Open access peer-reviewed chapter

Effectiveness of Basic Sets of Goncarov and Related Polynomials

Written By

Jerome A. Adepoju

Submitted: 03 July 2021 Reviewed: 12 July 2021 Published: 21 September 2021

DOI: 10.5772/intechopen.99411

From the Edited Volume

Recent Advances in Polynomials

Edited by Kamal Shah

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The Chapter presents diverse but related results to the theory of the proper and generalized Goncarov polynomials. Couched in the language of basic sets theory, we present effectiveness properties of these polynomials. The results include those relating to simple sets of polynomials whose zeros lie in the closed unit disk U=z:z≤1. They settle the conjecture of Nassif on the exact value of the Whittaker constant. Results on the proper and generalized Goncarov polynomials which employ the q-analogue of the binomial coefficients and the generalized Goncarov polynomials belonging to the Dq- derivative operator are also given. Effectiveness results of the generalizations of these sets depend on whether q<1 or q>1. The application of these and related sets to the search for the exact value of the Whittaker constant is mentioned.


  • Basic sets
  • Simple sets
  • Effectiveness
  • Whittaker constant
  • Goncarov polynomials
  • Dq operator

1. Introduction

The Chapter is on the effectiveness properties of the Goncarov and related polynomials of a single complex variable. It is essentially a compendium of certain results which seem diverse but related to the theory of the proper and generalized Goncarov polynomials.

Our first set of results deals with simple sets of polynomial [1], whose zeros lie in the closed unit disk U. It is a complement of a theorem of Nassif [1] which resolved his conjecture on the value of the Whittaker constant [2]. We provide also the relation between this problem and the theory of the proper Goncarov polynomials.

Next are results on a generalization of the problem where the polynomials are of the form


and the points an0 are given complex numbers with kn the q-analogue of the binomial coefficient kn. From the results reported, it is shown that the location of the points ak0 that leads to favorable effectiveness results depends on whether q<1 orq>1. The relation of this problem to the generalized Goncarov polynomials belonging to the Dq-derivative operator is also recorded.

It is shown that applying the results of Buckholtz and Frank [3] on the generalized Goncarov polynomials Qnzz0z1zn1 belonging to the Dq-derivative operator whenq>1, leads to the result that, when the points zk0 lie in the unit disk U, the resulting polynomials fail to be effective.

Consequently, we provide some results on the polynomials Qnzz0z1zn1 when


with the obtained results justifying the restriction (2) on the points zk0.

Finally, we provide other relevant and related results on the properties of the generalized Goncarov polynomials Qnzz0z1zn1 belonging to the Dq-derivative operator. For a comprehensive and easy reading, background results are provided in the Preliminaries of sections 2.1–2.5.


2. Preliminaries

We record here some background information for easy reading of the contents of the presentation.

2.1 Basic sets and effectiveness

A sequence pnz of polynomials is said to be basic if any polynomial and, in particular, the polynomials 1,z,z2,,zn,, can be represented uniquely by a finite linear combination of the form.


The polynomials pnz are linearly independent.

In the representation (3), let fz=n=0anzn be an analytic function about the origin. Substituting (3) into fz, we have


Formally rearranging the terms, we obtain the series


We write


Hence, we obtain the series


which is called the basic series associated with the function fz and the correspondence is written as


The coefficients Πkf is the basic coefficients of fz relative to the basic set pkz and is a linear functional in the space of functions fz.

If pnz is of degree n then the set is called a simple set and is necessarily a basic set.

The basic series (4) is said to represent fz in a disk zr where fz analytic, if the series is converges uniformly to fz in zr or that the basic set pnz represents fz in zr.

When the basic set pnz represents in zr every function analytic in zR,Rr, then the basic set is said to be effective in zr for the class H¯R of functions analytic in zR.

When R=r, the basic set represents, in zr, every function which is analytic there and we say that the basic set is effective in zr.

To obtain conditions for effectiveness, we form the Cannon sum




From (3), we have that wnrrn,

so that, if we write


The function λr is called the Cannon function of the set pnz in zr.

Theorems about the effectiveness of basic sets are due to Cannon and Whittaker (cf. [2, 4, 5]).

