Open access peer-reviewed chapter

Characteristic Polynomials

Written By

Sándor Kovács, Szilvia György and Noémi Gyúró

Reviewed: 30 August 2021 Published: 25 February 2022

DOI: 10.5772/intechopen.100200

From the Edited Volume

Recent Advances in Polynomials

Edited by Kamal Shah

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In this chapter, we provide a short overview of the stability properties of polynomials and quasi-polynomials. They appear typically in stability investigations of equilibria of ordinary and retarded differential equations. In the case of ordinary differential equations we discuss the Hurwitz criterion, and its simplified version, the Lineard-Chippart criterion, furthermore the Mikhailov criterion and we show how one can prove the change of stability via the knowledge of the coefficients of the characteristic polynomial of the Jacobian of the given autonomous system. In the case of the retarded differential equation we use the Mikhailov criterion in order to estimate the length of the delay for which no stability switching occurs. These results are applied to the stability and Hopf bifurcation of an equilibrium solution of a system of ordinary differential equations as well as of retarded dynamical systems.


  • Hurwitz stability
  • Schur stability
  • Mikhailov criterion
  • Hopf bifurcation

1. Introduction

As it is well-known, many systems of applied mathematics are modeled by retarded functional differential equations of type


(cf. [1]), where f:Ω×ΩRd is continuously differentiable and ΩRd is an open set. Here τ0 represents the so-called delay or time lag. In order to have a solution in some interval 0r, r>0 one has to know the solution on τ0, which means that one has to attach a continuous initial function ϕ:τ0Rd as an initial condition to the system (cf. [2]). Clearly, in the case of τ=0 one has to deal with the initial value problem for ordinary differential equations.

In order to examine the stability of an equilibrium aΩ of system (1), i.e. the equilibrium solution


for which faa=0 holds, one has to discuss the spectral properties of the linearized system




It may be supposed that system (3) has a solution of the form Rteλts where 0sRd, that is


This can only happen if and only if Δλτ=0 holds, where


is called characteristic quasi-polynomial of the linear delay system (3).

The organization of the chapter is as follows. In the next section, we introduce and prove two criteria regarding stability of ΔΔ0, i.e. we give conditions for which the zeros of Δ have negative real parts. Concretely, we deal with the Hurwitz criterion and with its simplified version, the Lineard-Chippart criterion, and the Mikhailov criterion. Furthermore, we show how one can check the conditions of Hopf bifurcation via knowledge of the coefficients of the characteristic polynomial. In the section that follows we examine the case when the delay τ is positive. We show how the Mikhailov criterion can be extended for quasi-polynomials and how the length of the delay can be estimated in order to have stability. Finally, we present a criterion for Hopf bifurcation.


2. The undelayed case: τ=0

If there is no delay present, i.e. τ=0 holds then we have to deal with the characteristic polynomial


where the coefficients of χA are determined recursively by the Faddeev–LeVerrier algorithm (cf. [3, 4]) as follows


2.1 The stability of the characteristic polynomial χA

The asymptotic stability of (3) is determined by the stability of the matrix A, i.e. by the stability of its characteristic polynomial χA. We are now supplying some criteria for the stability of the characteristic polynomial χA. Under stability, we mean the so-called Hurwitz stability, i.e. the zeros of χA lie in the open left half of the complex plane. In this case χA is called also Hurwitz polynomial.

There is a very simple but very important necessary condition for χA to be Hurwitz (cf. [5, 6]).

Theorem 1.1 (Stodola). If the characteristic polynomial χA in (7) is stable then all of its coefficients are positive, i.e. ak>0 holds where k0d1.

Proof: The real and complex zeros of χA my be written as λk, resp. αl±iβl, where αl and βl are both real. If the multiplicity of the real, resp. complex zeros are denoted by σk, resp. τl, where k1r, resp. l1s, then


and we can split χA into linear, resp. quadratic factors according to the real, resp. complex zeros as follows


Thus, the stability of χA implies the sign conditions


This means that all coefficients of all factors in the product above are positive. By performing the multiplications one can see that the coefficients of χA are positive.

