Open access peer-reviewed chapter

Anomalies and Their Occurrence in the Study of Topology in Yang-Mills Gauge Theories

Written By

Paul Bracken

Submitted: 14 November 2022 Reviewed: 07 April 2023 Published: 14 May 2023

DOI: 10.5772/intechopen.1001580

From the Edited Volume

Topology - Recent Advances and Applications

Paul Bracken

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When an exact symmetry of the classical action is not preserved as a symmetry under quantization, such as path integral quantization, a gauge theory such as Yang-Mills is said to be anomalous. It is the intention to introduce the subject of anomalies and study briefly some of the topological implications that are associated with the presence of non-abelian gauge anomalies in quantum field theories.


  • anomaly
  • topology
  • gauge
  • group
  • manifold
  • connection
  • bundle
  • fiber
  • path integral

1. Introduction

The objective is to study the topological and cohomological properties of abelian and non-abelian chiral anomalies, which arise in the context of Yang-Mills gauge theories [1, 2, 3]. The occurrence of anomalies can be traced back to the nontrivial topology of the configuration or Yang-Mills orbit space. The abelian chiral anomaly in d=2p dimensions and the non-abelian gauge anomalies when d=2 can be calculated. These results may be interpreted in terms of suitable index theorems on spaces of dimension d=2p and d+2, respectively. There are consistency conditions for the anomalies and the Schwinger terms can be interpreted in terms of cohomology such that the cocycles take values in the space of functionals of the gauge fields. The cohomological descent procedure which starts from the Chern character forms provides a method for obtaining nontrivial candidates for both the non-abelian anomalies and the Schwinger terms.

The requirement that a field theory be invariant under rigid transformations gi of a gauge group G as well as be invariant under local gi=gix transformations is called the gauge invariance principle. This symmetry principle is dynamical because besides including rigid symmetry, it also yields information about the way the interaction with the gauge fields has to be expressed. This gauge invariance is obtained by introducing gauge or Yang-Mills potentials Aμjx, such that j is a group index. These transform under the adjoint representation of a compact Lie group G and x=xμ is the spacetime manifold coordinate. The coordinate derivative μ is gauged by the covariant derivative Dμ. The Yang-Mills potentials are subject to gauge transformations AAg, so independent degrees of freedom have to be identified to avoid overcounting. These symmetries express redundancy in the description of the Yang-Mills fields. Let A be the infinite-dimensional space of all Yang-Mills potentials A. The action of the gauge group of A determines orbits, which contain the Yang-Mills field connected to it by a gauge transformation. These extra degrees of freedom can be eliminated by fixing a gauge. This means finding a solution Aμg0 to a gauge fixing constraint fAg=0. The Aμg0 of a given orbit is the potential satisfying the same condition as f. In non-abelian theories the solution to this equation is not unique. For example, the Coulomb gauge condition does not determine A uniquely, since A=A allows these potentials to be related, that is, when Δτ=0,A=A+τ. Thus, there is no unique intersection between the surface fAμg=0 and the orbits Aμg. The phenomenon known as the Gribov ambiguity implies no unique intersection between the surface fAg=0 and the orbits [4]. However, as the intersections of an orbit with the surface fAg=0 are separated by finite gauge transformations, this ambiguity does not disturb the perturbative representation of the theory, which is based on an expansion of a classical configuration. The geometrical nature behind the ambiguity is that of a nontrivial principle bundle P, the bundle of Yang-Mills potentials for which there is no global section. The structure group of this bundle is the group of gauge transformations. The fibers are the orbits of the potentials and the base is determined by independent gauge degrees of freedom. Selecting a gauge would correspond to choosing a vector potential in each orbit in a continuous way. No global gauge fixing is possible on compactified spacetimes. In trying to extend the local chart to the whole manifold, the effect is that, beyond a certain distance, the gauge condition does not fix the gauge uniquely. There are better ways of thinking about a gauge transformation. For example, it is possible to look at a gauge transformation as the change produced in Aμ by a vertical bundle automorphism f of P, where f is trivial on the base space fb=1M. If f:PP is an automorphism fω is the gauge transformed connection. So, when A=σω on U, then the new A is given by σfω=fσω=A, where in analogy we denote fg by σ and both are equivalent.


