Open access peer-reviewed chapter

Moving Node Method for Differential Equations

Written By

Umurdin Dalabaev and Malika Ikramova

Reviewed: 23 August 2022 Published: 17 February 2023

DOI: 10.5772/intechopen.107340

From the Edited Volume

Numerical Simulation - Advanced Techniques for Science and Engineering

Edited by Ali Soofastaei

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The chapter contains information about new approaches to solving boundary value problems for differential equations. It introduces a new method of moving nodes. Based on the approximation of differential equations (by the finite difference method or the control volume method), introducing the concept of a moving node, approximately analytical solutions are obtained. To increase the accuracy of the obtained analytical solutions, multipoint moving nodes are used. The moving node method is used to construct compact circuits. The moving node method allows you to investigate the diskette equation for monotonicity, as well as the approximation error of the differential equation. Various test problems are considered.


  • finite difference
  • boundary value problem
  • moving node
  • approximation
  • differential equations
  • difference equation
  • approximation error
  • several moving nodes
  • compact schemes
  • convective-diffusion
  • finite volume

1. Introduction

Methods for solving problems of mathematical physics can be divided into the following four classes [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7].

Analytical methods (the method of separation of variables, the method of characteristics, the method of Green’s functions [8], etc.) have a relatively low degree of universality, i.e. focused on solving rather narrow classes of problems. As a result of applying these methods, a solution is obtained in the form of analytical formulas. The use of these formulas for the implementation of the calculation may require the solution of auxiliary computational problems (solution of nonlinear equations, calculation of special functions, numerical integration, summation of an infinite series). Nevertheless, in a number of cases, the application of these methods makes it possible to quickly and with high accuracy calculate the desired solution.

Approximate analytical methods (projection, variational methods, small parameter methods, operational methods, and various iterative methods [4, 9]) are more universal than analytical ones. The use of such methods involves modifying the original problem or changing the problem statement in such a way that the new problem can be solved by the analytical method, and its solution itself differs little enough from the solution of the original problem.

Numerical methods (finite difference method, method of lines, control volume method, finite element method, etc. [1, 2, 5, 6, 7, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34]) are very universal methods. Often used to solve nonlinear problems of mathematical physics, as well as linear problems with variable operator coefficients.

Probabilistic methods (Monte Carlo methods) are highly versatile. It can be used to calculate discontinuous solutions. However, they require large amounts of calculations and, as a rule, lose with the computational complexity of the above methods when solving such problems to which these methods are applicable.

Comparing methods for solving problems of mathematical physics, it is impossible to give unconditional superiority to any of them. Any of them may be the best for solving problems of a certain class. At the same time, when characterizing a specific method, it is advisable to highlight those features that often determine its advantages or disadvantages in practical application compared to an alternative method.

The advantages of the finite difference method include its high universality, for example, much higher than that of analytical methods. The application of this method is often characterized by the relative simplicity of constructing a decision algorithm and its software implementation. Often it is possible to parallelize the decision algorithm.

The shortcomings of the method include: the problematic nature of its use on irregular grids; a very rapid increase in computational complexity with an increase in the dimension of the problem (an increase in the number of unknown variables); the complexity of the analytical study of the properties of the difference scheme.

The proposed method of moving nodes combines numerical and analytical methods [7, 8, 13, 35, 36, 37, 38]. In this case, we can obtain, on the one hand, an approximate analytical solution to the problem, which is not related to the methods listed above. On the other hand, this method allows one to obtain compact discrete approximations of the original problem. Note that obtaining an approximate analytical solution to differential equations is based on numerical methods. The nature of numerical methods also makes it possible to obtain an approximate analytical expression for solving differential equations. For this, a so-called “movable node” is introduced.

The aim of the study is to develop a computing technology based on the proposed method of moving nodes, develop a two-point convective-diffusion problem an analytical method generated by numerical methods based on the method of moving nodes, and give test examples.


2. Derivation of approximate analytical solutions of differential equations by the moving nodes method

This chapter introduces the concept of a roaming node and provides approximate solutions to simple problems using a moving node. We also studied the derivation algorithm for nonstationary and two-dimensional problems.

Note that the concept of a movable node in this context is considered for the first time.

2.1 The concept of a moving node

The solution of differential equations (DE) (ordinary or partial derivatives) by the method of finite differences is based on a finite-difference approximation of derivatives. When applying the finite difference method to the solution of DE, there is a transition from a continuous region to a finite difference one. A grid of “nodal points” is introduced into the solution area. Representing the derivatives in a finite difference form, they bring it to the form of a difference equation. The difference equation is written for all grid nodes and results in a system of algebraic equations [4, 36].

Most of the DEs found in the equations of mathematical physics contain only partial derivatives of the first and second orders, while for the approximation of the derivatives they try to use no more than three nodes of the difference grid (in the case of ordinary DEs) (Figure 1). Let the node W and E be considered fixed, and the node x changes into segments (W, E). Then the approximation of the derivatives (first or second order) also changes based on the location of the node. The node x is said to be movable.

Figure 1.

One moving node.

You can increase the number of moved nodes. Let us select additional moving nodes as follows: x1 = (W + x)/2, x2 = (W + x)/2. When node x changes its position, x1 and x2 automatically change their positions (Figure 2). In this way, you can increase the number of moved nodes. The increase in the number of moved nodes is related to the accuracy of the difference equations.

Figure 2.

Three moving node.

The displacement of nodal points is not only related to finite-difference equations, this approach can be successfully applied when discretizing differential equations using the control volume method.

2.2 Obtaining an approximate analytical solution with one moving node

Let, it is necessary to find Фх a solution to the DE in the region WxE with the corresponding boundary conditions. Let us take an arbitrary point xWE. We have three nodes: W,E boundary nodes and an internal node x. The position of a point inside the region is determined by the node being moved x. The difference equation is usually written for an arbitrary node, x. When approximating differential operators, the first derivatives on the moving node are approximated by different relations:


The approximation of the derivative by (1) and (2) is called the approximation of this derivative using a one-sided difference, and (3) is the approximation using the central difference.

The second derivative on the moving node is approximated as follows [4] (similarly to the approximation of the second derivative in a non-uniform grid):


Let us consider some model problems of applying the moving nodes method (MNM) to obtain an analytical solution.

2.2.1 Flow in a flat pipe

The flow of a viscous fluid in a flat pipe in a one-dimensional formulation is described by the equation


where U is the fluid velocity, is the vertical coordinate perpendicular to the flow, Δp/l is the pressure drop (const), μ is the viscosity. Let y=0 and y=h motionless walls.

We average (5) over the liquid volume: y/2hy/2, here “y” is a moving node (Figure 3). Then we have


Figure 3

Control volume.

From here


We replace the derivatives in (6) with the difference relation:


Here uy is an approximate value Uy. Thus, approximation (5) with respect to the moving node has the form:


Hence, taking into account the no-slip condition (u(h) = u(0) = 0)


Here uy is the average solution. For this problem, the averaged solution coincides with the exact solution.

This means that the approximation (7) for this problem is exact. The reason for the coincidence of the solution obtained with the help of the MNM with one node and the exact solution is explained by the following fact.