In the case of d=1 and d=2 this criterion is sufficient and necessary. Indeed, in case of d=1 the characteristic polynomial has the form


furthermore in case of d=2 we have


(cf. (8)), thus


and χA is stable if and only if TrA<0 and detA>0 hold, because if

  • TrA24detA>0, then we have ξ<0,


  • TrA24detA=0, then the zeros ξ and ξ+ are equal and real:


  • TrA24detA<0, then there are only complex zeros:


Unfortunately the criterion is for d>2 not sufficient. For example, the polynomial


has positive coefficients, but two of its zero, namely ±i are not in the open left half-plane. In case of d=3 there is a result which can be proved in several ways. Pontryagin (cf. [7]) proves it in a circumstantial way. He uses that the zeros of a polynomial are continuous functions of the coefficients (cf. [8, 9]). Our presentation is based on the results of Suter (cf. [10]).

Theorem 1.2 In case of d=3 the characteristic polynomial of A has the form


(cf. (8)) and χA is stable if and only if



Proof: Using the Faddeev-LeVerrier-algorithm (cf. (8)) we have




As a consequence of the fundamental theorem of algebra, we can split χA into a linear and a quadratic factor


In view of the above considerations for the first and the second-order polynomials we see that χA is stable if and only if α<0, β>0 and γ>0 hold. Thus, it is enough to show that the equivalence


holds. We prove this statement in two steps.

Step 1. We prove that the positivity of the coefficients a,b,c entails



  • from αγ=c>0 it follows that α0, γ0. Hence the equivalence


holds. The case α>0,γ<0 cannot happen, because γαβ=b>0 would imply β<0, which is not possible due to βα=a>0.


Step 2. It remains to prove that the equivalence (24) holds.

  • If χA is stable, i.e. α<0, β>0 and γ>0 hold, then a>0, b>0 and clearly c>0, even by Step 2 sgnabc=sgnβ=1, i.e. abc>0.

  • If inequalities a>0, c>0 and abc>0 hold, then b>0, hence by Step 2 we have α<0, γ>0 and sgnβ=sgnabc=1, i.e. β>0 which completes the proof.

Example 1. If the matrix AR3×3 is antisymmetric, i.e. for suitable a,b,cR


holds, then its characteristic polynomial has the form


This means that χA and hence A is unstable.

In order to formulate the necessary and sufficient stability condition for the polynomial χA with arbitrary degree dN, we shall first fix our terminology. Let us define the Hurwitz matrix of the characteristic polynomial χA by




where ad1 and am0 if m>0.

Theorem 1.3 (Routh-Hurwitz criterion). The characteristic polynomial χA in (7) is stable if and only if all leading principal minors


of HχA are positive, i.e.


hold. □


  • two-dimensional system we have


Thus, this criterion can be stated as




  • third-dimensional system we have


Thus, this criterion is




  • fourth-dimensional system we have


Thus, this criterion can be stated as Δ1=a3>0,




As the application of the above theorem, we mention the Orlando formula (cf. [11]) which establishes the useful relation between the Hurwitz determinants and the polynomial whose roots are sums of the roots of a given polynomial and which can be proved by mathematical induction (cf. [12]).

Theorem 1.4 (Orlando-formula) If ξ1,,ξd are the roots of the characteristic polynomial χA then the d1-th principal minor of the Hurwitz matrix can be expressed as


In case of

  • d=2 this formula reduces to the well known Vieta formula in the quadratic equation


  • d=3 the formula in (44) reduces to


We remark (cf. [12]) if criterion (34) is satisfied then χA is stable which due to the form (10) has the consequence that all coefficients of χA are positive:


Clearly, if (47) holds then condition (34) is redundant: many of inequalities in (34) are unnecessary. For χA to be a Hurwitz stable, a necessary and sufficient condition can be established which requires about half amount of computations needed in the criterion of Routh-Hurwitz (cf. [12, 13]).

Theorem 1.5 (Liénard-Chipart) The following statements are equivalent:

  1. the characteristic polynomial χA in (7) is Hurwitz stable;

  2. a0>0, a2>0, ; Δ1>0, Δ3>0, ;

  3. a0>0, a2>0, ; Δ2>0, Δ4>0, ;

  4. a0>0, a1>0, a3>0; Δ1>0, Δ3>0, ;

  5. a0>0, a1>0, a3>0; Δ2>0, Δ4>0, .

Example 2. For α,βR the matrix


has the characteristic polynomial


It suffices to calculate


Thus, χA and hence A is stable if and only if


holds (cf. Figure 1).

