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Some Recent Advances in Non-Hausdorff Topology

Written By

Xiaoquan Xu

Submitted: 03 January 2023 Reviewed: 09 January 2023 Published: 13 April 2023

DOI: 10.5772/intechopen.1001120

From the Edited Volume

Topology - Recent Advances and Applications

Paul Bracken

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In the past few years, the research in non-Hausdorff topology, especially on sober spaces and well-filtered spaces, has got some breakthrough progress. In this paper, we shall present a brief summarising survey on some of such development. Some related problems are listed.


  • Sober space
  • well-filtered space
  • d-space
  • reflection
  • Scott topology
  • Smyth power space

1. Introduction

In most topology books, the Hausdorff separation property is assumed from the very start and very little information is contained on non-Hausdorff spaces. In classical mathematics, most topological spaces are indeed Hausdorff. But non-Hausdorff spaces are important already in algebraic geometry, and crucial in fields such as domain theory. Indeed, in connection with order, non-Hausdorff spaces (especially T0 spaces) play a more significant role than Hausdorff spaces.

Sobriety is probably the most important and useful property of T0 spaces. With the development of domain theory, another two properties also emerged as very useful and important properties for non-Hausdorff topology1 theory: d-space and well-filtered space (see [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52]). In the past few years, some remarkable progresses have been achieved in understanding such structures. In this chapter, we shall make a brief survey on some of this progress and list a few related problems.


2. Preliminary

We now recall some basic concepts and notations that will be used in the paper. For further details, we refer the reader to [4, 7, 53].

A partial order on a set X is a transitive (i.e., xy and yz imply xz), reflexive (it means xx for any xP), and antisymmetric (i.e., xy and yx imply x=y) relation. A partially ordered set, or poset for short, is a nonempty set P equipped with a partial order .

Let P be a poset. For any AP, let A=xP:xaforsomeaA and A=xP:xaforsomeaA. For each xP, we write x for x and x for x. A subset A of P is called a lower set (resp., an upper set) if A=A (resp., A=A). Define P<ω=FP:Fisanonemptyfiniteset and FinP=F:FP<ω. For a nonempty subset A of P, define maxA=aA:aisamaximalelementofA and minA=aA:aisaminimalelementofA. The symbol N will denote the poset of all natural numbers in the usual order.

A nonempty subset D of a poset P is called directed if every two elements in D have an upper bound in D. Let DP denote the set of all directed sets of P. A poset P is called a directed complete poset, or dcpo for short, if the supremum D of D exists in P for every DDP. A subset IP is called an ideal if I is a directed lower subset of P. Let IdP denote the poset of all ideals of P with the set inclusion order. Dually, we define the filters and denote the poset of all filters of P by FiltP.

For a poset Q, the upper topology on Q, generated by Q\x:xQ as a subbase, is denoted by υQ. Dually, we define the lower topology on Q and is denoted by ωQ. The upper sets of Q form the (upper) Alexandroff topology αQ.

Definition 2.1. For a poset P and UP, U is said to be Scott open if

  1. U=U, and

  2. for any directed subset D for which D exists, DU implies DU.

All Scott open subsets of P form a topology, called the Scott topology on P and denoted by σP. The space ΣP=PσP is called the Scott space of P. The topology generated by ωPσP is called the Lawson topology on P and is denoted by λP. The space ΛP=PλP is called the Lawson space of P.

The following result is well-known (cf. [4], Proposition II-2.1).

Lemma 2.2. Let P,Q be posets and f:PQ. Then the following two conditions are equivalent:

  1. f is Scott continuous, that is, f:ΣPΣQ is continuous.

  2. For any DDP for which D exists, fD=fD.

For a T0 space X, the specialization order X on X is defined by xXy iff xy¯). In the following, when a T0 space is considered as a poset, the order shall mean the specialization order provided a different one is specified. Let OX (resp., CX) be the set of all open subsets (resp., closed subsets) of space X. For AX, the closure of A in X is denoted by clA, or simply by A¯. Define ScX=x¯:xX and DcX=D¯:DDX. For two spaces X and Y, we use the symbol XY to denote that X and Y are homeomorphic.

A T0 space X is called a d-space (or monotone convergence space) if X (with the specialization order) is a dcpo and OXσX (cf. [4, 32]). For any dcpo P, ΣP is clearly a d-space. The category of all d-spaces and continuous mappings is denoted by Topd.

For a d-space X and a nonempty closed subset of X, if xA, then by Zorn’s Lemma there is a maximal chain Cx in A with xCx. Since X is a d-space, cx=Cx exists and cxA. By the maximality of Cx, we have cxmaxA and xcx. Therefore, AmaxAA=A, and hence A=maxA. So we have the following.

Lemma 2.3. Let X be a d-space. If A is a nonempty closed subset of X, then A=maxA and hence maxA.

Lemma 2.4. ([39]) Let P be a poset and Y a d-space. Then for any f:PY, the following two conditions are equivalent:

  1. f:ΣPY is continuous.

  2. f:ΣPΣY is continuous.

A nonempty subset A of a T0 space X is called irreducible if for any F1F2CX, AF1F2 implies AF1 or AF2. We denote by IrrX (resp., IrrcX) the set of all irreducible (resp., irreducible closed) subsets of X. Clearly, every subset of X that is directed under X is irreducible. The space X is called sober, if for any FIrrcY, there is a (unique) point aX such that F=a¯. The category of all sober spaces and continuous mappings is denoted by Sob.

For a family XiiI of T0 spaces and the product space X=iIXi, let pi:XXi (iI) be the i th projection.

Lemma 2.5. ([42]) Let X=iIXi be the product space of T0 spaces XiiI. If AIrrcX, then A=iIpiA and piAIrrcXi for each iI.

A subset A of a T0 space X is called saturated if A equals the intersection of all open sets containing it (equivalently, A is an upper set with respect to the specialization order). We use KX to denote the set of all nonempty compact saturated subsets of a T0 space X and endow KX with the Smyth order, that is, for K1,K2KX, K1K2 iff K2K1. Let OFiltOX=σOXFiltOX. The members of OFiltOX are called open filters of X. For each KKX, let ΦK=UOX:KU. Then ΦKOFiltOX and K=ΦK. Obviously, Φ:KXOFiltOX,KΦK, is an order embedding.

For a T0 space X, G2X and WX, let GW=GG:GW and GW=GG:GA. The symbols GW and GW will be simply written as A and A respectively if no ambiguity occur. The lower Vietoris topology on G is the topology that has U:UOX as a subbase, and the resulting space is denoted by PHG. The space PHCX\, PHX for short, is called the Hoare power space or lower space of X (cf. [27]). Clearly, PHX=CX\υCX\, and hence PHX is always sober (see [51], Corollary 4.10) or [42], Proposition 2.9). The upper Vietoris topology on KX is the topology generated by U:UOX as a base, and the resulting space is called the Smyth power space or upper space of X and is denoted by PSX (cf. [8, 9, 27]).