Lagrange’s mean value theorem states that if a function fx is continuous on an interval ab and differentiable on an interval ab, then in this interval there is at least one x=ξ point such that


It is easy to check that if fx represents a parabola, then in (9) ζ=a+b/2. The exact solution (5) is a parabola. Integrating (5) over the control volume x/2h+x/2, we obtain


Since uy there is a parabola, therefore


and (8) is the exact difference analog of (5).

2.2.2 Heat distribution in the plate

Heat propagation in the plate is described by the equation


where k is the thermal conductivity and q is the heat release per unit volume (k and q = const). It is assumed that the source does not depend on temperature. Replacing (10) with a difference equation with a moving node, we have


Solving Eq. (11), we obtain


Solution (12) coincides with the exact solution. Note that the exact solution is obtained not only for the Dirichlet problem but as for the problem of flow in a flat pipe. Here the boundary conditions are of mixed type.

2.2.3 Magnetohydrodynamic Couette flow

Consider the Couette flow, when a conducting fluid flows in a uniform magnetic field between two plates, one of which is stationary, and the other moves in its own plane at a constant speed. Based on the Navier-Stokes equation, taking into account the magnetic field and taking into account the one-dimensionality of the flow, it can be written in a dimensionless form as follows:


Boundary conditions


Here, u is the dimensionless flow velocity and y is the dimensionless coordinate. Dimensionless quantities M – Hartmann number, P – pressure coefficient (М and Р = const).

Replacing the second-order derivative in (13) with a difference relation similar to (7), and considering the boundary condition (14), we can obtain an approximate solution


This solution comes close to the exact solution (Figure 4).

Figure 4.

Comparison of exact and approximate solutions (M = 2, P = 4). The solid line is the exact solution, the dotted line is according to (5).

2.2.4 The method of moving nodes for the convection-diffusion equation

Consider the transport equation


Here, Ф the unknown function, Sx the source, Pe is the Peclet number. The equation is considered under appropriate boundary conditions.

The convective term of Eq. (16) is approximated by (1), and the diffusion term by (4). Consider (16) into segments with boundary conditions Ф0=0,Ф1=1 and Sx=0. Then, using the upwind scheme, we replace Eq. (16) with a difference equation that looks like this:


From here, we can easily determine Ux:


Figure 5 shows a comparison of the exact and approximate solutions. The solid line corresponds to the exact solution, and the dotted line corresponds to the solution (8). It can be seen from the graph that numerical diffusion takes place.

Figure 5.

Comparison of exact and approximate solutions. Pe = 10.

For Ф0=0,Ф1=1 and Sx=5cos4x Pe=5, the results of the exact and approximate solutions are shown in Figure 6. It can be seen from the graph that there are large errors. Here the Peclet number plays an important role. Indeed, for Ф0=0,Ф1=1 and Sx=5cos4x Pe=0,1, we obtain solutions shown in Figure 7, which shows that the approximate and exact solutions are close.

Figure 6.

Comparison of exact and approximate solutions. Pe = 5.

Figure 7.

Comparison of exact and approximate solutions. Pe = 0.1.

2.2.5 Equation with variable coefficient

Consider the equation


into segments (−1,1) with boundary u1=1,u1=2 conditions u1=1,u1=2. The exact solution is determined through the error functions:


The difference scheme with a moving node for (19) has the form (upwind scheme):


Solving this equation with respect to Ux, we obtain an approximate analytical solution. Figure 8 compares the solutions of the exact and approximate analytical solution; the solid line corresponds to the exact solution, and the dotted line corresponds to the approximate one.

Figure 8.

Solution comparisons.

Remark 1. In the given examples, the convective term is approximated by the upwind scheme. Other approximations can be used to improve.

Remark 2. In the above examples, the approximation of the term with the source is carried out constant in the considered moving segment. For improvement, other approximations can be used to obtain an improved solution.

2.3 Obtaining an analytical solution with several moving nodes

2.3.1 Moving nodes method for a one-dimensional convective-diffusion problem

Due to the importance of convective-diffusion problems, we will apply multipoint MNM to such problems [14]:


Let us take an arbitrary one node inside the segment xWE.

Let us consider a difference analog of Eq. (20), in which the convective term is approximated by a one-sided difference relation.

Then the upwind scheme has the form:


This schema can be rewritten like this:




Hence, we have


When xWE changes its position (let us make it moveable within the interval WE), based on (23) we obtain the values of the unknown function in each position. In other words, U1 obtained with the help of (23), will give us an approximate solution to the problem. Note that in this case, UW1=ФW,UE1=ФE. The superscript corresponds to the number of nodes being moved.

Adding additional moving nodes x1=x+W2,x2=x+E2..

Now we have three moving nodes x,x1,x2. Note that if x changes its position, then x1 and x2 also changes its position.

A scheme of type (21) for a segment Wx has the form:


Here U13=U3x1.

A scheme of type (21) for a segment xE has the form


Scheme upstream for a segment x1x2:


Here U23=U3x2.

In (26) we exclude U13,U23 using (24) and (25). Then we get the following diagram:


Here we have introduced the notation.


And UW3=ФW,UE3=ФE.

(25) can be rewritten as follows:




Increase the number of moved nodes:



In the difference scheme (28), the unknown function appears at three nodes: W, x, E. The function S is calculated at points x1,x,x2. Let us write a scheme of type (28) for each of the segments Wx and x1x2.

The scheme of type (28) for a segment has the form:




ax13=ax3+aW3, F3x1=PeSx1+4+PexWxW1τ11+τ1Sx1+4xWγ11γ1+1Sx1+,

τ1=2/2+σ,γ1=2+θ/2, σ=Pex1W,θ=Pexx1.

Similarly, we write a scheme of type (29) for the segments xW and x1x2. Excluding the obtained three systems of equations Ux13 and Ux23 obtain a scheme with seven movable nodes:



Continuing in this way, we can get a scheme with 2k1 moving nodes


where aE2k1=22k+11γkEWEx1γk2k,aW2k1=22k+1Pe1τkxW1τk2k+22k+11τkEWxW1τk2k, aP2л1=aW2л1+aE2л1.τk=2k/2k+σ,γk=2k+θ/2k,


Figures 9 and 10 show graphs of approximate solutions to the problem (18), obtained by (30) for W=0,E=1,with different moving nodes.

Figure 9.

Pe = 20, ФW=0,ФE=1,Sx=0. Approximate solutions of the problem. Dotted—at k = 1, dotted—k = 2, dotted-dotted—k = 3, long dotted—k = 4, rarely dotted—k = 5. The solid line is the exact solution.

Figure 10.

Pe = 20, ФW=0,ФE=0,Sx=x,. Approximate solutions of the problem. Dotted—at k = 1, dotted—k = 2, dotted-dotted—k = 3, long dotted—k = 4, rarely dotted—k = 5. The solid line is the exact solution.

It can be seen from the graphs that the approximate solutions give good results.

Remark. When obtaining many point-moving nodes, we proceeded from the upwind scheme. It was possible to proceed from the other three-point schemes.

2.3.2 Analytical control volume method for a one-dimensional convective-diffusion problem

It is known that differential equations are obtained on the basis of the integral conservation law. Therefore, discretization of the equations can be carried out using the approximation of integral conservation laws. This method is called the Finite Volume Method. Another name for the method is integro-interpolation.

