Open access peer-reviewed chapter

Perspective Chapter: Quasi Conformally Flat Quasi Einstein-Weyl Manifolds

Written By

Fusun Nurcan

Reviewed: 02 June 2022 Published: 09 August 2022

DOI: 10.5772/intechopen.105683

From the Edited Volume

Manifolds III - Developments and Applications

Edited by Paul Bracken

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The aim of this work is to study on quasi conformally flat quasi Einstein-Weyl manifolds. In this book chapter, firstly, an interesting relationship between complementary vector field and generator of the quasi Einstein-Weyl manifold is obtained and supported by an example. Then, it is investigated that quasi conformally flat quasi Einstein-Weyl manifolds are of quasi constant curvature, recurrent and semi-symmetric under which conditions after obtaining the expression of the curvature tensor of the quasi conformally flat quasi Einstein-Weyl manifold. Furthermore, some equivalences are obtained between to be of quasi constant curvature and to be semi-symmetric in quasi conformally flat quasi Einstein-Weyl manifolds.


  • quasi Einstein-Weyl manifold
  • Weyl manifold of quasi constant curvature
  • quasi conformally flat manifold
  • recurrent manifold
  • semi-symmetric manifold

1. Introduction

In 1918, H. Weyl generalized Riemannian geometry as a new way to formulate the unified field theory in physics and defined Weyl manifolds with conformal metric and symmetric connection [1]. After this study, Weyl manifolds attracted the attention of many mathematicians. In 1943, E. Cartan defined Einstein-Weyl manifolds and studied three-dimensional Einstein-Weyl spaces [2]. In 1985, P.E. Jones and K.P. Tod have studied Einstein-Weyl spaces, and then they have done many studies on this subject [3]. Although Weyl’s theory did not attract much attention in physics, it attracted the attention of mathematicians and studies have been carried out on this subject until today.

An n-dimensional Weyl manifold M is defined as a manifold with a torsion-free connection Γ and a conformal metric tensor gij, if the compatible condition is in the form of


which is equivalent to


where Φk is a complementary covariant vector field [4]. Such a Weyl manifold is denoted by MgijΦk and (1) tells us that a Riemannian manifold is obtained if Φk=0 or Φk is gradient.

Φk changes by


under the transformation of the metric tensor gij in the form of


where λ is a point function [4]. With reference to this transformation, the quantity A is called a satellite of gij with the weight of {p} if it changes by [5]


and the quantity ·kA is called prolonged covariant derivative of the satellite A of gij with the weight of {p} if it is defined by [5]


From (1), (4) and (6), we have


which gij is with the weight of {2}.

The coefficients Γjki’s of a torsion-free connection Γ on the Weyl manifold MgijΦk are given by


where ijk’s are the Christoffel symbols of second kind [4].

The curvature tensor Rijkh of the symmetric connection Γ on the Weyl manifold is defined by


The Ricci tensor Rij, which is defined by Rij=Rijhh, satisfies


With the help of (9), the conformal curvature tensor Cijkh and the concircular curvature tensor Cijkh of a torsion-free connection Γ on the Weyl manifold are expressed by


where Rijkh, Rij and R denote the curvature tensor, the Ricci tensor and the scalar curvature of Γ, respectively [6, 7].

In 1968, Yano and Sawaki defined and studied a new curvature tensor called quasi conformal curvature tensor on a Riemannian manifold [8]. Similarly, the notion of quasi conformal curvature tensor Wijkh of type 13 on a Weyl manifold of dimension n (n>3) is introduced by [9]


where a, b are arbitrary constants not simultaneously zero, Cijkh and Cijkh are conformal curvature tensor and concircular curvature tensor of type 13, respectively.

By substituting (11) and (12) in (13) the quasi conformal curvature tensor can be expressed by


2. The concept of quasi conformally flatness on quasi Einstein-Weyl manifolds

Quasi Einstein manifolds occupy a large place in the mathematical literature. For instance, research on quasi-Einstein manifolds helps us to understand the global character of topological spaces. Beside mathematics, studies on quasi-Einstein manifolds gain meaning with applications to general relativity.

The concept of quasi Einstein manifold was firstly introduced by M. C. Chaki and R. K. Maity as follows [10]:

A non-flat Riemannian manifold Mngijn>2 is defined to be a quasi Einstein manifold if its Ricci tensor Rij of type 02 is not identically zero and satisfies the condition


where α, β are scalars of which β0 and Ai is a non-zero unit covariant vector field. In such an n-dimensional manifold which is denoted by QEn; α, β are called associated scalars and Ai is called the generator of the manifold.

After Chaki and Maity, quasi Einstein manifolds are studied by many other authors. Moreover, in the articles [11, 12, 13] that inspired this study, conformal flatness and quasi conformal flatness were examined on quasi Einstein manifolds.

