Open access peer-reviewed chapter

Prospects of Digitalization Practices in Academic Libraries in Delta State, Nigeria

Written By

Eniekebi Ejiroghene Regina

Submitted: 05 July 2023 Reviewed: 10 July 2023 Published: 19 January 2024

DOI: 10.5772/intechopen.1003195

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This work is a continuation of work done in Edo State, which aims at strengthening digitalization practices in academic libraries. The research looked into digitalization techniques in academic libraries in Delta State, and descriptive research design was used for the investigation. The population consists of academic library workers. Simple random technique was utilized to choose four schools in Delta State, with 40 library employees serving as the study’s sample. Self-created questionnaire was used. It was created in a closed-ended format of Yes or No. The instrument’s dependability was determined utilizing Cronbach’s Alpha. The data was evaluated using simple percentage statistical technique. The findings demonstrated that academic libraries’ digitization practices boosted access to library items, effective preservation of library materials, improved library service, quick retrieval of documents, and improved library exposure. Despite the benefits, librarians in academic libraries confront hurdles in developing successful digitization practices. Alternate power supplies, such as high-capacity generators and usage of solar electricity, are required to address the country’s unpredictable power supply. Furthermore, libraries should seek out professors on their campuses who are developing or utilizing novel technologies such as those outlined in this write-up and begin employing them, to test them in collaboration with other instructors and students.


  • prospects
  • digitalization
  • practices
  • libraries
  • procurement

1. Introduction

The information professional of the twenty-first century must be skilled in selection, content management, knowledge management, information organization, research services, establishing and maintaining digital libraries, and bringing information resources to the desktop. People with the necessary skills are essential to the success and competitiveness of today’s information ecosystems [1]. Librarian employment have gotten more competitive with similar occupations such as information technology. To be competent in a digital culture, library workers must acquire the necessary skills and competence. Academic libraries have been impacted by advances in information and communication technology (ICT) and its application to libraries in recent years. Its first appearance has transformed not only how information is packed, processed, saved, retrieved, and disseminated in the twenty-first century, but also how consumers seek and access information.

The term “digitization” is defined variously by different researchers. Witten adn Bridge [2], digitalization is described as the process of transforming traditional library items such as books and papers into electronic form so that they may be stored and handled by a computer. Gbaje [3], digitization refers to the process of transforming non-digital born documents into digital format. Thus, digitization encompasses the entire process of turning traditional information assets into machine-readable format (digital format). Digitization entails more than just converting paper documents to digital versions; it also encompasses policy formulation, planning, and implementation. Budgeting, acquiring appropriate technology, scanning, uploading to the web or repository, preserving, and maintaining archival media, and organizing digital content into a navigable format (flexible and compatible programs) for increased access and effective service delivery of digital content to the target audience.

The education or academic library serves as a focal point for serious and focused intellectual development and scholarship. It is an essential component of the intellectual, cultural, and socioeconomic symbolic and mutually advantageous interaction that exists between the academic library and the academic community. The academic library is vital because it serves best when it is adequately stocked to act as a repository of information to which users can turn for help. Data or information. In this vital capacity, [4] asserted that academic libraries have played critical and important roles in promoting research in all subjects and disciplines inside their host institutions and colleges for millennia. Aina [5] stated that the major goal of an academic library is to support the objectives of an academic environment in the areas of learning, teaching, research, and services in his thoughts on the value of the academic library.

The practice of digitization in academic libraries has numerous invaluable benefits, including increased visibility of the library’s resources, improved service delivery to a wide range of users, and improved access to current and vast amounts of information from remote sites/locations, as users can easily access library resources from anywhere. It ensures better preservation of library resources by reducing handling of original print materials and alleviating problems normally associated with conventional library environments such as mutilation of information resources, theft, space constraints, scarcity or limited number of copies, limited hours of operation, and poor storage environment normally associated with traditional library environments. It is a veritable e-learning information source, as well as a platform for global library collaboration and interoperability.

One of the main features of current global information trends is digitization, which fits into library and information service for effective and efficient information transmission, preservation of information resources, and simplifying the integration of library and information services. Services into the learning process of academic institution. Libraries can now deliver information sources online with intrinsic values thanks to digitization. Digitization makes library resources more accessible. By digitizing library collections, information will be available to everyone rather than just a small group of researchers. Users can search for collections quickly and thoroughly using digital projects from anywhere at any time. The unseen becomes visible as a result of digitalization. Multiple people can access the same information at the same time without difficulty. It also eliminates distance issues, as users no longer need to travel to libraries that have hard copies of library resources before they can access and utilize them [6].

