Open access peer-reviewed chapter

On the Analytical Properties of Prime Numbers

Written By

Shazali Abdalla Fadul

Submitted: 01 December 2022 Reviewed: 06 December 2022 Published: 10 August 2023

DOI: 10.5772/intechopen.109365

From the Edited Volume

Numerical Simulation - Advanced Techniques for Science and Engineering

Edited by Ali Soofastaei

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In this work we have studied the prime numbers in the model P=am+1,m,a>1∈N. and the number in the form q=mam+bm+1in particular, we provided tests for hem. This is considered a generalization of the work José María Grau and Antonio M. Oller-marcén prove that if Cma=mam+1 is a generalized Cullen number then mam≡−1amodCma. In a second paper published in 2014, they also presented a test for Broth’s numbers in Form kpn+1 where k<pn. These results are basically a generalization of the work of W. Bosma and H.C Williams who studied the cases, especially when p=2,3, as well as a generalization of the primitive MillerRabin test. In this study in particular, we presented a test for numbers in the form mam+bm+1in the form of a polynomial that highlights the properties of these numbers as well as a test for the Fermat and Mersinner numbers and p=ab+1a,b>1∈Nand p=qa+1where qis primeoddare special cases of the number mam+bm+1when btakes a specific value. For example, we proved if p=qa+1where q is odd prime and a>1∈N where πj=1qqjthen ∑j=1q−2πj−Cmaq−j−1q−am≡χmq−ammodp Components of proof Binomial theorem Fermat’s Litter Theorem Elementary algebra.


  • broth numbers
  • Cullen number
  • polynomial
  • Fermat number
  • Mersinne numbers

1. Introduction

No algorithm that produces prime numbers in explicit forms, or rather, this goal was not reached, mathematicians resorted to an alternative method to discover prime numbers, which are primitive tests since Fermat’s era or before, and this method proved its effectiveness to the extent that many prime numbers were discovered The Great Until. Euler studied Fermat’s prime numbers and discovered some of them. Cullen, Broth and Mersinne also studied those numbers, as well as Pedro Berrizbeitia, Wieb Bosma and A. Schönhage. The results that we reached in this study are in the same way as those who followed the work of [1, 2, 3]. In a paper published on March 11, 2011 MO [3] prove the following result. Cma is a prime where Cma=mam+1then mam1amodCma And in a paper published on July 10, 4102 using the same ideas found in MO [2], they proved [3] the following result. Let N=kpn+1.

where is p is odd prime and k<pn Assume that aZis a p-th power non-residue modulo N, then N is a prime if only if ϕpaN1p0modN. The numbers in form Cma=mam+1 are called Cullen numbers, first studied by Cullen in 1905. And the numbers in the form of kpn+1 are called the Broth numbers and we call the number primes the form MP=2P1 mersenne number discovered in 2005 by Martin nowak the largest prime number of Mersenne M25964951 and 42 in the list. We know about Mersenne’s number if Mp it is not prime then there is a prime number q=2pr+1 where Mp/q example M11 of a non-prime. Also there is a relationship between Mersenne prime and the perfect numbers. And number in form Fn=22n+1 are called Fermat numbers were first studied by Pierre de Fermat, The importance of these numbers lies in providing the large prime numbers of the known. All the large prime numbers are in the form man+bor an+b, for example, in 2021, 2525532.732525532+1was discovered the largest prime number defined by Tom Greer. There is a program in the Internet called [Prime Grid] The goal of discovering this is a kind of numbers See Researchers use several techniques in the study such as preliminary tests and high-precision computers. Prove Broth if N=k2n+1 where K is odd and k<2n if aN121modN same aZthen N is a prime. The next important step was made in 1914 by Pocklington his result is the first generalization of Proth’s theorem suitable for numbers of the form prove Pocklington if N=Kpn+1 where K is odd and k<pn if for same aZ aN11modNandg.c.daN1p1p then N is prime. There are many works that discuss Broth’s theorem and numbers. Case p=3 studied by W. Bosma [4] and A. Guthmann [5] Also, for a discussion on the Broth numbers, see H.C Williams [6, 7] P. Berrizbeitia [8, 9].

The purpose of this work is to study the numbers in model mam+bm+1and p=ba+1 where a,b>1Zand p=aq+1,a,qN where q is an odd prime number, In addition, tests for Fermat and Mersenne numbers are presented and the study of the relationship between two prime numbers and a polynomial with finite properties. From the results we obtained we proved, for example, ifpand qare prime numbers, p=qa+1where q,a>1Nand where Cma=mam+1and πj=1qqj then


Our approach to the proof differs from the one in [2, 3]. We explicitly relied on the binomial theorem, elementary algebra, and Fermat’s litter theorem. A deductive method of analysis using basic operations in elementary algebra.


2. Proof of the theorem 1

In this section, we prove theorem 1. Components of the proof Elementary algebra basic operations such as subtraction from both sides and extraction of the common factor with the binomial theorem form the foundations of the proof. Theorem 1 is an expression of a polynomial that shows the properties of numbers in the form p=mam+bm+1,

a,m,b>1N, so it can be used as a test to reveal the prime number in the form mam+bm+1. In addition to that, it is used to prove the results in the next section where it plays an essential role in the proofs.