Figure 1.

Stability chart of the polynomial Czz4+2z3+3z2+2z+1αβ.

There is a criterion of geometric character which is useful for the study of the stability of χA.

Definition 1.The curve


is called Mikhailov hodograph or amplitude-phase curve (cf. [14]).

Some geometrical properties of the hodograph ΓA are in strong relationship to the stability of the characteristic polynomial χA. This polynomial has no zero on the imaginary axis if and only if the origin does not lie on the curve ΓA. In this case the function


is continuous in every point of the real line. Moreover, we deal with the change


where ΔχA denotes the change of argument of the vector φχAω in the complex plane as ω increases from to +. Because


therefore we have


This means that it is enough to know the behavior of the vector φχAω for 0ω<. The next theorem which is known as the Mikhailov criterion of stability is based on the principle of argument. Because the form as it is in the next theorem is a special case of the one formulated in the next section we omit its proof now.

Theorem 1.6 (Mikhailov). The polynomial χA is stable if and only if the following two conditions are fulfilled:

  1. the curve ΓA does not cross the origin, i.e. the implication


    is true, which means that χA has no zeros on the imaginary axis;

  2. the curve ΓA encircles the origin anticlockwise at an angle /2 while ω changes from 0 to +, i.e.



Example 3. In case of d=2 we have for the characteristic polynomial


from which


resp. as ω+


follows. Thus,


which means that χA is stable if and only if a0>0 and a1>0 hold.

Often what is to be checked is not the stability of the characteristic polynomial χA but the question as to whether every zero of the polynomial lies in the interior of the unit circle around the origin of the complex plane. In this case χA is called Schur stable polynomial or simply Schur polynomial. This phenomenon plays a crucial role in the stability of discrete dynamical systems and in the asymptotic stability of periodic linear systems (cf. [15]). Regarding this problem there are two main treatments. The first way to investigate the Schur stability of χA is to introduce the Möbius-transformation


which takes the interior of the unit circle of the complex plane zC:z<1 into the interior of the left half-plane wC:w<0. Thus, if we want to know whether the polynomial χA is Schur stable we perform the transformation


It is clear that ψA is also a polynomial of degree d and χA is Schur stable if and only if ψA is Hurwitz stable. It is not difficult to calculate (cf. [2]) that in case of

  • d=2 the polynomial χA is Schur stable if and only if


  • d=3 the polynomial χA is Schur stable if and only if the inequalities



The second way is the application of the so called Jury test which proof is based on the Rouché theorem (cf. [16]).

2.2 Hopf bifurcation

In what follows we shall examine the situation when system (1) with τ0 exhibits Hopf bifurcation. In order to have this, we rewrite the version of (1) without delay in the parameter-dependent form


where p represents a parameter of the given system. Hopf bifurcation occurs if and only if for the eigenvalues μp±iνp of the Jacobi matrix A of f at the critical value p

  • the eigenvalue crossing condition holds:


  • the transversality condition μp0 is fulfilled.

In the case of the two-dimensional system there is a result about the fulfillment of the above two conditions.

Lemma 1. Let IR be an open interval and β,γ:IR smooth functions. The roots of the characteristic polynomial


fulfill the eigenvalue crossing condition and the transversality condition if and only if at the critical value p=pI




Step 1. The polynomial χA has purely imaginary zeros ±ωi with ω0 if and only if


Thus, at the critical value p=pI the eigenvalue crossing condition holds exactly in case


Step 2. Let denote by ρ the root of the equation


which at p takes the value ωi: ρp=ωi, and let us introduce the following function




therefore we have


Using the well known calculation


furthermore the first and third part of (69) the formula


proves the lemma.

Because a matrix of order two can have no other eigenvalues besides the critical eigenvalues the crossing can happen only if for suitable r>0



We have to remark that there are two forms of Hopf bifurcation: the standard one and the so called non-standard. Under standard Hopf bifurcation we mean the phenomenon when the critical eigenvalues of the Jacobian matrix A cross the imaginary axis from left to right and all other eigenvalues remain in the open left complex plane, whereas non-standard Hopf bifurcation means that the critical eigenvalues cross the imaginary axis from the right to the left and there is no restriction for the location of the other eigenvalues.