Digitization has the potential to turn Africa into a global producer of indigenous information and knowledge. Rather than being passive consumers of imported knowledge, this contributes to the preservation of our cultural legacy. As a result, digitization enables the globalization of local content and the local accessibility of global information resources (GIR). Most digital projects in Africa are collaborative. The Digital Image endeavor of South Africa (DISA), for example, is a collaborative endeavor of South African librarians, archivists, and scholars. Another example is Kwetu Net, which has partnered with African governments and universities to create a full-test database on East Africa. Krubu and Osawaru [7] stated that, since its inception, various digital library initiatives have been developed, including those of the Association of African Universities (AAU), Rhodes University in South Africa, the University of Nigeria Nsukka, and the Africa Digital Library (ADL). of Africa’s digital library programs. In Nigeria, significant attempts have been undertaken to digitize library collections throughout the country.

In the face of increasing digital technology, academic libraries are battling to maintain their position as important sources of inquiry. Library users (particularly digital natives) have more expectations than ever before of librarians and information workers in order to access the relevant information and expertise in the right format and at the right time from wherever they are [8]. The invaluable relevance of library digitization includes improved access to library contents, the ability for multiple users to access the same information materials at the same time without interference, the elimination of the problem of distance, and the improvement of library facilities. This has become one of the primary impetuses for change in academic libraries in the digital age for the adoption of ICT and digitalization library resources. Despite an extraordinary attempt by Nigerian university libraries to digitize their native materials across the country, progress has been glacial. Scholars have highlighted, however, that assuming that the introduction of computer-based libraries (digital library systems) gives ideal and trouble-free information management options is always deceptive. These apparent issues could be due to a variety of difficulties. Understanding these problems is critical for any university that is digitizing its resources. There is clearly still a gap that has to be filled. be filled in order to implement effective digitalization activities in the country’s academic libraries. As a result, this study aims to investigate the potential of digitization methods in Nigerian college libraries.


2. Purpose of the study

The primary goal of this article is to investigate the future of digitization methods in academic libraries in Delta State, Nigeria. The specific goals of this research are as follows:

  1. Investigate the future of digitization methods in academic libraries in Delta State.

  2. Determine whether or not academic libraries in Delta State have digitizing facilities and equipment.

  3. Investigate the issues impacting the digitization of library resources in Delta State academic libraries.


3. Question for research

  1. What are the prospects for digitalization procedures in academic libraries in Delta State?

  2. Is there digitalization equipment and facilities in academic libraries in Delta State?

  3. What are the obstacles to digitizing library resources in Delta State academic libraries?


4. Digitization purpose in libraries

Digitization, as one of the most important aspects of current global information trends, fits into library and information service for effective and efficient information dissemination, preservation of information resources, and facilitating the integration of library services into academic institution learning processes. Libraries can now deliver information sources online with intrinsic values thanks to digitization. Digitization makes library resources more accessible. By digitizing library collections, information will be available to everyone rather than just a small group of researchers. Users can use digital projects to search for collections quickly and thoroughly. Whenever and whenever you want. The unseen becomes visible as a result of digitalization. Multiple people can access the same information at the same time without difficulty. It also eliminates distance issues, as users no longer need to travel to libraries that have hard copies of library resources before they can access and utilize them [6].

Pandey and Mishra [9] stated in their work that “academic libraries are digitizing materials because they are aware of the ongoing valve of library resources for learning, teaching, research, scholarship, documentation, and public accountability.” “Another reason for digitization is to make access facilities to these resources: to preserve the age-old materials for long use, which are important and valuable for the future, to facilitate new forms of access and use,” they added. Improved and expanded access to a defined stock of research resources; establishment of a single point of access to documentation from several institutions on a specific issue; support for democratic consideration through increased accessibility to public records improved search and retrieval capabilities for library-type items, to provide possibilities for the institution to grow its technical infrastructure and staff skill capacity. UNESCO [10] mentioned in one of her publications titled “the guidelines for digitization project” that the reasons for undertaking a digitization project vary and may overlap. These are some of the reasons:

  • Increase access: This is the most obvious and fundamental reason when there is a strong demand from users and the library or archive wishes to improve access. to a certain collection;

  • Improve services to a growing user base by increasing access to the institution’s educational and lifelong learning resources.

  • Reduce the handling and usage of fragile or heavily used original materials, and make a “back-up” for an endangered material, such as brittle books or documents.

  • Provide possibilities for the institution’s technical infrastructure and employee skill capabilities to grow.

  • Develop a collaborative cooperation with other universities to develop a virtual collection and expand global access.

  • Seek collaboration with other institutions to capitalize on the economic benefits of a collaborative strategy.

