Open access peer-reviewed chapter

Linear Codes from Projective Varieties: A Survey

Written By

Rita Vincenti

Reviewed: 05 January 2023 Published: 21 March 2023

DOI: 10.5772/intechopen.109836

From the Edited Volume

Coding Theory Essentials

Edited by Dinesh G. Harkut and Kashmira N. Kasat

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Linear codes can be constructed from classical algebraic varieties or from appropriate subsets of finite geometry by considering projective systems arising from their rational points. This geometric point of view allows to look for linear codes by choosing suitable sets to get immediately length, minimum distance, and spectrum (cf. Lemma 1, Propositions 5, 9, 12, 13, 17). In some cases, it is also possible to build a PD-set or an antiblocking decoding (cf. Propositions 3, 4, 14, Examples of Section 5).


  • finite projective geometry
  • projective systems
  • linear codes
  • quadrics
  • schubert variety

1. Introduction

In the construction of a code, it would be desirable to have a small length, great dimension, and minimum distance to keep the transmission rate low and to get both much information and the correction of many errors. But it is impossible to improve all the basic parameters at the same time.

The purpose of this article is to collect results on linear codes arising from classical varieties via projective systems, by adopting a geometric point of view. If the basic parameters of such varieties (or of appropriate subsets of points) in a projective space can be calculated directly, then it is possible to know immediately length and minimum distance and sometimes also the weight distribution of the related linear codes.

When the group of automorphisms of a variety is read in the automorphism group of a related code, in some cases, it is possible to construct a PD-set (Permutation Decoding set) and/or an AI-system (Antiblocking system).

A PD-set for a t-error-correcting code C is a set S of automorphisms of the code such that every possible error vector of weight wt can be moved out of the information positions by some member of S (cf. [1, 2]). To apply a PD-set to decode a message refer to Huffman ([3], pp. 1345–1440), where an algorithm is given. The permutation decoding algorithm is more efficient the smaller size of the PD-set. The Gordon (lower) bound on this size is crucial (cf. [2] and [3], p. 1414).

A large automorphism group of a code allows to find a PD-set. Indeed, linear codes defined by projective systems usually have large automorphism group. In [4] is generalized the notion of a PD-set of a code to that of a t-PD-set of an arbitrary permutation set.

An AI-system (Antiblocking system) is a new decoding algorithm developed by Kroll and Vincenti in [5, 6], which is comparable to the permutation decoding algorithm, but more efficient being simpler and faster than the permutation decoding algorithm. The existence of a PD-set implies usually also the existence of an AI-system of the same size. But there also may exist AI-systems that are not derived from PD-sets and which are smaller than the known PD-sets. By comparing the two decoding algorithms, it is clear that the antiblocking decoding needs less computing steps than the permutation decoding, even if the size of both systems is the same. Moreover, the antiblocking decoding may be applied even if there does not exist a PD-set or if there exists only a PD-set of very large size and an AI-system of smaller size. For the technique to find small AI-systems, refer to [5], where some properties of antiblocking systems are established.

Codes related to quadrics in the 3-dimensional finite projective spaces PG(3, q) mark the way for the next examples. The geometries of the plane sections of the quadrics over a conic are well known, as well as their automorphism groups. In Section 3, PD-sets for q=3 for all three cases are presented. For the elliptic and hyperbolic quadric, also examples for q=4 are given. These results say that the corresponding codes admit PD-sets S. The size S is minimal in some cases. For the hyperbolic quadric also a 5-AI-system is shown, while the Gordon bound is 6 (cf. Propositions 3, 4).

In Section 4, we will refer to the construction of linear codes arising, respectively, from the Grassmannian of the lines of the third dimension (that is, the Klein quadric) and from the Schubert variety of PG5q (cf. Proposition 5, 6 and Examples 1, 2).

In Section 5, we consider codes related to what we call the celtic variety, that is, the ruled rational normal surface V23 of order three in PG4q (cf. Propositions 13). Examples of PD-sets for q = 3 and q = 4 are given in Proposition 14.

In the last Section, results concerning projective systems and codes related to ruled sets are collected (cf. Proposition 17 and Examples 3, 4, 5). In the examples, the weight distribution of each code is also shown.

The title of each section refers only to the varieties of which the related codes are described there.


2. Codes and projective systems

Let F=GFq be a finite field, q=ps, p prime, denote by Fn the n-dimensional vector space over F.