In this study, the concept of quasi conformal flatness on quasi Einstein manifolds were adapted to quasi Einstein-Weyl manifolds which was introduced by İ. Gül and E.Ö. Canfes as follows [14]:

Definition 1.A non-flat Weyl manifoldMgijΦkof dimensionnn>2is said to be a quasi Einstein-Weyl manifold if the symmetric part of its Ricci tensorRijof type (0,2) is not identically zero and satisfies the condition


where α and β are scalars of weight {−2} withβ0. The scalars α, β are called “associated scalars” and the unit covariant vectorAiof weight {1} is called “generator of the manifold”. Such a manifold is denotedQEWn.

Therefore the aim of the present book chapter is to examine quasi conformally flat quasi Einstein-Weyl manifolds. It is organized as follows: In Section 1, the general information about Weyl manifolds are given. In Section 2, a theorem which shows the relationship between complementary vector field Φk and generator Ak of quasi Einstein-Weyl manifold QEWn is proved and the expression of the curvature tensor of the quasi conformally flat quasi Einstein-Weyl manifold is obtained. In Section 3, three basic concepts are defined on quasi conformally flat quasi Einstein-Weyl manifolds and the necessary and sufficient conditions for these concepts are emphasized.

By means of (10) and (16), Ricci tensor Rij of QEWn is expressed by


which implies


From (17), we have




and Ai is normalized by the condition


it is found that by multiplying (19) by gij


By means of (18),


We obtain that


where β=Rαn.

Hence we have the following:

Theorem 1.The complementary vector fieldΦiand the generatorAiof the quasi Einstein-Weyl manifoldQEWnare related by


Although the first part of the following example was given to prove the existence of the quasi Einstein-Weyl manifold QEWnn>2 in [14], the verification of Theorem 1 is made by the author of the present book chapter in the second part of the example.

Example 1. A three dimensional Weyl manifoldM3is equipped with a metricgijby


and a 1-form Φ whose componentsΦkgiven byΦ=ex1dx2+dx3. The nonzero coefficientsΓjkiof a torsion-free connection Γ are [14]


It is clear thatM3gijΦkis a Weyl manifold with the connection Γ satisfying thecondition (1). An elementary calculation gives the following nonzero components of the Ricci tensor [14]:


Moreover, the components of the symmetric parts of the Ricci tensorRijand the scalar curvature R are [14]


Therefore, by considering (15), we find that [14]


wheregijAiAj=1. Thus,M3gijΦkis a quasi-Einstein Weyl manifold. Now covariant derivatives ofA1,A2andA3with respect toxkk=1,2,3are as follows:


On the other hand, the reciprocals ofAi‘s are


By substituting(26)and(27)in(25),


are obtained.

A Weyl manifold MgijΦkn>3 is called quasi conformally flat, if the quasi conformal curvature tensor Wijkh satisfy the condition


Now, let us suppose that QEWnn>3 is quasi conformally flat with a0 and b0. Then from (14),


On the other hand, since it is assumed that the manifold is QEWn, its Ricci tensor Rij can be written as (17) which satisfies (18).

Substituting (10), (17) and (18) in (29), the curvature tensor Rijkh is obtained as


where P=αn+βnn1+2an and Q=baβ are scalars.

Ricci tensor Rij is obtained as


by contracting on the indices h and k in (30) and the scalar curvature is found in the form of


by transvecting (31) by gij.

Using (10), (30), (31) and (32) in (11), it is obtained that


leading us to following:

Corollary 1.Quasi conformally flat quasi Einstein-Weyl manifoldQEWnn>3is conformally flat.


3. Some necessary and sufficient conditions on quasi conformally flat quasi Einstein-Weyl manifolds

The concept of a space of quasi constant curvature was firstly introduced by Chen and Yano [15]. Similarly, we can define a Weyl manifold of quasi constant curvature as follows:

Definition 2.A Weyl manifoldMgijΦkn>3is said to be of quasi constant curvature if it is conformally flat and its curvature tensorRijkhof type (1,3) is in the form of


where U and V are scalars with V0andAiis a covariant vector.

On the other hand, Amur and Maralabhavi [16] proved that a quasi conformally flat Riemannian manifold is either conformally flat or Einstein. So, a quasi conformally flat quasi Einstein manifold, which is not Einstein, is conformally flat and its curvature tensor satisfies the condition in (32) with a0 and b0. Therefore, a quasi conformally flat quasi Einstein manifold with a0 and b0 is of quasi constant curvature.

However, the situation is more complicated for quasi conformally flat QEWn. Because although quasi conformally flat QEWn is conformally flat, it does not meet the requirement in (34) automatically. Therefore, a quasi conformally flat QEWn will be of quasi constant curvature under special conditions.

