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Introductory Chapter: Food Safety

Written By

Rabia Shabir Ahmad, Hamza Munawar, Hafiza Saima and Farzana Siddique

Published: 29 November 2023

DOI: 10.5772/intechopen.113289

From the Edited Volume

Food Safety - New Insights

Edited by Rabia Shabir Ahmad

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1. Introduction

Food safety deals with the practical measures and scientific discipline taken to make certain that food products are safe for consumption of mankind, free from contamination and do not pose any risk to public health [1]. It encompasses a range of practices, processes, and regulations designed to prevent foodborne illnesses and hazards arising from chemical, physical agents and biological that may be present in food. The ultimate goal of food safety is to prevent consumers from the inauspicious health effects of consuming unsafe or contaminated food [2].


2. Significance of food safety

Food safety is a very critical aspect of daily life that often goes unnoticed until a crisis occurs. It encompasses a set of practices, procedures, and regulations aimed at ensuring that we are consuming food which is safe for consumption, free from contamination, and poses no harm to human health. This is a global concern, as food is a fundamental necessity, and unsafe food can lead to a wide range of health issues, from mild food poisoning to severe diseases, and even fatalities [3]. Food safety measures are essential to safeguard public health. The food that is contaminated can lead to outbreaks of foodborne illnesses, affecting individuals and communities. Ensuring food safety reduces the burden on healthcare systems and prevents suffering.

Food safety is integral to international trade. Unsafe food can have severe economic consequences. Recalls, lawsuits and damage to brand reputation can lead to significant financial losses for food producers and businesses, affecting both local and global economies [1]. Compliance with food safety standards is often a requirement for accessing global markets. Ensuring the safety of exported and imported food products is crucial for maintaining trade relationships. Consumers need assurance that the food they purchase is safe to eat. Effective food safety measures build trust between consumers and food producers, leading to increased confidence of the customer in the food supply chain.

Food safety practices are closely linked to sustainable agriculture. By promoting safe and responsible farming practices, we can shelter the environment and ensure food security for the next generations. Many countries have established stringent food safety regulations to hold food producers accountable for the safety of their products. Compliance with these regulations is not only a legal obligation but also a moral one [2, 4].


3. Historical perspectives of food safety

Food safety has been a serious concern throughout human history, although our understanding of it and the methods employed to ensure safe food have evolved significantly over time.

3.1 Ancient civilizations

In ancient civilizations like Egypt, Greece and Rome, there were rudimentary food safety practices. People would inspect food for visible signs of spoilage and use preservation methods such as drying, salting, and fermentation to increase the shelf life of perishable foods. The earliest recorded food regulations date back to Babylon, where a code of laws, known as the Code of Hammurabi (circa 1754 BC), and included provisions related to food quality and safety [3].

3.2 Middle ages

During the middle ages, food safety was a significant concern, especially in densely populated urban areas. There were instances of food adulteration and contamination. The Black Plague in the 14th century raised awareness about the importance of food safety, as people began to recognize the link between unsanitary food practices and disease outbreaks.

3.3 Industrial revolution

The Industrial Revolution brought very noticeable changes in the production of food and its distribution. Along with the growth of urban populations and mass production, concerns about food safety escalated. In the mid-19th century, scientists like Louis Pasteur and Robert Koch made groundbreaking discoveries about the role of microorganisms in food spoilage and illness, laying the foundation for modern food microbiology and safety practices [5].

3.4 Twentieth century and beyond

The 20th century witnessed the establishment of regulatory authorities such as the World Health Organization (WHO) and U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), which played crucial roles in setting food safety standards and regulations on a global scale. Advances in food science, technology, and inspection methods have allowed for more effective monitoring of food safety, including the development of food safety management systems like Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points (HACCP) [6].


4. Understanding foodborne illnesses

Foodborne illnesses, also known as food poisoning or foodborne diseases, are major health problems that are caused by the usage of contaminated food. These illnesses can result from various biological agents, including bacteria, viruses, parasites, and fungi [7]. Here is an overview of common foodborne pathogens associated with these agents.

4.1 Common foodborne pathogens

  1. Bacteria:

    • Salmonella: This bacterium is a leading reason for foodborne problems globally. Contamination often occurs in raw poultry, eggs, and unpasteurized dairy products [8].

