Open access peer-reviewed chapter

Extended Intuitionistic Fuzzy Line Graphs: Theory and Properties

Written By

Venkata Naga Srinivasa Rao Repalle, Keneni Abera Tola and Maamo Abebe Ashebo

Reviewed: 24 January 2023 Published: 02 March 2023

DOI: 10.5772/intechopen.110182

From the Edited Volume

Coding Theory Essentials

Edited by Dinesh G. Harkut and Kashmira N. Kasat

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The introduction of fuzzy set theory was given by Zadeh. The introduction of fuzzy graph theory was given by Kauffman. Later the structure of fuzzy graph was developed Rosenfeld. The traditional fuzzy set cannot be used to completely describe all the evidence in problems where someone wants to know in how much degree of non-membership. Such a problem got the solution by Atanassov who introduced intuitionistic fuzzy set which described by a membership, a non-membership and a hesitation functions. An intuitionistic fuzzy set is used to solve problems involving uncertainty and imprecision that can’t be handled by a traditional fuzzy set. This chapter introduced the interval-valued intuitionistic fuzzy line graphs (IVIFLG) and explored the results related to IVIFLG. As a result, many theorems and propositions related to IVIFLG are developed and supported by proof. Moreover, some remarkable isomorphic properties, strong IVIFLG, and complete IVIFLG have been investigated, and the proposed concepts are illustrated with the examples.


  • fuzzy set
  • interval-valued intuitionistic fuzy graph
  • interval-valued intuitionistic fuzzy line graph
  • isomorphism
  • isomorphic properties

1. Introduction

Since Euler was presented with the impression of the Königsberg bridge problem, graph theory has received recognition in a variety of academic fields, including natural science, social science, engineering, and medical science. In the field of graph theory, some operations such as the Wiener index of graphs, line graphs, total graphs, cluster and corona operations of graphs, edge join of graphs, and semi-total line have been useful. In addition, some properties of boiling point, heat of evaporation, surface tension, vapor pressure, total electron energy of polymers, partition coefficients, ultrasonic sound velocity, and internal energy can be analyzed in chemical graph theory. These operations are not only useful in classical graphs but also in fuzzy graphs and generalizations of fuzzy graphs. Because real-world problems are frequently fraught with uncertainty and imprecision, Zadeh proposed fuzzy sets and membership degrees [1]. Accordingly, Kaufman presented the concept of fuzzy relations based on Zedeh’s work in [2]. Rosenfeld [3] assembled both Zedeh’s and Kaufman’s work and then introduced fuzzy graphs.

Later on, Atanassov observed that fuzzy sets (FS) did not handle many problems with uncertainty and imprecision [4]. Based on these observations, he combined the membership degree with the falsehood degree and presented intuitionistic fuzzy sets (IFS) with relations and IFG, which is a generalization of FS [4, 5, 6]. It has many applications in fuzzy control, and defuzzification is the most computationally intensive part of fuzzy control. Mordeson investigated the concept of fuzzy line graphs (FLG) for the first time and explored both sufficient and necessary conditions for FLG to be a bijective homomorphism to its FG. He developed some theorems and propositions [7]. Firouzian [8] introduced the notion of degree of an edge in fuzzy line graphs and congraphs.

Akram and Dudek discussed interval valued fuzzy graph (IVFG) and its properties in [9]. Later, different classes of IVIFGs such as regular, irregular, highly irregular, strongly irregular and neighbourly irregular IVIFGs were discussed [10]. Then, Akram drived IVFLG from IVFG [11]. Interval-valued intuitionistic STfuzzy graphs were introduced by Rashmanlou and Borzooei [12]. Afterward, the idea of intuitionistic fuzzy line graph (IFLG) studied by Akram and Davvaz [13]. Furthermore, IFLG and its properties are investigated in [14].

Based on the defined concepts, we gave the definition of IVIFLG in this chapter. Our works are novel in the following ways: (1) IVIFLG is presented and illustrated with an example, (2) numerous theorems and propositions are developed and proved; (3) further, interval-valued intuitionistic weak line isomorphism and interval-valued intuitionistic weak vertex homomorphism are proposed. Readers should refer [5, 7, 11] for notations that are not declared in this chapter.


2. Discussion

This section contains some basic definitions used to introduce IVIFLG. Throughout this chapter we considered only simple graph.

