Open access peer-reviewed chapter

Stabilization of a Quantum Equation under Boundary Connections with an Elastic Wave Equation

Written By

Hanni Dridi

Reviewed: 05 July 2022 Published: 24 May 2023

DOI: 10.5772/intechopen.106324

From the Edited Volume

Operator Theory - Recent Advances, New Perspectives and Applications

Edited by Abdo Abou Jaoudé

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The stability of coupled PDE systems is one of the most important topic because it covers realistic modeling of the most important physical phenomena. In fact, the stabilization of the energy of partial differential equations has been the main goal in solving many structural or microstructural dynamics problems. In this chapter, we investigate the stability of the Schrödinger-like quantum equation in interaction with the mechanical wave equation caused by the vibration of the Euler–Bernoulli beam, to effect stabilization, viscoelastic Kelvin-Voigt dampers are used through weak boundary connection. Firstly, we show that the system is well-posed via the semigroup approach. Then with spectral analysis, it is shown that the system operator of the closed-loop system is not of compact resolvent and the spectrum consists of three branches. Finally, the Riesz basis property and exponential stability of the system are concluded via comparison method in the Riesz basis approach.


  • wave equation
  • exponential stability
  • Riesz basis approach
  • C0–semigroup
  • spectral analysis

1. Introduction

There are many coupled systems that have been addressed in the literature, and we can hint here that coupling may be through the association of PDEs with coefficients or via boundary conditions of PDEs. The coupling may be strong or weak as the characteristic is determined based on the results obtained after studying the stability or control. We can divide the coupled systems according to the coupling form. Firstly, the parabolic-hyperbolic coupled systems, such as heat wave system, that arise from the interaction of the fluid structure. See works [1, 2] where stability and control systems are analyzed. Secondly, we can refer heat-beam system through works [3, 4] where the researchers used an effective method for stabilization of the system. Thirdly, in the heat-Schrödinger system, the heat dynamic controller was applied for stabilization and Gevrey regularity property in the paper [5]. Finally, in the case of thermoelastic systems, the exponential stability and Riesz basis property of the coupled heat equation and elastic structure were discussed in reference [6]. The exponential stability of thermoplastic systems with microtemperature in reference [7], for the linear beam system coupled with thermal effect, we refer to the works [8, 9, 10, 11, 12]. For the nonlinear beam system with thermal effect, see reference [13].

From general result related to the previously mentioned research works, we can conclude that the heat equation plays the role of dynamic boundary feedback controller of the hyperbolic PDE. Also, for the interconnected system of Euler–Bernoulli beam and heat equation with boundary weak connections where the heat is the dynamic boundary controller to the whole system, which means that this subsystem can be presented as a controller for other subsystems.

Euler–Bernoulli beam equation with boundary energy dissipation is analyzed in the work [14], the problem is given as follows:


where ρ denotes the mass density per unit length, EI is the flexural rigidity coefficient. The authors extract some estimates of the resolvent operator on the imaginary axis by applying Huang’s1 theorem to establish an exponential decay result.

For the asymptotic behavior of the wave equation, we introduce the following problem:


where ν is the unit normal of Γ pointing toward exterior of Ω. The function aC1Γ1¯ with axa0>0 on Γ1. Problem (2) has been treated by Lagnese in [17], he used a multiplier method2 and proved that the energy decay rate is obtained for solutions of wave type equations in a bounded region in Rnn2 whose boundary consists partly of a nontrapping reflecting surface and partly of an energy absorbing surface. We can express this result, as follows:


with energy defined by


The decay rate of solutions is a function ft satisfying ft0 as t. However, there are difficulties with some boundary condition problems, which makes the energy multiplier method ineffective in proving the exponential stability property.

Wazwaz [18], used the variational iteration method3 for the study of both linear and nonlinear Schrödinger equations, these problem is governed by the following equations:




The variational iteration method was used to give rapid convergent successive approximations as well as to treat linear and non-linear problems in a uniform manner.

1.1 Statement of the problem

In this work, we consider stabilization for a Schrödinger equation through a boundary feedback dynamic controller interacted by an Euler–Bernoulli beam equation with Kelvin-Voigt damping4, the system is described by the following coupled partial differential equations:


boundary conditions are given by


the problem is associated with the following initial conditions:


1.2 Energy space

Initial condition (9) is in the following phase space:




1.3 Energies

The energy is the sum of the potential energy and the kinetic energy, given by


Then, we have


It is clear that Et is nonincreasing with time.

1.4 Remark

  1. The energy dissipation is related to the wave equation, that is, there are no explicit terms for a part of the Schrödinger subsystem.

  2. We note that the weakness of the boundary connections for problems (7)(9) lead to a complicated problem in stability analysis.

