Open access peer-reviewed chapter

Fixed Point Theorems in Complex-Valued Double Controlled Metric-Like Spaces

Written By

Mohammad S.R. Chowdhury, Muhammad Suhail Aslam, Musawa Yahya Almusawa and Muhammad Imran Asjad

Submitted: 06 February 2023 Reviewed: 24 February 2023 Published: 31 March 2023

DOI: 10.5772/intechopen.1001327

From the Edited Volume

Topology - Recent Advances and Applications

Paul Bracken

Chapter metrics overview

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In this chapter, we have discussed the concept of complex-valued double controlled metric-like spaces. These results extend the corresponding results about complex-valued double controlled metric-type spaces. As applications, we have proved some complex-valued fixed point theorems in this space and have proved the existence and uniqueness of the solution of a Fredholm type integral equation. Finally, some examples are also given in favor of our given results.


  • fixed point
  • complex-valued
  • double controlled
  • metric-like spaces
  • Fredholm type integral equations

1. Introduction

Fixed point theory concept is a widely recognized and big subject of studies in engineering and mathematical sciences. This area is called the aggregate of evaluation including geometry, algebra, and topology. In this field, a big contribution has been done by Banach [1] by introducing notion of contraction mapping due to a complete metric space to find fixed point of the specified function. This classical theorem of Banach [1] has been studied and generalized by means of many researchers in diverse methods (see, for instance, [2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20]), as this principle is also considered as heart of fixed point theory. Classical definition of metric space was generalized by Harandi [21] by introducing the notion of metric-like space. Azam [22] was the first one to introduce the complex-valued metric space, which was generalized by Hosseni and Karizaki [23], who introduced complex-valued metric-like space. Bakhtin [2] and Czerwik [3] generalized metric space by giving the idea of b-metric spaces. Aslam et al. [4] introduced the notion of complex-valued controlled metric-type space. Abdeljawad [7] presented the idea of double controlled metric-type space (DCMLS) that was generalization of Kamran et al. [5] and Mlaiki et al. [6].

Further, let us recall some interesting definitions and results, useful in the introduction of our new concept.

Let C be the set of complex numbers and w1, w2C. Since we cannot compare in usual way two complex numbers let us add to the complex set C the following partial order , known in related literature as lexicographic order.

w1w2 if and only if Rew1Rew2 or (Re(w1) = Re(w2) and Imw1Imw2)..Taking into account the previous definition, we have that w1w2 if one of the next conditions is satisfied:

(P1) Re(w1) < Re(w2) and Im(w1) < Im(w2);

(P2) Re(w1) < Re(w2) and Im(w1) = Im(w2);

(P3) Re(w1) < Re(w2) and Im(w1) > Im(w2);

(P4) Re(w1) = Re(w2) and Im(w1) < Im(w2).

Let us recall the definition of complex-valued extended b-metric given by N. Ullah et al. in Ref. [9].

Definition [9]

Let X be a non-empty set and ϑ:X×X1. The function heb:X×XC is said to be complex-valued extended b-metric if the following conditions are satisfied:

CEB10hebpqandhebpq=0if and only ifp=q,

for all p, q, rX. A pair Xheb is called a complex-valued extended b-metric space.

Mlaiki et al. [6] generalized the notion of b-metric spaces as follows.

Definition [6]

Given ϱ:X×X1, where X is nonempty. Let hc:X×X0. Suppose that

CMT1hcpq=0if and only ifp=q,

for all p, q, rX. Then, hc is called a controlled metric type and Xhc is called a controlled metric-type space.

Definition [13]

Given non-comparable functions ϱ,ς:X×X1, where X is nonempty.

If hdl:X20 satisfies


for all p, q, rX. Then, hdl is called a double controlled metric like by ϱ and ς and Xhdl is called a double controlled metric-like space (DCMLS).

Definition [8]

Given non-comparable functions ϱ,ς:X×X1, where X is nonempty.

If hcdt:X20 satisfies


for all p, q, rX. Then, hcdt is called a complex-valued double controlled metric type by ϱ and ς and Xhcdt is called a complex-valued double controlled metric-type space (CDCMTS).