A linearnkq-code C of length n is a k-dimensional subspace of the vector space Fn.

For t1 the t-th higher weight of C (cf. Wei [7]) is defined by


where D is a subspace of C and D is the number of indices i such that there exists vD with vi0.

The first parameter d1=d1C is the Hamming distance d, that is, the classical minimum distance (or, minimum weight) of C.

The code C has genus at most g0 if k+d1n+1g.

Sometimes an nkq-code C of minimum distance d is denoted nkdq-code.

Let Pk1=PrFk=PGq1q denote the k1-dimensional Galois projective space over the field F, k3 with point set P and line set L. Denote T the set of all subspaces of PGk1q, the set of the hyperplanes of PGk1q.

The incidence hull of a subset XP is denoted by X¯. Thus the joining line of two points X,YP is X,Y¯XY¯.

An [n, k]-projective systemX of Pk1 is a collection of n points. X is non-degenerate if its n points are not contained in any hyperplane.

From now on assume that X consists of n distinct points of rank k.

A standard matrixM can be constructed as follows: for each of the n points of X choose a generating vector, such n vectors are the rows of M. Let CX be the linear code having Mt as a generatrix matrix. The code CXis the k-dimensional subspace ofFn which is the image of the mappingFkFnfrom the dual k-dimensional spaceFkontoFnthat calculates every linear form over the points ofX. Therefore the length n of a codeword CX is the cardinality of X, and the dimension of CX is k.

An automorphism of the code C is a weight-preserving linear automorphism (cf. [4], Section 2).

The equivalences among nkdq-codes are the restrictions of the automorphisms of Fn represented by monomial matrices, where a monomial matrix is the product of a permutation matrix and a diagonal matrix (for the basic concepts of coding theory see for example [3]). To any subset representing the n points of X is associated a linear [n, k, d]-code, any two such nkdq-linear codes are equivalent.

A natural 1–1 correspondence connects the equivalence classes of a non-degenerate nkq-projective systemX with a non-degenerate nkq-codeCX. If X is an nkq-projective system and CX is a corresponding code, then the non-zero codewords of CX correspond to hyperplanes of Pk1, up to a non-zero factor, the correspondence preserving the parameters n,k,dt. Therefore, the weight of a codeword c corresponding to the hyperplane Hc is the number of points of X\Hc so that the minimum weight d of the code CX is d=XmaxXH|H.

A linear code C having d as minimum weight is an s-error-correcting code for all sd12, and t=d12 is the error-correcting capability of C.

Subcodes D of C of dimension r correspond to subspaces of codimension r of Pk1. Therefore the higher weights of C are dt=dtC=nmax|XS:S<Pk1codimS=t. In particular, d1=d1C=nmax|XH:H<Pk1codimH=1.

The spectrum of a projective system X of Pk1 is the set of the following numbers Ais=S<Pk1:codimS=s|SX=ni for all i=1,2,,n,s=1,2,,k2.

Let H be a hyperplane. An intersection number ofX(with respect to hyperplanes) is XH. The type ofXwith respect to the hyperplanes is the set MP of all intersection numbers of X. For iMP,tiH|XH=i is the total number of hyperplanes providing the intersection number i.

Let X be a projective system of type MP. Then for iMPthere areticode words in the related codeCXof weightXi. Analogous definitions can be stated for all subspaces of T. Therefore, the spectrum of X induces the weight distribution of the codewords ofCX.

For the above definitions see also [8, 9, 10].

For the definitions of the permutation and the antiblocking decoding and the respective algorithms, see [5, 6], p. 1463.

The following result holds (cf. [8]):

Result A (non-degenerate) projective system of Pk satisfies the following

Gordon bound: (cf. [2, 11]) Let S be a PD-set for a t-error-correcting [n, k]-code with redundancy r=nk. Then


Following the geometric interpretation of a linear code shown by Tsfasman and Vladut (cf. [12, 13]) many authors studied codes arising from sets of the rational points of an affine or of a projective space.

Denote F¯ the algebraic closure of the field F=GFq.

The geometry PGrq=Pr is considered a sub-geometry of PG¯rq=P¯r, projective geometry over F¯. We refer to the points of Pr as the rational points of P¯r.

A varietyVuvof dimension u and of order v of Pr is the set of the rational points of a projective variety V¯uv of P¯r defined by a finite set of polynomials of Fx0xr.