    • Escherichia coli: Many known strains of E. coli can cause disturbing food poisoning. Contaminated ground beef, fresh produce and raw milk are common sources of foodborne pathogens [9, 10].

    • Listeria monocytogenes: Listeria can grow in at normal refrigeration atmosphere and causes a risk in ready-to-eat foods, deli meats, and soft cheeses [11]

    • Campylobacter: Often found in undercooked poultry and contaminated water, Campylobacter infections can lead to gastroenteritis [12, 13].

  2. Viruses:

    • Norovirus: Highly contagious, norovirus is a common cause of gastroenteritis outbreaks, often associated with contaminated shellfish and prepared foods [14, 15].

    • Hepatitis A: This virus can transmit through contaminated food or water. It can lead to hepatitis and jaundice [16, 17].

  3. Parasites:

    • Giardia: This parasite can cause giardiasis and is often transmitted through contaminated water and poorly cooked food [18].

    • Cryptosporidium: A protozoan parasite, Cryptosporidium can lead to gastrointestinal illness and is linked to contaminated water and produce.

  4. Fungi:

    • Aspergillus: Certain species of Aspergillus can produce mycotoxins that contaminate grains, nuts, and dried fruits.

    • Botrytis: This fungus can affect various fruits and vegetables, causing rot and spoilage.

These pathogens can contaminate food at various stages of production, processing, and preparation. Proper food handling, cooking, and hygiene practices are essential to prevent foodborne illnesses [19]. Additionally, regulatory agencies and food safety measures are in place to monitor and control these pathogens in the food supply chain [8].

4.2 Factors contributing to food-borne illnesses

Foodborne illnesses are often the result of a complex interplay of various factors within the food supply chain. These contributing factors can be classified into several key areas. First, improper food handling practices by individuals, such as inadequate hand washing, cross-contamination, and undercooking, can introduce pathogens into the food. Secondly, the prevalence of foodborne pathogens in raw ingredients or contaminated water sources can lead to contamination during food production and processing. Additionally, lapses in sanitation and hygiene within food establishments, including restaurants and food processing facilities, can contribute to the spread of foodborne pathogens. Moreover, temperature control, both during the storage of food and its distribution, is critical to preventing the growth of harmful microorganisms [20]. Lastly, global food supply chains and increasing consumption of raw or minimally processed foods pose challenges in ensuring food safety. Addressing these factors through proper food safety measures, regulations, and public education is essential in mitigating the risk of foodborne illnesses [19].

4.3 Influence on public health and economy

Foodborne hazards have a profound impact on both public health and the economy. In terms of public health, these hazards are responsible for a significant burden of illness, including foodborne infections and diseases that can range from mild gastroenteritis to severe and sometimes fatal conditions. Week populations, such as the very young, elderly, and immune-compromised individuals, are particularly at risk. Foodborne outbreaks can also strain healthcare systems and public health resources [21].

On the economic front, the consequences of foodborne hazards are substantial. Food recalls and outbreaks can result in massive financial losses for the food industry, including costs associated with product recalls, legal liabilities, and damage to brand reputation. Moreover, the loss of consumer confidence in food products can lead to reduced sales and market share. Food safety regulations, while necessary for public health, can also impose compliance costs on businesses. Overall, the economic impact of foodborne hazards underscores the importance of robust food safety measures and regulations to protect both public health and the food industry’s economic stability.


5. Regulatory framework and standards

5.1 Government agencies and their roles

Government agencies play a vital role in establishing and enforcing food safety regulations and standards to protect public health [6]. Here is an overview of the roles of prominent government agencies involved in food safety:

5.1.1 FDA

The FDA is a key regulatory agency that is responsible to make sure the safety of most food products in the United States. They establish and enforce regulations related to food labeling, additives, contaminants, and manufacturing practices [22]. The FDA conducts inspections of food facilities, monitors food recalls, and conducts research on food safety issues. They also oversee the safety of imported food products [23].

5.1.2 USDA (United States Department of Agriculture)

The USDA primarily focuses on the safety of meat, poultry, and egg products in the United States. They regulate and inspect these products from farm to processing and distribution. The Food Safety and Inspection Service (FSIS), a branch of USDA, sets and enforces standards for food safety, ensuring that these products are safe and correctly labeled [24].