Recently, Panda et al. [8] presented idea of complex-valued double controlled metric-type space (CDCMTS). Inspired by Panda et al. [8], in this chapter we will present the concept of complex-valued double controlled metric-like space (CDCMLS). Then, two fixed point theorems in CDCMLS are presented. One of them is the Banach contraction principle and the second one is the related Reich type result. The theorems are illustrated with the help of examples. Moreover, an application to prove the existence and the uniqueness of a Fredholm type integral equation is given.


2. Complex-valued double controlled metric-like spaces

In the section, we will introduce our generalization of complex-valued double controlled metric-like spaces (CDCMLS).


Given non-comparable functions ϱ,ς:X×X1, where X is nonempty.

If hcdl:X20 satisfies


for all p, q, rX. Then, hcdl is called a complex-valued double controlled metric like by ϱ and ς and Xhcdl is called a complex-valued double controlled metric-like space (CDCMLS).


A complex-valued double controlled metric-type space is also complex-valued double controlled metric-like space in general. The converse is not true in general. Further this is also more generalized form than complex-valued extended b-metric-type space (see Example 2).

Let X=123. Consider the complex-valued double controlled metric like h = hcdl defined by


Take ϱ,ς:X×X1 to be symmetric and defined by


and ς11=ς22=ς33=1,ς12=ς21=65,ς23=ς32=3320,ς31=ς13=83..

The conditions (CDCML1) and (CDCML2) hold. We will verify (CDCML3).

Case 1: When p = q = r = 1,


Case 2: When p = 2, q = r = 1,


Case 3: When p = 3, q = r = 1,


Case 4: When p = r = 1, q = 2,


Case 5: When p = r = 1, q = 3,


Case 6: When p = q = 1, r = 2,


Case 7: When p = q = 1, r = 3,


Case 8: When p = q = 2, r = 1,


Case 9: When p = 2, q = 3, r = 1,


Case 10: When p = 3, q = 2, r = 1,


Case 11: When p = q = 3, r = 1,


Case 12: When p = 1, q = r = 2,


Case 13: When p = 1, q = 3, r = 2,


Case 14: When p = r = 2, q = 1,


Case 15: When p = q = r = 2,


Case 16: When p = r = 2, q = 3,


Case 17: When p = 3, q = 1, r = 2,


Case 18: When p = 3, q = r = 2,


Case 19: When p = q = 3, r = 2,


Case 20: When p = 1, q = 2, r = 3,


Case 21: When p = 1, q = r = 3,


Case 22: When p = 2, q = 1, r = 3,


Case 23: When p = q = 2, r = 3,


Case 24: When p = 2, q = r = 3,


Case 25: When p = r = 3, q = 1,


Case 26: When p = r = 3, q = 2,


Case 27: When p = q = r = 3,


Thus, h = hcdl is complex-valued double controlled metric-like space(CDCMLS).

But when p = 2, q = 3, r = 1,


Thus, h = hcdl is not a complex-valued extended b-metric type for the function ϑ.

Let Xhcdl be a complex-valued double controlled metric-like space (CDCMLS) by one or two functions.

  1. The sequence {pn} is convergent to some p in X, if for each positive ε, there is some integer Zε such that hcdlpnpε for each n ≥ Zε. It is written as limn → ∞ pn = p.

  2. The sequence {pn} is said Cauchy, if for every ε > 0, hcdlpnpmε for all m, n ≥ Zε, where Zε is some integer.

  3. Xhcdl is said complete if every Cauchy sequence is convergent.

    Let Xhcdl be a complex-valued double controlled metric-like space (CDCMLS) by either one function or two functions—for pX and l > 0.

    1. We define Bpl as


    2. The self-map ϒ on X is said to be continuous at p in X if for all δ > 0, there exists l > 0 such that


Note that if ϒ is continuous at p in Xhcdl, then pn → p implies that ϒpn → ϒp when n tends to ∞.

One can prove the following lemmas for the specific case of CDCMLS, in a similar way as in [11]. Let Xhcdl be a CDCMLS and assume a sequence {dn} in X. Then {dn} is Cauchy sequence hcdldmdn0 as m, n → ∞, where m, nN.

Suppose Xhcdl be a CDCMLS and {dn} be sequence in X. Then {dn} converges to dhcdldnd0 as n → ∞.

Let Xhcdl be a CDCMLS. Then a sequence {dn} in X is Cauchy sequence, such that dm ≠ dn, whenever m ≠ n. Then {dn} converges to at most one point.