Remark 2.6. Let X be a T0 space.

  1. If ScXG, then the specialization order on PHG is the set inclusion order, and the canonical mapping ηX:XPHG, given by ηXx=x¯, is a topological embedding (cf. [4, 7, 27]).

  2. The space Xs=PHIrrcX with the canonical mapping ηX:XXs is the (standard) sobrification of X (cf. [4, 7]).

  3. the specialization order on PSX is the Smyth order, that is, PSX=;

  4. the canonical mapping ξX:XPSX, xx, is an order and topological embedding (cf. [8, 9, 27])

For a nonempty subset C of a T0 space X, it is easy to see that C is compact iff CKX. Furthermore, we have the following useful result (see, e.g., [10]).

Lemma 2.7. Let X be a T0 space and CKX. Then C=minC and minC is compact.

The Smyth power space construction defines a covariant functor. More precisely, we have the following.

Lemma 2.8. ([37]) PS:Top0Top0 is a covariant functor, where for any f:XY in Top0, PSf:PSXPSY is defined by PSfK=fK for all KKX.

A T0 space X is called well-filtered if for any open set U and any KDKX, KU implies KU for some KK. The category of all well-filtered spaces and continuous mappings is denoted by Topw.

As in [54], a topological space X is locally hypercompact (resp., a C-space) if for each xX and each open neighborhood U of x, there is FFinX such that xintFFU (resp., there is uX such that xintuuU.). A set KX is called supercompact if for any family Ui:iIOX, KiIUi implies KU for some iI. It is easy to verify that the supercompact saturated sets of X are exactly the sets x with xX (see [9], Fact 2.2). It is well-known that X is a C-space iff OX is a completely distributive lattice (cf. [55]). A space X is called core compact if OX is a continuous lattice (cf. [4]).

For a full subcategory K of Top0 and an object X of K, we will call X a K-space. The category K is said to be a Keimel-Lawson category if the following four properties are satisfied:

(K1) Homeomorphic copies of K-spaces are K-spaces.

(K2) SobK, that is, all sober spaces are K-spaces.

(K3) In a sober space X, the intersection of any family of K-subspaces of X is a K-space.

(K4) Continuous maps f:ST between sober spaces S and T are K-continuous, that is, for every K-subspace K of T, the inverse image f1K is a K-subspace of S.

In what follows, K always refers to a full subcategory of Top0 containing Sob. The category K is said to be closed with respect to homeomorphisms if K has (K1).


3. Well-filtered spaces and sober spaces

It is well-known that every sober space is well-filtered (see [14]) and every well-filtered space is a d-space (cf. [33, 42]). The Scott space of every continuous dcpo is sober (see [4]). Furthermore, the Scott space of every quasicontinuous domain is sober (see [6]). Johnstone [17] constructed the first dcpo whose Scott space is non-sober. Soon after, Isbell [15] gave a complete lattice whose Scott space is non-sober. The general problem in this line is whether each object in a classic class of dcpos or complete lattices has a sober Scott space.

Example 3.1. (Johnstone’s dcpo) Let J=N×N with ordering defined by jkmn iff j=m and kn, or n= and km (see Figure 1).

Figure 1.

Johnstone’s dcpo J.

J is a well-known dcpo constructed by Johnstone in [17]. Now, we show that J is not well-filtered. Suppose, on the contrary, that there exists a well-filtered topology τ on J which is compatible with the original order of J. Clearly, nN1n21=, and 1n21=m:nm is a compact saturated subset in ΣJ, and hence a compact saturated subset in Jτ since τσJ. By the well-filteredness of Jτ, 1n021= for some n0N, a contradiction. Thus, J is not well-filtered. In particular, ΣJ is not well-filtered (see [7], Exercise 8.3.9).

In 1992, Heckmann [8] asked whether every well-filtered dcpo is sober in its Scott topology. Kou [20] constructed the first dcpo whose Scott space is well-filtered but non-sober (see [16, 33, 52] for other different counterexamples) and hence gave a negative answer to Heckmann’s question.

In [33], Xi and Lawson found out a condition under which a d-space is well-filtered.

Theorem 3.2. ([33]) Let X be a d-space. If AK is closed for any ACX and KKX, then X is well-filtered.

Corollary 3.3. ([33]) For a dcpo P, if ΛP is compact (in particular, P is a complete lattice), then ΣP is well-filtered.

It follows from Theorem 3.2 or Corollary 3.3 that Isbell’s non-sober complete lattice is well-filtered. Note that Johnstone’s dcpo is countable and the Isbell’s non-sober complete lattice L is neither distributive nor countable. Thus in 1994, Abramsky and Jung asked whether there is a distributive complete lattice whose Scott space is non-sober (see [1], Exercises 7.3.19–6) or [18]). In [44], using Isbell’s lattice, Xu, Xi, and Zhao gave a positive answer to this problem.

Theorem 3.4. ([44]) Let L be the Isbell’s non-sober lattice. Then KΣL is a spatial frame and the Scott space of KΣL is non-sober.

For the lattice of closed subsets of ΣL, we have the following.

Proposition 3.5. ([25]) Let L be the Isbell’s lattice. Then ΣL is a retract of ΣCΣL and hence ΣCΣL is non-sober.

In [56], Erné showed that for the complete Boolean algebra B of all regular open subsets of the reals, the Scott space ΣB is not a topological join-semilattice (and hence the Scott topology σB×B is strictly finer than the product topology σB×σB). It is natural to wonder whether ΣB is sober. Thus Erné asked the following.

Question 3.6. Let B be the complete Boolean algebra of all regular open subsets of the reals. Is the Scott space ΣB sober?

If the answer is negative, we would have a natural complete Boolean algebra whose Scott space is non-sober.

More generally, we pose the following question.

Question 3.7. ([47]) Is there a complete Boolean algebra B such that ΣB is not sober?

In 2019, in a talk [18] given at the National Institute of Education, Singapore, Achim Jung also asked whether there is a countable complete lattice whose Scott space is non-sober.

In [26], Miao, Xi, Li, and Zhao gave a negative answer to this question.

Theorem 3.8. ([26]) There is a countably infinite complete lattice whose Scott space is non-sober.

One of the most important results on sober spaces is the Hofmann-Mislove Theorem (see [14], Theorem 2.16) or [4], Theorem II-1.20 and Theorem II-1.21).