Theorem 1.7. If (78) holds then crossing can only happen

  • From the left half-plane to the right, if the function β changes at the critical values p its sign from positive to negative;

  • From the right half-plane to the left, if the function β changes at the critical values p its sign from negative to positive.

Proof: If condition (78) holds, then χA has a pair of conjugate roots. From elementary mathematics, we know that

  • if function β changes its sign from positive to negative at the critical values p, then the sign of the real parts of the roots change their signs from the negative to positive;

  • if function β changes at the critical values p its sign from negative to positive, then the sign of the real parts of the roots change their signs from the positive to negative.

Example 4. Let be 0<a,bR and consider the activator-inhibitor system of Schnackenberg-type


(cf. [17]). System (79) has the unique equilibrium point


The Jacobian of (79) at xy takes the form


whose eigenvalues are the zeros of its characteristic polynomial


It is easy to see that if we choose bp as parameter by fixed a then for every p>0 we have γp>0 and


This means that Hopf bifurcation occurs at the critical value p if and only if p is a positive real solution of the equation


extended in p to the whole real axis. For example,

  • In case of a=1 the polynomial κ has one real root:


Clearly, κ1=8>0, therefore κ and so β assume on the positive half line positive values, which has a consequence that the characteristic polynomial and hence the equilibrium point xy is stable, since a second order characteristic polynomial is stable if and only if its coefficients have the same (positive) sign.

  • in case of a=0.1 the polynomial κ has three real roots:




the polynomial κ and so β changes its sign at p2 from positive to negative, and at p3 from negative to positive. This means in the light of the above that at the parameter value p=p2 standard Hopf bifurcation occurs: the roots migrate from the left open half plane to the right, xy loses its stability; furthermore at the parameter value p=p3 non-standard Hop bifurcation takes place, i.e. the roots migrate from the right half plane to the left and as a consequence xy becomes stable.

In the case of the three-dimensional system we post a result (cf. [18]), the proof of which is similar to the one in [19].

Lemma 2. Let be IR an open interval and α,β,γ:IR smooth functions. The roots of the characteristic polynomial


fulfill the crossing and the transversality conditions if and only if at the critical value p=pI






Step 1. We show that the characteristic polynomial χA has purely imaginary roots ±ωi (ω0), if αβγ=0 and β>0 hold. Indeed, if ξ,η,ζ denote the roots of the polynomial χA, then using Orlando formula we have


This means that

  • if for some 0ωR the equalities


hold, then one of the three zeros, like ζ is real, furthermore


  • χA has exactly zeros with opposite sign but the same absolute value, if αβγ=0 holds, furthermore χA has a complex root, since if ξ=η then


which contradicts the fact that β>0.

It is clear that from conditions (89) it follows that the zeros of χA are




Step 2. Let denote the roots of χA by ρ which assumes at p the value ωi: ρp=ωi, furthermore let define




it follows for the derivative of the implicit function ρ at p that


Using (89), resp. (90), furthermore βp=ω2 we have


As a consequence of the Stodola criterion the necessary condition for the stability of the polynomial χA is the positivity of its coefficients α,β,γ. In the case when its zeros cross the imaginary axis from the right to the left, one of the coefficients should be local negative.

Theorem 1.8. If conditions of Lemma 2., i.e. (89) and (90) hold, furthermore, for every ε>0, resp. arbitrary phpεp+ε the equalities


are valid, where


then the roots of χA cross the imaginary axis

  • from left to right, if


  • from right to left, if



Proof: Using the notations


one can see that if A=0 and 0BR hold then the zeros of the polynomial χA are as follows (cf. [17]):


Thus, from B0 and B32a it follows that χA has a pair of complex conjugate roots. Because of condition γ0 the third root could not be zero, furthermore this pair of complex conjugate zeros lies

  • in the left half-plane if and only if B3<2a, i.e. (103) holds;

  • in the right half-plane if and only if B3>2a, i.e. (104) holds.

Example 5. In [20] Liao, Zhou, and Tang proposed the following autonomous system of ordinary differential equations


where a,b,c,dR. If abcd belongs to the set


then we get the Lorenz system (cf. [21]), the Chen system (cf. [22]) and the Lü system (cf. [23]). Yan showed (cf. [24]) that in the system (107) Hopf bifurcation may occur. In what follows we show that his calculations can be simplified as we know the coefficients of the characteristic polynomials of the Jacobian of system (107). If bc+d>0 holds then system (107) has three equilibria:


The Jacobian of (107) takes the form


Hence the corresponding Jacobians are:




The eigenvalues of A0 are the roots of the characteristic polynomial


where γdetA0=abc+d, βTradjA0=abbcacad and αTrA0=a+bc.