Choose a coordinate system in Pr so that it is a coordinate system for P¯r too, denote a point Px0x1xrF¯x0x1xr,F¯=F¯\0.

P is a rational point if there exists x0x1xrFr+1 such that Px0x1xr.

For the definition of projective variety, the reader can refer to [14, 16].

If X is a subset of n=X points of Pr, then a subspace of Pr of projective dimension u is denoted by Su. A variety of dimension u and of order v is denoted Vuv.

A t-secant subspace is a subspace intersecting X in t points. A t-secant is a t-secant line.

A line t is a tangent of X if either t has just one point in common with X or, each point of t is contained in X. If a tangent line t has just one point in common with X, then t is a tangent ofXat the point P. A subspace U is a component-subspace if each point of U lies in X. A line l with the property that each of its points lies in X is a component-line, or simply a component. If m1 is the largest dimension of a component space of X, then m is the vector index of X.


3. The quadrics in PG3q

In the 3-dimensional geometry P3=PG3q over the Galois field F=GFq we will consider the elliptic quadricE3, the hyperbolic quadricH3, and the quadric coneQO with vertex O and directrix a conic of a plane π,Oπ..

Denote Q the projective system defined by the rational points of a quadric Q. Let CQ be a related code.

The minimum weights dt of the projective system Q consisting of n points are, in such a dimension, dt=nmaxQSt,t=1,2,

and the spectrum of Q is


To construct a linear code related to a quadric, one needs to know all the intersection numbers related to it.

From [14] we get

  1. the elliptic quadric E3:fx0x1+x2x3=0, consists of q2+1 points no three of which are collinear, q2+1 tangent planes, qq2+1 and secant planes;

  2. the hyperbolic quadric H3:x0x1+x2x3=0 consists of q+12=q2+2q+1 points on 2q+1 (component) lines, each point on two lines, qq21 secant planes through conics;

  3. the cone QO:x02+x1x4=0, consists of qq+1+1=q2+q+1 points on the q+1 (component) lines projecting from the point O a conic directrix.

Let H be a plane of . If Q is elliptic, then QH is a point or a conic. If Q is hyperbolic, then QH is the union of two lines or a conic. If Q is a cone, then QH is the vertex O or a line or the union of two lines or a conic.

From [14] and from above the basic parameters and the spectrum of the projective system Q can be shown.

Lemma 1 (1) IfQ=E3thenn=q2+1,k=4,d1=q2q,d2=q21;

Anq+11=qq2+1,An11=q2+1,An22=q2q2+12,An12=q+1q2+1,An2=q2q2+12and no other parameter is different from zero.

(2) IfQ=H3thenn=q+12,k=4,d1=q2,d2=q2+q;


Anq+12=2q+1,An22=q2q+122,An12=q+1q21,An2=qq122and no other parameter is different from zero.

(3) IfQ=QOthenn=q2+q+1,k=4,d1=q2q,d2=q2;


An12=q3+q2,An2=q3q12and no other parameter is different from zero.

Then is proved the following (cf. Proposition 5 of [4]).

Proposition 2 (1) IfQ=E3, thenQis aq2+14qq1q-projective system. 2) IfQ=H3, thenQis aq+124q2qprojectivesystem. 3) If Q=QO,thenQis aqq+14qq1q-projective system.

The following propositions supply examples for q=3 and q=4. Denote Q a quadric in PG33 and CQ a related code. From [4], Proposition 11 we get

Proposition 3 (1) IfQ=E3, thenCQis a 2-error-correcting10,4,63-code admitting a PD-set S of minimum size 4.

(2) IfQ=H3, thenCQis a 4-error-correcting16,4,93-code admitting a PD-set of size 8.

(3) IfQ=QO\O, then a related codeCQis a 2-error-correcting12,4,63-code admitting a PD-set S of minimum size 3.

Denote Q a quadric in PG34 and CQ a related code. From [4], Propositions 12, 13 and from the Example of [6], p.1464, we get

Proposition 4 (a) IfQis an elliptic quadric, thenCQis a 5-error-correcting-17,4,124-code admitting a PD-setSof size 16.

Let Q be a hyperbolic quadric. Then

b1CQis a25,4,164-code admitting a PD-setSof size 20 and a 5-AI-systemA.

b2IfPQand [P] is the union of the two generators ofQpassing through P, thenQ=Q\Pgives rise to a codeCQbeing a16,4,94-code admitting a PD-setSof size 12.

