Open access peer-reviewed chapter

Geometric Control of Robotic Systems

Written By

Anis Bousclet

Reviewed: 15 March 2023 Published: 13 November 2023

DOI: 10.5772/intechopen.110895

From the Edited Volume

Multi-Robot Systems - New Advances

Edited by Serdar Küçük

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In this chapter, we’ll present geometrical methods to control robotic systems, we’ll start by presenting the classical approach and its benefits, as well as its limits, and we will explain how the geometric approach allow us to get rid of these limits.


  • robotic systems
  • Riemannian geometry
  • geometric control
  • optimal control
  • regulation under constraints

1. Introduction

Robotic systems are powerful tools that allow us to gain time, money and enery, they had revolutionized several fields as industry, medicine, agriculture and many other fields.

The main difficulty caused by robotic systems is the nonlinearity of the dynamics. The classical approach modelise the configuration space by an Euclidean space, and applies the principle of least action to derive the equation of motion, and applies Lyapunov and Lasalle’s techniques to control the robot [1, 2].

However, this elegent approach do not fit well with regulation under constraints problem or optimal regulation, the goal here is to illustrate these limits, and to show how the geometric method allow us to get ride of these limits.


2. The classical approach and its limits

The configuration space of the robot is Rn where n is the number of degrees of liberty (DOF) of the robot, the principle of least action gives the dynamics


This allow us to ensure locally the regulation to a configuration qRn with the control


which is a PD controller.

The classical approach with all its benefits [1, 2], do not fit well with the problem of regulation under constraints or optimal regulation.

For the optimal control problem, the general formula which gives the angular velocity in function of the configuration of a Rigid body that minimizes the cost [3]


for the kinematic R=RΩ and ensure regulation RRd


which has not the form of a proportional controller, so this prevents to get an optimal PD regulator for robotic systems.

For the regulation under constaints problem (tool of the robot must stay in a security surface S), the set of admissibles configurations is N=x1S where x is the function which gives the position of the tool in function of the configuration. The set N has no reason to be a linear subspace of R since x is a nonlinear function, the set N will be a curved space in Rn and we arrive to a formalism naturally adapted to the resolution of the problem of regulation under constraints.

Sensitivity with respect to initial conditions remains one of the main problems in conceptions of efficients observers.

For example, for a rigid body which dynamics are1,2


where I=2,2,8 and R0=exp0.82,0.21,0.73×ω0=0.80.5,0.6, the Luenberger observer [4] is


where R̂0=exp0.80.5,0.6× and ω̂0=0,0,0, the simulations shows that the Luennberger observer is not efficient when real and observed configuration and velocity are lightly different (Figure 1).

Figure 1.

Insufficiency of Luenberger observer.


3. The geometric formalism

The idea of the geometric formalism is to pass the complexity of the equation to the configuration space, thus in the geometric formalism, the configuration space is not an Euclidean space, but a curved space that we call manifold.

Manifolds [5] are objects that looks like Euclidean space locally, we can always reduce the local study of manifolds to computations in Rn, it is exactly what we do when we parametrize the configuration of a rigid body with Euler angles.

The configuration space of a rigid body [6] which has a fixed point is the space of Euclidean rotations SO3, when all its points moves freely the configuration space becomes SO3×R3, the possible translations of a point cover R3.

A robot is an assembly of s rigid bodies, which are related from there extremeties by articulations, those links are called holonomic constraints.

The configuration space of the robot is M a submanifold of dimension n of SO3×R3s, the holonomic constraints are related to the local coordinates by the following result.

Proposition 1Let M be a subset ofSO3×R3s, there is equivalence between

  • Holonomic constraints: for eachqM, there existsVqa neighborhood ofqinSO3×R3sand a submersion3f:VqR6srsuch thatMVq=f10.

  • Local coordinates: for eachqinM, there exists a neighborhoodVqofqand an immersion4θ:0UVqMis a homeomorphism.5

Mis said to be a manifold of dimensionn, the numbernis the degree of freedom of the robot, and the numberris the number of constraints, we have the well known formulan=6sr.

Once we know that we are dealing with curved objects, it may seems more complicated to do computations. Thanks to the tangent space TqM, which is the set of virtual velocities γ̇0 of curves γt that pass throught γ0=qM and stay in γtM, this space is linear and of dimension n (Figure 2).