Theorem 3.9. (Hofmann-Mislove Theorem) For a T0 space X, the following conditions are equivalent:

  1. X is a sober space.

  2. For any FOFiltOX, there is a KKX such that F=ΦK.

  3. For any FOFiltOX, F=ΦF.

By Hofmann-Mislove Theorem, Φ:KXOFiltOX is an order isomorphism if and only if X is sober.

In [16], Jia asked whether every core compact well-filtered space is sober. This problem was independently answered in [21] and in [41, 42] by different methods.

Theorem 3.10. ([21, 41, 42]) Every core compact well-filtered space is sober.

In addition, the following result was obtained by Xu et al. in [41].

Theorem 3.11. ([41]) Every first countable well-filtered T0 space is sober.

By ([20], Theorem 2.3), ([4], Theorem V-5.6), and Theorem 3.10, one get the following important result.

Theorem 3.12. For a T0 space X, the following conditions are equivalent:

  1. X is locally compact and sober.

  2. X is locally compact and well-filtered.

  3. X is core compact and sober.

  4. X is core compact and well-filtered.


4. Rudin sets and well-filtered determined sets

Rudin’s Lemma is a very useful tool in non-Hausdorff topology and plays a crucial role in domain theory (see [1, 4, 7, 8]). The following topological variant of Rudin’s Lemma was given in [9].

Lemma 4.1. (Topological Rudin Lemma) Let X be a topological space and A an irreducible subset of the Smyth power space PSX. Then every closed set CX that meets all members of A contains a minimal irreducible closed subset A that still meets all members of A.

For a T0 space X and KKX, let MK=ACX:KAforallKK (that is, AA) and mK=ACX:AisaminimalmenberofMK.

Definition 4.2. ([42]) A T0 space X is called a directed closure space, DC space for short, if IrrcX=DcX, that is, for each AIrrcX, there exists a directed subset of X such that A=D¯.

Remark 4.3. In [42], it was shown that closed subspaces, retracts and products of DC spaces are again DC spaces.

Based on the topological Rudin Lemma, the concept of Rudin spaces can be defined (see [29, 42]).

Definition 4.4. Let X be a T0 space and A a nonempty subset of X.

  1. A is said to have the Rudin property, if there exists a filtered family KKX such that A¯mK (that is, A¯ is a minimal closed set that intersects all members of K). Let RDX=ACX:AhasRudinproperty. The sets in RDX will also be called Rudin sets.

  2. X is called a Rudin space, RD space for short, if IrrcX=RDX, that is, every irreducible closed set of X is a Rudin set.

It was proved in [29] that the closed subspaces, retracts and product of Rudin spaces are again Rudin spaces.

Definition 4.5. ([36]) Let K be a full category of Top0 containing Sob and X a T0 space.

  1. A subset A of X is said to be K-determined, provided for any continuous mapping f:XY to a K-space Y, there exists a unique yAY such that fA¯=yA¯. Denote by KX the set of all closed K-determined sets of X.

  2. The space X is said to be a K-determined space, if IrrcX=KX or, equivalently, all irreducible closed sets of X are K-sets.

For simplicity, let dX=TopdX and WDX=TopwX. The sets in WDX (resp., dX) are called WD sets (resp., d-determined sets). The space X is called a well-filtered determined space, shortly a WD space, if all irreducible closed subsets of X are WD sets, that is, IrrcX=WDX (see [36, 42]). The space X is called a d-determined space if IrrcX=dX.

Proposition 4.6. ([36, 42]) Let K be a full category of Top0 containing Sob and X a T0 space. Then

  1. ScXKXSobX=IrrcX.

  2. ScXDcXRDXWDXIrrcX and DcXdXWDX.

  3. Sober DC RD WD.

  4. Every sober space is K-determined.

From Proposition 4.6, we know that Rudin spaces lie between WD spaces and DC spaces. Also, DC spaces lie between Rudin spaces and sober spaces.

In ([22], Example 4.15), a T0 space X was constructed in which some well-filtered determined sets are not Rudin sets and hence gave a negative answer to a question posed by Xu and Zhao in [46]: Does RDX=WDX hold for every T0 space X? It is not difficult to check that the space X is a WD space but not a Rudin space. Therefore, Example 4.15 in [22] also gave a negative answer to another related question raised by Xu et al. in [42]: Is every well-filtered determined space a Rudin space?

Proposition 4.7. ([36]) Suppose that K is adequate and closed with respect to homeomorphisms. Then a T0 space X is a K-space if and only if KX=ScX.

Using Rudin sets and WD sets, one can obtain some characterizations of well-filtered spaces and sober spaces.

Proposition 4.8. ([42]) For a T0 space X, the following conditions are equivalent:

  1. X is well-filtered.

  2. RDX=ScX.

  3. WDX=ScX.

Proposition 4.9. ([42]) For a T0 space X, the following conditions are equivalent:

  1. X is sober.

  2. X is a DC d-space.

  3. X is a well-filtered DC space.

  4. X is a well-filtered Rudin space.

  5. X is a well-filtered WD space.

Lemma 4.10. ([54]) If X is a locally hypercompact T0 space and AIrrX, then there is a directed subset DA such that A¯=D¯ for. Therefore, X is a DC space.

Theorem 4.11. ([42]) Let X be a T0 space.

  1. If X is locally compact, then it is a Rudin space.

  2. If X is core compact, then it is a WD space.

Figure 2 shows some relationships among some types of spaces.

Figure 2.

Certain relations among some kinds of spaces.

Question 4.12. ([42]) Is every core compact T0 space a Rudin space?

Theorem 4.13. ([38]) Let K be a full subcategory of Topd containing Sob and X=iIXi the product of a family Xi:iI of T0 spaces. For AIrrX, the following conditions are equivalent:

  1. A is a K-determined set.

  2. piA is a K-determined set for each iI.

From Lemma 2.5 and Theorem 4.13, we deduce the following.

Corollary 4.14. Let K be a full subcategory of Topd containing Sob and X=iIXi the product of a family Xi:iI of T0 spaces. If AKX, then A=iIpiXi, and piAKXi for all iI.

Theorem 4.15. ([38]) Let K be a full subcategory of Topd containing Sob and X=iIXi the product of a family Xi:iI of T0 spaces. Then the following conditions are equivalent:

  1. X is a K-determined space.

  2. For each iI, Xi is a K-determined space.

Let K=Topd or K=Topw. Then by Theorems 4.13 and 4.15, we deduce the following two corollaries.

Corollary 4.16. ([38]) Let Xi:iI be a family of T0 spaces and X=iIXi the product space. For AIrrX, the following conditions are equivalent:

  1. A is d-determined (resp., well-filtered determined).

  2. piA is d-determined (resp., well-filtered determined) for each iI.

