Open access peer-reviewed chapter

Magic GIFT for Digital Library Innovation with Grouping, Indexing, Folding, and Targeting

Written By

Sheldon Liang and Paul Anthony Miller

Submitted: 08 September 2023 Reviewed: 14 September 2023 Published: 06 December 2023

DOI: 10.5772/intechopen.1003051

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Digital library service is in need of innovation to meet the demands of the modern user and effectively sort through increasingly growing web and cloud content. One such innovation introduces the idea of the magic lamp that can be embodied through three comprehensive views: conceptual foundation, technical roadmap, and operational fulfillment to better serve the user. The Magic Lamp represents a pioneering invention that is both a multidimensional and “smart” approach to discovering, grouping, assimilating, organizing, and delivering archival content while eliminating unnecessary and antiquated sequential search patterns that consume or overwhelm both the user and computer. Central to the concept of the Magic Lamp as a visible icon is the underlying and automated process of the Magic GIFT throughout Grouping, Indexing, Folding and Targeting. The magic of GIFT enacts domain-specific search (like “google-it”) as grouped, contextualizes multidimensional & multilinguals (as indexed) for diverse and global readers, and dedicates the user to multi-folded content, and propels decent experience and deep exploration on target. As a result, this may be seen in overlying three views that helps streamline large amounts of information in user-friendly ways which are readily available at one’s fingertips.


  • magic lamp
  • cloud intelligence outlets
  • visual analytical processing
  • grouping indexing folding & targeting
  • web-based intelligent service for enlightenment

1. Introduction

Digital library service provides users with eBooks or electronic (pdf-like) documents that are accessible online with ease. However, this service is lacking and needs to be amended/modified or modernized to meet the demands of the modern user and effectively sort through increasingly growing web and cloud content. A proposed digital library is now able to help the user see (or be conscious of what is around the context), seek (contextual discoveries), and search (look into with purpose) that which is accessible for him via the exchanging of information through a terminal device as a cloud information outlet. One such innovation introduces the idea of the magic lamp to better serve the user. The Magic Lamp represents a pioneering invention that overlays the conceptual foundation for digital innovation, technical roadmap for digital transformation, and operational fulfillment for multidimensional and manufacturing information service. Essentially, it is an advanced data mining capability structured in a multidimensional, eclectic, intelligent or “smart” approach to discovering, grouping, assimilating, organizing, and delivering archival content while eliminating unnecessary and antiquated sequential search patterns that consume or overwhelm both the user and computer.

Both traditional libraries are commonly characterized with massive collections and are often referred to as brick-and-mortar libraries. These libraries face a range of challenges in the modern digital age such as user interface, user experience, and archival content [1]. User interface together with user experience has become an explicitly determining factor of successful libraries. Whereas archival content is the essence of a digital library that ought to provide free access to researchers, historians, scholars, people with print disabilities, and the general public. So then the proliferation of digital content and online resources has led to a shift in how people access information (user interface experience). Traditional libraries need to incorporate digital resources and technologies to meet the changing needs of their patrons. It is, therefore, urgent that libraries be digitally innovated.

There are some challenges and/or dilemmas to present library systems. One such challenge is digital transformation because of the huge number of online archives that lead to information overload. Digital transformation [2] is said to be a reinvention or revolution. As Wayne Busch [3] put it, “Digital transformation is not a series of technology tasks; it is a business strategy for change” The internet provides vast amounts of information, but not all of it is reliably accessed, so contemporary library systems must curate and provide trusted sources of information to help users navigate through the abundance of online content.

Another challenge is accessibility. Accessibility is a good criterion to evaluate successful digital transformation when it is present. However, when it is missing it is much like the limitations of a rampless portal to a wheelchair person. Further, people with poor operating skills are also like those who live in remote areas in that they are limited. So ensuring equitable access to library resources for all members of the community can be a hurdle. Thus there is an urgent need for libraries to be digitally innovated with contextuality (discovered in a context), interoperability (information exchanging), and availability (at one’s fingertips), or the proposed innovative CIA. This refers to human-computer interaction that strongly affects user interface and user experience. This innovation is the determining factor of successful libraries. As a matter of fact, in management of information systems, management of information systems ought to comply with the “Magical Number (7 ± 2)” according to the cognitive psychologist George A. Miller of Harvard University because of “Some limits on our capacity for processing information”. In the reality of information service, we are suffering from such a dilemma that a big piece of information could be fragmented or too big would cause the user to be overwhelmed.

With the proposed innovative CIA, a user becomes empowered through contextuality, interoperability and availability. Contextuality makes him brilliant to reach out for plentiful information from his “arm” [4] reaching out via big data, so that he can categorize them into various groupings. Interoperability helps him feel something out there via operational manipulations, such as indexing and folding. And availability provides plentiful information for him to target for specificity.

The major contribution of the Magic Lamp is its tremendous practical and applicable value for innovative digital libraries through the Magic GIFT which makes plentiful information (or high volumes of data “webpageless” to access. The magic GIFT breaks down web “borders” among multiple traditional webpages from a few up to hundreds to be virtually accessible. And it transcends traditional separation of webpages to be encapsulated as one. Central to the concept of the Magic Lamp is Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning (AIM) as a visible gateway to automate the underlying process of the Magic GIFT throughout Grouping (gathering common aspects across multiple chapters/books), Indexing (chaining up the relevances into a “table of content”), Folding (placing multiple sections beneath a web content block), and Targeting (the special interest) in accordance with diverse users’ perspectives by delivering the archival content. The well-archived content indexes relevant sections or items to be expandable (to explore) as the user surfs over without swapping webpages. The magic of GIFT enacts domain-specific search (like “google-it”) to group archival content as a whole, contextualizes multidimensional & multilinguals to assimilate as indexed for diverse and global readers, and dedicates the user to multi-folded content with his focus on, and propels descent experience to target deep exploration to meet their interest. Consequently, this new approach streamlines large amounts of information in user friendly ways which are readily available at one’s fingertips.