Figure 2.

Tangent space.

When we do parametrization with holonomic constraints, the tangent space is TqM=Kerdfq, if we parametrize our manifold with local coordinates, then TqM=Rangedθ0, the basis adapted to the coordinates is i=ei where ei is the canonical basis of Rn.

The tangent linear map between two manifolds ϕ:MN is the linear map


defined by


where γ0=q, γtM and γ0=v (Figure 3).

Figure 3.

Linear tangent map.

A vector field is the data of a tangent vector in TqM for each qM which a smooth way, the set of vector fields is ΓTM.

To each vector field corresponds a motion of diffeomorphisms6 by solving the following ODE (Figure 4)

Figure 4.

Vector field and its flow.


When we have two vector fields X,Y, a natural question is to ask when we have


the obstruction of the commutation between the flows is measured by the Lie bracket XY which is defined by


The Lie derivative is related to the derivation of functions by


where X.f=TfX.

Now that we have introduced all necessary tools, we will talk about Riemannian geometry. The idea behind Riemannian geometry is to consider a scalar product that is dependent of the position, this will simplify the formalism, provided that we know how to manipulate the covariant differential calculus, which we will present right now.

The kinetic energy of a ball that is constrained to stay in a surface S is independant of the position. In the general case, when we compute the kinetic energy of a rigid body or two link robot, this energy will depend of the configuration, this gives a Riemannian metric that is inherited from the inertia of the robot.

The innovative viewpoint of Arnold [6] is to see the motion of a rigid body fixed on one point as a curve in SO3, the kinetic energy depends only on the left angular velocity7 and thus we say that the Riemannian metric is left invariant (Figure 5).

Figure 5.

The rigid body.

Return to our ball in a surface, in the absence of forces and potential, the principle of least action postulates that the real trajectory is a critical point of the kinetic energy, this means that the acceleration of the ball must be orthogonal to the surface, such trajectories are called geodesic, remark that if the ball was not constrained in S, this condition would give that the acceleration is 0, and thus the motion is a straightline, let us do the calculation

the kinetic energy for a ball with mass m is


since γtS, the authorized perturbations are γstS such that γ0t=γt, γs0=γ0 and γs1=γ1.

The postulate is that


this gives


where Vt=ss=0γstTγtS after integrating by parts we get


since VtTγtS, we get that


The most important step in these calculations is the following one


where X,Y are tangent vector field to γtS, that is Xt,YtTγtS. In this case the kinetic energy which is the Euclidean scalar product does not depend on the position, for our applications, the kinetic energy depends on the position so we need to construct a “good derivative” that allow us to derive scalar products by computing the product of derivative only without computing the derivative of the metric.

The parallel transport [7] of a vector vTqM along a curve γtM is defined by the following way: the point at the origin of the vector follows the curve and the vector evolves continuously by preserving its length and the angle with γ̇t.

This process defines a mapping Pγ1γ0:Tγ0MTγ1M which is a linear isometry (preserving angle and length) (Figure 6).

Figure 6.

Parallel transport.

The convariant derivative of two vector fields is


this covariant derivative satisfies


which means that


we say that this connexion kills the metric, in addition of that, this connexion is without torsion, that is we can close locally the parallelogram by doing parallel transport along geodesics by two different paths, the mathematical formula is


for the computations in coordinates, we defines


the previous identities are8


we construct a covariant derivative DDt:ΓγΓγ along curves γtM that satisfies

  • DX+YDt=DXDt+DYDt

  • DfXDt=fX+fDXDt for scalar function f

  • γtVγt=DVγtDt for XΓTM.

In coordinates we get by setting Xt=Xitiγt


This covariant derivative satisfies


Now we suppose that our robot must evolves from q1 to q2 in M by minimizing the kinetic energy, we consider the real trajectory qt and its admissible variations qst, by deriving we obtain


using the Schwarz lemma


we get


which gives by integration by parts that


which is the geodesic equation which are curves that are parallel along themselves.

Now we will talk about curvature, curvature is the opposite of flatness, in an Euclidean space, when we look at the parallel transport along closed curves, the obtained linear map is always identity, in a sphere, the set of obtained linear mappings cover all SO2, because of the curvature of the sphere.