5.1.3 CDC (Centers for disease control and prevention)

The CDC is a federal agency responsible for tracking and investigating foodborne outbreaks and diseases. They provide epidemiological expertise and surveillance to identify the source of outbreaks. The CDC collaborates with state health departments to monitor foodborne illnesses, maintain the Foodborne Diseases and publish facts and statistics on foodborne disease trends [19].

5.1.4 WHO (World Health Organization)

The WHO is a global organization that sets international food safety standards and guidelines. It works in partnership with the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) through the Codex Alimentarius Commission to develop and harmonize global food safety standards. WHO provides technical assistance to member states, conducts risk assessments, and disseminates information to improve food safety worldwide [25].

These agencies collaborate to develop, implement, and enforce food safety regulations that protect consumers from foodborne hazards. Their roles extend beyond national borders, as international cooperation is essential in ensuring the safety of the global food supply chain. Through regulations, inspections, research, and surveillance, these agencies collectively contribute to safeguarding public health and promoting food safety at local, national, and international levels.

5.2 Food safety regulations

5.2.1 HACCP (Hazard analysis and critical control points)

HACCP is a systematic approach that helps in identifying, controlling and evaluating food safety hazards at critical points during food production, processing, and handling. It is widely recognized as a preventive system for managing food safety and is applied in various industries to minimize risks associated with biological, chemical, and physical hazards [26]. HACCP principles include conducting hazard analysis, identifying critical control points, establishing critical limits, monitoring, corrective actions, verification, and record-keeping.

5.2.2 FSMA (Food safety modernization act)

FSMA is a landmark U.S. legislation signed into law in 2011, aimed at preventing foodborne illnesses and ensuring the safety of the U.S. food supply. The act emphasizes a shift from a reactive approach to a proactive one by focusing on preventive controls, risk-based inspections, and increased regulatory authority for the FDA. Key provisions of FSMA include the establishment of preventive controls for food facilities, improved oversight of imported foods, and enhanced traceability [27].

5.2.3 Codex Alimentarius

Codex Alimentarius, often referred to as the Codex, is a collection of worldwide recognized standards, guidelines, and codes of practice for food safety, established by the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) and the World Health Organization (WHO). It serves as a reference point for international trade and aims to harmonize food safety standards and regulations globally. Codex standards wrap up many important aspects of food safety, including food additives, labeling, contaminants, and hygiene [28].

5.3 International food safety standards

International food safety standards are a set of guidelines and regulations established at the global level to ensure the safety and quality of food products traded across borders. These standards, often developed through organizations like the Codex Alimentarius Commission (a joint initiative of the Food and Agriculture Organization and the World Health Organization), provide a common framework for countries to follow. They cover various aspects of food safety, including permissible levels of contaminants, food additives, labeling requirements, and hygiene practices [29]. Adherence to these international standards not only promotes food safety but also facilitates international trade by ensuring that food products meet consistent safety criteria, fostering consumer confidence, and promoting the harmonization of food regulations among nations. International food safety standards play a crucial role in protecting public health and facilitating the global movement of food products while promoting a common understanding of safe food practices worldwide.


6. Food safety management systems (FSMS)

6.1 Introduction to Food safety management

Food Safety Management Systems involve the systematic implementation of practices, procedures, and policies to ensure the safety and quality of food products. Management commitment is vital, as it sets the tone for the entire organization to prioritize food safety. Leadership should establish a culture of safety, allocate resources, and define responsibilities. Documentation and record-keeping are critical to maintaining a traceable record of food safety processes, from hazard analysis to corrective actions, ensuring transparency and accountability [29].

6.2 HACCP system

Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points (HACCP) is a systematic and preventive approach to identifying, assessing, and controlling food safety hazards at critical stages of food production and processing. The HACCP system is based on seven principles, which include hazard analysis, determination of critical control points, establishing critical limits, monitoring, corrective actions, verification, and record-keeping. HACCP is widely applied in food processing, from manufacturing to distribution, to prevent and mitigate risks associated with biological, chemical, and physical hazards [28].