2. Magic lamp for innovative digital libraries

The Magic Lamp represents a strategic invention that pioneers typical abilities of the modern digital library. In fact, it shapes a definable roadmap toward, and exhibits specialized characteristics for the modern digital library. Basically, the Magic Lamp leads to a multidimensional and “smart” approach to discovering, grouping, assimilating, organizing, and delivering web-archived content while eliminating unnecessary and antiquated sequential search patterns that consume or overwhelm both the user and computer. Central to the concept of the Magic Lamp as a visible icon is the underlying and automated process of the Magic GIFT throughout Grouping, Indexing, Folding, and Targeting.

The thinking behind the Magic Lamp provides three views/perspectives that define modern digital libraries: First, the Conceptual Foundation for digital innovation; Second, the Technical Roadmap for digital transformation; and Third, the Operational Fulfillment for digital library service as a designed end to its targeted objectives.

2.1 Conceptual foundation: Digital innovation

In the Magic Lamp’s conceptual view, the modern digital library results from the brilliant interplay between three components or aspects: Contextuality, Interoperability and Availability. These three come via a set of cloud intelligent services. They are able to contextualize cloud-enriched content (CEC) to meet the needs of diverse and global users and readers. They also establish channels for library diversity to interoperate meaningfully with each other to bring out volumes of information available with the aim to better serve the user. The Conceptual View of innovative CIA is illustrated in Figure 1.

Figure 1.

Innovative CIA for digital libraries via cloud computing. How innovative CIA expresses contextuality via cloud intelligent service behaving like a knowledgeable librarian who is acutely aware of a user’s (patron’s) needs. In the center of the illustration, innovative CIA is interactive (as indicated like 3D orbitals) for “cloud computing” to propel collaborative retrievals from the cloud for responsiveness as availability via data interchange. And, the result of cloud generated availability is a more comprehensive service for global and diverse users’ needs.

2.1.1 Contextuality for diversified archives

Contextuality denotes/provides the diversity of archived information for the innovative exchange. Diversity can be in types of data and differences in formats which should be viewed for innovative purposes like a “holistic ecosystem” that can meet multidimensional needs. With Innovative CIA, contextuality inherently shows the potential power and influence over the meaning or interpretation in which it is presented or observed from various perspectives, such as linguistics, philosophy, psychology, and communication. One particular example of contextuality is that multilingual translation may be provided or available with digital books for diverse and global readers. Therefore, context plays a significant role in shaping how information is interpreted, understood, and used. Thus, contextuality serves as the basis of intelligent interaction through wiseCIO [5]. The following example further illustrates the possibilities of multiple contexts stemming from the same web content., A given biographical book, may be entitled as ① “Who’s Who in American History”, authored by ②“Tony Miller, M.Ed.”, and categorized as ③ “Biography”, etc. At least, three applicable criteria could be triggered to enclose the book under three groups. In another word, grouping may not refer to a singular perspective (or unique criterion), but may vary depending on the context that chooses or applies the criteria to grouping.

Figure 2 illustrates how a piece of content (pointed by the red arrow) could potentially be enclosed in multiple diverse contexts. In the example, there are three contexts applicable in support of the user while seeking and searching the same book from ① Who’s Who, ② Author, or ③ Biography. Thus the example and illustration portray how contextuality enables discoveries in a variety of contexts. It activates interoperability (via information interchanging), and aims for availability (or readiness at one’s fingertips). This helps fulfill the practical function of interface combined with user-centered experience upon which successful digital libraries are determined.

Figure 2.

Diverse contextuality.

2.1.2 Interoperability for collaboration

Interoperability enables the ability to “socialize” or mingle cloud-enriched content in an ecosystem [6, 7] for each unique user. If we extend the example to a group of digital books, there would be associative (common-grounded) chapters/sections across multiple books. The common-grounded sections can be mingled “boundlessly” in collaboration or “folds” with ease. In light of networking development, interoperability refers to the ability to liaise with different systems, software applications, or components and seamlessly unify them eclectically through data interchange, utilizing information effectively.

Figure 3 indicates how interoperability can glue/cohere multi-diverse contexts together to ensure that disparate systems can communicate, collaborate, and share data without encountering significant barriers. As a result, interoperability empowers contextuality by making diverse systems and data homogeneous. Thus interoperability plays a key part in the universal interface process across different media and kinds of data much like a facilitator.

Figure 3.

Universal interface fulfilled via interoperability.

2.1.3 Availability for better service

Availability [8], partnering with contextuality through interoperability, aims to make plentifully cloud-enriched content accessible (usable), available (useful) and actionable (used for decision-making) to better serve the reader/user. It is availability that retains the user and makes him engage with exploring, reading and enjoying (digital content). In terms of executable service, the magic lamp determines availability, which is the degree to which a system, application, or service is operational and accessible when it is needed or expected to be used. It is a critical aspect of innovative CIS function which ensures that users can access and use technology resources without disruptions/barriers, as Illustrated in Figure 4.

Figure 4.

User-centered experience embodied as availability.

The Cloud Intelligence Outlet [9] (CIO) has succeeded with Anything-orchestrated as a Service (XaaS) that is primarily responsible for user-centered experience, to make the users feel great about usage of digital libraries while exploring and enjoying digital books. Availability is the difference maker via actionability to assist the user to make choices. XaaS is a broad term that encompasses various cloud computing and service delivery models where different types of services are provided over the internet. The “X” in XaaS can stand for anything, indicating the wide range of services that can be delivered using this model. XaaS is part of the broader trend of moving computing resources and software applications to the cloud.

As was previously stated, innovative CIA takes enriched contexts from such diverse perspectives as linguistics, philosophy, psychology, and communication for its innovation. And, extraordinary consideration is given to (a) “The Magical Number 7 ± 2” [10] and (b) “Learning Pyramid” [11] as heuristics that are utilized to reframe contextuality, constrain interoperability, and enable availability. Innovative CIA is enhanced with more intelligent ingredients attached to retrieved web content blocks (WCBs), and empowered with machine learning automaton to automate the underlying process. The Magic GIFT directs deliveries of well-archived content as WCBs throughout Grouping, Indexing, Folding, and Targeting in accordance with diverse users’ perspectives.

2.1.4 Magic number and heuristics

“The Magical Number” theory/concept (by the cognitive psychologist George A. Miller)/suggested that there should be “Some Limits on Our Capacity for Processing Information”. This reasoning still prevails and significantly impacts traditional web presentations. Traditionally, most webpages are presented with 8 blocks of web content or less, but with content splits into lots of subordinate pages by number-indexing for further access.