Consider a one-dimensional convective-diffusion equation on a finite interval with boundary conditions in the form:


where u is the flow velocity in the x direction, ρ is the flow density, Г is the diffusion coefficient, Sx is a given function (source), Ф an unknown function. It follows from the continuity equation that F=ρu=const.

Consider Eq. (31) into segments WE. To obtain an approximate analytical solution to the problem using the control volume method, we take an arbitrary point xWE and control volume [w, e] (Figure 11). Let us assume that the face w is located in the middle between the points W and x, and the face e is in the middle between the points x and E. Integrating Eq. (31) over the control volume and replacing the derivatives with the upwind scheme, we obtain the zero approximation.

Figure 11.

Control volume [w, e].


Here aE=ГеЕх+maxFe0;aW=ГwxW+maxFw0. Since xWE an arbitrary point from (33), we can determine Ф0 and obtain an approximate analytical solution to problem (31).

Note that, from (33) it follows that, in the absence of a source ( Sx0) on the segments WE, the function is monotone.

To improve the approximate solution, we take additional nodes: x1=x+W2,x2=x+E2. Let us write an upwind scheme of type (33) for the segment Wx,x1x2, and xE. We get a system of three equations. We exclude the resulting system Ф1x1, Ф1x2 and as a result, we get an improved scheme:


where τ1=β1β1+,γ1=α1+α1,β1=2DW+F,β1+=2DW+F+,α1=2DE+F, α1+=2DE+F+, DE=Г/Ex,DW=Г/xW,F=maxF0,F+=maxF0.

In (34), Ф1 is the improved value of the unknown function at the nodal point xФW1ФWФE1ФE.

where in (34), the improved value of the unknown function at the nodal point is x.

Solving (34) with respect to, we obtain an improved analytical solution. Again, to improve the solution, we proceed in a similar way: we write the scheme (34) for the segment Wx,x1x2 and xE, and eliminate the unknowns at the points x1 and x2, and so on. Continuing this process, we get.


Here τk=βkβk+,γk=αk+αk,βk=2kDW+F,βk+=2kDW+F+,αk=2kDE+F, αk+=2kDE+F+.

In (35), Фk is the improved value of the unknown function at the nodal point xФWkФWФEkФE. Solving Eq. (35) with respect to Фk, we obtain an approximate analytical solution of the original problem.


Figure 12 shows solutions to the problem (31) Г=const,R=ρu/Г=20,Sx=0 for segments 01 with boundary conditions ФW=0,ФE=1. Figure 13 shows solutions to the problem (31) R=50,Sx=5cos4x for segments 01 with boundary conditions ФW=0,ФE=1. The graph shows that, as k increases, the approximate solutions approach the exact one.

Figure 12.

Comparison of the approximate solutions for S(x) = 0. Continuous line is exact, point—k = 0, dotted line—k = 1, dot-dotted line—k = 2, long dotted line—k = 4, rare dotted line—k = 6.

Figure 13.

Comparison of the approximate solutions for S(x) = 5cos4x. Continuous line is exact, point—k = 0, dotted line—k = 1, dot-dotted line—k = 2, long dotted line—k = 4, rare dotted line—k = 6.

It can be seen from the graphs that, starting from k = 6, the exact and approximate solutions visually coincide.

It is interesting to compare the analytical solution obtained by the finitely different method (30) and the control volume method (R = 10, S(x) = 0).

From Figures 14 and 15, it can be seen that the solution obtained by the control volume method is preferable.

Figure 14.

Approximate solution for k = 0. Solid curves are exact solutions, point curves are the finite difference method; dotted lines—control volume method.

Figure 15.

Approximate solution for k = 1. Solid curves are exact solutions, point curves are the finite difference method; dotted lines—control volume method.

2.3.3 Improving accuracy with Richardson extrapolation

Using the method described, we can improve the accuracy of approximate solutions to the problem [39]. Linear combination Q3x=13U1x+43U3x is more accurately approximates the solution. With a linear combination of U1x,U3x and U7x in the form Q7x=145U1x49U3x+6445U7x, we obtain a more refined solution to the problem [39].

Figure 16 shows graphs of approximate solutions to the problem (31) obtained by Richardson’s extrapolation for W=0,E=1. The solid line in Figure 1619 is the exact solution.

Figure 16.

ФW=0, ФE=1,Sx=0, Pe=20. Comparisons of solutions. Dotted line is U3x, point line—Q3x, dot-dotted line—U7x, long dotted line—Q7x.

Figure 17.

ФW=0, ФE=0,Sx=x, Pe=20. Comparisons of solutions. Dotted line is U3x, point line—Q3x, dot-dotted line—U7x, long dotted line—Q7x.

Figure 18.

ФW=0, ФE=1,Sx=0, Pe=20. Comparisons of solutions. Dotted line—U15x, dotted line—Q15x.

Figure 19.

ФW=0, ФE=0,Sx=x, Pe=20. Comparisons of solutions. Dotted line—U15x, dotted line—Q15x.

Figures 1619 allow us to state that Richardson’s extrapolation makes it possible to obtain a more refined solution to the problem.

2.4 Moved node method for non-stationary problems

In the previous paragraphs, the application of the MNM for ordinary differential equations has been considered. Here we consider the application of the MNM for parabolic equations.

An example of a problem that leads to a parabolic partial differential equation is the problem of heat transfer along a long rod, described by the heat transfer (or diffusion) equation.

The problem is to find a function U(x,t) in the region Ω = {(x,t) | W ≤ x ≤ E, 0 ≤ t ≤ T} satisfying the equation.


initial condition


and boundary conditions of the first kind


Let us take an arbitrary point Ω in the area xtΩ (Figure 20). We will accept this point as moving. We approximate (36) by the implicit scheme

Figure 20.

The region of solution.


In (37), Yxt is an approximate analytical solution. When the point runs through Ω, we get a solution in the area under consideration. From (37), we get


Consider examples.

2.4.1 Test problems

Let us consider Eq. (36) 0<x<1 with conditions U0x=x, UWt=0,UEt=et, fxt=xet. Exact solution of problem is Uxt=xet. Figure 21 presents a comparison of the exact and approximate solutions for the cross-section x=0,5 and x=0,2. The solid lines are the exact solution. Figure 21 shows the closeness of the exact and approximate solutions.

Figure 21.

Solution comparison of the exact and approximate solutions for the sections x = 0, 5 and x = 0.2.

Let us consider Eq. (36)0<x<1 with conditions U0x=sinπx+x2, UWt=0,UEt=1, fxt=sinπxet+π2sinπxet2. Exact solution of problem presents a comparison of the exact and approximate solutions for the sections x=0,1, x=0,5, and x=0,8. Figure 22 shows the closeness of the exact and approximate solutions.

Figure 22.

Solution comparison of the exact and approximate solutions for the sections x = 0, 1, x = 0.5 and x = 0.8.

2.4.2 Unsteady flow of a viscous fluid between parallel walls

As a practical example, consider an unsteady flow of a viscous fluid between parallel walls. Let a viscous fluid fill the entire space between horizontal planes located at a certain distance from each other. Let the lower plane be stationary all the time, and the upper one starts to move to the right at a constant speed. We neglect the action of gravity and assume that the pressure is constant everywhere. The flow is assumed to be directed parallel to the x-axis. Then the equation of motion of a viscous fluid in dimensionless variables has the form.