THEOREM 1. if M is a prime where M=mam+bm+1anda,m>1N,b0Z then

ηλχxymodMifMandλisaprime whereηλχλxymodMifMisaprimeE2

Proof. let M=mam+δwherem,a,n>1N and δ=bm+1 where bZ according to the binomial theorem, we find that




Note that


Then from (4) and (5) we have that


Now we conclude that from Eq. (6)

anm1modMif and only ifbm1nmnmodME7

Suppose that n=M1m and Mis a prime so

aM11modMif and only ifbm1M1mmM1mmodME8

From the assumption Mis a prime from Fermat’s litter theorem see [Kenneth H.Rosen 2 pp. 161] we have that if Misaprimethen aM11modM where a>1. This means if Mis a prime number, then from (8) we find that




Let be λ=M1mλ=am+bthen from binomial theorem we have that


M=mam+bm+1 then λ=M1m=am+bAccording to the binomial theorem, if λis a prime number, then λj0modM means λj is divisible by λ for every

2 λλ1. So suppose λis a prime number and πj=1λλj follows from that λjbm=πjbM1. so from (11) we have that


From Eq. (10) bm+1λmλmodM. and Notice the Eq. (12) on the right-hand side consisting of two terms the first multiplied by Mand the second empty of M. Then we have that






Let be ηλxy=j=1λ2πjxλjyλj1 and χxy=bmλmλb+1 So we have that


This is the first case of proof when λis a prime. The proof of the second case is similar to the case of the first and there is no fundamental difference, according to the binomial theorem let be λ>2N then from (12) we have


Note that


And from (10) we have that




Let be ηλxy=j=1λ2λjxλjyλj1 and χλyx=λbmλλmλ+λλb so we have



ηλxyχyxmodMifλandMis aprimeηλxyχλyxmodMifMisaprimeE22

REMARK 1: We note that the proof has little complexity, as we explicitly relied on the binomial theorem and elementary algebra to obtain Eq. (12). After that, Fermat’s Litter Theorem was used, which is a theorem dating back to the year 1610.In 1610 Fermat wrote in a letter to Frenicle, that whenever p is prime p divides ap11for all integers anot divisible p, a result now known as Fremat’s little theorem, As equivalent formulation is the assertion that p divide apafor all integers a, whenever p is prime. The question naturally arose as to whether the prime are the only integer exceeding that satisfy this criterion, but Carmichael pointed out in 1910 that 561 = 11 × 17 × 3 divides a a5601mod561 now. A composite integer which satisfies an11modn for all positive integers a with g.c.d(a, n) = 1 is called a Carmichael number. For a related discussion see Kenneth H. Rose page (55). This means that Theorem 1 is not a definitive test, but it fails at the numbers Carmichael, but on the one hand we find that it is more general than those [2, 10] because of the variables m, a, b in the number mam+bm+1. And we will explain this by proving results for Mersenne and Fermat numbers, which are special cases when the variable btakes a certain value.

THEOREM 2. ifλ=am+1σ and q=mam+1σm+1 where q is a prime and a,m>1N then

ψmλ1σλmodqifσ=1anda>1Nand ifσ=2thenaisoddψm2λmλ+λ1σλmodqifσ=2andais evenE23

Proof. Let be b=1σ From theorem 1 we have


Let be


From Eq. (24) we get the following

ψmλλ1σmodqifσ=1anda>1Nand ifσ=2aisoddψm2λmλ+λλ1σmodqifσ=2andais evenE26

LEMMA 1. let be p=3m2andM=m3m2m+1 where p and M is a prime number then


Proof. Let be in theorem 1 a=3andb=2wherepisaprimethen we get λ=3m2andM=m3m2m+1 and we have




LEMMA 2. If Fn fermat number and p=2nFn+1 where p is a prime then


Proof. Let be in theorem 1 b=1anda=2andm=2n then we get λ=am+b=22n+1 and M=mam+bm+1=22n+n+2n+1=p where


REMARK 2: Fermat,s numbers Fn=22n+1are named after pierre de farmat because he was the first to stud these numbers guess that all fermat numbers are prime


But this conjecture was denied by Euler’s proved the Fermat number F5 is not prime