As a result, digitization has the advantage of presenting library collections electronically, hence enhancing access to library resources, allowing for faster collection searches, and removing distance issues. Space constraints and the cost of print collection (maintenance and restoration of traditional library materials) are alienating. It raises the profile of an institution by showcasing digital collections, which can be a useful public relations exercise. It creates visibility not only of the library’s content, but also of scholarly work (theses, dissertations, project work, seminar papers, conferences proceedings, working papers, and technical reports) within the university [11].


5. Resources available for digitalization

Most libraries, and especially academics, are working to digitize cultural and intellectually valuable information materials. Fatoki [12] contend that selecting items for digitization requires considerable effort and involves a number of essential elements that must be thoroughly considered prior to embracing digitization. Musa and Musa [13] discovered in their research that the Theses, dissertations, seminar papers, conference proceedings, and reports are among the information resources accessible for digitization at Kashim Ibrahim Library. They also claimed that other types of information resources, such as books, reference materials, and scholarly journals, may not be digitized due to copyright difficulties. Jagoboro [14] reported that the information materials being digitized at Hezekiah Oluwasanmi Library, Obafemi Awolowo University (OAU) Ife are newspaper collections, as well as the abstracts of Master and Doctoral theses and dissertations. Similarly, [15] reported that PhD theses, master’s theses, and dissertations, Bachelor’s degree projects, inaugural lectures, University newsletter, lecturers’ scholarly articles/publications, textbooks, term papers, and many other university materials were among the materials for digitization.


6. Difficulties affecting the analysis of academic library resources

The introduction of digital technology and the digitalization of library resources presents numerous obstacles to the primary stakeholders, which include library administration, personnel, and library users. Digitization has presented significant hurdles to librarians and other information managers in underdeveloped countries. Baro et al. [16] contend that one of the primary challenges confronting digital library projects in Africa has been academic libraries’ willingness to implement digital library services in terms of skills and knowledge. Usman and Lyin [17] listed some of these issues as follows: insufficient funding, insufficient digitizing equipment, insufficient knowledge and skills, insufficient institutional policies, and insufficient power assistance. On the same note, [18] recognized other hurdles to African digital library development, such as significant funding limits. Insufficient infrastructure (e.g., electricity, telephone line, building, etc.), outdated staff training opportunities and facilities, harsh environmental conditions, accelerated equipment degradation, insufficient salaries and difficult working conditions, and insufficient skills in strategic planning and grant proposal for Digital Library Projects. Akintunde [19] underlined the importance of “clearly establishing and recognizing ownership rights in all digitization projects.” [20] emphasized that another concerning feature of legal significance is that the copyright may be granted.“ On that point, the University of Jos recently formed a committee to examine who owns the rights to theses and dissertations (the student or the university) [9], on the other hand, said that “the copyright of theses, dissertations, academic reports, and other internally generated documents belongs to the institution and (as such) no permission is required. “ to make them digital.”


7. Methodology

A descriptive research design was used for the investigation. The population consists of all library workers from Delta State’s academic libraries. A simple random selection technique was utilized to choose four (4) schools in Delta State, with forty (40) library employees serving as the study’s sample. As a data collection instrument, a self-created questionnaire was used. It was created in a closed-ended format of Yes or No. Experts moderated the instrument and confirmed its validity. Cronbach Alpha was used to determine the instrument’s reliability. The data was evaluated using a simple percentage statistical technique.


8. Results

See (Table 1)

1.Digitalization practice improve library visibility3690%0410%40100%
2.Digitalization practice enhances effectiveness of bibliographic control3280%0820%40100%
3.Digitalization practice help librarian to effectively reserve library materials.3485%615%40100%
4.Digitalization practice increase librarian access of library materials3280%820%40100%
5.Digitalization practice improved library services4010040100%

Table 1.

Question 1: What are the prospects for digitalization procedures in academic libraries in Delta State?

In the table above 36 (90%) respondents say Digitalization improves library visibility while 4 (10%) Say No to it. The practice of digitization improves the effectiveness of bibliographic control according to 32 (80%) respondents, as against 8 (20%). The process of digitization assists librarians in properly reserving library materials because 34 (85%) responded to it while 6 (15%) is against it. Increase librarian access to library materials through digitalization 32 (80%) while 8 (20%) says No. The practice of digitization improves library services is proved by the response 40 (100%). As a result of the cumulative value of Yes (87%) is bigger than No (13%), it indicates the prospects of digitization procedures in Delta State academic libraries.