Figure 5 shows/illustrates an example of traditional presentation that allows each webpage (vertically) to be confined into eight content blocks, conforming to the with “The Magical Number 7 ± 2” is accepted reasoning. However, a large number of content blocks will be split into (horizontally) up to 366 indexed pages, which becomes a disadvantage because it fragments the whole content in too many pieces.

Figure 5.

Vertically, a webpage allows 8 blocks, while it splits into 366 pages.

“The Magical Number 7 ± 2” refers to a concept known as Miller’s Law that has dominated fields in software engineering, management of information systems, and web presentations for years because of its common recognition of “Some Limits on Our Capacity for Processing Information”. Miller’s research suggested that the average person can hold about seven (plus or minus two) items in their short-term memory at any given time. This means that people can generally handle between five and nine pieces of information in their working memory. However, it could also be utilized in a stiff and rigid means by which we might have complied with the limitation onto the published context, which becomes a potential drawback. For instance, on each given webpage, a user can only see a certain number of content blocks without being able to select out of a big range. With a large number of WCBs collected as a Jetstream, the contextuality of the innovative CIA enhaces the range for the user to select, and then enables Magic GIFT to help the user selectively focus on specific groups, which applies the Magical Number in a more gracious way to better serve the user.

The advantage of Innovative CIA over traditional sequencing is also seen in the “Learning Pyramid. “The Learning Pyramid r is known for “active and engaging learning methods [that] tend to result in better retention rates”. Innovative CIA leverages the principles of the Learning Pyramid to enhance retention by providing multidimensional media, such as the use of text, audio, and video to report content such as the news as a whole. Digital libraries can be inspired by the “Learning Pyramid”, and/directed to actively turn text-intensive books into/electronically enriched multimedia. While watching or listening to reinforce memory, the user is devoted to the content with others to solidify by making broader connections in understanding.

Figure 6 borrows an example from the “Times & Democrat” ( to indicate how to apply the “Learning Pyramid” to the innovation of digital libraries. Like a news report in The Times & Democrat, some chapters in a digital book can be integrated with a combination of multimedia, as a whole, with video and audio in conjunction with textual paragraphs. The “better retention rates” could be achieved through reading (textual messages), in conjunction with hearing (audio), and watching, etc.

Figure 6.

“Learning Pyramid” inspired news report via enriched multimedia.

In the field of digital libraries, the collaboration with interoperability and availability allows the interaction of magic Lamp to, not only help enrich web content of multimedia, but also engage with the established “Magic Number (7 ± 2)” accepted standard. The magic lamp enacts domain-specific searches that are manageable, operable, and manipulatable. In the same way in which most users are familiar with such grouping that they refer to it as “googled it”. However, the Magic Lamp becomes the expert to contextualize multidimensional & multilinguals (as indexed) for diverse and global readers because it dedicates for the user’s multi-foldaway content by propelling descent experience with deep exploration per the anticipated target. The magic lamp provides users with a neat experience by streamlining large amounts of information in user-friendly ways.

Thus, Conceptual View for innovation would specify modern digital libraries to be defined by innovative CIA throughout Contextuality (what to enclose), Interoperability (how to select) and Availability (way to serve). It also provides considerations to retain readers via “Learning Pyramid” and engage with “The Magical Number” for the sake of better service. Contextuality embraces more (WCBs) for the user to select, and interoperability enables flexible regrouping/retargeting without the user being overwhelmed (Magical Number). More importantly, Availability enriches content with multimedia for higher retention (Learning Pyramid).

2.2 Technical roadmap: Digital transformation

Magic Lamp’s Technical View points out a roadmap toward a modern digital library through definable ways as seen in Jetway, Segway, Foldaway, and Beltway/Boxcar. An innovative digital library may seem daunting, but essentially the Magic Lamp simplifies its complexity to better serve the user. The following illustrative roadmap will greatly assist the user to sort through the options of an innovative search. t), Once understood the Magic Lamp is user-friendly and will facilitate users to enjoy exploring, through a highly capable means to meet needs of the most, but the greatest asset of this innovative approach has is that it streamlines plentiful information available at one’s fingertips. The Technical View is illustrated in Figure 7.

Figure 7.

Magic lamp with definable ways to innovative digital libraries. Where the Magic Lamp starts with globally distributed online resources that can be seen as big cloudbases (either similar to or different from traditional databases). The Jetway bridges between the big cloudbases and collective plenty, seemingly to form a “borderless Jetstream” of plentiful information flowing over and without frequent webpage swapping. Both Segway and Foldaway help to categorize and specify the collective Jetstream into beltways (to better serve the global & diverse users), and boxcars (enabling universal interfacing). At the end, innovative digital libraries can be established to target the users’ diverse goals.

2.2.1 Jetway for to mingle distributed resources

Jetway/Jetstream initiates the first definable way through common comparison toward an innovative digital library. A modern digital library ought to offer distributed service via high performance computing (HPC). The hypothetical Jetway, through queries & requests from the user, can be made into a big cloudbase. It also brings out what the user expects as a hypothetical Jetstream that is plentiful, professional, distributed, and may also be across multiple (tens to hundreds) of websites. It can be compared to an airport jet-way that leads various people to the aircraft at the “check-in” point where the collective area where passengers arrive before taking off into the Jet stream must comply with specific boarding criteria. It is the check-in point that helps eliminate unnecessary and antiquated sequential search patterns that consume or overwhelm both the user and computer.

Jetway is the way to retrieve web content and transition from distributed to centralized for easy alignment and categorization/use.
Q. Is Jetway against “The Magical Number”?
A. No. even tens up to hundreds of content blocks get collected, but applicable criteria can filter for regrouping/retargeting, which helps shift the user’s focus on to a group ∼ more to select, and focus on fewer:)

2.2.2 Segway to categorize into sections

Segway describes the second definable way to categorize plentiful information into multiple sections but on a continuous basis for an innovative digital library. For instance/example, a year-based criterion/criteria will generate bars to divide the big collectiveness into multiple sections, like the check-out separators/bars at Walmart – Segway divides continuous sections and works as a rapid locator while browsing. The outcomes from the Jetway carry out markups for Segway as place bars to divide continuously. Ideally, the segway bar known as a hypothetical Beltway enables speed-up browsing for rapidly jumping and skipping over content from one section to another.