Definition 1.1. The graph G=VE is an intuitionistic fuzzy graph (IFG) if the following conditions are satisfied [15]

  1. σ1:V01andγ1:V01 are membership and nonmembership value of vertex set of G respectively and 0σ1v+γ1v1 vV,

  2. σ2:V×V01 and γ2:V×V01 are membership and nonmembership with σ2vivjσ1viσ1vj and γ2vivjγ1vjγ1vj and 0σ12vivj+γ2vivj1,vivjE.

Definition 1.2. The line graph L(G) of graph G is defined as any node in LG that corresponds to an edge in G, and pair of nodes in LG are adjacent if and only if their correspondence edges ei,ejG share a common node vG.

Definition 1.3. For the given graph G=VE with nvertices and Si=viei1eip such that 1in,1jpi and eijE has vi as a vertex. Then ST is called intersection graph where S=Si is the vertex set of (S, T) and T=SiSjSiSjSSiSjforij is an edge set of (S, T).

Definition 1.4. The line(edge) graph LG=HJ is where H={eueve:eE,ue,veV,e=ueve and J=SeSf:efEefSeSf with Se=eueveeE [11].

Definition 1.5. Let G=A1B1 is an IFG with A1=σA1γA1 and B1=σB1γB1 be IFS on V and E respectively. Then ST=A2B2 is an intuitionistic fuzzy intersection graph of G whose membership and nonmembership functions are defined as [14]

  1. σA2Si=σA1vi,γA2Si=γA1vi, Si,SjS

  2. σB2SiSj=σB1vivj,γB2SiSj=γB1vivjSiSjT.

where A2=σA2γA2, B2=σB2γB2 on S and T respectively. So, IFG of the intersection graph ST is isomorphic to G(means, STG).

Definition 1.6. Consider LG=HJ be line graph of G=VE. Let G=A1B1 be IFG of G with A1=σA1γA1 and B1=σB1γB1 be IFS on X and E receptively. Then we define the intuitionistic fuzzy line graph LG=A2B2 of G as

  1. σA2Se=σB1e=σB1ueve,

    γA2Se=γB1e=γB1ueve, for all Se,SeH

  2. σB2SeSf=σB1eσB1f

    γB2SeSf=γB1eγB1f, SeSfJ..

where A2=σA2γA2 and B2=σB2γB2 are IFS on H and J respectively.

The LG=A2B2 of IFG G is always IFG.

Definition 1.7. Let G1=A1B1 and G2=A2B2 be two IFGs. The homomorphism of ψ:G1G2 is mapping ψ:V1V2 such that [14].

  1. σA1viσA2ψvi,γA1viγA2ψvi

  2. σB1vivjσB2ψviψvj,

    γB1vivjγB2ψviψvj viV1,vivjE1.

Definition 1.8. The interval valued FS A is characterized by [9].


Here, σAvi and σA+vi are lower and upper interval of fuzzy subsets A of X respectively, such that σAviσA+vi viV.

For simplicity, we used IVFS for interval valued fuzzy set.

Definition 1.9. Let A=σAvσA+v:vX be IVFS. Then, the graph G=(V,E) is called IVFG if the following conditions are satisfied;


vi,vjV,vivjE and where A=σAσA+, B=σBσB+ is IVFS on V and E respectively.

Definition 1.10. Let G=A1B1 be simple IVFG. Then we define IVF intersection graph ST=A2B2 as follows:

  1. A2 and B2 are IFS of S and T respectively,

  2. σA2Si=σA1vi and σA2+Si=σA1+vi,Si,SjS and

  3. σB2SiSj=σB1vivj,σB2+SiSj=σB1+vivj,SiSjT.

Remark: The given IVFG G and its intersection graph (S, T) are always isomorphic to each other.

Definition 1.11. An interval valued fuzzy line graph (IVFLG) LG=A2B2 of IVFG G=A1B1 is defined as follows [11]:

  • A2 and B2 are IVFS of H and J respectively, where LG=HJ

  • σA2Si=σB1e=σB1ueve, σA2+Si=σB1+e=σB1+ueve,

  • σB2SeSf=σB1eσB1f, σB2+SeSf=σB1+eσB1+f for all Se,SfH,SeSfJ.

Definition 1.12. A graph G=AB with underlying fuzzy set V is IVIFG if

  1. the mapping σA:V01 and γA:V01 where σAvi=σAviσA+vi and γAvi=γAviγA+vi denote a membership degree and non membership degree of vertex viV, receptively such that σAviσA+vi, γAviγA+vi and 0σA+vi+γA+vi1 viV,

  2. the mapping σB:V×VE01 and γB:V×VE01 where σBvivj=σBvivjσB+vivj and γBvivj=γBvivjγB+vivj such that


where 0σB+vivj+γB+vivj1 and vivjE.

