Open access peer-reviewed chapter

Smooth Structures on Spin Manifolds in Four Dimensions

Written By

Simon Davis

Submitted: 12 June 2022 Reviewed: 07 July 2022 Published: 16 November 2022

DOI: 10.5772/intechopen.106368

From the Edited Volume

Manifolds III - Developments and Applications

Edited by Paul Bracken

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The estimate of the coefficient of the magnitude of the signature, which are defined by the number of positive and negative eigenvalues in the inequality representing smooth, oriented, simply connected, compact, spin four-manifolds with indefinite intersection forms can be increased until it is equal to the conjectured value. Therefore, if the intersection form is mE8⊕n0110, the oriented, simply connected, compact, spin four-manifold will admit a smooth structure if and only if n≥32m. The inequality is changed to n≥32m−1−12i, there is a 2i-fold spin covering of a non-spin manifold M given the demonstration of n≥32m for oriented, compact, spin manifolds. A closer examination of the proof reveals that the lower bound for b+ can be increased to 3|k| + 1, where k=315σ for a spin manifold, yielding b2≥118σ+2. The projection of a spin covering to a non-spin manifold yields the lower bound b2≥118σ, which establishes the prediction for the coefficients of intersection forms for this class of smooth, oriented, simply connected, compact four-manifolds.


  • intersection forms
  • coefficients
  • spin manifolds
  • smooth structures

1. Introduction

The classification of four-manifolds may be determined by the handlebody decomposition into simply connected components of a topological sum when the manifold is smooth. If it is closed, oriented, and simply connected, then it will be distinguished, within a homotopy equivalence, by an intersection form that is either definite, indefinite with odd parity, or indefinite with even parity. These manifolds also be identified by the second Betti number and the signature. The four-manifold admits a smooth structure if the intersection matrix is definite or indefinite with odd parity. Furthermore, if the intersection form is indefinite and equals mE8n0110, it will continue to have a smooth structure if n32m. In the (b2, σ) plane, the smooth structures are located above the line b2118σ [1] and the nonsmooth structures are located below the line b254σ, with the region between the two lines undetermined. It may be shown, however, that one of the manifolds in this region does not admit a smooth structure [2]. The coefficient of 118 also will be the maximal value for the line separating the set of manifolds with smooth and nonsmooth structures because the inequality is saturated by K3 [3]. Consequently, it remains to be established that all of the manifolds with an indefinite intersection form in this intermediate region do not admit a smooth structure. The condition of an indefinite intersection form is necessary because b2 = 1 and σ = 1 for 2.

By considering finite-dimensional approximations to the Seiberg-Witten map of the tensor product sections of the spinor bundle and the space of connections, the lower bound b2108σ+2 was established for oriented, connected spin manifolds [4]. It may be increased with the use of stable homotopy groups of spheres and Pin2-equivariant homotopy invariants [5] to b2108σ+4. The lower limit will be increased first to b2σ>2116 for spin manifolds with signature σ ≥ 16 as a result of a theorem on the nonexistence of smooth four-manifolds with the intersection form +4E85H [6]. Then, the coefficient of 118 will be found by considering precisely the form of the maps between finite-dimensional vector bundles over the four-manifold. A second proof will be derived by considering intersection products of second homology classes representable by spheres [7]. Consequences of the related 32 conjecture for the embedding of surfaces with a nonvanishing second homology class in an irreducible four-manifold will be described.


2. The inequality for the second Betti number and the signature

Since the intersection matrix is symmetric and diagonalizable over , b+ and b will denote the number of positive and negative eigenvalues respectively. Then the second Betti number and the signature are b2 = b+ + b and σ = b+ − b respectively. Let k=σM16 and the inequality b+3k=3σ16. When the signature is negative, and –σ may be replaced by |σ|,


The signature could be positive such that b ≥ 3 k is a much less stringent inequality. However, by reversing the orientation, the sign of the signature is changed, and this inequality always can be taken to imply b+3σ16.