We remark that only a special parameter configuration was investigated in [24], namely a=c, d=2cc>0. On the other hand one can observe more due to Lemma 2:

  1. it is easy to see from the characteristic polynomial that in case c=a+b Hopf bifurcation may not occur because no matter what will be chosen as a bifurcation parameter, the coefficient of the first-order term of the polynomial vanishes, which has the consequence (cf. Lemma 2) that there can be a pair of complex conjugate zeros on the imaginary axis only in case if the constant term of the polynomial vanishes. This contradicts the crossing condition.

  2. the parameter d cannot be considered as a bifurcation parameter, because as its value is changed Hopf bifurcation may not occur. This can be explained as follows. If a0 then


    (in case of a=0 the system would be two dimensional) and βd=b2, this contradicts the first condition in (89).

  3. the parameter c can be chosen as a bifurcation parameter only under some restrictions, because in the case of ab




    will be positive only in case if a and a+d have opposite signs as it is in case a=c, d=2cc>0 proposed in [24]. If a=b and a0 then


    (in case of a=0 the system would be two dimensional) and βc=b2 which contradicts the first condition in (89). If a=c then


    In this case we have


    which contradicts the transversality condition.

It is easy to see the following: by fixing the parameters b,c, resp. d=2cc>0 (cf. [24]) the parameter a will be chosen as bifurcation parameter then at value ac Hopf bifurcation takes place, because with substitution d=2c we have






The eigenvalues of the matrix A± are the zeros of the characteristic polynomial






then at


Hopf bifurcation takes place, because




3. The delayed case: τ>0

When modeling and analyzing processes and behaviors which come from a natural environment, it often happens that we need a bit of distance in time to see the changes of the considered quantities (which are the variables of our model). For example, when we think about the epidemiological models, it is a well-founded thought that we need some time while susceptibles become infectious, and hence it is reasonable to assume that the migration of the individuals from the class of susceptibles into the infected is subject to delay.

Another expressive example is the modeling of the processes of the human body or the brain, like emotions: love, hate, etc. A bit of time has to pass for the brain to process the signals coming from various places, and only after this delay, the mood could change. These changes can be described and analyzed with delayed differential equations. One type of these systems is the so called Romeo and Juliet model, where the changes of Romeo’s and Juliet’s love and hate in time are described as a system of two linear ordinary differential equations. In this chapter we are going to consider this model with general coefficients and investigate the stability of the linear system.

We are going to consider the following linear system:


where Ai, αiR, (i1,2,3,4), τ>0, with initial conditions Φ=Φ1Φ2 in the Banach space


where Φiθ>0, (θτ0, i12). Straightforward calculation shows that the characteristic function of the above system (with regard to the trivial equilibrium point) takes the form:


In [25] the authors treat delay differential equations, which characteristic function for arbitrary zC has the form


where a0, a1, b0, b1, c are arbitrary real constants. It can be seen that the characteristic functions (125) and (126) has the same form. In [25] the authors assume that c=0 to simplify the analysis. Furthermore, they say that due to the continuous dependence of eigenvalues of the model parameters (cf. [26]) their results are valid for sufficiently small c parameters, too. Nevertheless, in the literature a lot of models and systems are investigated in which the coefficient of e2 of the characteristic function is not equal to zero, and maybe not sufficiently small. Therefore, the aim of this section is to show that we can analyze the stability of the system in the case where c0, too.

In this section we assume that τ>0 holds and investigate the qualitative behavior of the linearized system (3), more precisely we study the stability of characteristic function


where p, q and r are polynomials with real coefficients and degr<degq. Under stability of Δ we mean that the zeros of Δ lie in the open left half of the complex plane. Using the Mikhailov criterion we give for special p, q and r fulfilling the above condition an estimate on the length of delay τ for which no stability switching occurs. Then for special parameters we compare our results with other methods. It follows then a delay independent stability analysis. Finally, a formula for Hopf bifurcation is calculated in terms of p, q and r. If we assume that the characteristic function has the form as in (126), then we can give conditions easily on the parameters a1,a0,b1,b0,c and an upper bound τ1 such that with τ<τ1 the system is asymptotically stable. In other words stability change may happen only for ττ1.

