Open access peer-reviewed chapter

Geometry of Sub-Riemannian Manifolds Equipped with a Quasi-Semi-Weyl Structure

Written By

Sergey Galaev and Evgeny Kokin

Submitted: 13 February 2023 Reviewed: 23 February 2023 Published: 25 March 2023

DOI: 10.5772/intechopen.1001321

From the Edited Volume

Topology - Recent Advances and Applications

Paul Bracken

Chapter metrics overview

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Quasi-semi-Weyl and quasi-statistical structures are based on a connection with torsion. In this chapter, as a connection with torsion, we consider the so-called extended connection, which is defined with the help of an intrinsic connection, i.e., a connection in the distribution of a sub-Riemannian manifold, as well as with the help of an endomorphism that preserves the indicated distribution and is called a structural endomorphism. It is proved that the extended connection is a connection of the quasi-semi-Weyl structure of a sub-Riemannian manifold of contact type only if the distribution of the sub-Riemannian manifold is involutive. In order to be able to consider sub-Riemannian manifolds with a not necessarily involutive distribution, the concepts of sub-Riemannian quasi-semi-Weyl and sub-Riemannian quasi-statistical structures are introduced, which are modifications of quasi-semi-Weyl and quasi-statistical structures for the case of sub-Riemannian manifolds of contact type. The structural endomorphism for the connection of a sub-Riemannian quasi-statistical structure is found. As an example, we consider non-holonomic Kenmotsu manifolds, which are sub-Riemannian manifolds of contact type endowed with an additional structure. It is proved that the restriction of the structural endomorphism to the distribution of such manifold differs from the identity transformation only by a factor.


  • sub-Riemannian manifold of contact type
  • intrinsic geometry of a sub-Riemannian manifold
  • extended connection
  • sub-Riemannian quasi-statistical structure
  • sub-Riemannian quasi-semi-Weyl structure

1. Introduction

A torsion-free linear connection on a manifold M is said to be metric compatible with g if the metric tensor is a Codacci tensor with respect to :


The statistical structure introduced by Lauritzen in [1] is a pair g, where g is a pseudo-Riemannian metric and is a torsion-free linear connection compatible with it. A manifold M equipped with a statistical structure is called a statistical manifold. Statistical structures are related to the theory of conjugate linear connections developed by A.P. Norden [2]. The set of torsion-free connections conjugate with respect to the metric constitutes a very interesting class of connections compatible with the metric. This class, along with the Levi-Civita connection, which is the only self-adjoint connection, includes other connections that are of interest to researchers. Linear connections compatible with the Riemannian metric find interesting applications in the geometric interpretation of a number of problems in mathematical statistics [3, 4, 5].

To describe geometric structures in the spaces of quantum states, it is convenient to use quasi-statistical manifolds, assuming the presence of torsion in a connection compatible with the metric. In [6], the concept of a quasi-semi-Weyl structure was introduced and methods for constructing quasi-statistical and quasi-semi-Weyl structures were proposed.

In this chapter, analogues of the quasi-statistical and quasi-semi-Weyl structures are introduced, these are the sub-Riemannian quasi-statistical structure and the sub-Riemannian quasi-semi-Weyl structure, respectively. The refinement of previously known concepts is caused by the desire to take into account the specifics of sub-Riemannian manifolds of contact type, on which these structures are specified. A sub-Riemannian manifold of contact type is a smooth manifold M of dimension n with a sub-Riemannian structure MξηgD given on it, where η is a 1-form generating the distribution D, D=kerη, ξ is a vector field that generates a rigging D of the distribution D, D=spanξ, g is a Riemannian metric on the manifold M with respect to which the distributions D and D are mutually orthogonal. In this case, the equalities ηξ=1, gξξ=1, ξ=0 hold true.