In the next section, we begin the main findings of this chapter by introducing and demonstrating examples of IVIFLG.

Definition 1.13. Consider LG=HJ is IVIFLG of IVIFG G=A1B1 and denoted by LG=A2B2 whose membership and non membership function is defined as

  1. A2 and B2 are IVIFS of H and J respectively, such that





  2. The edge set of L(G) is


    γB2SeSf=σB1eγB1f,γB2+SeSf=γB2+eγB1+f for all ,SeSfJ..

Example 1.14. Given IVIFG G=A1A2 as shown in Figure 1.

Figure 1.


From the given IVIFG we have


To find IVIFLG LG=HJ of I such that


Now, consider A2=σA2σA2+ and B2=σB2σB2+ are IVFS of H and J respectively. Then we have


Then L(G) of IVIFG G is shown in Figure 2.

Figure 2.


Proposition 1.15. LG=A2B2 is IVIFLG corresponding to IVIFG G=A1B1.

Definition 1.16. A homomorphism mapping ψ:G1G2 of two IVIFG G1=M1N1 and G2=M2N2 ψ:V1V2 is defined as

  1. σM1viσM2ψvi,σM1+viσM2+ψvi

    γM1viγM2ψvi,γM1+viγM2+ψvi for all viV1.

  2. σN1vivjσN2ψviψvj,σN1+vivjσN2+ψviψvj

    γN1vivjγN2ψviψvj,γN1+vivjγN2+ψviψvj for all vivjE1.

Definition 1.17. A bijective homomorphism ψ:G1G2 of IVIFG is said to be a weak vertex isomorphism, if


A bijective homomorphism ψ:G1G2 of IVIFG is said to be a weak line isomorphism if


If ψ:G1G2 is an isomorphism that holds Definition 1.17, then ψ is called a weak isomorphism of IVIFGs G1 and G2.

Proposition 1.18. The IVIFLG LG is connected graph if and only if its corresponding IVFG G is connected graph.

Proof: Assume that LG is a connected IVIFLG of the IVIFG G. First, We want to show that necessary condition. Lets say G is disconnected IVIFG. Then there are at least two nodes of graph G which are not joined by path, say vi and vj. If we take one edge e in the first component of the edge set of G, then it doesn’t have any edges which adjacent to edge e in other components. So that, the IVIFLG of graph G is disconnected and contradicts our assumption. Therefore, the IVIFG G must be connected. On the other hand, assume that IVIFG G is connected graph. Then, there is a path between each pair of nodes. This implies, edges which are adjacent in graph G are adjacent nodes in IVIFLG. As a result, every pair of nodes in IVIFLG of G are linked by a path. Therefore, the proof finished.

Proposition 1.19. An Interval valued line graph of star graph K1,n is a complete Interval valued graph Kn with nvertices.

Proof: Consider the vertex vVK1,n that adjacent to all other vertices uiVK1,n for i=1,2,n. Now, all the vertices in IVIFLG of K1,n are adjacent. This means, IVIFLG of K1,n is a complete graph.

Example 1.20. Suppose that the IVIFG K1,3 with V=vv1v2v3 and E={vv1,vv2,vv3 where


Then by definition of IVIFLG, the vertex sets of LK1,3 is V=Se1Se2Se3 and {Se1Se2,Se1Se3,Se2Se3 edge sets where


Here LK1,3 is complete graph K3 (Figure 3).

Figure 3.

Graphs of K1,3 and LK1,3.

Proposition 1.21. Let LG be IVIFLG of IVIFG of G. Then LG is a line graph of G where G=VE with underlying set V.

Proof: Given G=A1B1 is IVIFG of G and LG=A2B2 is IVIFLG of LG.Then


This implies, SeH=eueve:eEueveV&e=ueve if and only if eE.


where J=SeSfSeSfefE&ef. Hence, LG is a line graph of G.

Proposition 1.22. Let LG=A2B2 be IVIFLG of LG. Then LG is also IVIFLG of some IVIFG G=A1B1 iff

  1. σB2SeSf=σB2SeSfσB2+SeSf=σA2SeσA2SfσA2+SeσA2+Sf,

  2. γB2SeSf=γB2SeSfγB2+SeSf=γA2SeγA2SfγA2+SeγA2+Sf Se,SfH,SeSfJ.

