Uruguay (BPU)

Studying aerobic bacteria, Enterobacteria, and lactic acid bacteria is crucial for assessing the freshness of meat because these three groups of bacteria are significant indicators of the microbial population and shelf life of meat products.

  1. Aerobic bacteria: Aerobic bacteria are microorganisms that thrive in the presence of oxygen. Meat, being rich in nutrients and water, provides an ideal environment for the growth of these bacteria when exposed to air. The total aerobic bacterial count, often referred to as the Total Viable Count (TVC), is a standard indicator of meat’s microbial quality. As the meat begins to spoil, the number of aerobic bacteria increases significantly. Monitoring the TVC is a way to assess the freshness of meat; high counts indicate that the meat is no longer fresh and may be unfit for consumption.

  2. Enterobacteria: This group includes various bacteria such as Escherichia coli and Salmonella, which are facultative anaerobes (they can thrive in both oxygen-rich and oxygen-poor environments). Enterobacteria are often associated with fecal contamination and can be pathogenic. An increase in Enterobacteria is usually an indication of poor hygiene during the or processing of the meat. By monitoring the levels of Enterobacteria, one can not only assess the freshness of the meat but also determine potential risks to food safety.

  3. Lactic acid bacteria: Lactic acid bacteria are a group of Gram-positive bacteria that generate lactic acid as a byproduct of carbohydrate fermentation. These bacteria play a dual role in meat. On the one hand, they are used beneficially in the fermentation of some meat products, such as salami. On the other hand, their growth on fresh meat can contribute to spoilage. As lactic acid bacteria proliferate on the meat surface, they produce lactic acid, which can result in a sour smell and slime formation, signs of spoilage.

The methodology used in research for swabbing and plating meat samples to test for aerobic bacteria, enterobacteria, and lactic acid bacteria is systematic and requires attention to detail to ensure the accuracy and reliability of the results. Below is an overview of the general steps involved:

  1. Sample collection: Select representative samples of meat, ensuring that they are handled with sterile gloves or instruments to prevent contamination.

  2. Preparation of media: Before starting the swabbing process, prepare the media plates for bacterial growth. For aerobic bacteria, you might use Tryptic Soy Agar (TSA); for enterobacteria, Violet Red Bile Glucose Agar (VRBGA) can be used; and for lactic acid bacteria, De Man, Rogosa and Sharpe (MRS) agar is commonly used.

  3. Swabbing:

    1. Use sterile swabs for collecting samples. Pre-moisten the swab in a sterile diluent (such as sterile peptone water) to ensure efficient pickup of bacteria.

    2. Carefully swab a defined area of the meat surface. It’s essential to cover the area systematically to ensure that a representative sample is obtained.

    3. Place the swab into a tube containing a known volume of sterile diluent and agitate to release the bacteria into the solution.

  4. Serial dilutions: To ensure that you get countable plates, perform serial dilutions of the sample.

    1. Take 1 mL from the swab tube and add it to 9 mL of sterile diluent. This is a 1:10 dilution.

    2. Perform additional serial dilutions as needed (1:100, 1:1000, etc.).

  5. Plating:

    1. Take 1 mL from the desired dilution tube and spread it onto the surface of the appropriate agar plate (TSA for aerobic bacteria, VRBGA for enterobacteria, and MRS for lactic acid bacteria).

    2. Use a sterile bent glass rod or spreader to spread the liquid evenly over the surface of the agar.

    3. This process should be repeated for each type of media and bacteria being tested.

  6. Incubation: Incubate the plates at appropriate temperatures for the bacteria being tested. For example, aerobic bacteria are generally incubated at 35–37°C, enterobacteria at 37°C, and lactic acid bacteria at 30°C. Plates are usually incubated for 24–48 h.

  7. Counting colonies: After incubation, count the colonies on the plates. Choose plates that have between 30 and 300 colonies for accurate counting. Use this data and the dilution factor to calculate the number of colony-forming units (CFUs) per square centimeter or gram of the sample.

  8. Documentation and analysis: Document the data collected including the number of colonies and the corresponding CFUs. Perform statistical analysis as needed.

  9. Interpretation: Based on the CFU counts and the scientific literature, make interpretations regarding the microbial load and its implications for the quality and safety of the meat samples tested.