Corollary 4.17. ([38]) For a family Xi:iI of T0 spaces, the following two conditions are equivalent:

  1. The product space iIXi is a d-determined space (resp., a mathsfWD space).

  2. For each iI, Xi is a d-determined space (resp., a mathsfWD space).


5. K-reflections of T0 spaces

Definition 5.1. ([19, 36]) Let K be a full subcategory of Top0 containing Sob and X a T0 space. A K-reflection of X is a pair X˜μ consisting of a K-space X˜ and a continuous mapping μ:XX˜ satisfying that for any continuous mapping f:XY to a K-space, there exists a unique continuous mapping f:X˜Y such that fμ=f, that is, the following diagram commutes.

By a standard argument, K-reflections, if they exist, are unique up to homeomorphism. We shall use Xk to denote the space of the K-reflection of X if it exists. The space of Sob-reflection of X is the sobrification Xs of X. The space of Topd-reflection (resp., Topw-reflection) of X is denoted by Xd (resp., Xw).

It is well-known that Sob is reflective in Top0 (see [4, 7]). Using d-closures, Wyler [32] proved that Topd is reflective in Top0 (see also [2, 3, 48]). In [19], it was proved by Wyler’s method that every Keimel-Lawson category K is reflective in Top0.

For quite a long time, it is not known whether Topw is reflective in Top0. Recently, this problem was answered positively and independently in [22, 29, 31, 42]. In [36], for a full subcategory K of Top0 containing Sob, a direct approach to K-reflections of T0 spaces were provided.

By Proposition 4.6, KXU:UOX is a topology on KX. In the following, let ηXk:XPHKX, ηXkx=x¯, be the canonical mapping from X to PHKX. It is straightforward to verify that the canonical mapping ηXk:XPHKX is a topological embedding.

For the K-reflections of T0 spaces, the following lemma is crucial.

Lemma 5.2. ([36]) Let X be a T0 space and f:XY a continuous mapping from X to a well-filtered space Y. Then there exists a unique continuous mapping f:PHKXY such that fηXk=f, that is, the following diagram commutes.

Theorem 5.3. ([36]) Let K be a full subcategory of Top0 containing Sob and Let X a T0 space. If PHKX is a K-space, then the pair Xk=PHKXηXk, where ηXk:XXk, xx¯, is the K-reflection of X.

For a full subcategory K of Top0 containing Sob, K is called adequate if PHKX is a K-space for any T0 space X.

By Theorem 5.3, we get the following.

Corollary 5.4. ([36]) If K is adequate, then K is reflective in Top0. For a T0 space X, Xk=PHKX with canonical mapping ηX:XXk is the K-reflection of X.

Theorem 5.5. ([36]) If K is adequate, then for any T0 spaces X,Y and any continuous mapping f:XY, there exists a unique continuous mapping fk:XkYk such that fkηXk=ηYkf, that is, the following diagram commutes.

For each AKX, fkA=fA¯. Therefore, a functor K:Top0K is defined, which is the left adjoint to the inclusion functor I:KTop0.

Theorem 5.6. ([36]) If KSobTopdTopw or K is a Keimel-Lawson category, then K is adequate and hence reflective in Top0. For a T0 space X, Xk=PHKX with the canonical mapping ηX:XXk is the K-reflection of X.

Corollary 5.7. ([36]) Topd is adequate and hence reflective in Top0. For a T0 space X, Xd=PHdX with the canonical mapping ηX:XXd is the d-reflection of X.

Corollary 5.8. ([36]) Topw is adequate and hence reflective in Top0. For a T0 space X, Xw=PHWDX with the canonical mapping ηX:XXw is the well-filtered reflection of X.


6. K-reflections of Scott spaces

In this section, some necessary and sufficient conditions are given for the K-reflection of a T0 space (especially, a Scott space) to be a Scott space.

Theorem 6.1. ([39]) Let K be a full subcategory of Topd containing Sob which is adequate and closed with respect to homeomorphisms. For a T0 space X, consider the following three conditions:

  1. ΣKX is a K-space.

  2. ηXσ:XΣKX, ηXσx=x¯, is continuous.

  3. The K-reflection Xk of X is a Scott space.

Then (1) + (2) (3), and(3) (1). Moreover, when Conditions (1) and (2) hold, the Scott space ΣKX with the canonical mapping ηXσ:XΣKX, ηXσx=x¯, is a K-reflection of X.

In particular, we have the following result for the Scott space of a poset.

Theorem 6.2. ([39]) Let K be a full subcategory of Topd containing Sob which is adequate and closed with respect to homeomorphisms. Then for any poset P, the following two conditions are equivalent:

  1. ΣKΣP is a K-space.

  2. The K-reflection ΣPk of ΣP is a Scott space.

Moreover, when Condition (1) holds, the Scott space ΣKΣP with the canonical mapping ηPσ:ΣPΣKΣP, ηPσx=clσPx=x, is a K-reflection of ΣP.

For the case of K=Topd, as an immediate corollary of Theorems 6.1 and 6.2), we get the following Corollary.

Corollary 6.3. ([19, 36]) Let X be a T0 space and P a poset.

  1. If ξX:XΣdX, ξXx=x¯, is continuous, then the d-reflection Xd of X is the Scott space ΣdX.

  2. The poset dΣP is a dcpo and the d-reflection ΣPd of ΣP is the Scott space ΣdΣP with the canonical mapping ηP:ΣPΣdX, given by ηPx=clσPx for each xX.

When K=Topw in Theorems 6.1 and 6.2, we get the following two corollaries.

Corollary 6.4. ([39]) For a T0 space X, consider the following three conditions:

  1. ΣWDX is a well-filtered space.

  2. ηXw:XΣWDX, ηXwx=x¯, is continuous.

  3. The well-filtered reflection Xw of X is a Scott space.

Then (1) + (2) (3), and (3) (1). Moreover, when Conditions (1) and (2) hold, the Scott space ΣWDX with the canonical mapping ηXw:XΣWDX, ηXwx=x¯, is a well-filtered reflection of X.

Corollary 6.5. ([39]) For any poset P, the following two conditions are equivalent:

  1. ΣWDΣP is a well-filtered space.

  2. The well-filtered reflection ΣPw of ΣP is a Scott space.

Moreover, when Condition (1) holds, the Scott space ΣWDΣP with the canonical mapping ηPw:ΣPΣWDΣP, ηPwx=clσPx=x, is a well-filtered reflection of ΣP.