In what follows, the Mikhailov stability criterion will be proved, which is the implication of the argument principle (cf. [27, 28]). The treatment is based on [29].

Theorem 1.9 (Mikhailov criterion). Consider the quasi-polynomial


where the order of the polynomials Q and Rk is less than or equal to dN, and they are defined as


where qi, rkiR for i=1,,d, k=1,,p, qd>0 and


furthermore τk0 for k=1,,p. If M defined by (128) has no zeros on the imaginary axis, then M is stable if and only if


holds where Δ denotes the change of argument of the vector M anticlockwise in the complex plane as ω increases from 0 to +.

Proof: In order to prove the theorem, we will apply the argument principle (cf. [28]) to M on the Γ-contour (cf. Figure 2) where ΓC1C2 denotes the positive oriented curve in the complex plane which consists of the interval ρρ (ρ>0) on the imaginary axis, i.e.

Figure 2.

Γ-contour on the complex plane.


and the semicircle C2 of the radius ρ in the right-hand half-plane:




there is only a finite number of roots of M in the right-half plane.

On C2 the characteristic equation can be written for every zC as follows:


Now from the summation, we can write a typical term as




Hence the argument or phase θ of the vector Mz on C2 may be written






Dividing the numerator and denominator by ρd gives






Now since


and since


we have




as ρ. Therefore, the change in argument of Mz on C2 is given by


Now from the argument principle we can write


where N is the total number of zeros of M inside Γ. Therefore


If we reverse the direction of integration along C1 and note the symmetry about the real axis, we have


in case of stability we have N=0. Hence, stability requires


As a consequence, we have the following.

Lemma 3. Let p, q and r be polynomials, with condition


and assume that the quasi-polynomial in (127) has no roots on the imaginary axis. Then Δτ is stable, i.e. all of its roots have negative real part if and only if


i.e. the argument of Δτ increases π/2degp as ω increases from 0 to +.

Theorem 1.10 If for the delay parameter τ in the characteristic function (126)


hold, then the characteristic function, and hence the trivial equilibrium point of system (123) is asymptotically stable.

Proof: Substituting z=ω>0 into (126), we get


Hence using the characteristic function (126), where


we have for ω>0 that


and also


It could be seen that




Therefore, we have to show that ΔIτ>0 for each ω>0. If it holds, then


and hence by using the Mikhailov criterion we have stability.

Substituting wωτ into (159) and multiplying the result by τ, we get


By using straightforward estimations we obtain that


and hence ΔIτ>0 fulfills for ω>0, if the first condition of (155) is satisfied, i.e. if



We show now a simple example in order to demonstrate the above theorem and what the conditions say. First of all, we are going to see that the conditions of the previous theorem are sufficient, but not necessary.

Example 6. Let us consider the following system of two linear delay differential equations.


The characteristic polynomial of (166) is


Since a0+b0+c=12>0, i.e. the second condition in Theorem 1.10 fulfills, we know from that theorem that if


then the trivial solution of (166) is asymptotically stable. As earlier mentioned, the conditions of Theorem 1.10 are sufficient, but not necessary, which can be easily seen, if we study the phase portrait of the system (166) with the following different values of the parameter τ: firstly with τ=0.48, then with τ=0.6 and finally with τ=0.94. The Figures 3 and 4 represent the solutions of system (166) with different values of the parameter τ.

Figure 3.

Example: solutions with τ=0.48 and τ=0.6.

Figure 4.

Example: solutions with τ=0.94.

In Figure 3 (above) the parameter τ is less than half, so the parameters fulfill the condition of Theorem 1.10, and the origin is asymptotically stable. In Figure 3 (bottom) the parameter value shows that the theorem does not give a necessary condition, because here the value of the parameter is bigger than half, but the origin is still asymptotically stable. But if we increase more the value of the parameter τ, the quasi-polynomial and hence the origin changes to unstable.