It is important to note that adherence to aseptic techniques is crucial throughout this process to avoid contamination and ensure the reliability of the results. Additionally, the methodology might vary slightly based on specific protocols or standards followed by different laboratories or regulatory bodies.

Studying aerobic bacteria provides an overview of the microbial load on the meat. Enterobacteria serve as indicators of hygiene and potential pathogenic contamination, and lactic acid bacteria are specific indicators of spoilage due to fermentation processes. Together, the analysis of these bacterial groups offers an indication of the meat’s freshness and safety for consumption.

In this study, Acidified Prehydrated MicroParticles (PMPs) were used to not only trap and sequester microbes, but also to cause cell lysis of the microbes through pH and oxidative stress. Organic acids kill microorganisms by disrupting their internal pH balance, creating an acidic environment that impairs cellular functions and destabilizes the cell membrane. Additionally, organic acids induce oxidative stress by generating reactive oxygen species (ROS), which damage cellular components such as lipids, proteins, and nucleic acids, leading to cell death. This dual mode of action makes organic acids potent antimicrobial agents, finding applications in various industries for food preservation and sanitation purposes. As the pre-storage treatment at Breeders and Packers Uruguay (BPU), a modern beef slaughterhouse facility in Durazno, Uruguay, acidified PMPs were applied to beef and studied from November 23, 2021, and April 22, 2022. The trial explored the benefits of using acidified PMPs as a GRAS (Generally Recognized As Safe) preservative for beef, expanding our understanding of food preservation and safety. Researchers have published papers on the use of organic acids in meat preservation, but do not explore the use of mineral prehydrated microparticles as a stabilized delivery method, and studies typically run for hundreds of hours, not 150 days [4, 5, 6].


4. The role of acidified prehydrated microparticles (PMP’s)

PMPs can be composed of various minerals, including silicates of aluminum, calcium, sodium, and sulfur, combined with other acids under controlled conditions. Organic acids are chosen from those that are FDA Generally Recognized as Safe (GRAS) for food preservation, with consideration of their differences and attributes:

  1. Citric acid:

    • Source: Naturally found in citrus fruits like lemons and oranges

    • Function: It acts as an acidulant, preserving freshness in various food products

    • Attributes: Non-toxic, non-corrosive, and has a pleasant, sour taste

    • Uses: Used in beverages, canned fruits, salad dressings, and other processed foods

  2. Lactic acid:

    • Source: Naturally produced during fermentation processes, especially in dairy products

    • Function: Acts as an acidifier, flavor enhancer, and antimicrobial agent

    • Attributes: Mild flavor, safe, and effective against bacteria

    • Uses: Used in dairy products, meat processing, and as a preservative in various foods

  3. Acetic acid:

    • Source: Derived from the fermentation of ethanol by acetic acid bacteria

    • Function: Widely used as a preservative and flavor enhancer

    • Attributes: Effective against a wide range of microorganisms, bacteria and molds

    • Uses: Used in pickling, condiments, salad dressings, and various processed foods

  4. Sorbic acid:

    • Source: Naturally occurring in some fruits like mountain ash berries

    • Function: Effective against molds, yeast, and some bacteria

    • Attributes: Stable, tasteless, and odorless

    • Uses: Commonly used in baked goods, cheese, and other processed foods

  5. Benzoic acid:

    • Source: Found naturally in some fruits, such as cranberries

    • Function: Exhibits antimicrobial properties against yeasts and bacteria

    • Attributes: Stable and effective at low concentrations

    • Uses: Used in carbonated beverages, fruit juices, and other food products

  6. Hypochlorous acid:

    • Source: Naturally produced by white blood cells and the electrolysis of saltwater

    • Function: A powerful oxidizing agent with strong antimicrobial properties

    • Attributes: Effective against a broad spectrum of microorganisms

    • Uses: Disinfection in food processing, surface cleaning, and water treatment applications

It is important to note that while these organic acids are considered safe for food preservation when used within established regulatory guidelines, the concentration and application must comply with FDA regulations to ensure food safety and consumer health. All acids used are listed as GRAS materials by the US Food and Drug Administration. This results in an odorless, colorless, and tasteless mixture when diluted to RTU (ready-to-use) concentrations.

What are the proposed uses of acidified PMPs?