The exact solution of the equation under the conditions:


looks like:


Let us replace (39) with the difference relation:


From here, considering the boundary conditions, we obtain an approximate solution in the form [15]:


Note that, limtuty=limtu1ty=y.

There is another approach to obtaining an approximate solution to Eq. (39). We replace (39) with the following equation:


Considering Eq. (42) y as a parameter, and solving it, we get


This shows that partial approximation gives the best result (Figures 23 and 24).

Figure 23.

Comparison of (39) and (41) (red light approx. solution).

Figure 24.

Comparison of (39), (41), and (43) on the section y = 0.8. Blue line on (41) black on (43), red fine.

2.4.3 Non-stationary convection-diffusion differential equation

Consider the equation


Under appropriate boundary and initial conditions. We approximate Eq. (44) as follows


(45) is an implicit difference scheme with a moving node. In this case, the convective term was approximated by the scheme against the flow, and the diffusion term, as usual, with the second order of accuracy.

The comparison obtained with the help of (45) of the approximate solution with the exact solution (44) under the conditions U0x=x2+x, UWt=0, UEt=1+ePet, fxt=1+PexePet+2x2/Pe is shown in Figure 25. Exact solution (W=0,E=1)Фxt=x2+ePetx. In Figure 25, the solid curves are the exact solution, the dotted curves are the approximate solution, and the graphs correspond to the sections x=0,1;x=0,5;x=0,8. Figure 26 same results corresponding to t=1;t=5;t=10.

Figures 25 and 26 show the acceptability of the approximate solution for the MNM.

Figure 25.

Comparison solution Pe=0,5.

Figure 26.

Comparison solution Pe=0,5.

It should be noted that with increasing Pe the discrepancy between the exact and approximate solutions increases. On Figures 27 and 28 compare the same problem with Pe=2.

Figure 27.

Comparison solution. Pe=2.

Figure 28.

Comparison solution. Pe=2.

Thus, the MMN makes it possible to obtain an approximate analytical solution.

2.5 MNM for two-dimensional boundary value problems

Now let us consider the application of MMN to two-dimensional boundary value problems to obtain rough approximate solutions of DE.

Consider a convex closed two-dimensional region (Figure 29). P point inside area. If P changes position inside the region, the boundary points E,N,W,S change their positions while being on the border of the region.

Figure 29.

The convex closed two-dimensional region.

When studying stationary processes of various physical natures (oscillations, heat conduction, diffusion, hydrodynamics, etc.), one usually leads to equations of the elliptic type. The most common equation of this type is the Poisson equation.

There are various approximate-analytical and numerical methods for the equation of mathematical physics.

Consider the two-dimensional Poisson equation in a rectangle xyWE×SN


with boundary conditions.


Take an arbitrary point in the rectangle approximation of second-order partial derivatives:


Substituting (46) and (49) into (46), and solving, the resulting equation with respect to uxy, we have


This is the approximate analytical solution of the Poisson equation in a rectangle. (49) satisfies the boundary conditions. Due to the fact that (48) and (49) is an approximate relation for the approximation of the second derivatives (50) is an approximate solution. Nevertheless, (50) gives an acceptable solution to many practical problems.

Consider examples.

2.5.1 Test problems

  1. Consider the Laplace equation in a rectangle 01×01 with boundary conditions U0y=0,U1y=y,Ux0=0,Ux1=x. The exact solution to this problem is Uxy=xy. If we use the approximate solution (50), we obtain. In this case, the approximate solution coincides with the exact solution.

  2. The function Uxy=x2+y2, with boundary conditions U0y=y2, U1y=1y2,Ux0=x2,Ux1=x21 satisfies the Laplace equation. Relation (50) gives us an identical result.

  3. The function Uxy=lnx2+y2, with boundary conditions U1y=ln1y2,U2y=ln4+y2,Ux0=lnx2,Ux1=lnx2+1 in the region 12×01, satisfies the Laplace equation. An approximate solution based on (50) gives uxy=12xx1+y1yy1yx1ln4+y2+2xln1+y2+2xx1yln1+x2++1ylnx2If we compare the exact and approximate solutions in the area under consideration at points xi=1+ih,yj=jh,i,j=1,2,n with a step h=0,1 for the maximum difference, we obtain 0,0011.

  4. The function Uxy=x3y3, with boundary conditions, U0y=y3,U1y=1y3,Ux0=x3,Ux1=x31 satisfies Eq. (46) for fxy=6x6y. Based on (50), the approximate solution has the form:


The maximum absolute difference between the exact and approximate solutions calculated by points xi=1+ih,yj=jh,i,j=1,2,n,h=0,1 is 0.048.

If we approximate the right side based on the control volume [35], the approximate solution has the form:


and the maximum absolute difference between the exact and approximate solutions calculated by points xi=1+ih,yj=jh,i,j=1,2,n,h=0,1 is 0.024.

2.5.2 Flow in an ellipsoidal pipe

The equation describing the one-dimensional flow in an ellipsoidal tube of a viscous fluid has the form:


Here u is the flow rate, μ is the flow viscosity, Δp/l (Δp/l = const) is the pressure drop. Eq. (51) is considered in the area y2a2+z2b21 (section of an ellipsoidal pipe, Figure 30), and the boundary condition is the no-slip condition (U = 0).

Figure 30.

Ellipsoidal pipe section.

Eq. (51) is replaced by the difference


Hence, given that


we get


coinciding with the exact solution.

2.5.3 Two-dimensional temperature field in a solid

This problem is reduced to solving an equation ΔT=0, with boundary conditions


Exact solution to the problem


where Аn=2T01n1sh.

Approximate solution


The maximum absolute difference between the exact and approximate solutions calculated by points xi=ih,yj=jh,i,j=1,2,n,h=0,01 is 0.015.

Thus, the method presented here allows for obtaining solutions to Dirichlet problems. To improve the solution, the mesh refinement technique can be used.

To increase the accuracy, increase the number of moved nodes. When the number of nodes to be moved is four, we get.


The maximum absolute difference between the exact and approximate solutions, calculated by points xi=ih,yj=jh,i,j=1,2,n,h=0,1, is 0.14 according to the formula with one moving node, and when calculating with five moving nodes, it is 0.07.

2.5.4 Flow in a rectangular pipe

Eq. (51) also describes the flow of an incompressible viscous fluid in a rectangular pipe. Let us denote the height of the rectangle parallel to the axis Oz as 2h, and the base parallel to the axis Oy as – 2σh, where σ is any positive constant. We draw the axis through the center of the rectangle and direct it downstream.

Let us transform Eq. (51) into a dimensionless form. For the scale of lengths, we take the height, h, and for the scale of speeds—the value h2/μΔp/l. We introduce the following dimensionless quantities:


Substituting into (51), we obtain


Boundary conditions for (52)


Eq. (52) is replaced by a difference equation and taking into account the boundary condition (53) we have


From here we determine the approximate analytical solution:


The exact solution of the problem has the form:


Figure 31 shows a comparison of the exact and approximate solutions on the cross-section x=0 for σ=1. The maximum absolute difference between the exact and approximate solutions is 0.045.

Figure 31.

Comparison of the solution on the section according to (54).