Note that in case b1, the Gordon bound is 6.


4. The Klein quadric and the Schubert variety of PG5q

Let Ul be the set of all l-dimensional subspaces of PGrq. The Grassmann mappingG:UlPGNq,N=r+1l+11, associates to any UUl a point GU of PGNq. Then imG=Gl,rGUl is an algebraic variety called the Grassmannian of the l-dimensional subspaces of PGrq (cf. [16], p. 107). The number of points of Gl,r is given by


The Grassmannian G1,3 of the lines of PG3q is the hyperbolic quadric KQ of PG5q consisting of q2+1q2+q+1 points. It is called the Klein quadric.

It has a projective index 2, and it is covered by two systems of component planes. For general details see [14, 15, 16], for details on the intersection properties see [17] Section 4).

A linear code related to KQ is an [n, k]-code where n=q2+1q2+q+1,k=6 and minimum distance d=q4 (see [18], p. 147, [13], p. 1579]).

Let X=XKQ denote the projective system associated to KQ. As usual, the basic parameters and spectrum are denoted respectively n, k, dt=dtX and Anis=AnisX with s,t=1,2,3,4.

By direct computation we get

Proposition 5.Xhas the following basic parameters and spectrum:

(1) n=q2+1q2+q+1,k=6,


(2) with respect to the hyperplanes:

Anq3+2q2+q+11=q4+q3+2q2+q+1(hyperplanes cutting Schubert varieties);

Anq3+q2+q+11=q5q2(hyperplanes cutting parabolic quadrics of the 4th dimension);

and Anj1=0,jq3+q2+q+1orjq3+2q2+q+1.

(3) with respect to the solids:

An2q2+q+12=q3+q2+q+1q2+q+1(solids cutting pairs of component planes);

Anq+122=12q4q4+q3+2q2+q+1(solids cutting hyperbolic quadrics of the 3th dimension);

Anq2+q+12=q3qq2+1q2+q+1(solids cutting cones of the 3th dimension);

Anq2+12=12q4q31q1(solids cutting elliptic quadrics of the 3th dimension);

and Anj2=0,jq+12,q2+1,q2+q+1,2q2+q+1.

(4) with respect to the planes:

Anq2+q+13=2q3+q2+q+1(component planes);

An2q+13=12q2q+12q2+1q2+q+1(planes cutting two component lines);

Anq+13=q4q31q2+1+q41q2+q+1=c+r(planes cutting one conic (c conics) or one line (r lines));

An13=12q2q4+1q2q+12q3(planes cutting one point);

andAnj3=0,jq2+q+1,2q+1,q+1,1(there are no s-secant planes fors23q)..

(5) with respect to the lines:

Anq+14=q2+1q2+q+1q+1(component lines);

An24=12q4q4+q3+2q2+q+1(2-secant lines);

An14=q3qq2+1q2+q+1(tangent lines);

An04=12q4q31q1(external lines);


From Section 2, it is clear that the previous Proposition 5 provides the complete spectrum of a linear code CX related to the Klein quadric.

In Section 5 of [19] is shown the following example.

Example 1 A binary linear code CKQ related to the Klein quadric KQ in PG52 is a [35, 6]-code with minimum distance d=24=16 and admits a PD-set of size 40.

A Schubert varietySKQ of PG5q is a section of the Klein quadric KQ by a tangent hyperplane T. Thus SKQ is a cone of 2q+1 planes with vertex OKQ and consists of n=q3+2q2+q+1 points. It corresponds via the Grassmann mapping G to a special linear complex of lines of PG3q, that is, a set comprising all lines meeting a fixed line. It is unique up to projectivities (cf. [14, 15, 16]).

If x0x5 are projective coordinates in PG5q, the quadric KQ can be represented by the equation x0x5x1x4+x2x3=0 so that a Schubert variety SKQ is the section of KQ by the hyperplane T with the equation x5=0. Then SKQ=KQT is a cone section with vertex the point (1, 0, 0, 0, 0) from which the hyperbolic quadric H3:x1x4x2x3=0 of a solid is projected.

To calculate d1 it is easy to verify that the maximum intersection with hyperplanes H of is obtained when H contains one of the planes and meets each of the remaining q planes in lines, all passing through the vertex. Hence the maximum intersection is 2q2+q+1.