  • FDA GRAS Food-grade antimicrobial preservative

  • Food shelf-life extender

  • Formulated for use on beef, poultry, pork, and other ready-to-eat products.

  • Unique blend of minerals and acids

  • pH adjustable solutions available as a concentrate dilutable 100-1

Benefits of the technology:

  • Kills bacteria on contact and/or prevents further proliferation

  • Extends the shelf life of the treated food

  • Minimal organoleptic effect

  • Application methods include spray or dip

  • 100-1 dilution is economically viable


5. Experimental procedure and variables

During the trial, we analyzed two different beef cuts: Striploin and Oyster Blade.

  1. Striploin: The term “Striploin” typically refers to a lean cut of beef that comes from the loin area of the cow, close to the backbone. It is a cut that is known for being tender, and it is often used for steaks. This cut is usually referred to as “New York strip.” Because of its tenderness and relatively low-fat content, Striploin is often cooked quickly over high heat, such as grilling or pan-searing. It’s a popular cut for making steaks, and it’s prized for its flavor and tenderness.

  2. Oyster blade: Oyster Blade, on the other hand, refers to a cut of beef that is taken from the shoulder area of the cow, specifically from the section known as the blade. In the US, this cut is often referred to as “blade steak” or “shoulder steak.” Oyster Blade has a higher content of connective tissue and can be a bit tougher compared to cuts like Striploin. However, it is also more flavorful due to the marbling and connective tissues. Oyster Blade is often used in slow cooking methods like braising, which helps break down the connective tissues and results in a tender and flavorful dish. It can also be marinated and grilled, but it benefits from not being overcooked to retain tenderness.

We applied acidified PMPs at dilution ratios of 1/100, 1/50, 1/30, and 1/10 through electrostatic spraying and dipping (quick submersion). We then took swab samples for colony-forming unit (CFU) counts at intervals of 0, 30, 60, 90, 120, and 150 days. Upon analyzing the data, it was found that the two application methods, electrostatic spraying and immersion (dipping), had no statistically significant difference in terms of their efficacy in reducing microbial growth on the meat. This suggests that both methods were equally effective in distributing the PMPs across the surface of the meat, ensuring that the low pH environment and oxidative stress necessary for microbial inhibition were achieved, regardless of the application technique employed.

  • Beef cuts

    • Striploin Steak

    • Oyster Blade Steak

  • Dilution ratios

    • 100:1

    • 50:1

    • 30:1

    • 10:1

  • Application technique:

    • Electrostatic spray

    • Dip (quick submersion)

  • Swabbing and plate counts for CFU’s on:

    • Day 0

    • 30 days

    • 60 days

    • 90 days

    • 120 days

    • 150 days

  • Bacteria studied (CFU counts):

    • Aerobic

    • Enterobacteria

    • Lactic Acid

We focused on three bacterial classes for CFU counts: aerobic bacteria, enterobacteria, and lactic acid bacteria. Of the 238 samples taken, 13 data points were identified as outliers, attributed to random contamination from handling or equipment. The purpose of this study was to focus on the typical meat flora when in the standard cold storage environment, and not testing the active disinfection of the meat when contamination is introduced from an outside source.


6. Trial results and discussion

The 150-day investigation demonstrated a substantial mean reduction in bacterial colonization on both Striploin and Oyster Blade cuts. The data presented in this chapter pertain to the acidified PMPs at a dilution ratio of 100:1. As hypothesized, an improvement in bacterial reduction was observed with escalating concentrations of the acidified PMPs. Nonetheless, the economic feasibility achieved by the 100:1 dilution ratio renders this concentration pragmatically viable for large-scale integration within the food processing industry.

Oyster Blade steak showed an impressive average reduction of 98.21% in aerobes, 99.51% in Enterobacteria, and 99.99% in lactic acid bacteria at the 100:1 dilution ratio (Table 4).

150 day averages CFU’sControl average100:1 Spray averagePercent reduction (%)
Oyster Blade Stake Aerobes18,702,005334,00098.21
Oyster Blade Stake Enterobacteria101,85150099.51
Oyster Blade Stake Lactic Acid18,451,6681,33399.99

Table 4.

Reduction of CFU Counts in Oyster Blade.

