Open access peer-reviewed chapter

On Principal Parts-Extension for a Noether Operator A

Written By

Abdourahman Haman Adji

Submitted: 05 September 2022 Reviewed: 07 September 2022 Published: 15 November 2022

DOI: 10.5772/intechopen.107925

From the Edited Volume

Operator Theory - Recent Advances, New Perspectives and Applications

Edited by Abdo Abou Jaoudé

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The main purpose of this work is to realize and establish the extension of a noether operator A defined by a third kind singular integral equation. The extended operator of the initial operator A is noted  and acting from a new specific functional space constructed denoted Vm=C−11−11⊕∑k=1mαkF.p1xk, into the same previous space C0P−11. We investigate the noetherity of the extended initial noether operator noted Â, when we realized the extension taking the unknown function φx from the spaceVm. The index of such noether operator χ is calculated and therefore, the conditions of the noetherity nature of the extended operator are established.


  • integral equation of the third kind
  • deficient numbers
  • index
  • Taylor derivative
  • noether operator
  • fundamental functions
  • singular operator

1. Introduction

The construction of noether theory for some integrodifferential operators defined by linear third-kind integral equations in some specific functional spaces is well known and still interests many scientists around the world. Various scientific works dedicated to the noetherity of integrodifferential operators have been published by many researchers investigating such topics.

In our previous works, while constructing noether theory for integrodifferential operators defined by the third kind integral equations, we approached the question of the solvability of linear integral equations of the third kind axI+K, where K is an integral operator and ax is a given function vanishing on some set of points. That was illustrated in many works (see for example, papers [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12] and scientific collections [13, 14]. We also recall that such equations arise frequently in various applications and by their particular nature are connected with singularities of the function a(x). In connexion with integral equations of the third kind, we can note that they have been investigated at the beginning of the centenary. In addition, there is a particular interest linked to them in relation to the requirement of transport theory without forgetting the theory of elliptical-hyperbolic type equations. In most scientific research works, the solution of the integral equation of the third kind seems to be the space of continuous functions on the closed interval ab.

Specific approaches are needed when constructing noether theory for integrodifferential operators and, once we succeed to establish the noetherity of the considered operator, we can always set to the problem of the investigation of the extension of the studied already noether operator. For some details see [15, 16, 17, 18].

The illustration of the great importance of the construction and establishment of noetherity of some integrodifferential operators defined by third-kind integral equations is clearly presented through the works of many scientists. For full details on such investigations and results, we can refer to works such as [3, 4, 5, 15, 16, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26]. Let us recall that among many others, Bart G.R, Warnock R.L., Roghozin V., Raslambekov V.S., and Gobbassov N.S., respectively, in their scientific works, had constructed noether theory for some integrodifferential operators defined similarly but having some specificities on the considered integral equation. They have realized some cases of extension and established noetherity of the considered extended operator.

We recall that the noetherity of the initial operator x=xpφx+11Kxtφtdt=fx;x11, with φC1111, fxC0P11 and KxtC0P11XC11 is completely established in [4, 5].

E.Tompé and al, in their recent published article titled “On Delta-Extension for a Noether Operator” have realized the extension of the initial operator x=xpφx+11Kxtφtdt= fx;x11, when the unknown function rather than φC1111, was took from the space Dm=C1111k=0mαkδkx with the conditions 0mp2. For full details see [22].

Just recently their paper titled “Noetherity of a Dirac Delta-Extension for a Noether Operator” was published in the International Journal of Theoretical and Applied Mathematics. Vol. 8, No. 3, 2022, pp. 51–57. doi: 10.11648/j.ijtam.20220803.11, Abdourahman, Ecclésiaste Tompé Weimbapou, and Emmanuel Kengne completely covered the investigation of the noetherity of the extended operator A¯ of the initial operator x=xpφx+11Kxtφtdt=fx;x11, previously started, when also, at this time the unknown function rather than φC1111has been taken as following φDm=C1111k=0nαkδkxwith supplementary conditionm>p2.

The noetherity, in both two cases, investigated, of the extended operator noted A¯ was established and its index χA¯ is calculated.

Following such previous research cited and other works are done by many scientists, related to the realization of various types of extensions of noether operators, we are conducting the work to realize a particular type of extension when we add, at this time, functions from the space of principal-parts values of the following indicated form k=1mαkF.p1xk.