Similarly, if the orientation is chosen such that b+2k+1=σ8+1 is equivalent to b+σ8+1,


It may be demonstrated that a spin 4-manifold can admit a smooth structure when the intersection form is 4E8nH for n ≥ 6 [7]. Consequently, there is no smooth manifold with the intersection form 4E85H. Since the coefficients are relatively prime, the ratio nm=54 is achieved only for the intersection forms 4kE85kH, k = 1, 2, 3, .... Given that there is a manifold M with the intersection form 4E85H, the latter form would characterize #kM.

Lemma 2.1. Smooth, oriented, simply connected, compact 4-manifolds with a spin structure and an indefinite intersection form have second Betti numbers bounded by 2116σ, which is a bound closer to the line with gradient 118 for non-zero signature.

Proof. The line representing smooth structures must be n54m. Then






this bound is better than the established value. If




Any spin manifold will have a signature divisible by 16 by Rohlin’s theorem. Therefore, if it is non-zero, these inequalities will be valid.

The line with gradient 2116 in the geography of four-manifolds is closer to the boundary between smooth and nonsmooth structures.

Given the validity of the 11/8 conjecture, smooth connected spin four-manifolds can be regarded as the topological sums #kK3#S2×S2 or #kℂℙ2#ℂℙ2¯.

Lemma 2.2. All manifolds #kK3#S2×S2 with k > 0 have b2σ118, with the bound saturated by K3. The coefficients in #kℂℙ2#ℂℙ2¯ must satisfy the inequalities 319k193k for a smooth structure to exist by the 11)8 conjecture.

Proof. Since K3 has an interesection form with 3 positive and 19 negative eigenvalues, b2(K3) = 22 and σ(K3) = −16. The intersection form of S2 × S2, H, has the eigenvalues 1 and − 1, and b2(S2 × S2) = 2, while σ(S2 × S2) = 0. Then




The intersection matrix of #kO2#ℂℙ2¯ is diag(1, ..., 1, −1, ..,–1) with


It follows that






which may combine in the inequalities


A bound may be established for simply connected complex surfaces with an even cup product form [8]. It is known that, for these manifolds, b2 = c2–2 and σ=13c122c2, where c1 and c2 are the first two Chern numbers. Defining


the 118 conjecture is equivalent to b ≥ 0.When σ < 0,


When σ > 0,


Adding the two inequalities gives c23215. This inequality is satisfied for complex surfaces, since c120 and c23. However, for negative signature,


For positive signature, c123c2 and


It is clear that 48b = 3(8b2–11|σ|) is integer. By Rohlin’s theorem, the signature will be divisible by 16 and b also would be integer. By Eqs. (18) and (19), b78 and b38 respectively. Then b ≥ 0 and the 118 conjecture is valid for simply connected complex surfaces with an even intersection form.


3. Summary of the K-theoretic proof of the lesser lower bound for the second Betti number

The Dirac operator D is a map from sections of spinor bundles Eo to E1, D: Γ(E0) → (E1), and ind D = dim Ker Ddim Coker D. Now consider a Whitney sum with a finite-dimensional vector bundle, such that D=L+L:V0ΓE0V1ΓE1, where L is a finite-dimensional mapping and L’ is an isomorphism between infinite-dimensional spaces. Then ind D = dim V0dim V1. Therefore, topological information about a manifold on which the Dirac operator, arising from equations with a linearization of N = 2 supersymmetry on the space, deduced from the index may be evaluated through a finite-dimensional construction. When M is a closed spin 4-manifold, the Seiberg-Witten map is a Pin2-equivariant map given by RR, where R is the nontrivial one-dimensional real representation space of Pin2. A finite-dimensional approximation is a Pin2-equivariant map c0Rd0c1Rd1, where c0c1=σM16 and d0d1=b+M, in a generalized Kuranshi construction [9].

The four-dimensional spin manifold will admit a Spin4 bundle and vector bundles T, S+, S and Λ constructed from the Spin4 × Pin2 modules +,+,and++ defined by the actions qaa+1,q+ϕq01,q+ωq01 and q+ωq+1 for (q, q+, q0) ∈ Spin4 × Pin2 and a+,ϕ+,ψandω++. If R is the real one-dimensional Pin2 module defined by multiplication by Pin2/S1, T=TR,C:TS+S with aϕ,C¯:TTΛ with aba¯b,D1=C1:ΓS+ΓS, D2=C¯2:ΓTΓΛ, D=D1D2:ΓS+TΓSΛ, Q:S+TSSΛ with ϕaaϕiϕiϕ¯, then D + Q: V → W where V is the L42 completion of ΓS+T and W is the L32 completion of ΓSΛ [4].