  3. If we take the β coefficient equal to zero in Eq. (12), the system becomes conservative.

1.5 Notations

  1. L201 is the L201inner product and L201 is the L201norm.

  2. The symbols s ands indicate the real part and the imaginary of a complex number s.

  3. sT represents the transposed vector of s.


2. Well-posedness

2.1 Setting of the semigroup

Setting z=utu=wvT. Then, we introduce the norm in the Hilbert space H as follows:


for z1,z2H, the norm (13) is induced by the following inner product


System (7) can be written as an abstract Cauchy problem in the phase space (10) as follows:


The solution at time t>0 to problem (15) can be written as:


where the operator A:DAHH is given by


with domain


Theorem 1.1: Let A defined by (16). Then, A1 exists and A generates a C0-semigroup of contractions on H.

Proof: We use the semigroup method, we shall show that:

  1. The operator A is dissipative.

  2. The operator IdA is onto (Id is the identity operator).

For the proof of (1). Firstly, we have DA is dense in H, that is,


Secondly, by applying the scalar product in the Hilbert space H, we obtain


By using boundary conditions (8), we get


Then, the density property (18) and inequality (20) show that A is dissipative.

For the proof of (2), we shall solve the equation


for any F=f1f2f3TH, we can express the equation as follows:


By using the first equation of (21), we get


We solve the following equation for the function v,


to obtain


For u, we solve


to obtain


Eqs. (24) and (26) give a unique zDA satisfying Az=F.

It is easy to check that A1 is bounded, that is,


Therefore, the operator A generates a C0-semigroup of contractions on H by the Lumer–Philips theorem [22].


3. Spectral analysis

We consider the following eigenvalue problem for the system operator A. Let Az=λz. Then, we have


The first and second equations of system (27) give the following system



For any λσpA, it holds


Proof: By Theorem 1.1, we have λ0.5 Letting 0λσpA with λ=0 and zDA satisfying


By using inequality 20, it follows that


From Eq. (31) and boundary conditions (28)3, we have w=0.

From (27)1 we have u=0. Moreover, Eq. (30) gives


It is easy to check that the above equation has only a trivial null solution v=0. Hence, z=0, and all the points that are located on the imaginary axis are not eigenvalues of A. Then the proof is completed.

Setting λ=ρ2 in (28), when 1+βρ20, we obtain




Then, the general solution of system (33) can be expressed as follows:


By the boundary conditions of (33), we obtain that the constants c1,,c4 and d1,d2 are not identical to zero if and only if detX=0, where


by using boundary conditions (8), we get


Then, the solution can be expressed by


where c1,c3,d1 are determined by the remaining three boundary conditions of (36) that detX=0 if and only if detX=0, where


We recall the result of Lemma (29) and in light of this, we know that all eigenvalues have negative real parts. Thus, we only consider those λ that lie in the second and third quadrants of the complex plane:


Denote the region SS1S2S3 such that


the following theorem gives asymptotic distributions of the eigenvalues in S1,S2, and S3.

Theorem 1.2: The eigenvalues of A have two families:




Therefore, we have


Proof: When ρS1, it has




Based on estimate (38), we can state that there is a positive constant γ1 such that


Therefore, we get the following estimates


By multiplying some factors, we make each entry of the detX be bounded as ρ


By using the expression of a and ρ, and the Taylor expansion, we obtain


By using Eqs. (41) and (39), we get


From the previous equality, we can get detX=0 if and only if




where n is a sufficiently large integer. Substituting Eq. (43) into Eq. (42), we arrive at


The roots of Eq. (42) have the following asymptotic expressions


where N1 is a sufficiently large positive integer. By λ=ρ2,we have


By using the value of a given by Eq. (38), we can obtain the expression of a as follows:


Similarly, when ρS2,it is easier to verify that there exists a γ2>0 such that


Hence, we get the following estimations


by using Eq. (38), we obtain


Thus, the sign of a is different under the two conditions:


Therefore, we conclude that


From the previous equality, it is seen that detX=0 if and only if


By using the expression of a and ρ, we obtain


which shows that a,ρ at the same time. Now, substitute the value of ρ given by (48) into equality (47), and we obtain


Letting a=x+iy, it is easily checked that a¯=xiy also satisfies the same asymptotic equation above. Hence, we only need to analyze the asymptotic expression of a located in the second quadrant. Given the value of a given by (48), when a is located on the second quadrant, a0 and ea1. Therefore,


and for the quadrant where a is located, we have


Since a=λ21+βλ4 or λ2βa4λa4=0, it has


Using the Taylor expansion, we obtain the expressions of λ2n+ and λ2n given by (37). Moreover, by using λ=ρ2, we have the asymptotic expressions of ρ2n+ and ρ2n


Similarly, in S3, there exists γ3>0 such that


It is easy to check that there is no null point of detX, namely, there is no point spectrum in S3.