Proof: Suppose both conditions i and ii are satisfied. i.e., σB2SeSf=σA2SeσA2Sf, σB2+SeSf=σA2+SeσA2+Sf, γB2SeSf=γA2SeγA2Sf and γB2+SeSf=γA2+SeγA2+Sf for all SeSfW. For every eE we define σA2Se=σA1e, σA2+Se=σA1+e, γA2Se=γA1e and γA2+Se=γA1+e. Then


We know that IVIFS A1=σA1σA1+γA1γA1+ yields the properties


will suffice. From definition of IVIFLG the converse of this statement is well known.

Proposition 1.23. An IVIFLG is always a strong IVIFG.

Proof: It is straightforward from the definition, therefore it is omitted.

Proposition 1.24. Let G1 and G2 IVIFGs of G1 and G2 respectively. If the mapping ψ:G1G2 is a weak isomorphism, then ψ:G1G2 is isomorphism map.

Proof: Suppose ψ:G1G2 is a weak isomorphism. Then


Hence the proof.

Theorem 1.25. Let G=VE is connected graph and consider that LG=A2B2 is IVIFLG corresponding to IVIFG G=A1B1. The,

  1. there exists a map ψ:GLG which is a weak isomorphism if and only if G is a cyclic graph with



    such that A1=σA1σA1+γA1γA1+& B1=σB1σB1+γB1γB1+, vV,eE.

  2. The map ψ is isomorphism if ψ:GLG is a weak isomorphism.

Proof: Consider ψ:GLG is a weak isomorphism. Then we have


This follows that G=VE is a cyclic from Proposition 1.24.

Now let v1v2v3vnv1 be a cycle of G where vertices set V=v1v2vn and edges set E=v1v2v2v3vnv1. Then we have IVIFS




where i=1,2,,nandvn+1=v1. Thus, for t1=tn+1,t1+=tn+1+,f1=fn+1,f1+=fn+1




And also,


where vn+1=v1,vn+2=v2, ι1+=ιn+1+,ι1=ιn+1,qn+1+=ι1+,, qn+1=q1, and i=1,2,,n.ψ:VH is bijective map since ψ:GLG is isomorphism. And also, ψ preserves adjacency. So that ψ persuades an alternative τ of 12n which ψvi=Seτi and for ei=vivi+1 then ψviψvi+1=SeτiSeτi+1,i=1,2,,n1. Now


And let ei=vivi+1,


Which implies,




Thus from the above equations, we obtain ιiιτi,ιi+ιτi+,qiqτi and qi+qτi+. and also ιτiιττi,ιτi+ιττi+,qτiqττi and qτi+qττi+. By proceeding this process, we get


where τk+1 is the identity function. It follows ιτi=ιττi,ιτi+=ιττi+,qτi=qττi and qτi+=qττi+. Again, from Eq. (3), we get


This implies for all i=1,2,,n, ιi=ι1,ιi+=ι1+,qi=q1 and qi+=q+1. Thus, from Eqs. (1) and (2) we obtain


As a result, the proof.

Theorem 1.26. Let G be connected simple IVIFG, then IVIFLG of G is a path graph if and only if G is path graph.

Proof: Suppose that G is a path IVIFG with VG=k. Thus, G is a path Pk with length k and EG=k1. Since the vertices set of IVIFLG LG is an edge sets of G, clearly LG is a path with VLG=k1 graph and ELG=k2. Implies that LG is a path graph. On the other hand, assume LG is a path. Then every degree of vertex viG is can’t be greater than two. If there is a vertex viG is greater than two, then an edge e which incident to viG would form a complete sub-graph of IVIFLG LG of more than two vertices. As a result, the IVIFG G must be either path graph or cyclic. But, G can’t be the cyclic graph since a line graph of the cyclic graph is the cyclic graph. The proof is finished.


3. Conclusion

In this chapter, we introduced interval-valued intuitionistic fuzzy line graphs (IVIFLG) and investigated their results. In addition, we developed many theorems, and propositions related to IVIFLG with proof. Moreover, some remarkable properties of isomorphic properties, strong IVIFLG, and complete IVIFLG have been investigated, and the proposed concepts are illustrated with the examples.



The authors do thankful to the editor for giving an opportunity to submit our book chapter.


Competing interest

The authors declared that they have no competing interests.


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Written By

Venkata Naga Srinivasa Rao Repalle, Keneni Abera Tola and Maamo Abebe Ashebo

Reviewed: 24 January 2023 Published: 02 March 2023