Let M be a compact G-space, E and F be G-equivariant complex vector bundles over M, BE and BF be disk bundles corresponding to E and F, SE and SF be boundary sphere bundles, f:BEBF be a G-equivariant bundle map preserving boundaries. By the Thom isomorphism theorem, KG(BE, SE) and KG(BF, SF) are generated by Thom classes τE and τF. With f being the pullback map KG(BF, SF) → KG(BE, SE), fτF=α0τE, where α0KG(M) is the degree of f. Since the restriction of the Thom classes to the zero sections are the Euler classes of E and F, d1dΛdF=α0d1dΛdE.

Contracting M = pt., G = Pin2,


where Vλ is the subspace of V spanned by the eigenspace of D* D with eigenvalues less than or equal to λ, and Wλ is the subspace of w spanned by eigenspaces of DD* with eigenvalues less than or equal to λ,f:Vλ,W¯λ, is the complexification of Dλ+Qλ,where Dλ+Qλ=D+pλQVλ,fu1+vi=Dλ+Qλu1+Dλ+Qλvi.

Suppose that φ:V=kerdΓV+Ω+2ΓV=W, φv=Lv+θv, L=d+00 is linear, θaψ=σψ is quadratic, where a is the gauge potential in the covariant derivative and σ’ is an automorphism of the space Γ(W+) and σψj=σz+jwj=σv¯+jm¯z=σψ. Let fλ:VW be defined by ufλv=v+L11pλθv, Lu=Lv+1pλθv, with pλ being the projection of V and W onto Vλ and Wλ. Defining φΛ:λΛVλλΛWλ, φΛu=pλφfΛ1u [10].

Let Tuv=uL11pΛθv. Then


The eigenvalue of L−1(1 – pΛ) is 1λ on each Wλ, which has the maximum value 1Λ for λ > Λ. The automorphism σ’(ψ) is given by σzw=iz2w22kRezw¯+jImzw¯, and, if σ̂zw=ρ̂σzw, where ρ̂:TXHomW±W, ρ̂v1v2=12ρv1ρv2, f1=12e1e2±e3e4, f2=12e1e3±e4e2, f3=12e1e4±e2e3, where i, j, k correspond to f1, f2, f3Λ+M, with Λ2M=Λ+MΛ1M, σ̂ψ2=12ψ2 [3]. It follows that


if ψ1<a1, ψ2<a2, and a1, a2 < 1. Under these conditions, by the Banach contraction principle, φΛ10 is a compact set.

With BVλ,=u1+viVλ,uvR, SVλ,=BVλ,, let f¯=fp, where p:W¯λ,\0SW¯λ,. Then the mapping f¯:BVλ,BW¯λ, is defined to be the cone of f¯. If k>0,αRPin2ρFα=ψαρEKerRPin2RS1. Consider an element α of Ker(R(Pin2) → R(S1)) satisfying d1dΛdF=αd1dΛdE. Regarding E and F as S1 modules, let E=2k+mn and F=2mb++n be representation spaces.

Let ψ be the Adams operation and ρE be the characteristic class satisfying ψτE=ρEτE. Then


Given that ρL=1+L+L2++L1 for a line bundle L, ρE=ρρ2k+mρ1n=1+t++t11+t1++t12mn and ρF=1+t++t11+t1++t12mb++n. Since KerRPin2RS1=c11c, the trace of the degree relation gives 22m+b++n=2c22k+2m+n for α=c11, which is consistent with the inequality b+2k+1.