Segway sorts out a group of continuous content blocks and makes it manageable
Q. How does Segway break the collective into multiple sections on the continuous basis?
A. Most splitting webpages are separately indexed chronologically or segmentally, so a segway is pretty much like Chronological/Segmental bars, which speed up the location of information from one (bar) to another.
It is done with pattern recognition while Jetway is used to retrieve from multiple webpages.

2.2.3 Foldaway to fold up optionally

The Foldaway concept installs highly related information blocks in virtual/archival folders according to applicable criteria, e.g., each applicable criterion may be randomly applied to form content blocks that are within that criteria. There may be multiblocks that are logically within the same folder. The Foldaway process “votes/chooses” the top block as a representative (known as a Beltway) to fold them away so that all other blocks become implicit (within the folder). More focused (zoom-in) accessibility can be achieved within the folder through the top-representative beltway.

Foldaway picks up a group of content at random, but/yet complying with the same criterion.
Q. How does Foldaway/determine the criteria to group related content?
A. Jetway helps retrieve useful terms/patterns as heuristics to discover relative criteria for grouping, so multiple blocks of content could be located at random.

2.2.4 Beltway/Boxcar to encapsulate individuals

Hypothetically, both Beltway and Boxcar are utilized to represent the similar idea of an existing webpage via the hyperlink as a content block. A beltway is publicly accessible to the hyperlinked webpage, and the Boxcar (or conveyor box) could be hidden under another Beltway. In general, a Boxcar is equivalent to a content block that is accessible to an existing webpage (via a hyperlink). In particular, a Boxcar is more than a traditional webpage. It is able to act as an intelligent agent to open the hyperlinked webpage via a secondary frame, or to embed it under (the present) via an expanded frame. The Boxcar is intelligent and characterized as follows:

Beltway individualizes web content into a webpage associated with its hyperlinks.
  • By/through presentation of the hyperlinked webpage subordinate to the primary context that will not change

  • By/through applying multilinguals for instant translation over the webpage

  • By/through embedding to expand the hyperlinked webpage beneath

  • None of the above involves webpage swapping

  • It may be selected to be folded away as a boxcar in a series of other folded boxcars for accessibility in depth

/// a Beltway is also/functions as a Boxcar performing the above, but a beltway may also be voted as a representative to a group of subordinate boxcars

A Beltway, as a specific Boxcar, behaves as an intelligent and universal interfacing block that consists of an image Icon (illustrative of the nature of the content), an Express button (to embed plentiful beneath), a Caption (Entitled for attention), Multilinguals option (for instant translation), a quickView option (to bring out a webpage in a separate frames), and a Descriptive (information to encourage in depth pursuit), etc., shown in Figure 8.

Figure 8.

Individual boxcar acting as a “cart” to carry out functional brilliance.

Beside messages for browsing, a Boxcar is empowered by “Multilinguals” and “Express” – Multilingual enables instant translation to the related webpage if it is permissible, while Express embeds the webpage as an expanded opening for hierarchical exploration in depth. The Boxcar could also be voted/selected as a representative (Beltway) to a foldaway group of related Boxcars. This will be discussed in more depth in the Operational View through the magic GIFT.

2.3 Operational fulfillment: Digital library service

In the Operational Fulfillment, the Magic GIFT may be viewed or generalized as fulfilling modern digital library needs through Grouping, Indexing, Folding and Targeting as innovation. And, the designed end of targeting is the creation of new contextualization that is both user generated and specific. These “opera-characteristics” make digital libraries smart and straightforward and very innovative: These characteristics are significantly comprehensive, eclectic & elastic, as well as web-based or OS-neutral service.

First, a modern digital library should be a comprehensive aggregation from various perspectives and multidimensional deliveries for diverse users and end results. It should provide significant and impactful/useful ways to better serve users in need of resources from existing libraries. The following diagram (Figure 9) will help in bringing to view the larger operational view of Innovative wise CIO. The diagram shows the apparent interconnection between (contextuality), technique (Jetway), and operating (mOLAP [12]) in the creation of a new and more feasible approach to modern digital libraries.

Figure 9.

Innovative digital libraries operated via eclectic & elastic automation. Where the Magic Lamp, in view of multidimensional plentiful deliveries, operates/opens the Jetway to get Contextuality, then leads to Magic GIFT for innovative digital libraries as a whole. mOLAP turns Contextuality (derived from Figure 1) as a generalized concept into innovative digital libraries as an operational system of eclecticness & elasticity.

Second, currently cloud intelligent services must be eclectic & elastic because of the functional obsolescence of older library arrangements and their limited usefulness. The goodness of it is seen in its wide ranging utility. Being both eclectic and elastic makes for better humanitarian/utilitarian & friendliness/ease of use characteristics that play a key role in innovative digital libraries. Technically, older libraries would lack the characteristics of being eclectic and elastic, having hard coded solutions, so algorithmic machine learning [13, 14] has been introduced for this sake. Algorithmic Machine Learning is a process that depends on sophisticated algorithms driven by the continuously enriched machine learning knowledgebase (MLKb). That is, cloud intelligent service evolves through continuous improvement as the MLKb enriches itself.

Third, a modern digital library ought to be web-based or OS-neutral via a cloud intelligence outlet, so that it is open to typical operating systems, but not dependent/contingent on specific ones, such as iOS, Android, Windows, and etc. With OS-neutrality, all devices can become individual terminals operated via a browser. So, web-based service through Cloud Intelligence Outlets (wiseCIO [5]) helps to innovate and utilize modern digital libraries with ease. It is smart for a user to simply use his device as a terminal via a browser that takes him to the modern digital library.