According to Table 2, all of the respondents agreed to choose ‘Yes’ for item 1 (100%), while none of the respondents chose ‘No’. For item 2, the majority of respondents 35 (87.5%) chose “Yes,” while the remaining 5 (12.5%) chose “No.” The majority of respondents 34 (85%) answered ‘Yes’ on item 3, while the remaining 6 (15%) chose ‘No’. For item 4, the majority of respondents 33 (82.5%) chose “Yes,” while the remaining 7 (17.5%) chose “No.” Finally, 100% of respondents chose ‘Yes’ for question 5. As a result, because the cumulative value of Yes (91%) is bigger than No (9%), it indicates that there are equipment and facilities to be digitalized in Delta State academic libraries (Table 3).

1.Projects & academic staff Publications40100%40100%
3.Catalog cards3485%615%40100%
5.Books & Archival materials4010040100%

Table 2.

Is there digitalization equipment and facilities in academic libraries in Delta state?

1.Lack of planning digitization.3587.5%512.5%40100%
2.Inadequate funding3280%820%40100%
3.Inadequate skilled personnel3177.5%922.5%40100%
4.Inadequate computer technology3690%410%40100%
5.High cost of purchasing equipment3280%820%40100%

Table 3.

What are the obstacles to digitizing library resources in Delta state academic libraries?

According to the poll, the majority of respondents (87.5%) answered ‘Yes’ for item 1, while the remaining 12.5% chose ‘No’. For item 2, the majority of respondents (80%) picked “Yes,” while the remaining 20% chose “No.” 31 respondents (77.5%) opted for ‘Yes’ on item 3, while the remaining 22.5% opted for ‘No’. Furthermore, 90% of respondents answered ‘Yes’ while the remaining 10% chose ‘No’ for item 4. For item 5, 32 of the respondents (80%) picked “Yes,” while the remaining 20% chose “No.” Since then, the cumulative value of YES (83%) responses has been higher than NO (17%) responses. It therefore demonstrates the issues or problems affecting the digitization of library resources in Delta State academic libraries.


9. Discussion of results

According to the data, study question 1 demonstrated that digitalization practice improves library visibility and bibliographic control effectiveness. It also aids librarians in the optimal preservation of library materials. Digitalization improves librarian access to library materials and services. These findings support the preceding observation. According to [9], the motives for digitization are “to improve access to these resources (information materials), to preserve age-old materials for long use, and to provide better search and retrieval facilities for library-type materials.”

According to the research, the information materials to be digitized in libraries include projects, indexes, books, academic staff publications, archive materials, catalog cards, and newspapers. This finding is consistent with that of [13], who found that the information resources available for digitization in Kashim Ibrahim library are theses, dissertations, seminar papers, conference proceedings, and reports in their study. Similarly, [15] stated that inaugural lectures, books, scholarly articles by lecturers, university periodicals, and a variety of other university items were included. in the digitizing materials at the University of Nigeria Nsukka (UNN).

According to the findings, research question 3 revealed a lack of planning digitization, insufficient funds, insufficient experienced employees, insufficient computer technology, a high cost of purchasing equipment, and so on. The findings are consistent with a report by [17] on the obstacles of digitization in libraries, which stated that “inadequate funds, lack of digitization equipment, inadequate knowledge and skills, lack of institutional policy, and lack of electricity support” This demonstrates the importance of a serious and concerted effort to address these issues.


10. Conclusion

Digitization of library resources has been identified as a critical development aspect in today’s libraries, particularly in academic settings. This current trend has continuing to change the pattern and scope of library services. Digitization is a significant component for academic libraries in the twenty-first century because it allows for new ways to search and access library contents regardless of place or time. It was also discovered that academic libraries’ digitization practices improved access to library materials, effective preservation of library materials, library service rapid retrieval of documents, and library visibility. Despite all of the benefits of digitizing library resources, there are still many problems in librarians’ efficient digitization practices in Nigerian university libraries.

11. Recommendations

According to the study’s findings, it is suggested that;

Libraries should look for lecturers on their campuses who are creating or utilizing novel tools like those outlined in this article. up and starts experimenting with them in collaboration with other lecturers and students. Librarians must motivate their users through content (learning) or other means, such as student development of applications that make academic library information and services more relevant to certain groups of users.

In order to address the country’s irregular power supply, alternative power sources such as high-capacity generators and the use of solar electricity must be given.

The library should create a copyright mechanism that allows them to deliver information without breaking copyright law, known as copyright management, by prohibiting users from reproducing intellectual content from the web.

Academic libraries should investigate the possibilities of offering mobile library services while collaborating with mobile phone providers. Enhanced sending frequency to avoid network failure at decreased tariff.

Academic libraries should seek additional financial assistance from donor organizations such as the MacArthur Foundation and the Carnegie Foundation for digitization projects.


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Written By

Eniekebi Ejiroghene Regina

Submitted: 05 July 2023 Reviewed: 10 July 2023 Published: 19 January 2024