Suppose that quasi conformally flat QEWnn>4 be of quasi constant curvature with the same definition in (2). Since a0 and b0, from (29),


is obtained. By transvecting (35) by gij,


and transvecting one more time by ghj with the assumption of n>4, it is found that


which means that the covariant derivative Φk,j is symmetric.

Conversely, let the covariant derivative Φk,j be symmetric in a quasi conformally flat QEWnn>4. If (37) is substituted in (30), then (34) is obtained. Hence we get the following:

Theorem 2.A necessary and sufficient condition for a quasi conformally flat quasi Einstein-Weyl manifoldQEWnn>4to be of quasi constant curvature is that the covariant derivativeΦk,jis symmetric.

Now, let us consider in which cases the covariant derivative Φk,j is symmetric in a quasi conformally flat QEWn, remembering that Φk is different from zero or non-gradient. So, let us give the definitions of some special vector fields in the Weyl manifold MgijΦk:

Definition 3.A vector field ξ in the Weyl manifoldMgijΦkis called torse-forming if it satisfies the conditionXξ=ρX+λXξ, whereξχM,λXis a linear form and ρ is a function. In the local coordinates, it is expressed byiξh=ρδih+ξhλi, whereδihis the Kronecker symbol,ξhandλiare the components of ξ and λ. A torse-forming vector field ξ is called concircular ifiξj=ρgijwithξj=ghjξh.

Definition 4.A vector field ϕ in the Weyl manifoldMgijΦkis called ϕ (Ric) vector field if it satisfiesϕ=μRic, whereμis a constant andRicis the Ricci tensor. In local coordinates, it is expressed byiϕj=μRij, whereϕiandRijare the components of ϕ andRic.

Definition 5.The componentsϕiof a vector field ϕ in the Weyl manifoldMgijΦkis defined as parallel ifϕ,ji=0and is defined concurrent ifϕ,ji=cδji, wherecis a constant.

When we apply the above definitions to parallel, concurrent and concircular complementary vector field Φk in a quasi conformally flat quasi Einstein-Weyl manifold QEWn, the covariant derivatives Φk,j of these vector fields are



Now, let us consider Φk as a ϕ (Ric) vector field. From Definition 3.4 and (10),


Finally, let us write the covariant derivative Φk,j for a torse forming vector field Φk defined by iΦh=ρδih+ΦhAi, where Ai is the generator of QEWn. By using Definition 3.3, we have


By means of (38), (39) and (40), we can express the following:

Corollary 2.A quasi conformally flat quasi Einstein-Weyl manifoldQEWnn>4is of quasi constant curvature if the complementary vector fieldΦksatisfies any one of the following:

  1. Φkis a parallel, concurrent or concircular vector field,

  2. Φkis a ϕ (Ric) vector field withμ1n,

  3. Φkis a torse forming vector field defined byiΦh=ρδih+ΦhAi, whereAjΦkAkΦj=0.

Now, we seek a necessary and sufficient condition for a quasi conformally flat quasi Einstein-Weyl manifold QEWn to be recurrent. So, firstly, let us define the concept of recurrency in the quasi Einstein-Weyl manifolds by analogy to A.G.Walker’s definition [17]:

Definition 6.A non-flat Weyl manifoldMgijΦkis called recurrent if there exists a non-zero covariant vectorμlsuch that


Suppose that quasi conformally flat quasi Einstein-Weyl manifold QEWnn>3, whose associated scalars α and β satisfy


is recurrent. From (39), it follows that


by contracting on the indices h and k in (41) and transvecting (43) by gij gives us


by means of (20).

By substituting (43) in (23), it is obtained that


which is satisfied by associated scalars in the above hypothesis.

If (42) is substituted in (19) and transvecting by Ai


is obtained.

The conditions




are satisfied in order to provide (46) since β0 and n>3 for a quasi conformally flat quasi Einstein-Weyl manifold QEWn.

If (47) is satisfied, then


where Aj=gjhAh.

Let us first compute first and second covariant derivatives of the complementary vector Φj defined by (25) by considering (21), (47) and (48):


By using (50) and (51), the expressions Φj,ilΦi,jlAi and μlΦj,iΦi,jAi in (48) can be written as


If (52) and (53) are substituted in (48), then


is obtained. Since Ai and Ak’s are linearly independent,


Conversely, let (47) and (55) be satisfied in a quasi conformally flat quasi Einstein-Weyl manifold QEWn whose associated scalars α and β satisfying (42).

From (30),


If (42), (47) and (55) are written in (56), then (41) is obtained. Hence we can state the following:

Theorem 3.A necessary and sufficient condition for a quasi conformally flat quasi Einstein-Weyl manifoldQEWnn>3whose recurrent scalars α and β having the same recurrency vectorμl2Φlto be recurrent is that the equationsAk,j=ΦjAkandAk,jil=μl+ΦlAk,jiare satisfied.