In the execution of the Magic Lamp, the Magic GIFT engages and aligns with innovative CIO through a technical roadmap and/produces eclectic & elastic operations in distinct ways: Grouping (established for contextuality) via mOLAP, Indexing & Folding (manipulated or manufactured for interoperability) via robotic process automation, and Targeting (promoted for availability) via innovative digital libraries, as a whole, in following aspects:

2.3.1 mOLAP over multiple remote resources

mOLAP is the multidimensional online analytical processing [12] on the remote end in the cloud computing environment that helps to further digitize a library through digital archiving, aggregated content, and transformed analytics (For more information on mOLAP, refer to DATA [15]). It is a remote service for performing multidimensional analysis at high speeds on large volumes of data from big distributed databases. Most business data have multiple dimensions. Similarly, a digital library has multiple categories into which the digital content is broken down for representation and presentation via digital express, tracking, or analysis. For example, library figures might have several dimensions related to authors (title, series, country, and location), time (year, month, week, day), types (novels, legends, politics, and history), and more. But in distributed digital content bases, content sets are stored in databases and webpages, each of which can organize data into just two of these dimensions at a time. mOLAP extracts data from multiple resources and reorganizes it into a multidimensional format that enables very fast processing and very insightful analysis.

2.3.2 Elasticity and eclecticness

Elasticity performing multidimensional analysis involves robotic process automation in elastic/flexible means. RPA is a technology that uses software robots or “bots” to automate repetitive, rule-based tasks and processes in various business domains. Elasticity in the context of technology, particularly cloud computing and IT infrastructure, refers to the ability of a system to dynamically scale resources up or down based on demand. Scaling is done with RPA. This allows digital libraries (as a business)/to efficiently allocate computing resources to match varying workloads without overprovisioning or underprovisioning. In cloud environments, this is often achieved through services like auto-scaling, which automatically adjusts the number of servers or resources in response to changes in demand. These bots mimic human interactions with digital library systems and applications, performing tasks such as data entry, data extraction, data manipulation, and more. RPA is typically employed to enhance operational efficiency, reduce errors, and free up human resources for more strategic and value-added activities. So, elasticity serves to produce a generalized solution to a family of problems, enables anything as a service for automation, and discloses adaptability or ability to suit different conditions of meeting various needs.

Eclecticness represents/takes methods, beliefs, ideas, etc. From the aggregate, combining whatever seems the best or most useful things from many different areas or systems for the moment, rather than following a single system. As discussed in Section 2, digital libraries ought to be web-based and OS- neutral, which refers to a style or approach that is composed of elements or ideas from various sources, styles, or disciplines. In other words, it involves selecting and combining diverse and often contrasting elements to create a unique and diverse whole. Overall, “eclectic” emphasizes the diversity and inclusivity of influences and ideas to create something distinct and multifaceted. Together with elasticity, eclectic choice helps to better implement anything as a service for goodness/in the moment’s need/utility, and elasticity discloses adaptability or availability to meeting various needs.

2.3.3 Innovative digital libraries (iDL)

Innovative digital libraries: an innovative digital library should constitute a global, user-friendly service that interfaces with instant multilingual translation, and provides comprehensive interactivity, in which artificial intelligence via machine learning (AIM) will play a key role. They should remove previous cyber “borders” between libraries (physical library + its website), which made each library able to provide only limited resources. Innovative digital libraries must become borderless so that distributed cloud resources are open to update/regenerate frequently or on a daily basis. The combination of Eclectic and robotic automation will create the flexibly to utilize that which is updated frequently and select whatever technique works best. This process is best expressed in “ABCDE” order:

  • Artificial Intelligence (AI) plays a significant role in driving innovation across various industries, so do innovative digital libraries. It does so by enhancing existing processes, enabling new capabilities, and fostering creative problem-solving. From the perspective of cloud computing and web service, AI has a great potential to empower the future of digital libraries

  • Brilliant cloudBases in solutions to mOLAP that may not only learn and utilize traditional and relational databases, but also on anything-orchestrated as a service from the cloud computing environment made available with plentiful information through analytics and data mining.

  • Cloud Information Outlet (CIO) that provides fulfillment of universal interfacing through Segway, Foldaway, Beltway and Boxcar, and enrichment for user-centered experience especially the overall experience that a person has while interacting with modern digital libraries with respect to ease of use, enjoy-ability, and effectiveness of interaction. This sense of enlightenment encompasses a wide range of factors that influence a user’s perception and satisfaction with a particular interaction or interface.

  • Discovered intelligence for business, education and entertainment (iBEE) that starts with the innovative CIA through a technical roadmap toward the magic GIFT for better service and decision-making.

  • Expressive to express cloud archival repository as a plentiful cloudbase that backs up useful information for advanced deliveries to the destination through grouping, indexing, folding and targeting.

The above-mentioned A through E features help us see how the magic of GIFT enacts domain-specific searches (like “googled-it” as grouped), contextualizes multidimensional & multilinguals (as indexed) for diverse and global readers, and dedicates multi-folded content to users, and propels descending experience and deep exploration on target.

2.3.4 Magic GIFT for UnIX

UnIX-CARE [16] has introduced Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning (AIM) to dedicate mOLAP for the advancement of better service so that digital libraries will be enhanced through their continual improvement via algorithmic machine learning. UnIX or universal interface and experience play a key role in Magic GIFT, as illustrated in Figure 10.

Figure 10.

Magic GIFT for innovative digital libraries. Where Artificial intelligence & machine learning (AIM) initiates the “magic” process of distributed cloud resources toward useful web content blocks via the Jetway. A web content block is considered useful because critical properties of data have been recognized and/or marked up, such as Theme/Topic of the content, Author/Speaker of the section, and Visual Icon for the block in support of analytical processing through magic GIFT. Thus Magic GIFT enables the intelligence discovered for Business, Education and Entertainment (iBEE) to target objectives to better serve users.

Grouping is for discovering common grounded web content blocks (WBC) as a whole by applying certain categorizing criteria, so that a “folder” can be formed through the process of selecting/voting only one block as a “representative”. The representative is typically a WCB or expressed as a Beltway that helps the reader to focus on the content/or “commonality” of the folder. The user can then mindfully and efficiently find and utilize comprehensive and precise materials in support of his study, research, and reference. The Magic GIFT enacts “must-be-one-fit” grouping based on multiple criteria through dynamic analytics. For instance, with a lengthy list of books, the indicative criteria could be such as Authors (Hosts), Topics/Themes (keyword), and Illustrative Images (visual icons). But, each one retains the ability to offer specific perspectives to diverse users. It is almost impossible without AIM, so AIM plays a key role in Magic GifT (as illustrated as magic lamp in Figure 10).