6.3 ISO 22000: A comprehensive Food safety standard

ISO 22000 is a globally recognized standard for food safety management systems that provides a comprehensive framework for ensuring food safety. Key components of ISO 22000 include communication, prerequisite programs, HACCP principles, management commitment, and continual improvement. Implementing ISO 22000 can present challenges such as resource allocation and cultural change, but it offers benefits such as enhanced food safety, regulatory compliance, and improved market access.

These elements represent critical components of Food Safety Management Systems, which are essential for safeguarding public health, ensuring the safety of food products, and maintaining consumer confidence in the food industry [28, 29]. Whether through the application of HACCP principles or compliance with ISO 22000, effective FSMS plays a pivotal role in preventing foodborne illnesses and promoting the production of safe and high-quality food.


7. Emerging challenges and technologies

Emerging challenges in food safety are continually evolving due to changes in the global food supply chain, consumer preferences, and advances in technology.

7.1 Foodborne pathogen evolution and antibiotic resistance

Foodborne pathogens, like Salmonella, Escherichia coli (E. coli), Campylobacter, and Listeria, have the ability to evolve and adapt over time. Evolution can lead to the emergence of new strains with different characteristics, including increased virulence and resistance to interventions. Resistance against antibiotics occurs when bacteria grow and develop the ability to survive exposure to these antibiotics, making these drugs ineffective in these infections [30]. Overuse and misuse of antibiotics in both human medicine and agriculture contribute to the development of antibiotic-resistant foodborne pathogens.

Antibiotic-resistant foodborne infections can result in more severe and prolonged illnesses. They may require more aggressive treatment options, leading to increased healthcare costs and potential complications [31]. Treating infections caused by antibiotic-resistant foodborne pathogens can be challenging. Limited treatment options may result in prolonged illness and, in severe cases, increased mortality rates. Resistant pathogens can spread through the food supply chain, from farm to table, and through person-to-person transmission. This transmission can lead to outbreaks that are difficult to control and contain.

7.2 Globalization and the increasing complexity

Globalization and the increasing complexity of the food supply chain have emerged as major challenges in ensuring food safety [32]. With food products now traversing the globe through intricate supply chains, the risk of contamination, adulteration, and mishandling has significantly heightened. Longer supply chains make it harder to trace the origins of food items, posing difficulties in identifying the sources of contamination or outbreaks. Moreover, diverse regulatory environments across countries add complexity for food producers and suppliers, as they must navigate varying standards. As consumers demand a wider array of exotic and imported foods, each with its unique production standards, ensuring consistent quality and safety standards throughout the global supply chain becomes a formidable task [33]. To tackle these challenges, international cooperation, transparent traceability systems, and stringent adherence to food safety regulations are essential to safeguarding the integrity of the global food supply and protecting public health.

7.3 Food fraud and authentication

Food fraud and authentication have become significant concerns in the food industry. Food fraud involves the intentional deception of consumers by altering, substituting, or misrepresenting food products for economic gain. This can manifest as adulteration, dilution, counterfeiting, or mislabeling of ingredients or origins. Ensuring the authenticity of food products is crucial for consumer trust and safety. Advanced technologies, such as DNA analysis, spectroscopy, and blockchain, are being employed to verify the authenticity of food items and trace their origins throughout the supply chain [34]. These measures not only protect consumers from health risks associated with fraudulent products but also support fair trade practices and uphold the integrity of the food industry. Public awareness and stringent regulatory enforcement are essential in combating food fraud and ensuring that consumers receive the quality and safety they expect when making food choices [35].

7.4 Emerging technologies

Emerging technologies are revolutionizing the landscape of food safety by providing innovative solutions to enhance traceability, authentication, and overall safety. Here’s a brief overview of these technologies:

7.4.1 DNA-based methods

DNA-based methods involve the use of genetic analysis to identify and authenticate food products. This technology can determine the species origin of meat, fish, and other ingredients, helping to combat food fraud. For example, DNA barcoding is employed to verify the species of seafood, ensuring consumers receive the product they expect [36]. DNA sequencing and PCR techniques are used to trace the source of contamination in outbreaks, helping to pinpoint the origin and prevent further incidents [37].