Let us dedicate the last part of this section to the concept of semi-symmetricness in a quasi conformally flat quasi Einstein-Weyl manifold QEWn. Firstly, let us define semi-symmetric QEWn similar to the definition which is made by Szabo for Riemannian manifolds [18] as follows:

Definition 7.A non-flat Weyl manifoldMgijΦkis called semi-symmetric if its curvature tensorRijkhof type (1,3) satisfies the condition


It follows that


by contracting on the indices h and k in (57).

Let us suppose that a quasi conformally flat quasi Einstein-Weyl manifold QEWnn>3 with aαnn2 is semi-symmetric. From (17) and (58),


With the aid of the Ricci identity given as


where vi‘s are the components of a covariant vector, it is obtained that


If (61) is transvected by gij, it is found that


Substituting the following equation, resulted from (48),


which is valid in a quasi conformally flat quasi Einstein-Weyl manifold QEWn in (62) gives us


Because of the restriction on α and β,


If we form the difference Φl,mΦm,l after taking covariant derivative of (25) with repect to xm, we have


If firstly rearranging the first term on the right hand side of the equation in (66) with the help of (60) and then using (63) and (64) in the resulting equation gives


or equivalently


Conversely, let us assume that the generator Ai of a quasi conformally flat quasi Einstein-Weyl manifold QEWnn>3 satisfies the condition (67) or equivalently (68). If (67) is substituted in (66), then (65) is satisfied by means of (60). In this case,


which means that


since Ai‘s are linearly independent.

From (30),


is obtained. If necessary simplifications are made in the difference Rijk,lshRijk,slh which is formed by means of (66), then it is found that


If (70) is written in (72), then we have


which tells us that quasi conformally flat quasi Einstein-Weyl manifold QEWn is semi-symmetric. Therefore we can express the following:

Theorem 4.A necessary and sufficient condition for a quasi conformally flat quasi Einstein-Weyl manifoldQEWnn>3withαanβbn2to be semi-symmetric is that the equationAi,lA,miAi,mA,li=0is satisfied.

In the last part of this section, let us take a look at the relationships between to be of quasi constant curvature and to be semi-symmetric in a quasi conformally flat quasi Einstein-Weyl manifold QEWn.

If we combine Theorem 1 with Theorem 3 we get the following:

Corollary 3.A necessary and sufficient condition for a quasi conformally flat quasi Einstein-Weyl manifoldQEWnn>4withαanβbn2to be semi-symmetric is that the manifold is of quasi constant curvature.

Now, we will examine two special cases of the generator Ai of a quasi conformally flat quasi Einstein-Weyl manifold QEWn: For a parallel generator Ai; since


from Definition 5, it is clear that a quasi conformally flat quasi Einstein-Weyl manifold QEWnn>4, which the generator Ai is parallel, is automatically semi-symmetric. If Definition 5 and the equations in (74) are used in (66), then (65) is obtained. This means that the manifold is of quasi constant curvature by means of Theorem 2.

Conversely, let us assume that quasi conformally flat quasi Einstein-Weyl manifold QEWnn>4, which the generator Ai is parallel, is of quasi constant curvature. In this case, if (70), which is implied by (64), is substituted in (72), then (73) is achieved which means that the manifold is semi-symmetric. Hence we can state the following:

Theorem 5.A necessary and sufficient condition for a quasi conformally flat quasi Einstein-Weyl manifoldQEWnn>4which the generatorAiis parallel to be semi-symmetric is that the manifold is of quasi constant curvature. Let us consider a quasi conformally flat quasi Einstein-Weyl manifold QEWnn>4 with 2β+αn0, which the generator Ai is concurrent, is semi-symmetric. From Definition 5, it follows that


If Definition 5 and the equations in (75) are used in (66), then


Using (75) and (76) in (62) gives


Because of the assumption on α and β, Al,mAm,l=0 and therefore Φl,mΦm,l=0 by (76) which tells us that the manifold is of quasi constant curvature.

Conversely, a quasi conformally flat quasi Einstein-Weyl manifold QEWnn>4, which the generator Ai is concurrent, is of quasi constant curvature. Then, by Theorem 1, Φl,mΦm,l=0 which is equivalent to Al,mAm,l=0 by (76). If the last equation is substituted in (72), then (73) is obtained which means that the manifold is semi-symmetric. Hence we can state the following:

Theorem 6.A necessary and sufficient condition for a quasi conformally flat quasi Einstein-Weyl manifoldQEWnn>4with2β+αn0which the generatorAiis concurrent to be semi-symmetric is that the manifold is of quasi constant curvature.



The author is grateful to the referee for his/her valuable comments and suggestions for the improvement of the book chapter.


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Written By

Fusun Nurcan

Reviewed: 02 June 2022 Published: 09 August 2022