2. Geometry of gauge theories

Let us provide more information about gauge theories that are required along the way. The group of gauge transformations on spacetime M is the group C=AutVP of vertical automorphisms of P(G, M), or AutVP=fDiffMPfb=IM, so f is trivial on the base. A Yang-Mills potential comes from a connection ω on a principle bundle P(G, M) over a spacetime M such that gauge transformation g(x) relates the local representatives σω=A and A=fσω determined by the pullback of ω by two local sections σ and σ over UM. If σαω=Aα and σα'x=fσαx=σαxφσαx=σαφαx the gauge transformation is


If two local sections are given σβx=σαxgαβx, (then)


Consequently, we express φβ=gαβ1φαxgαβx for xUαUβ. The elements of the gauge group C of gauge transformations are sections in ΓA˜dPM. It can be shown that C is a Baker-Campbell-Hausdorff group. The Lie algebra is given by sections of the associated bundle of Lie algebras AdP=P×AdGC. Thus, a gauge transformation can be viewed as a section of A˜dP, and an infinitesimal gauge transformation is a section of Ad(P) [5, 6, 7].

Gauge-unrelated Yang-Mills potentials are projected onto different points of the quotient A/C, the orbit space of the Yang-Mills connections on P(M, G), In general, the action of C on A is not free but with certain technical restrictions, it is possible to obtain a free action. This may be done, for example, by restricting C to the group of automorphisms, preserving a point pP or to the group of based gauge transformations, that is, leaving infinity or a point of Mm=Sm fixed. It is not hard to see the bundle of connections is not trivial in general. If it were, it would be permissible to write A=C×A/C. The functional space of connections A is an affine space, and hence, it is contractable and it has no topological invariants. However, A=C×A/C implies that 0=πjA=πjC+πjA/C this cannot be fulfilled in general since C possesses nonzero homotopy groups. The bundle may be nontrivial and no continuous gauge fixing is possible. Since A is topologically trivial, the topology of A/C comes entirely from C.

Consider briefly the topology of the orbit space A/C, the space of measurable, physical fields, that is, configuration space of the Yang-Mills theory. This depends on the topology of the manifold M. The usual asymptotic conditions allow us to replace the m-dimensional space M by its conformal compactification Sm, which is useful for topological considerations. To obtain a finite Yang-Mills action, assume A(x) become pure gauge at infinity Axg1xdgx, where g:Sm1G and Sm1 is the sphere at infinity. These mappings fall into homotopy classes πm1G, which classify the bundle PkGSm over Sm. If m is even, the class k is obtained by computing the Chern class cm/2 over Sm. This k-dependence is reflected in other constructions. Thus, A splits into spaces Ak of connections on the bundle PkGSm with gauge group Ck. For a given k, AkCkAk/Ck is a principle bundle with structure group Ck. As pointed out by Atiyah and Jones [8], the homotopy type of Ak/Ck does not make reference to k, so πiAk/Ck=πiA/C so we may set k=0. As far as homotopy properties are concerned, the trivial bundle may be taken as P0GSm for which P0=G×Sm, so that C0=GSm and k may be ignored. From the homotopy sequence induced by ACA/C, we find that


from which we infer,


The non-triviality of the orbit space is tied to the non-triviality of the homotopy groups of G. For an abelian gauge theory in four dimensions πjA/C=πj+1U1=0.. This means U(1) -gauge bundle of quantum electrodynamics is trivial and so no Gribov ambiguity in quantum electrodynamics. The non-abelian anomaly of chiral gauge theories in four dimensions may be exposed topologically by looking for non-contractible two-spheres in orbit spaces for which π2A/C=π5G=Z. In general, in even dimension, a sufficient condition for the existence of a perturbative non-abelian anomaly is that π2A/C=π1C=π2p+1G=Z.