So the curvature is the change of a vector by parallel transport along the parallelogram obtained by geodesics and parallel transport, the mathematical formula is


the curvature is a tensor, that is we can compute Ruvw for u,v,wTqM without needing any extention.

The sectional curvature is


and it is the Gaussian curvature of the geodesic surface generated by uv.

Curvature is also a factor in the sensitivity with respect to initial conditions, the geodesic deviation is related to the sign of curvature by the following formula


where J is a virtual motion that represents a local variation of geodesic (Figure 7).

Figure 7.

Geodesic variation.

When curvature is 0, the sensitivity is linear, which allow the Luenberger observer to be performant, when the curvature is negative, the geodesic instabillity is exponential [7], which explains that the Luenberger observer diverges (Figure 8).

Figure 8.

Negative curvature and sensitivity of the geodesic flow.

The exponential map corresponds to a tangent vector the range by the geodesic after a unitary time, we denote it expq:VqTqMM, the exponential is a local diffeomorphism, so around a configuration, each configuration can be joined by a unique geodesic, the parallel transport along this geodesic is denoted by P (Figure 9).

Figure 9.

Exponential map.

when the exponential map is defined on TqM, we say the Mg is complete, it is the fact when M is compact.

The geodesic distance is a natural distance induced by the Riemannian metric

dgq1q2=infcurves inMjoiningq1toq2.01gqt(q̇t,q̇tdt.E38

Thanks to Cauchy-Schwarz inequality, we can show that

12dgq1q22=12infcurves inMjoiningq1toq2.01gqt(q̇t,q̇tdt.E39

The gradient of a function f is the unique vector field f that satisfies


The gradient of the function Uq.=12dg2q. is


The configuration space of the robot is a n dimensional compact manifold equipped with a Riemannian metric g that is the kinetic energy. In the presence of potential, the claculus of variations must applies to the Lagrangian Lqv=12gvvWq and this gives the equation


in robotics, we have a control law that allow us to enslave the robot, so the equation becomes [8, 9]


We recover a Newton-like equation, the left term quantifies an obstruction of parallelism, and the right hand term an exterior force, as well as the Newton fundamental law “The trajectory of an object remains parallel along itself as long as there are no forces applying to it” (Figure 10).

Figure 10.

Inverse of the exponential.

The kinetic energy theorem gives the variation of the mechanical energy in function of the applied forces, this will be useful to compute feedback law to ensure regulation (Figure 11)

Figure 11.

Two link manipulator and its configuration space.


In some applications, especially those concerning the motion of a rigid body, the configuration space is a Lie group G, which is a group furnished with a manifold structure such that multiplication and inverse are smooth, the consideration of a Riemannian metric that is left invariant allow us simplificate the geodesic equation [9], the curvature tensor and the parallel transport, and thus simplificate the practical implementation of the optimal regulator [10, 11] and the Riemannian observer [12].


4. Regulation under constraints

In this section, we will propose a method to ensure regulation under constraints, before going further, lets see the case of regulation without constraints.

Let fix some reference configuration qM, and consider W=0, by taking


we get


which ensure regulation qtq by Lasalle’s invariance principle, this result is very classical, but what we will prove in Section 6, is that this Riemannian PD-regulator is optimal for a natural cost.

Now we are interested by the regulation of the tool of a robot [13], the tool is the terminal organ of the robot, the control of the tool of a robot is frequent tackled problem in industry (Figure 12).

Figure 12.

Regulation of the tool.

The position of the tool is modelised by a function x:MR3, we call the workspace Ws=xM the range of x, that is the set of all possible positions that can be tooken by the tool.

A singular configuration is a configuration where the tool can not moves locally in all directions, that is a configuration qM where Tqx is not onto.

We have the following result that relates absence of singularities to the possibility of regulation of the tool [10].

Proposition 2 Suppose that the tool function is without singularities, take xdWs and


whereVq=12xqxd2, this controle stabilize the tool toxdwhith 0 velocity.

Proof E: quilibrium configurations of this dynamics are critical points of V, which are qM such that


since q is not singular, we must have qx1xd.

Since the function 12vq2+Vq satisfies Lasalle’s invariance principle hypethesis ans


The large subset invariant subset M×0 is Ω=x1xd×0. W

Now we turn to the regulation under constraints [13], if one wants to ensure regulation of the robot that leaves the tool in a safety area S=Φ10 where Φ:R3R is a submersion on xM (Figure 13).