Theorem 6.6. ([39]) Let K be a full subcategory of Topd containing Sob which is adequate and closed with respect to homeomorphisms. Suppose that X is a T0 space for which IrrcX=x¯:xXX and X is not a K-space. Consider the following three conditions:

  1. ΣΩXΤ is a K-space.

  2. ζXσ:XΣΩXΤ, ζXσx=x, is continuous.

  3. The K-reflection Xk of X is a Scott space.

Then (1) + (2) (3), and (3) (1). Moreover, when Conditions (1) and (2) hold, the Scott space ΣΩXΤ with the canonical mapping ζXσ:XΣΩXΤ, ζXσx=x, is a K-reflection of X.

Definition 6.7. ([39]) For a poset P, ∂ let PΤ=PT (TP) denote the poset obtained from P by adjoining the largest element T (whether P has one or not).

Clearly, the order on PT is as follows: xy iff xy in P or y=T. The element T is the largest element of PΤ (even P has the largest element).

It is straightforward to verify the following result.

Lemma 6.8. ([39]) Let P be a dcpo. Then

  1. PT is a dcpo and in PT we have TT, i.e., T=TσPT,

  2. ζP:ΣPΣPT, xx, is continuous.

By Lemma 6.8 and Theorem 6.6, we get the following.

Corollary 6.9. ([39]) Let K be a full subcategory of Topd containing Sob which is adequate and closed with respect to homeomorphisms. Suppose that P is a poset for which IrrcΣP=x¯:xPP and ΣP is not a K-space. Then the following two conditions are equivalent:

  1. ΣPT is a K-space.

  2. The K-reflection ΣPk of ΣP is a Scott space.

Moreover, when Condition (1) holds, the Scott space ΣPT with the embedding iP:ΣPΣPT, iPx=x, is a K-reflection of X.

Now we give some examples and counterexamples related to the K-reflections of T0 spaces (esp., Scott spaces).

Example 6.10. ([39]) Let K be a full subcategory of Topd containing Sob which is adequate and closed with respect to homeomorphisms. Since N is not a dcpo, ΣN is not a d-space and hence not a K-space. Clearly, IrrcΣN=n¯=n:nNN. As NΤ is an algebraic lattice, by ([4], Proposition III-3.7), ΣNΤ is a sober space and hence a K-space. By Corollary 6.9, the K-reflection of ΣN is a Scott space. More precisely, ΣNT with the embedding iN:ΣNΣNT, iNn=n, is a K-reflection of ΣN.

Example 6.11. ([39]) Let K be a full subcategory of Topd containing Sob which is adequate and closed with respect to homeomorphisms and P=Nab. Define a partial order on P as follows:

  1. n<n+1 for each nN,

  2. n<a and n<b for all nN, and

  3. a and b are incomparable.

Then maxP=ab and P is not a dcpo since the chain N does not have a least upper bound in P. So ΣP is not a d-space and hence not a K-space. It is easy to verify that IrrcΣP=x:xPN. Hence by Propositions 4.6 and 4.7, KΣP=IrrcΣP=x:xPN. Now we show that ΣKΣP is sober. Let Q=Nabc. Define a partial order Q on Q as follows:

  1. for x,yP, xQy iff xPy in P,

  2. n<Qc for all nN, and

  3. c<Qa and c<Qb.

Clearly, Q is an algebraic domain and KQ=Nab. Define a mapping ψ:KΣPQ by


It is straightforward to verify that ψ is a poset isomorphism, and hence induces a homeomorphism from ΣKΣP to ΣQ. Clearly, Q is a dcpo, KQ=Nab and c=QN, whence Q is an algebraic domain. By ([4], Proposition III-3.7), ΣQ is sober, and consequently, ΣKΣP is a sober space and hence a K-space. It follows from Theorem 6.2 that the K-reflection of ΣP is a Scott space. More precisely, ΣQ with the embedding iP=ψηPσ:ΣPΣQ, iPx=x, is a K-reflection of ΣP.

The following two examples show that for a T0 space X, Condition (1) of Theorem 6.1 is only a necessary condition but not a sufficient condition for the K-reflection of X to be a Scott space.

Example 6.12. Let K be a full subcategory of Topw containing Sob which is adequate and closed with respect to homeomorphisms. Let X be a countably infinite set and endow X with the co-finite topology (having the finite sets as closed sets). The resulting space is denoted by Xcof. Then

  1. CXcof=XX<ω, Xcof is T1 and hence a d-space.

  2. KXcof=2X\.

  3. Xcof is locally compact and first-countable.

  4. Xcof is not well-filtered and hence not a K-space.

    Let K=X\F:FX<ω. Then K is a filtered family of saturated compact subsets of Xcof and K=, but X\F for every FX<ω. Thus Xcof is not well-filtered.

  5. KXcof=IrrcXcof=x:xXX.

    It is easy to see that IrrcXcof=x:xXX. By Propositions 4.6 and 4.7, KXcof=IrrcXcof=x:xXX.

  6. ΣKXcof is sober and hence a K-space.

    Clearly, KXcof (with the order of set inclusion) is a Noetherian dcpo, that is, it satisfies the ascending chain condition: every ascending chain has a greatest member. Whence KXcof is an algebraic domain. By ([4], Proposition III-3.7), ΣKXcoc is sober, whence it is a K-space.

  7. ηXcofσ:XcofΣIrrcXcof, xx, is not continuous.

    Let COXcof. Then x:xCXσIrrcXcof, but ηXcofσ1x:xCX=COXcof, proving that ηXcofσ:XcofΣIrrcXcof is not continuous.

  8. The K-reflection of Xcof is not a Scott space. In particular, the well-filtered reflection of Xcof is not a Scott space and the sobrification of Xcof is also not a Scott space.

Assume, on the contrary, that the K-reflection of Xcof is a Scott space. Then there is a poset P such that Xcofk=PHKXcof is homeomorphic to ΣP, whence by (e), IrrcXcof=KXcof=ΩPHIrrcXcof and P=ΩΣP are isomorphic. It follows that ΣIrrcXcof and ΣP are homeomorphic, and consequently, PHIrrcXcofΣIrrcXcof. Therefore, OPHIrrcXcofσIrrcXcof, and hence 2ω=σIrrcXcof=OPHIrrcXcofOXcof=X<ω=ω, which is a contradiction by Cantor’s Theorem (see [57], III-2.13 Cantor’s Theorem). So the K-reflection of Xcof is not a Scott space.

Example 6.13. ([39]) Let X=2N (the set of all subsets of N) and endow X with the co-countable topology (having the countable sets as closed sets). The resulting space is denoted by Xcoc. Then

  1. X=c=2ω (where c= and is the set of all reals) and X is an uncountably infinite set.

  2. Xcoc is T1 and CXcoc=XXω.

  3. KXcoc=X<ω\.

  4. Xcoc is well-filtered.

  5. IrrcXcoc=x:xXX.

  6. ΣIrrcXcoc is sober.