A sub-Riemannian quasi-statistical manifold is a sub-Riemannian manifold of contact type endowed with a sub-Riemannian quasi-statistical structure MgN. Here N is a connection with torsion of a special type, which is called in this work an extended connection, or an N-connection. An N-connection N is defined by a pair N, where is an intrinsic linear connection [7], N:TMTM is an endomorphism of the tangent bundle of the manifold M such that Nξ=0, NDD. We will say that the N-connection N is the extension of a connection by means of the endomorphism N.

An extended connection N is defined as the only connection that satisfies the following conditions:

(1) XNYΓD, (2) XNξ=0, (3) ξNY=ξY+NY, (4) YNZ=YZ, XΓTM;Y,ZΓD. If XgYZ=0, XYYXPXY=0, where X,Y,ZΓD and P:DDD is a projector, then is called an intrinsic metric connection. The torsion TXY of an intrinsic linear connection is given by the equality TXY=XYYXPXY.

It can be directly verified that the torsion SXY of the connection N is given by the following formula [7, 8]:


Here ωXY=XY.

The interest to the connections with torsion is due to their use in theoretical physics [9, 10, 11]. An N-connection N was defined by one of the authors of this chapter and was studied by him, for example, in [7, 12, 13, 14, 15]. By appropriately specifying the endomorphism N, one can obtain most of the previously known classes of connections with torsion, e.g., the Schouten-van Kampen connection, the Tanaka-Webster connection, etc. [7, 16]. At the same time, in those papers in which connections with torsion N were used (for specific endomorphisms N), the presence of an endomorphism N was not explicitly discussed. An exception is the work [17] (see also [13]), where the properties of the endomorphism N, denoted in the paper by the symbol “τ”, received a special attention.

Motivation for defining and studying sub-Riemannian quasi-statistical structures MgN is supported by the following facts:

  1. As mentioned above, the class of extended connections N is widely represented in modern geometric studies;

  2. N-connections N arise naturally as continuations of the intrinsic connections , which occupy an important place in the geometric modeling of problems in non-holonomic mechanics and theoretical physics [7].

In the present work, we define a sub-Riemannian quasi-statistical structure as a triple MgN, where M is a sub-Riemannian manifold, and the connection N is related to the metric g through the equality


where S˜XYZ=gSXYZ, X,Y,ZΓTM, ω=.

The extension of the term “quasi-statistical structure” by adding the word “sub-Riemannian” is justified by the use in the structure-defining equality of the external form ω=, referring to the intrinsic geometry of a sub-Riemannian manifold of contact type [7]. Although a sub-Riemannian quasi-statistical structure is defined on a sub-Riemannian manifold of contact type, as a basis manifold we will often use almost contact metric manifolds as sub-Riemannian manifolds carrying an additional structure.


2. Main results

An almost contact metric manifold is a smooth manifold M of odd dimension n=2m+1, m1, with an almost contact metric structure Mξηφg defined on it [8, 16]. Here, in particular, η is a 1-form and ξ is a vector field generating, respectively, the distribution D: D=kerη and the rigging D of the distribution D: D=spanξ. A smooth distribution D is called the distribution of an almost contact metric manifold. There is the decomposition TM=DD. An almost contact metric manifold is called normal if the condition Nφ+2ξ=0 is satisfied, where NφXY=φXφY+φ2XYφφXYφXφY is the Nijenhuis tensor of the endomorphism φ.

To carry out the necessary calculations, it is convenient to use the adapted coordinates [8]. A chart kxiijk=1nabc=1n1 on the manifold M is said to be adapted to the distribution D if n=ξ [7]. Let P:TMD be the projection defined by the decomposition TM=DD and kxα be an adapted chart. The vector fields Pa=ea=aΓann generate the distribution D:D=Spanea. For a non-holonomic frame field ei=ean, the relation eaeb=2ωban holds true. We additionally require the condition ωξ=0, which is equivalent to the condition nΓan=0. The condition ωξ=0 does not impose strong restrictions on the structures under consideration. For example, all normal almost contact metric manifolds satisfy this condition.