3. Quantization of gauge theories and the appearance of anomalies

In general, a quantum theory is called anomalous if an exact symmetry of the classical action is not preserved as a symmetry as a result of path integral quantization of the theory. It is then said there is an obstruction to the lifting of the classical symmetry in the quantum theory [9, 10].

An example of this is the axial vector Noether current in a theory with massless fermions associated with the rigid chiral symmetry of the classical action that is not conserved in the quantum case. The anomaly contributes to physical processes such as the decay of the π0 boson to two photons. When anomalies effect the gauge symmetries of the theory, it becomes inconsistent. To have unitarity and renormalizability in d=4, gauge invariance turns out to be a crucial property of Yang-Mills theories [11].

A brief discussion of the U(1) anomaly, or chiral anomaly, will be presented in an arbitrary d-dimensional space. Some of the explicit calculations have been suppressed, so we can concentrate on studying topology. The fact d is even is due to the fact that chirality can only be defined in even dimensions. One way to proceed is to use the mathematical approach of Fujikawa [12], which leads ultimately to a field-theoretic illustration of the index theorem. In classical theories, all that matters is the Lagrangian. In the quantum case, it is the nonlocal functional W[A] that is the relevant quantity


In (5)DψDψ¯ is the fermionic functional integration measure and the action S is given as


with /D=γμDμ and ψ,ψ¯ are independent Grassmann variables. The integration measure in d dimensions is written simply as dx. The Ti are the generators of the Lie algebra in matrix form, act on the group representation index in ψ. The Minkowski metric on spacetime is ημν=+ and the gamma matrices satisfy γμγν=2ημν,γ0=γ0,γi=γi, for i=1,2,,d1 and γd+1=id/21γ0γd1. The exponential in (5) has an oscillatory nature, so the path integral is not well defined because of this. This problem can be overcome by moving it to Euclidean space


Here, SEAψ is the Euclidean action and the Dirac matrices entering /D are all hermitian now: γμγν=2δμν,γμ=γμ,γd+1=id/2γ0γd1,γd+12=1,γd+1=γd+1,γd+1γμ=γμγd+1. The rotation that changes W[A] into WEA is given by the substitutions xμ0=ixE0,xMixEi=xEi,A0MiA0E,AiMAiE=AEi,i=1,,d1 and ψMψE,ψ¯iψ¯E, and γMi=iγEi,γM0=γE0 are identified.

The system is invariant under rigid chiral transformations of the Dirac fields ψ=eγd+1ψ,δψ=γd+1ψ. Classically, this means there is a conserved Noether chiral current or axial current jd+1μ, which can be deduced by writing the variation of SAψ under a nonconstant parameter transformation α=αx as


Quantum mechanically, the axial vector current is no longer conserved. There is an anomalous divergence


The quantity μJd+1μ is called the abelian or axial anomaly. Abelian refers to the fact that symmetry is an axial U(1) transformation. It has been pointed out that the nonconservation of axial current jd+1μ may be connected to the transformation properties of the functional fermionic measure in the quantum case.

Suppose we try to derive current conservation by using the rigid chiral transformations of the Dirac fields above with α=αx. It is required the path integral retain the same form under this change of variable. Expanding the difference between the two integrals in terms of α, one before and one after the change using (3.4)


Were the fermionic measure invariant, the second term should go to zero or μJd+1,Eμ=0. However, the path integral measure is not invariant. The value of δDψ¯ in (10) is minus twice the trace, in the sense of the space of functions, of γd+1,


What appears to be the inverse of the usual Jacobian occurs because Grassmann odd variables are involved. If Euclidean space is compactified to the sphere Sd, both ψ and ψ¯ can be expanded in terms of the eigenfunctions of i/D with real eigenvalues λn


The character of both ψ and ψ¯ is carried by the coefficients an,b¯n. The operator i/D, which is elliptic in Euclidean space, is a Fredholm operator, which means it has a discrete spectrum. The Jacobian is 2dxnαψiγd+1ψn. Therefore, (10) is


This holds for any αx, so from (9), we can write


Therefore, the anomalous divergence of the current is a consequence of the nontrivial Jacobian associated with the transformation.