Indexing is for the computational assistance required to link/connect multiple WCBs so that they are bound up and presented in various ways link for use. The “Indexing assistant” is smart, diligent, precise, and capable in its ability to form groups. It is able to group WCBs in three ways; either on a distributed basis, or on a continuous basis, or at random. The distributed tie is recognized via/by hyperlinks that enable further reference when needed. The continuous tie is observed in that it is naturally laid out in order of one after another. Random ties are discovered relatedly according to the criteria applied to the common-grounded content blocks that may be located across natural categories. An example would be, a series of books retrieved from various distributed cloud resources in which. There is no guarantee that the collection will be gathered in chronicle or alphabetic order. Rather, indexing is smart to collaborate with criteria applied to grouping whether in sequence or series at random.

Folding collects or embodies Grouping & Indexing for two further actions: voting a WCB/Boxcar as the representative for the group, and hiding the rest of WCBs and turning them into a foldaway list. Folding is represented as a Beltway that works as the entrance to the group. We may alternatively use different terms, such as web content block (WCB) vs. Boxcar, Foldaway vs. folder, Beltway vs. Segway, etc. a WCB denotes a content block without emphasizing functionality, However a Boxcar refers not only to a (static) WCB, but also as an intelligent agent. For instance, a Boxcar allows one to open a hyperlink in a separate frame with instant multilingual translation, or to expand the webpage via the hyperlink in an embedded frame, which demonstrates such charming features as universal interface and user-centered experience (UnIX).

Targeting is to fulfill the designed end of GIFT to meet needs of the users by narrowing down the scope during their look-up and seek. Targeting encourages criterion adjustment for re-discovering, re-grouping, re-assimilating, re-organizing, and re-delivering web-archived content while hiding other related WCBs beneath a selected representative (Beltway) to certain perspectives.

Artificial intelligence & machine learning (AIM) plays a key role in Magic GIFT without/additional manual coding. It is easier seen visibly than explained descriptively, and the operations become more apparent or vivid in some case studies provided below.


3. Case studies on G.I.F.T for innovative web presentations

Innovative Digital Libraries will be thoroughly discussed with case studies. Magic lamp has been described from the Operational View and illustrated with functional interactivity through Grouping, Indexing, Folding and Targeting. These “opera-characteristics” make digital libraries innovative, smart, smooth and straightforward. Three application cases have been selected with specific highlights and will be presented to orchestrate typically available and pre-published web content as criteria for the GIFT interchange. They will show how the process prioritizes keywords and topics as specific criteria through dynamic analysis which will propel the user further into tremendously/boundlessly insightful exploration through its innovative capability.

3.1 Well-planned podcast “The Light Network”

The Light Network (TLN) [17] is a long term website for well-planned podcasts. Because of its prolific content over the years, it is a good candidate to showcase the eclectic nature of the GIFT interchange for web based library innovation. TLN is an organized group of podcasts designed to “encourage your soul, enlighten your mind, and empower your faith”. It is reported that thousands of people from all over the world have heard TLN’s content.

Basically, the original website has been well-planned and deliberately posted for a decade. There are a total of 366 separate webpages since 2012 via indexing numbers as references. Each webpage consists of eight concise WCBs with a Title & hyperlink, (a) Topic for the series, (b) Host list, (c) Image Icon, and (e) description-in-brief, and so on. TLN Podcast is a candidate to showcase the powerful nature of GIFT for digital innovation primarily because those informative patterns (a–e) are well-sampled in support of Algorithmic Machine Learning.

Following observable facts disclose the beauty of The Light Network:

Table 1 shows you the well-done job for digital innovation that has retrieved Collective 417 WCBs, mapped to 417 Boxcars that are individually accessible (via the hyperlink), available (applicable via GIFT) and actionable (full of interactivity). Practically, THREE criteria applied to the Collective (417), result in Beltways (15-Theme Base, 16-Host Base, or 17-Image Base), respectively.

Table 1.

The light network.

A user can select which criterion to be applied to grouping so that he can focus on his choice, say, “Theme Base” Foldaway. He can also change his mind of selecting another criterion to be applied through GIFT by resetting the Collective.

A WCB can polymorphically play various roles depending on the applied criteria to Grouping. In the Collective Base, a WCB is a Boxcar (on behalf individual), and Theme-based grouping will turn it to a Beltway leading a Foldaway list (others are hidden under the Beltway), as illustrated in Figure 11.

Figure 11.

Theme Base criterion applies to beltway (foldaway).

Where Magic GIFT is embodied and implemented by a group of intelligent buttons, so by clicking “Theme-Base” button Collective (417) WCBs turns out into 15 Beltways, and each of which leads a list of Foldaway Boxcars. Taking Theme-Based “Wifey Wednesday” as an example, There are totally 33 blocks under the “Wifey Wednesday”. Theme. Since multiple Theme Bases have been deliberately planned, such as “Wifey Wednesday”, “Inside the Scholar’s Study”, and so one, multidimensional analytics will automatically establish multiple Beltways, which turns “antiquated sequential search patterns” to reduced number of rapidly-locatable “buckets”.

The Magic GIFT for TLN is said to be “eclectic” because its original website has been deliberately planned and diligently presented. While performing retrieval through Jetway from distributed cloud resources (residing in multiple webpages), Machine Learning Knowledgebase (MLKb) is enriched by the well-sampled pattern recognition-in-brief.

3.2 Professional news “The Times and Democrat”

The Times & Democrat [18] is a daily newspaper in Orangeburg, South Carolina. The Times and Democrat is owned by Lee Enterprises, a company based in Davenport, Iowa. Starting June 6, 2023, the print edition of the newspaper will be reduced to 3 days a week: Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. Also, the newspaper will transition from being delivered by a traditional newspaper delivery carrier to mail delivery by the U.S. Postal Service. Most likely, The Times & Democrat is about to gradually go on digital transformation because of its successful transitioning from the print edition to multimedia enriched news. As the best showcase of “Learning Pyramid” [11] The Times & Democrat utilizes rich multimedia for heuristic retention of readers by providing news contextually in text, audio, and video as well.