To increase the accuracy of the approximate solution in Eq. (52), we approximate only one of the terms. For example, we approximate Eq. (52) as follows:


We got an ordinary differential equation, we consider the variable Y in Eq. (55) as a parameter. We solve Eq. (55) with constant coefficients, considering the boundary conditions, we find an approximate solution


Here k=2/σYY+σ,С2=1kexpkexpkexp2kexp2k, С1=С2exp2k1kexpk.

Figure 31 shows a comparison of the exact approximate solution obtained based on (56) on the cross-section x=0 at σ=1. A comparison of Figures 31 and 32 shows that the calculation by formula (56) gives a more accurate result. The maximum absolute difference between the exact and approximate solutions is equal to that obtained by (56) and equals 0.024. In Figures 31 and 32 solid curves are the exact solution.

Figure 32.

Comparison of the solution on the section according to (56).

2.5.5 Flow at the inlet section of the pipe

With appropriate simplifications, the flow of a viscous incompressible fluid in a dimensionless form is described by the following differential equation:


Here, N = −12 is the pressure drop, Re is the Reynolds number. The equations are considered in the area D:0,5<x<0.5,0<y<L. (Figure 33). Boundary conditions for (57):

Figure 33.

Coordinate systems and the region of solution.


The convective term is linearizable


Approximating in (57) by the liquid volume y+05/2<y<y05/2, we obtain an ordinary equation, solving which we obtain an approximate solution:


where k1,2=Re21±1+32Re214y2.

For comparison, solutions (57) were also made with the numerical method.

Figure 34 shows the velocity profiles obtained on the basis of an approximate solution. The solid curve to the section x=0,1, and the pointed curve to x=0,5, the dotted one corresponds to the section x=3. Figure 35 shows a comparison of the approximate and numerical solution of Eq. (57). The solid lines correspond to the solution (58), and the dotted lines correspond to the numerical solution (velocity profiles are given for the cross-section x=0,1 and x=0,5).

Figure 34.

Approximate solution based on (58). Velocity profiles corresponding to sections x=0,1;0,5;3. Re = 1, L = 5.

Figure 35.

Comparison of approximate and numerical solution. Re = 1, L = 5.

2.6 Solution of the flow problem in the combined region

Exact solution. Let a liquid flow in a flat pipe partially filled with a porous medium. The lower part of the horizontal pipe is filled with a porous medium of height h (pipe height H). Considering the flow to be one-dimensional and stationary, we obtain from the Rakhmatulin equation [16, 17], we obtain


In (59) for the parameter K, we use the Kozeny-Karman relation as adopted in porous media:


where the k=d2f31501f2, permeability, d is the characteristic size of the porous medium.

Let us pass to dimensionless variables assuming u=u¯U,y=y¯H,x=x¯H, p=ρU2Rep¯. Then Eq. (59) in dimensionless form for f=const, has the form:


Here A=180H/d21f2/f2.

In the free zone, the one-dimensional flow satisfies the equation


In the future, in Eqs. (61) and (62), we release the dash above the variables.

Eq. (61) is considered when 0<y<h0, and Eq. (62) h0<y<1. Equations are solved under the following boundary conditions.

No-slip conditions for Eq. (61) to the lower walls, and for Eq. (62) to the upper walls:


In the inner boundary region, we set the conditions for the continuity of the flow and the equality of the shear stress:


It is easy to obtain an analytical solution of (61) and (62) under the given boundary conditions. Figure 36 shows an analytical solution. The dimensionless pressure difference is adopted dp¯dx¯=12, so that it corresponds to the flow without a porous layer. The dotted line corresponds to the solution obtained with a porosity of 0.3, and the dotted-dotted line is 0.5.

Figure 36.

Exact solution: velocity distributions for different porosity values.

Numerical solution. Consider eq. (61) for the entire region and set


In this case, Eq. (61) in the pure region takes the form (62). Thus, Eq. (61) can be used in the entire area, with porosity (65), while the interboundary conditions are satisfied automatically (in the porous layer, the porosity is taken equal to ε). For this purpose, a finite-difference approximation of Eq. (61) was compiled and calculated using the sweep method in the combined region. Figure 37 presents the results of numerical calculations (solid curves are the analytical solution, and point data are the numerical results). This shows that it is possible to perform a thorough calculation without highlighting the interboundary condition.

Figure 37.

Comparison of exact and numerical results for different porosity values.

Approximate analytical solution using a moving node. Using the moving node method, one can find an approximate analytical solution to the problem.

Eqs. (61) and (62) is approximated by difference relations:


In the difference Eqs. (66) and (67) no-slip boundary conditions are used. In Eqs. (66) and (67) uG— the value of the unknown function on the inner boundary. To find uG, we use the second interboundary condition (64). We put in (66) yh00, then we have


If in (67) yh0+0 then we have:


Using (64), we obtain


Using (70) from (66) and (67) we determine the distribution of velocities in the porous


and free zone


Figure 38 compares the exact and approximate solutions (the solid line is the exact solution, and the dotted line is the approximate one obtained using (71) and (72) at A=40000,h0=0,2).

Figure 38.

Solution comparison.


3. Application of the moving node method

In the first chapter, we considered MNM for some boundary value problems in order to obtain an approximate analytical solution. This chapter focuses on some uses of moved nodes. With the help of multipoint moving nodes, improved schemes are built for the convective-diffusion problem. It is proposed to improve the accuracy of schemes using the Richardson extrapolation method. Some properties of schemes are also presented for research with the help of MNM

3.1 Obtaining discrete compact schemes for the convective-diffusion problem of MNN

Of great interest is the construction and analysis of the discretization of a singularly perturbed ordinary differential equation of the second order. The equation of convection-diffusion is basic in modeling fluid flow at high Reynolds numbers and in convective mass exchange at high Peclet numbers. Many works are devoted to this subject [25, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45].

Numerical solutions of the convection-diffusion equation often show numerical fluctuations. In practical calculations, many authors have observed parasitic oscillations at high Peclet numbers when the central approximation for the convective term is used. On the other hand, the upwind scheme usually leads to unpleasant artificial numerical diffusion.

This dilemma is central to the numerical solutions of convection-diffusion problems.

In order to compute approximate solutions to a partial differential equation, some form of local approximation must be used. This means that the decision values at each node are used to generate an approximate decision value. With finite differences, one usually tries to make the local area as compact as possible, for example, using only neighboring nodes when updating on a node.

If we consider the approximation of the convection-diffusion problem on a uniform grid, we can observe that most of the literature deals with the choice between schemes in a three-point pattern: (W,P,E). To obtain an approximation of a high order of accuracy, it is necessary to increase the number of points of the computational pattern.

Here we use the structure described in the first chapter to derive a new finite difference scheme [14]. Although such a procedure cannot be easily generalized to partial differential equations with variable coefficients.

Consider the DE of convection-diffusion


with boundary conditions.


where Pe is the Peclet number Pe=ρvL/Г, (v is the velocity, ρ density, L is the length scale, Г is the diffusion coefficient, x is the dimensionless coordinate, S(х) is the source.

On [0,1] we introduce a non-uniform grid


In the first chapter, with the help of moving nodes, an analytical solution to problem (73), (74) was constructed. When constructing compact circuits, we rely on a circuit against the flow, which is monotonic for any Peclet numbers.