According to the conclusion of Theorem 1.2, it is obvious that 1β is an accumulation point of the point spectrum of the operator A. We thus have the following corollary.



We next analyze the asymptotic expression of eigenfunctions of the operator A.

Theorem 1.3: Let σpA=λ1nnNλ2n+λ2nnN be the point spectrum of A. Let λ1n=ρ1n2,λ2n+=ρ2n+2 and λ2n=ρ2n2 with ρ1n,ρ2n+ and ρ2n being given by Eqs. (45) and (49), respectively. Then, there are three families of approximated normalized eigenfunctions of A

  1. One family z1n=u1nλu1nv1nnN, where z1n is the eigenfunction of A corresponding to the eigenvalue λ1n, has the following asymptotic expression:




    and Oxn34 means that Oxn34L201=On34.

  2. The second family z2n+=u2n+λu2n+v2n+nN, where z2n+ is the eigenfunction of A corresponding to the eigenvalue λ2n+, has the following asymptotic expression:


  3. The third family z2n=u2nλu2nv2nnN, where z2n is the eigenfunction of A corresponding to the eigenvalue λ2n, has the following asymptotic expression:


The proof is limited to the first result declared in Theorem 1.3.

Proof: We look for z1n associated with λ1n. From the expression ρ1n given by (45) and a1n given by (46) we have


and the following estimations:


where y=x or 2x01. According to the matrix X given by (36), for ρ with (45) and a1n given by (46), we obtain


By using estimates (39), we can write


By the expression ρ1n given by (45), we can obtain


This together with estimates 77 gives, after a direct computation, that





Oxn34means thatOxn34L201=On34becauseeax=eiax=On14.

Similarly, by using estimates (39) and (55), we have


where an is given by (52). Let


so, we obtain


The second and third results of Theorem 3 are obtained by the same procedure as before.



4. Riesz basis property

Lemma.(see [23])

Let λnC,n=1,2,,be a sequence that satisfies supnλnM, where M is a positive constant. Then the sine system sinλnxn1 is a Riesz basis for L201 provided that the sequence λn satisfies one of the following conditions:


Lemma.(see [24])

Let A be a densely defined closed linear operator in a Hilbert space H with isolated eigenvalues λii=1. Let ϕii=1i= be a Riesz basis for H. Suppose that there is an integer N1 and a sequence of generalized eigenvectors ψii=N of A such that


Then, there exists M a number of generalized eigenvectors ψi0i=1M of A such that


forms a Riesz basis for H.

Theorem 1.4: The generalized eigenfunctions of A forms a Riesz basis for H. As a result, all eigenvalues with large modules must be algebraically simple and, hence, the spectrum-determined growth condition holds for



ΦA=infΦthere exists anMsuch thateAtMeΦt,



Proof: By the bounded invertible mapping:


the space H is mapped onto


The value of an given by (52) satisfies


is bounded and its real part satisfies


Then, it follows that the sequence


forms a Riesz basis for L201. Similarly, the sequences


form a Riesz basis for L201.





Then, the sequences


forms a Riesz basis for the following space


Therefore, by the expression of z1n,z2n+, and z2n given by (51), (53), and (54), respectively, this implies that there exists N>0 such that


This shows that there is a sequence of generalized eigenfunctions of A, which forms a Riesz basis for H, and all eigenvalues with large modulus must be algebraically simple.


5. Exponential stability

Theorem 1.5: The C0semigroup St generated by the operator A is exponentially stable, that is,


where M and ω are positive constants6.

Proof: By the asymptotic distribution of eigenvalues given by Theorem 1.2 and the continuous spectrum given by Eq. (50), in addition to the empty residual spectrum set given by Eq. (56), we conclude that SA=1β. The proof is completed by the spectrum-determined growth condition, which is similar to [24, 25, 26].


6. Conclusion

The main results of this work are similar to those mentioned in [27], the results are summarized as follows:

  1. The system operator of the closed-loop system is not of compact resolvent and the spectrum consists of three branches.

  2. By means of asymptotic analysis, the asymptotic expressions of eigenfunctions are obtained.

  3. By the comparison method in the Riesz basis approach, exponential stability is obtained.


Conflict of interest

The authors declare no conflict of interest.


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  • Huang [15] introduced a frequency domain method to study the exponential decay of such stability problems.
  • The energy multiplier method [16, 17] has been successfully applied to establish exponential stability, which is a very desirable property for elastic systems.
  • The variational iteration method is established by He in [19, 20] is thoroughly used by many researchers to handle linear and nonlinear models.
  • Kelvin-Voigt is one of the most important types of damping and has been used in many works, see for example, [10, 21].
  • A is dissipative ⇒ℜλ≤0,∀λ∈σpA.
  • By recalling the eigenvalues of A given by 44, we deduce that ω≥−1β.

Written By

Hanni Dridi

Reviewed: 05 July 2022 Published: 24 May 2023