A necessary and sufficient condition for a Cannon set pnz to be effective, in zr, is


2.2 Mode of increase of basic sets

The mode of increase of a basic set pnz is determined by the order and type of the set. If pnz is a Cannon set, its order is defined, Whittaker [2], by


where wnr is given by (5). The type γ is defined, when 0<w<, by


The order and type of a set define the class of entire functions represented by the set.

Theorem 2.2.1 (Cannon [6]).

The necessary and sufficient conditions for the Cannon set of polynomials to be effective for all entire functions of increase less than order p type q is


2.3 Zeros of simple sets of polynomials

The relation between the order of magnitude of the zeros of polynomials belonging to simple sets and the mode of increase of the sets has led to many convergence results, just as that between the order of magnitude of the zeros and the growth of the coefficients has. In the case of the zeros and mode of increase, the approach to achieve effectiveness is to determine the location of the zeros while that between the zeros and the coefficients is to determine appropriate bounds (cf. Boas [7], Nassif [8], Eweida [9]).

2.4 Properties of the Goncarov polynomials

We record in what follows certain properties of the proper and generalized Goncarov polynomials together with the definitions of the q-analogues and the Dq-derivative operator.

The proper Goncarov polynomials Gnzz0.zn1 associated with the sequence zn0 of points in the plane are defined through the relations, Buckholtz ([10], p. 194),


These polynomials generate any function fz analytic at the origin through the Goncarov series


which represents fz in a disk zr, if it uniformly converges to fz in zr.

In this case, if fkzk=0,k0, the Goncarov series (14) vanishes and f0.

A consideration of gz=sinπ41z, for which gn1n=0 and n=0gn1nGnz11..=0 cf. Nassif [8], shows that the Goncarov series does not always represent the associated function and hence certain restrictions have to be imposed on the points zk0 and on the growth of the function fz.

Concerning the case where the points zk0 lie in the unit disk U, the Whittaker constant W (cf. Whittaker, Buckholtz, [2, 10]), is defined as the supremum of the number c with the following property:

If fz is an entire function of exponential type less than c and if each of f,f',f",.. has a zero in U then fz0.

Buckholtz [10] obtained an exact determination of the constant W. In fact, if we write


where the maximum is taken over all sequences zk0n1 whose terms lie in U, Buckholtz ([10], Lemma 3) proved that limnHn1n exists and is equal to sup1n<Hn1n.

Moreover, if we put


Buckholtz ([10], formula 2) further showed that


Employing an equivalent definition of the polynomials Gnzz0zn1 as originally given by Goncarov [11] in the form


and differentiating with respect to z, we can obtain




then (18) yields, among other results,




Applying (21) and (22) to (19) we obtain


for 1kn1, where the differentiation is with respect to the first argument.

Expanding Fnz0zn1 in powers of z0, in the form


we arrive through (22) and (23) to the formulae of Levinson [12],


Also, differentiating (18) with respect to zk, we obtain with Macintyre ([13], p. 243),


for 0kn1.

2.5 The q-analogues and Dq derivatives

Let q be a positive number different from 1. The q–analogue of the positive integer n is given by


Also, the q-analogue of n! is


and the q-analogue of the binomial coefficient kn is


Moreover, the Dq– derivative operator, corresponding to the number q is defined as follows: Iffz is any function of z, then


so that when fz=zn, then according to (26), we have Dqzn=nzn1 and if fz=n=0anzn1 is any function analytic at the origin then


In [3] we have a generalization of the Goncarov polynomials as in (13) belonging to the operator D such that for fz=n=0anzn,


associated with the sequence zk0, where en=d1d2dn1,e0=1 and dn1 is a non-decreasing sequence of numbers to obtain


When dn=n, the relations (32) reduce to (6), hence the polynomials pnz reduce to the proper Goncarov polynomials Gnzz0zn1. Comparing (30) and (32), Nassif [14] investigated the class of generalized Goncarov polynomials Qnzz0zn1 belonging to the Dq- derivative operator when dn=n and en=1n! given by,


and the Goncarov series associated with the function fz=n=0anzn is




so that


then we have from, (32) that


Also, Nassif ([14], Lemma 4.1), proved that


We can verify, with Buckholtz ([10], Lemma 1), from the formulae (33), the following:


And hence, by repeated application of Dq, we obtain


Expressing Qnzz0zn1 as a polynomial of degree n in z, then we have from (27), (29) and (42), that


The identities (39) and (43) have been obtained, in their general form, in ([3]; formulae (2.5), (2.9)). Also, a combination of (38) and (42) yields


for 1kn1, where the differentiation is with respect to the first argument. Expanding Rnz0z1zn1 in powers of z0, then (36) and (44) imply that


Finally, if we put


where the maximum is taken over all sequences zk0n1 and the terms lie in the unit disk U, then Buckholtz and Frank ([3], Corollary 5.2), proved that


Also, in view of the formulae (33), we can verify that, when q<1,


3. Results on the zeros of simple sets

3.1 Zeros of simple sets of polynomials and the conjecture of Nassif on the Whittaker constant are discussed here

The following result is known for simple sets of polynomials whose zeros all lie in the unit disk.