Let us rewrite the scheme against the flow (21) for the segment (W,E)


In (75), the equation relates the unknown function at three points: W,x,E, i.e. Eq. (75) is written in a three-point pattern. Now let us write Eq. (75) for an arbitrary internal node xi, which is connected with neighboring nodes xi1,xi+1. Then


Here, i=1,2,,i,,N1 and Ui1 means the approximate value of the unknown function at the node xi.

This schema can be rewritten like this:


But now


To increase accuracy, based on three moving nodes (28),


here aE3=8xi+1xi1xi+1xi1+γ1,aW3=2Pexixi11+τ1+8xi+1xi1xixi11+τ1, aP3=aW3+aE3, θ=Pexi+1xi,σ=Pexixi1,τ1=2/2+σ,γ1=2+θ/2 Fi3=PeSxi+4+Pexi+1xi1xi+1xi11τ11+τ1Sxi1/2+4xi+1xi1γ11γ1+1Sxi+1/2


Based on with 2k1 moving nodes (31), we have




Let us consider numerical experiments.

Figures 39 and 40 show graphs for solving problem (73), (74) for Pe=50on segments 01 with boundary conditions Ф0=0,Ф1=1. Figure 39 corresponds to Sx=5cos4x, and the graphs in Figure 40 are obtained with

Figure 39.

Comparison of various schemes with source term Sx=5cos4x.

Figure 40.

Comparison of various schemes with source term (81).


The numerical results are obtained for h=0,1 and the grid Peclet number is equal to 5. The solid lines are plots of the exact solutions of the problem. Circle symbols are obtained for the upwind scheme, rectangles according to the Patankar scheme, asterisks according to (79), diamonds according to (80) at k=2, and circles according to (80) at k=7.

Table 1 shows the root-mean-square errors σ=1NФxiUi2/N for the considered schemes. Фi is exact solution at nodal points, Ui is numerical solution obtained by the considered schemes, N number of nodes.

SchemeUpwindPatankar(79)(80), k = 2(80), k = 7
Sx with (81)0.2820.1990.1540.0770.003

Table 1.

The root-mean-square errors.

From Figures 39 and 40, and from the Table 1, it is clear that the proposed schemes give good results.

3.2 Construction of compact schemes of the convective-diffusion problem based on the finite volume method

The finite volume method is one of the methods that can give a good approximate solution to the problem. Here we explore the application of the finite volume method to solve the convection-diffusion equation for constructing compact schemes.

The basic strategy of all finite volume methods is to write the differential equation in a conservative form, integrate it over small domains (called “cells” or “finite volumes”), and transform each such integral over the cell boundary.

Our goal is to construct a qualitative scheme for the problem (82)


based on the control volume method. The procedure for obtaining a scheme is similar to that described in paragraph 3.1.

On [0,1] we introduce a non-uniform grid


In the first chapter, with the help of moving nodes, an analytical solution to problem (82), (83) was constructed using the control volume method in the form.


Here τk=βkβk+,γk=αk+αk,βk=2kDW+F,βk+=2kDW+F+, αk=2kDE+F, αk+=2kDE+F+, F=maxF0, F+=maxF0, DE=Г/Ex, DW=Г/xW.

Now let us write Eq. (84) for an arbitrary internal node xi, which is connected with neighboring nodes xi1,xi+1.



What does it have to do with DE=Г/xi+1xi,DW=Г/xixi1.

3.3 Improving the accuracy of circuits using the Richardson extrapolation method

The Richardson extrapolation method is used to solve grid problems on a sequence of grids. The method consists in carrying out calculations for the same circuit, with different steps. Then we have several grid solutions. On the basis of the grid solutions, some linear combination is compiled. The resulting linear combination has a higher order of accuracy.

Creation of new schemes using Richardson extrapolation based on the schemes given in paragraph 3.1.

The accuracy of scheme (76), with a uniform arrangement of grid nodes, is Oh. Scheme (79) has order Oh/2. For a linear combination Q3xi=13U1xi+43U3xi, we get an approximation error for a uniform grid Oh2. A linear combination of U1xi,U3xi and U7xi in the form Q7xi=145U1xi49U3xi+6445U7xi has an approximation order of Oh4. Consider N=10, Sx=x2, Pe=30. Table 2 shows the absolute difference between the exact and approximate solutions according to the schemes.


Table 2.

The absolute difference between the exact and approximate solutions.

Table 3 shows the root-mean-square error σ=1NФxiUi2/N for the considered schemes. Фxi the exact solution at the nodal points, Ui is the numerical solution obtained by the considered schemes.

S = x2, Pe = 50, ФW = 0, ФE = 10.0470.0230.0110.0150.006
S = 10, Pe = 50, ФW = 0, ФE = 10.0330.0170.0080.0110.005
S = x2, Pe = 100, ФW = 0, ФE = 10.0340.0140.0060.0080.003
S = 5cos(4πx), Pe = 50, ФW = 0, ФE = 10.2130.1200.0610.0900.038

Table 3.

Comparison by the root-mean-square errors.

Figures 41 and 42 show numerical solutions for ФW = 0, ФE = 0.

Figure 41.

Pe = 100, S = 5cos4πx Solid curve exact solution, circle obtained by scheme U1, circle by U3, solid rectangle by U7, diamond by Q3, star by Q7.

Figure 42.

Pe = 100, S = exp.(−4x). Solid curve exact solution, circle obtained by scheme U1, circle by U3, solid rectangle by U7, diamond by Q3, star by Q7.

From the graphs in Figures 41 and 42, and from Tables 2 and 3, it is clear that the Richardson linear combination allows you to get a more improved circuit.

3.4 Influence of the choice of profile on the face of the control volume on the quality of difference schemes

When obtaining discrete analogs of the convective-diffusion problems given above, on the basis of multipoint PUs, it was possible to construct better compact circuits in a three-point template. However, there is another approach to improve the quality of the scheme based on the choice of the decision profile.

Since the work of Leonard, in order to improve the results of the numerical solution, attempts have been made to improve the algorithm, which is built in a five-point pattern.

In all the above schemes (except for the scheme against the flow), the conditions of boundedness and non-negativity of the coefficients are violated.

Here it is proposed to improve the scheme based on the choice of the solution profile on the edge of the control volume in the three-point template of the convective-diffusion problem. The upwind scheme with one-sided differences is taken as the initial scheme. The QUICK scheme uses quadratic upwind interpolation to determine the convective flow. Here we use the solution obtained by the upwind scheme based on the method of moving nodes.

MNM for simple cases allows one to obtain an analytical representation of the solution between the nodal points of the boundary value problem. Based on this representation, it is possible to construct a better discrete scheme.

We integrate (73) over the control volume we


Replacing the derivatives with difference relations, we have


Here fP=1xexwweSxdx. Depending on the type of function profile Ф on the control volume, different schemes are obtained.

Let the profile Ф be piecewise constant in each control volume. Then, assuming Фe=ФP,Фw=ФW, we have an upwind scheme:


If the profile Ф is linear between the nodes and the edges of the control volume are located in the middle between the node points, we have a scheme with central differences:


To improve the accuracy of circuits, many authors recommended various circuits. All these schemes are multipoint (more than three). Here is a way to improve three-point circuits.

From (87) we get


If the nodes xE and xW are fixed, and the node xP is movable, we get a profile ФP between the nodes xE and xW. This profile is used in (86) to determine Фe and Фw.