For a given complex-valued controlled space Xhcdl, the complex-valued double controlled (c.v.dc) metric-like function hcdl:X×XC is continuous, with respect to the partial order .

Consider Xhcdl be a CDCMLS. Limit of every convergent sequence in X is unique, if the functional hcdl:X×XX is continuous.


3. Fixed point theorems in CDCMLS

In our first theorem of this section, we prove the Banach contraction type theorem in CDCMLS.

Theorem 1.1 Let Xhcdl be a CDCMLS by the functions ϱ,ς:X×X1. Suppose that ϒ:X×X satisfies


for all p,qX, where l01. For p0X, choose pn=ϒnp0. Assume that


In addition, for each pX, suppose that

limnϱppnandlimnςpnpexist andarefinite.E3

Then, ϒ has a unique fixed point.

Proof: Consider the sequence {pn = ϒnp0} in X that satisfies the hypothesis of the theorem. By using (1), we get


Let n, m be integers such that n < m. We have


We used (p, q 1. Let


Hence, we have


The ratio test together with (2) implies that the limit of the real number sequence {Rn} exits, and so {Rn} is Cauchy.

Indeed, the ration test is applied to the term vι=j=0ιςpjpmϱpιpι+1..

Letting n, m tend to ∞ in (5) yields


so the sequence {pn} is Cauchy. Since Xhcdl is a complete double controlled metric-type space, there exists some κX such that


We claim that ϒκ = κ. By (DCML3), we have


Using (3) and (6), we get that


By (1), we have


Using (3) and (7), we get at the limit hcdl (κ, ϒκ) = 0, that is, ϒκ = κ. Let ϖ in X be such that ϒη = ϖ and κ ≠ ϖ. We have


It is a contradiction, so κ = ϖ. Hence, κ is the unique fixed point of ϒ.

The assumption (3) in Theorem 1.1 above can be replaced by the assumptions that the mapping ϒ and the complex-valued double controlled metric h are continuous. Indeed, when pn → κ, then ϒpn → ϒκ and hence we have


and hence ϒκ = κ.

Theorem 1.1 is illustrated by the following examples.

We endow X=123 by the following CDCMLS h = hcdl


Take ϱς:X×X[1 to be symmetric and defined by




Now define the self-mapping ϒ on X as follows:


Now we will verify the condition 1:

Case 1: When p = q = 1,


Case 2: When p = 1, q = 2,


Case 3: When p = 1, q = 3,


Case 4: When p = 2, q = 1,


Case 5: When p = q = 2,


Case 6: When p = 2, q = 3,


Case 7: When p = 3, q = 1,


Case 8: When p = 3, q = 2,


Case 9: When p = q = 3,


For all k01, it is clear that the above conditions are satisfied, these conditions are also satisfied for ϒ1 = ϒ2 = ϒ3 = 1. For any p0X condition (2) holds along with conditions of Theorem 1.1. Therefore, there exists a unique fixed point at 1.

Given p0X, the orbit Ou0 of p0 is defined as Ou0=p0ϒp0ϒ2u0, where ϒ is a self-map on the set X. The operator Γ:X is called ϒ-orbitally lower semi-continuous at ϖX if when {pn} in Op0 such that limn → ∞ hcdl (pn, ϖ) = 0, we get that ΓϖlimninfΓpn.

Proceeding similarly as [24] and using Definition 3, we have the following corollary generalizing the Theorem 1.1 in [13].

Let ϒ be a self-map on Xhcdl a complete complex-valued double controlled metric-like space by two mappings ϱ,ς. Given p0X. Let l01 be such that


Take pn = ϒnp0 and suppose that


Then, limnhcdlpnκ=0. We also we have that ϒκ = κ if and only if the operator xhcdlxϒx is ϒ-orbitally lower semi-continuous at p.

Our next fixed point result involve a Reich type inequality, as follows.

Theorem 1.2 Let Xhcdl be a CDCMLS by the functions ϱς:X×X[1 and ϒ be a self mapping satisfying Reich condition. That is, ϒx satisfies


for α,β,γ01 with α + β + γ < 1 and γ=α+β1γ<1, for all p,qX.

For p0X we choose pn = ϒnp0. Assume that

limnϱppn<exist and finite andlimnςpnp<1γE10

Then, ϒ has a unique fixed point.