Namely here in this paper, we realize the extension of the following noether operator defined by the third kind singular integral equation


where φC1111,fxC0P11 and KxtC0P11XC11 with principal parts functions, i.e., φVm=C1111k=1mαkF.p1xk and next, we establish the noetherity of the extended operator.

The structure of this chapter is the following: Section 2 is devoted to some fundamental well-known notions and concepts of noether theory, Fredholm third kind integral equation, Taylor derivatives, associated spaces, and associated operators. Section 3 presenting the main results of the chapter deals properly with the realization of the extension of the operator A when taking the unknown function from the space Vm. Lastly, after making a small important remark, we conclude our chapter in Section 4, followed by some recommendations for the follow-up or future scientific works to undertake, as stated in Section 5.


2. Preliminaries

Before presenting our main results in full detail, the following definitions and concepts well known from the noether theory of operators are required for the realization of this research. We also recall the notions of Taylor derivatives and linear Fredholm integral equation of the third kind, widely studied in many works done by different authors among many of them Bart GR, Sukavanam N, Shulaia D.A, Gobbassov N.S. See [3, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31] for more details.

First of all, let us move to the following concept.

  1. Noether operator

    Definition 1. Let X, Y be Banach spaces, AlXY a linear operator. The quotient spacecokerA=Y/imA is called the cokernel of the operator A. The dimensions αA=dimkerA,βA=dimcokerA are called the nullity and the deficiency of the operator A, respectively. If at least one of the numbers αA or βA is finite, then the difference IndA=αAβA is called the index of the operator A.

    Definition 2. Let X, Y be Banach spaces, AlXY is said to be normally solvable if it possesses the following property: The equation Ax=yyYyY has at least one solution xDA (DA is the domain of A) if and only if <y,f>=0fimA holds.

    We recall that by the definition of the adjoint operator imA=kerA and it’s proven in [4] that The operator A is normally solvable if and only if its image space imA is closed.

    Definition 3. A closed normally solvable operator A is called a Noether operator if its index is finite.

    By the way, we briefly review these important notions of Taylor derivatives which are widely used when constructing noether theory of the considered operator A.

    Definition 4. A Continuous function φxϵC11 admits at the point x=0 Taylor derivative up to the order pif there exists recurrently fork=1,2,,p, the following limits:


    The class of such functions φx is denoted C0p11.

    Next, let us move to the following part.

    Let Cm11,m+, noted the Banach space of continuous functions on 11, having continuous derivatives up to order m, for which the norm is defined as follows:


    Therefore, we can consider φk0 are defined for all k=1,2,,p.

    We define C0p11 as a subspace of continuous functions, having finite Taylor derivatives up to order p+; and when p=0,weputC0p11=C0011=C11.

    Let us also define a linear operator Nk on the space C0p11 by the formula:


    One can easily verify the property Nk=Nk1Nkk1,0k1k,k,k1+, where we put N0=I.

    Definition 5. The operator Np is called the characteristical operator of the space C0p11.

    Remark: The sense of the previous definition can be seen from the verification of the following lemma and also for more details see [23, 25, 26].

    Lemma 2.1. A function φx belongs to C0p11 if and only if, the following representation


    holds with the function ϕxC11, and αk being constants.

    To prove Lemma 2.1 it is enough to observe that (5) implies that the Taylor derivatives of φx up to the order p exists, and more φk0=k!αk,k=0,1,2,,p1,φ00=p!ϕ0 with ϕx=Nkφx. Conversely, if φx belongs to C0p11, and we define ϕx=Nkφx with αk=φk0k!,k=0,1,2,,p1, then the representation (5) holds. From Lemma 2.1, it follows that for φxC0p11 the inequality


    is valid.

    Consequently, the linear operator Np establishes a relation between the spaces C0p11 and C11. The space C0p11 with the norm


    becomes a Banach space one.

    Let note also that we can define the previous norm in the following way:


    Sometimes it is comfortable and suitable to consider as the norm in the space C0p11 the equivalent norm is defined as follows:


    We can also note a very useful and clearly helpful next inequality:


    Therefore, it is obvious to see that


    Finally, note that from definition 2.1, we can follow fact that if φxC11, then xpφxC0p11. This assertion may be generalized as follows:

    Lemma 2.2. Let p,s+. If φxC0s11 then, xpφxC0p+s11, and the formula holds


    Proof. Note that a stronger assumption on the function φx, such that φxC0p+s11 would allow us to easily prove the lemma just by applying the Leibniz formula.