To improve scheme (87), we proceed as follows. Eq. (89) connects at three nodes (xW,xP, xE), if we apply Eq. (89) for nodes ( xW,xw, xP), we have


Similarly, for nodes ( xP,xe, xE), we have


Substituting (90) and (91) into (86) we have


The condition Rh<4 is ensured by the positivity of the coefficients and the stability of the scheme (92).

Proceeding similarly as in the derivation of (92), but using (92) for the profile, for a uniform step we obtain


Test problems

1. Consider the equation


with boundary conditions u0=u1=0. Table 4 shows the maximum absolute differences of the schemes calculated at the nodal points ( u is the exact solution of the problem, u1 is the solution obtained according to the upwind scheme, u2 is according to the power law, u3 according to the Leonard scheme, u4 according to (92) and u5- according to the scheme (93).


Table 4.

The maximum absolute differences.

2. Consider the equation


with boundary conditions u0=0,u1=1, with source


Figure 43 shows that scheme (93) gives the best results. Leonard’s scheme gives an incorrect solution near the right boundary. Scheme (92) also exhibits a slight non-monotonicity. This is due to the fact that scheme (92) is stable for Rk<4.

Figure 43.

Comparison of various schemes. Pe=100,Rh=5. The solid line is the exact solution, the circle is the upwind scheme, the circle is the Patankar scheme, the asterisk is the Leonard scheme, + is the scheme (92), the diamond is according to (93).

Figure 44 Shows that for large grid Peclet numbers, the upstream and Patankar schemes give close results. Scheme (93) gives the best results. This can also be seen in Table 5, which compares the considered schemes (SDS—central scheme).

Figure 44.

Comparison of various schemes. Re=500,Rh=25. The solid line is the exact solution, the circle is the upwind scheme, the circle is the Patankar scheme, the asterisk is the Leonard scheme, + is the scheme (92), the diamond is according to (93).


Table 5.

Comparison of circuits with respect to grid Peclet number.

3. Two-dimensional case. Consider the equation


Exact solution g=6y101y101x3+6x3y1y. The equations are solved in the area 01×01. The source term is defined so that the given function is a solution to the equation. The boundary conditions were determined based on the exact solution. Table 6 shows the results of calculations according to the schemes.


Table 6.

Results of calculations of errors according to the schemes.

From Table 6, it is clear that the proposed schemes show the best results.

3.5 Schema improvement with flow equality

MNM can improve the quality of the scheme. We demonstrate this method based on the upwind scheme (87) written in the form:


In (94) we pass to the limit at xExP and, assuming the existence of the limit, we have


Here, P/dxP is the left-hand derivative of the unknown function at the point xP. From here


Similarly, taking an arbitrary point xxPxE and passing to the limit xxP, we find


By equating +/dx=/dx the flows, we get an improved scheme:




Figure 45 shows a comparison of the exact solution and the schemes according to (87) and (96) for Pe = 5, with one moving node (S(х) = 0). It can be seen from the graph that the solution is improving. Numerical diffusion decreases.

Figure 45.

Comparison of schemes. The solid curve is the exact solution, the dotted line according to (87), the dotted line according to (96).

3.6 Investigation of the scheme by the MNM

At this point, we are dealing with monotonicity and MMN approximation of the circuit. On the basis of the analytical form of the approximate solution of the problem between the nodes, which is obtained on the basis of the MMN, it is possible to investigate monotonicity and the type of approximation of the scheme.

3.6.1 Investagation of monotonicity

Scheme with central-difference approximation of the convective term. Consider Eq. (73). Take a segment xi1xi+101 and any point xxixi1xi+1. Consider the grid analog (73)


If we set x=xi+1+xi1/2, we have a central-difference approximation. Here, ui+1 is the approximate value of the solution at the point xi+1, u is the approximate value of the solution at the point x. To obtain a physically plausible solution in simple cases, we set S(x) = 0.

From (97) we find


By changing x the values on the interval xi1xi+1, we can determine the behavior of the solution. For given values xi+1,xi1,ui1,ui+1 (98) is a parabola.

From (98) one can get


A physically plausible solution is obtained if 0uui1ui+1ui11. This condition imposes a restriction 2Pexi+1x0. This condition is the condition of monotonicity of the central-difference scheme for a non-uniform grid. In the case of a uniform grid, we have 2Peh. This condition is the well-known monotonicity condition [46]. For a coarse grid (N = 2, one movable node) at Pe = 5, the solution of exact and approximate solutions are shown in Figure 46.

Figure 46.

Comparison of solutions in a coarse grid. The dotted curve is approximate, the solid curve is exact, Pe = 5 (Ф0 = 0, Ф1 = 1).

In Figure 46, the solid curve represents the exact solution, while the dotted one represents the approximate solution obtained on the basis of (99). It can be seen from the graph that scheme (99) does not give a physically plausible analytical solution. That is why scheme (99) for large Peclet numbers gives an oscillatory numerical solution. A plausible solution should have the same qualitative character as the exact solution. When solving numerically, scheme (97) is implemented using a sweep, and for the stability of the sweep, the nodes are selected so that 2Pexi+1xi0. For example, for a coarse grid (one nodal point), the credibility condition gives xi0,6. Indeed, for Pe = 5, it 2Pe1х0 follows that xi0,6 (see Figure 46).

For Pe = 2, comparisons of the solutions are shown in Figure 47, which gives a physically plausible solution.

Figure 47.

Comparison of the solution in a coarse grid. The dotted curve is approximate, the solid curve is exact, Pe = 2 (Ф0 = 0, Ф1 = 1).

Upwind scheme. Let us consider a difference analog of Eq. (73), in which the convective term is approximated by a one-sided difference relation (without a source)


From here we get




Since, the right side of relation (100) into segments is a hyperbola and therefore we have 0uui1ui+1ui11. Those the upstream circuit is always monotonic. Figure 48 shows a comparison of the exact and approximate analytical solutions (Pe = 5). However, numerical diffusion occurs.

Figure 48.

Comparison of the solution in a coarse grid. The dotted curve is approximate, and the solid curve is exact (Ф0 = 0, Ф1 = 1).

3.7 An explicit expression of the approximation error of ordinary differential equations based on the moved node method

Here discusses the issue of the possibility of calculating the approximation error. When replacing differential equations with discrete ones, one of the key issues is the closeness of the discrete solution to the exact solution. For the difference solution to the problem, a grid area is formed. The discrete solution is determined at the nodal points. Traditionally, in questions of replacing a differential equation with a descriptive one, one usually indicates the degree of approximation of the O(hp) type. Here h is the grid step.

However, it is possible to calculate the approximation error at nodal points based on the method of moving nodes. The method of moving nodes allows for obtaining an approximate analytical expression. On the basis of the approximate form, it is possible to calculate the approximation error. On the other hand, at each node one can construct a differential analog of the difference equation. Using simple examples, the calculation of approximation errors is demonstrated and schemes of the collocation type are constructed.

3.7.1 Introduction

Here describes the application of the moving nodes method to the calculation of the approximation error. When a two-point boundary value problem is solved by different methods, the question of the degree of approximation usually appears. The closeness of the exact and approximation of the solution, and the quality of the difference scheme are evaluated based on the degree of this parameter. With such an analysis, other parameters (the coefficients of the differential equation) are not explicitly involved in the approximation error expression. Obtaining an explicit expression for the approximation error makes it possible to analyze it.