To calculate d2 the maximum intersection with planes (2-dimensional subspaces of T) is obtained if a plane is one of the ruling planes or is a plane through the vertex which meets every ruling plane in a line. In any case, we get q2+q+1.

Finally d3 is clear as in SKQ there are component lines.

From above is proved the following result.

Proposition 6. The basic parameters and weights ofSKQare


If H is a hyperplane of , then SKQH=q+12, or SKQH=2q2+q+1 according to OH or OH, respectively. Therefore linear codes related to SKQ and to V=SKQ\O (both of dimension 5) have the same minimum distance d=q3. Since the automorphisms group AutSKQ fixes the vertex O, a code related toVhas better parameters than a code related toSKQ.

In Section 5 of [19] is shown the following example.

Example 2. A binary linear code CV related to the Schubert variety V=SKQ\O in PG52 is a [18, 5]-code with minimum distance d=23=8 and admits a PD-set of size 9.

To get some information about the Grassmannian Gl,r of the l-dimensional subspaces in PGrq,r>5, and the Schubert variety ΩαGl,r (where α=a0al is the corresponding sequence of dimensions) and their codes, see Theorem 12 of [9, 20, 21, 22].


5. The rational ruled surfaces V2r1 of PGrq

Let us consider varieties of Pr with u=2 and v=r1.

The following result is well known (see [15]).

Proposition 7The varietiesV2r1ofPrare the rational ruled varieties and the Veronese surface ifr=5.

Suitably modified it can be easily proved also for the finite case.

Assume r5. Denote St a projective t-dimensional subspace of Pr for t<r.

Proposition 8

  1. V2r1is a ruled rational normal surface.

  2. A varietyV2r1contains irreducible rational normal curvesCtof ordertr1each of them existing in a t-dimensional subspaceSt.

  3. EachV2r1is a ruled surface obtained by means of a projectivity between two irreducible directrix curvesCmandCrm1contained in anm-dimensional subspaceSmand in anrm1-dimensional subspaceSrm1, respectively.

  4. Let m be the order of the minimum order directrix ofV2r1. Thenhgeneratrix lines are dependent ifhm+1, otherwise they are independent.

  5. Ifr=2s, thenm=r2/2is the order of the minimum order directrix, ifr=2s+1, then there exist directrix curves of ordermr1/2.

Choose and fix a surface V2r1 with a minimum order directrix Cm with m<q.

Denote X the projective system of the rational points of V2r1, C the linear code related to X. It is X=q+12.

Proposition 9C is annkdq-code with


For the proof see [20], Theorem 4.

From d1nk+1, the definition of genus of a code and from Proposition 9 follows

Proposition 10 (1) The inequalitym+2qr1holds for every q and r.

(2) C is of genus at mostgm+2qr1

Consider now the case r=4. Denote the set of the hyperplanes. Let V23 be a ruled surface of P4=PG4q. We have named V23 the celtic variety for its hut shape (see [4], Section 4).

From Proposition 8, from Lemma 7 of [20] and Propositions 1.1, 1.3, 1.4, 1.5, and Theorem 1.2 of [23] we obtain

Lemma 11

  1. A celtic varietyV23is constructed by means of a projectivity connecting the points of the minimum order directrix, the line l, with the points of a non-degenerate conicC2of a planeπwithπl=0.

  2. V23hasq+1two by two skew generatrix lines. They connect birationally the points of l and the points ofC2.

  3. There exists a unique hyperplane H such thatlHandl=πHis skew to l.

  4. There exist hyperplanesHsuch that one generatrix lineg1belongs toHandHV23=g1C2for some conicC2.

  5. For every two generatrix linesgi,gj,ijthe hyperplaneH=gigjis such thatHV23=gigjl. Such hyperplanes have the maximum intersection withV23.

  6. No hyperplane contains 3 generatrix lines.

  7. Every two pointsP,QV23belong to l, or to a generatrix line g, or to a unique conic ofV23.

  8. A planeπcan meetV23either in one point, or in one line, or in one irreducible conic, or it is the intersection of l with e generatrix line g. A planeπ=lgis a tangent plane andπV23is maximum.

  9. The totality of varietiesV23ofPG4qhaving l andC2as directrices are projectively equivalent and their number isq+1qq1.

Denote X the projective system consisting of the rational points of V23 and CX a linear code associated to it.