Expression (14) is divergent but can be regularized using the standard heat kernel regularization procedure. Therefore, calling (14)QE, we have


Suppose the integral dxQE is considered now. Then, the ψn corresponding to zero modes makes a contribution to the integral. If i/Dψn=λnψn, then i/Dγd+1ψn=λnγd+1ψn. For λn0,ψn and γd+1ψn are eigenvectors that correspond to different eigenvalues of a hermitian operator, which means they are orthogonal. Introducing P+=1+γd+1/2 and P=1γd+1/2,γd+1=P+P. This is just the difference between the positive and negative chirality zero modes. Hence, they are related to the index of the operator in this way


The elliptic non-self adjoint i/D=i/D operator for each chirality are


Thus, the integration of the abelian anomaly gives the index for the twisted spin complex associated with the operator i/D+. It is possible to compute (15) directly by writing it as


In the last step, the completeness relation nψnxψny=δdxy for ψn was used. The trace involves both the group and spinorial indices. Expressing δdxy with respect to a plane wave basis,


Thus, for QE, we obtain


It is now required to deal with the limit M. It suffices to know the terms that contribute to this limit. Since


Introduce a new variable s defined in terms of k as sμ=kμ/M in which case (15) becomes


The exponential term can be reexpressed using (21),


It is the case that all potentially divergent terms (22) vanish since Trγd+1γμ1γμk for k<d. The result of the limit is the contribution to the exponential (23) proportional to 1/Md and at the same time has enough gamma matrices. It is one that arises entirely from the middle term in (23), Fμνγμγν, so QE is calculated


The d-dimensional integral dses2=πd/2 has been substituted as well as the trace equation Trγd+1γμ1γμd=2id/2ϵμ1μd.

To obtain the anomaly in d-dimensional Minkowski spacetime, a rotation from Euclidean space back is carried out. There is a factor (−i) coming from the trace part 0Ei0M,A0EiA0M, a factor 1d/2 since μJd+1μE goes into 1d/2μJd+1μ and a minus sign, since in Minkowski spacetime ϵ0d1=1d1. The anomaly in Minkowski spacetime is found to be


This is what results from the Feynman triangle diagram calculation when d=4 for the anomaly. The abelian anomaly is gauge invariant. The last thing to do is get the index of the operator i/D+. Using (15), (24), and the definition of the Chern characteristic at the end, the index is calculated as


This shows the expectation value μJd+1μE is given by the index of the Dirac operator. As MDd, the spin connection does not enter and the index density for the Dirac operator reduces to the Chern characteristic [12, 13, 14].


4. Nontrivial topology and non-abelian case

Non-abelian gauge anomalies admit path integral representation and appear in theories with gauge fields that are coupled to chiral fermions called Weyl fermions. They come up in even dimensions like the abelian anomaly. The generating function of the theory with dynamical gauge fields is made up of a kinetic term, the functional measure DAμ and so forth but there are not important for the problem of gauge invariance of the theory to be analized as it is concentrated in (22), since the other contributions are gauge invariant. Since gauge anomalies still make the theory inconsistent, quantize the fermion degrees of freedom first retaining Aμ as an external field to investigate the gauge transformation behavior of the resulting theory [15].

The functional is (5), but now ψ is a Weyl spinor that has positive chirality, γd+1ψ=ψ,P+ψ=ψ, so D can be replaced by D+ now. The variation of Z[A] under a gauge transformation ζix with ζiY as generator is given by


The functional derivative is given by


where jiμ=ψ¯γμiTiψ,iTi=iTi is the current coupled to Aμix and Jiμ is defined by (28). Consequently, it is found that


If current Jiμ is not covariantly conserved, a breakdown of a conservation law. The functional will not be gauge invariant and there appears an anomaly. Thus, Dμjiμ=0 does not continue to be maintained in the quantum case.