These numbers was named 2P1 Mersnne numbers, so in Ref. to Marin Meresenne, who began studying them by 2020 he discovered fifty –one prime numbers. There is a program called (the big search for Mersenne prime on the internet). Many prime numbers of Meresnne numbers have been discovered, we know about M2,M3,M5,M7,M17,M19,M31,M521,M1279,M110305,M132049,M25964951 all prime numbers M11 is not prime number and they give good results from fermat numbers that only four digits of it have been discovered so far. We know about Fermat numbers, if Fn is not prime, then there is b=k2n+2+1 where Fnb, and likewise abuot Mersenne numbers, if Mp is not prime, there is q=2pr+1 where Mpq and q is prime. From a computational point of view, we find that the results that we have reached are more robust and generalizable those of the results mentioned. Firstly, this is due to the existing ideas and properties is those results. This is represented in highlighting an integral relationship between two prime numbers and more prime numbers. We notice in the LEMMA 1 that the prime numbers and the p=3m2 and the number in form M=m3m2m+1numbers in form combine in one result, and also the properties of the Mersnne numbers. Such a correlation does not exist [5, 6] as well as with the ratio of the Fermat numbers also meet with the numbers in LEMMA 2 and this shows relationship between the Fermat numbers and those numbers. In addition to that, the result are expressed a polynomial that highlights the properties of those numbers, and it can also be used as a primitive test to discover those numbers .For a discussion of such issues see [3, 8, 9, 11, 12, 13, 14] on there are several numbers studied A3n±1,k2n+1,2n±1and close to these formulas.


3. Prime numbers In form p=am+1

In this section we study the prime numbers in form p=am+1wherea,m>1N which is a special case of the prime numbers form am+bm+1, when substituting ba certain value, we study the properties of numbers p=am+1,a,mN and q=bp+1whereb,p>1N, as well as relationship between polynomial. These polynomial numbers show us special properties of this numbers am+1 as well as the numbers p=qa+1whereqisaprime number of the properties, polynomial can be used as a primitive testing algorithm for those numbers. The proof depend mainly on THEOREM 1. In this section, we explain and realize that there is more than one variable in the theorem, for example, mam+bm+1 variable m,a>1NandbZ,b0, because of this, have many distinctive properties. We prove THEOREM 3 is this section and THEOREM 4 by directly changing the value of that variable without any the complexity mentions in particular the basic operations and the binomial theorem are the other extreme in the proofs.

THEOREM 3. ifp=qm+1where p, q isaprimeoddand a,m>1N where Cma=mam+1 and πj=1qqj then


Proof. let be in theorem b=qamwhereq>2is primeoddthen M=mam+qamm+1=qm+1=p therefore also λ=am+b=am+qam=q so we have that




Note that mqam=mqmam=pmam1lebeCma=mam+1 then we have


Note that from binomial theorem


Let be


Then from (37) and (38) and (39) we have


Note that ψm0modp then also


And we know from Eq. (16)


Now we conclude that from Eqs. (37), (39), and (41) we have


From (16) we knew b=qamthennote that


Note that


If the terms multiplied by variable pare excluded, we get the following




LEMMA 3. ifp=2q+1and qisaprimeodd then


Proof. Let be in theorem 3 m=2

LEMMA 4.ifp=qm+1andqis primeoddandm>1Nthen


Proof. Le be in theorem 3 a=2

REMARK 3: if we make a comparison between the results found in [2, 3] about the generalized Cullen numbers and the results that we reached here, in fact, we find that these results are more generalized than those, and also rich in properties than those. The first general and the Cullen numbers in particular, and this is considered one of the properties of the prime numbers of the number in an adjective, as well as this relationship in the form a polynomial that combines the Cullen numbers and the prime number in general P=qa+1whereqis primeoddnote PP235. Such ideas do not exist in 567.12. we also note that polynomials can be used as a primitive test to discover prime numbers.

THEOREM 4. ifq>2,m>1Nand p=qm+1and p is prime then


Proof. we will prove this theorem with the same ideas as in the proof THEOREM 3 now according THEOREM 1 we have that




Then let be b=qamandm,a,q>1N where λ=am+b=am+qam=q then we have that


Then from binomial theorem we conclude that


Note that


But from theorem 1 we kwon that


Then from (54)(56) we get that


Note that


Now we have from binomial theorem


Note that


Now we are going to eliminate all terms in congruence (60) because it is divisible be p so after that we get the value of χqqamm as follows So we from (56)(60) we get that




LEMMA 5. ifp=6m+1and a>1N then


Proof. Let be in theorem 4 q=6


4. Conclusion

We notice theorem 1 that shows us the relationship between the numbers in the form am+band mam+bm+1. This is represented by a polynomial that combines these two numbers. One of the benefits of this relationship is that polynomial can be used as a primitive test, as well as clarifying the properties that those numbers have. But from an abstract arithmetic point of view, we find that theorem 3 is in fact more general than the theorem 1, and this is due to theorem 3 combining all the prime numbers. These results are in Cullen numbers and those in 56 we note that these results are more generalized and differ from those in the form of a gem, and this appears and ideas used differ from those in 567..12,13. In general, we studied all numbers in from p=ba+1 where a,b>1N, as well as Mersnne numbers and Cullen numbers, Fermat numbers. We showed about these numbers that have properties and a relationship between them. We proved this relationship in the form of a polynomial that combines two types of prime number or more. We note that only prime numbers in form p=ba+1wherea,b>1N have been studied no more prime numbers in form p=ba+mwherea,b,m>1N have not been studied.


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Written By

Shazali Abdalla Fadul

Submitted: 01 December 2022 Reviewed: 06 December 2022 Published: 10 August 2023