Theorem A.([1], Theorem 1).

When the zeros of polynomials belonging to a simple set all lying within or on the unit circle the set will be of increase not exceeding order 1 type 1.378.

Using known contributions in the theory of Goncarov polynomials, we show that the alternative form of the above theorem is as follows:

Theorem 3.1.1 ([Nassif and Adepoju [15], Theorem B)

When the zeros of the polynomials belonging to a simple set all lying in the unit disk, the set will be of increase not exceeding order 1 type 1W, where W is the Whittaker constant. It is shown also that the result in this theorem is bes t possible.

Indeed, applying the result of Buckholtz ([10], formula 2), the following theorem which resolved the conjecture of Nassif ([8], p.138), is established.

Theorem 3.1.2 ([15], Theorem B)

Given a positive number ε, a simple set pnz of polynomials, whose zeros all lie in U can be constructed such that the increase of the set is not less than order 1 type H–ε.

For completeness, we give the proof of Theorem 3.1.1 as a revised version of Theorem A.

Proof of Theorem 3.1.1 (Proof of alternative form of Theorem A)

Let bn1 be a sequence of points lying in the unit disk and consider the set qnz of polynomials given by


Suppose that zn admits the representation


Then multiplying the matrix of coefficients nkbnnk with its inverse w˜n,k, we obtain




then the above relation will give


And to show the dependence of un on the points bn, this relation can be rewritten as


Comparing this relation with the identify


of Levinson [12], we infer that


Differentiating (50)k times, k=1,2,,n1, we obtain that


Hence, a combination of (15), (16), (20), (51)-(53) leads to the inequality.


Observing that Mqkr1+rk for any value of r0, then the Cannon sum of the set qnz for z=r will, in view of (54), be


It follows from (17) that the set qnz is of increase not exceeding order 1 type 1W. The proof is now completed by applying the results of Walsh and Lucas, cf. Marden ([16], pp. 15,46), with (54) and following exactly the same lines of argument as in ([1], pp.109–110), to arrive at the inequality.


Since pnz1+rn in zr, it follows that the set pnz is of increase not exceeding order 1 type H = 1W.

This completes the proof of the theorem.

3.2 Background and the proof of the conjecture

Before the proof of Theorem 3.2.1, we note that we can take, ε<H1 .(In fact, according to Macintyre ([13]; p. 241), we have H > 10.7378). Hence it follows from (16) that corresponding to ε, there exists an integer m such that


such that


Moreover, from (20), the definition (15) ensures the existence of the points ak1m lying in z1 such that


Having fixed the integer m and the sequence ak1m, the following Lemma is to be first established.

Lemma 3.2.1 ([15], Lemma 3.2).

For any integer j1, write


Then, the complex numbers ξk1 can be chosen so that





The proof is by induction.

When j=1, we have from (59) that


Then the value ξ1 will be chosen so that


Applying the identify (25) of Macintyre to

F2m+1ama1z1ama1, we obtain


so that (20) and (58) imply that


where the prime denotes differentiation with respect to z1.

Hence, in view of (62), Cauchy’s inequality yields


and the inequality (61) is satisfied for j=1. Suppose then that, for some value j=k, the complex numbers ξ1,ξ2,,ξk have been chosen satisfying (60) and (61).

The numbers ξk+1 will be fixed so that


Proceeding in a similar manner as for the Case j=1 and applying the identity (25) of Macintyre with (58), (59) and (61),we can obtain the inequality.


where the prime denotes differentiation with respect to zk+1..

Applying Cauchy’s inequality to the polynomial Fk+1ξ1ξ2ξkzk+1,we can deduce, using (63) and (64), that


Hence, by induction, the inequality (61) of the Lemma is established.