Methods have been developed for increasing the bound for b2σ through the inequality between b2(M) and the level number of 2k1, defined to be least n such that 2k1Sn120, where k=σM16 [11, 12]. The computations of level(2k1) yield the inequalities level((2k1) ≥ 2 k + t if ktmod4, t = 1, 2, 3 and the equality level(2k1) = 2 k + 3 if k ≡ 0 (mod 4), k > 0 [13]. The equivalent inequalities for the second Betti number and signature would be b254σ+2t for σ16tmod4 when t = 1, 2, 3 and b254σ+6 for σ160mod4,σ>0. The Bauer-Furuta stable Seiberg-Witten invariants also yield a condition for the existence of smooth structures [14].


4. Proof of the exact bound for the second Betti number

It will be demonstrated that the previous lower bound for b+ can be increased to a maximal value.

Theorem 4.1. The second Betti number and signature of a smooth, oriented, simply connected, compact, spin four-manifold with an indefinite intersection form satisfies the inequality b2118σ.

Proof. Since c is a non-zero integer, the trace condition also requires a stricter bound for b+. The Euler class of E will be given by that of ¯k+m, while the Euler class of F would be that of ¯m, since the R components do not contribute. The Spin4 × Pin2 actions do not alter the norm of the points in the quaternionic vector spaces. The fixed point at the origin, however, would be the source of a flow generated by a dilation, representing an invariance of the spinor equation, that must have an endpoint at ∞. Adding the point {∞} to the quaternionic plane produces a manifold that is diffeomorphic to S4 and χ(S4) = 2. Therefore, by the Thom class relation,


and tr(αpt.) = 2–|k|, except that k must be chosen to be nonpositive through k = −|k|, then trpt.) = 2|k|. A similar result follows from the evaluation of the K-theory characteristic classes ρE. Reintroducing the R components in the vector bundles allows the inclusion of the factor c0 ≥ 1 occurring in Ker(R(Pin2) → R(Pin1)) in α=2k1c011.It follows that






Furthermore, this inequality is equivalent to n32m since the second Betti number and the absolute value of the signature of a manifold with the intersection form mE8n0110 are b2 = 8|m| + 2n and |σ| = 8|m|, and


It has been proven for cobordisms between homology three-spheres Y0 and Y1 with the intersection form mE8+n0110 that κY1+nκY0+m+1, where κ is an invariant that reduces modulo 2 to the Rohlin invariant μ(Y) [2]. When Y0 and Y1 are S3, this inequality is n ≥ |m| + 1, which is consistent with the previously derived inequality [4] for the coefficients since it would follow that


Nevertheless, the nonexistence of smooth spin manifolds transcending the stricter inequality, such that n=32m1, with a decomposition M=X1Y1X2Y2Yr1Xr, where the intersection forms of Xi, 1 ≤ i ≤ r – 1 are 2E8+30110, Yi is a homology three-sphere and Xr has the intersection form 2E8+20110 [15], indicates there are characteristics that cannot be preserved when under topological sums yielding 54<b2σ<118.

Definition 4.2. A space is Floer G-split if the S1 action on the the K-theory group KGM has the form zzr for some positive integer r.

Theorem 4.3. The compact manifold M=X1Y1X2Y2Yr1Xr with spaces Xi, = 1, …, r – 1, and Xr having the intersection forms QXi=2E83H and QXr=2E8qrH, and Yi being homology three-spheres, is smooth if and only if qr ≥ 3.

Proof. When the S1 action does not have this form, which requires zzr with r, the resulting quotient produces a non-Hausdorff structure because arbitrarily near points are identified. If r=st\, then the points e2πiθ and e2πt are identified, which yields an orbifold rather than a smooth manifold. A theorem proven by Manolescu states that no closed spin four-manifold has a decomposition of this type such that all homology spheres in the set {Yi} are Floer G-split [2]. It follows that a quotient of one of the homology spheres by an S1 action with zzr,rZ, is not smooth. The S1 action on the homology sphere, which is not Floer G-split, may be transferred to the manifold Xr, as a result of the parallelizability necessary for the existence of the spin structure, thereby proving that a spin manifold with an intersection form 2E82H does not admit a smooth structure.