The previous example shows that it would be useful to give the largest bound in the theorem, because if we have a larger bound, then we can guarantee the stability of the quasi-polynomial for higher value of the parameter τ. In this sense, we can compare our result in Theorem 1.10 with another result in the literature. In this chapter, we compare the conditions of the theorem coming from [30, 31]. In [31] Stépán considered the system


where a11, a12, a21, a22, b11, b22>0 and τ0. The characteristic function of system (169) is the quasi-polynomial


In [30] Freedman and Rao worked with the system


where B1, D1, D2, E2, F1, F2>0 are constants and the characteristic function of (171) is the quasi-polynomial


Similarly to papers [30, 31] we gave an upper bound for τ under which the quasi-polynomial is Hurwitz stable.

Let us write these conditions for τ using the notations of Stépán. In [31] we can find the condition


in [30] the condition


Furthermore let us denote the right hand side of the condition in

Theorem 1.10 by CGyK


Since a11, a22, b11, b22>0, the numerators of CFR and CGyK are equal and




is true following from the positivity of these constants. This means that CGyK>CFR.

Repeatedly, following from the positivity of the constants a11, a22, b11 and b22 we get that the numerators of CGyK and CS are equal, but


hence CGyK<CS. On one hand our result in Theorem 1.10 is applicable in general cases, because we have no additional constraints on the sign of the coefficients of the system (123), which means that in this sense our result is better. On the other hand we can increase the upper bound CS a little bit in the following way. In [31] Stépán used the estimation


but actually this estimation is not sharp for positive x, cf. Figure 5.

Figure 5.

The estimation of the sine function on the interval 0,5.5 and 4,4.9.

If we find a tangent line of the sine function at a certain point x0, such that this line passes through the origin, i.e. the equation of this line is y=ax with a certain a<0, then we can get a better estimation than (179), namely


We can easily determine the constant a<0 in the following way: the equation of the searched tangent line at x0 is


where f is the sine function. We would like to find an x0 such that


fulfills, which is true if and only if x0 is a solution of the equation tanx=x. Let x0 be the solution of this equation, then we find a better linear lower estimation for the function sine on the positive half-line


i.e. acosx00.21724.

The proposition of the last theorem of this section is similar to one of Theorem 1.10. In the proof of Theorem 1.10 we used first-order Taylor polynomials to approximate the functions sine and cosine to obtain the estimation (164). But if we use higher-order polynomials, we can get a better result, i.e. a better estimation for τ, such that if τ satisfies the conditions, then the quasi-polynomial (126) is stable.

Theorem 1.11. If the coefficients of the characteristic function (125) fulfill the conditions


and for the delay parameter τ


holds, where




then the quasi-polynomial (126) is Hurwitz-stable.

Proof: Firstly, let us make the same steps as in the proof of Theorem 1.10 and study the imaginary part of Δτ:


To show that ΔIτ>0 for each ω>0 we apply the estimations


Then we have




If the conditions (184) are fulfilled, then the coefficient of ω4 is positive in the polynomial Pτ, moreover if τ satisfies the condition (185) too, then the discriminant of Pτ is negative. Hence with conditions (184) and (185) the inequality ΔIτ>0 is valid for all ω>0. Similarly to the previous proof we get by applying the Mikhailov criterion that the quasi-polynomial is asymptotically stable.

In the following example, we are going to show that in some cases the result of Theorem 1.11 is better than the result in [31].

Example 7. Let us consider the following system of delay differential equations


The characteristic function of (192) is


Let us see what condition gives [31] for the parameter τ. The condition


fulfills, hence if


then the quasi-polynomial (193) is asymptotically stable. Furthermore simple calculations show that following from Theorem 1.11, the system is asymptotically stable for all τ170.07, which is greater, than (195). In Figure 6 the phase portrait of the system (192) could be seen with some values of the parameter τ.

Figure 6.

The solutions of system (192) with τ=0.5 and τ=170.

3.1 Stability investigation, independently of the delay

We are going to consider the general form of the characteristic function (126):


where degr<degq. We assume that if there is not any delay in the system, i.e. τ=0, then the trivial equilibrium point is asymptotically stable, which is equivalent to the assumption that the polynomial Δ0 is Hurwitz stable. We know from [32] that with this assumption the system (and also its trivial equilibrium point) is delay-independently asymptotically stable if and only if for every τ>0 the quasi-polynomial Δτ has no non-zero real root on the imaginary axis.

In this chapter we will add a condition to the polynomial p, q and r such that the mentioned property on the root of Δτ fulfills. In the computations we will follow the idea of [33].