From Proposition 9, Proposition 10, 2), Lemma 11, (a), (h) and from [20], Theorems 8 and 9, we obtain

Proposition 12CXis annkq-code withn=q+12,k=5,d1=q2q,d2=q2,d3=q2+q.CX (andCX)is of positive genusg3q3.

The spectrumAi1ofXis


Denote gs the generatrix line joining corresponding points Lsl and CsC. As l is the unique line intersecting all generatrices and there are no other lines contained in X than l and the generatrix, follows that every automorphism αAutX fixes the directrix line l and maps every generatrix gs to a generatrix gs (cf. [4], Lemma 3).

From Lemma 11 follows that the intersection of X with a hyperplane H is the union of a generatrix and a conic, or the union of two generatrices and l, or the union of one generatrix and l, or l, or a cubic curve. Hence max|XH||H=3q+1.

In order to construct PD-sets for the related codes, in Proposition 14 of [4], two subgroups of AutX, namely A and N, are chosen. A is isomorphic to the group of the affine bijections of F: xxxm+bmbFm0,N fixing each generatrix line is a normal subgroup.

Let X=X\l. Note that X=q2+q and max|XH||H=3q+1q+1=2q so that the codes CX and CX have the same minimum distance.

As X generates PG4q, choose a subset IX of independent points.

From above and by comparing [4], Proposition 15, we get the following result.

Proposition 13 (1) CXis aq+125qq1q-code.

(2) CXis aqq+15qq1q-code.

(3) Ifq4,IXan independent set ofPG4qwithIl0, then there is no PD-set forI.

From [4], Propositions 17 and 19 follows

Proposition 14 (1) IfXis inPG43, thenCXis a 2-error-correcting16,5,63-code admitting a PD-set S of minimum size 3.

(2) IfXis inPG44andX=X\l, then the codeCXis a 5-error-correcting20,5,124-code admitting a PD-set S of size 24.


6. Ruled sets

Let PGk1q=PL be a k1-dimensional projective space over F=GFq,k3 with point set P and line set L. Denote the set of the hyperplanes of PGk1q.

Let KP. Denote MP the type ofKwith respect to hyperplanes (that is, the set of all intersection numbers of K). For iMP let tiH|KH=i denote the total number of hyperplanes yielding the intersection number i.

If K is a projective system of type MP, then for iMP there are ti code-words in CK of weight Ki.

From Lemma 1 of [24] we obtain

Lemma 15LetSPbe a subspace with0SPandKS. ThenMP=MSK.

Let S and S be two complementary subspaces in PGk1q. Choose and fix two subsets KS and KS with K¯=S,K¯=S. Set mK,mK.

Denote R=x,x¯xKxK. A ruled setX is the set of the points of the lines of R, that is, XXRX.

From [24], Lemmas 2 and 3 follows

Lemma 16

  1. Letx1,x2Kandx1,x2Kwithx1x2,x1x2; thenx1,x1¯x2,x2¯=0.

  2. LetL1,L2R,L1L2withL1L20;thenL1L2KK.

  3. R=mm.

  4. X=mmq1+m+m.

  5. IfHis a hyperplane andmHHK,mHHK,thenHX=mHmHq1+mH+mH+mmHmmH.

  6. The linear codeCXhas lengthX=mmq1+m+mand dimension k.

If K=S and K=S then X=P, hence CX=CP is the simplex code of dimension k. As each hyperplane H is contained in X, in such a case every code word has the same weight. Therefore the minimum distance (or, weight) is d=XH=qk1.

From [24], Lemma 4 follows

Result If HSS and HSS are subspaces of dimHS=dimS1 and dimHS=dimS1, then there exist exactly q+1 hyperplanes H with HS,HSH one of which contains S and one contains S.

Let MS and MS be the type of K and K with respect to hyperplanes, respectively. Denote M=MSm,M=MSm,mo=minM,mo=minM,m1=maxMS and m1=maxMS.

Consider the following mapping


Then the type of X is MX=ιaaaaM×M\mm and maxMX=maxιmomoιmm1ιm1m (cf. [24], Proposition 5 and Lemma 6).

Hence we can determine the weight distribution of CX once known the types MS and MS of K and K, respectively.

Proposition 17The codeCXis a linear code of lengthn=ιmm, dimension k and minimum weightd=nmaxιmomoιmm1ιm1m.