Let kxi and kxi be adapted charts, then we obtain the following coordinate transformation formulas:


An intrinsic linear connection [8] on an almost contact metric manifold is a map


satisfying the following conditions:

  1. f1X+f2Y=f1X+f2Y,

  2. XfY=XfY+fXY,

  3. XY+Z=XY+XZ,

where ΓD is the module of admissible vector fields (vector fields belonging to the distribution D at each point of the manifold).

Let ˜ be the Levi-Civita connection and Γ˜jki be its Christoffel symbols. Using equality


where eiej=Ωijmek, we prove the following proposition [8].

Proposition 1. The Christoffel symbols Γ˜ijk of the Levi-Civita connection of a sub-Riemannian manifold with respect to the adapted coordinates have the following form:


Here the endomorphism ψ:TMTM is determined by the equality ωXY=gψXY. The following relations also hold: CXY=12LξgXY, gCXY=CXY.

Note that in the case when ωξ=0, the expressions with respect to the adapted coordinates for the Christoffel symbols Γ˜ijk of the Levi-Civita connection of the sub-Riemannian manifold take a simpler form. The following Christoffel symbols remain non-zero:


Let be an intrinsic linear connection, let N be a connection uniquely determined by the conditions (1) XNYΓD, (2) XNξ=0, (3) ξNY=ξY+NY, (4) YNZ=YZ, XΓTM;Y,ZΓD. Throughout the paper, we will assume that the torsion TXY of the intrinsic linear connection is equal to zero:


It can be checked directly that the torsion SXY of the extended connection N may be found by the following formula [15]:




If XgYZ=0, X,Y,ZΓD, then the following equality holds true:


It can be directly verified that in this case the non-zero Christoffel symbols Gjki of the connection N with respect to the adapted coordinates have the form


In the case of intrinsic linear connection (not necessarily metric), the coefficients Gbca may be found from the relation aeb=Gabcec.

Let S˜XYZ=gSXYZ, X,Y,ZΓTM. With respect to the adapted coordinates, the non-zero components of the tensor S˜XYZ=gSXYZ, X,Y,ZΓTM, have the following form:


The concept of a quasi-statistical structure on a Riemannian manifold is discussed in [1]. A triplet Mg is called a quasi-statistical structure if the following equality holds [1]:


We will call the triplet MgN a sub-Riemannian quasi-statistical structure (SRCS-structure) if the equality


where S˜XYZ=gSXYZ, X,Y,ZΓTM, ω=, holds true. In this case, we will assume that the torsion of the intrinsic connection is equal to zero. Note that if MgN is a sub-Riemannian quasi-statistical structure, then


We claim that if the triplet MgN is a sub-Riemannian quasi-statistical structure, then the corresponding intrinsic connection is compatible with the metric g restricted to the distribution D.

Theorem 1. A triple MgN is an SRCS-structure of a sub-Riemannian manifold M of contact type if and only if N=2C and



Let us consider the equality


We fix adapted coordinates. If X=n,Y=eb,Z=ec, then we get


Hence it holds


Finally, we get the equality


This proves the theorem.

Consider, as an example, a non-holonomic Kenmotsu manifold. The Kenmotsu manifolds were discovered in 1972 in [18]. The concept of a non-holonomic Kenmotsu manifold was introduced in [19]. In [20], a non-holonomic Kenmotsu manifold is equipped with an N-connection N with torsion of a special type. A normal almost contact metric manifold M is called a non-holonomic Kenmotsu manifold if Lξg=2gηη holds true [19].

Let now MgN be an SRCS-structure. Turning to the equation


we obtain the following modification of Theorem 1.

Theorem 2. If is an intrinsic metric connection, then the triple MgN is a sub-Riemannian quasi-statistical structure on a non-holonomic Kenmotsu manifold M if and only if N=2E˜, where E˜X=X,E˜ξ=0, XΓD.