Proof: Let p0X. Consider the sequence {pn} with pn + 1 = ϒpn for all nN It is clear that if there exist n0 for which pn0+1=pn0 then ϒpn0=pn0. Then the proof is finished.

Thus, we suppose that pno+1pn for every nN. Therefore, we may assume that pn + 1 = pn for all nN. Now


Therefore, we get


Thus, we obtain


for all n,mN with n < m


Then we applying the ratio test, we have


Therefore under condition (9), the series ngn converges. Therefore, limn → ∞ Rn exist. So the real number sequence {Rn} is Cauchy.

Thus we obtained the inequality hcdlpnpmhcdlp1p0lnςpnpn+1+Rm1Rn.

Letting n, m → ∞, we get


so the sequence {pn} is Cauchy. Since Xhcdl is a complete CDCMLS, then there exists some p0X such that


Which means pnp0 and n → ∞.

Now, our claim is to show that ϒp0=p0.


Using this facts in (10) and letting the limit as n → ∞ we obtain


Suppose that ϒp0p0. Since limnϱpn+1ϒpn<1l we have


It is a contradiction, which means p0=ϒp0..

Finally, assume that ϒ has two fixed points, say p and q.

Then hcdlpq=hcdlϒpϒqαhcdlpq+βhcdlpϒp+γhcdlqϒq and so hcdlpq1α0. Since α1. We get hcdl (p, q) = 0 which implies p = q.

This completes the proof.

Let E=123. Define h=hcdl:E×EC by


Define ϱ,ς:E×E1 by






Proof: hϒpϒqαhpq+βhpϒp+γhqϒq.

Case 1: When p = 1, q = 2


Case 2: When p = 1, q = 1


Case 3: When p = 2, q = 2


Case 4: When p = 3, q = 3


Case 5: When p = 2, q = 1


Case 6: When p = 3, q = 1


Case 7: When p = 1, q = 3


Case 8: When p = 2, q = 3


For all α, β, γ01 with α + β + γ < 1, it is clear that the above conditions are satisfied, these conditions are also satisfied for ϒ1 = ϒ2 = ϒ3 = 2. For any p0E condition (9) holds along with conditions of theorem 1.2. Therefore, there exists a unique fixed point at 2.


4. Existence and uniqueness of the solution of a Fredholm type integral equation

During this section we suppose the following Fredholm integral equation


where Buvpv:ab×ab×CC and fu:abC be two bounded and continuous functions.

To prove the existence of solution for integral eq. (14) we use Theorem 1.1. Then we give the following result.

Theorem 1.3 Let X=CabC is the set of all continuous and complex valued functions which are defined on [a, b]. Also let ϒ:XX be an operator defined as:


Suppose the following conditions hold:

  1. the functions Buvpv:ab×ab×CC and fu:abC it’s a continuous function;

  2. BuvpvBuvqv1τbapuqu, for all p, qX and ω11λ with λ01.

Then Eq. (14) has a unique solution.

Proof: Let X=CabC and hcdl:X×XC such that,


where x=α2+β2, with α, β, τ > 0 and i=1C.

Let ϑu, ϱu:X×X1 be defined as


We observe that Xhcdl is a complete CDCMLS. Then the problem (14) can be translated to find a fixed point of the operator ϒ.

Then we have the next inequality


Following the calculus we obtain


Using the hypothesis (ii) we have


It is easy to check that, for both cases of the expressions of ϱupq and ςupq, the conditions (2) and (3) are true.

Then, for 0<δ=1τ2<1, all the hypothesis of Theorem 1.1 holds. In this conditions, we get that Eq. (14) has a unique solution.


5. Conclusions

Continuing in the same way as in Refs. [12, 25], we have introduced the concept of complex-valued double controlled metric-like spaces(CDCMLS). Some fixed point results and supporting examples in this setting, the related Banach contraction principle, the Reich type fixed point results, are presented. Moreover, the last section is dedicated to apply our main result in order to prove the existence and uniqueness of the solution of a Fredholm type integral equation.


Conflict of interest

The authors declare no conflict of interest.


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Written By

Mohammad S.R. Chowdhury, Muhammad Suhail Aslam, Musawa Yahya Almusawa and Muhammad Imran Asjad

Submitted: 06 February 2023 Reviewed: 24 February 2023 Published: 31 March 2023