    Let P=x:xXX with the order of set inclusion. It is easy to see that P is a Notherian dcpo and hence ΣP is sober by ([4], Proposition III-3.7). Clearly, σP=γP and hence σP=γP=2c.

  7. ηXcocσ:XcocΣIrrcXcoc, xx, is not continuous.

    Let C be any non-countable proper subset of X, that is, CCXcoc. Then x:xCCΣIrrcXcoc, but ηXcocσ1x:xC=CCXcoc, proving that ηXcocσ:XcocΣIrrcXcoc is not continuous.

  8. The sobrification of Xcoc is not a Scott space.

    Assume, on the contrary, that the sobrification of Xcoc is a Scott space. Then there is a poset P such that Xcocs=PHIrrcXcoc is homeomorphic to ΣP, whence IrrcXcoc=ΩPHIrrcXcoc and P=ΩΣP are isomorphic. It follows that ΣIrrcXcoc and ΣP are homeomorphic, and consequently, PHIrrcXcocΣIrrcXcoc. Therefore, OPHIrrcXcocσIrrcXcoc, and hence 2c=σIrrcXcoc=OPHIrrcXcocOXcoc=2ωω=2ωω=2ω=c (see [57], III-3.23 Corollary and III-3.29 Proposition), which is a contradiction by Cantor’s Theorem. So the sobrification of Xcoc is not a Scott space.

Proposition 6.14. ([39]) Let K be a full subcategory of Topw containing Sob which is adequate and closed with respect to homeomorphisms. Then the K-reflection of Johnstone’s space ΣJ is not a Scott space. In particular, neither the sobrification nor the well-filtered reflection of ΣJ is a Scott space.


7. K-reflections of product spaces

Theorem 7.1. ([38]) Let K be a full subcategory of Topd containing Sob. If K is adequate, then for any family Xi:iI of T0 spaces, iIXik=iIXik (up to homeomorphism).

Corollary 7.2. ([11, 12]) For any family Xi:iI of T0 spaces, iIXis=iIXis (up to homeomorphism).

By Proposition 4.6, Sob is adequate, and hence by Theorem 7.1, we have the following result.

Corollary 7.3. ([11, 12]) For a family Xi:iI of T0 spaces, iIXis=iIXis (up to homeomorphism).

By Corollary 5.7 and Theorem 7.1, we have the following corollary.

Corollary 7.4. ([38]) For a family Xi:iI of T0 spaces, iIXid=iIXid (up to homeomorphism).

Proposition 7.5. ([38]) Let Pi:iI be a family of posets. If the Scott topology of the product iIPi is the product of the Scott topologies of the factors, then the d-reflection iIΣPid of iIΣPi is the Scott space ΣdΣiIPi).

By Corollary 5.8 and Theorem 7.1, we deduce the following result.

Corollary 7.6. ([38]) For a family Xi:iI of T0 spaces, iIXiw=iIXiw (up to homeomorphism).

By Theorems 5.6 and 7.1, we have the following corollary.

Corollary 7.7. ([38]) Let K be a Keimel-Lawson category. If K is a full subcategory of Topd, then for any family Xi:iI of T0 spaces, iIXik=iIXik (up to homeomorphism).

Proposition 7.8. ([38]) Let H:Top0Set be an R-subset system and X=iIXi the product space of a family Xi:iI of T0 spaces. For AIrrX, the following two conditions are equivalent:

  1. A is H-sober determined (resp., super H-sober determined).

  2. piA is H-sober determined (resp., super H-sober determined) for each iI.

Proposition 7.9. Let H:Top0Set be an R-subset system and Xi:iI a family of T0 spaces. Then iIXih=iIXih (up to homeomorphism).

Proposition 7.10. Let H:Top0Set be an R-subset system having property M and Xi:iI a family of T0 spaces. Then iIXiH=iIXiH (up to homeomorphism).

For the concepts and notations used in the above three propositions, please see [41].

From Theorem 7.1, we deduce the following.

Corollary 7.11. ([36]) Suppose that K is adequate and closed with respect to homeomorphisms. Then for any family Xi:iI of T0 spaces, the following two conditions are equivalent:

  1. The product space iIXi is a K-space.

  2. For each iI, Xi is a K-space.

By Theorem 5.6 and Corollary 7.11, we get the following corollary.

Corollary 7.12. If KSobTopdTopw or K is a Keimel-Lawson category, then for any family Xi:iI of T0 spaces, the following two conditions are equivalent:

  1. The product space iIXi is a K-space.

  2. For each iI, Xi is a K-space.

In particular, we have the following.

Corollary 7.13. ([29, 42, 44]) For any family Xi:iI of T0 spaces, the following two conditions are equivalent:

  1. The product space iIXi is well-filtered.

  2. For each iI, Xi is well-filtered.


8. DCPOs-completions of posets

Let Poset denote the category of all posets with monotone (i.e. order-preserving) mappings, DCPOs the category of all dcpos with Scott continuous mappings, and Posets the category of all posets with Scott continuous mappings. Then DCPOs is a full subcategory of Posets.

Definition 8.1. ([50]) A DCPOs-completion of a poset P, Ds-completion of P for short, is a pair P˜η consisting of a dcpo P˜ and a Scott continuous mapping η:PP˜, such that for any Scott continuous mapping f:PQ to a dcpo Q, there exists a unique Scott continuous mapping f˜:P˜Q such that f˜η=f, that is, the following diagram commutes.

Ds-completions, if they exist, are unique up to isomorphism. We shall use DsP to denote the Ds-completion of P if it exists.

In [50], using the D-topologies and d-closure defined in [50] (see also [19]), which originates from Wyler [32], Zhao and Fan proved that for any poset P, the Ds-completion of P exists. As Keimel and Lawson pointed out in [19] that the Ds-completion of a poset P is a special case of the d-reflection of a certain T0 space. More precisely, the d-reflection of Scott space ΣP.

Proposition 8.2. ([36]) For a poset P, DsP=dΣP with the canonical mapping ηP:PDsP, ηPx=clσPx, is the Ds-completion of P.

Corollary 8.3. ([36, 50]) DCPOs is reflective in Posets.

Remark 8.4. ([39]) The DCPOs-completion (that is, DCPOs-completion) was called the D-completion in ([50], Definition 1) and the DCPO-completion in [36]. For the sake of distinction, here we call such a completion the DCPOs-completion and give the DCPO-completion (or D-completion) a little different meaning (see Section 9).