The original website has several categories, such as headLine, News, Opinion, Sports, etc. There are totally 160–180 WCBs on a daily basis, belonging to those categories. The Times and Democrat is a professional newspaper that emphasizes diversity of news reports. Different from The Light Network, it seldom has common-grounded WCBs, but each WCB may have associative recommendations while opening a web news.

Following observable facts disclose the beauty of The Times & Democrat (Table 2):

Table 2.

The times and democrat.

Table 2 shows you the professional news through digital innovation that has retrieved Collective 167 WCBs (on a daily basis), mapped to 167 Boxcars that are individually accessible (via the hyperlink), available (applicable via GIFT) and actionable (full of interactivity). Practically, associative recommendation criteria can be applied to all the Boxcars (WCBs) of Collective (167) – When the Boxcar is opened in an embedded mode, the current Boxcar automatically turns out as a Beltway leading a group of WCBs. The original categories via Segway from the original websites result in 4 Sections, such as Headline, News, Opinion, and Sports. A Segway acts like the check-out bar at Wal-Mart that separates multiple sections, and Boxcars are continuously within sections.

Segway can be reflected by segmental and/or Chronological bars, depending on the separators “drained” into the Jetstream – Jetway pulls over distributed cloud resources as outcome in the jetstream. In the case of “The Times and Democrat”, Jetway has intelligently brought out segmental bars in the jetstream so that multiple sections have been naturally formed, such as Headline, News, Opinion, and Sports, etc. Figure 12 exhibits Professional News as a good example in discussion of how Magic GIFT orchestrates News Exhibition that was extracted from The Times and Democrat.

Figure 12.

Segmental bars are made via segway (plus foldaway). Where Jetstream plants Segways via algorithmic machine learning, and then multiple sections are separated through visual Segmental Bars for further interactivity that promotes sectional span (from one bar to the next), showing/ (−) hiding (+) WCBs beneath, and rapid location, etc.

Associative Reference is another intelligent feature of Magic GIFT representing decent outcomes through dynamical analytics. When opening the webpage as embedded under the current Boxcar, the associative recommendation is automatically prioritized for further reference with ease, illustrated in Figure 13.

Figure 13.

Prioritizing associative reference. Where Associative Reference is prioritized as a dynamical foldaway when the associative button is activated. When the Boxcar opens via hyperlink and embed the webpage beneath, The associative reference will simultaneously be discovered and presented in a list, so that the embedment allows smooth transitioning between the primary webpage and its associative without causing the current context to be swapped (as a whole).

Both Segmental Bar/Segway and Associative Reference are intelligent features of Magic Lamp through deep machine learning and dynamic analytics. Segmental Bar has a twin partner known as Chronological Bar. The former is established on the basis of recognized multiple sections, and the latter on the basis of recognized year, days, or time, which will be discussed in case of WWDC).

3.3 Run-time advocated worldwide developers conference (WWDC)

The Worldwide Developers Conference (WWDC [19]) is an information technology conference held annually by Apple Inc. The event is usually used to showcase new software and technologies in the macOS, iOS, iPadOS, watchOS, and tvOS families, and other Apple software; new hardware products are sometimes announced as well. On a yearly basis, WWDC usually has about 200 WCBs performing showcases via videos and associative reference.

As a sharp and eclectic accomplishment, Jetway triggers intelligent retrieval across 5 years (2023/22/21/20/19) and a Jetstream of 940 WCBs has been formed with Chronological Bar planted. Those chronological bars enable quick sectional leap from year to year, and showing (−) /hiding (+) helps manage yearly accessibility, which is very similar to Regmental Bar in the case of The Times and Democrat.

What we are going to thoroughly discuss is the Theme Base that is intelligently established via statistical wording and analytics over the captions of WCBs. Dislike TLN that has long term deliberate planning, so multiple and practical criteria have been “planted” informatively, WWDC seldom plans the presentation with Theme Base series, Instead, associative reference would be helpful but the large number of WCBs will not be reduced via Associative Reference.

Table 3 A little informative wording processor has been created to label a Theme to each caption. The outcomes are not obvious, but an automated process of statistics and analytics is performed through algorithmic machine learning. In the case of WWDC, Magic GIFT has been proved effective and efficient to reduce a total number of 940 in the Jetstream to 188 WCBs. Together with Annual/Chronological Bars, the analytically processed Theme Base assists Magic GIFT to better serve the users in charming ways:

  • The reduced number of WCBs from 940 to 188 helps to observe “the Magical Number 7±2”, but is still sufficient for lookup…

  • Segway through Chronological Bars help manage the human capability within the given year although it is still much more than 7 ± 2 with 188 WCBs, but under the chronological bar (in the same year), the average number of WCBs is 188/5 = 37.6, which is reasonable to handle.

  • Flexibility with more or less, but manageable WCBs offered by Magic GIFT embodies eclectic-city & elasticity for the goodness of better user experience (Figure 14).

Table 3.

Worldwide developers conference across 5 years.

Figure 14.

Analytically processed theme base. Where, besides The chronological bars still help to segment into multiple sections, Theme Base criterion was established through Jetway by utilizing online analytical processing, so that a keyword is strategically elected/selected as a Theme to group for rapid lookup and accessibility with ease.

The innovative WWDC across 5 years shows a great potential that the Magic GIFT can be established via mOLAP to meet needs of global & diverse users.

As sharp studied cases, the above-mentioned showcases have been thoroughly studied and examined, which provides an operational fulfillment of Innovative Digital Libraries: The Light Network (audio + video) published as well-planned podcasts, The Times and Democrat (video + audio + textual reports) published as professional news, and WWDC (video + associative tie across multiple years) as a run-time advocated collection (up to 5 years).

Out of diverse distributed cloud resources, we have chosen many typical websites as directly experimental cases to study with enriched & enhanced web content of multimedia that helps to break down the borders between distributed cloud resources, and smooth transitioning between web content and content for libraries.


4. Conclusion magic lamp for innovative digital libraries

Digital library service is not presently sufficient to just provide users with eBooks or online (pdf-like) electronic documents. It is also in need of further innovation to meet the demands of the modern user and effectively sort through increasingly growing web and cloud content. An innovative digital library should also help the user see (what is around the context), seek (how to discover via interactivity), and search (look into with purpose) with high accessibility f to get into the web content via Web-based information interchange (WBII) through any browsable device that will serve as a cloud information outlet (CIO).