Thus with respect to adapted coordinates, the non-zero Christoffel symbols Gjki of the connection N in the case under consideration have the form


Let ˜N be the connection conjugate to the connection N included in the SRCS-structure MgN:


Denote by G˜jki the Christoffel symbols of the connection ˜N with respect to adapted coordinates. For X=ea,Y=eb,Z=ec, we get


In the case when X=n,Y=eb,Z=ec, we have


All other Christoffel symbols G˜jki are zero.

Proposition 2. The non-zero Christoffel symbols G˜jki of the connection ˜N have the form: G˜bca=Gbca. In the case of a metric connection it holds


Thus, it is shown that the conjugate connection to a connection N also has the structure of an N-connection with zero structural endomorphism N.

The following statement is an analogue of Proposition 1 from [6].

Proposition 3. Let Q be a tensor field of type (1, 2) such that gQXZY=gXQYZ. Then MgN is a sub-Riemannian quasi-statistical structure if and only if MġN=N+Q is a sub-Riemannian quasi-statistical structure.

Proof. Let us use the equalities obtained in [6],


This implies




Thus the proposition is proved.

Below is the definition of a quasi-semi-Weyl structure adapted to our case, first published in [6]. A triple MgN is called a quasi-semi-Weyl structure if the following equality holds:


We rewrite the last equality with respect to adapted coordinates:

  1. If X=ea,Y=eb,Z=n, then it follows that =0;

  2. If X=n,Y=eb,Z=ec, then we get:


Hence with respect to adapted coordinates we have


Finally, we get the equality


Thus the following theorem holds true.

Theorem 3. A triple MgN is a quasi-semi-Weyl structure on a sub-Riemannian M manifold of contact type if and only if the following conditions are satisfied:

  1. The distribution D of the manifold M is involutive;

  2. Structural endomorphism N is of the following form:


  3. The intrinsic connection is compatible with the metric g restricted to the distribution D


In order to abandon the requirement that the distribution D of the manifold M is involutive, we refine the definition of a quasi-semi-Weyl structure for the case of a sub-Riemannian manifold of contact type. Namely, let us call the triple MgN a sub-Riemannian quasi-semi-Weyl structure if the following equality holds


Let us rewrite the last equality with respect to adapted coordinates.

If X=n,Y=eb,Z=ec, then we get:


Hence with respect to adapted coordinates it holds that


Finally, we get the equality


Thus the following theorem holds true.

Theorem 4. A triple MgN is a sub-Riemannian quasi-semi-Weyl structure of a sub-Riemannian manifold M of contact type if and only if


The following theorem establishes connections between the concepts of a sub-Riemannian quasi-statistical structure and a sub-Riemannian quasi-semi-Weyl structure of a sub-Riemannian manifold M of contact type. It is a consequence of Theorems 1 and 4.

Theorem 5. Let the connections N and Ṅ be extensions of the same intrinsic connection on a sub-Riemannian manifold M of contact type. Then the triple MgN is a sub-Riemannian quasi-statistical structure if and only if the triple MgṄ is a sub-Riemannian quasi-semi-Weyl structure with


3. Conclusion

This chapter makes an additional contribution to the theory of N-connections used for the development and numerous applications of contact-type sub-Riemannian geometry. The connection N, which is an extension of the intrinsic connection through endomorphism N, in a certain sense organically corresponds to the ideas of geometrization of a vast class of problems in theoretical physics. Above have spoken about the contribution of the theory of N-connections to the development of the geometry of Einstein manifolds and their generalizations [7]. The role of N-connections in the well-known geometric interpretation of the motion of a charged particle in the unified theory of gravitational and electromagnetic interactions has yet to be essentially clarified [9, 21].


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Written By

Sergey Galaev and Evgeny Kokin

Submitted: 13 February 2023 Reviewed: 23 February 2023 Published: 25 March 2023