As with the abelian case, the non-invariance of Z[A] may be tied to the fact that, although the exponential in (5) is gauge invariant, given by the classical action, the fermionic functional measure DψDψ¯ is not. This implies a Jacobian determinant appears that formally is,


If WAg=eα1AgWA,WA=eiZA, it follows that ZAg=ZA+α1Ag. Then, ZAgZAζYZA=dxζiViAx. This means α1 is given by


The euclidean generating functional requires the calculation of the determinant of the matrix iD for its evaluation. The problem is iD alters the chirality here, so there is no well-defined eigenvalue problem for chiral fermion fields, hence no basis of eigenfunctions. The equation Dψ=ψ does not make sense for a Weyl spinor. One way to overcome this is to consider complex Dirac fermions instead of chiral Weyl fermions and replace iD with iD where


The new generating functional becomes DψDψ¯exp(dxψ¯iDψ=detiD. With such an operator, the negative chirality fermions do not couple to A. They just give a proportionality factor in (7). Thus, the chiral gauge theory defined by D is the same as the one based on D up to this factor. This operator has a well-defined eigenvalue problem associated with it, but its eigenvalues are not real since iD¯ is not a self-adjoint operator. The new action is


is invariant under gauge transformations δζ=ζP+ψ,δζψ¯=ψ¯Pζ,δζAμ=μζ+Aμζ with ζx=ζixTi. These are ordinary gauge transformations for the positive chirality components. Under these transformations, however, the measure is not invariant and an anomaly results, If ψ and A are the transformed fields


Integration variables have simply been relabelled in the second and invariance of the action used in the third equality and J is the Jacobian determinant. Since the operator iD is elliptic, it has a discrete spectrum on a compact manifold. As iD is not self-adjoint, it has eigenvalues that are complex. This means that the left and right eigenfunctions have to be introduced


These can be used to form expansions for ψ and ψ¯ as before ψ=nanϕn,ψ¯=nb¯nχn. It is necessary to regularize the Jacobian, and so as usual, a cutoff M is introduced


To evaluate (36), it is only necessary to retain the term independent of the cutoff M. Omitting considerable calculation, the result is


and Tr indicates a trace on the spacial as well as on the gauge group indices and nϕnxχny=δdxy. It can also be shown that the expression for the anomaly when d=4 is


This implies that


We can now investigate the non-abelian anomaly as a probe for nontrivial topology. There is a similarity between the expression for the U(1) anomaly when d=4 and the non-abelian gauge anomaly. They are given by the divergence and covariant divergence of the currents Jd+1μ and Jiμ. Apart from the numerical factor of the A3 term, they are similar.


5. The anomaly as a way to the topology of gauge theories

It has been shown by Atiyah and Singer that the expression for the non-abelian anomaly in d=2p dimensions may be obtained from that of the abelian anomaly in a d+2-dimensional space by using an appropriate d+2-dimensional index theorem. An outline as to how this may be done is given. In fact, the non-abelian anomaly can be related to the nontrivial topology of the orbit space [16, 17].

Suppose we consider again the action of a Yang-Mills theory with a chiral fermion on an even-dimensional Euclidean space compactified to S2p. Let G be a simple, simply connected group such as SU(n). The effective action Z[A] is


The identification of (40) with deti/DP+ is not possible since apart from the regularization problems, the operator i/DP+ does not have a well-defined eigenvalue problem. This can be avoided by using the operator /D with a Dirac spinor instead of a Weyl spinor. The new action allows us to express (40) as a determinant


As we know, the functional integral is not gauge invariant


This lack of invariance has the effect that (41) cannot be expressed over the orbit space A/G.

The fermion determinant may itself be used to study the nontrivial topology of the orbit space. The variation has to be imaginary since its modulus is gauge invariant. Define now /D=/D++/D=/+/AP+. It is the case that when a Weyl realization for the gamma matrices is used


The factor deti/i/+ is ignored here, so it is found that deti/D2 is proportional to deti/D+i/D. Since deti/D+i/D2=deti/D2, where /D is the usual Dirac operator, up to a constant, we obtain detiD=deti/D1/21/2. This can be regulated in a gauge-invariant manner. Thus, only the imaginary part of deti/D can change as implied by (42). As the real part always admits a gauge-invariant definition on general grounds, it can be said only the imaginary part may change. The real part has a gauge-invariant definition.