Now suppose that the spin manifold X has the intersection form mE8nH, where n=32m. The analogous result to that given above for n=32m1 would be the decomposition


with Y1, ..., Yr–1 being homology spheres, then the inequality κ(Yi + 1) + 3 ≥ κ(Yi) + 2 + 1, or κ(Yi + 1) ≥ κ(Yi), is valid for all j = 1, ..., r – 2, and each Yi is Floer G-split, which requires the existence of a smooth structure on each Xi, i = 1, ..., r. Therefore, closed spin four-manifolds with the intersection form mE8nH and n=32m admit smooth structures. For n32m, the inequalities for κ(Yi), i = 1, ..., r–1 continue to be valid, each of the homology spheres will be Floer KG-split, and there will be a smooth structure on the spin four-manifold.

Several results may be proven given the validity of the 118 conjecture, including the theorem on ξ ∙ ξ for a characteristic second homology class ξ representable by S2 for a range of values of b+ and b [7]. The following lemma is required:

Let M be a closed connected oriented four-manifold with ξH2M be a characteristic homology class representable by S2. Then ξ ∙ ξ = σ(M) + 16 m with mmaxb113bb+16 would be consistent with the 118 conjecture.

The demonstration of this result is suggestive of an equivalence of the conditions with the limits of m being derived from geometric properties of the spin manifold, and the 118 conjecture following from the ranges for m.

By a theorem of Kervaire and Milnor, it is known that, in a four-manifold which allows the embedding of two-spheres representing the homology class ξ, ξξ = σ(M) + 16 m for some m [16]. Since σ(M) = b+ − b, ξξ = b+ − b + 16 m. The range given in the above theorem with ξξ = 0 or b = b+ + 16 m yields the following results.




Since spin manifolds have an even intersection form, b+ is even. Then if b+ = 0, 2 or 4 (mod 6) and b+13=b+31,b+3orb+3 respectively. If mb+3,




For σ > 0, the roles of b+ and b+ are interchanged, and


Therefore, the condition ξξ = 0 together with the range of m yielding the upper limit b+3, is sufficient to prove the 118 conjecture. Given that ξη is the intersection number of ξ and η are representable by S2, ξξ would equal the sum of the eigenvalues of the intersection form of S2 × S2, which equals zero.

The connected sum ℂℙ2#9ℂℙ2¯ does not satisfy the inequalities in Eq. (14) for the coefficients k and . Nevertheless, it has exotic smooth structures. The nonexistence of spin structures on ℂℙ2#9ℂℙ2¯ may be demonstrated [17, 18]. The spaces ℂℙ2#ℂℙ2¯ have b2σ<118 for ≥ 7. Furthermore, these four-manifolds have both standard and exotic smooth structures for k = 7, 8 and 9 [19, 20, 21].

Proposition 4.4. The topological sums ℂℙ2#ℂℙ2¯,7, do not represent counterexamples to the inequality b2σ118 required for smooth structures on spin manifolds given the validity of the 108 theorem.

Proof. The existence of smoooth structures on these spaces is established. From §2, the second Betti number and signature of ℂℙ2#ℂℙ2¯ equal




For = 7, 8 and 9, b2σ is 43,97 and 54 respectively. Then


Consequently, the values ≥ 9 must be covered by the 108 theorem, which will require the absence of spin structures on these manifolds.

It follows from Rohlin’s theorem that the signature of a smooth, spin compact four-manifold is divisible by 16. For ℂℙ2#ℂℙ2¯, this condition is


This congruenece condition is not satisfied by = 7 or = 8. Therefore, there will be no spin structure for these values. It follows that the connected sums for ≥ 7 will not represent a counterexample to the 118 conjecture when the lower bound of 108 suffices generally for smooth spin manifolds.

There would be a spin structure on ℂℙ2#ℂℙ2¯. Both the above proposition and the consistency of the 108 theorem require the nonexistence of spin structures on ℂℙ2#16r+1ℂℙ2¯ for r ≥ 1.

Proposition 4.5. The topological sum ℂℙ2#16r+1ℂℙ2¯ is a spin manifold only if r = 0.