See [24] Theorem 7.

Since X generates the projective space PL there exists a basis BX of PL. Let X=p1pn such that B=p1pk is a basis. Let vX be a system of vectors representing X. For pjX let v(pj)=i=1kγijvpi be the vector representing the point pj with respect to the basis vB of Fk. Then G=(γij) is a standard generatrix matrix of the code CX.

If BKK is a basis of S and BKK is a basis of S then B=BKBKX is a basis of PL. With such a basis it is easy to write down the standard generatrix matrix, in particular in the binary case.

For q=2, the standard generatrix matrix G for CX is shown in [24], p.751.

For the following Examples see Examples 1, 2 and 3 of [24], pp. 751–754.

Example 3 In PGk1q,k5, choose and fix an ellipsoid E in a 3-dimensional subspace S, let S be a complementary subspace of S, set rdimS=k5.

The code CX associated to the ruled set defined by K=E,K=S has length n=q2+1i=0rqiq1+q2+1+i=0rqi=qr+3+i=0r+1qi and dimension k=r+5.

The type of K=E is MS=mo=1m1=q+1; it holds tmo=q2+1 and tm1=q3+q.

The type of K'=S is MS=m0=i=0r1qi and tmo=i=0rqi.

Then the weight distribution is obtained. There are:

  • q2+1 code words of weight qr+3,

  • i=4r+4qi code words of weight qr+3qr+2+qr+1,

  • q3+q code words of weight qr+3qr+2.

This shows that the minimum weight of CX is d=qr+3qr+2.

For q=2 the code CX is a linear 2r+3+2r+21r+52r+2-code with error-correcting capability t=2r+11.

For r=1 the code CX is a [23, 6, 8]-code.

Example 4 In PG5q,q=2h, choose and fix two ovals with their nucleus, KS and KS, respectively, where S and S are two skew planes.

The code CX associated to the ruled set defined by K and K has length n=q+2q+2q1+2q+2=q3+3q2+2q and dimension k=6.

There are q+22=12q2+3q+2 lines in S and S meeting K and K in 2 points and 12q2q lines in S and S missing K and K, respectively.

We obtain the following weight distribution. There are

  • q2q code words of weight q3+3q2+q2,

  • 12q5+q43q3q2+2q code words of weight q3+2q22,

  • 14q5+5q4+7q3q28q4 code words of weight q3+2q22q,

  • 14q53q4+3q3q2 code words of weight q3+2q22q4,

  • q2+3q+2 code words of weight q3+q2q.

This shows that the minimum weight of CX is d=8 for q=2 and d=q3+q2q for q4.

For q=2 the code CX is a linear [24, 6, 8] -code with error-correcting capability t=3.

Example 5 In PG7q choose and fix two ellipsoids E and E in two non-intersecting 3-dimensional subspaces S and S, respectively. Then the code CX related to the ruled set defined by K=E,K=E has length n=q2+1q2+1q1+2q2+2=q5q4+2q3+q+1 and dimension k=8.

There are q2+1 planes ES with EE=1 and q3+q planes ES with EE=q+1.

We obtain the following weight distribution.

There are

  • 2q2+1 code words of weight q5q4+q3,

  • 2q6q5+2q42q3+q2q code words of weight q52q4+3q3q2,

  • q7q6+2q52q4+q3q2 code words of weight q52q4+3q32q2,

  • q5q4+2q32q2+q1 code words of weight q52q4+2q3,

  • 2qq2+1 code words of weight q52q4+2q3q2.

This shows that the minimum weight of CX is d=q52q4+2q3q2.

For q=2 the code CX is a linear [35, 8, 12]-code with error-correcting capability t=5.

In [24], pp. 752–753 the standard generatrix matrices of the three examples are shown.


7. Conclusions

The close connection between the geometry of the projective varieties, or in general, of suitable subsets of a finite geometry and linear codes through projective systems, certainly still has prospects for interesting developments. This is, on the one hand, because of the elaboration and study of eventually new varieties, and, on the other, for the possibility of constructing linear codes with interesting parameters for the various applications in the communication systems.



Dedicated to Professor Hans-Joachim Kroll for his 80th birthday.



Mathematics Subject Classification (2020): 94B05, 94B27, 51E20, 51A22


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Written By

Rita Vincenti

Reviewed: 05 January 2023 Published: 21 March 2023