    For s=0 the statement has already been proved above, so xpφxC0p11, and xpφxj0=0,j=0,,p1 and xpφxp0=p!φ0. Now let us prove that xpφxj0=j!jp!φjp0,j=p+1,.,p+s. Since the derivatives are defined recurrently, and (12) is true for j=p, then it is sufficient to verify the passage from jtoj+1. We have:


    Lemmas 2.1 and 2.2 imply the next important lemma.

    Lemma 2.3. LetfxC0p11,pandf0=..=fr10=0,1rp. Then fxxrC0ps11.

    We say that the kernel kxtC0P11XC11, if and only if kxtC11XC11 and admits Taylor derivatives according to the variable x at the point (0,t) whatever t11.

  2. Associated spaces and associated operators

    Instead of talking about adjoint operators when establishing the noetherity of an operator, we can note that also noether property of an operator may depend on the concept of associated operators and associated spaces. Therefore, we start by recalling these two important concepts and we give some associated spaces that we are going to use later within the work.

    Definition 6.

    The Banach space EE is called associated space with a Banach space E, if


    Definition 6. Let Ej, (j = 1,2) be Banach spaces and Ej their associated spaces, operators AlE1E2 and AlE1E2 are associated if and only if:


    The following important result gives noether property via an associated operator.

    Lemma 1. Let Ej, j = 1,2 be Banach spaces, Ej their associated spaces, AlE1E2 and AlE1E2 are associated with noether operators, we have χA=χA (where χ means the index), and for the solvability of equation =f it’s necessary and sufficient that fψ=0 for all solutions of the associated homogenous equation Aψ=0.

    We finish these reminders with two very important results that define the associated spaces of spaces that we will use later.

    Lemma 2. Space Cx0111 is associated with space C11 where Cx0111 means the space of functions φC11 satisfying φx0=0.

    Proof. Let fCx0111 and φC11. Then we have:


    Let us also recall the definition of the space of generalized functions P1 given in [12, 22, 23].

    Definition 7. Through P1 we denote the space of distributions ψ on the space of test functions C1p11 such that:

    ψx=zxxp+k=0p1βkδkx where xC1p11C1111, βk are arbitrary constants, δkxis thekth Taylor derivative of the Dirac-delta function defined by:


    In the space P1 let us introduce the norm in the following way:


    with this norm, it was proved in [12, 22, 23] that the space P1 is a Banach space.

    Lemma 3. The space P1 is a Banach space associated with the space C1p11.

    Proof. Similar to previous proof and for more details see also [5, 22].

    Definition 8. An equation of the form


    where f is a given function of the variable xab and φ the unknown function of xab when the operator An is defined by


    is called a linear Fredholm integral equation of the third kind.

    In this case, gnx=k=1nxxk is a given function of the variable xab with xkab and kxt is a given function of variables xtabXab.

    Related to this notion of linear Fredholm integral equation of the third kind with full details also can be found in [5, 22].

    Now, we can move to the presentation of the general results of our investigation stated in the following section.


3. Main results

Before we state the content of our results within the whole investigation, let’s also give some needed definitions related to the main space and to singular integral for functions we used in the work.

Definition 9. We denote through Vm=C1111k=1mαkF.p.1xk the space of all functions presented as follows:


where φ0xC11 and φ01=0 with the natural norm


Next, we move to the following important concept.

  1. Singular integral for functions from the space C0p11.

    If the function gx has feature (singularity) in x=0, then we say that 11gxdx exists in the sense of Hadamard if it is true the following representation:


    In this case, we put F.p.11gxdx=a, i.e., it remains the finite parts. Note that under the definition of convergence by Hadamard, we often take al+1=0, but we do not exclude that possibility as this can allow us to consider the convergence V.p. in the sense of Cauchy principal part as a particular case of convergence in the sense of Hadamard.

    Now let φxC0p11,p and consider 11φxxpdx,p.

    Lemma 4. Let φxC0p11,p. Then it takes place the following relationships:


    Proof. For the proof, we note that by virtue of lemma 2.1 we have φx=xpNpφx+k=0p1φk0k!xk and next, it remains to note that




    That is leading us to the first assertion.

    Analogously we can prove the second assertion.

    As previously indicated, we note through  the extension of the operator A onto the space C1111.

    We will also note it in the following way:


    and use the properties


    In the following part, we consider our operator defined by the integral equation in the case to be investigated.