Let us try to look more deeply into the topological nature of the non-abelian gauge anomaly. It is important to examine the connection between the d-dimensional non-abelian anomaly and the d+2 index theorem which describes the abelian anomaly in d+2 dimensions. Let gθx be a family of gauge transformations that depend on a parameter θS1 satisfying the boundary conditions g0x=g2πx=e, These define mappings g:S1×S2pG classified by the homotopy classes π2p+1G. Notice with these conditions on gθx, the product S1 and S2p is topologically equivalent to S2p+1. Let A(x) be a gauge field such that it corresponds to a connection on a trivial bundle and let


where d=μ=0d1dxμ/xμ is the resulting one-parameter family of group-transformed Yang-Mills configurations. Suppose the operator iDA has no zero modes. Since just the phase can pick up an anomalous change under a gauge transformation, the operator i/DA does not have them either for all θU1 as the modulus of the determinant is gauge invariant, so deti/DAθ=deti/DA, and we have


Of course, θ enters in α and in Aθ by means of gθx, so the functional deti/DAθ defines a particular mapping, θeAθU1. These mappings can be characterized by means of an integral winding number,


The integrand is somewhat formal since it is not exact, otherwise k=0. To actually get this winding number, it is necessary to extend Ag to a two-parameter family At,θ of gauge fields. If Aθ describes a circle S1 in the space of gauge fields A, then At,θ is defined on a two-dimensional disk W2 with W2=S1


with d as below (44), tθ are polar coordinates of the disk W2, with 0t1. On the boundary, At,θ becomes the one-parameter family of gauge-related configurations of (44). If Aθ describes a circle in A, then At,θ describes a two-dimensional disk in the space of all gauge fields on S2p that belongs to the trivial topological class in A. This triviality is not important as far as the topology of the orbit space A/C. The determinant deti/DAt,θ turns into a complex function of the gauge fields on the circle of gauge fields at its boundary. Omitting details of the calculation of the winding number, it may be shown it is equal to the difference between the positive and negative chirality modes of the ordinary Dirac operator i/D2p+2 in d+2 dimensions


where /D2p+2=μ=02p+1γμDμ. The γ‘s are now those of a d+2-dimensional space whose coordinates are t,θ,xμ and /θdθ. This is executed by relating the zero modes i/DAt,θ to those of /D2p+2. In fact, the winding number (46) of the phase of the d-dimensional Weyl determinant is measured by the homotopy class in π2p+1G of mapping gθx.

The next thing to do is evaluate indi/D2p+2. Gauge field At,θx is defined on the manifold W2×S2p with a boundary S1×S2p, and so is the operator i/D2p+2. To use the index theorem for manifolds without boundary, so no boundary corrections arise, consider the manifold S2×S2p. The Yang-Mills fields A on this larger manifold S2×S2p are the pullbacks of connections on a principal bundle over S2×S2p with a structure group G. So as far as the two sphere is concerned, we can use two local charts D±2×S2p, where the disks D+ and D are parametrized by tθ, sθ with W+ being the previous W2. This should avoid singular parametrization. The region of overlap along the equator corresponds to t=1=s; the north (south) poles of S2 are given by t=0, s=0. Two local gauge fields 00A± on the two charts W+0t1 and W0s1 can be taken as


The lower disk is trivial. Let us define an operator d¯ (by)


It can be seen that A± at the equator t=1=s are gauge related


since dtgθx=0=dsgθx. Hence, A± define a connection on the principal bundle over S2×S2p with group G. So gx:S1C is just the transition function between the local expressions A± at the boundary S1×S2p of the two patches. By the previous considerations, this also defines a mapping gθx homotopically equivalent to a mapping g:S2p+1G. These transition functions define loops in C that are classified by π1C.