By Propositions 7.5 and 8.2, we get the following corollary, which generalizes ([19], Proposition 7.8).

Proposition 8.5. ([38]) For a family Pi:iI of posets, the product iIDsPi is the Ds-completion of the product iIPi, provided the Scott topology of the product iIPi is the product of the Scott topologies of the factors.


9. Scott K-completions of posets

Definition 9.1. ([39]) Let K be a full subcategory of Topd containing Sob. A poset P is called a Scott K-dcpo, a K-dcpo for short, if ΣP is a K-space. A poset (even a dcpo) Q is said to be a non-K dcpo if Q is not a K-dcpo. Let K-DCPOs denote the category of all K-dcpos with Scott continuous mappings.

KDCPOs is a full subcategory of DCPOs, and it is a subcategory of DCPO, but not a full subcategory of DCPO.

Clearly, a poset P is a Topd-dcpo (d-dcpo for short) iff P is a dcpo. For K=Topw, the K-dcpos are simply called the WF-dcpos, and the category Topw-DCPOs is simply denoted as WF-DCPOs.

Definition 9.2. ([39]) Let K be a full subcategory of Topd containing Sob. A Scott K-completion, Ks-completion for short, of a poset P is a pair P˜η consisting of a K-dcpo P˜ and a Scott continuous mapping η:PP˜, such that for any Scott continuous mapping f:PQ to a K-dcpo Q, there exists a unique Scott continuous mapping f˜:P˜Q such that f˜η=f, that is, the following diagram commutes.

When K=Topd, the Ks-completion is the DCPOs-completion. For K=Topw, the Ks-completion is simply called the WFs-completion.

By a standard argument, Ks-completions, if they exist, are unique up to isomorphism. We use KsP to denote the Ks-completion of P if it exists. We will use DsP, WFsP and SobsP to denote the DCPOs-completion, WFs-completion, and Sobs-completion of P, respectively.

Definition 9.3. ([39]) Let K be a full subcategory of Topd containing Sob. A K-completion of a poset P is a pair P˜ϕ consisting of a K-dcpo P˜ and a monotone mapping ϕ:PP˜, such that for any monotone mapping f:PQ to a K-dcpo Q, there exists a unique Scott continuous mapping f˜:P˜Q such that f˜ϕ=f.

When K=Topd the K-completion is the DCPO-completion. For K=Topw), the K-completion is simply called the WF-completion.

Similarly, K-completions, if they exist, are unique up to isomorphism. We use KP to denote the K-completion of P if it exists. We will use DP, WFP and SobP to denote the DCPO-completion of P, WF-completion, and Sob-completion of P, respectively.

Definition 9.4. ([39]) Let K be a full subcategory of Topd containing Sob. A poset P is called a weak K-dcpo if there is a K-space such that P is isomorphic to ΩX.

Clearly, every weak K-dcpo is a dcpo, and a poset P is a dcpo iff P is a d-dcpo iff P is a weak d-dcpo. By Corollary 3.3, every complete lattice is a WF-dcpo and is also a weak Sob-dcpo. The Isbell’s lattice L, as a complete lattice, is a weak Sob-dcpo but not a Sob-dcpo.

Theorem 9.5. ([39]) Let K be a full subcategory of Topd containing Sob which is adequate and closed with respect to homeomorphisms. For a poset P, if KΣP is a K-dcpo, then KsP=KΣP with the canonical mapping ηP:PKsP, ηPx=clσPx=x, is a Ks-completion of P.

Definition 9.6. ([39]) Let K be a full subcategory of Top0. A poset P is called a SK-poset if ΣKΣP is a K-space. Let SK-Posets denote the category of all SK-posets with Scott continuous mappings.

Clearly, SK-Posets is a full subcategory of Posets. If K is a full subcategory of Topd containing Sob, then by Proposition 4.7, every K-dcpo is a SK-poset, and hence K-DCPOs is a full subcategory of SK-Posets.

From Theorem 9.5 we deduce the following result.

Corollary 9.7. ([39]) Let K be a full subcategory of Topd containing Sob which is adequate and closed with respect to homeomorphisms. Then K-DCPOs is reflective in SK-Posets. Therefore, if KΣP is a K-dcpo for any poset P, then K-DCPOs is reflective in Posets.

By Theorems 5.6 and 9.5, we get the following three corollaries.

Corollary 9.8. ([39]) For a poset P, if IrrcΣP is a Sob-dcpo, then SobsP=IrrcΣP with the canonical mapping ηP:PSobsP, ηPx=clcσPx=x, is a Sobs-completion of P.

Corollary 9.9. ([39]) For a poset P, if WDΣP is a WF-dcpo, then WFsP=WDΣP with the canonical mapping ηP:PWFsP, ηPx=clσPx=x, is a WFs-completion of P.

Corollary 9.10. Let K be a Keimel-Lawson category which is a full subcategory of Topd. For a poset P, if KΣP is a K-dcpo, then KsP=KΣP with the canonical mapping ηP:PKsP, ηPx=clσPx=x, is a Ks-completion of P.

Proposition 9.11. ([39]) Let K be a full subcategory of Topd containing Sob which is adequate and closed with respect to homeomorphisms. For a non-K poset P, if IrrcΣP=x¯:xPP and PT is a K-dcpo, then KsP=PT with the canonical mapping ηP:PPT, ηPx=x, is a Ks-completion of P.

By Corollary 6.9 and Theorem 9.5, we get the following result.

Corollary 9.12. ([39]) Let P be a poset P. If IrrcΣP=x¯:xPP and ΣPΤ is a sober space, then SobsP=PΤ with the canonical mapping ηP:PPΤ, ηPx=x, is a Sobs-completion of P.

Corollary 9.13. ([39]) Let P be a poset P. If IrrcΣP=x¯:xPP and ΣPΤ is a well-filtered space, then WFsP=PT with the canonical mapping ηP:PPT, ηPx=x, is a WFs-completion of P.


10. K-reflections of Alexandroff spaces

In this section, we discuss the K-reflections of Alexandroff spaces and the K-completions of posets.

It is straightforward to verify the following lemma.

Lemma 10.1. ([39]) For a poset P, a T0 space Y, and a mapping f:PαPY, the following conditions are equivalent:

  1. f:PαPY is continuous.

  2. f:PΩY is monotone.

  3. f:PαPΩYαΩY is continuous.

Lemma 10.2. ([39]) Let K be a full subcategory of Topd containing Sob and P a poset. Then KPαP=IdP.

Theorem 10.3. ([39]) Let K be a full subcategory of Topd containing Sob which is adequate and closed with respect to homeomorphisms. Then for any poset P, the K-reflection k of PαP exists and it is a Scott space. More precisely, the Scott space ΣIdP with the canonical mapping ϕP:PαPΣIdP, xclγPx=x, is a K-reflection of PαP.

