Pablo González Blasco

Sobramfa – Medical Education and Humanism Brazil

Dr. Blasco is a Professor in Family Medicine, and since 1992 when he founded SOBRAMFA, has been involved in promoting the humanistic dimensions of doctoring. His research and teaching is focus on medical anthropology, medical ethics in the context of family medicine and medical education. His particular expertises is in teaching medical students through movies and cinema to promote positive attitudes and ethics. He has published four books: “The family doctor today”, “Family medicine and cinema: humanistic resources in medical education”, “Principles of Family Medicine” and “Educating affectivity through Cinema”. He is the co-author of three chapters in the book Cinemeducation: a Comprehensive Guide to using film in medical education and has several publications in this area (Using movie clips to foster learners´ reflection: Improving Education in the Affective Domain”. Family Medicine 38(2) 94-6; Teaching Humanities through Opera: Leading Medical Students to Reflective Attitudes” Family Medicine 37(1)18-20). The outcomes of SOBRAMFA in teaching medical students are well related in a recent publication: Family Medicine Education in Brazil: Challenges, Opportunities and Innovation. Academic Medicine.2008; 83:684â€'690. (Blasco PG, Janaudis MA, Levites MR , Moreto G; Roncoletta AFT; Benedetto, MAC; Pinheiro TR

Pablo González Blasco

2chapters authored