The expression of the index that needs to be computed for p=d/2 is taken to be


The Chern character 2p+2-form chp+1F is closed and the local potential 2p+1-forms are given by the Chern-Simons forms Q2p+1 for the gauge fields on the corresponding charts. In fact, (51) is given by


However, on account of (5.12), this expression is the variation of Q2p+1 under a gauge transformation and given by Q2l1AgFgQ2l1AF=dα2p2AFa+Q2l1g1dg0 upon replacing l by p+1,


where d¯ appears in (54) as the exterior derivative d¯=d+dθ. The second term in this is an exact form and it does not contribute,


In fact, this is the number of times gθx wraps around S2p+1 and is in π2p+1G.

The local density idθαAθ, which describes the non-abelian anomaly in a d-dimensional spacetime can be identified and both sides of (48) have to be related. In terms of Q2p+1, the index i/D2p+1 reduces to


where v̂g1dθg=v and Fθ=d¯Aθ+v2=g1Fg, since the term in Q evaluated at s=1 does not have a component and cannot contribute to the integral S1×S2p. The only term which contributes to (56) is the term linear in v̂. By (48), the local density for the anomaly is the local density for indi/D2p+2. Thus, what is needed is the first-order variation


As Q2p+1 is known, this is not difficult to compute. For d=2p=4, using (48) this gives


Factoring and setting θ=0, we find the expression for the anomaly


From (29) and (31), it is found that


There are topological consequences related to these results. These considerations provide a check of the relation π1C=π5G. What can be said about π2A/C. Recall the set of Yang-Mills potentials At,θ in A. The potentials Aθ when t=1 on the boundary are gauge related. The projection of this disk on the orbit space is a two-sphere since all Aθ are projected onto a reference potential A.

The t part of At,θ is topologically trivial so the two-sphere in A/C is always contractible π2A/C=0 if and only if the loop Aθ in A is trivial so π1C=0. The homotopic non-triviality of the gauge group is equivalent to that of the two-sphere. If not the homotopy used to contract the sphere could be used to deform the loop gθx to a point gx and π1C=π2A/C. There is a global topological obstruction to removing the phase factor in the definition of the determinant when the non-triviality is present. This means the determinant cannot be restricted to the orbit space consistently, so there is no definition in a gauge-invariant manner. Instead, if det A is computed using a regularization procedure, it is found that


where α1 can be considered a mapping of A×C in the multiplicative group of complex numbers, hence the one. The action of two transformations required that mod 2π,


This is a one-cycle condition. It relates topological properties with cohomology since the variation of the phase of the determinant is an obstruction to projecting gauge orbits in A onto points in A/C. In this picture, a complex line bundle over A/C is defined, the determinant bundle, characterized by its first Chern class. This determines an element in π1C=π2p+1G=π2A/C=Z. The determinant bundle over a non-contractible two-sphere in orbit space with a winding number in π1C is identical to the bundle describing a monopole of the same number of units of magnetic charge. Upon writing a representation of the first Chern class in a topologically nontrivial configuration is the same as giving a specific form of the anomaly.

In d = 4 the abelian anomaly is governed by π0A/C=π3G and the non-abelian anomaly by π2A/C=π5G. In fact Witten’s global anomaly depends on π1A/C=π4G of course with π5G=Zπ2p+1G=Z is a sufficient but not necessary condition for the existence of an anomalous variation of Z [A]. The determinant may have a local variation even if the topology does not force it to acquire a nontrivial topological phase.


6. Conclusions

This work has given a practical way of extracting the local variation and with it the associated anomaly, which is not necessarily related to the existence of a nonzero integer winding number.

Hence, even if the variation of the phase functional does not have a global topological meaning for a compactified spacetime Sd, it still provides the physical perturbative expression for the non-abelian anomaly. It may appear as a topological obstruction in less topologically trivial classes in the local cohomology of gauge fields. This way of proceeding though has the consequence that it results in the cohomological descent procedure [8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21].


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Written By

Paul Bracken

Submitted: 14 November 2022 Reviewed: 07 April 2023 Published: 14 May 2023