We now prove theorem 3.1.2.

The required simple set pnz of polynomials is constructed as follows:


where the points ak1m are chosen to satisfy (63) and the numbers ξk1 are fixed as in the Lemma.

It follows that the zeros of the polynomials pnz all lie in the unit disk U.

Also, if zn admits the unique linear representation.


and if we write


then from the relation (52), we deduce from (59) and (65), that


Now, in view of (66), the Cannon sum of the set pnz for z=r, is wnr>πn,0.

Hence, combining (57), (61), (67) and (68) yields


vIt follows from this inequality and Theorem 3.1 that the order of the set Pnz is exactly 1 and since H2>1, the type of the set will be


In view of the inequality (56), we deduce from (69) that


and Theorem 3.1.2 is established.

This settles the conjecture.


4. Generalization

4.1 As a generalization of the above problem, we consider the simple set pnzn given by


where nk is the q-analogue of the binomial coefficient nk and ak1 is a sequence of given complex numbers. The set pnz is in fact, the q-analogue of the set qnz in (49). This study is motivated by the fact that this set is related to the generalized Goncarov polynomials belonging to the Dq-derivative operator. Our results show that effectiveness properties of the set.

pnz depend on whether q<1 or q>1.

We establish the following:

Theorem 4.1.1 ([17], Theorem 1.1)

When the points ak1 all lie in the unit disk U, the corresponding set pnz for q<1,will be effective in zr for rh1q, where h is as in (47).

Theorem 4.1.2. ([17], Theorem 3.1)

Given >0, the points ak1 lying in z1 can the chosen so that the correspondence set pnz of (70) with q<1 will not be effective in z<r for r<h1q..

Theorem 4.1.3 ([17], Theorem 1.2)

When q>1 and


the corresponding set pnz of (70) will be effective in zr for r>q1, where 1γ is the least root of the equation.


Theorem 4.1.2 shows that the result in Theorem 4.1.1 is best possible. Also, the restriction (71) on the sequence ak1 when q>1, is shown to be justified in the sense that if the restriction is not satisfied, the corresponding set pnz may be of infinite order and not effective.


Proof of Theorem 4.1.1 is similar to the first part of Theorem 3.1.1.

Let zn admits the representation


then multiplying the matrix of coefficients nkannk of the set pnz with the inverse matrix πn,k we obtain




the above relation yields!vnka1ank`E75

Comparing the formulae (45) and (75) we infer that


Moreover, operating Dq on the polynomials pnz, we can deduce, from (28) and (29), that


Hence, when the operator Dq acts on the representation (73), then (77) leads to the equality


which, on reduction, yields


Applying (74), (76) and (78), we obtain


Identify (79) is the bridge relation between the set pnz and the Goncarov polynomials mentioned earlier.

Suppose q<1 and assume that


Since h>1 as in (47), and restricting the points ak1 to lie in the unit disk U as in the theorem, it follows from (28) and (80) that


The Cannon sum of the set pnz for z=r, is evaluated from (46), (47), (79), (80) and (81) to obtain


from which it follows that the set pnz is effective in zr for rh1q and the theorem is established.


5. Proof

5.1 Proof of Theorem 4.1.2

We argue as in the Proof of Theorem 3.1.2. We first obtain an identity similar to (25) of Macintyre using the following Lemma:

Lemma 5.1.1.

For n1 and k0, the following identity holds.


where Dq,zk denote the Dq-derivative with respect to zk.

Proof of Lemma

The proof is by induction.

For n=1,k0, we have from the construction formulae (33),


Hence, operating Dq,zk on this equality, we have that


so that the identity (83) is satisfied for n=1,k0. Suppose that (83) is satisfied forn=1,2,,m;k0. The formulae (33) can be written for k+m+1 in the form,


Hence, the derivative Dq,zk operating on this equation gives, in view of (83),


Or equivalently,


Hence, formulae (33) imply that


and the relation (83) is also valid for n=m+1

The Lemma is thus proved by induction. Now, following similar lines paralleling those of the proof of Theorem 3.1.2, we need to establish a Lemma similar to that used for Theorem 3.1.2.

Indeed, observing that h>1 as in (39), the >0 of Theorem 4.1.2 can always be picked less than h1. Also, from (39) it follows that, corresponding to the number ∈, there exists an integer m for which


such that


Also, from the definition (46) of hm, the points αi1m lying in U can be chosen so that


With this choice of the integer m and the points αi1m, the Lemma to be established is the following:

Lemma 5.1.2.