Remark 10.4. ([39]) We can present a direct proof of Theorem 10.3.

Proof. Since IdP is an algebraic domain (cf. [4], Proposition I-4.10), by ([4], Proposition III-3.7) and Lemma 10.2, KPαP=IdP and ΣIdP is sober and hence a K-space. Clearly, the canonical mapping ϕP:PαPΣKPαP=ΣIdP, xclαPx=x, is continuous. Now we show that for each K-space Y and each continuous mapping f:PαPY, there is a unique continuous mapping f:ΣIdPY such that fϕP=f, that is, the following diagram commutes.

We first prove the existence of f. Since Y is a K-space, Y is a d-space. Therefore, E exists in Y for each directed subset E of Y (with the specialization order). As f:PαPY is continuous, f:PΩY is monotone. Define a mapping f:ΣIdPY by fI=fI for each IIdP. For every Id:dDDIdP, we have that fIdPId:dD=fdDId=fdDId=dDfId=dDfId. By Lemmas 2.2 and 2.4, f:ΣIdPY is continuous. For each xP, since f:PΩY is monotone, we have fϕPx=fx=fx, proving that fϕP=f.

Now we prove the uniqueness of f. Suppose that g:PαPY is another continuous mapping satisfying gϕP=f. Then for each IIdP, by Lemmas 2.2 and 2.4, we have that gI=gxIx=gIdPx:xI=xIgx=xIfx=fI=fI, and hence g=f.

Therefore, ΣIdPϕP:PαPΣIdP is a K-reflection of PαP. □

From Theorem 10.3, we immediately deduce the following result.

Corollary 10.5. ([39]) Let K be a full subcategory of Topd containing Sob which is adequate and closed with respect to homeomorphisms. Then for any poset P, the K-completion of P exists and it is the pair IdPϕP, where ϕP:PIdP is defined by ϕPx=x for each xP.

Corollary 10.6. ([39]) Let K be a full subcategory of Topd containing Sob which is adequate and closed with respect to homeomorphisms. Then K-DCPOs is reflective in Poset.

Finally, by Theorem 5.6 and Corollaries 10.5 and 10.6, we have the following three corollaries.

Corollary 10.7. ([39]) Let P be a poset. Then the d-reflection of ΓP, the well-filtered reflection of ΓP and the sobrification of ΓP agree. They all are the Scott space ΣId with the canonical mapping ϕP:ΓPP.

Corollary 10.8. ([39]) Let P be a poset. Then the D-completion of P, the WF-completion of P and the Sob-completion of P agree. They all are the pair IdPϕP, where ϕP:PIdP is defined by ϕPx=x for each xP.

Corollary 10.9. ([39]) DCPOs, WF-DCPOs and Sob-DCPOs all are reflective in Poset.

11. Sobriety of Scott topology on dcpos

The following concept was first introduced in ([35], Definition 10.2.11) (see also [30]).

Definition 11.1. ([35]) A T0 space X is said to have property R if for any family Fi:iIFinP and any UOX, iIFiU implies iI0FiU for some I0I<ω. For a poset P, when ΣP has property R, we will simply say that P has property R.

Proposition 11.2. ([35, 40]) For a poset P, consider the following conditions:

  1. PλP is compact.

  2. PλP is upper semicompact.

  3. P has property R.

  4. For any filtered family Fi:iIFinP and any UσP, iIFiU implies FjU for some jI.

  5. P is a dcpo.

Then (1) (2) (3) (4) (5).

Theorem 11.3. ([35, 40]) For a poset P, the following conditions are equivalent:

  1. P has property R.

  2. For any xi:iIP and any UσP with iIxiU, there is I0I<ω such that iI0xiU.

  3. The compact saturated subsets of PωP are exactly the closed subsets of ΣP.

  4. Every Scott closet subset of P is compact in ΣP.

Proposition 11.4. ([35, 40]) Let P be a poset. If ΣP is compact and xFx is compact in ΣP for each FP<ω, then the following two conditions are equivalent:

  1. PλP is compact.

  2. P has property R.

Clearly, if PλP is compact, then PσP is compact, and for each F=x1x2xnP<ω, x1x2xn is a closed subset of PλP, whence it is compact in PλP, and consequently, compact in PσP. So Proposition 11.4 can be restated as the following one.

Proposition 11.5. ([35, 40]) For a poset, the following two conditions are equivalent:

  1. PλP is compact.

  2. ΣP is compact, x1x2xn is Scott compact (i.e., compact in ΣP) for each x1x2xnP<ω, and P has property R.

The following concept was introduced by Lawson, Wu, and Xi [21].

Definition 11.6. ([21]) A T0 space X is said to be Ω-compact if every closed subset of X is compact in XωX.

As X\F:FFinX is a base of ωX, we clearly have the following result.

Proposition 11.7. Let X be a T0 space. Then the following two conditions are equivalent:

  1. X has property R.

  2. X is Ω-compact.

Proposition 11.8. ([40]) Let P be a dcpo for which ΣP is well-filtered and coherent. Then P has property R.

In what follows, for a poset P, let ωP denote the family of all closed subsets of PωP, namely, ωP=PF:FFinP.

Lemma 11.9. ([40]) Let P be a poset and Q=ωP (i.e., the order on Q is the reverse inclusion order). Then m:P×PQ, xyxy, is Scott continuous.

Corollary 11.10. ([40]) Let P be a poset and Q=ωP. If ΣP×P=ΣP×ΣP, then m:ΣP×ΣPΣQ, mxy=xy, is continuous.

Corollary 11.11. ([40]) Let P be a poset and Q=ωP. If ΣP is core compact (especially, locally compact), then m:ΣP×ΣPΣQ, mxy=xy, is continuous.

Using the Scott topology and the lower topology, we give the following useful characterization of property R.

Lemma 11.12. ([40]) Let P be a poset and Q=ωP. Then the following two conditions are equivalent:

  1. P has property R.

  2. For any UσP, ΦU=CωP:CUσQ.

Theorem 11.13. ([40]) Let P be a poset satisfying property R and ΣP×P=ΣP×ΣP. Then ΣP is sober.

Corollary 11.14. ([40]) Let P be a poset satisfying ΣP×P=ΣP×ΣP. If ΣP is well-filtered and coherent. Then ΣP is sober.


2000 MSC: 54D99; 54B30; 54B20; 06B35


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  • This research was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Nos. 12071199, 11661057).

Written By

Xiaoquan Xu

Submitted: 03 January 2023 Reviewed: 09 January 2023 Published: 13 April 2023