For Striploin steak, an 88.06% reduction was observed in aerobes, 97.82% in Enterobacteria, and 99.92% in lactic acid bacteria at the same dilution ratio (Table 5 and Figure 1).

150 day averages CFU’sControl average100:1 Spray averagePercent reduction (%)
Striploin Stake Aerobes730,26787,20088.06
Striploin Stake Enterobacteria121,5002,65097.82
Striploin Stake Lactic Acid372,50030099.92

Table 5.

Reduction of CFU Counts in Striploin.

Figure 1.

Images of Acidified Prehydrated MicroParticle (PMPs) trial in progress (2021).

Acidified PMPs, rather than simple aqueous acids, are an emerging innovation in the meat processing industry that represents a promising alternative for controlling microbial growth on raw meat. These minerals are typically inorganic substances, such as silicates of aluminum, calcium, sodium, or sulfur, which have been treated with organic acids to create acidified prehydrated microparticles (PMPs). The utilization of these acidified minerals can serve as a crucial advancement in ensuring food safety.

The mode of action of acidified PMPs is somewhat similar to that of simple aqueous acids, but with certain advantages. Acidified PMPs work primarily by lowering the pH and delivering oxidative stress on the surface of the meat, creating an environment that is unfavorable for microbial growth. The microparticles, when applied to the meat, release the acids slowly, ensuring a sustained low pH environment and oxidative stress. This controlled release is often more efficient compared to simple aqueous acids, which can be neutralized more quickly. Furthermore, the mineral component in the PMPs can also have an adsorbent effect, binding to microbial cells and further enhancing the antimicrobial action.

A significant advantage of using acidified PMPs is their safety and compatibility with food-grade requirements. The minerals are combined with organic acids that are Generally Recognized as Safe (GRAS) for use in food products. When applied at appropriate concentrations, acidified PMPs are odorless, colorless, and tasteless, ensuring that there is no alteration in the sensory properties of the meat. This is essential for consumer acceptance.

The methods of application for acidified PMPs can include dipping or spraying. In dipping, the meat is immersed in the solution, ensuring complete coverage. Spraying involves applying a fine mist of the solution onto the meat surface. Both methods can effectively distribute the acidified PMPs on the meat, but the choice between them might be influenced by factors such as the scale of operation, existing manufacturing infrastructure, processing speed, and specific antimicrobial targets.

Acidified PMPs offer a novel and effective approach for microbial control on raw meat. Through the controlled release of acids and the adsorbent properties of the minerals, these microparticles create a sustained low pH and oxidative environment that is inhospitable to bacteria. Being formulated with food-grade ingredients, they ensure safety and leave the organoleptic properties of the meat intact. This makes acidified PMPs an exciting prospect for enhancing food safety and quality in the meat processing industry.

The utilization of low pH and oxidation technology for meat preservation, when applied judiciously above the minimum inhibitory concentration, ensures the effective control of microbial growth without any sensory alterations to the meat. This delicate balance is crucial for maintaining the product’s appeal to consumers. Aromatics, which are essential for the perception of flavor, remain unaltered, ensuring that the meat retains its characteristic smell. Feeling factors, such as the sensation of juiciness or tenderness, remain intact, providing the same mouthfeel as untreated meat. Basic tastes, including saltiness, sourness, bitterness, and sweetness, are unaffected, which is critical as these are fundamental attributes that consumers expect in meat products. There is no imparting of aftertastes, which could be off-putting to consumers and indicative of chemical preservatives. Texturally, the meat remains consistent with untreated counterparts, retaining its firmness or tenderness as is characteristic of the specific cut. In essence, by applying acidic PMPs above the minimum inhibitory concentration, the preservation is achieved with a stealth-like approach, where the invisible hand of preservation effectively curbs microbial growth while leaving the sensory tapestry of the meat untouched.


7. Conclusion

The BPU trial with acidified PMPs illuminates a path toward safer and more sustainable food preservation strategies. These results suggest that acidified PMPs can be a reliable and sustainable preservative technique, preventing spoilage and enhancing the shelf life of beef without the use of antibiotics or potentially toxic preservatives. The study lends credence to the hypothesis that controlling the pH and oxidative stress on meat surfaces via a non-toxic, safe, and effective technique, like our acidified minerals in the form of PMPs, could revolutionize meat preservation strategies, reducing food waste and enhancing global food safety. In conclusion, the demonstrated effectiveness of PMPs, supported by laboratory studies and real-world testing, underscores their safety and efficacy; this assurance is further solidified by their FDA recognition as Generally Recognized as Safe (GRAS) and USDA organic status, which establishes a strong foundation in both science and regulatory approval. We aim for a healthier future for both our food systems and the consumers they nourish.