With the notation


we can choose a sequence ξj1m of points on z=1 such that



We first observe, from a repeated application of (30), that an analytic function fz regular at the origin, can be expanded in a certain disk z1 in a series of the form


Hence, by Cauchy’s inequality, we have


Applying the usual induction process, we obtain, from (87) for the case j=1, that


Hence the identity (83) yields


Therefore, we obtain


where the Dq is operating with respect to z1.

Pick the number ξ1, with ξ1=1, such that


hence, a combination of (86), (89) and (90) yields


and the inequality (88) is satisfied for j=1. The similarity with the proof of Lemma 3.2.1 shows that the proof of this Lemma can be completed in the same manner as that for ealier Lemma.

We can now prove Theorem 5.1.4.

We note that the points ak1 lying in U which define the required set pnz of polynomials (70), are chosen as follows:


where the points αi1m are fixed as in (86) and the sequence ξj0 of points is determined as in Lemma 5.1.2; and the integer m is chosen as in (84) and (85).

If zn admits the representation (86), then applying (79), (87) and (91) we have that


so that, for the Cannon sum of the set pnz for z=r, we obtain, from (85), (88) and (92),


Since q<1, we have that


Hence, (93) and (94) yield, for the Cannon function,


Noting that h2>1, we conclude, from (84), as in the proof of Theorem (50), that


and pnz will not be effective in zr for r<h1q. This completes the proof.

5.2 Proof of Theorem 4.1.3

Let pnz be the basic set in (70) with q>1. We first justify the statement that if the restriction (71) is not satisfied the corresponding set pnz may be of infinite order.

For this, we put


and let t be such that


We claim that, in this case, the corresponding set pnz will be of infinite order and hence the effectiveness properties of the set will be violated.

Now, in the identity (37), we let


to obtain




so that (97) yields


Hence, if we put


then (97) implies that




Since t=β<q, the function ϕzt is entire of zero order and hence it will have zeros in the finite part of the plane.



then from (100) and (101), we have limsupnun1n=1σ>0.

Thus, for the Cannon sum of the set pnz, we have, from (79), (96) and (98), that


Since q>1 and β>1q then, in view of (102), we deduce from (103) that the set pnz is of infinite order; as claimed.

To prove Theorem 4.1.3 we first note, from (72), that if we put




We then multiply the matrix nkannk with the inverseπn,k to get


Now, imposing the restriction (71) on the points ak1, we have from (105) and (106) that


Thus, the inequality


is true for m=k,k+1.

To prove (107), in general, we observe that, since q>1,


Assume that (107) is satisfied for m=k,k+1,,n1; then a combination of (71), (72), (104), (106), (107) and (108) leads to the inequality.


Hence, it follows by induction, that the inequality (107) is true for mk. Noting that


where kj is the q–analogue of kj, q1=1q<1, we then deduce from (70) and (71), that


Appealing to a result of Al-Salam ([18]; formula 2.5), we deduce that


The Cannon sum of the set pnz for z=r can be evaluated from (107) and (109) in the form


Hence, when rc we should have


from which it follows that the set pnz is effective in zr and Theorem 4.1.3 is proved.


6. Other related results

The Goncarov polynomials belonging to the Dq–derivative operator have other properties of interest and worth recording. Hence, we present, in this section, more results regarding the Goncarov polynomials Qnzz0zn1 as defined in (84) which belong to the derivative operator Dq and whose points zn0 lie in the unit disk U for which q<1 or q>1.

When q<1, the result of Buckoltz and Frank ([3]; Theorem 1.2) applied to the derivative operator Dq leads, in the language of basic sets, to the following theorem:

Theorem 6.1 ([19], Theorem 1).

The set of Gancarov polynomials Qnzz0zn1 belonging to the Dq operator, with q<1 and associated with the sequence of points zn0 in U, is effective in zr for rh1q.

Theorem 1.5 of Buckholtz and Frank [3] shows that the result of Theorem 6.1 above is best possible. They also showed that when q>1 the Goncarov polynomials fail to be effective and also, that if zqn, no favorable effectiveness results will occur, thus justifying the restriction zqn on the points zn0.

We also state and prove the following theorem.