Figure 13.

Regulation under constraints.

We reduce the problem xqtS to qtN where N=x1S is a hypersurface of M, the same calculus of variations done in the previous section allow us to see that


C can be seen as a contact force which force the configuration to stay in N (Figure 14)

Figure 14.

Contact force.

Thanks to an inverse calculation [10] one can show that the expression of the unique orthogonal component that allow the tool to remain in s is given by


where Ψ=xΦ.

In some papers, the problem of tracking is tackled, and the most useful result is this one [14].

Proposition 3For the dynamicDqDt=u, let a smooth trajectory reference on M, the regulatoru=uFF+uPDdecreases the function




5. The Riemannian observer

Another application of this formalism is the conception of observers of velocity. We want to get an estimation tv̂t of the velocity with the only data of the configuration qt.

We have explained in the second section that negative curvature is closely related to the sensitivity to the initial conditions of the geodesic flow. So for free systems, if we do not take into account the curvature, the observer will diverge if the observed initial velocity is far from the initial real velocity, even if the two configurations are very close.

The idea [15] is to copy the dynamic of the system and add a correction that cancel the curvature term that appears naturally in the derivation of the linearized equation around the real trajectory (Jacobi equation when absence of external forces). The observer of the dynamic




We can compute the form of this observer in the case of a Lie group furnished with a left invariant metric [12], this will give for a rigid body dynamic9


with ζ=I1.logRT.R̂×.

With the same conditions as the Luenberger observer of the first section, we get for the Riemannian observer the following simulations (Figure 15).

Figure 15.

Convergence of the Riemannian observer.


6. Optimal regulation and tracking

In this section we are concerned by the optimal control of robots, we consider the dynamics


and we consider the cost


where quvu is the unique solution to the dynamics (after fixing an initial position and velocity).

The HJB theory gives that the feedback control [10]


where k,k solves an appropriate Riccati equation, is the unique that solves the previous problem.

For the tracking problem, we have the following result [10].

Proposition 4Let a smooth reference trajectoryqref:0TM, the tracking regulator that minimizes the cost


is a PD + Feed forward regulator u=uFF+uPD where


aveck1k2solves an appropriate Riccati equation.

For the applications to a rigid body motion [11, 16]


We have the following PD that ensures optimal regulation to Rd


For the optimal tracking problem, the PD + FF regulator is


7. Conclusion

Classical robots allow us to ensure local regulation of the configuration and optimal control of kinematics of rigid body. However, some observations shows that it do not fit well with regulation under constraints and optimal regulation of the dynamics. We cannot explain the origin of the sensitivity with respect to initial conditions, which is present in most robotic systems and prevent us to design performant observers.

We have introduced the geometric formalism with a comprehensive way, and we explained the origin of the sensitivity with respect to initial conditions by the notion of curvature, that we avoid by the Riemannian observer.

We have exposed how to ensure regulation under constraints under a hypothesis of absence of singularities, and we showed how to ensure optimal regulation and tracking by algorithmic methods.

However, this method requires fastidious computations and sometimes difficult, approximations are quiete often used, and by doing that we see that we recover regulators that are proposed by the Euclidean approach.

We can see the classical robotics as an approximation of the geometric robotics, a bit like newtonian mechanics is the approximation of general relativity.

Geometric robotics is a field active in research, and most of recent results are presented in this chapter. Open problems remains in soft robotics, where we control a quasilinear hyperbolic PDE written in the Lie algebra of the group of Euclidean isometries, for this purpose one can see the work of [17] and the reference within.


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  • Ω× is the unique vector ω such that ω×x=Ω.x, and j is its inverse.
  • SkewR=R−RT2.
  • A submersion is a smooth function for which the differential is everywhere onto.
  • An immersion is a smooth function for which the differential is everywhere one to one.
  • Invertible continuous map with continuous inverse.
  • Diffeomorphism is an invertible smooth mapping with smooth inverse
  • Ω=R−1Ṙ.
  • The component of the metric in local coordinates are gijq=gq∂i∣q∂j∣q.
  • logR=ϕRsinϕRskewR, with ϕR=arccostrR−12.

Written By

Anis Bousclet

Reviewed: 15 March 2023 Published: 13 November 2023