Proof. There exists a spin structure on a space M the second Stiefel-Whitney class w2MH2M2 is nonvanishing. The second homology group of a connected sum M1#M2, wheredim M1 = dim M2 = 4, is


and. Specializing to the group 2,




Since ℂℙ2 does not have a spin structure, there will be a nonvanishing generator of the second homology group u0 and


The element of the homology group must be an element of 2. Therefore, it would be the image of the uu under the mapping


This homomorphism will be defined by




H2ℂℙ2#ℂℙ2¯2=0, the second Stiefel-Whitney class vanishes, and there is a spin structure for r = 0.

The homology group for higher values of r equals


Given that uH2ℂℙ22 and uH2ℂℙ2¯2, the element of 2 for the topological sum is


Multiplication by a non-zero scalar does not affect the generator of the nontrivial second homology class, which does not vanish. Then, ℂℙ2#16r+1ℂℙ2¯ is not a spin manifold for r > 1.

There are no counterexamples given by ℂℙ2#ℂℙ2¯ to the lower bound of 118 for b2σ. Topological sums with S4, S2 × S2 and K3 will not affect this inequality for the ratio of the second Betti number to the magnitude of the signature. No other potential counterexamples can exist for smooth, simply connected, compact spin four-manifolds.


5. The local coefficients for manifolds with a spin covering

The proof in §4 is restricted to smooth, oriented, simply connected, compact manifolds which admit spinor structures. It remains to be established if the conclusions continue to be valid for smooth non-spin four-manifolds that have a spin covering. Since the lower bound for b2σ has been increased to 118.

Theorem 5.1. The coefficients of the intersection form mE8 + nH, where H=0110 satisfy the inequality n32mρM+ρM2i, with i being the exponent in the order of a spin covering of the smooth, oriented, simply connected, compact manifold M and ρ(M) is the rank of H1(M; 2).

Proof. Let M be a smooth, oriented, simply connected, compact four-manifold with the even intersection form I = mE8 + nH, signature σ(M) = 8 m and Euler number e(M) = 2 + 8 m + 2n, since the first Betti number can be set equal to zero for a given intersection form. There exists a 2i cyclic covering π: N → M, where N is a smooth, oriented spin manifold [22, 23]. The signature and the Euler number of the covering space are


then N = rE8 + sH, where


Since it has been proven that sr+1 for spin manifolds [4],




A term b1(N) can be added to s to give s+b1Nr+1. Since b1N2i1ρM1 when b1(M) = 0, where ρ(M) is the rank of H1(M; 2) [6]. Then


If ρ(M) = 1 and N → M is a double covering with H1(M; ) = 2 [6], the inequality nm is valid.

With a tighter bound n32m for spin manifolds, a similar inequality will be found for non-spin manifolds. By the proof in §4, s32r for the spin covering N, or equivalently,


Since (2i – 1)(ρ(M) – 1) is an upper bound for b1(N) – b1(M), after b1(M) is set equal to zero,




It has been proven that there exist nonsmoothable spin manifolds with b254σ+2 [24]. The strict inequality yields a contradiction with the demarcation between smooth and non-smooth structures on a spin four-manifold, which conjectured for coefficients of the intersection form generally.

Similarly, it is claimed that there are nonsmoothable non-spin manifolds with b254σ. The inequality derived for non-spin manifolds nm112i1 may be translated to a bound for the second Betti number.


This lower bound for b2 is less than or equal to 54σ for i ≥ 1.

The tighter inequality for the coefficients in the intersection form is equivalent to


The contradiction is resolved in the inequality if the lower bound for b2σ can be increased. Then, the nonsmooth manifolds can exist in the region 54σ+2b2118σ when a spin structure exists and 54σ2112i1b2118σ2112i when there is no spin structure.

A lower bound for b2 also can be derived for smooth, oriented non-spin manifolds by the following set of equations




and, since the degree of the spin covering of M is even, t equals one [6]. It follows that




By the strong 108 inequality for spin manifolds,




The tighter inequality derived in §4 for spin manifolds yields




The range for b2 is narrower for i ≥ 1 and there is a region below 118σ for which the existence of smooth structures remains to be established.

Theorem 5.2. An oriented, simply connected, compact four-manifold with an indefinite intersection form and a spin covering space has a smooth structure only if b2σ118.