Firstly, let us multiply the equality Δτ=0 by eiωτ, then we can see that the equivalence


is valid. Let us introduce the notations


With these notations the characteristic function (196) can be written at z= in the form




then with straightforward calculations we can make the following transformations:


Furthermore we can write the imaginary part in the same way, too:




Since the coefficients A, B, C and D in the above matrix are expressed as the linear combination of x and y, we can write expressions eiωτΔRτ and eiωτΔIτ as follows




Then, by dividing the equalities eiωτΔRτ=0 and eiωτΔIτ=0 by y2, and introducing a new variable ux/y, we obtain


Thus, since eiωτ/y20, the equation Δτ=0 has no real non-zero root for any given τ>0 if and only of the polynomials f and g have no common real non-zero root, where fu, resp. gu denote the expressions for ΔR, resp. ΔI. This is equivalent to that resfg=detRfg0 or if resfg=detRfg=0, then discrf<0 and discrg<0, where the resultant of the polynomials f and g is defined as


and the discriminant of a polynomial Fuau2+bu+c is discrFb24ac. Hence we have proved the following statement.

Theorem 1.12. The characteristic function (196) has not a non-zero root on the imaginary axis if and only if the polynomial Δ0 is Hurwitz stable, and resfg=detRfg0 or if resfg=detRfg=0, then discrf<0 and discrg<0, where


where c0, c1, c2, d0, d1 and d2 are defined in (204) and (205).

Example 8. Let us consider again system (166), i.e.




Straightforward calculations show that for all ωR


Thus, the discriminant of g is not negative, therefore the stability of system (209) changes at some value τ of the delay (as we have seen in the previous example).

Figure 7 also shows the changing of the stability of system (209), with τ=0 the origin is asymptotically stable, but with τ=2 the origin changes to unstable. The solutions of system (209) with different values of the parameter τ can be seen on Figure 7. The stability of system (209) changes if the value of the parameter τ increases.

Figure 7.

Example: solutions with τ=0 and τ=2.

3.2 Hopf bifurcation

In this subsection we are going to see for which value of the delay τ could change the stability of the system (123). For this purpose we are going to give conditions on the coefficients p, q and r to obtain the value of the delay at which stability switch may occur. Let us assume that for ω>0 the conditions of Theorem 1.12 do not fulfill, i.e. for the polynomials f and g (defined in (206)) the resultant is equal to 0 and the discriminants of f or g is nonnegative. Furthermore let us assume that τ is a solution of Δiωτ=0. Let us denote by z3τ the root of the quasi-polynomial (196) that assumes z3τ=iω and the characteristic function Δτ as a function of the parameter τ by


Thus, we can determine the derivative of z3 at τ by the Implicit Function Theorem (cf. [34]):


where Ezτzqz+2zrze and Dzτpze+qzτqz+rz2zrze. To investigate and prove the occurrence of the Hopf bifurcation we have to see the sign of the real part of the above fraction. But since p, q and r are almost arbitrary polynomials, the fraction could be too complicated, that is why we introduce the following notation:


Since c2+d2>0, it is enough to consider the sign of ac+bd. We are going to use the notations introduced in (198) and along the lines of these we introduce the following notations, too:


(For sake of simplicity replacing ω by ωwe write PiωP for PpIpRqIqRrIrR.)

Computing the exact value of a, b, c and d we have:




Using the elementary identities


furthermore the Euler formula e±izcosz±isinz, we can simplify the enumerator of z3τ as follows ac+bd=ωA, where


Therefore, Hopf bifurcation occurs if sgnA=±1 holds.


4. Summary

The location of zeros of polynomials and quasi-polynomials as well is crucial in the point of view of the stability of ordinary and retarded differential equations. Namely, if the zeros of the characteristic polynomial of the linearized matrix lie in the open left half of the complex plane, then the constant solution of the particular equation is asymptotically stable. The main task of our work was to depict different methods which allow the investigation of the stability of characteristic (quasi-)polynomials, too. The second objective of this work was in the case of retarded differential equations to treat a method how to estimate the length of the delay for which no stability switching occurs. As an application, we showed a method to detect Hopf bifurcation in ordinary and retarded dynamical systems.


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Written By

Sándor Kovács, Szilvia György and Noémi Gyúró

Reviewed: 30 August 2021 Published: 25 February 2022