Consider the simplest ordinary differential equation with boundary conditions


where С—const.

Create a uniform grid on segments [0,1] with step h. A uniform grid on a segment x ∈ [0, 1] with step h has the form:


Let us replace the second-order derivative with the difference relation:


Difference scheme (102) traditionally has order O(h2). However, if we solve system (102) by the Tomas algorithm, we obtain a numerical solution that coincides with the exact analytical solution for any grid steps h at the grid nodes. Those. scheme (102) approximates (101) exactly.

3.7.2 Methodology

Let us have a differential equation


where L is a differential operator, f is a known function, and u is an unknown function. (103) the equation is considered in some domain D with appropriate boundary conditions. The differential Eq. (103) is replaced by the difference equation:


where Lh is the difference operator, uh is the unknown grid function, and fh is the approximation of the function f at the grid nodes.

Usually, the approximation error is given as [2, 3]:


where [u]h is the exact solution of (103) at the grid nodes. Using the Taylor series, from (105) one obtains that, Qh = O(hm), where h is the grid step and m is the degree of approximation.

You can determine an explicit approximation error if you use the method of a moving node, which allows you to extend the definition to the entire area D. This allows you to introduce an approximation error like this:


Here {u}h is a predefined continuous function by means of a moveable node. The approximate calculation of the approximation error of type (106) is demonstrated using simple examples.

3.7.3 Results and discussion

As an application of the above approach, consider examples.

1. Consider a simple boundary value problem:


Let us build a non-uniform grid on segments [0; 1]:


In the non-uniform grid, we replace (107) with the difference problem:


Here Ui is the grid solution of the problem. From here


We redefine the value of the function at non-nodal points as follows. To do this, we consider in (109) xi+1,xi1,Ui1,Ui+1, to be fixed, and xi to be moved, and the function f(x) to be smooth. Thus, we will complete the grid function on each segment xi1xi+1. From (109) we get


Then the approximation error for the nodal points looks like this:


If the grid is uniform for the approximation error, we obtain the expression


If on the segments xi1xi+1 the function constant approximation error is identically equal to zero and we get the exact solution.

Based on expression (110), the following conclusion can be drawn.

Given a two-point boundary value problem


and fx can be represented as


then the difference scheme


gives a grid solution coinciding with the exact solution at the nodal points.

If there is only one internal node point (the node being moved is one), then an approximate analytical solution can be obtained. Indeed, if we rewrite scheme (108) for one moving node, we have


From here we obtain an approximate analytical solution:


In this case, (114) represents the exact solution to the problem (107).

if we put


The form of the approximation error (111) allows the construction of new schemes of the collocation type. Indeed, if in problem (108) we replace the right side with the expression


Here A is still an unknown constant. Parameter A is determined so that the approximation error (111) for a uniform step at node xi is equal to zero, i.e. collocation type scheme. Then we have


2. Consider a stationary equation in which only convection and diffusion are present without a source.


with boundary conditions v0=0,v1=1.

There are various schemes for the difference solution (115). Based on the moving node technique, it is possible to explicitly express local errors in the approximation of differential equations. Using the moving node method, we will show the efficient calculation of local approximation errors for the model problem (115).

Scheme with central-difference approximation of the convective term. Take a segment xi1xi+1 and any point xxi1xi+1. Consider the different analog (115).


At x=xi1+xi+1/2, we have a central difference approximation. Here, u is the approximate value of the solution at point x.

From (116) we find.


From here we get,


If the difference solution at nodal points is known, then formula (117) makes it possible to determine the unknown at points that are not nodal.

Using formulas (118) and (119), the derivatives are restored at any point of the segment. Multiplying (119) by and adding with (118), we obtain.




Eq. (120) can be called a differential analog of the difference Eq. (16); difference Eq. (116) is a collocation-type scheme.

Using (119), the approximation error can be written as.


Then Eq. (120) takes the form


Thus, difference Eq. (116) exactly approximates differential Eq. (121) on the segment xi1xi+1.

Comparison of Eqs. (115) and (121) shows that when Eq. (115) is approximated by scheme (116), scheme diffusion appears with a variable coefficient xi+1+xi12x/2.

Upwind Scheme. Let us consider the difference analog of Eq. (115), in which the convective term is approximated by the one-sided difference relation.


From here we get


Determine the first and second derivatives:


Let us calculate the approximation error.


The differential analog of scheme (122) has the form.


those with a scheme against the flow, we have a scheme diffusion with a coefficient xi+1x/2. Based on (123)—is a hyperbola, which is monotone on the segment, i.e. scheme (122) is monotonic.

Based on the form of the differential analog (126), we can conclude that the differential equation


is exactly approximated by the scheme


Thus solving (128) with respect to u, we obtain the exact solution of differential Eq. (127).

3.8 On convergence of MNM

Let us show the convergence of MNM on model problems.

1. Consider the Cauchy problem


Let us replace the derivative with the forward difference,


In (130) U1x the approximate value of the unknown function at the moving point is if there is only one moving node.

Using (130) we write the difference Eq. (129)


Take, now, two moving x nodes and x/2. For these points, we write difference equations of the type (131)


Eliminating these equations U2x/2, we get


For three moved nodes x/3, 2x/3 and x we get


If the number of nodes n, we get


If we strive for the number of nodes to infinity, we get


Thus, we obtain the exact solution to problem (129).

2. Consider the problem


For this problem, the difference scheme with 2k1 moving nodes has the form (29):



aE2k1=22k+11γk1x1γk2k,aW2k1=22k+1Pe1τkx1τk2k+22k+11τkx1τk2k,aP2л1=aW2л1+aE2л1. τk=2k/2k+σ,γk=2k+θ/2k, θ=Pe1x.

If we find from (135) U2k1 and pass to the limit at k, we have


The obtained limit coincides with the exact solution.


4. Conclusions

Summary: Derivation of approximate analytical solutions of differential equations by the moving nodes method

  • The method of moving nodes allows one to obtain approximate analytical solutions for boundary value problems of mathematical physics.

  • This is especially true in engineering applications, to obtain a rough analytical representation of the solution. The analytical method has its advantages over the numerical ones for its subsequent use and analysis of the structure of the solution.

  • To refine the solution of differential equations, you can achieve this by adding the number of nodes to be moved.

  • The examples given show the possibilities of applying and using the method of moving nodes for applied problems.

  • Using the method of moving nodes based on the upwind scheme, compact schemes with high resolution for convective-diffusion problems are constructed.

Summary: Application of the moving node method

  • Using the method of moving nodes based on the control volume method, compact schemes with high resolution for convective-diffusion problems are constructed.

  • Using a combination of moving node methods and Richardson’s extrapolation, compact, high-resolution schemes for convective-diffusion problems are constructed.

  • Choices of the influence of the profile on the faces of the control volume are studied.

  • The possibilities of using movable nodes for the analysis of schemes are shown.

  • Based on the method of moving nodes, the possibilities of finding errors in the approximation of differential equations are shown.

  • For simple problems, the convergence of the moving nodes method is given.


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Written By

Umurdin Dalabaev and Malika Ikramova

Reviewed: 23 August 2022 Published: 17 February 2023