7.4.2 Nanotechnology applications

Nanotechnology offers promising applications in food safety, including the development of nano-sensors and nano-filters that can detect and remove contaminants [38]. Nanoscale materials can enhance food packaging by providing barriers to oxygen, moisture, and pathogens, extending the shelf life of products. Nano-based delivery systems for antimicrobial agents and preservatives are being explored to improve food safety without altering taste or quality [39].

7.4.3 Blockchain and traceability

Blockchain technology provides an immutable and transparent ledger for tracking food products from farm to fork [40]. It enables real-time monitoring of the entire supply chain, making it easier to identify the contamination source or fraud quickly. Consumers can have detailed information about the origin, processing, and safety of products by scanning QR codes or using mobile apps, enhancing transparency and trust [41].


8. Best practices and risk mitigation

Best practices and risk mitigation strategies are crucial in ensuring food safety throughout the entire food supply chain. There are fundamental principles for ensuring food safety and minimizing the potential hazards and challenges in the food industry. Best practices encompass a set of guidelines and procedures designed to uphold the highest standards of food safety and quality throughout the production, processing, and distribution of food products. These practices include rigorous hygiene measures, compliance with regulatory standards, proper handling of ingredients, and thorough employee training [42].

Risk mitigation, on the other hand, involves identifying, assessing, and addressing potential risks and threats to food safety. It encompasses strategies and actions to prevent and manage risks, such as contamination, allergen issues, food fraud, and supply chain disruptions. Risk mitigation efforts include regular inspections, quality control measures, supplier verification, and the development of crisis management plans. Here are key practices and measures:

8.1 Good manufacturing practices (GMPs)

Good Manufacturing Practices (GMPs) are a collection of practices and guidelines aimed at ensuring the quality, safety, and consistency of food, pharmaceuticals, and other regulated products [43]. GMPs emphasize maintaining a clean and sanitary environment in facilities. This includes,

  • Regular sanitizing and cleaning of surfaces, equipment and utensils, as well as proper waste disposal.

  • Employees are trained in GMPs to ensure they understand and follow the procedures for handling food or products safely. Training includes personal hygiene practices, hand washing, and appropriate attire.

  • GMPs require rigorous quality control measures, including product testing and inspection, to ensure that products meet specified quality standards.

  • GMPs mandate the development and documentation of standard operating procedures (SOPs) for various processes, from production to packaging. These procedures serve as guidelines to ensure consistency.

  • Maintaining comprehensive records is essential for tracking the source of ingredients and products, allowing for rapid recall and corrective action in case of contamination.

  • Regular maintenance and calibration of equipment are vital to prevent malfunctions that could compromise product safety and quality.

  • Suppliers of raw materials and ingredients must be verified to ensure they meet GMP standards and provide safe and high-quality materials.

  • GMPs include guidelines for proper storage conditions, such as temperature control, to prevent spoilage or contamination. Adequate transportation practices are also essential to maintain product integrity.

  • Correct and transparent labeling is crucial for informing consumers about the contents, nutritional information, allergens, and proper usage of products.

  • Comprehensive documentation is required to demonstrate compliance with GMPs. Regulatory agencies conduct inspections and audits to ensure adherence.

8.2 Safe food handling and storage

Safe food handling and storage practices are necessary to escape from foodborne illnesses and ensure the quality and safety of the food we consume. These practices are crucial at all stages in the food supply chain, starting from purchase to preparation and storage.

Food items must be purchased from reputable sources, such as grocery stores and farmers’ markets. Check expiration dates and inspect the packaging for damage or signs of tampering. Avoid purchasing dented or damaged canned goods. Buy perishable items last and refrigerate them promptly [44]. Washing hands thoroughly with soap and water after and before food handling, especially after using the restrooms, touching pets, or handling raw meat and poultry, or seafood is necessary. Use hand sanitizer when soap and water are not available.

Use clean cutting boards, utensils, and surfaces. Wash fruits and vegetables under running water before cutting or eating. We can avoid cross-contamination by separating and keeping raw meat, poultry, and seafood from ready-to-eat foods. Cook foods to the recommended internal temperatures to kill harmful bacteria. Refrigerate or freeze leftovers promptly. Keep the refrigerator temperature at or below 40°F (4°C) to slow bacterial growth. Store raw meat, poultry, and seafood on the bottom shelf to prevent drippings from contaminating other foods. Use a refrigerator thermometer to monitor the temperature. Keep the refrigerator clean and free from spoiled or expired items.