8. Broader agricultural implications

Echo Scientific has formed partnerships with experts in the agriculture industry to develop siliceous mineral and zeolite-based products, which incorporate stabilized organic acids derived from natural sources. These innovative combinations have demonstrated remarkable efficacy in laboratory studies and real-world environments. Targets for deploying the technology include additives for feed, and soil and plant adjuvants, improving animal health, soil health, and addressing methane and ammonia waste.

By incorporating mineral/acid formulations into animal feed and supplements, significant improvements in animal health have been observed. The synergistic combination of natural minerals, zeolites, and naturally derived organic acid enhances digestion, nutrient absorption, and fortifies the immune system in livestock. This results in accelerated growth rates, increased milk production, cleaner and healthier barn environments, and reduced reliance on antibiotics. Our products foster healthier and more productive animals, leading to improved profitability for farmers.

We are also targeting soil health. The inclusion of natural minerals, zeolites, and naturally derived organic acid in soil amendments has transformative effects. These combinations improve soil structure, water retention, and nutrient availability, leading to increased crop yields and enhanced resilience against environmental stressors. Additionally, our products aid in pH balance, nutrient retention, and stimulate the growth of beneficial soil microorganisms. These benefits contribute to sustainable and regenerative farming practices, ensuring long-term soil fertility and productivity.

Addressing methane and ammonia waste is a critical challenge in agriculture. Our innovative formulations effectively mitigate these emissions from livestock waste by greater than 50%, and in most cases greater than 80%. The combination of natural minerals, zeolites, and naturally derived organic acid enables the binding and neutralization of ammonia, reducing its volatilization into the atmosphere. Furthermore, our products have demonstrated exceptional efficacy in capturing and mitigating methane emissions from livestock manure, minimizing their environmental impact.

By integrating our natural mineral and zeolite-based products, enriched with organic acid derived from natural minerals, farmers can unlock a range of benefits. These include improved animal health and feed conversion rates, reduced morbidity and mortality, reduced reliance on antibiotics, enhanced soil fertility, and the reduction of methane and ammonia, and increased fertilizer value from animal waste. Recent attention on these issues is leading to data acquisition from real-time sensors tracking the mitigation of ammonia, methane, and other noxious gas emissions in farming operations, which leads to the generation of valuable carbon credits, contributing to sustainable practices and environmental stewardship.

The net result is to optimize productivity, increase profitability, and contribute to a more sustainable future.


  1. 1. CDC. Multistate Outbreak of Salmonella Newport Infections Linked to JBS Tolleson, Inc. Ground Beef (Final Update). 2018. Available at:
  2. 2. CDC. Outbreak of Listeria Infections Linked to Deli Meats (Final Update). 2020. Available at:
  3. 3. USDA. Boyd Specialties, LLC Recalls Jerky Products due to Possible Listeria Contamination. 2021. Available at:
  4. 4. Nkosi D, Bekker, et al. The use of organic acids (lactic and acetic) as a microbial decontaminant during the slaughter of meat animal species: A review. Foods. 2021;10:2293. DOI: 10.3390/foods10102293
  5. 5. Castillo R et al. Lactic acid sprays reduce bacterial pathogens on cold beef carcass surfaces and in subsequently produced ground beef. Journal of Food Protection. 2001;64:58-62. DOI: 10.4315/0362-028X-64.1.58
  6. 6. Wolf M, Miller, et al. Validation comparing the effectiveness of a lactic acid dip with a lactic acid spray for reducing Escherichia coli O157:H7, Salmonella, and non-O157 Shiga toxigenic Escherichia coli on beef trim and ground beef. Journal of Food Protection. 2012;75(11):1968-1973. DOI: 10.4315/0362-028X.JFP-12-038

Written By

Donald J. Wagner II

Submitted: 09 June 2023 Reviewed: 27 June 2023 Published: 16 October 2023