Magic Lamp and GIFT interchange is an inventive and pioneering solution to discover, group, assimilate, organize, and deliver archival content in a multidimensional and “smart” approach to better serve global and diverse users. In the meantime/interim, it can also eliminate unnecessary and antiquated sequential search patterns that consume or overwhelm both the user and computer.

A comprehensive look/view of Innovative Digital Libraries (iDL) involves what a digital library means (defining), how to categorize them into types), and the ways space and storage are allocated for them. The Conceptual View shows what an iDL means, the Technical View shows How it works in categories/types, and the Operational View shows how users will better experience allocated results of a brilliant exchange, as illustrated in Figure 15.

Figure 15.

Multiple views overlaid to for artificial intelligence & machine learning. Where, three perspectives of Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning overlap with each other. The overlap begins with Jetway that concurrently retrieves useful information from distributed cloud resources (cloudBases), and directs them through the innovative CIA process. Jetstream course consists of WCBs, or Web content blocks via mOLAP filtering through Segway, Foldaway, Beltway and Boxcar as the Magic GIFT targets the users’ objective.


5. Major contribution

The major contribution of this chapter is its tremendous practical and applicable value for innovative digital libraries through the Magic GIFT, which makes plentiful information of data “webpageless”. Jetway mingles distributed cloud resources into a Jetstream that eliminates the barriers between traditional webpages, yet encapsulates them for accessibility, availability, and actionability. Central to the Magic Lamp is AIM as a visible gateway to automate the underlying process of the Magic GIFT which directs deliveries of well-archived content as WCBs throughout Grouping (turning many into a cohesive one), Indexing (relating relevances as a whole), Folding (making foldaways put foldaway), and Targeting (delivering high quality attained “librarian” service).

The Magic Lamp for innovative digital libraries is the icon to discover, group, assimilate, organize, and deliver archival content as a whole, especially for diverse and global users. It dedicates the user to multi-folded content blocks facilitating a high degree of focus, and helps the user propel into a decent/well ordered experience for targeting deep exploration within their interest. Consequently, this new approach streamlines large amounts of information in user friendly ways which are readily available at one’s fingertips.

AI-empowered Magic GIFT is now available in a reliable, feasible, and multidimensional approach and involves innovative, inventive, and intelligent features that utilize pattern recognition (what a WCB looks like with iconic image, title, hyperlink, and/or descriptive) to discover web content blocks, heuristics (segmental and/or chronological separators), statistics & analytics [do you mean analysis?] (on word counting and indication processing) to enact a Theme Base/or Theme Bases for grouping, data mining (discover associative reference while pumping the webpage), and inquiring queries (random wording to lookup in grouping).

Any terminal device becomes browsable for innovative digital libraries through The Magic Lamp exchange and will assist the user to explore, enjoy and experience digital libraries. By simply using a browsable device, the innovative CIA is able to transcend various operating systems and, therefore, is contingent on none of them. The magic of GIFT enacts domain-specific search, contextualizes multidimensional & multilingual content that is useful and available for the diverse users, and is very actionable to support decision-making.


6. Practical value and applicable cases

Active use of Psychological Observations and Pyramid Learning represents the pioneering leadership to differentiate degrees of engagement and retention for better learning experiences. The Magical Number (7 ± 2) does not limit the Magic Gift. Its Jetstream can process from tens up to hundreds of WCBs. However, it respects this order in how information is sorted and delivered for the user.

Experimented cases are inclusive of those through which analytical retrieval with Machine Learning Knowledgebase (MLKb) are enriched for typical arts museums, newsagents, and electronic archives Specific cases include the Fine Art Museum- San Francisco (345 WCBs), the Metropolitan Art Museum (1004 WCBs), the Art Institute of Chicago (58 WCBs), The Times and Democrat (167 WCBs), Marquis Who’s Who (774 WBCs), the Tennessee Virtual Archive (74 WCBs), The Light Network (427 WCBs), and the Worldwide Developers Conference (940 WCBs), … … [NOTE: You need to use the definite article “the” for specific cases].


7. Future work

Since digital libraries are far from existing ones, there are more library resources for us to discover and traverse the restrictive boundaries through applicable distributed cloud resources. By categorizing existing web content and with the assistance of AIM to data mine via multidimensional online analytical processing, there is/are:

  • More sophisticated samples that help enrich the MLKb (Machine Learning Knowledgebase) will be discovered through pattern recognition, so that more content from online libraries will be available without the need for additional coding.

  • Typical intelligent strategies will be inspired for seamless integration via generalized algorithmic processes for mOLAP, typically customizable analytics, and elastic process automation as well.

  • Adaptability and assemblability will be developed & created to promote hand-in-hand collaboration with library management organization by eliminating barriers within and by collaborating current library systems.

  • Sophistication will increase to help users grow their appetite with Magic GIFT for deep involvement with digital libraries.

In closing, Conceptual Foundation developed to help define digital library, Technical Roadmap streamlined to, and Operational fulfillment as Magic GIFT for…



This work is partially supported by the NSF Award on Distributed Learning for Undergraduate Programs (ID# 2142514), the National Science Foundation HRD 201138, and Apple- HBCU C2 – Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the Department of Education or the National Science Foundation. Our sincere thanks to, Mr. Lee Harter, Editor of The Times and Democrat, Apple, Inc., Worldwide Developers Conference, Ms. Evelyn Keele, Director of Tennessee Room, and Mr. Brendan Rowe, Tennessee Room of Jackson-Madison County Library, Mr. Tre Hargett, Tennessee Secretary of State, Tennessee Virtual Archive, Miller Center, The University of Virginia, the Metropolitan Museum Of Art New York City, the Henderson Church of Christ. Special Thanks to Mr. Robert Hatfield, Founder and Director of The Light Network for his permission, support, and encouragement, appreciation, support and encouragement and especially for wiseCIO to experiment with TLN. Last but not least, I am deeply thankful to Jade Yin and Angela Hua for their always-encouragement of reinvention and inspiration of wiseCIO!


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Written By

Sheldon Liang and Paul Anthony Miller

Submitted: 08 September 2023 Reviewed: 14 September 2023 Published: 06 December 2023