Package foods in airtight, freezer-safe containers to prevent freezer burn. Label and date items before freezing to track freshness. Freeze foods promptly to maintain quality. Follow recommended freezing times for different foods. Thaw frozen food in the refrigerator, under cold running water, or in the microwave. Avoid thawing at room temperature, which can promote bacterial growth. Use thawed food promptly and do not refreeze unless cooked. Use food-grade storage containers that are clean and in good condition. Seal containers tightly to prevent air exposure and preserve freshness. Label containers with the date to track shelf life [45]. Consume leftovers within a safe time frame (usually 3–4 days in the refrigerator). Reheat leftovers to at least 165°F (73.9°C) to kill any bacteria.

8.3 Consumer education and food labeling

It encompasses a range of essential topics, including food safety, nutrition, allergen awareness, portion control, and label interpretation. Through consumer education initiatives, individuals learn about safe food handling practices, such as proper hand washing and cooking temperatures, reducing the risk of foodborne illnesses. Moreover, consumers gain insights into understanding nutrition facts panels, ingredient lists, and allergen declarations on food labels, allowing them to make healthier dietary choices tailored to their needs. In an era of increasing dietary concerns and food-related allergies, consumer education equips people with the knowledge and skills they need to navigate the complex world of food products, ensuring their safety and promoting overall well-being [46].

Food labeling complements consumer education by providing essential information to consumers at the point of purchase. Labels disclose detailed ingredient lists, nutritional content, allergen warnings, and date labels, enabling consumers to make well-informed decisions. For individuals with food allergies, accurate allergen declarations on labels can be life-saving. Moreover, nutrition facts panels empower consumers to monitor their calorie intake, assess nutrient content, and align their dietary choices with personal health goals. By understanding food labels, consumers can select products that meet their dietary preferences, whether it’s choosing organic or non-GMO options or adhering to specific nutritional guidelines [47]. Overall, consumer education and food labeling are interdependent elements that foster food safety, transparency, and healthier eating habits in today’s complex food landscape.


9. Ongoing challenges and future directions

Ongoing challenges and future directions in food safety underscore the evolving nature of this critical field. As the global food supply chain becomes more complex and interconnected, the challenges of detecting and preventing foodborne hazards persist. Emerging pathogens, antibiotic resistance, and the impact of climate change on food safety pose significant threats [33]. Additionally, the rise of e-commerce and digital platforms has introduced new dimensions to food safety monitoring and traceability. Addressing these challenges requires ongoing collaboration among governments, regulatory agencies, industry stakeholders, and researchers to develop innovative surveillance technologies, enhance traceability systems, and establish harmonized international standards. The adoption of blockchain technology, advances in DNA-based methods, and the integration of artificial intelligence in food safety management are among the promising avenues for the future [40, 41]. Ultimately, safeguarding public health and ensuring the integrity of the global food supply chain will continue to be paramount goals in the ever-evolving landscape of food safety.


10. Conclusion

In conclusion, food safety is a paramount concern with far-reaching implications for public health, the economy, and global trade. Throughout this discussion, we have explored the multifaceted aspects of food safety, including common foodborne pathogens, regulatory frameworks, emerging challenges, and technological advancements. A robust and proactive approach to food safety is essential to prevent foodborne illnesses, protect consumers, and maintain the integrity of the food supply chain. As we move forward, ongoing challenges such as pathogen evolution, globalization, and food fraud underscore the need for continued vigilance and innovation. The integration of emerging technologies, the strengthening of regulatory frameworks, and the dissemination of consumer education will be pivotal in addressing these challenges and shaping the future of food safety. By working collaboratively across sectors and borders, we can ensure that safe and wholesome food remains a fundamental right for individuals worldwide.

Ultimately, food safety is a shared responsibility that extends from farm to fork, and it demands our unwavering commitment to excellence and diligence. As we navigate the evolving landscape of food safety, our dedication to protecting public health and promoting the well-being of consumers will continue to guide our efforts toward a safer and more secure global food supply.


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Written By

Rabia Shabir Ahmad, Hamza Munawar, Hafiza Saima and Farzana Siddique

Published: 29 November 2023