  2. Integral equation in the case m=p1

    Let  be the extension of the operator A defined by the Eq. (1) and A is the associated operator to A. Let us explain under which conditions the operators  and  are at least formally associated operators.

    Let m=p1. So that we have immediately considered computations:


    First of all, we calculate ÂφΨ. Then we have


    Next, let us also separately calculate on the other side the following expression:


    We rewrite this term in the form of a sum and we obtain definitively the equation as follows:


    On the other side, we compute also the following needed expression:


    Now, we are able to compare ÂφΨ and φÂΨ. Therefore, we obtain the equality between the terms considered for every φxVm and for every ΨP1, only if and only if it is taking place in the following relationship:


    where βp1 is an arbitrary constant.

    In other words, the operators  and  are associated operators only if and only, when it is accomplished under the following conditions:


    for every k=1,.,p1.

    From condition (37) we can express the parameters βk1 through the function zx, that is going to give us:


    Therefore, if we note by P1̂ the restriction of the space P1 with the condition (37), then it has the following form:

    where βk,k=0,.,p 2 are defined by the formula (38) and βp1 is an arbitrary constant.

    The restriction of the operator A on the space P1̂ we denote by the following way Â.

    Next, we note  as previously the extension of the operator A on Vm. Then the following operators:

    Â: VmC0P11 and Â:P1̂C0P11 on the basis of previously done computations are verifying the established relationship:


    for every φxVm and for every ΨP1̂, so that they are associated operators.

    As operator  is the extension of the operator A on p1 dimensional space, then the operator Â: VmC0P11 is a noether operator with the index χÂ=p+p1=1.

    Next, as the operator  is the restriction of the operator A on p1 conditions (38), then the operator Â:P1̂C0P11 is also a noether operator and its index χÂ=pp1=1.

    All that has been said allow us to formulate the result on noetherity of the extended operator Â, that is what is given by virtue of Duduchava’s Lemma this following important global theorem:

    Theorem 3.1. The equation Âφ=f, where  is the extended operator of the operator A of the form (1) and fxC0P11 is solvable in the space Vm only if and only when 11ftΨktdt=0,k=1,2,3,.,αÂ, where Ψk is the basis of solutions of the associated homogeneous equation ÂΨ=0 in the associated space P1̂.

    Before concluding, let us make an important remark.


    The requirements (38) allow us to write in a more clear way the form of the functions from the associated space P1̂, i.e.,


    where βp1 is an arbitrary constant.


4. Conclusion

Summarizing our work, we state that we have completely realized the extension of a noether operator A defined by the extended operator  in the space Vm. We applied the well-known noether theory for integrodifferential operators defined by a third kind integral equation and, we computed very attentively both the two expressions ÂφΨandφÂΨ, taking the functions φ and Ψ respectively from the generalized functional spaces Vm and P1̂. From the previous, we released the conditions under which the two operators  and  are associated operators. Consequently, we formalized within theorem 3.1 the global results of the investigation related to the question of noetherity nature of the extended operator, which as proved is noether operator. The principle of the conservation of noetherity nature of a noether operator after extension by some finite dimensional space of added functions to the initial space is established firmly as proved in theory. We can also note that the index of the initial operator after extension remains the same, i.e., χA=χ no matter the deficient numbers may be other than the previous before extension, i.e., αAβAαÂβÂ.


5. Recommendations

The achieved researches in this work completed by those already obtained by many scientific researchers related to the question of the noetherity nature of an extended operator of an initial noether operator in some various functional generalized spaces may lead us to project, and to set very interesting and challenging future investigations for noetherity when at this time, we take the unknown generalized function from the space Tm=C1111k=0mαkδkxk=1mαkF.p1xk, as previously done by many scientists in their researchers, namely cited Gobbassov N. S, Raslambekov S. N, Bart G. R, and Warnock R. L.

This will be the next work to be done in a brief future. We underline once more again that the main difficulty appearing when realizing such extension is still and always connected with the derivative of the unknown function within the third kind singular integral equation through which is defined the initial integrodifferential operator to be extended onto the new generalized functional space.



The author is very grateful to the late Professor KARAPETYANTS N.K former Head of the Department of Differential and Integral Equations of the Rostov State University in the Russian Federation, for his invaluable support and helpful discussions during that time when conducting such research.


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Written By

Abdourahman Haman Adji

Submitted: 05 September 2022 Reviewed: 07 September 2022 Published: 15 November 2022