Theorem 6.2 ([19], Theorem 2).

Suppose that q>1 and that the points zn0 satisfy the restriction (111). Then the Goncarov set Qnzz0zn1 belonging to the Dq–derivative operator, will be effective in zr for rhqq1 and this result is best possible.

To prove this theorem we put, as in the proof of Theorem (72),


so that q1<1 and we differentiate between the Goncarov polynomials belonging to the operations Dq and Dq1 by adopting the notation.


for these respective polynomials. Thus, the constructive formulae (33) for these polynomials will be




where k! and k! are the respective q and q1 analogues of the factorial k. With this notation, the following Lemma is to be proved.

Lemma 6.1.

The following identity is true for n1 and q>1:



We finish note, from the definition of the analogue k! and k!, that




Hence, applying the relations (37) and (112) toQNqnzqnz0qzn, we get


Hence, the relations (115) and (116) can be introduced to yield


Now, since


the identity (114) is satisfied for n=1.

Moreover, if (114) is valid for k=1,2,,n1, the relations (113) and (117) will give


and hence the Lemma is established.

Proof of Theorem 6.2.



so that the restriction (111) implies that


Therefore, a combination of (37), (114), (118) yields


Also, by actual calculation we have that


Inserting (118), (120) and (121) into (33), we obtain


in the sense that each term in the sum on the left hand side of this relation is equal to the corresponding term in the sum on the right hand side.

Hence, if


and Ωnr and wnr are the respective Cannon sums of the sets Qnzz0zn1 and Pnza0an1, it follows that


Since the points ak0 lie in U, from (119), then applying Theorem 6.1 we deduce from (122) that the set Qnzz0zn will be effective in zr for rh1q=qhq1 as to be proved.

To show that the result of the Theorem is best possible we appeal to Theorem 1.5 of Buckholtz and Frank [3] to deduce that the set Pnza0an1 may not be effective in zr for r<qhq1.

In view of the relation (122), we may conclude that the set Qnzz0zn will not be effective in zr for r<qhq1 and Theorem 6.2 is fully established.

6.1 The case of Goncarov polynomials with Zk=atk,k0

Nassif [14] studied the convergence properties of the class of Goncarov polynomials Qnzz0zn1 generated through the qth derivative described in (33) where now, zk=atk,k0 and a and t are any complex numbers. By considering possible variations of t and q, it was shown that except for the cases t1,q<1 and t>1q;q>1, all other cases lead to the effectiveness of the set Qnzaatatn1 in finite circles ([14]; Theorems 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 3.2, 3.3).

6.2 Quasipower basis (QP-basis)

Kazmin [20] announced results on some systems of polynomials that form a quasipower basis, (QP-basis), in specified spaces. These include the systems of Goncarov polynomials and of polynomials of the form:


For full details of QP-basis and some of the results announced, cf. ([20]; Corollaries 3, 4).

Of interest is his results that the system in (123), for arbitrary sequence a0 of complex numbers with an1, forms a QP- basis in the space 1σ, for 0<σ<W and in the space 1σ, for 0<σW, where W = 0.7377 is the Whittaker constant. This value of W = 0.7377 is attributed to Varga [21]. He also added that Corollaries 3 and 4 contain known results in [5, 9, 15, 22, 23].


7. Conclusions

The chapter presents a compendium of diverse but related results on the convergence properties of the Goncarov and Related polynomials of a single complex variable. Most of the results of the author (or joint), have appeared in print but are here presented in considerable details in the proofs and in their development, for easy reading and assimilation. The results of other authors are summarized with related and relevant ones mentioned to complement the thesis of the chapter. Some recent works related to the Goncarov and related polynomials, cf. [24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29], which provides further applications are included in the references.

The comprehensiveness of the presentation is for the needs of those who may be interested in the subject of the Goncarov polynomials in general and also in their application to the problem of the determination of the exact value of the Whittaker constant, a problem that is still topical and challenging.



I acknowledge the mentorship of Professor M. Nassif, (1916-1986), who taught me all I know about Basic Sets. I thank Dr. A. A. Mogbademu and his team for typesetting the manuscript at short notice and also the Reviewer for helpful comments which greatly improved the presentation.


No conflict of interest

The author declares no conflict of interest.


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Written By

Jerome A. Adepoju

Submitted: 03 July 2021 Reviewed: 12 July 2021 Published: 21 September 2021