Proof. Consider an oriented, simply connected, compact, four-dimensional manifold M and the 2i-fold spin covering N → M. From the equation fτF=α0τE, where α0 is the degree of the pull-back map f from KG(BF, SF) to KG(BE, SE), the trace of the relation ρfτF=ψα0ρEτE when projected to an S1 module in the subspace E’ and F′, introduces a factor of 2i in the pull-back of the kernel of the map from Pin2 to S1, c11c2i, and an overall factor of 22i. Then,




The lower bound for the second Betti number of the spin covering N would be


By Eq. (63),


Therefore, the theoretically predicted inequality for the second Betti number of smooth, oriented four-manifolds has been derived.


6. Lower bound for the genus of a surface embedded in a four-manifold

The genus of an embedded surface Σ in a four-manifold M may be given the lower bound


where Σ2 is the intersection product of the second cohomology class Σ [19]. If the 118 conjecture is true, the bound can be increased to


For an algebraic surface Σd of even degree d embedded in 2, with 2dgd1132d2199 [25].

The Thom conjecture for curves of algebraic curves of degree d states that gd12d232+1. The replacement of 1132 by 12 in the lower bound for the genus, requires the substitution of 2 for 118 as the lower limit for b2σ. Consider the intersection form mE8nH. Since


the inequality


is equivalent to n ≥ 4 m. This very tight bound is not expected to be valid for a large class of smooth four-manifolds.

The 32 conjecture for irreducible simply connected four-manifolds is χ32σ, where χ=2+rankQ=2+b2 is the Euler characteristic. It follows that


Substituting the new coefficient into the lower bound for the genus of the embedded surface in an irreducible manifold,


where 2r. Therefore, the genus of an algebraic curve of degree d embedded in an irreducible, simply connected manifold would satisfy the inequality gd3812σd2+γ1d+γ0 with γ0 and γ1 being constants.


7. Conclusion

The classification of four-manifolds has been reduced to the definite signature with odd intersection forms that are diagonal, n1 + m(−1) or indefinite signature with even intersection forms mE8 + nH, where E8 is the exceptional Lie group Cartan matrix and H is the matrix 0110, which is the form of S2 × S2. All known smooth, oriented four-manifolds with an even intersection form are known to have coefficients satisfying n32m or equivalently, a second Betti number satisfying b2118σ. The oriented, spin geometries in four dimensions have been demonstrated to admit a smooth structure only if n ≥ |m| + 1 or b254σ+2. The proof has been extended to non-spin manifolds with the inequality nm112i and b254σ212i1. It is found here that the lower bound for the signed Betti number b+ is larger than 2|k| + 1, where k=316σ. Considering a cyclic covering of a non-spin manifold and introducing the degree into the proof for the spin manifold, the inequality b2118σ. This increase in the lower bound for the second Betti number allows the existence of nonsmoothable manifolds with b254σ within a strict demarcation between the regions for smooth and nonsmooth structures.

The existence of smooth, compact simply-connected manifolds with 54<b2σ<118 present potential counterexamples to the 118. The topological sums ℂℙ2#ℂℙ2¯ are included within these limits. It is proven in §4 that these spaces cannot have spin structures by Rohlin’s theorem. Amongst the connected sums ℂℙ2#ℂℙ2¯, only those values of congruent to 1 modulo 16 would satisfy the condition on the divisibility of the signature by 16. The absence of spin structures on ℂℙ2#16r+1ℂℙ2¯ for ≥ 1 is established through the computation of the second Stiefel-Whitney class. Therefore, ℂℙ2#ℂℙ2¯ is the unique spin manifold in this set, which is necessary for consistency of the 108 theorem. The conclusion on the nonexistence of oriented, compact simply connected four-manifolds, having both a smooth structure and a spin geometry, continues to be valid for topological sums of S4, S2 × S2 and K3 and complex algebraic surfaces, since the condition of the existence of a spin structure requires generally an increased minimum value of 118 for b2σ.



MSC: 57N13; 57R19


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Written By

Simon Davis

Submitted: 12 June 2022 Reviewed: 07 July 2022 Published: 16 November 2022